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Carbamate esters are widely used as pesticides and can cause neurotoxicity in humans and animals; the exact mechanism is still unclear. In the present investigation, the effects of carbamates at sublethal concentration on neurite outgrowth and cytoskeleton as well as activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and neuropathy target esterase (NTE) in differentiating human SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cells were studied. The results showed that 50 microM of either aldicarb or carbaryl significantly decreased neurite length in the retinoic acid-induced differentiation of the neuroblastoma cells, compared to cells treated with vehicle. Western blot analyses revealed that neither carbamate had significant effects on the levels of actin, or total neurofilament high molecular proteins (NF-H). However, increased NF-H phosphorylation was observed following carbamate treatment. These changes may represent a useful in vitro marker of carbamate neurotoxicity within a simple model of neuronal cell differentiation. Furthermore, activity of AChE, but not NTE, was significantly inhibited by aldicarb and carbaryl in differentiating cells, which suggested that cytoskeletal protein changes induced by carbamate esters in differentiating cells was associated with inhibition of AChE but not NTE.  相似文献   

Transferrin receptor-1 (TfR1) is a cell membrane-associated glycoprotein responsible for incorporation of the iron bound to transferrin through an endocytotic process from the circulating blood. Iron is believed to play a dual role as an active center of the electron transfer system in mitochondria and as an endogenous cytotoxin through promoted generation of reactive oxygen species in different eukaryotic cells. In this study, we evaluated expression profiles of different genes related to iron mobilization across plasma membranes in neuronal cells. Marked mRNA expression was seen for various iron-related genes such as TfR1 in cultured mouse neocortical neurons, while TfR1 mRNA levels were more than doubled during culture from 3 to 6days. In mouse embryonal carcinoma P19 cells endowed to differentiate into neuronal and astroglial lineages, a transient increase was seen in both mRNA and corresponding protein for TfR1 in association with neuronal marker expression during culture with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). In neuronal Neuro2A cells cultured with ATRA, moreover, neurite was elongated together with increased expression of both mRNA and protein for TfR1. Overexpression of TfR1 significantly decreased the length of neurite elongated, however, while significant promotion was invariably seen in the neurite elongation in Neuro2A cells transfected with TfR1 siRNA as well as in Neuro2A cells cultured with an iron chelator. These results suggest that TfR1 would be highly expressed by neurons rather than astroglia to play a negative role in the neurite outgrowth after the incorporation of circulating transferrin in the brain.  相似文献   

Induction of neurite formation in neuroblastoma cells by dibutyryl cyclic 3':5'-AMP (db-cAMP) or prostaglandin EI (PGE1) was enhanced after enucleation. Cells selected for resistance to db-cAMP were induced to form neurites by db-cAMP or PGE1 only after, but not before enucleation. Inhibition of protein synthesis inhibited neurite induction in nucleated, but not in enucleated cells, and enucleated cells were less sensitive to inhibition of neurite formation by concanavalin A (ConA). Colchicine, vinblastine and cytochalasin B (CB), compounds that interfere with the assembly of microtubules and microfilaments, inhibited induction in both types of cells. It is suggested that enucleation removes a nuclear inhibitor of neurite induction by db-cAMP and PGE1, and that neurite induction in nucleated cells requires that cAMP activates the assembly of microtubules and microfilaments and inactivates the nuclear inhibitor.  相似文献   

The effect of decreasing cellular sterol content on neurite outgrowth in C1300 (Neuro 2A) neuroblastoma cells in serum-free medium has been studied. Sterol-depleted, undifferentiated neuroblastoma cells were obtained by growing cells for 24 h in medium containing lipoprotein-poor serum and 25-hydroxy-cholesterol (25-OHC). Under these conditions the activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase and the incorporation of [14C] acetate into sterols were almost completely suppressed, and the sterol/phospholipid ratio of the cells declined to 60% of that in cultures grown without 25-OHC. The sterol-depleted cells were viable and exhibited rates of DNA, RNA, protein and fatty acid synthesis comparable to those measured in control cultures. Sterol depletion had no detectable effect on the number of cells that were able to undergo morphological differentiation within 3 h after removal of serum from the medium. However, by 24 h most of the sterol-depleted cells had retracted their neurites. The observation that addition of low-density lipoprotein was able to restore neurite outgrowth in cultures treated with 25-OHC indicates that the inability of sterol-depleted cells to maintain their neurites is related specifically to the decline in the sterol content rather than to a general cytotoxic effect of 25-OHC. Our findings suggest that incorporation of cholesterol into the cell membrane is important for long-term maintenance and elongation of neuroblastoma neurites, but that the initial morphological change (i.e., within 3 h after removal of serum) is apparently a separate and distinct event, not dependent on the availability of cholesterol.  相似文献   

