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Preparation and kinetic behavior of immobilized whole cell biocatalysts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Linko P  Poutanen K  Weckstrom L 《Biochimie》1980,62(5-6):387-394
Actinoplanes missouriensis (for glucose isomerase), Kluyveromyces fragilis (for beta-galactosidase), and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (for invertase) cells were successfully entrapped within cellulose and cellulose di- and triacetate beads employing several carried solvent systems. Cellulose beads prepared using a melt of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and N-ethylpyridinium chloride (NEPC), or cellulose diacetate using a mixture of acetone and DMSO as solvent, were found to be promising as carriers for the invertase system, cellulose triacetate beads with DMSO as solvent for yeast beta-galactosidase, and cellulose beads with a melt of DMSO and NEPC as solvent for glucose isomerase. The kinetic behavior of A. missouriensis glucose isomerase whole cell cellulose beads in a plug-flow column reactor was studied as an example system in greater detail.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 suffers acetic acid stress during prolonged incubation in glucose minimal medium containing a limiting concentration of inorganic phosphate (0.1 mM P(i)), which decreases the number of viable cells from 6 × 10(8) to ≤10 CFU/ml between days 6 and 14 of incubation. Here we show that following two serial transfers into P(i)-limiting medium, evolved mutants survived prolonged incubation (≈10(7) CFU/ml on day 14 of incubation). The evolved strains that overtook the populations were generally PhnE(+), whereas the ancestral K-12 strain carries an inactive phnE allele, which prevents the transport of phosphonates. The switching in phnE occurred with a high frequency as a result of the deletion of an 8-bp repeated sequence. In a mixed culture starved for P(i) that contained the K-12 ancestral strain in majority, evolved strains grew through PhnE-dependent scavenging of probably organic phosphate esters (not phosphonates or P(i)) released by E. coli K-12 between days 1 and 3, before acetic acid excreted by E. coli K-12 reached toxic levels. The growth yield of phnE(+) strains in mixed culture was dramatically enhanced by mutations that affect glucose metabolism, such as an rpoS mutation inactivating the alternative sigma factor RpoS. The long-term viability of evolved populations was generally higher when the ancestral strain carried an inactive rather than an active phnE allele, which indicates that cross-feeding of phosphorylated products as a result of the phnE polymorphism may be essential for the spread of mutants which eventually help populations to survive under P(i) starvation conditions.  相似文献   

The extracellular nucleotide, guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) is known to be a chemorepellent for ciliated protozoa such as Paramecium and Tetrahymena. Here, we studied the surface localization of GTP binding sites and also its effects on the cell division of Tetrahymena thermophila. When a ribose-modified and fluorescent analog of GTP, 2'-(or -3')-O-trinitrophenyl (TNP)-GTP was added to the cells starved in non-nutrient buffer, a remarkable fluorescence was observed at the compound cilia of the oral area, while it was weak at other cilia and the somatic membrane. Following transfer of the cells to the starvation medium, the intensity of TNP-GTP fluorescence at the oral area gradually increased and was saturated at 3-4 hours. Addition of GTP to the starved cell induced not only an avoiding reaction in swimming, but also induced a synchronous cell division that occurred 2 hours later. An attempt to search for other stimuli, which induced cell division, revealed that mechanical stimulation by a short period of centrifugation was almost as effective as the addition of GTP. The supernatant after centrifugation had the ability to induce cell division, and such activity was abolished after the supernatant was treated with the phosphatase, apyrase, suggesting the release of GTP by the mechanical stimulation. These results indicate that the released GTP binds mainly to the oral area and this then induces the cell division of starved T. thermophila.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli O157 strains starved in sterile deionized water (SDW) and filter-sterilized natural river water (SRW) were investigated with specific reference to their culturability in selective and non-selective media. Growth of the strains starved in both SDW and SRW were markedly suppressed with time in selective liquid media such as modified trypticase soy broth supplemented with novobiocin (mTSB+n) and modified E. coli broth supplemented with novobiocin (mEC+n). This suppression was more pronounced when incubated at 42 C than at 37 C, especially with mEC+n. By contrast, such growth suppression was seldom observed when cultured at 37 C in non-selective liquid media such as trypticase soy broth (TSB) and buffered peptone water. In mEC+n at 42 C, the non-starved cells from overnight cultures with an initial density of less than 10(3) colony-forming units (CFU)/ml grew to the density of over 10(7) CFU/ml after 24 hr incubation, whereas those starved for 6 weeks in SRW were only to maintain their initial density or died off after 24 hr incubation under the same culturing conditions. These results indicated that the isolation of starved cells of E. coli O157 from water samples would be most difficult with selective enrichment or direct plating on the selective plate media. It is thus highly recommended that a "resuscitation" of the cells with non-selective enrichment should be performed as a routine practice for maximum recovery of E. coli O157 from water systems.  相似文献   

