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全球200:确定大尺度生物多样性优先保护的一种方法   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
生物多样性保护的优先性研究成为保护生物学研究的焦点之一,“全球200”是世界自然基金会确立的旨在拯救地球上急剧损失的生物多样性优先保护区域的清单,是确定大尺度生物多样性优先保护的一种方法。本文介绍了“全球200”的研究方法,分析了在应用中存在中存在的问题,着重讨论了“全球200”中涉及到中国的部分以及它们与中国目前的生物多样性保护关键地区的异同。  相似文献   

Temporary ponds are seasonal wetlands annually subjected to extreme and unstable ecological conditions, neither truly aquatic nor truly terrestrial. This habitat and its flora have been poorly studied and documented because of the ephemeral character of the flora, the changeable annual weather that has a great effect on the small, herbaceous taxa and the declining abundance of temporary ponds. The objectives of this study are: (a) to define plant community diversity in terms of floristic composition of ephemeral wetlands in SW Portugal, (b) to identify temporary pond types according to their vegetation composition and (c) to identify those ponds that configure the European community priority habitat (3170* – Mediterranean temporary ponds). Vegetation sampling was conducted in 29 ponds, identifying 168 species grouped among 15 plant communities. Soil texture, pH, organic C and N content were measured, but only N and percent of clay appear to be related with the distribution of each community type. The results showed that ephemeral wetlands could be classified into four type: vernal pools, marshlands, deep ponds and disturbed wetlands. Vernal pools correspond to the Mediterranean temporary ponds (3170*), protected as priority habitat under the EU Habitats Directive. Submersed Isoetes species (Isoetes setaceum and Isoetes velatum) represents, together with Eryngium corniculatum, the indicator species for vernal pools. We identify also indicator plant communities of this priority habitat, namely I. setaceum and E. corniculatumBaldellia ranunculoides plant communities. In this region, the conservation of temporary ponds has so far been compatible with traditional agricultural activities, but today these ponds are endangered by the intensification of agriculture and the loss of traditional land use practices and by the development of tourism. Guest editors: B. Oertli, R. Cereghino, A. Hull & R. Miracle Pond Conservation: From Science to Practice. 3rd Conference of the European Pond Conservation Network, Valencia, Spain, 14–16 May 2008  相似文献   

The implementation of conservation strategies for species and habitats is frequently hampered by the availability of the necessary resources. These should be prioritized and focused on those species and habitats most in need, but also in regard to the importance of their distribution in a certain region, country or other administrative unit. In that perspective, the concept of national responsibilities (NR) is a recently developed tool to support priority setting. It captures the impact of the loss of a particular species or habitat within the focal region (usually a country) may have on the global persistence of that species or habitat type. Although the method consists of a few simple steps and is not very demanding in regard to data availability per species and habitat type, it is still impossible to determine NRs for all species and habitats. Here, we focus on the difficulties in determining NRs due to missing distribution data, varying interpretations of definitions especially in respect to habitat types, and differences in data formats and maps using European examples of these data limitations and sources of bias. These include artificially enlarged distribution areas resulting from grid cells being reported more than once, gridded shapefiles stretching into the sea or into other biogeographic regions, and differences in the size and the shape of grid cells and hence the resolution of maps. While focusing on European examples, these sources of bias are also relevant for conservation efforts on a global scale. Our analysis stresses the importance of quickly improving data quality, availability and comparability to render conservation more efficient. We give policy relevant examples on how the NR approach can be applied, e.g. how to help attributing budgets to poorer countries, on which species and habitats to focus limited monitoring resources, and how to consider newly emerging diseases. Generally, our analyses suggests (i) to develop clear global data standards, (ii) to regularly assess data to keep up with advances in data handling, and (iii) to use downscaling approaches for biodiversity data to a higher resolution for reducing the impact of bias to a negligible level together with improving the overall quality of distribution data for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

