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Large-scale culvert replacement programs could benefit migratory fish populations by reconnecting reproductive and foraging habitats in fragmented watersheds. The objectives of this study were to: (1) identify stream and culvert characteristics contributing to fish passage barriers within an Appalachian watershed, U.S.A.; (2) quantify the total amount of Brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) reproductive habitat isolated above culverts; and (3) use an ecological currency to identify culvert replacement priorities and stream mitigation credit opportunities. We surveyed 120 state-owned culverts and used a fish passage assessment filter to determine the "passability" of each culvert. We then constructed a geographic information system stream network model to quantify the amount of trout reproductive habitat isolated by culverts. Ninety-seven percent of surveyed culverts were classified as obstacles or complete barriers to trout dispersal. Culvert impassability was higher in small streams with slopes exceeding 3–5%, suggesting a direct relationship between slope and impassability. Thirty-three percent of Brook trout reproductive habitat, representing over 200 km of stream, was isolated by culverts. This is a conservative estimate, because we did not survey privately or federally owned culverts. The top 20 prioritized culverts accounted for nearly half of the habitat loss. Our results indicate that standard culvert designs placed in streams with slopes exceeding 5% consistently produce trout dispersal barriers and should be avoided during new road construction. The process developed here provides an efficient method for identifying culvert replacement priorities and may be used to maximize watershed scale benefits of stream restoration.  相似文献   

We quantified stream temperature response to in‐stream habitat restoration designed to improve thermal suitability and resiliency of a high‐elevation Appalachian stream known to support a temperature‐limited brook trout population. Our specific objectives were to determine if: (1) construction of deep pools created channel unit‐scale thermal refugia and (2) reach scale stream channel reconfiguration reduced peak water temperatures along a longitudinal continuum known to be highly susceptible to summer‐time warming. Contrary to expectations, constructed pools did not significantly decrease channel unit‐scale summer water temperatures relative to paired control sites. This suggests that constructed pools did not successfully intercept a cool groundwater source. However, we did find a significant effect of stream channel restoration on reach‐scale thermal regimes. Both mean and maximum daily stream temperatures experienced significantly reduced warming trends in restored sections relative to control sections. Furthermore, we found that restoration efforts had the greatest effect on stream temperatures downstream of large tributaries. Restoration appears to have significantly altered thermal regimes within upper Shavers Fork, largely in response to changes in channel morphology that facilitated water movement below major cold‐water inputs. Decreased longitudinal warming will likely increase the thermal resiliency of the Shavers Fork main‐stem, sustaining the ability of these key large river habitats to continue supporting critical metapopulation processes (e.g. supplemental foraging and dispersal among tributary populations) in the face of climate change.  相似文献   

1. Rivers in boreal forested areas were often dredged to facilitate the transport of timber resulting in channels with simplified bed structure and flow fields and reduced habitat suitability for stream organisms, especially lotic fishes. Currently, many streams are being restored to improve their physical habitat, by replacing boulders and gravel and removing constraining embankments. The most compelling justification behind stream restoration of former floatways has been the enhancement of native fish populations, specifically salmonids. 2. We examined the success of a stream management programme aimed at re‐building diminished brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations by monitoring densities of young‐of‐year and older trout in 18 managed and three reference streams during 2000–2005. Rehabilitation included in‐stream restoration combined with a 5‐year post‐restoration period of stocking young brown trout. Our space‐for‐time substitution design comprised four pre‐management, four under‐management, 10 post‐management and three reference streams. 3. Densities of young‐of‐year brown trout, indicating population establishment, were significantly higher in post‐ compared with pre‐management streams. However, density of young‐of‐year brown trout in post‐management streams was significantly lower compared with near‐pristine reference streams. Furthermore, success of managed brown trout population re‐building varied, indicating stream‐specific responses to management measures. Density of burbot (Lota lota), a native generalist predator, was associated with low recruitment of brown trout. 4. Stream‐specific responses imply that rehabilitation of brown trout populations cannot be precisely predicted thereby limiting application. Our findings support the importance of adaptive stream restoration and management, with focus on identifying factor(s) limiting the establishment of target fish populations.  相似文献   

