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The quantitative significance of bacterial biomass in the nutrition of detritivores remains equivocal. We have used tritiated thymidine to specifically label stable macromolecules in natural assemblages of sediment-associated and detritus-associated bacteria. This material was presented to the isopod (Lirceus sp.) and incorporation of bacterial biomass measured. The isopod incorporated roughly 1 ng bacterial carbon (mg wet wt.)-1 h-1 from leaf discs and about 6 ng mg-1 h-1 from sediment. Calculation of grazing rate from changes in cell counts yields grazing rates from 2.3–17.9 ng C mg-1 h-1. Even the maximum grazing rate, which is an overestimate of C assimilated, represents only 14.7% of C respired by the isopod.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to analyze the efficiency of Botryococcus sp. in the phycoremediation of domestic wastewater and to determine the variety of hydrocarbons derived from microalgal oil after phycoremediation. The study showed a significant (p < 0.05) reduction of pollutant loads of up to 93.9% chemical oxygen demand, 69.1% biochemical oxygen demand, 59.9% total nitrogen, 54.5% total organic carbon, and 36.8% phosphate. The average dry weight biomass produce was 0.1 g/L of wastewater. In addition, the dry weight biomass of Botryococcus sp. was found to contain 72.5% of crude oil. The composition analysis using Gas Chromatogram - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) found that phthalic acid, 2-ethylhexyltridecyl ester (C29H48O4), contributed the highest percentage (71.6%) of the total hydrocarbon compounds to the extracted algae oil. The result of the study suggests that Botryococcus sp. can be used for effective phycoremediation, as well as to provide a sustainable hydrocarbon source as a value-added chemical for the bio-based plastic industry.  相似文献   

1. We examined whether the isopod, Lirceus fontinalis, an important facultative shredder in low-order streams in the eastern United States, responded to chemical cues of the skin mucus of five fish species varying in relatedness and feeding habits, and if fish-induced alterations in the foraging activity of isopods indirectly affected leaf processing. 2. In the laboratory, isopods generally responded to the presence of fish mucus by reducing their activity. Isopods were most responsive in water containing the skin mucus of predatory sunfish (Lepomis) and least responsive in water treated with mucus from algivorous stonerollers (Campostoma anomalum). 3. Rates of leaf disc breakdown by isopods in the laboratory were significantly reduced when isopods were exposed to chemical cues of confined green sunfish (L. cyanellus). 4. The rate of leaf processing in a fishless reach of a headwater stream was four to five times greater by isopods 7—10mmTL (total length) than those ≤ 5mm TL. Rates of leaf processing by isopods in low-order streams may be affected directly by the size structure of the isopod population and indirectly by the presence of fish.  相似文献   

1.  1. It has been accepted that aquatic hyphomycetes colonising submerged leaves increase the nutritional value of leaf detritus and suggested that fungal biomass plays a greater role in the growth of shredders than leaf tissue itself. However, it is not clear what proportion of the nutritional needs of shredders is met by fungal biomass.
2.  We fed Pycnopsyche gentilis larvae with tulip poplar ( Liriodendron tulipifera ) leaf discs colonised by the aquatic hyphomycete, Anguillospora filiformis , which had been radiolabelled to quantify the contribution of fungal carbon to the growth of the shredder at different larval developmental stages. Instantaneous growth rates of larvae on this diet were also estimated.
3.  When provided with fungal-colonised leaves (14–16% fungal biomass), the third and the fifth instar larvae of P. gentilis grew at the rates of 0.061 and 0.034 day−1, respectively, but on a diet of sterile leaves, both larval instars lost weight. The incorporation rates of fungal carbon were 31.6 μg C mg−1 AFDM day−1, accounting for 100% of the daily growth rate of the third instar larvae and 8.6 μg C mg−1 AFDM day−1, accounting for 50% of the daily growth rate of the fifth instar larvae.
4.  These results suggest that leaf material colonised by A. filiformis is a high quality food resource for P. gentilis larvae, and that fungal biomass can contribute significantly to the growth of these larvae. Differences in feeding behaviour and digestive physiology may explain the significantly greater assimilation of fungal biomass by the earlier instar than the final instar. To satisfy their nutritional needs the fifth instar larvae would have to assimilate detrital mass that may have been modified by fungal exoenzymes.  相似文献   

