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D. Mckee  D. Ebert 《Oecologia》1996,107(2):189-196
Invertebrate offspring are usually larger in colder environments. To test for possible effects of covariates (e.g. maternal phenotype and feeding conditions) on this pattern, we performed a laboratory experiment to look at the effect of temperature on newborn weight in the planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna. Three tempèratures (12°C, 16°C and 22°C) and two food levels (10,000 cells ml–1 and 150,000 cells ml–1) were used, and offspring were examined from the first five clutches of mothers that had been maintained under the constant experimental conditions for three generations. Preliminary analysis suggested that newborn weight was significantly affected by temperature although patterns in the data were not clear cut. In addition, the covariates mother weight and clutch size were positively and negatively correlated with newborn weight, respectively; and later clutches tended to contain heavier offspring. Therefore, in an effort to control for the effects of the covariates, repeated-measures analysis of covariance was performed using ratio values of newborn weight/mother weight (relative newborn weight) as the dependent variable, clutch size as the covariate and clutch number as the repeated measures term. Now, temperature as a main effect in an ANCOVA model did not significantly influence relative newborn weight. The repeatedmeasure term clutch number also became nonsignificant, indicating that when differences in mother weight due to age were accounted for there were no overall differences in relative newborn weight between clutches from a particular mother. Temperature effects on relative newborn weight were only significant as part of interaction terms with food concentration and with clutch number. Thus there were different weight responses to temperature within food levels, and between clutch numbers within food levels. Under the low-food conditions newborn were heaviest at 16°C, lightest at 12°C and intermediate at 22°C. Conversely, under the high-food condition newborn were lightest at 16°C, heaviest at 12°C and again intermediate at 22°C. However, newborn tended to be heavier under the low food condition, and food concentration was highly significant as a main effect. Mother growth rate showed no significant relationship with newborn weight. It is concluded that direct temperature effects on relative newborn weight are marginal and nonsignificant. Temperature effects through interactions with food concentration and clutch number are important determinants of newborn weight, but relatively speaking account for only a small proportion of observed variance in newborn weight (25%), compared with the direct effect of food concentration (67%).  相似文献   

Two substrains of Escherichia coli B/r were grown to steady-state in batch cultures at temperatures between 22 and 42° C in different growth media. The size and shape of the cells were measured from light and electron micrographs and with the Coulter channelizer. The results indicate that cells are shorter and somewhat thicker at the lower temperatures, especially in rich growth media; cell volume is then slightly smaller. A lower temperature was further found to increase the relative duration of the constriction period. The shapes of the cell size distributions are indistinguishable, indicating that the pattern of growth of the cells is the same at all temperatures. The adaptation of the cells to a temperature shift lasted several generations, indicating that the morphological effects of temperature are mediated by the cell's physiology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. Current models of insect oviposition predict that clutch size in parasitoids should correlate with host size, with a continuum from solitary species at one end to large gregarious broods at the other. This prediction is tested for the genus Apanteles (sensu lato).
2. The distribution of brood sizes in Apanteles is bimodal, with peaks at one (solitary species) and at about twenty (gregarious species).
3. Brood size of gregarious species correlates with host size, but when a measure of the total volume of a parasitoid brood is plotted against host size, solitary species do not lie on the same regression slope as gregarious species.
4. There is a relative shortage of gregarious species on small hosts, and a relative excess of solitary species on large hosts. Solitary species on large hosts do not fully consume the host resource.
5. The possible role of evolutionary constraints to adaptive progeny allocation in Apanteles is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of workers size frequency distribution on colony development was studied in 12 young colonies ofB. terrestris. By replacing the original workers with workers of determined size, colonies constituting small, large or mixed size nursing workers were created. The nursing workers size frequency distribution did not influence the average size of the newly emerged workers, nor their size frequency distribution. In contrast, the number of emerging workers and number of egg cells constructed by the queen in colonies with large workers were higher than in colonies with small workers. The small number of emerging workers is explained by prolonged duration of larval time in response to sub-optimal feeding in colonies of small workers. The higher number of egg cells constructed by the queens is supposed to be in response to the number of new cocoons available, or to better condition of the brood.  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of eusocial insect species are most vulnerable during the founding stage. Many species have evolved means to minimize the length of the founding, or pre-emergence, stage by accelerating the rate of development of the first worker offspring. Other things being equal, the sooner a colony can begin producing workers, the less the risk of colony failure, the steeper the growth curve of the colony during the ergonomic stage, and the larger the colony will be at reproductive maturity. Swarm-founding species, whose founding units consist of hundreds or thousands of workers, may face less selection pressure to minimize the duration of the founding stage than independent-founding species. However, swarm size varies within species, and small swarms face greater risk of extinction during the founding stage than large swarms. This consideration predicts that within a species, small swarms should have shorter founding stages than large swarms, likely by rearing a small group of precocious brood. On the other hand, evidence that large social groups organize colony labor more efficiently, gather resources more predictably, and homeostatically maintain physical conditions inside the nest within narrower ranges, predicts that larger groups should rear all brood more rapidly and therefore have shorter founding stages. To test whether small or large swarms have shorter founding stages in colonies of Polybia occidentalis, a Neotropical swarm-founding wasp, we measured brood development rates in colonies collected after 28 days of development, just short of the minimum egg-to-adult development time. We found that as size increased across colonies, pre-emergence times decreased, mean age of pupae in the nest increased, and median age of the brood (larvae + pupae) increased. That is, brood developed significantly faster in large colonies than in small ones. Using these same measures, we also found that infection by a gregarine parasite increased brood development time, independently of colony size.Received 10 April 2003; revised 29 October 2003; accepted 21 November 2003.  相似文献   