Microbial transglutaminase (MTG) is widely used as a protein crosslinking enzyme. Pro-transglutaminase from Streptomyces mobaraensis was expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein carrying a C-terminal histidine tag (pro-MTG-His6) under high-density culture. A new method of on-column activation was designed for production. According to SDS–PAGE, 88.9% of pro-MTG-His6 was transferred to mature MTG-His6 with storage stabilization.  相似文献   

This study provided analysis of in vivo enzyme kinetics in a model system which consisted of alkaline phosphatase in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. Modeling of complete substrate titration curves was achieved for a wide range of intraperiplasmic enzyme levels and outer membrane permeabilities. The results helped to identify the features most important to optimize in vivo reaction velocity. For many situations, a surprising finding was that maximum enzyme expression was not a major concern. For example, for moderate enzyme expression levels and moderate substrate levels (ca 0-5 mM), the limiting step for the enzyme in the periplasm was substrate (para-nitrophenylphosphate) diffusion through the outer membrane. In vivo reaction velocity was directly proportional to substrate concentration, outer membrane permeability, and the cell concentration. Velocity was also quite insensitive to a potent inhibitor of the enzyme. Even though diffusion-limited, periplasmic reaction velocity was quite sensitive to temperature, suggesting that the conformation of porin proteins in the E. coli outer membrane governed the average size of the pore. This model system therefore defined important features of bacterial whole cell biocatalyst design, which may also apply to other reactors using intact cells as catalysts.  相似文献   

合成生物学(synthetic biology)是伴随着基因工程、系统生物学以及生物信息学的发展而出现的一个新的交叉学科。大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)作为一种宿主在合成生物学的发展中功不可没。从某种意义上讲,合成生物学的每一次进展都离不开大肠杆菌。从大肠杆菌的角度出发,对合成生物学的发展进行深入分析,并提出了合成生物学在中圉发展的重点。  相似文献   

Certain temperature-sensitive Escherichia coli cell division mutants and DNA repair mutants were treated in several ways to alter DNA synthesis or cell division. The bacteria were pulsed with [35S]methionine; then membrane proteins were prepared and examined using sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide slab gels. Autoradiography was performed on the slab gels so that the rate of synthesis of protein X could be determined by microdensitometry.Several changes in the rate of synthesis of the 40,000 molecular weight protein X were found in the different mutants. The wild-type (rec+ and lex+) strains synthesized protein X in response to DNA synthesis inhibition. However, neither recA? strains nor lex? strains synthesized protein X.Both the filament forming, temperature-sensitive mutants tif? and tsl? (which was derived from lex?) synthesized protein X when DNA synthesis was inhibited, but at rates different from the wild-type strains. Moreover, these strains also produced protein X at their non-permissive temperature, even though DNA synthesis was not inhibited. In the tif? mutant, the rate of synthesis of protein X was influenced by the addition of nucleic acid precursors.A double mutant tsl?recA? produced protein X when DNA synthesis was inhibited, or at the non-permissive temperature (although DNA synthesis was normal). This was the only strain carrying a recA? mutation capable of synthesizing protein X.From these results it is suggested that the genes lex, recA and tif comprise a system that controls DNA repair and limits DNA degradation by the recBC nuclease. The inducer of this control system might be a DNA degradation product.  相似文献   

Plasmid DNA covalently modified with benzopyrene diol epoxide was introduced into Escherichia coli strains which differed in their capacity for repair and mutagenesis at various times after SOS induction. The uvrA+-dependent repair activity rose and fell before umuC+SOS-dependent mutagenesis was fully expressed.  相似文献   