J. Fraser 《Oecologia》1980,45(3):419-420
Summary Some populations of the isopod Asellus aquaticus from polluted rivers are tolerant to lead. Here it is shown that nontolerant animals from an unpolluted site can be made tolerant by laboratory exposure to low levels of the metal, and it is suggested that naturally occurring tolerance may be achieved by acclimation.  相似文献   

Ergosterol, a membrane sterol found in fungi but not in plants, was used to estimate live mycelial biomass in ectomycorrhizae. Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seeds were sown in April 1993 and grown with standard nursery culture practices. Correlations between total seedling ergosterol and visual assessment of mycorrhizal colonization were high during July and August but low as ectomycorrhizal development continued into the growing season. Percentages of mycelial dry weight over lateral roots decreased from 9% in July to 2.5% in November because seedling lateral root dry weight accumulated faster than mycelial dry weight. Total ergosterol per seedling increased from July through February. As lateral root dry weight ceased to increase during winter months, ectomycorrhizal mycelia became the major carbohydrate sink of pine seedlings. No distinctive seasonal pattern of soil ergosterol content was observed. The impact of ectomycorrhizal fungi on plant carbohydrate source-sink dynamics can be quantitatively estimated with ergosterol analysis but not with conventional visual determination.  相似文献   

The nutrient content and intake of locally available North Carolina browse was evaluated for use as a supplement to a herbivorous primate diet of commercial biscuit and produce. Twice weekly from May to October 1997, total dietary intakes were determined for two groups of folivorous lemurs. Group I consisted of Propithecus diadema diadema (n = 1) and P. tattersalli (n = 1) and group II consisted of P. verreauxi coquereli (n = 3). Six pooled samples of the diet and weekly samples of three browse species, Rhus copallina, Albizia julibrissin, and Liquidamber styrachiflua were analyzed for dry matter, energy, fiber, and nitrogen content. Browse species were also analyzed for nonprotein nitrogen and acid‐insoluble nitrogen. Group average dry matter intakes were 37.1 ± 2.2% (mean ± SEM) and 49.7 ± 3.0% of amount offered for groups I and II, respectively. Browse contributed 40.7 ± 2.9% and 29.6 ± 2.4% of the total daily intake for groups I and II, respectively. Browse species differed (P < 0.05) for dry matter, energy, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, cellulose, lignin, total nitrogen, nonprotein nitrogen, available nitrogen, and available protein. R. copallina and L. styrachiflua were similar in total nitrogen, available nitrogen, and nonprotein nitrogen; A. julibrissin was higher. L. styrachiflua was highest in lignin. Dry matter, acid detergent fiber, and lignin in browse samples increased seasonally (P < 0.05), whereas available protein decreased (P < 0.01). Animals were offered and consumed R. copallina most often, followed by A. julibrisson and L. styrachiflua. With the exception of R. copallina, animals generally consumed only the immature leaves, flowers, or seeds of species offered. Daily dry matter intake varied because of both browse offered and consumed and biscuit and produce diet consumed. Thus, increased fiber density can be a major benefit of browse use only when incorporated into the total diet with respect to species use, quantity of other diet ingredients offered, and targeted nutrient intakes. Zoo Biol 20:447–461, 2001. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mucor racemosus var. sphaerosporus and Phialophora alba were investigated for their abilities to degrade pyrene in a freshwater sediment, with or without glucose supply as nutrient or carbon source, during 90 days. The ergosterol contents in sediment were quantified to estimate fungal biomass and to assess the correlation between fungal activity and biodegradation of pyrene. Results showed that, in an heterogeneous environment, these fungi presented different abilities to degrade pyrene. P. alba increased the degree of pyrene degradation by 9%, compared to the native micro-organisms, but a supply of glucose acted as an inhibitor to pyrene disappearance. M. racemosus var. sphaerosporus was not efficient at sediment bioremediation (with or without glucose added), because it reduced the rate of pyrene degradation by the native microflora. In any case, there was no increase of ergosterol in boxes during bioremediation experiments. In our experimental conditions, ergosterol content could not be correlated to pyrene degradation.  相似文献   

Different lettuce genotypes supported significantly different phyllosphere fungal communities. Phyllosphere fungal diversity was low and fungi fell into five similarity groups. These groups were represented in significantly different proportions throughout 26 lettuce accessions indicating cultivar-level variation in the fungal colonization of the lettuce phyllosphere. Significant differences in the proportions of the two dominant groups (with similarity to Cladosporium spp. and Sporobolomyces roseus) were identified between parental lines of two lettuce mapping populations providing opportunities to further investigate the genetic control of cultivar-level variation in fungal phyllosphere colonisation.  相似文献   

