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Although many animals use carotenoids to produce bright yellow, orange, and red colors, an increasing number of studies have found that other pigments, such as melanins, may also be used to produce bright colors. Yet, almost nothing is known about the evolutionary history of this colorful melanin use. We used reflectance spectrometry to determine whether colors in New World orioles were predominantly due to carotenoids, colorful melanins, or a mixture of both. We then used ancestral state reconstruction to infer the directionality of any pigment changes and to test for phylogenetic signal. We found that three oriole taxa likely switched from carotenoid- to melanin-based colors. Several other oriole taxa apparently gained localized melanin coloration, or had coloration that seemed to be produced by a mixture of carotenoids and melanins. We also found little phylogenetic signal on the use of carotenoids or melanins to produce color. However, all pigment changes occurred within one of three major clades of the oriole genus, suggesting there may be signal at deeper phylogenetic levels. These repeated independent switches between carotenoid and melanin colors are surprising in light of the important signaling role that color pigments (especially carotenoids) are thought to play across a wide range of taxa.  相似文献   

Birdsong has important functions in attracting and competing for mates, and song characteristics are thought to diverge rapidly during the process of speciation. In contrast, other avian vocalizations that may have non‐reproductive functions, such as calls, are thought to be more evolutionarily conserved and may diverge more slowly among taxa. This study examines differences in both male song and an acoustically simpler vocalization, the ‘jeet’ call, between two closely related taxa, Icterus spurius and I. fuertesi. A previous study comparing song syllable type sharing within and between I. spurius and I. fuertesi indicated that their songs do not differ discernibly. Here we measured 18 acoustic characteristics of their songs and found strong evidence supporting this prior finding. In contrast, we measured 17 acoustic characteristics of jeet calls and found evidence of significant divergence between the two taxa in many of these characteristics. Calls in I. fuertesi have a longer duration, a larger frequency bandwidth, a lower minimum frequency, a lower beginning frequency, and greater levels of both frequency and amplitude modulation in comparison to the calls of I. spurius. In addition, I. fuertesi calls contain two distinct parts, while the calls of I. spurius have only one part. Thus, we find evidence of divergence in the calls of the two taxa but not their songs challenging the widespread assumption that complex bird song evolves more rapidly than other types of vocalizations. Understanding divergence in multiple vocalization types as well as other behavioral, morphological, and molecular traits is important to understanding the earliest stages of speciation.  相似文献   

What is the tempo and mode of evolution – how fast and in what pattern do traits evolve – is a major question of evolutionary biology. Here we studied patterns of evolutionary change in visual and acoustic signals in Old World orioles. Since producing multiple signals may be costly, we also tested whether there was an evolutionary trade‐off between the elaboration of those two types of signals. We studied 30 Oriolus taxa using comparative methods and a recent molecular phylogeny. Morphology and plumage hue evolved comparatively slowly, whereas song evolved rapidly. Among individual feather patches, the evolutionary rate of color was slowest in primaries, which are critical for flapping flight, and fastest in patches exposed to observers (mantle and breast). Thus, primaries seem to be under functional constraint while the evolution of visually exposed patches is perhaps shaped by sexual selection. Song evolution was comparatively fast, but also attracted to a single optimum. This may be due to selection for signal efficacy, because all orioles inhabit similar forested habitats. Only color diversity was best fit by a speciational model: the biggest changes in coloration were concentrated at speciation events, thus perhaps linked to the evolution of species recognition. Our analysis did not reveal any evolutionary trade‐off between acoustic and visual signals, suggesting that the elaboration of visual and acoustic signals in the Old World orioles evolved independently. Our study shows that patterns of evolutionary change may be surprisingly complex even within a single clade of birds and thus further studies are needed to identify general patterns of signal macroevolution.  相似文献   