The access to new molecular markers is not always possible for all researchers, due to limited laboratory and economical resources. A new technique, called AFLP, seems to be a simple and robust method to obtain a large number of variable molecular markers. In this article I show the results of AFLP analysis in three different conservation projects requiring different level of genetic variability. I also compare the multi-locus AFLP results with single-locus markers (microsatellites) and haploid organellar marker (mtDNA) sequences. The results suggest that the AFLP technique could be very useful in a wide range of conservation studies.  相似文献   


Increasing rates of Anthropocene biodiversity extinctions suggest a possible sixth mass extinction event. Conservation planners are seeking effective ways to protect species, hotspots of biodiversity, and dynamic ecosystems to reduce and eventually eliminate the degradation and loss of diversity at the scale of genes, species, and ecosystems. While well-established, adequately enforced protected areas (PAs) increase the likelihood of preserving species and habitats, traditional placement methods are frequently inadequate in protecting biodiversity most at risk. Consequently, the Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) Partnership developed a set of science-based criteria and thresholds that iteratively identify sites where biodiversity is most in need of protection. KBA methodology has been rarely applied in the marine realm, where data are often extremely limited. We tested the feasibility of KBA population metrics in the Greater Caribbean marine region using occurrence and population data and threat statuses for 1669 marine vertebrates. These data identified areas where site-specific conservation measures can effectively protect biodiversity. Using KBA criteria pertaining to threatened and irreplaceable biodiversity, we identified 90 geographically unique potential KBAs, 34 outside and 56 within existing PAs. These provide starting points for local conservation managers to verify that KBA thresholds are met and to delineate site boundaries. Significant data gaps, such as population sizes, life history characteristics, and extent of habitats, prevent the full application of the KBA criteria to data-poor marine species. Increasing the rate and scope of marine sampling programs and digital availability of occurrence datasets will improve identification and delineation of KBAs in the marine environment.


The taxonomic composition and the abundance of two communities of snakes were studied in two different areas of southern Nigeria. One community was studied in a derived savanna area (environs of Ejule, 06°54N, 07°23E), and one community was studied in a moist rainforest area (environs of Eket, 04°50N, 07°59E). Both the specific diversity and the mean frequency of observation of snakes were significantly higher in the forest area than in the savanna area, and the dominance index was higher in the savanna than in the forest site. However, most of the species were found in only one of the two areas, depending on their habitat requirements (e.g. Gastropyxis smaragdina, Dispholidus typus, Thelotornis kirtlandii, Dendroaspis jamesoni, Bitis nasicornis, Causus maculatus, etc). The forest community housed a significant number of arboreal and semiaquatic taxa, but in both sites most of the species were terrestrial. The commonest species in the forest area was an oviparous, semiaquatic, batracophagous natricine snake (Afronatrix anoscopus), whereas the commonest species in the savanna area was an oviparous terrestrial lacertophagous psammophine snake (Psammophis phillipsi). Some conservation implications of our biodiversity analyses are presented. It is suggested that the moist rainforest represents a critically endangered habitat, and should deserve special attention by the international scientific community. Oil industry activity is especially dangerous for snake communities, especially in the southernmost regions of Nigeria.  相似文献   

Global conservation resources are limited and as a result donors and funders are forced to make difficult decisions as to which areas are in most urgent need of support. Biodiversity can play a key role in these choices, but many other factors must be considered. In order to assist with such decisions we present a simple index that can be employed by non-scientists in poorly sampled countries, using the reptile fauna of 55 protected and two unprotected areas of Paraguay as a case study. This index can be applied at multiple taxonomic and geographic levels to minimize biases generated by uneven sampling. We offer words of caution on unsupported claims of high biodiversity, and highlight how the use of inaccurate terminology, although well-intentioned, can be detrimental to national or local conservation efforts. Results show that the top two areas of conservation priority in Paraguay are currently unprotected, and current investment of resources is ineffective and insufficient for long term protection of Paraguay’s globally and nationally threatened reptiles.  相似文献   

