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Most explanations for humor neglect important types of humor, such as tickling and word play; or raise difficult evolutionary theoretical problems, such as group selection, dubious fitness benefits, and excessive complexity of design; or ignore the data on humor and laughter. The present theory was based on the following observations. Tickling entails a mock attack at vulnerable body spots, and may provide youngsters with practice in defending themselves. The child's laughter is pleasant and encourages the tickler to persist. Similarly, juvenile primates including children encourage roughhousing by laughter and other emotional expressions. We also laugh at humorous content that provides striking counter-examples (incongruities), as in word play, or that informs us about fitness-relevant topics such as sexual, aggressive, and social poise scenarios. The present theory is that the pleasure of humor motivates us to seek out poignant, fitness- enhancing input of this sort. Laughter evolved to allow us to continue to recieve amusement. Laughter is a pleasant social signal that prompts the humorist to persist in providing this edifying stimulation. In response to true wit, laughter conveys appreciation and gratitude—an intention to reciprocate for having received a stimulating idea. Thus, humor benefits both humorist and laughter. This theory and others are evaluated in the light of evolutionary principles and relevant data.  相似文献   

Both men and women prefer someone with a “good sense of humor” as a relationship partner. However, two recent studies have shown that men are not attracted to funny women, suggesting the sexes use the phrase good sense of humor differently. To investigate this question, we measured the importance participants placed on a partner's production of humor vs. receptivity to their own humor. Men emphasized the importance of their partners' receptivity to their own humor, whereas women valued humor production and receptivity equally. In a second task, participants chose whether they preferred a person who only produced humor or a person who only appreciated their own humor for several types of relationships. Women preferred those who produced humor for all types of relationships, whereas men preferred those who were receptive to their own humor, particularly for sexual relationships. Our results suggest that sexual selection may have operated on men's and women's preferences during humorous interaction in dramatically different ways.  相似文献   

The discourse of karma (behaviour), confounded with inherent psychic and material substance of the person/group (guna), was at the heart of India’s caste ideology. This systematic and intuitive, albeit convoluted and phantasmic doctrine was critical to bridge the discrepancy between a pantheistic religious imaginary and the reality of exclusion and abjection. Although “karma” evokes an exotic orient, this ideology is near identical with the ideas of “idleness” and “instant gratification” used to make sense of racial inequities in the contemporary United States. In both cases, the idea of behavioural and moral deficiency is used to justify evident abjection and discrimination, within the frame of an encompassing ideology of social equality. Thus, this use of the notions of “work” and “discipline”, extrapolated to the moral quality of the group or individual, is no passing argument of the “new racism”. It is a proven ploy of assigning blame on the victim.  相似文献   

The analysis of the specific features of rural racism and rural/race issues is a developing field of study. Much of the debate and existing research focuses on demonstrating the “specificity” of rural/race issues and responding to the “rural ethnic subject” as the victim of racial exclusion and/or violence. Drawing on a study conducted in the north of Wales and work on Welsh narratives on race, this article seeks to revisit the rural/race debate and argues for its repositioning within wider discourses of British multiculturalism. It explores the conceptual basis of the rural racism debates, in particular seeking to qualify the notion of the “specificity” of rural/race matters within the context of the newly devolved nations and particular constructions of “the ethnic subject” in rural/race relations. It suggests ways in which the “rural” discourse on race decentres the dominant narratives of multicultural Britain and is contributing to its reformulation.  相似文献   

Online pet obituary sites host hundreds of obituaries regarding the passing of companion animals. Often composed by the owner or primary caretaker of the animal, they are a potential source of data about human–animal bonds where there were strong positive human emotions surrounding the animal at point of death. The aim of the present study was to characterize on-line pet obituaries and to evaluate their usefulness as a source of information on the human–animal bond. One hundred and thirty full obituaries of dogs were studied. Where the role of the writer could be identified, the majority of obituary writers identified themselves as a female parental figure to the dog (34.6%); however, obituaries were also written by male parental figures (7.7%) and children (5.4%). Most obituaries (60%) fell within the 100-400 words length range. Obituaries were seen to express several key concepts. For instance, dogs were described as “child-like,” “part of the family,” showing “sympathy” and/or “gratitude” to the owner, and having a “sense of humor.” For their part, writers expressed “guilt” over the dog’s death, discussed a concept of the “afterlife” and noted an “instant connection” between themselves and the dog. A high proportion of the obituaries discussed the afterlife (51%) and indicated that the dog was considered part of the family (49%). There were some significant associations between concept usage within obituaries. Dogs that were described as “child-like” were more often perceived to be in an “afterlife” and to have had an “instant connection” with obituary writers (x2 = 38.08, p < 0.001). We conclude that online pet obituaries can be a valuable source of information on human feelings surrounding a companion animal death.  相似文献   

