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The xps gene cluster is required for the second step of type II protein secretion in Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Deletion of the entire gene cluster caused accumulation of secreted proteins in the periplasm. By analyzing protein abundance in the chromosomal mutant strains, we observed mutual dependence for normal steady-state levels between the XpsL and the XpsM proteins. The XpsL protein was undetectable in total lysate prepared from the xpsM mutant strain, and vice versa. Introduction of the wild-type xpsM gene carried on a plasmid into the xpsM mutant strain was sufficient for reappearance of the XpsL protein, and vice versa. Moreover, both XpsL and XpsM proteins were undetectable in the xpsN mutant strain. They were recovered either by reintroducing the wild-type xpsN gene or by introducing extra copies of wild-type xpsL or xpsM individually. Overproduction of wild-type XpsL and -M proteins simultaneously, but not separately, in the wild-type strain of X. campestris pv. campestris caused inhibition of secretion. Complementation of an xpsL or xpsM mutant strain with a plasmid-borne wild-type gene was inhibited by coexpression of XpsL and XpsM. The presence of the xpsN gene on the plasmid along with the xpsL and the xpsM genes caused more severe inhibition in both cases. Furthermore, complementation of the xpsN mutant strain was also inhibited. In both the wild-type strain and a strain with the xps gene cluster deleted (XC17433), carrying pCPP-LMN, which encodes all three proteins, each protein coprecipitated with the other two upon immunoprecipitation. Expression of pairwise combinations of the three proteins in XC17433 revealed that the XpsL-XpsM and XpsM-XpsN pairs still coprecipitated, whereas the XpsL-XpsN pair no longer coprecipitated.  相似文献   

The major pseudopilin XpsG is an essential component of type II secretion apparatus of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Along with other ancillary pseudopilins, it forms a pilus-like structure spanning between cytoplasmic and outer membranes. Associations of pseudopilins with non-pseudopilin members of type II secretion apparatus were not well documented, probably due to their dynamic or unstable nature. In this study, by treating intact cells with a cleavable cross-linker dithiobis(succinimidylpropionate) (DSP), followed by metal chelating chromatography and immunoblotting on secretion-positive strains of X. campestris pv. campestris, we discovered associations of XpsGh with XpsN (GspC), as well as XpsD. These associations were detectable in a strain missing all components, but XpsO, of the type II secretion apparatus. However, chromosomal non-polar mutation in each gene exerted different effects upon the association between the other two. The XpsGh/XpsD association is undetectable in xpsN mutant; however, it was restored to a limited extent by overproducing XpsD protein. The XpsGh/XpsN association is unaltered by a lack of XpsD protein or an elevation of its abundance. Co-immune precipitation between XpsN and XpsD, while being independent of XpsG, was nonetheless enhanced by raising XpsG protein level. These observations agree with the proposition that the type II secretion apparatus in a cell may exist as an integrated multiprotein complex with all components working in concert. Moreover, in functional machinery, the association of the major pseudopilin XpsG with secretin XpsD appears strongly dependent on the existence of XpsN, the GspC protein.  相似文献   

Lee HM  Chen JR  Lee HL  Leu WM  Chen LY  Hu NT 《Journal of bacteriology》2004,186(10):2946-2955
Type II secretion machinery is composed of 12 to 15 proteins for translocating extracellular proteins across the outer membrane. XpsL, XpsM, and XpsN are components of such machinery in the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. All are bitopic cytoplasmic-membrane proteins, each with a large C-terminal periplasmic domain. They have been demonstrated to form a dissociable ternary complex. By analyzing the C-terminally truncated XpsN and PhoA fusions, we discovered that truncation of the C-terminal 103 residues produced a functional protein, albeit present below detectable levels. Furthermore, just the first 46 residues, encompassing the membrane-spanning sequence (residues 10 to 32), are sufficient to keep XpsL and XpsM at normal abundance. XpsN46(His6), synthesized in Escherichia coli, is able to associate in a membrane-mixing experiment with the XpsL-XpsM complex preassembled in X. campestris pv. campestris. The XpsN N-terminal 46 residues are apparently sufficient not only for maintaining XpsL and XpsM at normal levels but also for their stable association. The membrane-spanning sequence of XpsN was not replaceable by that of TetA. However, coimmunoprecipitation with XpsL and XpsM was observed for XpsN97::PhoA, but not XpsN46::PhoA. Only XpsN97::PhoA is dominant negative. Single alanine substitutions for three charged residues within the region between residues 47 and 97 made the protein nonfunctional. In addition, the R78A mutant XpsN protein was pulled down by XpsL-XpsM(His6) immobilized on an Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid column to a lesser extent than the wild-type XpsN. Therefore, in addition to the N-terminal 46 residues, the region between residues 47 and 97 of XpsN probably also plays an important role in interaction with XpsL-XpsM.  相似文献   

