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The behavior of developing anthers has been studied with respect to deoxyribonuclease. This enzyme, in contrast to related hydrolytic ones, is sharply periodic in its activity. Whenever a pool of deoxyribosides appears in situ, it is preceded by the appearance of deoxyribonuclease. The duration of pool or enzyme does not exceed and is generally less than 12 hours, even though the life span of the cells concerned is of the order of 25 to 30 days. The significance of periodic enzyme induction is discussed in relation to cell morphogenesis.  相似文献   

C-fos基因在大鼠缺血视网膜内的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验用FOS免疫组化方法(ABC法)研究了缺血诱导的大鼠视网膜内c-fos原癌基因的表达情况。实验动物用升高眼压的方法做成视网膜缺血模型,依缺血后存活时间不同分15′、30′、1h、2h、4h、6h、12h七个组,每只大鼠右眼为缺血眼,左眼做自身对照眼,另设正常对照组。动物腹腔麻醉,4%多聚甲醛灌注固定,取双眼冰冻切片,片厚15μm。实验结果显示缺血后15′组大鼠视网膜内核层最先出现少量卵圆型浅棕色的FOS阳性神经元胞核,30分钟至1h FOS表达逐渐增强,节细胞层也出现FOS阳性胞核。缺血后2h FOS表达达最高峰,缺血后4h FOS阳性胞核逐渐减少,12h达正常组水平、自身对照眼及正常对照眼网膜节细胞层偶见FOS阳性胞核。  相似文献   

静脉注射雌二醇可使非发情期雌鼠蓝斑(LC)中去甲肾上腺素(NE)能神经元放电增加,发情期雌鼠LC中NE能神经元放电减少。非发情期雌鼠LC中NE能神经元自发放电频率与注射雌二醇后放电频率之间存在着正相关。摘除卵巢雌鼠LC中NE能神经元放电频率比发情期、非发情期雌鼠均显著减少,但对雌二醇的反应与非发情期雌鼠相似,仍为放电增加。结果提示:静脉注射雌二醇可改变LC中NE能神经元的放电。此效应可能反映了内源性雌激素水平及LC中NE能神经元兴奋性的密切关系。  相似文献   

Wetmore , Ralph H. (Harvard U., Cambridge, Mass.), and John P. Rier . Experimental induction of vascular tissues in callus of angiosperms . Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(5): 418–430. Illus. 1963.—Callus tissues in established maintenance culture lack morphological and physiological organization. Such callus consists of homogeneous parenchyma. Movement of auxin and sugar, therefore, must be along diffusion gradients. The only vascular tissues occurring in callus are induced. Experimental induction of vascular tissues has been successful in callus of 3 sp. of the Oleaceae: a tree, Fraxinus americana, and 2 shrubs, Syringa vulgaris and Ligustrum vulgare; another tree, Salix purpurea, var. lambertiana; a vine, Parthenocissus tricuspidata; and an herb, Helianthus tuberosus. In each of these species, an auxin (IAA or NAA in these studies) and a sugar (sucrose or glucose in these studies) prove necessary for the induction and complete differentiation of xylem and phloem in callus tissues. Varying concentrations of sugar alter the proportions of xylem to phloem: low concentrations, 1.5%–2.5%, favor xylem formation; high, 3%–4%, favor phloem. Middle concentrations, 2.5%–3.5%, favor the presence of xylem and phloem, usually with a cambium between. The almost universal association of xylem and phloem may have its explanation in this middle concentration of sugar. Grafting of apices into callus or direct application of appropriate concentrations of an auxin and a sugar in agar to the surface of callus causes nodules of vascular tissue to be formed, mostly in a circular pattern when seen in section transverse to the axis of orientation of the callus in the medium. The diameter of this circle varies directly with the auxin concentration at the place of application, 0.05 mg/liter giving a narrow, and 1 mg/liter, a wide pith. In individual nodules, xylem is characteristically oriented towards the center of the callus and the phloem towards the outside. Variable cross-sectional views of nodule distribution in calli under different treatments suggest experimental approaches to understanding stelar patterns. The induction and differentiation in callus of xylem and phloem tissues has no relation to conduction. Any use of vascular tissues can occur only after their induction.  相似文献   

