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The global dissemination of antibiotic-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis has underscored the urgent need to understand the molecular mechanisms of immunity to this pathogen. Use of biological immunomodulatory compounds to enhance antituberculous therapy has been hampered by the limited efficacy of these agents toward infected human macrophages and lack of information regarding their mechanisms of activity. We tested the hypotheses that extracellular ATP (ATPe) promotes killing of virulent M. tuberculosis within human macrophages, and that activation of a specific macrophage enzyme, phospholipase D (PLD), functions in this response. ATPe treatment of infected monocyte-derived macrophages resulted in 3.5-log reduction in the viability of three different virulent strains of M. tuberculosis. Stimulation of macrophage P2X7 purinergic receptors was necessary, but not sufficient, for maximal killing by primary macrophages or human THP-1 promonocytes differentiated to a macrophage phenotype. Induction of tuberculocidal activity by ATPe was accompanied by marked stimulation of PLD activity, and two mechanistically distinct inhibitors of PLD produced dose-dependent reductions in ATPe-induced killing of intracellular bacilli. Purified PLD restored control levels of mycobacterial killing to inhibitor-treated cells, and potentiated ATPe-dependent tuberculocidal activity in control macrophages. These results demonstrate that ATPe promotes killing of virulent M. tuberculosis within infected human macrophages and strongly suggest that activation of PLD plays a key role in this process.  相似文献   

Advances in therapy for tuberculosis will require greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis and the human immune response in this disease. Exposure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected human macrophages to extracellular ATP (ATP(e)) results in bacterial killing, but the molecular mechanisms remain incompletely characterized. In this study, we demonstrate that ATP(e)-induced bactericidal activity toward virulent M. tuberculosis requires an increase in cytosolic Ca(2+) in infected macrophages. Based on our previous work with primary infection of human macrophages, we hypothesized that the Ca(2+) dependence of ATP-induced killing of intracellular M. tuberculosis was linked to promotion of phagosome-lysosome fusion. Using confocal laser-scanning microscopy, we demonstrate that ATP(e) induces fusion of the M. tuberculosis-containing phagosome with lysosomes, defined by accumulation of three lysosomal proteins and an acidophilic dye. Stimulation of phagosome-lysosome fusion by ATP(e) exhibited distinct requirements for both Ca(2+) and phospholipase D and was highly correlated with killing of intracellular bacilli. Thus, key signal transduction pathways are conserved between two distinct models of human macrophage antituberculous activity: primary infection of naive macrophages and physiologic stimulation of macrophages stably infected with M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Human alveolar macrophages (AMphi) undergo apoptosis following infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vitro. Apoptosis of cells infected with intracellular pathogens may benefit the host by eliminating a supportive environment for bacterial growth. The present study compared AMphi apoptosis following infection by M. tuberculosis complex strains of differing virulence and by Mycobacterium kansasii. Avirulent or attenuated bacilli (M. tuberculosis H37Ra, Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin, and M. kansasii) induced significantly more AMphi apoptosis than virulent strains (M. tuberculosis H37Rv, Erdman, M. tuberculosis clinical isolate BMC 96.1, and M. bovis wild type). Increased apoptosis was not due to greater intracellular bacterial replication because virulent strains grew more rapidly in AMphi than attenuated strains despite causing less apoptosis. These findings suggest the existence of mycobacterial virulence determinants that modulate the apoptotic response of AMphi to intracellular infection and support the hypothesis that macrophage apoptosis contributes to innate host defense in tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis interacts with macrophages and epithelial cells in the alveolar space of the lung, where it is able to invade and replicate in both cell types. M. tuberculosis-associated cytotoxicity to these cells has been well documented, but the mechanisms of host cell death are not well understood. We examined the induction of apoptosis and necrosis of human macrophages (U937) and type II alveolar epithelial cells (A549) by virulent (H37Rv) and attenuated (H37Ra) M. tuberculosis strains. Apoptosis was determined by both enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) assay, whereas necrosis was evaluated by the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Both virulent and attenuated M. tuberculosis induced apoptosis in macrophages; however, the attenuated strain resulted in significantly more apoptosis than the virulent strain after 5 days of infection. In contrast, cytotoxicity of alveolar cells was the result of necrosis, but not apoptosis. Although infection with M. tuberculosis strains resulted in apoptosis of 14% of the cells on the monolayer, cell death associated with necrosis was observed in 59% of alveolar epithelial cells after 5 days of infection. Infection with M. tuberculosis suppressed apoptosis of alveolar epithelial cells induced by the kinase inhibitor, staurosporine. Because our findings suggest that M. tuberculosis can modulate the apoptotic response of macrophages and epithelial cells, we carried out an apoptosis pathway-specific cDNA microarray analysis of human macrophages and alveolar epithelial cells. Whereas the inhibitors of apoptosis, bcl-2 and Rb, were upregulated over 2.5-fold in infected (48 h) alveolar epithelial cells, the proapoptotic genes, bad and bax, were downregulated. The opposite was observed when U937 macrophages were infected with M. tuberculosis. Upon infection of alveolar epithelial cells with M. tuberculosis, the generation of apoptosis, as determined by the expression of caspase-1, caspase-3 and caspase-10, was inhibited. Inhibition of replication of intracellular bacteria resulted in an increase in apoptosis in both cell types. Our results showed that the differential induction of apoptosis between macrophages and alveolar epithelial cells represents specific strategies of M. tuberculosis for survival in the host.  相似文献   