Wang L  Zheng Y  Zhang X 《IUBMB life》2002,54(1):13-18
Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, a plant-associated pathogenic bacterium, is the causal agent of foliar spots and blights in crucifers. The major outer membrane protein, Omp37, of 37 kDa, has been identified, purified to homogeneity, and its characterization has also been carried out. Native Omp37 behaved as a trimer, as revealed by gel filtration and SDS-PAGE. FTIR measurements revealed a high beta-structure content. The pore-forming ability of the purified Omp37 was studied by the liposome swelling assay. Omp37, to our knowledge, is the first porin that has been isolated from Xanthomonas. This study clearly demonstrates that Omp37 is related to the family of trimeric bacterial porins.  相似文献   

Nonpathogenic mutants of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, generated from transposon mutagenesis, accumulated extracellular polygalacturonate lyase, alpha-amylase, and endoglucanase in the periplasm. The transposon Tn5 was introduced by a mobilizable, suicidal plasmid, pSUP2021 or pEYDG1. Genomic banks of wild-type X. campestris pv. campestris, constructed on the broad-host-range, mobilizable cosmid pLAFR1 or pLAFR3, were conjugated with one of the mutants, designated XC1708. Recombinant plasmids isolated by their ability to complement XC1708 can be classified into two categories. One, represented by pLASC3, can complement some mutants, whereas the other, represented by a single plasmid, pLAHH2, can complement all of the other mutants. Restriction mapping showed that the two recombinant plasmids shared an EcoRI fragment of 8.9 kb. Results from subcloning, deletion mapping, and mini-Mu insertional mutation of the 8.9-kb EcoRI fragment suggested that a 4.2-kb fragment was sufficient to complement the mutant XC1708. Sequence analysis of this 4.2-kb fragment revealed three consecutive open reading frames (ORFs), ORF1, ORF2, and ORF3. Hybridization experiments showed that Tn5 in the genome of XC1708 and other mutants complemented by pLASC3 was located in ORF3, which could code for a protein of 83.5 kDa. A signal peptidase II processing site was identified at the N terminus of the predicted amino acid sequence. Sequence homology of 51% was observed between the amino acid sequences predicted from ORF3 and the pulD gene of Klebsiella species.  相似文献   