Mouse N1E-115 cells grown on a laminin matrix exhibit neurite outgrowth in response to serum deprivation. Treatment of cells with an antibody against beta(1) integrin inhibits neurite outgrowth. Thus, beta(1) integrin is involved in the neuritogenesis of N1E-115 cells on a laminin matrix. Integrin-linked kinase (ILK), a recently identified cytoplasmic serine/threonine protein kinase that binds to the cytoplasmic domain of beta(1) integrin, has an important role in transmembrane signal transduction via integrins. We report that ILK is expressed in N1E-115 cells, the expression levels of which are constant under both normal and differentiating conditions. A stable transfection of a kinase-deficient mutant of ILK (DN-ILK) results in inhibition of neurite outgrowth in serum-starved N1E-115 cells grown on laminin. On the other hand, a transient expression of wild type ILK stimulated neurite outgrowth. The ILK activity in the parental cells was transiently activated after seeding on the laminin matrix, whereas that in the DN-ILK-transfected cells was not. These results suggest that transient activation of ILK is required for neurite outgrowth in serum-starved N1E-115 cells on laminin. Under the same conditions, p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase, but neither MAP kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (MEK) nor extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK), was transiently activated after N1E-115 cell attachment to laminin, but not in the DN-ILK-expressed cells. The time course of p38 MAP kinase activation was very similar to that of ILK activation. Furthermore, a p38 MAP kinase inhibitor, SB203580, significantly blocked neurite outgrowth. Thus, activation of p38 MAP kinase is involved in ILK-mediated signal transduction leading to integrin-dependent neurite outgrowth in N1E-115 cells.  相似文献   

Tubulin heterogeneity was analyzed during morphological differentiation of a mouse neuroblastoma clone (C 1300). One form of β-tubulin was found to be specific of the differentiated cells. The synthesis of this isoform is strictly related to neurite outgrowth process and has been shown to be regulated at the post-translational level.  相似文献   

The outgrowth of neurites is a critical step in neuronal maturation, and it is well established that the actin cytoskeleton is involved in this process. Investigators from our laboratory recently described a novel protein named palladin, which has been shown to play an essential role in organizing the actin cytoskeleton in cultured fibroblasts. We investigated the expression of palladin in the developing rat brain by Western blot and found that the E18 brain contained a unique variant of palladin that is significantly smaller (approximately 85 kDa) than the common form found in other developing tissues (90-92 kDa). Because the expression of a tissue-specific isoform suggests the possibility of a cell type-specific function, we investigated the localization and function of palladin in cultured cortical neurons. Palladin was found preferentially targeted to the developing axon but not the dendrites and was strongly localized to the axonal growth cone. When palladin expression was attenuated by transfection with antisense constructs in both the B35 neuroblastoma cell line and in primary cortical neurons, a reduction in the expression of palladin resulted in a failure of neurite outgrowth. These results implicate palladin as a critical component of the developing nervous system, with an important role in axonal extension.  相似文献   