We investigated potential dietary and biochemical bases for carotenoid-based sexual dichromatism in American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis). Captive male and female finches were given access to the same type and amount of carotenoid pigments in the diet during their nuptial molt to assess differences in the degree to which the two sexes incorporated ingested pigments into their plumage. When birds were fed a uniform, plain-seed diet, or one that was supplemented with the red carotenoid canthaxanthin, we found that males grew more colorful plumage than females. HPLC analyses of feather pigments revealed that male finches incorporated a higher concentration of carotenoids into their pigmented feathers than females. Compared to females, males also deposited significantly more canary xanthophyll B into feathers when fed a plain-seed diet and a greater concentration and proportion of canthaxanthin when fed a carotenoid-supplemented diet. These results indicate that sex-specific expression of carotenoid pigmentation in American goldfinches may be affected by the means by which males and females physiologically utilize (e.g. absorb, transport, metabolize, deposit) carotenoid pigments available to them in the diet.  相似文献   

We sequenced 2005 bp of the mitochondrial ND2 and cytochrome b genes from the 25 recognized species of New World orioles (Icterus). Our data confirmed the monophyly of Icterus and produced a well-resolved phylogeny showing three main clades of orioles. We also sequenced multiple subspecies for most polytypic taxa. Our findings demonstrated the importance of dense taxon sampling below the species level in two ways. First, we found evidence that two species are polyphyletic, I. galbula (Northern oriole) and I. dominicensis (Black-cowled oriole). Choosing different subspecies from either of these taxa would lead to different species-level phylogenies. Second, adding subspecies even to monophyletic groups produced a bootstrap tree with significantly more support. Of the two genes that we used, ND2 provided more resolution than did cytochrome b. ND2 evolved up to 40% faster than cytochrome b, yet shows a higher saturation threshold. Our findings suggest that ND2 may be superior to cytochrome b for resolving species-level phylogenies in passerine birds.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying evolutionary changes in sexual dimorphism have long been of interest to biologists. A striking gradient in sexual dichromatism exists among songbirds in North America, including the wood-warblers (Parulidae): males are generally more colourful than females at northern latitudes, while the sexes are similarly ornamented at lower latitudes. We use phylogenetically controlled comparative analysis to test three non-mutually exclusive hypotheses for the evolution of sexual dichromatism among wood-warblers. The first two hypotheses focus on the loss of female coloration with the evolution of migration, either owing to the costs imposed by visual predators during migration, or owing to the relaxation of selection for female social signalling at higher latitudes. The third hypothesis focuses on whether sexual dichromatism evolved owing to changes in male ornamentation as the strength of sexual selection increases with breeding latitude. To test these hypotheses, we compared sexual dichromatism to three variables: the presence of migration, migration distance, and breeding latitude. We found that the presence of migration and migration distance were both positively correlated with sexual dichromatism, but models including breeding latitude alone were not strongly supported. Ancestral state reconstruction supports the hypothesis that the ancestral wood-warblers were monochromatic, with both colourful males and females. Combined, these results are consistent with the hypotheses that the evolution of migration is associated with the relaxation of selection for social signalling among females and that there are increased predatory costs along longer migratory routes for colourful females. These results suggest that loss of female ornamentation can be a driver of sexual dichromatism and that social or natural selection may be a stronger contributor to variation in dichromatism than sexual selection.  相似文献   

Both song and color patterns in birds are thought to evolve rapidly and exhibit high levels of homoplasy, yet few previous studies have compared the evolution of these traits systematically using the same taxa. Here we reconstruct the evolution of song in the New World orioles (Icterus) and compare patterns of vocal evolution to previously reconstructed patterns of change in plumage evolution in this clade. Individual vocal characters exhibit high levels of homoplasy, reflected in a low overall consistency index (CI = 0.27) and retention index (RI = 0.35). Levels of lability in song are comparable to those found for oriole plumage patterns using the same taxa (CI = 0.31, RI = 0.63), but are strikingly dissimilar to the conservative patterns of change seen in the songs of oropendolas (Psarocolius, Ocyalus; CI = 0.82, RI = 0.87), a group closely related to the orioles. Oriole song is also similar to oriole plumage in exhibiting repeated convergence in overall patterns, with some distantly related taxa sounding remarkably similar. Thus, both song and plumage in orioles show repeated convergence in individual elements and in overall patterns across the clade, suggesting that both of these character classes are highly labile between taxa yet highly conserved within the genus. Our results provide new insights into the tempo and mode of evolution in sexually selected traits within and across clades.  相似文献   