Based upon the contradictory definitions of the crime, the Brazilian movement against trafficking in persons situates itself as a “struggle against modern slavery.” Within this moralistic context, the movement has frequently utilized invented statistics and apocalyptic declarations regarding trafficking in order to achieve greater “advocacy value” among members of the Brazilian public. A key component of this discursive formation has been the creation and promulgation of a mythological view of a “typical” trafficking victim’s experience: what we call “The Myth of Maria, an exemplary trafficking victim.” The present article seeks to follow the history of the Myth of Maria, developing an initial chronology mapped out and analyzed by Adriana Piscitelli in 2004 and extending this into the post-2006 period when Brazil established its first national policies and plans to combat trafficking in persons. We then analyze how the myth ignores many of the realities revealed by the past decade of ethnographic research into trafficking in Brazil. Finally, we conclude with a structuralist hypothesis (drawn from the field of feminist anthropology) regarding the Myth’s continuing unabated popularity among almost all actors in the political field of anti-trafficking policy.  相似文献   

What are the ethical dilemmas that conducting anthropological on memory in South Africa poses to the student of violence? In the specific context of “victim support groups” in post-1994 South Africa, one of the most problematic issues relates to the interactions between “trauma experts” and “victims.” In the view of many survivors, the violence of voicelessness, an issue to which there is a particular sensitivity in the country, is re-inscribed in their life through the specific intervention of social scientists. One of the effects of this interventions, which determines the limits and possibilities of any research on memory as it connects to violence, is a widespread reaction against experts, whose work, the production and dissemination of knowledge about trauma on the basis of other people’s experiences, is often perceived by survivors as being part of a broader economy of subtraction where their “voices” have become commodities in a transnational network of prestige.  相似文献   

Human health risk estimates for sites with contaminated soils are often based on the assumption that the outdoor soil sieved to < 250 μm is a reasonable surrogate for predicting exposures via incidental soil ingestion. In vitro bioaccessibility tests are also increasingly used to “improve” ingestion exposure predictions of contaminants at different sites. However, when considered in terms of factors that influence desorption of contaminants from particles and uptake into humans, available studies indicate that current “standards of practice” with respect to assays of oral bioaccessibility have a number of significant shortcomings, at least in Canada. These shortcomings are discussed and various factors that influence the assessment of bioaccessibility of contaminants in soils are examined. We finish with proposing some minimum data submission requirements to support the application and relevance of bioaccessibility assays at contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Post-conflict reconciliatory behavior has been reported to occur with variable frequencies in different primate groups and species. Because different investigators have used different criteria to operationalize reconciliation, however, it is possible that the variation reported merely reflects different methods of study. To compare different groups and species in a meaningful way, an accurate operationalization of reconciliation is necessary. This study explores the correlation between operationally defined reconciliation (what observers recognize, such as friendly reunion) and functional reconciliation (behavior that restores a dyadic social relationship) in a group of captive long-tailed macaques, using results from an experiment originally undertaken to demonstrate the function of friendly reunions in restoring dyadic tolerance after aggression. In dyads of unrelated animals, reunions were equally effective in restoring tolerance whether they involved body contact, overt friendly gestures, or mere proximity. Classification of post-conflict reunions as “reconciliations” depends on comparisons with control observations; these comparisons have been carried out in several ways. Comparisons using the “n-minute rule” missed functional reconciliations, whereas those based on the “post-conflict/matched-control rule” appeared to lead to more accurate classification of functional reconciliations. Post-conflict reunions were equally effective in restoring tolerance whether they were initiated by the original aggressor or by the victim. An accurate operational definition of reconciliation, not a conservative one, is prerequisite to comparisons of the frequency of this behavior, and depends on empirical verification. This study suggests specific guidelines for an operational definition based on such verification. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Because biological invasions may cause loss of biodiversity, accurate predictions are necessary for implementing effective restrictions aimed at specific high-risk taxa. The majority of freshwater macroinvertebrate invaders are molluscs and crustaceans. The pet trade has been considered one of the main pathways for new introductions of such species. Risk assessment is usually focused on traded ornamental species whereas, despite their potential importance, incidental “hitchhiking” molluscs are usually given only minimal consideration. We surveyed the Czech Republic, which is one of the leading markets for aquarium species in the European Union (EU), and found 41 freshwater mollusc species (25 ornamental gastropods, 6 ornamental clams, and 10 “hitchhiking” gastropods) representing 13 families. We extrapolated data from the Czech Republic and, using Climatch v. 1.0, matched the climate in each species’ native range to the entire territory of the EU. We also assessed the risk associated with each species by FI-ISK. “Hitchhiking” gastropods were found to be significantly more hazardous and with higher potential to become established within the EU than were ornamental gastropods and bivalves. Many “hitchhikers” may be easily overlooked due to their small size and cryptic coloration or shape. Thus, they easily can be accidentally imported in association with aquarium plants. Therefore, we recommend here to disinfect imported ornamental plants to eradicate these unwanted faunal assemblages.  相似文献   

