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Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of crotamine, a myotoxic protein from a Brazilian rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus), have been analyzed. All the aromatic proton resonances have been assigned to amino acid types, and those from Tyr-1, Phe-12, and Phe-25 to the individual residues. ThepH dependence of the chemical shifts of the aromatic proton resonances indicates that Tyr-1 and one of the two histidines (His-5 or His-10) are in close proximity. A conformational transition takes place at acidicpH, together with immobilization of Met-28 and His-5 or His-10. Two sets of proton resonances have been observed for He-17 and His-5 or His-10, which suggests the presence of two structural states for the crotamine molecule in solution.  相似文献   

A proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of sulfmyoglobin cyanide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of sulfmyoglobin cyanide was studied at 400 MHz. The position of a methyl-group resonance at low field is consistent with a chlorin-like structure for the prosthetic group. The proton NMR spectrum of the cyanide derivative of the purified prosthetic group which decomposes upon extraction from the protein was found to be the same as that of the cyanide derivative of the prosthetic group extracted from myoglobin and a sample prepared from hemin-Cl.  相似文献   

The intramolecular conformation of puromycin, a broad spectrum antibiotic, in solution has been investigated by proton magnetic resonance (PMR) spectroscopy. A comparison of the proton chemical shift and proton-proton coupling constant data of puromycin with puromycin aminonucleoside suggests that puromycin in solution exists as an equilibrium blend of extended and folded conformers. These folded conformers are the result of flexibility around the C alpha -C beta bond of the aminoacyl segment of puromycin. One of the folded conformers predicted by PMR is in excellent agreement with the x-ray data.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of the antibacterial polypeptide cecropin A from the Cecropia moth is investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy under conditions where it adopts a fully ordered structure, as judged by previous circular dichroism studies [Steiner, H. (1982) FEBS Lett. 137, 283-287], namely, 15% (v/v) hexafluoroisopropyl alcohol. By use of a combination of two-dimensional NMR techniques the 1H NMR spectrum of cecropin A is completely assigned. A set of 243 approximate interproton distance restraints is derived from nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) measurements. These, together with 32 distance restraints for the 16 intrahelical hydrogen bonds identified on the basis of the pattern of short-range NOEs, form the basis of a three-dimensional structure determination by dynamical simulated annealing [Nilges, M., Clore, G.M., & Gronenborn, A.M. (1988) FEBS Lett. 229, 317-324]. The calculations are carried out starting from three initial structures, an alpha-helix, an extended beta-strand, and a mixed alpha/beta structure. Seven independent structures are computed from each starting structure by using different random number seeds for the assignments of the initial velocities. All 21 calculated structures satisfy the experimental restraints, display very small deviations from idealized covalent geometry, and possess good nonbonded contacts. Analysis of the 21 converged structure indicates that there are two helical regions extending from residues 5 to 21 and from residues 24 to 37 which are very well defined in terms of both atomic root mean square differences and backbone torsion angles. For the two helical regions individually the average backbone rms difference between all pairs of structures is approximately 1 A. The long axes of the two helices lie in two planes, which are at an angle of 70-100 degrees to each other. The orientation of the helices within these planes, however, cannot be determined due to the paucity of NOEs between the two helices.  相似文献   

The high-resolution one- and two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) characterization of seminolipid from bovine spermatozoa is presented. The 1H-NMR data was confirmed by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis of the partially methylated alditol acetates of the sugar unit, mild alkaline methanolysis of the glyceryl ester, mobility on normal phase and diphasic thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC), and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS). The structure of the molecule corresponds to 1-O-hexadecyl-2-O-hexadecanoyl-3-O-beta-D-(3'-sulfo)-galactopyranosyl- sn-glycerol.  相似文献   

It is found that methionine-enkephalin has at least two different conformations in aqueous solution, one at low and one at high pH. From inspection of titration curves and coupling constant values, it seems reasonable to conclude that these conformations are characterized by a folding so as to bring the two ends of the molecule in close proximity. This behavior parallels that found recently in (CD3)2SO as the solvent. It follows that the Phe-Met region of the molecule constitutes a relatively rigid region, but that the chain possesses flexibility around the first Gly residue. Possible implications of this behavior with respect to the receptor site are discussed.  相似文献   

Y Muto  Y Fukumoto  Y Arata 《Biochemistry》1985,24(23):6659-6665
A proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study is reported of des-Arg-C3a, which is a 76-residue fragment obtained from the N-terminal portion of the alpha chain of the third component of human complement. A method of carboxypeptidase digestion/difference spectroscopy [Endo, S., & Arata, Y. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 1561-1568] was used for the spectral assignments for Ala-76, Leu-75, Gly-74, His-72, His-67, and Ala-48. On the basis of the NMR results obtained for these residues, we conclude that in aqueous solution (1) the C-terminal segment Leu-73-Ala-76 is free from interactions with the rest of the C3a molecule and (2) the major part of the C-terminal segment takes an ordered conformation. We also suggest that the presence of a core, which is formed by segment Tyr-15-Tyr-59 [Huber, R., Scholze, H., Paques, E. P., & Deisenhofer, J. (1980) Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 361, 1389-1399], is essential for the C-terminal segment in maintaining the ordered structure in aqueous solution. 1H NMR spectral data were also obtained for the intact C3 from human and porcine sources. The resonances for the C2-H protons of His-67 and His-72, which exist in the C3a part of the human C3 molecule, were assigned. Comparisons of the results obtained with those for des-Arg-C3a demonstrate that upon cleavage of C3a very little change, if any, is induced in microenvironments of His-67 and His-72 and a piece of segment that contains His-72 is exposed to solvent and highly flexible.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