Recent computational advances provide novel opportunities to infer species trees based on multiple independent loci. Thus, single gene trees no longer need suffice as proxies for species phylogenies. Several methods have been developed to deal with the challenges posed by incomplete and stochastic lineage sorting. In this study, we employed four Bayesian methods to infer the phylogeny of a clade of 11 recently diverged oriole species within the genus Icterus. We obtained well-resolved and mostly congruent phylogenies using a set of seven unlinked nuclear intron loci and sampling multiple individuals per species. Most notably, Bayesian concordance analysis generally agreed well with concatenation; the two methods agreed fully on eight of nine nodes. The coalescent-based method BEAST further supported six of these eight nodes. The fourth method used, BEST, failed to converge despite exhaustive efforts to optimize the tree search. Overall, the results obtained by new species tree methods and concatenation generally corroborate our findings from previous analyses and data sets. However, we found striking disagreement between mitochondrial and nuclear DNA involving relationships within the northern oriole group. Our results highlight the danger of reliance on mtDNA alone for phylogenetic inference. We demonstrate that in spite of low variability and incomplete lineage sorting, multiple nuclear loci can produce largely congruent phylogenies based on multiple species tree methods, even for very closely-related species.  相似文献   

The complete sequence has been determined for the A2 subunit of crustacyanin, an astaxanthin-binding protein from the carapace of the lobster Homarus gammarus. The polypeptide chain is 174 residues long and is similar to proteins of the retinol-binding protein superfamily. Some regions of the sequence are most similar to the retinol-binding protein, beta-lactoglobulin subgroup, while the disulphide bonding pattern is more akin to that seen in the porphyrin binding proteins insecticyanin and bilin-binding protein. It is beginning to appear as though this superfamily of proteins, characterized by a similar gross structural framework, may be further subdivided into interrelated subclasses. Model building based on the coordinates of the known structure of human plasma retinol-binding protein and on empirical prediction algorithms has allowed the putative identification of side-chains which line the binding cavity. This pocket is larger than in retinol binding protein and beta-lactoglobulin but does not allow the carotenoid to adopt a folded conformation. The amino acid composition of the pocket does not support a 'charge-shift'-type hypothesis to support the bathochromic shift phenomenon which takes place on interaction of the chromophore with the protein. Instead aromatic side-chains may play a prominent role.  相似文献   

The estrildid finches (Aves: Passeriformes: Estrildidae) of Africa, Asia, and Australia have been the focus of several recent tests of sexual selection theory. Many estrildids display bright red, orange, or yellow colors in the beak or plumage, which typically are generated by the presence of carotenoid pigments. In this study, we used high-performance liquid chromatography to investigate the carotenoid content of feathers and other colorful tissues in seven species of estrildids. Star finches (Neochmia ruficauda) and diamond firetails (Stagonopleura guttata) circulated two main dietary carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) through the blood and liver and used both to acquire a yellow plumage color. However, five other estrildids (common waxbill, Estrilda astrild; black-rumped waxbill, Estrilda troglodytes; zebra waxbill, Amandava subflava; red avadavat, Amandava amandava; and zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata) circulated these same dietary carotenoids along with two metabolites (dehydrolutein and anhydrolutein) through the blood and/or liver and used all four as yellow plumage colorants. We subsequently tracked the distribution of these pigments using a published phylogeny of estrildid finches to determine the evolutionary pattern of carotenoid metabolism in these birds. We found that finches from the most ancient tribe of estrildids (Estrildini) possessed the ability to metabolize dietary carotenoids. Although carotenoids from the most ancestral extant estrildid species have yet to be analyzed, we hypothesize (based on their relationships with other songbirds known to have such metabolic capabilities) that these finches inherited from their ancestors the capability to metabolize carotenoids. Interestingly, later in estrildid evolution, certain taxa lost the ability to metabolize dietary carotenoids (e.g., in the Poephilini), suggesting that the occurrence of carotenoid metabolism can be labile and is likely shaped by the relative costs and benefits of color signaling across different species.  相似文献   