UV-irradiation of E. coli induces a two fold increase in ATP pool in the first 20 min. Afterwards, in RecA+ strains ATP level drops quickly below values of non irradiated cells. Mutants of E. coli defective in RecA protein or with either RecA protease activity deficient or protease resistant LexA repressor do not present this decrease, showing that it is due to cleavage of LexA repressor by RecA protease. The ATP increase produced in the first 20 min is dependent on RecBC exonuclease activity and it must be due to substrate level phosphorylation since an uncoupler such as dinitrophenol does not affect it.  相似文献   

Translating ribosomes can skip over stretches of messenger RNA and resume protein chain elongation after a "bypassed" region. We have previously shown that limitation for isoleucyl-tRNA can initiate a ribosome bypass when an AUA codon is in the ribosomal A-site. We have now generalized this effect to other "hungry" codons calling for four different limiting aminoacyl-tRNA species, suggesting that a pause at any A-site will have this effect. We have assessed bypassing in a large family of reporters with nearly every different triplet in the "takeoff site", i.e. the P-site on the 5' side of the hungry codon, and an identical "landing site" codon 16 nucleotides downstream. The different takeoff sites vary over a factor of 50 in bypassing proficiency. At least part of this variation appears to reflect stability of the codon Colon, two colons anticodon interaction at the takeoff site, as indicated by the following: (a) the bypassing proficiency of different tRNAs shows a rough correlation with the frequency of A Colon, two colons U as opposed to G Colon, two colons C pairs in the codon Colon, two colons anticodon association; (b) specific tRNAs bypass more frequently from codons ending in U than from their synonym ending in C; (c) an arginine tRNA with Inosine in the wobble position which reads CGU, CGC, and CGA bypasses much more frequently from the last codon than the first two synonyms.  相似文献   

三萜类化合物是一类广泛应用于医药、保健和化妆品等行业的天然产物,具有巨大的商业价值.生物合成三萜类化合物依赖于环氧角鲨烯的高效合成.角鲨烯环氧化酶是整个合成途径中的关键酶,其催化NADPH依赖的环氧化反应将角鲨烯转变为环氧角鲨烯.通过筛选不同来源的角鲨烯环氧化酶,截短的大鼠角鲨烯环氧化酶(RnSETC)在大肠杆菌Esc...  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, two of the proteins required for the biosynthesis of the thiazole moiety of thiamine (vitamin B(1)) are ThiG and ThiH, encoded as part of the thiCEFSGH operon. In this study, a C-terminally hexahistidine-tagged ThiH (ThiH-His) was expressed in E. coli as a soluble protein from thiGH-His-tag and thiFSGH-His-tag-bearing plasmids. When isolated under anaerobic conditions, ThiG and ThiH-His co-purify as a large multimeric non-covalent complex. Electron paramagnetic resonance and UV-visible spectroscopy together with iron and sulfide analyses revealed the presence of an iron-sulfur cluster within this complex.  相似文献   

Isomaltulose is a structural isomer of sucrose commercially used in food industries. In this work, recombinant Escherichia coli producing sucrose isomerase (SIase) was used to convert sucrose into isomaltulose. To develop an economical industrial medium, untreated cane molasses (10.63 g l?1), yeast extract (25.93 g l?1), and corn steep liquor (10.45 g l?1) were used as main culture compositions for SIase production. The relatively high SIase activity (14.50 ± 0.11 U mg DCW?1) was obtained by the recombinant cells. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first investigation on SIase production by engineered E. coli using untreated cane molasses. The recombinant E. coli cells expressing the SIase gene were immobilized in calcium alginate gel in order to improve the efficiency of recycling. The immobilization was most effective with 2 % (w/v) sodium alginate and 3 % (w/v) calcium chloride. The optimal initial biomass for immobilization was 20 % (w/v, wet wt.), with a hardening time of 8 h for cell immobilization. The immobilized E. coli cells exhibited good stability for 30 batches with the productivity of 0.45 g isomaltulose g pellet?1 h?1. A continuous isomaltulose formation process using a column reactor remained stable for 40 days with 83 ± 2 % isomaltulose yield, which would be beneficial for economical production of isomaltulose.  相似文献   