The early monocyte infiltration observed in normal wound repair and in a number of pathologic processes precedes the epithelial and connective tissue proliferative responses, suggesting that the monocyte/macrophage may be an important source of growth factors for these tissues. In culture, activated macrophages secrete growth factors active on fibroblasts, smooth muscle, endothelium, and epithelium. This report demonstrates that activated human alveolar macrophages express the gene for transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) in an inducible manner and secrete a factor into the culture medium that is functionally and immunologically identical to TGF-alpha. Two different molecular species of TGF-alpha activity (approximately 8,500-12,000 and 28,500 daltons) are identified in macrophage-conditioned medium. These observations establish the macrophage as a diploid human cell capable of synthesizing and secreting TGF-alpha. The activated macrophage therefore represents a cellular source of a mitogenic factor that is potentially important in epithelial proliferation and repair.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) persists inside macrophages despite vigorous immune responses. MTB and MTB 19-kDa lipoprotein inhibit class II MHC (MHC-II) expression and Ag processing by a Toll-like receptor 2-dependent mechanism that is shown in this study to involve a defect in IFN-gamma induction of class II transactivator (CIITA). Exposure of macrophages to MTB or MTB 19-kDa lipoprotein inhibited IFN-gamma-induced MHC-II expression, but not IL-4-induced MHC-II expression, by preventing induction of mRNA for CIITA (total, type I, and type IV), IFN regulatory factor-1, and MHC-II. MTB 19-kDa lipoprotein induced mRNA for suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS)1 but did not inhibit IFN-gamma-induced Stat1 phosphorylation. Furthermore, the lipoprotein inhibited MHC-II Ag processing in SOCS1(-/-) macrophages. MTB 19-kDa lipoprotein did not inhibit translocation of phosphorylated Stat1 to the nucleus or Stat1 binding to and transactivation of IFN-gamma-sensitive promoter constructs. Thus, MTB 19-kDa lipoprotein inhibited IFN-gamma signaling independent of SOCS1 and without interfering with the activation of Stat1. Inhibition of IFN-gamma-induced CIITA by MTB 19-kDa lipoprotein may allow MTB to evade detection by CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   

Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is a major global public health problem. The purpose of this study was to find biomarkers that can be used to diagnose tuberculosis. We used four NCBI GEO data sets to conduct analysis. Among the four data sets, GSE139825 is lung tissue microarray, and GSE83456 , GSE19491 and GSE50834 are blood microarray. The differential genes of GSE139825 and GSE83456 were 68 and 226, and intersection genes were 11. Gene ontology (GO) analyses of 11 intersection genes revealed that the changes were mostly enriched in regulation of leucocyte cell-cell adhesion and regulation of T-cell activation. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analysis of DEGs revealed that the host response in TB strongly involves cytokine-cytokine receptor interactions and folate biosynthesis. In order to further narrow the range of biomarkers, we used protein-protein interaction to establish a hub gene network of two data sets and a network of 11 candidate genes. Eventually, IRF1 was selected as a biomarker. As validation, IRF1 levels were shown to be up-regulated in patients with TB relative to healthy controls in data sets GSE19491 and GSE50834 . Additionally, IRF1 levels were measured in the new patient samples using ELISA. IRF1 was seen to be significantly up-regulated in patients with TB compared with healthy controls with an AUC of 0.801. These results collectively indicate that IRF1 could serve as a new biomarker for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis remains an important global public health problem, with an estimated prevalence of 14 million individuals with tuberculosis worldwide in 2007. Because antibiotic treatment is one of the main tools for tuberculosis control, knowledge of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance is an important component for the disease control strategy. Although several gene mutations in specific loci of the M. tuberculosis genome have been reported as the basis for drug resistance, additional resistance mechanisms are now believed to exist. Efflux is a ubiquitous mechanism responsible for intrinsic and acquired drug resistance in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Mycobacterium tuberculosis presents one of the largest numbers of putative drug efflux pumps compared with its genome size. Bioinformatics as well as direct and indirect evidence have established relationships among drug efflux with intrinsic or acquired resistance in M. tuberculosis. This minireview describes the current knowledge on drug efflux in M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The Bcg/Nramp1 gene controls early resistance and susceptibility of macrophages to mycobacterial infections. We previously reported that Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected (Mtb) B10R (Bcgr) and B10S (Bcgs) macrophages differentially produce nitric oxide (NO-), leading to macrophage apoptosis. Since TNF-alpha and IL-10 have opposite effects on many macrophage functions, we determined the number of cells producing TNF-alpha and IL-10 in Mtb-infected or purified protein derivative-stimulated B10R and B10S macrophages lines, and Nramp1+/+ and Nramp1-/- peritoneal macrophages and correlated them with Mtb-mediated apoptosis. Mtb infection and purified protein derivative treatment induced more TNF-alpha+Nramp1+/+ and B10R, and more IL-10+Nramp1-/- and B10S cells. Treatment with mannosylated lipoarabinomannan, which rescues macrophages from Mtb-induced apoptosis, augmented the number of IL-10 B10R+ cells. Anti-TNF-alpha inhibited apoptosis, diminished NO- production, p53, and caspase 1 activation and increased Bcl-2 expression. In contrast, anti-IL-10 increased caspase 1 activation, p53 expression, and apoptosis, although there was no increment in NO- production. Murine rTNF-alpha induced apoptosis in noninfected B10R and B10S macrophages that was reversed by murine rIL-10 in a dose-dependent manner with concomitant inhibition of NO- production and caspase 1 activation. NO- and caspase 1 seem to be independently activated in that aminoguanidine did not affect caspase 1 activation and the inhibitor of caspase 1, Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-acylooxymethylketone, did not block NO- production; however, both treatments inhibited apoptosis. These results show that Mtb activates TNF-alpha- and IL-10-dependent opposite signals in the induction of macrophage apoptosis and suggest that the TNF-alpha-IL-10 ratio is controlled by the Nramp1 background of resistance/susceptibility and may account for the balance between apoptosis and macrophage survival.