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Choleragen increases cyclic AMP content of confluent human fibroblasts. Maximally effective concentrations of isoproterenol and prostaglandin E1 also induce large increases in cyclic AMP content of human fibroblasts and in confluent cultures the effect of prostaglandin E1 is much greater than that of isoproterenol. After incubation with choleragen, the increment in cyclic AMP produced by 2 μM isoproterenol is increased and approaches that produced by 5.6 μM prostaglandin E1. Although the concentration of isoproterenol which produces a maximal increase in cyclic AMP is similar in both control and choleragen-treated cells, lower concentrations of isoproterenol are more effective in the choleragen-treated cells. In choleragen-treated cells, although the response to 5.6 μM prostaglandin E1 is reduced by as much as 50%, the concentration of prostaglandin E1 required to induce a maximal increase in cyclic AMP is 110 that required in control cells. Thus the capacities of intact human fibroblasts to respond to isoproterenol and prostaglandin E1 can be altered independently during incubation of intact cells with choleragen. Differences in responsiveness to the two agonists were not demonstrable in adenylate cyclase preparations from control or choleragen-treated cells.In rat fat cells, the effects of choleragen on cyclic AMP content were much smaller than those in fibroblasts. In contrast to its effect on intact fibroblasts, choleragen treatment of rat fat cells did not alter the accumulation of cyclic AMP in response to a maximally effective concentration of isoproterenol. The responsiveness of adenylate cyclase preparations to isoproterenol was also not altered by exposure of fat cells to choleragen.  相似文献   

The effects of chlofibrate on the adenylate cyclase system of human adipocytes were studied. Clofibrate reduced basal as well as hormone-NaF)stimulated adenylate cyclase activities to about the same extent (45% inhibition at 1 mg/ml clofibrate). The relative extent of hormonal stimulation was not altered by this compound. The inhibitory action of clofibrate was non-competitive with respect to the substrate ATP and cofactors (Mg2+-ions). Inhibition of enzyme activity was detectable after 2.5 min. Our results suggest that the antilipolytic activity of clofibrate is mediated via inhibition of the catalytic subunit of the fat cell adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Incubation of human astrocytoma cells (1321N1) with low concentrations of isoproterenol results in a specific loss of responsiveness to catecholamines as evidenced by a decreased accumulation of cAMP in intact cells, a reduction in isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity, and a decrease in beta-adrenergic receptor density, as measured by the specific binding of 125I-hydroxybenzylpindolol. The kinetics of desensitization suggest the involvement of two different reactions. The initial reaction involves a rapid loss of adenylate cyclase activity with little loss of beta-adrenergic receptors. Subsequently, a slower reaction results in the loss of measurable beta-adrenergic receptors. The degree of loss of both parameters was similar after 24 h of desensitization. It is concluded that the loss of beta-adrenergic receptors is an event that occurs as a result of the initial uncoupling of the beta-receptor-linked adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the beta-adrenoceptors coupled to the human fat cell adenylate cyclase more extensively the effects of the beta 2-selective agonist salbutamol on basal and isoproterenol-stimulated rates of cAMP-accumulation were studied. Although exhibiting only low intrinsic activity salbutamol displayed only slightly lower affinity towards the beta-adrenoceptors linked to the human fat cell adenylate cyclase than isoproterenol. In addition, the beta 2-selective antagonist butoxamine was slightly more potent in inhibiting the isoproterenol-stimulated fat cell enzyme than the cardioselective beta-blocking agent practolol. These results further emphasize the difficulties in classifying the lipolytic response of adipose tissue to beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists within a uniform beta-receptor theory.  相似文献   