Mitotic activity and cell proliferation of newt ( Triturus pyrrhogaster ) embryo were examined with special reference to primary induction.
Mitotic activity of gastrula ectoderm gradually decreases during gastrulation. The ectoderm, which is isolated from mid-gastrula (stage 12b) and cultured in vitro , also shows gradual decrease in mitotic activity during cultivation and the mitotic activity steeply decreases after 48 hr.
The ectoderm cultured with heterologous inductor (GPL-extract) shows a temporal suppression in mitotic activity. The ectoderm of the whole gastrula also shows a regional suppression where it is in contact with the chorda-mesoderm.
The number of the ectodermal cells increases about 2 times after 24 hr culture and to more than 3 times after 48 hr culture. Accordingly it is certain that the majority of the ectodermal cells divides at least one time in the course of 48 hr.
Histological examination of the ectoderm cultured together with the inductor reveals that differentiation of undifferentiated ectoderm to neural tissues is accomplished at least within 48 hr after cultivation with the inductor.
The present examination shows the possibility that the mitotic activity of the ectoderm may be temporarily suppressed by the inductor and that it then decreases along with neural cell differentiation after recovery of the activity.
The results also suggest that the determination of undifferentiated ectoderm to neural tissues occurs before the second cell division after the contact with the inductor and the events occurring during the first cell cycle after activating by the inducing stimulus are critical for the primary induction.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed with cultured primary root tips of sunflower (Helianthus annuus var. Russian Mammoth) to determine: (1) if progression in the mitotic cycle of meristematic cells was nutritionally controllable by carbohydrate starvation and replenishment; (2) where in the mitotic cycle control was effected; and (3) whether nutritional deprivation could be used to detect phenotypically different subpopulations in a complex tissue. Meristematic cells were rendered stationary by carbohydrate starvation, as indicated by the absence of cell division; this condition was reversed by carbohydrate provision. After 72 or 96 hr of starvation most cells stopped in G1 (80–90%) and G2 (10–20%), and a very few (“leaky” cells) continued to enter S. “Leaky” cells represent a small population with an S period of approximately 4.1 hr that either lack a principal control point in G1 or have an unusual metabolism whereby the control point requirements are met and have a carbohydrate dependence for mitosis. Though phenotypically different, no specific functions can be attributed to “leaky” cells at this time.  相似文献   

-Eight metabolites were measured in the post-ischemic period following either 1 or 3 h of unilateral ischemia in the gerbil cerebral cortex. The levels of ATP, P-creatine, glucose, glycogen and GABA were essentially restored by 1 h after ischemia. In the 3 h ischemic animals. glycogen continued to increase to greater than control values aftcr 5 and 20 h of recirculation. The Icvels of glutamate were unchanged during the ischemic episode, but decreased to 60% of control at Smin and 1 h after either period of ischemia. The concentrations of cyclic AMP, which were 4-to 5-fold elevated during ischemia. increased an additional 6-fold 5 min after recirculation in both groups. Arter 1 h of recovery. the levels were not different from control values. After the 1 h ischemic period, lactate levels recovered between 5 and 20 h of recirculation. In the 3 h ischemic animals. lactate concentrations were still elevated even after 20 h of recirculation. These data suggest that with the exception of lactate. recovery of metabolites is not sevcrely compromiscd by either 1 or 3 h of ischemia. Furthermore, the changes in glycogen. glutamate and cyclic AMP after recirculation suggest that the recovery process is not just a rcversal of the changes observed during ischemia.  相似文献   

We previously reported daily variations in the mitotic activity of the endocrine cells in the pars intermedia of 21- and 28-day-old male mice. Since cellular proliferation might be affected by factors such as sex and age, we undertook the present experiments to study the mitotic activity of the pars intermedia from 14-, 28-, and 150-day-old female mice. Inbred C3H/S mice, grouped according to age, were housed under standard conditions (12h each of light and dark [LD 12:12]) for periodicity analysis and were killed in lots of 5–11 animals every 4h over a single 24h cycle, with each mouse receiving 2 μg/g of colchicine 4h before decapitation. Pituitaries were excised, extracted, fixed in buffered formaldehyde, embedded in celloidin-paraffin, sectioned at 5 μm, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. We counted the total number of nuclei to estimate the total number of cells monitored and then calculated the mitotic index (metaphases/1000 nuclei). Differences were analyzed for statistical significance by the Student t test. While the 14-day-old animals manifested no significant changes in mitotic activity during the 24h cycle, the 28- and 150-day-old mice showed higher mitotic indices during the period of darkness. The average mitotic activity over the entire cycle, however, was higher in the two groups of younger animals than in the 150-day-old mice. Moreover, the averages for the 28-day-old females were higher than the corresponding values previously reported by us for male mice of the same age. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 751–756, 2000)  相似文献   

实验运用离体培养的大鼠海马神经细胞,观察了过氧化氢对海马神经细胞的损伤效应及甘丙肽(GAL)对氧化应激过程中海马神经细胞的保护作用。结果显示,过氧化氢对海马神经细胞具有明显的剂量相关毒性效应。甘丙肽以及甘丙肽非特异性受体激动剂GAL1-11和甘丙肽受体2 (GalR-2)特异性激动剂GAL2-11能显著减少海马神经细胞在氧化应激过程中的损伤反应,这种效应可被GAL非特异性受体阻断剂M35阻断。实验提示GAL对氧化应激导致的海马神经细胞损伤具有保护作用,这种作用很有可能是由GalR-2受体介导。  相似文献   