A protein that stimulates neurite outgrowth of neuroblastoma cells has been solubilized with octyl glucoside from cell membranes of young rat brain. Neuroblastoma cells from clones N 18 and NIE 115 adhere and rapidly extend neurite-like processes when cells suspended in a serum-free medium are added to polystyrene wells coated with the protein. The activity of the solubilized substance is comparable to that of fibronectin and laminin. The following characteristics of the active substance are described: 1. The activity can be solubilized from membrane pellets with octyl glucoside but not with low or high salt. 2. The activity is destroyed by heating and by protease treatment. 3. The activity binds, at least partially, to gelatin. 4. Polyclonal antibodies to fibronectin or laminin do not inhibit the neurite-promoting effect of the solubilized substance. 5. Analysis of the octyl glucoside-solubilized active fractions with sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis does not detect any fibronectin or laminin, but the activity correlates to the occurrence of a 52 kilodalton protein on the gels. We discuss the possible biological role of the 52 kilodalton protein in the differentiation of central neurons and its relationship to other adhesive proteins, especially fibronectin, laminin and spreading factors.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,122(5):1131-1143
Electrical signals elicited by integrin interaction with ECM components and their role in neurite outgrowth were studied in two clones (N1 and N7) isolated from 41A3 murine neuroblastoma cell line. Although the two clones similarly adhered to fibronectin (FN) and vitronectin (VN), this adhesion induced neurite outgrowth in N1 but not in N7 cells. Patch clamp recordings in whole cell configuration showed that, upon adhesion to FN or VN but not to platelet factor 4 (PF4), N1 cells undergo a marked (approximately equal to 20 mV) hyperpolarization of the resting potential (Vrest) that occurred within the first 20 min after cell contact with ECM, and persisted for approximately 1 h before reverting to the time zero values. This hyperpolarization was totally absent in N7 cells. A detailed analysis of the molecular mechanisms involved in N1 and N7 cell adhesion to ECM substrata was performed by using antibodies raised against the FN receptor and synthetic peptides variously competing with the FN or VN binding to integrin receptor (GRGDSP and GRGESP). Antibodies, as well as GRGDSP, abolished adhesion of N1 and N7 clones to FN and VN, revealing a similar implication of integrins in the adhesion of these clones to the ECM proteins. However, these anti-adhesive treatments, while ineffective on Vrest of N7 cells, abolished in N1 cells the FN- or VN-induced hyperpolarization and neurite outgrowth, that appeared therefore strictly associated and integrin-mediated phenomena. The nature of this association was deepened through a comparative analysis of the integrin profiles and the ion channels of N1 and N7 cells. The integrin immunoprecipitation profile resulted very similarly in the two clones, with only minor differences concerning the alpha V containing complexes. Both clones possessed Ca2+ and K+ delayed rectifier (KDR) channels, while only N1 cells were endowed with inward rectifier K+ (KIR) channels. The latter governed the Vrest, and, unlike KDR channels, were blocked by Ba2+ and Cs+. By moving patched cells in contact with FN-coated beads, it was shown that KIR channel activation was responsible for the FN-mediated hyperpolarization of Vrest. Treatment with Pertuxis toxin (PTX) abolished this hyperpolarization and neurite outgrowth, indicating that a G protein is interposed between integrins and KIR channels and that the activation of these channels is required for neuritogenesis. In fact, the block of KIR channels by Cs+ abolished both hyperpolarization and neurite outgrowth, provided that the cation was supplied during the first two hours after N1 cell contact with FN.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

By examining microtubule regrowth using immunofluorescence with antibody to tubulin, we have studied the structure and intracellular localization of microtubule initiation sites in undifferentiated and differentiated mouse neuroblastoma cells. The undifferentiated cells are round and lack cell processes. They contain an average of 12 initiation sites per cell. Each of these sites, which are located near the cell nucleus, initiates the growth of several microtubules in a radial formation. In contrast to the undifferentiated cells, neuroblastoma cells stimulated to differentiate by serum deprivation are asymmetrical, containing one or two very long neurites. These cells have a single, large microtubule initiation center which can be visualized not only by immunofluorescence but by phase-contrast and differential interference microscopy as well. The initiation site measures 3-4 mu in diameter and is located in the cell body along a line defined by the neurite. During cell differentiation, the large initiation, the large initiation center seems to be formed by the aggregation of many smaller sites. This process procedes neurite extension by about 24 hr. The growth of microtubules from this center appears to be highly oriented, since most microtubules initially grow into the neurite processes rather than into the cell interior. Thus major changes in the structure and location of microtubule initiation sites occur during the differentiation of neuroblastoma cells. Similar changes are likely to be involved in alterations in the morphology of other cell types.  相似文献   

Bradykinin (BK) plays a major role in producing peripheral sensitization in response to peripheral inflammation and in pain transmission in the central nerve system (CNS). Because BK activates protein kinase C (PKC) through phospholipase C (PLC)-β and myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) has been found to be a substrate of PKC, we explored the possibility that BK could induce MARCKS phosphorylation and regulate its function. BK stimulation induced transient MARCKS phosphorylation on Ser159 with a peak at 1 min in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. By contrast, PKC activation by the phorbol ester phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu) elicited MARCKS phosphorylation which lasted more than 10 min. Western blotting analyses and glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down analyses showed that the phosphorylation by BK was the result of activation of the PKC-dependent RhoA/Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase (ROCK) pathway. Protein phosphatase (PP) 2A inhibitors calyculin A and fostriecin inhibited the dephosphorylation of MARCKS after BK-induced phosphorylation. Moreover, immunoprecipitation analyses showed that PP2A interacts with MARCKS. These results indicated that PP2A is the dominant PP of MARCKS after BK stimulation. We established SH-SY5Y cell lines expressing wild-type MARCKS and unphosphorylatable MARCKS, and cell morphology changes after cell stimulation were studied. PDBu induced lamellipodia formation on the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y and the morphology was sustained, whereas BK induced neurite outgrowth of the cells via lamellipodia-like actin accumulation that depended on transient MARCKS phosphorylation. Thus these findings show a novel BK signal cascade-that is, BK promotes neurite outgrowth through transient MARCKS phosphorylation involving the PKC-dependent RhoA/ROCK pathway and PP2A in a neuroblastoma cell line.  相似文献   