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of tuberculosis, is a highly evolved human pathogen characterized by its formidable cell wall. Many unique lipids and glycolipids from the Mtb cell wall are thought to be virulence factors that mediate host-pathogen interactions. An intriguing example is Sulfolipid-1 (SL-1), a sulfated glycolipid that has been implicated in Mtb pathogenesis, although no direct role for SL-1 in virulence has been established. Previously, we described the biochemical activity of the sulfotransferase Stf0 that initiates SL-1 biosynthesis. Here we show that a stf0-deletion mutant exhibits augmented survival in human but not murine macrophages, suggesting that SL-1 negatively regulates the intracellular growth of Mtb in a species-specific manner. Furthermore, we demonstrate that SL-1 plays a role in mediating the susceptibility of Mtb to a human cationic antimicrobial peptide in vitro, despite being dispensable for maintaining overall cell envelope integrity. Thus, we hypothesize that the species-specific phenotype of the stf0 mutant is reflective of differences in antimycobacterial effector mechanisms of macrophages.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an intracellular pathogen persisting within phagosomes through interference with phagolysosome biogenesis. Here we show that stimulation of autophagic pathways in macrophages causes mycobacterial phagosomes to mature into phagolysosomes. Physiological induction of autophagy or its pharmacological stimulation by rapamycin resulted in mycobacterial phagosome colocalization with the autophagy effector LC3, an elongation factor in autophagosome formation. Autophagy stimulation increased phagosomal colocalization with Beclin-1, a subunit of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase hVPS34, necessary for autophagy and a target for mycobacterial phagosome maturation arrest. Induction of autophagy suppressed intracellular survival of mycobacteria. IFN-gamma induced autophagy in macrophages, and so did transfection with LRG-47, an effector of IFN-gamma required for antimycobacterial action. These findings demonstrate that autophagic pathways can overcome the trafficking block imposed by M. tuberculosis. Autophagy, which is a hormonally, developmentally, and, as shown here, immunologically regulated process, represents an underappreciated innate defense mechanism for control of intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages (AM) are the first professional phagocytes encountered by aerosols containing infections in the lungs, and their phagocytic capacity may be affected by these infections or environmental particles. The aim of this study was to evaluate the innate endocytic and phagocytic properties of human AM obtained from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and to characterize the vacuoles in which Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli reside in vivo. AM were obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage from patients with suspected tuberculosis and from asymptomatic volunteers (controls). Clinical case definitions were based on mycobacterial culture of respiratory specimens and HIV serology. To assess phagocytosis, endocytosis, and acidification of the endosomal system, AM were cultured with IgG-coated polystyrene beads, dextran, and a pH-sensitive reporter (3-(2,4-dinitroanilino)-3-amino-N-methyldipropylamine) and were evaluated by light and immunoelectron microscopy. Cells from 89 patients and 10 controls were studied. We found no significant difference between the two groups in the ability of AM either to ingest beads and dextran or to deliver them to acidified lysosomes. In AM from patients with tuberculosis, the bacilli were located in vacuoles that failed to accumulate endocytosed material and were not acidified. We concluded that AM from patients with tuberculosis and HIV infections were competent to endocytose and phagocytose material and to deliver the material to functional, acidified lysosomes. M. tuberculosis residing in these AM arrests the progression of their phagosomes, which fail to fuse with acidified lysosomes. This confirms, for the first time in humans with tuberculosis and HIV, the conclusions from previous animal and in vitro studies.  相似文献   