Brown trout and food web interactions in a Minnesota stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. We examined indirect, community‐level interactions in a stream that contained non‐native brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus), native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill) and native slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus Richardson). Our objectives were to examine benthic invertebrate composition and prey selection of fishes (measured by total invertebrate dry mass, dry mass of individual invertebrate taxa and relative proportion of invertebrate taxa in the benthos and diet) among treatments (no fish, juvenile brook trout alone, juvenile brown trout alone, sculpin with brook trout and sculpin with brown trout). 2. We assigned treatments to 1 m2 enclosures/exclosures placed in riffles in Valley Creek, Minnesota, and conducted six experimental trials. We used three designs of fish densities (addition of trout to a constant number of sculpin with unequal numbers of trout and sculpin; addition of trout to a constant number of sculpin with equal numbers of trout and sculpin; and replacement of half the sculpin with an equal number of trout) to investigate the relative strength of interspecific versus intraspecific interactions. 3. Presence of fish (all three species, alone or in combined‐species treatments) was not associated with changes in total dry mass of benthic invertebrates or shifts in relative abundance of benthic invertebrate taxa, regardless of fish density design. 4. Brook trout and sculpin diets did not change when each species was alone compared with treatments of both species together. Likewise, we did not find evidence for shifts in brown trout or sculpin diets when each species was alone or together. 5. We suggest that native brook trout and non‐native brown trout fill similar niches in Valley Creek. We did not find evidence that either species had an effect on stream communities, potentially due to high invertebrate productivity in Valley Creek.  相似文献   

The restoration of 4 partial stream barriers was evaluated in watersheds of Terra Nova National Park, Newfoundland, Canada from 2009 to 2011. Brook trout (n = 462) were tagged and tracked moving through our study sites using passive‐integrated transponder telemetry and the restoration actions were assessed using 3 different measures: passage success rates; the range of passable flows; and the availability of passable flows. We considered the observed results within a before‐after‐control‐impact (BACI) design that included reference reaches and pre‐restoration observations. The conclusions of BACI analyses were also contrasted with those that would have been obtained from commonly used before‐after (B‐A) or control‐impact (C‐I) study designs. While the restoration actions changed hydrological conditions in a way that should facilitate fish passage, our biological measures indicated that success was variable across culverts and within culverts depending on the measure evaluated. Furthermore, the natural temporal and spatial variability of fish movements often resulted in different conclusions between the more robust BACI design and the more commonly used B‐A and C‐I designs. Our results demonstrate that restoration of partial barriers may not always yield dramatic improvements. Furthermore, without suitable controls, the chances of drawing false conclusions regarding restorations in temporally and spatially dynamic systems are substantial.  相似文献   

Despite some highly visible projects that have resulted in environmental benefits, recent efforts to quantify the number and distribution of river restoration projects revealed a paucity of written records documenting restoration outcomes. Improving restoration designs and setting watershed priorities rely on collecting and making accessible this critical information. Information within the unpublished notes of restoration project managers is useful but rarely documents ecological improvements. This special section of Restoration Ecology is devoted to the current state of knowledge on river restoration. We provide an overview of the section’s articles, reflecting on lessons learned, which have implications for the implementation, legal, and financing frameworks for restoration. Our reflections are informed by two databases developed under the auspices of the National River Restoration Science Synthesis project and by extensive interactions with those who fund, implement, and permit restoration. Requiring measurable ecological success criteria, comprehensive watershed plans, and tracking of when and where restoration projects are implemented are critical to improving the health of U.S. waters. Documenting that a project was put in the ground and stayed intact cannot be equated with ecological improvements. However, because significant ecological improvements can come with well‐designed and ‐implemented stream and river restorations, a small investment in documenting the factors contributing to success will lead to very large returns in the health of our nation’s waterways. Even projects that may appear to be failures initially can be turned into success stories by applying the knowledge gained from monitoring the project in an adaptive restoration approach.  相似文献   