Previous reports have shown that thrombin and activators of protein kinase C (PKC) inhibit neurite outgrowth (NOG) in neuroblastoma cells cultured in serum-free medium. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that PKC activation mediates the effect of thrombin on NOG in murine neuroblastoma NB-2a cells. After 2 h in serum-free medium, 70% of the cells displayed neurites; addition of 300 ng/ml thrombin reduced NOG to 24% within 1 h. This inhibition was reduced after NB-2a cells were pretreated for 24 h with 200 nM phorbol dibutyrate down-regulate PKC. Thrombin and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate inhibited NOG in an additive way and the protein kinase inhibitors H-7, H-8, and HA1004 reversed the effect of thrombin on NOG with a rank order of activity consistent with PKC inhibition. Furthermore, PKC was translocated from the cytosol to a membrane-bound form 5 to 10 min after addition of thrombin. These findings indicate that thrombin inhibits NOG through a PKC-dependent pathway. Thrombin stimulates the synthesis of the phospholipid platelet-activating factor (PAF) in some cells. However, NOG was markedly stimulated when PAF or its analogue carbamyl-PAF were added to NB-2a cells in medium with serum. Furthermore, the PAF receptor antagonist SRI 63072 inhibited NOG in NB-2a cells in serum-free medium. These cells accumulated PAF with kinetics similar to that of NOG inducPAF was synthesized by the de novo pathway, as shown by the incorporation of [3H]choline. These findings suggest that PAF is a mediator of NOG in NB-2a cells. Thrombin neither stimulates nor inhibits PAF synthesis in these cells.  相似文献   

Recent in vivo transplantation studies have shown that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were able to differentiate into mesoderm-derived cell types as well as cells with neuroectodermal characteristics, suggesting that transdifferentiation occurs in the mammalian system. We have reported an immortalized line of human MSCs (hMSCs), KP-hMSCs, which expresses CD29, CD44, CD90, and CD105, and complies with the characteristics shared by mere hMSCs. In a current experiment, we further demonstrated that expanded KP-hMSCs exhibited markers of neuroepithelial or neural precursor cells, such as Nestin, Musashi-1, Vimentin, NCAM, Pax-6, and Sox-9. KP-hMSCs simultaneously expressed proteins of the neuronal, astrocyte, and oligodendrocyte lineages during culture expansion; in addition, they initiated neurite outgrowth and eradicated protein expressions of astrocyte and oligodendrocyte lineages in response to the elevated signaling of the cAMP-PKA pathway after serum depletion in a defined neural induction medium. From the current results, KP-hMSCs may be used to elucidate molecular signaling on the neural differentiation of adult human non-neural tissues. We also presented evidence for the possibility that adult MSCs and fetal neuroepithelial or neural precursor cells both provide for the continual maintenance and repair of the postnatal neural tissues and may derive from the same origin or have one deriving from the other.  相似文献   

The signaling pathway that triggers morphological differentiation of PC12 cells is mediated by extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), the classic mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase. However, mediators of the pathway downstream of ERK have not been identified. We show here that phospholipase D2 (PLD2), which generates the pleiotropic signaling lipid phosphatidic acid (PA), links ERK activation to neurite outgrowth in nerve growth factor (NGF)-stimulated PC12 cells. Increased expression of wild type PLD2 (WT-PLD2) dramatically elongated neurites induced by NGF stimulation or transient expression of the active form of MAP kinase-ERK kinase (MEK-CA). The response was activity-dependent, because it was inhibited by pharmacological suppression of the PLD-mediated PA production and by expression of a lipase-deficient PLD2 mutant. Furthermore, PLD2 was activated by MEK-CA, whereas NGF-stimulated PLD2 activation and hypertrophic neurite extension were blocked by an MEK-specific inhibitor. Taken together, these results provide evidence that PLD2 functions as a downstream signaling effector of ERK in the NGF signaling pathway, which leads to neurite outgrowth by PC12 cells.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels were identified in LA-N-5 human neuroblastoma cells using the Ca2+ sensitive fluorescent probe, fura-2. Using a variety of "classical" Ca2+ channel blockers, we have demonstrated the presence of both dihydropyridine (DHP)-sensitive and -insensitive channel types that can be activated by depolarization of the cells with either high K+ or gramicidin in the bathing solution. Brief exposure of LA-N-5 cells to menthol blunted the depolarization-induced Ca2+ influx though both DHP-sensitive and DHP-insensitive channels. This effect is concentration dependent (50% maximal blocking effect with 0.25 mM menthol), rapid in onset, and readily reversible. The specificity of the Ca2(+)-channel blocking effect of menthol was demonstrated in parallel studies using compounds with similar structures: menthone blocked Ca2+ channels with about half the potency of menthol, while cyclohexanol was without effect. Addition of either menthol or menthone to LA-N-5 cultures induced neurite outgrowth, cellular clustering, and reduction of cell growth in a dose-dependent fashion that correlated with the ability of these compounds to inhibit the DHP-insensitive Ca2+ influx. Cyclohexanol had no biologic activity. Taken together, the parallel potency for blockade of DHP-insensitive Ca2+ influx with the biologic activity of menthol suggests a role for certain types of Ca2+ channels in triggering growth and morphologic changes in LA-N-5 cells.  相似文献   