Interactions between adenylate cyclase inhibitors and beta-adrenoceptors were investigated in isolated human fat cells. Phenylisopropyl adenosine, nicotinic acid and prostaglandine E2 induced a dose-dependent decrease in beta-adrenoceptor sensitivity; the concentration of isoprenaline causing half-maximum lipolytic effect increased 100-fold. The affinity constants for the high and low affinity beta-adrenoceptor states were increased 3000 and 700 times, respectively, but the total number of binding sites was unchanged. Pertussis toxin caused a dose-dependent increase of beta-adrenoceptor sensitivity to isoprenaline. There was a 200-fold increase in isoprenaline sensitivity in the lipolysis experiments and corresponding increases in the receptor affinity in the binding experiments. It is concluded that the affinity of human fat cell beta-adrenoceptors is reduced by adenylate cyclase inhibitors. This seems to be mediated by the Gi-protein and represents a new potential mechanism by which lipolysis is regulated by inhibitors of adenylate cyclase in man.  相似文献   

The effects of the alpha 1-adrenergic agonist methoxamine and the alpha 2-adrenergic agonist clonidine on isoproterenol stimulated adenylate cyclase activity were examined in plasma membranes prepared from female human subcutaneous adipose tissue. It was found that in the presence of 10 microM GTP and 100 mM NaCl increasing concentrations of both agonists inhibited basal and isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. The inhibitory action of 5 x 10(-7) M clonidine could not be overcome by increasing concentrations of isoproterenol. These results suggest both alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenergic agonists inhibit beta-agonist-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in human adipose tissue.  相似文献   

The hormonal sensitivity of adenylate cyclase from a normal rat liver epithelial cell line (K16) and its chemically transformed derivative (W8) were compared. Intact normal rat liver cells had markedly increased cAMP levels after brief exposure to epinephrine, isoproterenol, norepinephrine or prostaglandin E1. In contrast, the cAMP levels of chemically transformed cells were relatively unaffected by these same compounds even after prolonged incubation. A comparison of broken cell adenylate cyclase activities revealed a decreased basal activity in the chemically transformed cells; the response to NaF was similar in the two cell lines, while the response to catecholamines and prostaglandins paralleled the intact cell studies. These data suggest that one reason for loss of adenylate cyclase hormonal responsiveness in chemically transformed rat liver epithelial cells may be a dysfunction or loss of hormone binding sites.  相似文献   

Choleragen activates adenylate cyclase in human skin fibroblasts by catalyzing the ADP-ribosylation of the 42,000 and 47,000 dalton guanyl nucleotide-binding regulatory components (G) of adenylate cyclase. The ADP-ribose linkage to 42,000 and 47,000 dalton proteins was stable at 30°C for 1 h with or without GTP, whereas GTP was required to stabilize activity of the G proteins. In human erythrocytes, choleragen catalyzed the ADP-ribosylation of only a 42,000 dalton G. The ADP-ribosyl-protein linkage was stable for 1 h at 30°C whether or not GTP was present, despite a rapid loss of G activity in the absence of GTP. Inactivation of choleragen-activated G in both the human fibroblast and human erythrocyte is, therefore, not secondary to the de-ADP-ribosylation of specifically labeled G subunits.  相似文献   

1. Short-term effects of lipolytic agents in the absence or in the presence of insulin on fatty acid biosynthesis have been examined, in terms of the control rate of [1-14C]acetate incorporation into labeled fatty acids in the presence of glucose, as stimulator of lipogenesis by generating NADPH for the process. 2. The relationship between lipogenesis and lipolysis in the absence or in the presence of insulin was compared with a variety of adenylate cyclase activators. 3. The data obtained reveal that a reciprocal relationship exists between lipogenesis and lipolysis. 4. The changes in the activity of hexose monophosphate shunt produced by activation or inhibition of lipogenic process has been studied. 5. The regulation of the hexose monophosphate shunt activity mainly by the intracellular fatty acyl-CoA concentration and NADPH/NADP ratio is discussed.  相似文献   