We surveyed benthic macroinvertebrate communities, water chemistry, and thermal regime in the Cheat River, WV, USA in an attempt to quantify the interactive effects of multiple stressors on ecological condition and identify priorities for restoration in this mined Appalachian watershed. We used a novel approach, which combined use of the West Virginia Stream Condition Index (WVSCI) to quantify ecological losses and community similarity analysis to assign specific levels of ecological loss to AMD, thermal effluent, and their interaction. Finally, we developed an ecological currency to quantify the relative benefits of a restoration program that focused either on AMD remediation or heat reduction and to identify spatially explicit restoration priorities. Variation in ecological condition was strongly correlated to variation in water quality when AMD and heat stress occurred in isolation. Acute inputs of AMD or heat caused predictable reductions in condition followed by rapid recovery downstream. However, benthic communities failed to recover from combined inputs of heat and AMD even when these stressors occurred at relatively low levels. Over the course of an entire year, AMD alone was over two times more responsible than heat alone for ecological loss. Consequently, AMD is the dominant factor limiting ecological condition and should be the primary target for restoration. Nevertheless, an AMD × heat interaction also was responsible for extensive ecological loss in lower reaches of the river. Consequently, full restoration of the lower Cheat River mainstem will require an approach that integrates AMD remediation with effective management of thermal effluent. Our results provide some of the first field evidence of the interactive effects of multiple stressors on biological communities in a mined watershed. This approach may be valuable for quantifying impacts from multiple interacting stressors and for prioritizing restoration efforts in other mined watersheds. Handling editor: S. M. Adams  相似文献   

We used direct observation via snorkeling surveys to quantify microhabitat use by native brook (Salvelinus fontinalis) and non‐native brown (Salmo trutta) and rainbow (Onchorynchus mykiss) trout occupying natural and restored pool habitats within a large, high‐elevation Appalachian river, United States. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) and subsequent two‐way analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated a significant difference in microhabitat use by brook and non‐native trout within restored pools. We also detected a significant difference in microhabitat use by brook trout occupying pools in allopatry versus those occupying pools in sympatry with non‐native trout—a pattern that appears to be modulated by size. Smaller brook trout often occupied pools in the absence of non‐native species, where they used shallower and faster focal habitats. Larger brook trout occupied pools with, and utilized similar focal habitats (i.e. deeper, slower velocity) as, non‐native trout. Non‐native trout consistently occupied more thermally suitable microhabitats closer to cover as compared to brook trout, including the use of thermal refugia (i.e. ambient–focal temperature >2°C). These results suggest that non‐native trout influence brook trout use of restored habitats by: (1) displacing smaller brook trout from restored pools, and (2) displacing small and large brook trout from optimal microhabitats (cooler, deeper, and lower velocity). Consequently, benefits of habitat restoration in large rivers may only be fully realized by brook trout in the absence of non‐native species. Future research within this and other large river systems should characterize brook trout response to stream restoration following removal of non‐native species.  相似文献   

Recognition that beavers are integral components of stream ecosystems has resulted in an increase in beaver‐mediated habitat restoration projects. Beaver restoration projects are frequently implemented in degraded stream systems with little or no beaver activity. However, selection of restoration sites is often based on habitat suitability research comparing well‐established beaver colonies to unoccupied stream sections or abandoned colonies. Because beavers dramatically alter areas they occupy, assessing habitat conditions at active colonies may over‐emphasize habitat characteristics that are modified by beaver activity. During 2015–2017, we conducted beaver activity surveys on streams in the upper Missouri River watershed in southwest Montana, United States, to investigate habitat selection by beavers starting new colonies in novel areas. We compared new colony locations in unmodified stream segments to unsettled segments to evaluate conditions that promoted colonization. Newly settled stream segments had relatively low gradients (β ± SE = ?0.72 ± 0.27), narrow channels (β = ?1.31 ± 0.46), high channel complexity (β = 0.76 ± 0.42), high canopy cover of woody riparian vegetation (β = 0.56 ± 0.21), and low‐lying areas directly adjacent to the stream (β = 0.36 ± 0.24), where β denotes covariate effect sizes. Habitat selection patterns differed between our new settlement site analysis and an analysis of occupied versus unoccupied stream segments, suggesting that assessing habitat suitability based on active colonies may result in misidentification of suitable site conditions for beaver restoration. Our research provides recommendations for beaver restoration practitioners to select restoration sites that will have the highest probability of successful colony establishment.  相似文献   