Sexual selection has been invoked as a major force in the evolution of secondary sexual traits, including sexually dimorphic colourations. For example, previous studies have shown that display complexity and elaborate ornamentation in lizards are associated with variables that reflect the intensity of intrasexual selection. However, these studies have relied on techniques of colour analysis based on human – rather than lizard – visual perception. Here, we use reflectance spectrophotometry and visual modelling to quantify sexual dichromatism considering the overall colour patterns of lacertids, a lizard clade in which visual signalling has traditionally been underrated. These objective methods of colour analysis reveal a large, previously unreported, degree of sexual dichromatism in lacertids. Using a comparative phylogenetic approach, we further demonstrate that sexual dichromatism is positively associated with body size dimorphism (an index of intrasexual selection), suggesting that conspicuous coloration in male lacertids has evolved to improve opponent assessment under conditions of intense male–male competition. Our findings provide the first evidence for the covariation of sexual dichromatism and sexual size dimorphism in lacertids and suggest that the prevalent role of intrasexual selection in the evolution of ornamental coloration is not restricted to the iguanian lineage, but rather may be a general trend common to many diurnal lizards.  相似文献   

The following new species in the New World Natada complex are described: Natada minuscula, Natada cecilia, Natada lalogamezi, Natada kokii, Natada monteverdensis, Narosopsis iangauldi, and Euprosterna wemilleri. Natada minuscula is the smallest known species in the complex. Of the new species, only Natada kokii, Natada cecilia and Narosopsis iangauldi are known to occur outside of Costa Rica. Previously the New World Natada complex had 43 species in the neotropics. It is anticipated that the proportion of new species in the complex will exceed other major lineages of Limacodidae found in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Cryptic coloration is an adaptative defensive mechanism against predators. Color patterns can become cryptic through background coloration‐matching and disruptive coloration. Disruptive coloration may evolve in visually heterogeneous microhabitats, whereas background matching could be favored in chromatically homogeneous microhabitats. In this work, we used digital photography to explore the potential use of disruptive coloration and background matching in males and females of two grasshopper species of the Sphenarium genus in different habitats. We found chromatic differences in the two grasshopper species that may be explained by local adaptation. We also found that the females and males of both species are dichromatic and seem to follow different color cryptic strategies, males are more disruptive than females, whereas females have a high background matching with less disruptive elements. The selective pressures of the predators in different microhabitats and the differences in mobility between sexes may explain the color pattern divergence between females and males. Nevertheless, more field experiments are needed in order to understand the relative importance of disruptive and background matching coloration in the evolution of sexual dichromatism in these grasshoppers.  相似文献   

The importance of plumage colour as an indicator of individual quality and the basis of sexual selection has long been recognized. Of the three generally distinguished classes of plumage colours, melanin-based ornaments are traditionally considered to provide less reliable information than carotenoid-based traits. However, the role of structural ornaments in multiple signalling systems has rarely been examined, and no study has compared the information content and role of the three ornament types simultaneously. Here we investigated three plumage ornaments in great tits Parus major : the size of the melanin-based breast stripe, the carotenoid-based colour of the yellow breast and the structurally based reflectance properties of the black crown. We worked on both the mechanistic and the functional levels. First, we assessed the dependence of ornaments on body condition during moult using ptilochronology. Second, we estimated assortative mating for these traits, as a measure of mutual sexual selection. Only the spectral attributes of crown feathers correlated with body condition during moult. However, breast stripe size was related to age, while the brightness of the yellow breast indicated body size. Relative crown ultraviolet reflectance was much higher in males than in females. Assortative mating was strongest for crown ultraviolet reflectance, but composite measures suggest that a system of multiple sexually selected traits with different information content may work in this population. These data support the accumulating evidence that the condition-dependence of melanin and carotenoid coloration is not qualitatively different. They also suggest that more research should target the reflectance properties of dark plumage areas in general, and ultraviolet crown ornamentation in tits in particular.  相似文献   

