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It is unclear whether the mammalian Golgi apparatus can form de novo from the ER or whether it requires a preassembled Golgi matrix. As a test, we assayed Golgi reassembly after forced redistribution of Golgi matrix proteins into the ER. Two conditions were used. In one, ER redistribution was achieved using a combination of brefeldin A (BFA) to cause Golgi collapse and H89 to block ER export. Unlike brefeldin A alone, which leaves matrix proteins in relatively large remnant structures outside the ER, the addition of H89 to BFA-treated cells caused ER accumulation of all Golgi markers tested. In the other, clofibrate treatment induced ER redistribution of matrix and nonmatrix proteins. Significantly, Golgi reassembly after either treatment was robust, implying that the Golgi has the capacity to form de novo from the ER. Furthermore, matrix proteins reemerged from the ER with faster ER exit rates. This, together with the sensitivity of BFA remnants to ER export blockade, suggests that presence of matrix proteins in BFA remnants is due to cycling via the ER and preferential ER export rather than their stable assembly in a matrix outside the ER. In summary, the Golgi apparatus appears capable of efficient self-assembly.  相似文献   

V Gomord  E Wee  L Faye 《Biochimie》1999,81(6):607-618
Protein transport along the secretory pathway is supported by a noria of vesicles that bud and fuse, load and unload their cargo from one compartment into the other. However, despite this constant flow-through of proteins and lipids the various compartments of the secretory pathway are able to maintain their own specific composition. Here, we discuss recent insights into mechanisms of protein retention and localization that are necessary for the maintenance of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)- and Golgi-associated typical functions such as protein folding and glycosylation in plant cells.  相似文献   

R. L. Jones 《Protoplasma》1987,138(2-3):73-88
Summary The cytochemical localization of adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) was studied in the aleurone layer of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya). Isolated barley aleurone layers secrete numerous enzymes having acid phosphatase activity, including ATPase. The secretion of these enzymes was stimulated by incubation of the aleurone layer in gibberellic acid (GA3). ATPase was localized using the metal-salt method in tissue incubated in CaCl2 with and without GA3. In sections of tissue incubated without GA3, cytochemical staining was confined to a narrow band of cytoplasm adjacent to the starchy endosperm and to the cell wall of the innermost tier of aleurone cells. Cytochemical staining was absent from the organelles of tissues not treated with GA3. In tissue incubated in the presence of GA3, cytochemical staining was evident throughout the cytoplasm and cell walls of the tissue. In the cell wall, electron-dense deposits were found only in digested channels. The cell-wall matrix of GA3-treated aleurone did not stain, indicating that it does not permit diffusion of enzyme. In the cytoplasm of GA3-treated aleurone, all organelles except microbodies, plastids, and spherosomes stained for ATPase activity; endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria showed intense deposits of stain. The ER of the aleurone is a complex system made up of flattened sheets of membrane, which may be associated with both the Golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane. The dictyosome did not stain uniformly for ATPase activity; rather there was a gradation in staining of the cisternae from thecis (lightly stained) to thetrans (heavily stained) face. Vesicles associated with dictyosome cisternae also stained intensely as did the protein bodies of GA3-treated aleurone cells.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi were labeled by green fluorescent protein chimeras and observed by time-lapse confocal microscopy during the rapid cell cycles of sea urchin embryos. The ER undergoes a cyclical microtubule-dependent accumulation at the mitotic poles and by photobleaching experiments remains continuous through the cell cycle. Finger-like indentations of the nuclear envelope near the mitotic poles appear 2-3 min before the permeability barrier of the nuclear envelope begins to change. This permeability change in turn is approximately 30 s before nuclear envelope breakdown. During interphase, there are many scattered, disconnected Golgi stacks throughout the cytoplasm, which appear as 1- to 2-microm fluorescent spots. The number of Golgi spots begins to decline soon after nuclear envelope breakdown, reaches a minimum soon after cytokinesis, and then rapidly increases. At higher magnification, smaller spots are seen, along with increased fluorescence in the ER. Quantitative measurements, along with nocodazole and photobleaching experiments, are consistent with a redistribution of some of the Golgi to the ER during mitosis. The scattered Golgi coalesce into a single large aggregate during the interphase after the ninth embryonic cleavage; this is likely to be preparatory for secretion of the hatching enzyme during the following cleavage cycle.  相似文献   

Batoko H  Zheng HQ  Hawes C  Moore I 《The Plant cell》2000,12(11):2201-2218
We describe a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based assay for investigating membrane traffic on the secretory pathway in plants. Expression of AtRab1b(N121I), predicted to be a dominant inhibitory mutant of the Arabidopsis Rab GTPase AtRab1b, resulted in accumulation of a secreted GFP marker in an intracellular reticulate compartment reminiscent of the endoplasmic reticulum. This accumulation was alleviated by coexpressing wild-type AtRab1b but not AtRab8c. When a Golgi-targeted and N-glycosylated variant of GFP was coexpressed with AtRab1b(N121I), the variant also accumulated in a reticulate network and an endoglycosidase H-sensitive population appeared. Unexpectedly, expression of AtRab1b(N121I), but not of the wild-type AtRab1b, resulted in a reduction or cessation of vectorial Golgi movement, an effect that was reversed by coexpression of the wild type. We conclude that AtRab1b function is required for transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus and suggest that this process may be coupled to the control of Golgi movement.  相似文献   