Summary Adult size (in terms of dry weight; DW) and development time (T p ) of the solitary parasitoidAphidius ervi varied when reared in different nymphal instars of its host, apterous virginoparae of the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum). Parasitoid DW increased with an increase in the DW of the host at parasitization, from the first to the third aphid instar. Female wasps gained 1.1 times more in DW than their male counterparts in all four host classes, butT p did not significantly differ between the sexes. Parasitoid DW was consistently more variable thanT p . The two traits covaried positively with an increase in host size from the first to the third instar, but they varied independently in parasitoids from fourth-instar hosts. The host size (and stage) at the time of parasitization imposes constraints on the growth and development of immatureA. ervi that are reflected in the pattern of covariation between DW andT p . When growing in aphids below a certain size threshold, parasitoids can maximize fitness by a trade-off between DW andT p . Consequently, the assumption implicit in host-size models of parasitoid oviposition decisions — that females incur a relatively greater reduction in size (used as an index of fecundity) than males when developing in poor quality hosts — can be falsified.  相似文献   

Temperature is a key environmental factor for ectotherms and affects a large number of life history traits. In the present study, development time from hatching to pupation and adult eclosion, pupal and adult weights of the rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis were examined at 22, 25, 28 and 31 °C under L18:D 6. Larval and pupal times were significantly decreased with increasing rearing temperature and growth rate was positively correlated with temperature. Larval and pupal developmental times were not significantly different between females and males. The relationship between body weight and rearing temperature in C. suppressalis did not follow the temperature–size rule (TSR), both males and females gained the highest body weight at 31 °C. Females were significantly larger than males at all temperatures, showing a female biased sex size dimorphism (SSD). Contrary to Rensch's rule, SSD and body weight in C. suppressalis tended to increase with rising temperature. Male pupae lost significantly more weight at metamorphosis compared to females. We discuss the adaptive significance of the reverse-TSR in the moth's life history.  相似文献   