Normal rat kidney (NRK) cells growth arrested by picolinic acid and isoleucine deprivation exhibit an increased response to certain agents (i.e., prostaglandin E1, (?)-isoproterenol, and cholera toxin) which elevate intracellular cyclic AMP levels. The enhanced hormonal response is apparently due, at least in part, to increased adenylate cyclase activity. Adenylate cyclase activities measured in the presence of GTP, GTP plus prostaglandin E1, and GTP plus (?)-isoproterenol are increased two- to threefold in membranes prepared from treated cells. In contrast, basal activity is potentiated only 20 to 50% and activity determined in the presence of fluoride is only marginally altered. Also of interest is the increase in cholera toxin activation of cyclase activity in the treated cells. Lower concentrations of cholera toxin (5 ng/ml) are required to achieve maximal stimulation of cyclase activity from picolinic acid-treated and isoleucine-deprived cells; maximal stimulation of control cell adenylate cyclase is attained with 25 to 50 ng/ml cholera toxin. Picolinic acid treatment and isoleucine deficiency both have been shown to arrest NRK cell growth in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. However, results with cells arrested in G1 by serum starvation and by growth to high cell population density indicate that G1 specific growth arrest does not appear to account for the increase in hormonal responsiveness. Chelation of inhibitory metals and proteolytic activation also do not appear to be involved in the mechanism by which picolinic acid enhances cyclic AMP formation. Rather, the results suggest that the treated cells have an increased amount of an active GTP-dependent function required for hormone and cholera toxin stimulation of adenylate cyclase. Thus, picolinic acid treatment and isoleucine deprivation may provide a useful means of modulating the GTP-dependent step required to potentiate hormonal responsiveness.  相似文献   

The reversibility of adenylate cyclase activation induced by vasopressin was studied by reducing the concentration of active peptide in contact with kidney medullo-papillary membranes. Reversibility of hormonal activation was only partial. The use of antagonists failed to demonstrate the reversibility of an adenylate cyclase activation induced by high affinity agonists. When antagonist was added after the agonist to membranes, a non-competitive inhibition was apparent. Active peptide was also eliminated from the incubation medium by treatment with agents capable of reducing the disulfide bridge of the hormonal molecule. Direct effects of reducers on adenylate cyclase activity were measured on enzyme activation induced by peptides lacking a disulfide bridge. There was no apparent correlation between the abilities of different reducers to inactivate free peptide in solution and their abilities to promote the reversibility of hormone-induced enzyme activation. Upon the addition of dithiothreitol, enzyme activity could be lowered to basal value and adenylate cyclase was again fully stimulatable. However, when dithiothreitol addition to stiumlated enzyme was combined with a 60-fold dilution of the incubation medium, no reversibility of hormonal activation occurred. These results illustrate that the processes involved in adenylate cyclase activation are only partially reversible.  相似文献   

Human adenylate cyclase (ATP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing), EC has been studied in preparations of fat cell membranes ("ghosts"). As reported earlier, under ordinary assay conditions (1.0 mM ATP, 5 mM Mg2+, 30 degrees C, 10 min incubation) the enzyme was activated 6-fold by epinephrine in the presence of the GTP analog, 5'-guanylyl-imidodiphosphate [GMP-P(NH)P] (Cooper, B. et al. (1975) J. Clin. Invest. 56, 1350-1353). Basal activity was highest during the first 2 min of incubation then slowed and was linear for at least the next 18 min. Epinephrine, added alone, was often without effect. but sometimes maintained the initial high rate of basal activity. GMP-P(NH)P alone produced inhibition ("lag") of basal enzyme early in the incubation periods. Augmentation of epinephrine effect by GMP-P(NH)P, which also proceeded after a brief (2 min) lag period, was noted over a wide range of substrate (ATP) concentrations. GTP inhibited basal levels of the enzyme by about 50%. GTP also allowed expression of an epinephrine effect, but only in the sense that the hormone abolished the inhibition by GTP. Occasionally a slight stimulatory effect on epinephrine action was seen with GTP. At high Mg2+ concentration (greater than 10 mM) or elevated temperatures (greater than 30 degrees C) GMP-P(NH)P alone activated the enzyme. Maximal activity of human fat cell adenylate cyclase was seen at 50 mM Mg2+, 1.0 mM ATP, pH 8.2, and 37 degrees C in the presence of 10(-4) M GMP-P(NH)P; under these conditions addition of epinephrine did not further enhance activity. Human fat cell adenylate cyclase of adults was insensitive to ACTH and glucagon even in the presence of GMP-P(NH)P.  相似文献   