Carotenoid pigments can directly enhance the immune responsesof vertebrates, and they are used by many animals to createornamental color displays. It has been hypothesized that thesetwo functions of carotenoid pigments are linked: animals musttrade off use of carotenoid pigments for immune function versusornamental display. We tested two key predictions of this hypothesiswith captive American goldfinches, Carduelis tristis, a specieswith extensive carotenoid-based plumage coloration. First, wetested whether the immune systems of male goldfinches are carotenoidlimited during molt by supplying treatment groups with low,approximately normal, or high dietary access to lutein and zeaxanthin.Dietary treatment had a significant effect on plumage and billcolor but not on immunocompetence. We compared the cell-mediatedand humoral immune responses and the course of disease afterinfection for males in the different treatments. We observedno significant effect of the carotenoid content of diet on immuneresponse or disease resistance. Second, we tested whether therewas a positive relationship between immune function and expressionof ornamental coloration by comparing both the pre- and posttreatmentplumage coloration of males to their immune responses. We failedto find the predicted trade-off between ornament display andimmune function. These findings do not support the hypothesisthat songbirds with extensive carotenoid-based plumage displaystrade off the use of carotenoids for ornamentation versus immunefunction.  相似文献   

Trinidad guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are distributed along an environmental gradient in carotenoid availability that limits the carotenoid content of the orange spots of males. The amount of synthetic red pteridines (drosopterins) in the orange spots covaries with the carotenoid content, such that the ratio of the two types of pigments is roughly conserved across streams. Carotenoids and drosopterins have different spectral properties and thus the ratio of the two types of pigments affects the shape of the orange spot reflectance spectrum. Geographic conservation of the carotenoid:drosopterin ratio suggests that males may be under selection to maintain a particular hue. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the pigmentation and coloration of guppies from six streams in the field to that of second-generation descendants of the same populations raised on three dietary carotenoid levels in the laboratory. The results show clearly that the geographic variation in drosopterin production is largely genetic and that the hue of the orange spots is conserved among populations in the field, relative to the laboratory diet groups. This is a countergradient pattern because genetic differences between populations in drosopterin production mask the effect of carotenoid availability on the hue of the orange spots. The potential for countergradient sexual selection to contribute to reproductive isolation between populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Adaptive divergence in coloration is expected to produce reproductive isolation in species that use colourful signals in mate choice and species recognition. Indeed, many adaptive radiations are characterized by differentiation in colourful signals, suggesting that divergent selection acting on coloration may be an important component of speciation. Populations in the Anolis marmoratus species complex from the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe display striking divergence in the colour and pattern of adult males that occurs over small geographic distances, suggesting strong divergent selection. Here we test the hypothesis that divergence in coloration results in reduced gene flow among populations. We quantify variation in adult male coloration across a habitat gradient between mesic and xeric habitats, use a multilocus coalescent approach to infer historical demographic parameters of divergence, and examine gene flow and population structure using microsatellite variation. We find that colour variation evolved without geographic isolation and in the face of gene flow, consistent with strong divergent selection and that both ecological and sexual selection are implicated. However, we find no significant differentiation at microsatellite loci across populations, suggesting little reproductive isolation and high levels of contemporary gene exchange. Strong divergent selection on loci affecting coloration probably maintains clinal phenotypic variation despite high gene flow at neutral loci, supporting the notion of a porous genome in which adaptive portions of the genome remain fixed whereas neutral portions are homogenized by gene flow and recombination. We discuss the impact of these findings for studies of colour evolution and ecological speciation.  相似文献   

The fluorescence spectrum of an allenic carotenoid, all-trans-fucoxanthin isolated from a brown alga, has been reported for the first time. This carotenoid is known to function efficiently as a primary photosynthetic antenna pigment in marine algae. The emission bands were located around 630, 685 and 750 nm in CS2 at 20°C, absorption bands being located at 448, 476 and 505 nm. The energy difference between the 0-0 bands of absorption and emission spectra was about 3900 cm-1 and location of the emission maximum was less sensitive to the polarizability of solvents than that of the absorption maximum. These clearly indicate that the emission originates from the optically forbidden singlet state (2Ag). This is in contrast to other carotenoids whose emission is assigned to 1Bu state, probably due to the symmetric structure of the conjugated double bond responsible for the absorption in the visible region. A rapid internal conversion from 1Bu to 2Ag state might be facilitated by distorted structure of the conjugated double bond of fucoxanthin. The energy level responsible for the emission is almost identical to the Qy level of the acceptor molecule (Chl a), thus we propose an energy transfer pathway from the optically forbidden 2Ag state of the carotenoid to the Qy transition of Chl a in algal pigment systems.  相似文献   

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