Pigmentation in the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea) differed between habitats in two Swedish lakes. In both lakes, isopods had lighter pigmentation in stands of submerged vegetation, consisting of stoneworts (Chara spp.), than in nearby stands of reed (Phragmites australis). Experimental crossings of light and dark isopods in a common environment showed that pigmentation had a genetic basis and that genetic variance was additive. Environmental effects of diet or chromatophore adjustment to the background had minor influence on pigmentation, as shown by laboratory rearing of isopods on stonewort or reed substrates, as well as analyses of stable isotope ratios for isopods collected in the field. In both study lakes, the average phenotype became lighter with time (across generations) in recently established stonewort stands. Taken together, these results indicate that altered phenotype pigmentation result from evolutionary responses to local differences in natural selection. Based on the assumption of two generations per year, the evolutionary rate of change in pigmentation was 0.08 standard deviations per generation (haldanes) over 20 generations in one lake and 0.22 haldanes over two generations in the other lake. This genetic change occurred during an episode of population growth in a novel habitat, a situation known to promote adaptive evolution. In addition, stonewort stands constitute large and persistent patches, characteristics that tend to preserve local adaptations produced by natural selection. Results from studies on selective forces behind the adaptive divergence suggest that selective predation from visually oriented predators is a possible selective agent. We found no indications of phenotype-specific movements between habitats. Mating within stonewort stands was random with respect to pigmentation, but on a whole-lake scale it is likely that mating is assortative, as a result of local differences in phenotype distribution.  相似文献   

Multiple anthropogenic stressors have been shown to impact animal and plant communities in freshwater ecosystems, but the responses of aquatic fungi remain largely unknown. Stressor effects on fungal communities may, however, result in changes of decomposition of plant litter and, thus, impact nutrient cycling, a key process for ecosystem functioning. We tested the impact of increased chloride and sediment levels, as well as reduced water flow velocity, on eukaryotic freshwater communities, with an emphasis on fungi, in a mesocosm experiment. Each of the three stressors was applied individually and in all combinations in a full-factorial design. Litterbags with non-sterilised tree leaves and sterile ceramic tiles were added to the mesocosms, to analyse the responses of communities in decaying plant material and in biofilms. Fungi preferably occurring in biofilms were supposed to represent indigenous aquatic fungi, while litterbag communities should be predominantly composed of fungi known from terrestrial litter. Community composition was assessed by high-throughput sequencing of amplified barcoding regions. Similarity matrices of operational taxonomic unit (OTU) tables calculated by UCLUST and CD-HIT-OTU-Illumina were significantly correlated. Preferred occurrence in biofilm and litter communities, respectively, was used for the grouping of OTUs into three ecological guilds. Stressor sensitivity varied among the guilds. While non-fungal, in particular autotrophic, OTUs responded to several treatments, two of the fungal guilds, i.e. those exclusively colonising litter and those preferably occurring on the ceramic tiles, showed no response to any applied treatment. Only fungi preferably, but not exclusively, colonising litter significantly responded to chloride addition. Their distribution patterns again correlated significantly with those of non-fungal OTUs, indicating possible interdependencies between both groups. The results indicate that eukaryotic freshwater communities are composed of different guilds, with distinctive sensitivity and tolerance to anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   

30 genera and 77 species, in addition to 4 varieties were isolated from 25 samples of each of barley, wheat, maize and sorghum grains collected from different places in Egypt. The broadest spectrum of genera and species was recorded in wheat (25 genera and 59 species + 4 varieties) followed by barley (21 genera and 52 species + 2 varieties), sorghum (14 genera and 33 species + 2 varieties) and maize grains (11 genera and 29 species + 2 varieties). Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium and Rhizopus were the most common genera in the four grains, except maize where Penicillium emerged in low frequency. Aspergillus was the main component of the fungal flora of the four grains and contributed 79–94.4% of the gross total count of fungi. From the preceding genera A. niger, A. flavus, A. fumigatus, F. oxysporum, P. chrysogenum, P. corylophilum, P. notatum and R. stolonifer were the most frequent.  相似文献   