NCTC 2071 cells, transformed mouse fibroblasts, did not respond to choleragen when grown in chemically defined medium. When grown in medium containing 10 percent fetal calf serum, however, the cells accumulated cyclic AMP upon exposure to the toxin. Gangliosides isolated from the fetal calf serum were as effective as whole serum in inducing choleragen responsiveness in the cells. The putative choleragen receptor, the monosialo-ganglioside GM1, could not be detected by chemical analysis in cells exposed to serum. 3H-Labeled GM1 was detected in these cells, however, following sequential exposure to galactose oxidase and sodium borotritide. Thus, uptake of minute amounts of GM1 from serum by these cells sensitized them to choleragen.  相似文献   

NG108-15 cells contain both the inhibitory and stimulatory guanyl nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins of the cyclase system. Choleragen activates cyclase directly by ADP-ribosylating the stimulatory guanyl nucleotide-binding protein; prostaglandin E1 does not further increase activity of cells treated with maximally effective concentrations of choleragen. Including pertussis toxin during incubation with this concentration of choleragen, however, further augments both cyclase activity and cAMP accumulation by intact cells. These observations suggest that the inhibitory guanyl nucleotide-binding protein exerts basal inhibition on catalytic activity which cannot be overcome by maximally effective concentrations of choleragen, stimulatory hormones, or both.  相似文献   

The reversibility of adenylate cyclase activation induced by vasopressin was studied by reducing the concentration of active peptide in contact with kidney medullo-papillary membranes. Reversibility of hormonal activation was only partial. The use of antagonists failed to demonstrate the reversibility of an adenylate cyclase activation induced by high affinity agonists. When antagonist was added after the agonist to membranes, a non-competitive inhibitio was apparent. Active peptide was also eliminated from the incubation medium by treatment with agents capable of reducing the disulfide bridge of the hormonal molecule. Direct effects of reducers on adenylate cyclase activity were measured on enzyme activation induced by peptides lacking a disulfide bridge. There was no apparent correlation between the abilities of different reducers to inactivate free peptide in solution and their abilities to promote the reversibility of hormone-induced enzyme activation. Upon the addition of dithiothreitol, enzyme activity could be lowered to baseal value and adenylate cyclase was again fully stimulatable. However, when dithiothreitol addition to stimulated enzyme was combined with a 60-fold dilutionof the incubation medium, no reversibility of hormonal activation occurred. These results illustrate that the processes involved in adenylate cyclase activation are only partially reversible.  相似文献   

The ability of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and cholera toxin to increase cyclic AMP levels is potentiated 6-fold when normal rat kidney (NRK) cells are treated with picolinic acid or histidinol, or grown in isoleucine-deficient medium. The response to (-)-isoproterenol is increased 2-fold in NRK cells treated with picolinic acid but not in cells subjected to isoleucine deprivation. The increase in agonist responsiveness is time-dependent, reaches its maximum at 40 h, and is quickly reversed following removal of picolinic acid or addition of medium with normal amounts of isoleucine. The cholera toxin response is also increased about 7-fold in simian virus 40-transformed NRK cells and Moloney sarcoma virus-transformed NRK cells treated with picolinic acid. GTP-stimulated, but not fluoride-stimulated, adenylate cyclase activities are increased in membranes from NRK cells treated with picolinic acid or starved for isoleucine, indicating that the increased response is due, at least in part, to a specific potentiation of GTP-dependent functions of the adenylate cyclase system. The results demonstrate that GTP-dependent events in hormonal stimulation of adenylate cyclase can be altered in intact cells to modulate hormonal enhancement of cyclic AMP production.  相似文献   

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