Diel vertical migration (DVM) by the sexes and life history stages of the copepod Diaptomus novamexicanus (Herrick) was investigated during two summers in a subalpine lake (Castle Lake, California, USA). Migratory behavior was quantified repeatedly by 1300 and 21–2200 hr sampling in the epilimnion. Population density and vertical distribution were estimated routinely at 1300 hr and at 2200 hr on selected dates. Males had greater night to day biomass differentials and ratios than females. The sexes showed comparable DVM participation (% of total biomass migrating) and amplitudes of migration (distance of ascent). Copepodids displayed higher participation, night/day ratios and amplitudes than younger copepods, but adult participation differed only from that of nauplii. Active participation in high amplitude ascents thus increased with age and was greatest in adult males. Analysis suggests that such relative behaviors probably occur in most limnetic Diaptomus, and that the magnitude of ascent into the epilimnion is associated with daytime vertical distribution.  相似文献   

Summary Although inter- and intraspecific variation in egg size among amphibians has been well documented, the relationship between egg size and fitness remains unclear. Recent attempts to correlate egg size intraspecifically with larval developmental patterns have been equivocal. In this study the development of larvae derived from large eggs and small eggs, from a single population in Maryland were compared under a range of food levels and larval population densities. Both food level and density had significant effects on the length of the larval period and size at metamorphosis. However, the response among larvae derived from different egg sizes was not additive. At low densities and high food levels, larvae from small eggs had longer larval periods and a larger size at metamorphosis than larvae derived from large eggs. In contrast, at high densities larvae from small eggs had longer developmental periods but were smaller at metamorphosis than larvae from large eggs. In addition, larvae from small eggs were more sensitive to density irrespective of food level. These results suggest that optimal egg size is correlated with environmental factors, which may explain the maintenance of both geographic and within population variation in egg size commonly observed in amphibians.  相似文献   

N. Uygun  R. Atlihan 《BioControl》2000,45(4):453-462
Development and fecundity of Scymnus levaillanti(Mulsant) were recorded at fiveconstant temperatures ranging from 15 to 35 ± 1 °C in 5 °C increments, 60 ± 5% RHand 16 h of artificial light (5000 Lux). Developmentaltime (egg to adult) of S. levaillantisignificantly decreased with increasing temperatures,ranging from 63.9 days at 15 °C to 11.1 days at35 °C. Development from egg to adult required305.2 DD above a developmental threshold estimated as11.7 °C. Oviposition periods lasted 86.5, 76.1,47.2, and 31.5 days at 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C,respectively. No eggs were deposited at 15 °C.Higher temperatures resulted in shorter generationtimes (TO) and in decreased net reproductiverates (RO) of the coccinellid. S.levaillanti kept at 30 °C produced 0.151females/female/day, the highest per capita rate ofpopulation growth (rm). The `functional response'of larvae and adults of S. levaillanti matcheswell that described by Holling (1959) as Type 2.Daily number of eggs deposited by females increased toa plateau with increasing prey density. Resultsobtained here provide information about the biology ofS. levaillanti, and its feeding capacityindicates that it may act as an important control agent.  相似文献   