MID-1 is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene encoding a stretch-activated channel. Using MID-1 as a molecular probe, we isolated rat cDNA encoding a protein with four putative transmembrane domains. This gene encoded a protein of 541 amino acids. We also cloned the human homologue, which encoded 551 amino acids. Messenger RNA for this gene was expressed abundantly in the testis and moderately in the spleen, liver, kidney, heart, brain, and lung. In the testis, immunoreactivity of the gene product was detected both in the cytoplasm and the nucleus. When expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, the gene product was located in intracellular compartments including endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. When microsome fraction obtained from the transfected cells, but not from mock-transfected cells, was incorporated into the lipid bilayer, an anion channel activity was detected. Unitary conductance was 70 picosiemens in symmetric 150 mm KCl solution. We designated this gene Mid-1-related chloride channel (MCLC). MCLC encodes a new class of chloride channel expressed in intracellular compartments.  相似文献   

The properties of thiamine pyrophosphatase in the Golgi apparatus of rat liver were studied. Thiamine pyrophosphatase in an extract of the Golgi apparatus was separated into 6 bands of between pH 5.4 and 6.3 by isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gel. On the gels all these subforms catalyzed the hydrolyses of GDP, IDP, UDP, and CDP as well as that of thiamine pyrophosphate. The characteristics resembled those of Type B nucleoside diphosphatase of rat brain, though the enzyme did not have 3 subforms of Type B nucleoside diphosphatase in the higher pH region on isoelectric focusing. Thiamine pyrophosphatase of the Golgi apparatus was separated from microsomal nucleoside diphosphatase by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. The properties of the enzyme were quite similar to those of Type B nucleoside diphosphatase with respect to its substrate specificity, optimum pH for activity, and inhibition by ATP. These findings suggest that thiamine pyrophosphatase in the Golgi apparatus is different from microsomal nucleoside diphosphatase and that it might be basically the same enzyme as Type B nucleoside diphosphatase except for different extents of modification.  相似文献   

Thiamine pyrophosphatase and nucleoside diphosphatase have been studied histochemically in Raillietina (Raillietina) johri. Thiamine pyrophosphatase activity has been observed in the tegument, subtegumental muscle, subtegumental cells, medullary parenchyma, excretory canal and various reproductive structures like testes, ovary, vas deferens, spermatozoa and vitellaria. Eggs exhibit moderate enzyme activity. Various nucleoside diphosphates have been found to be hydrolyzed by thiamine pyrophosphatase. CaCl2, MgCl2 and MnCl2 each activated the enzyme at a final concentration of 6 mM whereas cysteine, reduced glutathione and PCMB inhibited the enzyme activity at a final concentration of 10 mM, 10 mM and 20 mM, respectively. KCN and NaF had no effect on the enzyme staining at concentration as high as 50 mM and 30 mM, respectively. Possible roles of the enzyme in the parasite have been discussed.  相似文献   

The activity of ornithine decarboxylase, the key enzyme in the synthesis of polyamines, is essential for proliferation and differentiation of all living cells. Two inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase, α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) and 1-aminooxy-3-aminopropane (APA), caused swelling of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and medial and trans Golgi cisternae, and the disappearance of stress fibers, as visualized by staining with fluorescent concanavalin A (ConA), C6-NBD-ceramide or wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and phalloidin, respectively. In contrast, the pattern of microtubules, stained with a β-tubulin antibody, was not affected. Rough ER seemed to be especially affected in polyamine deprivation forming whorls and involutions, which were observed by transmission electron microscopy. Since ER and Golgi apparatus are vital parts of the glycosylation and secretory machinery of the cell, we tested the ability of these structurally altered cell organelles to synthesize proteoglycans using [3H]glucosamine and [35S]sulfate as precursors. The total incorporation rate into proteoglycans and hyaluronan was not reduced in polyamine-deprived cells, suggesting that the total glycosylation capacity of cells was not affected. However, the synthesis of a high molecular weight proteoglycan containing chondroitin and keratan sulfate was completely inhibited. The remodeling of cytoskeleton and rough endoplasmic reticulum in polyamine deprivation may perturb the synthesis and secretion of the components of membrane skeleton and of the extracellular matrix, e.g., proteoglycans. Rough ER and cytoskeleton may be the targets where polyamines affect cell proliferation and differentiation. J. Cell Biochem. 66:165-174, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Yeast and mammalian cells use a variety of different mechanisms to ensure that the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are inherited by both daughter cells on cell division. In yeast, endoplasmic reticulum inheritance involves both active microtubule and passive actin-based mechanisms, while the Golgi is transported into the forming daughter cell by an active actin-based mechanism. Animal cells actively partition the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, but association with the mitotic spindle-rather than the actin cytoskeleton-appears to be the mechanism  相似文献   