Large woody debris (LWD) was added to eight streams in the central Appalachians of West Virginia to determine if stream habitat could be enhanced and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations increased. Brook trout populations were assessed one year prior to habitat manipulation and 3 years post-habitat manipulation. LWD was added by felling approximately 15 trees per 300 m stream reach. Four of the streams had LWD added to one 300 m reach with 300 m unmanipulated reaches upstream and downstream of the manipulated reach to observe within-stream effects of LWD additions on brook trout density. The remaining four streams had LWD added to three 300 m reaches and these streams were compared to those with only a single 300 m manipulated reach to observe the effects of the extent of habitat manipulation on brook trout density. New pools were formed by the addition of LWD, but overall pool area did not increase significantly in reaches where LWD was added. The relatively high gradient and coarse substrate of these streams may have precluded the added LWD from having a significant influence on stream channel morphology and habitat complexity. No pools were formed in the highest gradient stream, while the stream with the most pools formed had the lowest gradient. Brook trout populations fluctuated following habitat manipulations, and there was no overall effect of the LWD additions on within-stream variability in brook trout density. When there were significant differences among-streams with different extents of LWD additions, those streams receiving LWD additions over a large extent had the greatest brook trout densities. The full potential of added LWD to change stream habitat and influence on brook trout populations may take more time to develop than the 3 years post-manipulation period of this study.  相似文献   

In‐stream restoration often aims at increasing the availability of the stream habitat suitable for salmonid fishes, thus creating potential for increased fish abundance. We assessed the success of in‐stream restoration of River Kiiminkijoki, northern Finland, by combining River2D habitat hydraulic modeling and fish density monitoring at the same sites, with data from multiple restored and reference reaches for 3 years both before and after restoration. We modeled the effects of restoration on the area suitable (weighted usable area, WUA) for juvenile Atlantic salmon from post‐hatching to age‐1 fish. Wetted width in the restored reaches increased by 8.1% on average compared with only ?0.2% change in the reference reaches. Habitat time series across 10 years showed significant increases in the amount of suitable habitat under summer conditions for both age‐0 and age‐1 salmon. However, improvement of overwintering habitats was marginal or nonexistent. Densities of age‐1 salmon showed no response to restoration. Low river discharge during the winter was correlated with low salmon densities the following summer. It thus appears that variability in wintertime discharge, and associated high interannual variation of WUA values, overrode the almost 20% increase in average post‐ versus pre‐restoration summertime WUA. Our study shows that the combination of hydraulic modeling and biological monitoring is a promising approach to stream restoration assessment.  相似文献   

Urbanization is associated with substantial losses to stream biological diversity throughout the United States' mid‐Atlantic. Stream restoration has been used to improve stream conditions and, in part, to ameliorate these losses. However, the relationship between restoration and recovery of biological diversity is unclear. Our objective was to critically examine the efficacy of urban stream restorations with regard to biological diversity. We compared restored urban streams to urban nonrestored, nonurban, and reference (minimally degraded) streams using five measures each of fish and benthic macroinvertebrate diversity. Both multivariate and univariate statistical analyses show biological diversity of restored urban streams to be similar to nonrestored urban streams and lower than nonurban and reference streams. Restored urban sites showed no apparent increase in biological diversity through time, while diversity decreased at two of the reference streams coincident with increased urban development within their catchments. Our results indicate that restoration approaches commonly used regionally as in these urban streams are not leading to recovery of native stream biodiversity. Evidence from several sources indicates a need for dramatic changes in restoration approach, and we argue for a watershed‐scale focus including protection of the least impacted streams and adopting other land‐based actions within the watershed where possible.  相似文献   

Interactions between birds and fish are often overlooked in aquatic ecosystems. We studied the influence of Atlantic salmon and brown trout on the breeding population size and reproductive output of the white‐throated dipper in a Norwegian river. Acidic precipitation led to the extinction of salmon, but salmon recolonized after liming was initiated in 1991. We compared the dipper population size and reproductive output before (1978–1992) and after (1993–2014) salmon recolonization. Despite a rapid and substantial increase in juvenile salmon, the breeding dipper population size and reproductive output were not influenced by juvenile salmon, trout, or total salmonid density. This might be due to different feeding strategies in salmonids and dippers, where salmonids are mainly feeding on drift, while the dipper is a benthic feeder. The correlation between the size of the dipper population upstream and downstream of a salmonid migratory barrier was similar before and after recolonization, indicating that the downstream territories were not less attractive after the recolonization of salmon. Upstream dipper breeding success rates declined before the recolonization event and increased after, indicating improved water quality due to liming, and increasing invertebrate prey abundances and biodiversity. Surprisingly, upstream the migratory barrier, juvenile trout had a weak positive effect on the dipper population size, indicating that dippers may prey upon small trout. It is possible that wider downstream reaches might have higher abundances of alternative food, rending juvenile trout unimportant as prey. Abiotic factors such as winter temperatures and acidic precipitation with subsequent liming, potentially mediated by prey abundance, seem to play the most important role in the life history of the dipper.  相似文献   