Southeast Asia is a critical area for biodiversity conservation; levels of species richness and endemism are among the highest in the world, but rapid land-use changes endanger much of the region’s fauna. Bats are a critical component of this diversity, comprising nearly a third of Southeast Asia’s mammal species and providing vital ecological and economic services. However, nearly half the species are of conservation concern and as many as 40% of bat species are predicted to be extinct by the end of this century if current deforestation rates persist. Conservation efforts are urgently needed, and the taxonomic continuity of Southeast Asia and the prevalence of major threats throughout suggest that a region-wide initiative could be an effective approach. The Southeast Asian Bat Conservation Research Unit (SEABCRU) was established in 2007 to provide an organizational framework to both accelerate the advancement of bat research, and to coordinate conservation efforts. The SEABCRU is an informal collaboration among institutes, NGOs and individuals and provides a web-based forum for the growing number of researchers and outreach workers to interact and coordinate activities. It was launched at the 1st International Southeast Asian Bat Conference in Thailand (May 2007), during which a forum was held to derive conservation research priorities using a consensus approach. Four priorities were identified by participants: flying fox conservation and monitoring, taxonomy, conservation of cave-dependent bats, and conservation of forest-dependent bats. Here I provide an overview of the rationales behind these priorities and list the specific recommendations for the actions identified.  相似文献   

Mexico has a megadiverse avifauna that includes many endemic elements, as well as rich sets of species ranging farther north or farther south in the Americas. This avifauna, nonetheless, has suffered considerable losses as a consequence of long‐term, intensive human activity across the landscape. We review what is known about the Mexican avifauna, specifically its diversity and endemism, and how that knowledge has and has not turned into effective conservation measures to assure the long‐term integrity of the avifauna.  相似文献   

The rich biodiversity repository of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria is under severe threat from diverse sources such as deforestation, inadequate farming practices, invasive alien species, urbanization and oil and gas exploration and development activities. This biodiversity “hot spot” is the second most sensitive environment in Africa. The over 70 Protected Areas (PAs) here have lost substantial portions of their area which translates to loss of biodiversity. The need to select representative sites within each of the ecological zones of the region for effective and sustainable biodiversity conservation is, therefore, essential. Vital site criteria that have ecological, socio-economic and cultural dimensions were selected and assessed through a combination of relevant scientific information, indigenous traditional knowledge and participatory rural appraisal (PRA) to yield Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs).They are significantly different from the site selection criteria and principles used in the UK and to a large extent adopt the critical factors that underscore biodiversity conservation in a largely primary production based economy such as in much of the developing world. The three sites selected for biodiversity conservation through this process yielded not only community buy-in but also participatory action and ownership, which are critical for the sustainability of the biodiversity conservation efforts. Shell Nigeria and World Wide Fund (WWF) representatives are already concluding plans to commence effective conservation projects in the selected sites. This approach is hereby advocated for consideration and adoption for the preservation of the remaining stock of the unique biodiversity in developing countries.  相似文献   

朱超  方颖  周可新  穆少杰  蒋金亮 《生态学报》2015,35(9):2826-2836
生物多样性为人类提供了生存所必需的一系列生态系统服务和功能。然而,由于人为活动的加剧,生物多样性不断丧失。传统的生物多样性保护主要关注物种多样性,存在着对生物多样性的代表性不足,不能及时反应生态系统多样性的变化等缺点。近年来,生态系统层次上的多样性保护成为研究热点,一些国家和组织相继开展了大尺度的生态系统评估工作。文章回顾了已有的生态系统评估方案,发现当前生态系统评估多采用IUCN物种红色名录的分级标准体系,主要评估生态系统的濒危程度,评估标准主要是分布范围和功能的变化,不同评估方案采用的指标和阈值有差异,需要建立统一的生态系统分类体系和评价方案。同时,结合国内生态系统评价的现状,提出了在我国开展生态系统红色名录研究的若干可行建议。  相似文献   