Summary 1) When a thermal gradient (20–40° C) was established along a laboratory nest, Camponotus mus nurse workers showed a photoperiodic circadian rhythm of temperature preferences for brood rearing. Two different temperatures were daily selected to translocate the brood, i.e. 30.8° C selected at the middle of the photophase, and 27.5° C selected during the scotophase, 8 h later. 2) The daily temperature response of nurse workers consisted of paired high and low-temperature translocations, with a 8 hs-interval in between: high-temperature translocation was shown to be entrained by the photophase length, whereas low-temperature translocation was shown to be dependent on the precedent one. 3) Prey deprivation to the colony modified the brood transport behaviors resulting in translocations of only cocoons and large (ripe) larvae, stages in which the pupation processes are triggered. Small larvae and eggs remained located at 27.5° C. 4) Evaluation of pupa developmental time as well as percentage of pupa mortality at different temperature regimes allowed to construct an efficiency index relating pupa survival and cocoon developmental time. In the range of temperatures selected by nurses, the index reached its maximal values. 5) The ecological significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Freshwater cyclopoid copepods exhibit at least a fivefold range in somatic genome size and a mechanism, chromatin diminution, which could account for much of this interspecific variation. These attributes suggest that copepods are well suited to studies of genome size evolution. We tested the nucleotypic hypothesis of genome size evolution, which poses that variation in genome size is adaptive due to the bulk effects of both coding and noncoding DNA on cell size and division rates, and their correlates. We found a significant inverse correlation between genome size and developmental (growth) rate in five freshwater cyclopoid species at three temperatures. That is, species with smaller genomes developed faster. Species with smaller genomes had significantly smaller bodies at 22 °C, but not at cooler and warmer temperatures. Species with smaller genomes developed faster at all three temperatures, but had smaller bodies only at 22 °C. We propose a model of life history evolution that adds genome size and cell cycle dynamics to the suite of characters on which selection may act to mold life histories and to influence the distribution of traits among different habitats.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis of birds induces the secretion of corticosterone (CORT) as a response to different ecological variables. In this study we tested experimentally if manipulations of brood size or ectoparasitism led to subsequent differences in the concentration of excreted CORT metabolites of adult and nestling blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). No significant effect of the manipulation of brood size was detected in adults or nestlings. No significant effect of ectoparasitism was detected in males or nestlings, although females from uninfested nests showed lower concentrations of excreted CORT metabolites. In addition, we analysed if weather conditions had an influence on the concentration of excreted CORT metabolites of blue tits and pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) breeding in the same forest. We detected no effect of weather conditions on adults, but nestlings of both species showed a negative correlation between their excreted CORT metabolites and the average mean temperatures they were subjected to during their growth. This effect was not found in blue tits in a colder year, suggesting that the sensitivity of the HPA axis to ambient temperature may be subjected to interannual variation. Moreover, we found a positive effect of the maximum temperature on the day of sampling on the concentration of CORT metabolites of blue tit nestlings in one of the years. These results suggest that weather conditions may act as environmental stressors to which the HPA axis of blue tit and pied flycatcher nestlings may be sensitive.  相似文献   

Razouls  Suzanne  Razouls  Claude 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):239-246
Drepanopus pectinatus, the most numerous species of Copepod in the Kerguelen Archipelago completes 4 generations a year. The succession of generations follows the hydrological seasons. Each generation may be characterized by the cephalothorax length of the developmental stages C1 to C6. The mean lengths of stages C2 to C6 are shown to be significantly different (P > 0.05) between seasons (i.e. between generations). The size-classes have a unimodal distribution from stages C1 to C4. For copepodite C5 and adults, bimodal histograms reflect the differentiation of males and females.A reverse trend of the development pattern of lengths is demonstrated in this subantarctic species: a decrease with decreasing temperatures (6° to 2°) from April to September, and an increase with the rising temperatures (2° to 7°) from October to February.Two populations of females are distinguishable in spring and summer, by their small (0.950–1.299 mm length of cephalothorax, 55%) or large (1.300–1.800 mm, 45%) size, respectively.The differences in mean length cannot be explained by their relation to the mean temperature alone. Pigment content is suspected to play a role.  相似文献   

In a study of the quality ofTrichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammidae), we compared female wasps emerging from natural hosts, parasitized in the laboratory or the field with those emerging from factitious hosts used for commercial mass production. Females from the natural hosts were larger, more fecund, and longer lived than those from the factitious hosts. Compared to small females, large female wasps are substantially more fecund when honey (carbohydrate) is available but marginally more fecund when honey is unavailable. The size of a femaleT. pretiosum depends on two factors: the size of the host egg from which it emerges even when the wasp was gregarious, and the number of conspecifics that emerge with it. The similarities in the size distribution of female wasps emerging from natural hosts, in conjunction with the mechanism by whichTrichogramma measure host size and allocate eggs accordingly, suggests the hypothesis that size related components of fitness in femaleT. pretiosum are under strong selection in the field.  相似文献   