Mycobacterium tuberculosis phoP mutant SO2 derived from a clinical isolate was shown to be attenuated in mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages and in vivo mouse infection model and has demonstrated a high potential as attenuated vaccine candidate against tuberculosis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we analyze the adhesion and the intracellular growth and trafficking of SO2 in human macrophages. Our results indicate an enhanced adhesion to phagocitic cells and impaired intracellular replication of SO2 in both monocyte-derived macrophages and human cell line THP-1 in comparison with the wild type strain, consistent with murine model. Intracellular trafficking analysis in human THP-1 cells suggest that attenuation of SO2 within macrophages could be due to an impaired ability to block phagosome-lysosome fusion compared with the parental M. tuberculosis strain. No differences were found between SO2 and the wild-type strains in the release and mycobacterial susceptibility to nitric oxide (NO) produced by infected macrophages.


SO2 has enhanced ability to bind human macrophages and differs in intracellular trafficking as to wild-type M. tuberculosis. The altered lipid profile expression of the phoP mutant SO2 and its inability to secrete ESAT-6 is discussed.  相似文献   

This review provides a discussion on the current information about the response of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to the environment encountered in the macrophage. We focus on the types of genes shown to be upregulated when the pathogen grows in macrophages and discuss the possible roles of these genes in adaptation to the conditions in the eukaryotic cell, in the context of enhancing the survival of the pathogen during infection.  相似文献   

Worldwide, tuberculosis (TB) remains the most frequent and important infectious disease causing morbidity and death. One-third of the world's population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), the etiologic agent of TB. Because of the global health problems of TB, the development of potent new anti-TB drugs without cross-resistance with known antimycobacterial agents is urgently needed. In this study, we have applied a Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment (SELEX) process to identify a single aptamer (NK2) that binds to virulent strain M. tuberculosis (H37Rv) with high affinity and specificity. We have found that this aptamer improves CD4(+)T cells to produce IFN-gamma after binding to H37Rv. The different component between H37Rv and BCG was identified as some membrane protein. Moreover, the survival rates of mice challenged with i.v. H37Rv have been prolonged after treatment with single injection of aptamer NK2. The bacterial numbers were significantly lower in the spleen of mice treated with aptamer NK2. The histopathological examination of lung biopsy specimens showed lesser pulmonary alveolar fusion and swelling in the presence of the aptamer. These results suggest that aptamer NK2 has inhibitory effects on M. tuberculosis and can be used as antimycobacterial agent.  相似文献   

结核分枝杆菌对巨噬细胞抗原呈递功能的抑制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文旨在通过观察结核分枝杆菌刺激后巨噬细胞抗原呈递功能的变化, 探讨结核分枝杆菌的免疫逃逸机制。在体外, 结核分枝杆菌刺激巨噬细胞24 h 后, 用流式细胞仪检测γ干扰素( IFN-γ) 诱导的主要组织相容性复合物( MHC) Ⅱ类分子、CD86 和CD80 的表达变化; 酶联免疫吸附试验( ELISA) 检测巨噬细胞的抗原呈递功能; 反转录-聚合酶链反应检测巨噬细胞CⅡTA 及其启动子PⅠ、PⅢ和PⅣ的mRNA 水平。结果发现, 结核分枝杆菌抑制IFN-γ诱导的巨噬细胞表面MHCⅡ 类分子和CD86 的表达, 且呈剂量依赖性, 但CD80的表达变化不明显; 抗原呈递功能明显降低; 结核分枝杆菌刺激后巨细胞CⅡTA 及其启动子PⅠ、PⅢ和PⅣ的mRNA 水平显著降低。提示结核分枝杆菌可能通过降低CⅡTA 及其启动子PⅠ、PⅢ和PⅣ 的mRNA 水平, 抑制IFN-γ诱导的巨噬细胞MHCⅡ类分子的表达; 结核分枝杆菌可降低巨噬细胞CD86 的表达, 抑制IFN-γ诱导的巨噬细胞抗原呈递功能。  相似文献   

Currently used macrophage-mycobacterial in vitro infection models require substantial numbers of macrophages. We developed a miniaturized version of such a model, using microtiter plates, which is comparable to standardly published methods, is reproducible, and requires fewer macrophages. In addition to its ease of handling and its economy in time, number of animals, and supplies, this method is preferable when limited numbers of macrophages are available. We have used this assay as a means of selecting human derived isolates from patients with M. avium intracellulare pulmonary disease for their ability to infect and multiply in cultured mouse pulmonary alveolar macrophages.  相似文献   

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