The hrp (hypersensitive response and pathogenicity) gene cluster of the plant pathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria encodes a type III secretion (TTS) system, which injects bacterial effector proteins into the plant cell. Here, we characterized hpaB (hpa, hrp-associated), which encodes a pathogenicity factor with typical features of a TTS chaperone. We show that HpaB is important for the efficient secretion of at least five effector proteins but is dispensable for the secretion of non-effectors such as XopA and the TTS translocon protein HrpF. GST pull-down assays revealed that HpaB interacts with two unrelated effector proteins, AvrBs1 and AvrBs3, but not with XopA. The HpaB-binding site is located within the first 50 amino acids of AvrBs3. This region also contains the targeting signal for HpaB-dependent secretion, which is missing in HrpF and XopA. Intriguingly, the N-termini of HrpF and XopA target the AvrBs3Delta2 reporter for translocation in a DeltahpaB mutant but not in the wild-type strain. This indicates that HpaB plays an essential role in the exit control of the TTS system. Our data suggest that HpaB promotes the secretion of a large set of effector proteins and prevents the delivery of non-effectors into the plant cell.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria use the type II secretion (T2S) system to secrete exoproteins for attacking animal or plant cells or to obtain nutrients from the environment. The system is unique in helping folded proteins traverse the outer membrane. The secretion machine comprises multiple proteins spanning the cell envelope and a cytoplasmic ATPase. Activity of the ATPase, when copurified with the cytoplasmic domain of an interactive ATPase partner, is stimulated by an acidic phospholipid, suggesting the membrane-associated ATPase is actively engaged in secretion. How the stimulated ATPase activity is terminated when secretion is complete is unclear. We fused the T2S ATPase of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, the causal agent of black rot in the crucifers, with fluorescent protein and found that the ATPase in secretion-proficient cells was mainly diffused in cytoplasm. Focal spots at the cell periphery were detectable only in a few cells. The discrete foci were augmented in abundance and intensity when the secretion channel was depleted and the exoprotein overproduced. The foci abundance was inversely related to secretion efficiency of the secretion channel. Restored function of the secretion channel paralleled reduced ATPase foci abundance. The ATPase foci colocalized with the secretion channel. The ATPase may be transiently associated with the T2S machine by alternating between a cytoplasmic and a machine-associated state in a secretion-dependent manner. This provides a logical means for terminating the ATPase activity when secretion is completed. Function-related dynamic assembly may be the essence of the T2S machine.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the yellow pigments (xanthomonadins) produced by phytopathogenic Xanthomonas bacteria are unimportant during pathogenesis but may be important for protection against photobiological damage. We used a Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris parent strain, single-site transposon insertion mutant strains, and chromosomally restored mutant strains to define the biological role of xanthomonadins. Although xanthomonadin mutant strains were comparable to the parent strain for survival when exposed to UV light; after their exposure to the photosensitizer toluidine blue and visible light, survival was greatly reduced. Chromosomally restored mutant strains were completely restored for survival in these conditions. Likewise, epiphytic survival of a xanthomonadin mutant strain was greatly reduced in conditions of high light intensity, whereas a chromosomally restored mutant strain was comparable to the parent strain for epiphytic survival. These results are discussed with respect to previous results, and a model for epiphytic survival of X. campestris pv. campestris is presented.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】十字花科黑腐病菌(Xanthomonas campestris pv.campestris,Xcc),能侵染所有十字花科植物,引起黑腐病。Xcc通过III型分泌系统(Type III Secretion System,T3SS)将III型效应物(T3SS effector,T3SE)蛋白直接转运到植物细胞内,T3SEs对于病原菌致病性至关重要。许多已鉴定的T3SEs基因的启动子区都 存在植物诱导启动子盒(Plant-inducible promoter,PIP-box)和-10box,但PIP-box及-10 box与经典的启动子-10区及-35区之间的关系如何未见报道,-10 box的序列保守性如何也未见报道。本研究旨在对T3SE基因avrACXcc8004推测的启动子区进行研究。【方法】首先,通过5'RACE 确定其转录起始位点,接着用Fusion PCR对-10 box TACGTT序列中倒数第二个碱基T进行点突变为A/C/G,即:TACGAT、TACGCT和TACGGT,构建GUS融合报告菌株,定量测定GUS酶活。【结果】5'RACE结果显示avrACXcc8004的转录起始位点为A,对比分析得到启动子的-35区位于PIP-box之后8bp处,而-10区与-10 box重叠;avrACXcc8004启动子区的PIP-box和-35区、- 10 box的整个模体为:TTCAC-N15 -TTCGC-N8 -TTGATG-N18 -TACGTT。最后,GUS定量测定结果表明,突变为C 时( TACGCT)的菌株的GUS 酶活最高,突变为G 时(TACGGT)的酶活增高最 少。在ΔhrpX 和ΔhrpG 中的GUS 酶活均比在Xcc 8004 中有显著的降低。【结论】Xcc 的T3SE 基因PIP-box与-35区前后相衔,-10 box即-10区,-10 box对于avrACXcc8004的转录活性有较大的影响,- 10 box突变前后avrACXcc8004均受HrpG 和HrpX 正向调控。  相似文献   

Black rot of cabbage caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris is one of the most important diseases of crucifers worldwide. Expression of defence-related enzymes in cabbage in response to X. campestris pv. campestris was investigated in the current experiment. Among the defence-related enzymes (phynylalanine ammonia lyase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, superoxide dismutase [SOD] and chitinase) and quantity of phenolic compounds studied in the present investigation, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), the key enzyme in the phenylpropanoid pathway was the first enzyme suppressed at three days after inoculation in X. campestris pv. campestris-cabbage system. Correlation analysis indicated that PAL and phenolic compounds are the two most important compounds determining the susceptibility of cabbage to X. campestris pv. campestris. Induction of peroxidase isoform-1 (Rf value: 0.059) and SOD isoform-1 (Rf value: 0.179) three days after pathogen inoculation implicated the role of these isozymes in susceptible cabbage – X. campestris pv. campestris interaction. This study demonstrates the susceptibility of cabbage to X. campestris pv. campestris is a result of declination of PAL and phenolic contents at biochemical level as a manifestation of increase in bacterial population at the cellular level within the host tissues.  相似文献   