Optimal brood size and its limiting factors of the Rufous Turtle Dove,Streptopelia orientalis, were studied at the campus of the University of Tsukuba, Japan, during the breeding season in 1990–92. The dove usually lays two eggs in a nest. I made nests of a brood size of one and three by transferring a hatchling from one nest to the other, and compared their fledging success, factors of breeding failure, weight and tarsus length at fledging, growth rate and nestling period with those of a brood of two. The index of fitness (fledgling weight multiplied by average number of fledglings per nest) was almost the same in broods of two and three. However, the highest variation in fledging weight within the brood and the extension of nestling period were observed in broods of three, which caused the extension of inter-brood interval and consequently the smaller number of broods in the total breeding season. Therefore, broods of three would not have an advantage in producing more offspring than broods of two. Crop milk production had an effect on the growth of nestlings in the early phase of the nestling period, but the rapid growth in the granivorous phase compensated for the growth delay of the smallest nestling in broods of three. Small brood size and a large number of broods in a season would also be more effective under high predation pressure.  相似文献   

Regulation of brood size in a biparental burying beetle, Nicrophorus tomentosusWeber, was studied by providing pairs with one of two sizes of mouse carcasses in the laboratory. For a given carcass size, there was an inverse relationship between number and mass offspring in a brood. The requirement for regulation was that brood size was adjusted such that mean mass of individual larvae was constant for carcasses of different size. Brood size was regulated if parents were present but regulation did not occur if parents were removed prior to hatching of larvae. Pairs bred in quick succession on two carcasses raised fewer than the regulated number of young in the second reproductive attempt. Reasons for regulation of brood size in this genus are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on glycollate decarboxylation in leaf peroxisomes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
B. Grodzinski  V. S. Butt 《Planta》1977,133(3):261-266
[1-14C]glycollate was oxidised to14CO2 by peroxisomes isolated from leaves of spinach beet about 3 times as rapidly at 35°C as at 25°C; the rate was further increased with rise in temperature to a maximum at 55°C. These increases are shown to be mainly due to the increased H2O2 available to oxidise glyoxylate non-enzymically as a result of the higher temperature coefficient of glycollate oxidase activity relative to that of catalase. These results are compared with similar increases in the rate of14CO2 release between 25°C and 35°C when [1-14C]glycollate was supplied to leaf discs in light or darkness. The role of these reactions in accounting for the temperature effect on the release of photorespiratory CO2 is discussed.Abbreviations PHMS Pyrid-2-yl--hydroxymethane sulphonate - FMN flavin mononucleotide  相似文献   

Organisms can respond to variation in temperature through the direct effect of temperature on phenotypes (phenotypic plasticity), or through long-term adaptation to temperature (and thus evolution of either mean size or thermal reaction norm). We examined the effects of various temperatures (of 20 and 30 °C) on development time, adult body size (body length and body width) and pre-adult survivorship in six populations of Chrysomya megacephala, collected at different latitudes. We found that temperature changes induced substantial plasticity in terms of development time, body size and pre-adult survivorship, indicating that developmental temperature significantly affects growth and life history traits of C. megacephala. We also detected genetic differences among populations for body size and development time, and these two traits exhibited highly significant variations in the responses of different populations to various temperature conditions, indicating genetic differences among populations in terms of thermal reaction norms. The latitude of origin of the different populations (and hence mean temperature regimes in the environments from where the populations originated) did not appear to fully explain these genetic differences. In short, changes in development time and body size in C. megacephala can be regarded as adaptations to changing thermal regimes.  相似文献   

Preimaginal development and adult longevity and reproduction of Dichochrysa prasina Burmeister were studied at six constant temperatures (15, 20, 25, 27, 30 and 33 °C) and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D). Eggs of the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) were used as food throughout preimaginal development, whereas the adults of D. prasina fed on a liquid diet of water, yeast hydrolysate, sugar and honey. At the highest tested temperature of 33 °C no larvae completed their development. At the rest of the tested temperatures the egg to adult developmental period ranged from approximately 92 days at 15 °C to 25 days at 30 °C. Percentages of adult emergence ranged from 36% at 15 °C to 84% at 30 °C. Both adult longevity and fecundity were significantly affected by temperature and the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) reached its maximum value at 27 °C. These results could be useful for the establishment of a small scale rearing and mass production of D. prasina.  相似文献   

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