Rahat O  Yitzhaky A  Schreiber G 《Proteins》2008,71(2):621-630
Protein-protein interactions networks has come to be a buzzword associated with nets containing edges that represent a pair of interacting proteins (e.g. hormone-receptor, enzyme-inhibitor, antigen-antibody, and a subset of multichain biological machines). Yet, each such interaction composes its own unique network, in which vertices represent amino acid residues, and edges represent atomic contacts. Recent studies have shown that analyses of the data encapsulated in these detailed networks may impact predictions of structure-function correlation. Here, we study homologous families of protein-protein interfaces, which share the same fold but vary in sequence. In this context, we address what properties of the network are shared among relatives with different sequences (and hence different atomic interactions) and which are not. Herein, we develop the general mathematical framework needed to compare the modularity of homologous networks. We then apply this analysis to the structural data of a few interface families, including hemoglobin alpha-beta, growth hormone-receptor, and Serine protease-inhibitor. Our results suggest that interface modularity is an evolutionarily conserved property. Hence, protein-protein interfaces can be clustered down to a few modules, with the boundaries being evolutionarily conserved along homologous complexes. This suggests that protein engineering of protein-protein binding sites may be simplified by varying each module, but retaining the overall modularity of the interface.  相似文献   

For any conservation strategy to be effective, it must be preceded by knowledge of how diversity is configured within the area of interest. Here, data from 40 savanna-grassland sites were used to examine how plant biodiversity and species composition varied across spatial scales at the Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve (KMTR), south India. Grasslands surveyed contained 278 plant species, and were characterized by high spatial variability in species association patterns. Fourteen distinct community assemblages were identified, organized primarily along an elevation gradient in the reserve. Overall, grasslands at KMTR were characterized by the dominance of a few, widespread species. The bulk of species richness, however, resulted from subordinate species with fairly restricted distributions. At low elevations, grasslands had high species richness and species composition differed greatly between sites. Mid-elevation grasslands contained about half the number of species present at low elevations, but sites were more similar in species composition. Richness of high-elevation grasslands was a third of that found at low elevations, but different sites harbored unique sets of species. Herbivore use of grasslands varied between communities and showed patterns that coincided with elevation. Herbivore use of low-elevation communities was high albeit variable, of mid-elevation sites was consistently low, and increased at higher elevations. Tall grass communities were the least utilized by herbivores at all elevations. Most species surveyed were rare and restricted in their distribution suggesting that conservation efforts must, perforce, encompass the entire reserve. However, differences in the structuring of diversity across elevations, and in herbivore use of grasslands, suggest that conservation efforts can be partitioned differentially across locations, specifically targeting low and high elevation grasslands in the reserve.  相似文献   

Berg and colleagues, in this issue, describe a framework for assessing risks to biodiversity and setting conservation priorities in northeast Germany. Their method explicitly separates community endangerment from conservation value, and derives its plant communities from a sound regional classification. It could be improved by incorporating ecological processes into risk assessment, and socio‐political constraints, economic costs and the likelihood of success into priority setting.  相似文献   

Summary   Uncertainty in assessments of vegetation condition that are used to inform land management and planning decisions for biodiversity conservation in Australia may lead to unexpected outcomes, including loss of biodiversity. This study investigates observer error in field estimates of vegetation attributes, one component of uncertainty in assessments of vegetation condition. Ten observers conducted vegetation condition assessments using two assessment protocols (BioMetric and Habitat Hectares) on 20 sites in a grassy woodland community. Observers' estimates varied substantially across multiple scoring categories for all vegetation attributes on almost all sites. Across all sites, the average coefficient of variation in total vegetation condition scores was 15–18% for both protocols, with a maximum of 60%. The primary cause of variation in total vegetation condition scores was random error in raw estimates of vegetation attributes, although sensitivity of some highly weighted attributes to error exacerbated variation in some cases. Observers generally agreed on the total scores and ranks of highly degraded (pasture) sites, but were less consistent on other sites. Rank correlations between pairs of observers were stronger for Habitat Hectares, suggesting BioMetric may be slightly more sensitive to observer error. It is recommended that: (i) research is undertaken into methods for reducing observer error; (ii) review is made of the sensitivity of index scoring structures to observer error; (iii) field observers estimate uncertainty around point estimates of vegetation condition; and, (iv) decision-makers explicitly incorporate uncertainty into the decision-making processes and aim for outcomes that are robust to this uncertainty.  相似文献   

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