Immunomagnetic fishing was developed as an improved procedure for increasing the bacterial target to non-target recovery ratio in suspensions containing mixtures of target and non-target organisms. A cell suspension containing the target Xanthomonas campestris pv. pelargonii and non-target organisms, is treated with rabbit polyclonal antiserum against X.c. pv. pelargonii and incubated for 1 h. The suspension is then mixed with paramagnetic iron oxide particles coated with goat anti-rabbit antibodies (immunomagnetic particles). After incubation, the polished surface of a 14 mm diameter neodymium supermagnet is placed at the air-water interace and the magnetic particles are attracted to the magnet. After all visible magnetic particles have attached to the bottom of the magnet, the magnet is dipped in sterile buffer to remove non-target organisms. The magnet with attached magnetic particles is rubbed evenly over an agar surface to dislodge the particles and attached bacteria. Conventional immunomagnetic isolation (immunomagnetic attraction) and immunomagnetic fishing were compared, for the recovery of the target organism in geranium leaf washings spiked with X.c. pv. pelargonii. With immunomagnetic attraction and immunomagnetic fishing, bacterial non-target organisms were reduced to 11.4 and 1.5% of the initial population, respectively, whereas the target was only reduced to 63.7 and 53.8%.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation was studied in Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae in vivo and in vitro. In vitro labelling showed that the protein kinases in this bacterium used both ATP and GTP as nucleotide substrates at nearly the same efficiency. At least 6 proteins were phosphorylated in vitro, including abundant species of p81, p44, and p32 with M r of 81000, 44000, and 32000, respectively. Three types of phosphate-protein linkage were found in this bacterium: O-phosphate, N-phosphate and probably acyl phosphate. The p81 and p32 were phosphorylated at histidine. The p44 had mainly phosphoserine and a small part of phosphohistidine. The phosphorylation profile was variable depending on the growth conditions. Furthermore, by a virulent phage Xp10 infection the quantity of phosphorylation increased: for phosphohistinine more than 10-fold, and for phosphoserine about 3-fold. Thus, in this bacterium phosphorylation may be linked with a physiological regulation system and with Xp10 phage development.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative plant pathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria translocates effector proteins via a specialized type III secretion (TTS) system into the host cell cytosol. The efficient secretion of many effector proteins depends on the global TTS chaperone HpaB. Here, we identified a novel export control protein, HpaC, which significantly contributes to bacterial pathogenicity. Deletion of hpaC leads to a severe reduction in secretion of effector proteins and the putative type III translocon proteins HrpF and XopA. By contrast, secretion of the TTS pilus protein HrpE is not affected. We provide experimental evidence that HpaC differentiates between two classes of effector proteins. Using an in vivo reporter assay, we found that HpaC specifically promotes the translocation of the effector proteins XopJ and XopF1 into the plant cell, whereas AvrBs3 and XopC are efficiently translocated even in the absence of HpaC. Similar findings were obtained for HpaB. Inhibition of protein synthesis suggests that HpaB is involved in the secretion of stored effector proteins. Furthermore, protein-protein interaction studies revealed that HpaB and HpaC form an oligomeric protein complex and that they interact with members of both effector protein classes and the conserved TTS system component HrcV. Taken together, our data indicate that HpaB and HpaC play a central role in recruiting TTS substrates to the secretion apparatus.  相似文献   

在十字花科黑腐病菌(Xcc)中,hrp基因对寄主的致病性和非寄主的超敏反应中起核心作用,而hrpG对整个hrp基因簇起调控作用.HrpG为OmpR家族的双组分系统感受调控蛋白,含有两个结构域,分别是N端Response_reg和C端Trans reg_C.本研究利用表达载体pQE-30 Xa,成功构建了HrpG的表达重组子,在E.coli M15 [pREP4]中进行诱导表达.通过调节诱导温度、IPTG浓度和诱导时间最终确定在温度为20℃,IPTG浓度为0.8 mmol/L,诱导表达4 h.hrpG基因在宿主细胞E.coli M15获得高效可溶性表达.目前尚未有可溶性HrpG蛋白获得成功表达的报导,本研究中获得HrpG蛋白在大肠杆菌获得大量可溶性的表达,将为in vitro研究HrpG的生理活性,特异的结合位点和调控功能研究打下良好基础.  相似文献   