An incidental discovery of Wolff Parkinson White (WPW) pattern on the electrocardiogram (ECG) is not an infrequent finding facing the physician. Most patients discovered incidentally are asymptomatic and it is hard to justify further management of such patients given the time-honored adage to “first do no harm.” However, this finding does have implications. This article is an attempt to guide clinicians about this important issue that is often faced in the office.  相似文献   

Developmental research in the past decade has painted the picture of a gregarious child ready to engage in a range of prosocial behavior, but less is known about the situational factors that moderate this behavior. The present study investigated the effects of cost and familiarity on children's readiness to help the victim of a moral transgression. Opportunity cost was operationalized as the time and effort expended on providing help, that could otherwise be used to earn a reward from a productive task. Familiarity varied as a function of whether there was prior contact between the child and victim. Five- and six-year-olds in Singapore (N = 120) witnessed an adult transgressor destroy the victim's tower of blocks, responded to the victim's pleas for help in rebuilding her tower, and shared resources with both actresses. Contrary to our initial predictions, children helped a familiar victim less when cost was high as opposed to low, but helped an unfamiliar victim equally regardless of cost. Additionally, helping rates were low (30–60%) except in the least prohibitive condition (> 80%; Low-Cost, Familiar Victim), stemming from a combination of not having a productive task to occupy one's time and energy, and simultaneously a familiar target which increased one's intrinsic motivation to help. The conditional limits imposed on children's decision to help thus appear to be, “I'll help, if I know you and have nothing better to do!” In terms of resource sharing, children behaved selfishly toward both the victim and transgressor regardless of their familiarity with the victim. Altogether, our findings suggest that children consider self-interest when deciding whether to help and share with others.  相似文献   

Three complementary models have been considered in which pH gradients (step function. linear pH or linear H?) impose asymmetry on a two-enzyme mixture. If the “combined pH dependences” of enzymes is pro-asymmetrical, the pH gradient induces an asymmetrical distribution of potential activities (“latent” asymmetry of functional structure). When substrate is added, “developed” asymmetry of effective activities appears which results in “substrate space wave” and pumping when the catalysed reaction couple is “inversible”. It is shown that only one steady state exists for a given boundary condition and is attained when the “combined effective activity” of enzymes is nil: the stationary flux with symmetrical boundaries or the stationary load with moving boundaries is proportional to “effective global activities” of enzymes. “Equivalent square models” could be proposed that would be able to describe “functional” or “permanent” structure pumps as well. These models belong to the thermodynamic branch and the asymmetrical “space wave” substrate concentration profiles obtained must be distinguished from dissipative structures. It appears that such primary active transport pumps are chemical equivalents of heat pumps.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of L.S. Vygotsky's concepts of “units” and “elements” of psychological systems, this article highlights five of their attributes. It shows that these attributes are logically symmetrical, since in their wording they can be converted into one another by negation or by replacing some words with their opposites. This suggests that the concepts of the “unit” and “element” of a system are different poles of one theoretical construct of the activity of human psychology. Thus methods for the study of psychological systems by breaking them down into elements or by separating them into units can be seen as complementary. The article describes differences among the concepts of “unit,” “minimal unit,” and “cell” of a psychological system. It reviews several problems that are solvable using the “method of units,” as well as some concepts of the theory of psychological systems that are understood as holistic, conceptual, and active processes and/or results of human interaction with the world. Among the examples of such systems are “systems of psychological functions” (according to Vygotsky), as well as separate activities (according to A.N. Leontiev), human actions and operations (interactions with the world on the level of objects and mental or physical means). The “component” of a psychological system is defined as any “something” that in some sense belongs to or is included in human interaction with the world. A component that belongs to the system is called an “element” of it, but a component that is included in the functioning and development of the system is called a “part” of it. The article presents the mathematical and psychological foundation of these definitions. It identifies and discusses the substantial (independently existing) components of psychological systems and their attributes (properties and conditions). It describes the relationships between them using the bipolar theoretical constructs “part-element” and “substantial-attributive” component of a system.  相似文献   