The microbial production of biofuels is a promising avenue for the development of viable processes for the generation of fuels from sustainable resources. In order to become cost and energy effective, these processes must utilize organisms that can be optimized to efficiently produce candidate fuels from a variety of feedstocks. Escherichia coli has become a promising host organism for the microbial production of biofuels in part due to the ease at which this organism can be manipulated. Advancements in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology have led to the ability to efficiently engineer E. coli as a biocatalyst for the production of a wide variety of potential biofuels from several biomass constituents. This review focuses on recent efforts devoted to engineering E. coli for the production of biofuels, with emphasis on the key aspects of both the utilization of a variety of substrates as well as the synthesis of several promising biofuels. Strategies for the efficient utilization of carbohydrates, carbohydrate mixtures, and noncarbohydrate carbon sources will be discussed along with engineering efforts for the exploitation of both fermentative and nonfermentative pathways for the production of candidate biofuels such as alcohols and higher carbon biofuels derived from fatty acid and isoprenoid pathways. Continued advancements in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology will help improve not only the titers, yields, and productivities of biofuels discussed herein, but also increase the potential range of compounds that can be produced.  相似文献   

Strains of Escherichia coli lacking MalQ (maltodextrin glucanotransferase or amylomaltase) are endogenously induced for the maltose regulon by maltotriose that is derived from the degradation of glycogen (glycogen-dependent endogenous induction). A high level of induction was dependent on the presence of MalP, maltodextrin phosphorylase, while expression was counteracted by MalZ, maltodextrin glucosidase. Glycogen-derived endogenous induction was sensitive to high osmolarity. This osmodependence was caused by MalZ. malZ, the gene encoding this enzyme, was found to be induced by high osmolarity even in the absence of MalT, the central regulator of all mal genes. The osmodependent expression of malZ was neither RpoS nor OmpR dependent. In contrast, the malPQ operon, whose expression was also increased at a high osmolarity, was partially dependent on RpoS. In the absence of glycogen, residual endogenous induction of the mal genes that is sensitive to increasing osmolarity can still be observed. This glycogen-independent endogenous induction is not understood, and it is not affected by altering the expression of MalP, MalQ, and MalZ. In particular, its independence from MalZ suggests that the responsible inducer is not maltotriose.  相似文献   

Thermograms of whole cells of Escherichia coli obtained by differential scanning calorimetry contained ten main peaks (denoted f, l, m1, m2, m3, n, p, q, r and s) occurring at temperatures of approximately 25, 54, 61, 71, 76, 81, 95, 105, 118 and 124 degrees C, respectively. After cooling to 5 degrees C and reheating, peaks denoted fr, mr and pr were observed at 23, 73 and 94 degrees C, respectively. By examining thermograms of different cell fractions we have identified the following thermal denaturation events. During primary heating there is a broad endotherm (f) beginning below 20 degrees C and extending to just above 40 degrees C that is caused by melting of membrane lipids. Superimposed on this is an exothermic process associated with a change of state of the peptidoglycan. The first irreversible denaturation event occurs just above 47 degrees C, associated with the onset of denaturation of the 30S ribosomal subunit and soluble cytoplasmic proteins. Ribosome melting is a complex process occurring between 47 and 85 degrees C and is characterized by peaks m1, m2 and n. Peak m3 at 75-76 degrees C is of unknown identity but may possibly represent melting of tRNA. Peak p at 95 degrees C results from melting of a portion of the cellular DNA combined with denaturation of a cell wall component. Peak q at 105 degrees C is multicomponent and may be caused by melting of a different region of DNA together with denaturation of another cell wall component. The complex events denoted r and s at 118 and 125 degrees C, respectively, are associated with denaturation of a component of the cell envelope, and possibly also of DNA. Following cooling and reheating there is a broad endotherm with a maximum at 23 degrees C caused by remelting of membrane lipid and a very broad endotherm extending between 40 and 100 degrees C caused by the remelting of ribosomal RNA. Peak pr at 94 degrees C is caused by the melting of reannealed DNA. Additional features not appearing in whole cells were evident in some cell fractions. These observations should allow us to distinguish events that may lead to loss of viability from those that do not.  相似文献   

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