Parasite resistance is expected to be costly because activation and maintenance of immune system requires energy that will not be available for other fitness related functions. Here, we experimentally exposed gravid female isopods from two lake populations to trophically transmitted acanthocephalan parasite. Successful establishment of the parasite requires penetration to body cavity; therefore, it is likely to induce an immune response. Resistant females from a lake where the parasite occurs as well as from a lake without the parasite experienced higher mortality than susceptible or control females. Parasite exposure reduced the offspring size at birth in both susceptible, but especially, in resistant females, suggesting that resistant females had less resource to direct for parental care. Parasite exposure had no effect on brood dumping, time to release of offspring or offspring growth rate after birth. Hence, our results reveal costs of resistance in parental survival and parental care of offspring.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2008,76(2-3):217-225
Data regarding the influence of maturity within the vegetative stage of tropical grasses on forage quality are limited and conflicting. The change in chemical composition of rice grass (Echinochloa sp.) hay harvested at 32, 46, 72 and 90 days of regrowth, and its effect on intake, digestibility, ruminal fermentation, rumen microbial protein synthesis (Experiment 1) and splanchnic oxygen uptake (Experiment 2) by lambs was evaluated. Except intake of indigestible neutral detergent fibre (NDF) which was similar for all treatments, intake of all hay components and the apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter (OM), NDF, N, as well as OM and N true digestibility, N retention and rumen microbial protein synthesis decreased linearly (P < 0.05) with increased regrowth age. Rumen fluid pH, ammonia N and peptide concentrations were similar for all treatments while sugars and amino acid concentrations decreased linearly with increased regrowth age of rice grass (P < 0.05). Passage rate of particles through reticulum-rumen (PRrr) was quadratically related (P < 0.05) to regrowth age. The highest PRrr and, consequently, the lowest retention time in the reticulum-rumen were obtained at 72 days of regrowth. There was a quadratic effect (P < 0.05) on net portal-drained viscera (PDV) flux of oxygen and heat production, while OM intake, portal blood flow and heat production as proportion of digestible energy (DE) intake were not affected by the increased regrowth age of rice grass. The highest means of oxygen uptake and heat production by PDV tissues were in 72 days treatment. In the whole splanchnic metabolism assay neither hay intake nor blood flow, oxygen uptake or heat production were affected by forage regrowth age. In conclusion, the nutritive value of rice grass hay decreased as regrowth age increased from 32 to 90 days due to decrease both OM intake and digestibility.  相似文献   

We analysed 30 samples of Galician honey with the aim of quantifying and identifying the fungal spores contained in them. Using an optical microscope, we could identify 40 different types, among them Cladosporium, Penicillium/Aspergillus and the Basidiospores, which were identified in more than 80% of the samples. We calculated the relationship between fungal spores and amount of pollen grains in the samples. The maximum values were obtained in samples 21 (more than 208/100 grains of pollen) and 5 (153 spores/100 grains of pollen).  相似文献   

Summary The spatial distribution and size-dependence of oxygen consumption (respiration) and production by microplankton in near surface waters of the Canadian Arctic were measured during summer, 1983. High oxygen flux rates (consumption and production) were observed near surface (upper 20–30 m) and were generally associated with high phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a) levels. A substantial portion of the respiration (>50%), however, was below the euphotic zone. Integrated oxygen fluxes (0–100 m) were approximately in balance (i.e., net oxygen production 0) at most locations sampled. In general, oxygen fluxes were higher than have been observed in the Southern Ocean but in the same range as found in temperate coastal waters. Size-fractionation studies showed that most (>60%) of the oxygen production and phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a) were associated with organisms greater than 35 m. On the other hand, more than 70% of the respiration was associated with organisms less than 35 m; on average, more than 50% of the respiration was associated with organisms less than 1 m. These results are consistent with theoretical studies and with experimental observations from temperate waters.  相似文献   

Summary CO2 evolution, fungal biomass and microbial population of two maize field soils differing in agricultural systemsviz., permanent agriculture on plain lands in valleys and ‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture, were estimated at monthly intervals for one crop cycle. The results showed significant positive correlation among CO2 evolution, fungal biomass, microbial population, organic C and total N. There was significant positive correlation between bacterial population and moisture content in both the agricultural systems. Microbial population and CO2 evolution were always higher in the soils of permanent agriculture as compared to that of ‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture.  相似文献   

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