Theorists argue that mortality in male mammals should be higher than that of females, and many studies of primates followed across the life course have found this to be the case. This study examines mortality patterns in the rapidly expanding Arashiyama West (Texas) population of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) and finds that males have a significantly lower median survival age (12.2 years) in comparison to females (20.5 years). Males and females are born in equal proportions, but by adulthood there are 2–5 females to every male. Males are at higher risk of falling victim to infectious diseases and human-related causes of death, and they are more likely to “disappear” from the population, which is inferred to result largely from emigration. There are no significant sex differences in the risks of dying from predation, non-infectious illnesses, neonatal defect, or social stress. Males become more susceptible to mortality than females once they reach sexual maturity, and they remain at greater risk than females until their old age. There is no evidence that one sex or the other is at greater risk of dying as infants, or as juveniles. Comparing males of different age classes, adolescent and adult males are more likely to die and to disappear than are juvenile males. These findings support the “high-risk, high-gain” hypothesis that males are mainly lost to the population because of their risk-taking behaviors after sexual maturity, rather than the “fragile male” hypothesis that males are more vulnerable to mortality during the period of growth and development. Am J Phys Anthropol 102:161–175, 1997 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The terms “eustress” and “distress” are widely used throughout the scientific literature. As of February 2020, 203 items in the Web of Science show up in a search for “eustress,” however, there are almost 16 400 items found in a search for the term “distress.” Based on the reasoning in this article, however, it is believed there is no such thing as eustress or distress. The adaptation reaction of an organism under stress is not intrinsically good or bad, and its effect on health or performance depends on a plethora of other interactions of the body with the environment as well as on the history of such interactions. The vagueness of the terms “eustress/distress” has historically led to vast differences in the perception and application of the terms across disciplines. While psychology or sociology perceive eustress as something inextricably linked to positive perception and enhanced cognition, biomedicine perceives eustress as generally associated with better survival, health, or increased longevity, no matter how the event is perceived. In this paper, the authors review the current understanding of the term “eustress” in different fields, discuss possible implications of its misleading use, and suggest that the term may be replaced by “stress” only.  相似文献   

An inference from game-theory models of animal conflict is that adversaries should not inform one another about their level of aggressive motivation. This poses a paradox for the traditional ethological account of graded aggressive displays because it is usually assumed that the adaptive significance of these behavior patterns lies in their making such information available. To resolve the paradox, I propose that communication is only an incidental effect of displays, and that their primary adaptive function is regulation of the intensity of aggressive encounters through positive feedback on aggressive motivation, a process termed “behavioral efference.” Evidence in support of this hypothesis is drawn from studies of human facial expression, aggressive catharsis, and operant conditioning of aggressive behavior. Implications of the hypothesis and suggestions for further work are discussed.  相似文献   

The categorization of individuals as “male” or “female” is based on chromosome complement and gonadal and genital phenotype. This combined genetic-gonadal-genitals sex, here referred to as 3G-sex, is internally consistent in ~99% of humans (i.e., one has either the “female” form at all levels, or the “male” form at all levels). About 1% of the human population is identified as “intersex” because of either having an intermediate form at one or more levels, or having the “male” form at some levels and the “female” form at other levels. These two types of “intersex” reflect the facts, respectively, that the different levels of 3G-sex are not completely dimorphic nor perfectly consistent. Using 3G-sex as a model to understand sex differences in other domains (e.g., brain, behavior) leads to the erroneous assumption that sex differences in these other domains are also highly dimorphic and highly consistent. But parallel lines of research have led to the conclusion that sex differences in the brain and in behavior, cognition, personality, and other gender characteristics are for the most part not dimorphic and not internally consistent (i.e., having one brain/gender characteristic with the “male” form is not a reliable predictor for the form of other brain/gender characteristics). Therefore although only ~1% percent of humans are 3G-“intersex”, when it comes to brain and gender, we all have an intersex gender (i.e., an array of masculine and feminine traits) and an intersex brain (a mosaic of “male” and “female” brain characteristics).  相似文献   

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