This review summarizes studies on the reciprocal regulation of neuroblastoma neurite outgrowth by thrombin and protease nexin-1 (PN-1). PN-1 recently was shown to possess the same deduced amino acid sequence as the glial-derived neurite-promoting factor. The neurite outgrowth activity of PN-1 depends on its ability to inhibit thrombin. Thrombin not only blocks the neurite outgrowth activity of PN-1, but it also brings about neurite retraction in the presence of PN-1. Thrombin also produces neurite retraction in the absence of PN-1 and other regulatory factors. This suggests that its activity is due to a direct action on cells. The neurite retraction by thrombin depends on its proteolytic activity. It does not occur with the other serine proteases that have been tested, indicating that it is a specific effect and is not due to a general proteolytic effect that could detach neurites from the culture dish. Serum brings about neurite retraction in certain neuroblastoma cells and primary neuronal cultures; most of this activity is due to residual thrombin in the serum. Together, these results suggest that PN-1 and thrombin (or a thrombin-like protease) play a role in regulation of neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

We have used human neuroblastoma NB-OK1 cells to investigate the regulation of neurite outgrowth. Carbachol suppressed forskolin-stimulated neurite outgrowth in NB-OK1 cells although forskolin-stimulated cAMP levels were enhanced. The dose-response curve for this suppression was very similar to that for stimulation of inositol monophosphate (IP1) formation and for stimulation of the initial rise of [Ca2+]i elicited by carbachol. Carbachol-mediated changes in neurite outgrowth, IP1 formation and [Ca2+]i displayed high sensitivity for pirenzepine but low sensitivity for AF-DX116. Inhibition of intracellular calcium release with TMB-8 prevented the suppressive effect of carbachol on forskolin-stimulated neurite outgrowth. Hence we describe for the first time a relationship between neurite outgrowth and inositol triphosphate-triggered calcium release mediated by carbachol in the human neuron-derived cell line.  相似文献   

Induction of the otic placode, which gives rise to all tissues comprising the inner ear, is a fundamental aspect of vertebrate development. A number of studies indicate that fibroblast growth factor (Fgf), especially Fgf3, is necessary and sufficient for otic induction. However, an alternative model proposes that Fgf must cooperate with Wnt8 to induce otic differentiation. Using a genetic approach in zebrafish, we tested the roles of Fgf3, Fgf8 and Wnt8. We demonstrate that localized misexpression of either Fgf3 or Fgf8 is sufficient to induce ectopic otic placodes and vesicles, even in embryos lacking Wnt8. Wnt8 is expressed in the hindbrain around the time of otic induction, but loss of Wnt8 merely delays expression of preotic markers and otic vesicles form eventually. The delay in otic induction correlates closely with delayed expression of fgf3 and fgf8 in the hindbrain. Localized misexpression of Wnt8 is insufficient to induce ectopic otic tissue. By contrast, global misexpression of Wnt8 causes development of supernumerary placodes/vesicles, but this reflects posteriorization of the neural plate and consequent expansion of the hindbrain expression domains of Fgf3 and Fgf8. Embryos that misexpress Wnt8 globally but are depleted for Fgf3 and Fgf8 produce no otic tissue. Finally, cells in the preotic ectoderm express Fgf (but not Wnt) reporter genes. Thus, preotic cells respond directly to Fgf but not Wnt8. We propose that Wnt8 serves to regulate timely expression of Fgf3 and Fgf8 in the hindbrain, and that Fgf from the hindbrain then acts directly on preplacodal cells to induce otic differentiation.  相似文献   

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