Summary Neurosecretory cells of the supraoptic-neurohypophysial system of normal mice were investigated with the use of the cytochemical reaction for thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) at the ultrastructural level. In the hypothalamic perikarya dense lead precipitates occur within the cisterns of the mature face of the Golgi apparatus, these being the cisterns that give rise to neurosecretory granules (NSG). Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is occasionally confluent with TPPase-positive Golgi cisterns. Along axons, within swellings, and within terminals distinct profiles of TPPase-positive tubules and cisterns are revealed, apparently part of a network of axonal smooth endoplasmic reticulum (AER). Some NSG appear to be confluent with AER. NSG with TPPase-positive tubular protrusions (likely vestiges of AER) are seen. Apart from reaction product (lead precipitate), the AER often contains an electron dense substance optically similar to that of NSG. TPPase-containing AER is often associated with mitochondria. Profiles of electron-lucent, precipitate-free tubules and cisterns are occasionally seen alongside reactive AER. Optimal TPPase activity in the AER occurs at pH 7.0–7.4, whereas in the Golgi complex intense marking is in the range of pH 6.0–8.5. A faint peppering of precipitate occasionally appears in the AER in controls (incubation medium without substrate), but neither in density nor in extent is this comparable to the reaction product seen after incubation in the presence of TPP. Preliminary comparison has been made between the AER revealed by the TPPase reaction, and that visualized after heavy metal impregnation according to the method of Alonso and Assenmacher (1978a). The nature of the close association between NSG and AER, and the possible roles of this membrane system in neurosecretory cells is discussed.Abbreviations AER axonal smooth endoplasmic reticulum - NSG neurosecretory granules - TPPase thiamine pyrophosphatase - SON supraoptic nucleus Research supported in part by a grant from the Israel Academy of Sciences to M.C.We thank Mrs. Ilana Sabnay for excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

Nucleoside diphosphatase and 5′-nucleotidase activities were both found to be very high in extracts of soybean (Glycine max L.) root nodules. Both activities increased early in soybean nodule development, prior to the rise in leghemoglobin, and both were found at equivalent levels in nitrogenfixing and nonfixing nodules. Based on a survey of other tissues, these activities were both highest in soybean nodules (1300 nanomoles per milligram protein per minute, nucleoside diphosphatase and 500 nanomoles per milligram protein per minute, 5′-nucleotidase), but they were not always associated with each other; in some tissues one was high and the other low. Neither activity correlated well with ureide production; both seem, rather, to be primarily involved in some other metabolic function. Both the nucleoside diphosphatase and 5′-nucleotidase of soybean nodules were soluble proteins, and neither appeared to be associated with plastids, mitochondria, or bacteroids.  相似文献   

Membrane traffic between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus is a highly regulated process that uses distinct anterograde and retrograde pathways. These pathways link two organelles that together function as a dynamic membrane system specialized for the biosynthesis and sorting of membrane to be used throughout the cell. The nature and underlying biochemical control of membrane transport along these pathways is thought to be tied to a common regulatory system involving assembly and disassembly of cytosolic proteins on membranes.  相似文献   

Nucleoside diphosphates generated by glycosyltransferases in the fungal, plant, and mammalian cell secretory pathways are converted into monophosphates to relieve inhibition of the transferring enzymes and provide substrates for antiport transport systems by which the entrance of nucleotide sugars from the cytosol into the secretory pathway lumen is coupled to the exit of nucleoside monophosphates. Analysis of the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome revealed that it encodes two enzymes with potential nucleoside diphosphatase activity, Spgda1p and Spynd1p. Characterization of the overexpressed enzymes showed that Spgda1p is a GDPase/UDPase, whereas Spynd1p is an apyrase because it hydrolyzed both nucleoside tri and diphosphates. Subcellular fractionation showed that both activities localize to the Golgi. Individual disruption of their encoding genes did not affect cell viability, but disruption of both genes was synthetically lethal. Disruption of Spgda1+ did not affect Golgi N- or O-glycosylation, whereas disruption of Spynd1+ affected Golgi N-mannosylation but not O-mannosylation. Although no nucleoside diphosphatase activity was detected in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), N-glycosylation mediated by the UDP-Glc:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (GT) was not severely impaired in mutants because first, no ER accumulation of misfolded glycoproteins occurred as revealed by the absence of induction of BiP mRNA, and second, in vivo GT-dependent glucosylation monitored by incorporation of labeled Glc into folding glycoproteins showed a partial (35-50%) decrease in Spgda1 but was not affected in Spynd1 mutants. Results show that, contrary to what has been assumed to date for eukaryotic cells, in S. pombe nucleoside diphosphatase and glycosyltransferase activities can localize to different subcellular compartments. It is tentatively suggested that ER-Golgi vesicle transport might be involved in nucleoside diphosphate hydrolysis.  相似文献   

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