Leduc AO  Kelly JM  E Brown G 《Oecologia》2004,139(2):318-324
A variety of fishes possess damage-released chemical alarm cues, which play a critical role in the detection and avoidance of potential predation threats. Recently, we have demonstrated that the ability of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) and finescale dace (Phoxinus neogaeus) to detect and respond to conspecific alarm cues is significantly reduced under weakly acidic conditions (pH 6.0). Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) possess an analogous alarm cue system. However, it is unknown if the trout alarm cue system is likewise affected by relatively small changes in pH. In addition, previous studies have not verified this phenomenon under natural conditions. We conducted laboratory and field trials to examine the potential effects of acute exposure to weakly acidic (pH 6.0) conditions on the detection and response of conspecific alarm cues by juvenile trout. Our laboratory results demonstrate that while juvenile rainbow trout exhibit significant increases in antipredator behaviour under normal pH conditions (pH 7.0–7.2), they do not respond to the presence of conspecific chemical alarm cues (i.e. response is not different from controls) under weakly acidic conditions. Similarly, a wild strain of brook charr in their natural streams near Sudbury, Ontario, failed to detect conspecific alarm cues in a weakly acidic stream (mean pH 6.11) while they responded to these cues in a neutral stream (mean pH of 6.88). This is the first demonstration that relatively small changes in ambient pH can influence alarm responses under natural conditions. These data suggest significant, sub-lethal effects of acid precipitation on natural waterways.  相似文献   

1. Most Finnish streams were channelised during the 19th and 20th century to facilitate timber floating. By the late 1970s, extensive programmes were initiated to restore these degraded streams. The responses of fish populations to restoration have been little studied, however, and monitoring of other stream biota has been negligible. In this paper, we review results from a set of studies on the effects of stream restoration on habitat structure, brown trout populations, benthic macroinvertebrates and leaf retention. 2. In general, restoration greatly increased stream bed heterogeneity. The cover of mosses in channelised streams was close to that of unmodified reference sites, but after restoration moss cover declined to one‐tenth of the pre‐restoration value. 3. In one stream, densities of age‐0 trout were slightly lower after restoration, but the difference to an unmodified reference stream was non‐significant, indicating no effect of restoration. In another stream, trout density increased after restoration, indicating a weakly positive response. The overall weak response of trout to habitat manipulations probably relates to the fact that restoration did not increase the amount of pools, a key winter habitat for salmonids. 4. Benthic invertebrate community composition was more variable in streams restored 4–6 years before sampling than in unmodified reference streams or streams restored 8 years before sampling. Channelised streams supported a distinctive set of indicator species, most of which were filter‐feeders or scrapers, while most of the indicators in streams restored 8 years before sampling were shredders. 5. Leaf retentiveness in reference streams was high, with 60–70% of experimentally released leaves being retained within 50 m. Channelised streams were poorly retentive (c. 10% of leaves retained), and the increase in retention following restoration was modest (+14% on average). Aquatic mosses were a key retentive feature in both channelised and natural streams, but their cover was drastically reduced through restoration. 6. Mitigation of the detrimental impacts of forestry (e.g. removal of mature riparian forests) is a major challenge to the management of boreal streams. This goal cannot be achieved by focusing efforts only on restoration of physical structures in stream channels, but also requires conservation and ecologically sound management of riparian forests.  相似文献   

Headwater species and peripheral populations that occupy habitat at the edge of a species range may hold an increased conservation value to managers due to their potential to maximize intraspecies diversity and species' adaptive capabilities in the context of rapid environmental change. The southern Appalachian Mountains are the southern extent of the geographic range of native Salvelinus fontinalis and naturalized Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo trutta in eastern North America. We predicted distributions of these peripheral, headwater wild trout populations at a fine scale to serve as a planning and management tool for resource managers to maximize resistance and resilience of these populations in the face of anthropogenic stressors. We developed correlative logistic regression models to predict occurrence of brook trout, rainbow trout, and brown trout for every interconfluence stream reach in the study area. A stream network was generated to capture a more consistent representation of headwater streams. Each of the final models had four significant metrics in common: stream order, fragmentation, precipitation, and land cover. Strahler stream order was found to be the most influential variable in two of the three final models and the second most influential variable in the other model. Greater than 70% presence accuracy was achieved for all three models. The underrepresentation of headwater streams in commonly used hydrography datasets is an important consideration that warrants close examination when forecasting headwater species distributions and range estimates. Additionally, it appears that a relative watershed position metric (e.g., stream order) is an important surrogate variable (even when elevation is included) for biotic interactions across the landscape in areas where headwater species distributions are influenced by topographical gradients.  相似文献   