400 MHz 1H-resonances of 1-phosphatidyl-myoinositol (PI), PI 4-phosphate (DPI) and PI 4,5-bisphosphate (TPI) in CD3OD were assigned. Proton resonances in the inositol moiety shift downfield with the increase in the number of the phosphate from PI to TPI. From the 1H-1H and 1H-31P vicinal coupling constants, rotamer populations around bonds in the polar headgroups were calculated. The H-C(5)O-P bond at position 5 of the inositol moiety tends to assume a gauche form. The H-C(1)O-P and the H-C(4)O-P bonds are not so strongly restricted to the gauche form as the H-C(5)O-P bond. The conformation of the glycerol moiety in PI, DPI and TPI is similar to that in phosphotidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). The CH-CH2O-P bond in the glycerol moiety assumes a trans form. The acyl chains prefer a gauche arrangement to each other around the CHCH2OCOR bond.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of an antibacterial protein sapecin has been determined by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and dynamical simulated annealing calculations. It has been shown that the polypeptide fold consists of one flexible loop (residues 4-12), one helix (residues 15-23), and two extended strands (residues 24-31 and 34-40). It was found that the tertiary structure of sapecin is completely different from that of rabbit neutrophil defensin NP-5, which is homologous to sapecin in the amino acid sequences and also has the antibacterial activity. The three-dimensional structure determination has revealed that a basic-residue rich region and the hydrophobic surface face each other on the surface of sapecin.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure for the region 1-63 of the 74 amino acid human complement protein C5a in solution was calculated from a large number of distance constraints derived from nuclear Overhauser effects with an angular distance geometry algorithm. The protein consists of four helices juxtaposed in an approximately antiparallel topology connected by peptide loops located at the surface of the molecule. The structures obtained for the helices are compatible with alpha-helical hydrogen-bonding patterns, which provides an explanation for the observed slow solvent exchange kinetics of the amide protons in these peptide regions. In contrast to the peptide region 1-63, no defined structure could be assigned to the C-terminal region 64-74, which increasingly acquires dynamic random coil characteristics as the end of the peptide chain is approached. An average root-mean-square deviation of 1.6 A was obtained for the alpha-carbons of the first 63 residues in the calculated ensemble of C5a structures, while the alpha-helices were determined with an average root-mean-square deviation of 0.8 A for the alpha-carbons. A comparison between the solution structure of C5a and the crystal structure of the functionally related C3a protein, as well as inferences for the interaction of C5a with its receptor on polymorphonuclear leukocytes, is discussed.  相似文献   

The binding of methylmercury, CH3Hg(II), by small molecules in the intracellular region of human erythrocytes has been studied by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. To suppress or completely eliminate interfering resonances from the much more abundant hemoglobin protons, spectra were measured by a technique based on the transfer of saturation throughout the envelope of hemoglobin resonances following a selective presaturation pulse or by the spin-echo Fourier transform method. With these techniques, 1H-NMR spectra were measured for the more abundant intracellular small molecules, including glycine, alanine, creatine, lactic acid, ergothioneine and glutathione, in both intact and hemolyzed erythrocytes to which CH3Hg(II) had been added. The results for intact erythrocytes indicate that part of the CH3Hg(II) is complexed by intracellular glutathione. These results also indicate that exchange of CH3Hg(II) among glutathione molecules is fast, with the average lifetime of a CH3Hg(II)-glutathione complex estimated to be less than 0.01 s. From exchange-averaged chemical shifts of the resonance for the proton on the α-carbon of the cysteine residue of glutathione, it is shown that, in hemolyzed erythrocytes, the sulfhydryl group of glutathione binds CH3Hg(II) more strongly than the sulfhydryl groups of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Spin-echo NMR spectroscopy was shown to be a reliable technique for the monitoring of the in situ cleavage of gamma-Glu-Ala by gamma-glutamyl-amino acid cyclotransferase in whole erythrocytes and hemolysates. Of particular importance was the difference in chemical shifts between peptide resonances and those of the constituent amino acids. Using lysates of varying dilution, it was shown that the specific activity of the enzyme was not concentration-dependent, thus suggesting a lack of cytosolic low-molecular-weight-effectors or enzyme dissociation. Furthermore, the initial velocities of the reaction as a function of substrate concentration obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km = 2.0 +/- 0.3 mmol/l and Vmax = 137 +/- 7 mmol/h/l of cell water in 1H2O medium. Similar analysis in 2H2O medium revealed a solvent kinetic isotope effect of 1.9 +/- 0.4 at low substrate concentrations. The implications of this observation for the mechanism of the reaction are discussed. Cleavage of the peptide by a suspension of intact erythrocytes was at a rate 300 times less than the corresponding lysate flux, thus indicating the rate limitation by transport in the coupled system.  相似文献   

W Uhl  J Reiner    H G Gassen 《Nucleic acids research》1983,11(4):1167-1180
The proton magnetic resonance (pmr) spectra of 10 basemodified uridine derivatives x5Urd have been measured at 3 degrees, 30 degrees, and 60 degrees C in order to correlate the electronic effects of different substituents with the molecular conformation of the respective nucleosides. The results presented demonstrate the close relation between conformational parameters and the electron-affinity of the substituents as reflected by their Hammett constants. Going from electron-donating to electron-accepting groups, the portion of N-conformer in the ribose N in equilibrium S equilibrium increases from 44% to about 90%. In addition the percentage of gauche-gauche rotamer as measured for the exocyclic groups changes from about 30% in nh52Urd to more than 80% in no52Urd.  相似文献   

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