The Cartesian diver technique has been used for measuring respiration in Protozoa, small crustaceans, insects, and in animal tissue; it can also be used to measure both respiration and photosynthesis in unicellular plants and in plant tissues. In two lichens, Peltigera canina and Evernia prunastri, algal-containing tissues were more than 2½ times as active metabolically as medulla. In Peltigera, cortex was slightly more active, rhizines about equally active, and apothecia about a tenth as active as medulla. Light compensation point and peak rates of apparent photosynthesis were reached at higher light intensities in Evernia than in Peltigera. In both lichens, light seemed to retard respiration in the medulla.  相似文献   

In C57Black/Tw mice given injections of 1 μg estradiol-17β (E) for 5 days beginning on the day of birth, and killed a few days after the treatment, the vaginal epithelium showed estrogen-dependent proliferation and parakeratosis. In contrast, in the mice treated neonatally with 30 μg E for 5 days, the vaginal epithelium exhibited estrogen-independent proliferation and cornification or parakeratosis. Two peaks occurred in the mitotic rate in vaginal epithelial cells in the proximal and middle vaginae of the 1 μgE-treated mice, at 1 and 5 days of age, respectively, while the first peak was lacking in the distal vagina. The mitotic activity in 1 μgE-treated mice declined to the control level at 60 days. In the 30 μgE-treated animals also, 2 peaks were found in the mitotic rate at 1 and 7 days in both the proximal and middle vaginae. In contrast to the 1 μgE-treated mice, although the rate dropped once at 10 days, it increased again at 20 days and remained high thereafter. The second peak at 7 days of age coincided with the active proliferation of nodules appearing in the 30 μgE-treated mice. In the distal vagina, a peak occurred in the mitotic rate at 7 days without a preceding peak like that observed in the other parts of the vagina following the first injection of E on the day of birth.  相似文献   

The effect of MeCCNU on the cellular kinetics of normal and leukemic murine tissues is examined in vivo . A prolongation in the S phase is noted after doses of MeCCNU as low as 4 mg/kg, and this prolongation persists for approximately 4 hr after the dose. No persistent alteration in the growth fraction is produced by MeCCNU. The generation time of the cells regrowing after MeCCNU is slightly prolonged, compared to normal L1210 leukemia. Simultaneous studies on ascites tumor, normal bone marrow, and normal gastrointestinal mucosa, using the in vivo uptake of 3H-thymidine into DNA, have shown a differential effect on the tumor and normal tissues.  相似文献   

禾谷类叶片培养迄今还有一定难度,虽然已有再生植株的报告,但效率并不高,基因型间差异也极大。禾谷类叶肉原生质体培养迄今  相似文献   

通过将本室所建小鼠胸腺上皮细胞系MTEC1进行克隆,获得由单一细胞来源的12个MTEC1-DW细胞克隆,检测各克隆分泌IL-1,IL-6及CF活性,分析诱导MTECl-DW细胞克隆分泌CF的因素.选择不分泌IL-1及CF的MTEC1-DW克隆,于细胞培养中加入外源IL-1或/及IL-6,分析其细胞培养液中CF活性;选择分泌高活性IL-1及CF的MTEC1-DW克隆,于细胞培养中加入抗IL-1mAb,阻断IL-1活性,分析其细胞培养液中CF活性.结果显示IL-1能诱导MTEC1-DW细胞克隆分泌CF,IL-6的这种作用则很微弱.  相似文献   

大蒜根尖细胞有丝分裂同步化诱导与中期染色体分离   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
彭永康  赵建 《植物研究》1999,19(3):302-307
本研究以大蒜(Alliumsativum)根尖为材料,用HU-APM双阻断法对细胞有丝分裂中期同步化和前,后,末期部分同步化作了探讨。表明在1.25mmol/LHU,4μmol/APM处理可使细胞有丝分裂中期指数(Met.I)达35%,18hr的HU单独处理可检测到27%的前期分裂细胞,HU对后,末期的部分同步化也有明显作用,约有17%的后,末期细胞被检测,用Schubert介绍的方法,分离出中期  相似文献   

A study was made of the timing of DNA synthesis in the mitotic cycle under conditions where the average mitotic cycle of populations of human amnion and kitten lung cells in culture was variable. Three types of experiments were performed: (a) Autoradiographs were made of incorporated tritiated thymidine in cells whose mitotic histories were recorded microcinematographically allowing the measurement of telophase + G1 along with the total length of the mitotic cycle. (b) Measurement of the G2 + prophase part of the mitotic cycle was performed under various conditions by exposing cells to tritiated thymidine and observing the increase in labeled metaphases plus anaphases as a function of time. (c) The effect of a change in pH on parts of the mitotic cycle was tested by continuously photographing a single colony of cells first at pH 7.8 and then at pH 7.1. All of our data point to the same conclusion; namely, that within a population of cells with a given generation time, the length of each of the measurable parts of the mitotic cycle has a particular distribution of values and that, when there is a change in the generation time, under our conditions only the T + G1 distribution changes.  相似文献   

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