In recent years, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration have been key issues of watershed management in many countries. To maintain or restore the environmental quality of watersheds, we need to assess the impact of anthropogenic changes on stream ecosystems with accuracy. In addition, watershed conservation planners have to make strategic plans and determine priorities of each conservation activity.

A new monitoring methodology to evaluate the change of habitat condition for freshwater fish based on a predictive habitat model using logistic regression was developed and applied to the whole of Japan. The main contributions of our approach were 1) the construction of a Geographical Information System (GIS) database that integrates many types of data, including freshwater fish species, water quality, habitat fragmentation by damming, geology, and climate; 2) spatial analysis for quantitative assessment and predictive habitat modeling using logistic regression to combine fish survey data and environmental habitat factors to determine critical and major habitat variables for each target fish; and 3) digital mapping and changes detection of fish habitat potential for targeted endangered fish species to show habitat distribution and spatio-temporal changes of habitat potential over a 25-year period (from 1977 to 2002). We found that predicted suitable habitat and actual fish habitat showed high overlap, and that habitat conditions and distribution patterns of target freshwater fish had been affected by major habitat variables to target species respectively.  相似文献   

Huge efforts have been made during the past decades to improve the water quality and to restore the physical habitat of rivers and streams in western Europe. This has led to an improvement in biological water quality and an increase in fish stocks in many countries. However, several rheophilic fish species such as brown trout are still categorized as vulnerable in lowland streams in Flanders (Belgium). In order to support cost‐efficient restoration programs, habitat suitability modeling can be used. In this study, we developed an ensemble of habitat suitability models using metaheuristic algorithms to explore the importance of a large number of environmental variables, including chemical, physical, and hydromorphological characteristics to determine the suitable habitat for reintroduction of brown trout in the Zwalm River basin (Flanders, Belgium), which is included in the Habitats Directive. Mean stream velocity, water temperature, hiding opportunities, and presence of pools or riffles were identified as the most important variables determining the habitat suitability. Brown trout mainly preferred streams with a relatively high mean reach stream velocity (0.2–1 m/s), a low water temperature (7–15°C), and the presence of pools. The ensemble of models indicated that most of the tributaries and headwaters were suitable for the species. Synthesis and applications. Our results indicate that this modeling approach can be used to support river management, not only for brown trout but also for other species in similar geographical regions. Specifically for the Zwalm River basin, future restoration of the physical habitat, removal of the remaining migration barriers and the development of suitable spawning grounds could promote the successful restoration of brown trout.  相似文献   

Success of stream restoration can be difficult to define because many interacting abiotic and biotic factors across spatio-temporal scales can have measurable effects. Consequently, failure in habitat restoration to achieve targeted biological goals may reflect interactions of habitat restoration with unaccounted risks that have yet to be addressed on the landscape. This is particularly true within invaded landscapes, where habitat restoration can benefit non-native competitors as much as the native fishes for which restoration is designed. We tested for interacting effects of a reach scale habitat restoration effort and non-native trout competition on habitat use by a brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) metapopulation within a productive main stem corridor of the Shavers Fork watershed, West Virginia. We used a joint species occupancy model within a BACI sampling design to show that brook trout occupancy of main stem habitat was highest post-restoration within restored sampling reaches, but this benefit to native brook trout was conditional on brown trout (Salmo trutta) not being present within the main stem habitat. Collectively these results indicate that habitat restoration was only beneficial for native brook trout when non-native trout were absent from the restored sampling area. Proactive approaches to restoration will be integral for supporting resilient ecosystems in response to future anthropogenic threats (e.g. climate change), and we have shown that such actions will only be successful if non-native competitors do not also benefit from the restoration actions.  相似文献   

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