Fully sequenced genomes of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) strains are reported. However, intra‐pathovar differences are still intriguing and far from clear. In this work, the contrasting virulence between two isolates of Xcc ‐ Xcc51 (more virulent) and XccY21 (less virulent) is evaluated by determining their pan proteome profiles. The bacteria are grown in NYG and XVM1 (optimal for induction of hrp regulon) broths and collected at the max‐exponential growth phase. Shotgun proteomics reveals a total of 329 proteins when Xcc isolates are grown in XVM1. A comparison of both profiles reveals 47 proteins with significant abundance fluctuations, out of which, 39 show an increased abundance in Xcc51 and are mainly involved in virulence/adaptation mechanisms, genetic information processing, and membrane receptor/iron transport systems, such as BfeA, BtuB, Cap, Clp, Dcp, FyuA, GroEs, HpaG, Tig, and OmpP6. Several differential proteins are further analyzed by qRT‐PCR, which reveals a similar expression pattern to the protein abundance. The data shed light on the complex Xcc pathogenicity mechanisms and point out a set of proteins related to the higher virulence of Xcc51. This information is essential for the development of more efficient strategies aiming at the control of black rot disease.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies specific for lipopolysaccharide antigens of Xanthomonas campestris pv. begoniae and pv. pelargonii reacted with all of their respective pathovar strains and not with 130 strains of other xanthomonads or 89 nonxanthomonads tested. These results, as well as previous results, indicate that pathovar-specific monoclonal antibodies were readily generated to strains of X. campestris pathovars that generally infect single hosts.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines strain AM2 (XcgAM2), the etiological agent of bacterial pustule disease of soybean, exhibited post-exponential rapid cell death (RCD) in LB medium. X. campestris pv. malvacearum NCIM 2310 and X. campestris NCIM 2961 also displayed RCD, though less pronouncedly than XcgAM2. RCD was not observed in Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycines, or Escherichia coli DH5alpha. Incubation of the post-exponential LB-grown XcgAM2 cultures at 4 degrees C arrested the RCD. RCD was also inhibited by the addition of starch during the exponential phase of LB-growing XcgAM2. Protease negative mutants of XcgAM2 were found to be devoid of RCD behavior observed in the wild type XcgAM2. While undergoing RCD, the organism was found to transform to spherical membrane bodies. The presence of membrane bodies was confirmed by using a membrane specific fluorescent label, 1,6-diphenyl 1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH), and also by visualizing these structures under microscope. The membrane bodies of XcgAM2 were found to contain DNA, which was devoid of the indigenous plasmids of the organism. The membrane bodies were found to bind annexin V indicative of the externalization of membrane phosphatidyl serine. Nicking of DNA in XcgAM2 cultures undergoing RCD in LB medium was also detected using a TUNEL assay. The RCD in XcgAM2 appeared to have features similar to the programmed cell death in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Type III secretion systems (TTSSs) are specialized protein transport systems in gram-negative bacteria which target effector proteins into the host cell. The TTSS of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria, encoded by the hrp (hypersensitive reaction and pathogenicity) gene cluster, is essential for the interaction with the plant. One of the secreted proteins is HrpF, which is required for pathogenicity but dispensable for type III secretion of effector proteins in vitro, suggesting a role in translocation. In this study, complementation analyses of an hrpF null mutant strain using various deletion derivatives revealed the functional importance of the C-terminal hydrophobic protein region. Deletion of the N terminus abolished type III secretion of HrpF. Employing the type III effector AvrBs3 as a reporter, we show that the N terminus of HrpF contains a signal for secretion but not a functional translocation signal. Experiments with lipid bilayers revealed a lipid-binding activity of HrpF as well as HrpF-dependent pore formation. These data indicate that HrpF presumably plays a role at the bacterial-plant interface as part of a bacterial translocon which mediates effector protein delivery across the host cell membrane.  相似文献   

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