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A strain of Ulocladium botrytis isolated from diseased Orobanche crenata shoots caused disease on the parasitic weed in pathogenicity tests. The potential of the fungus to be developed as a mycoherbicide for Orobanche spp. was further investigated. Although the fungus significantly decreased O. crenata germination in vitro by 80%, it did not generally lead to a decreased number of O. crenata shoots or tubercles in inoculated root chambers or pots. However, the number of diseased or dead tubercles and underground shoots was significantly increased compared to the noninoculated treatments. Postemergence inoculation of O. crenata shoots with a conidial suspension resulted in the death of almost all inoculated plants 14 days after application under greenhouse conditions. In preliminary host-range studies, the pathogen caused disease on Orobanche cumana on sunflower whereas on Orobanche aegyptiaca shoots parasitizing tomato only minimal disease symptoms could be detected after postemergence inoculation. Based on the results of our investigations, we conclude that Ulocladium botrytis has only a limited potential to be used as a biocontrol agent against Orobanche spp.  相似文献   

Additional tests of native North American Cirsium species, Saussurea americana, and modern safflower cultivars (Carthamus tinctorius) were requested by regulators and specific interest groups during the risk assessment of foreign isolates of Puccinia jaceae var. solstitialis for biological control of yellow starthistle (YST, Centaurea solstitialis) in the United States. These tests supplement an earlier, extensive host range determination that established P. jaceae from YST as generally host specific and potentially useful for biological control. The additional research was in response to potential hazards identified in an earlier study, changes in safflower cultivars, and concern that P. jaceae might cause a safflower seedling disease similar to hypocotyl infections from infestation by Puccinia carthami teliospores. S. americana, a close relative of yellow starthistle, had not been tested previously. All tests were conducted in a containment greenhouse. Foliage of 19 Cirsium species, 11 safflower cultivars, and S. americana was inoculated with urediniospores and subjected to a 16-h dew period at 18–20 °C. Neither the Cirsium species nor S. americana became infected after foliar inoculations. Compared to foliar infections by P. carthami from safflower in California, only minor infections developed from inoculations with P. jaceae. These were similar to infections observed in earlier studies, and it was not possible to maintain P. jaceae under optimal greenhouse conditions on safflower foliage. Quantitative teliospore inoculations with P. jaceae did not cause infection on safflower hypocotyls, even though large cankers occurred on plants inoculated with P. carthami teliospores. Clear microscopic evidence of infection also was observed in hypocotyls inoculated with P. carthami. These data suggest that native (including rare, threatened, or endangered) Cirsium spp., modern safflower cultivars, and S. americana are not likely to be adversely affected by the use of P. jaceae for biological control of YST. Results from these studies substantiate previous findings and were incorporated in a proposal for permission to use P. jaceae for YST control in California.  相似文献   

P. J. McFadyen 《BioControl》1987,32(4):377-379
Foliage-feeding beetles of the genusAnacassis [A. phaeopoda Buzzi,A. fuscata (Klug),A. fuscata var.unicolor (Burmeister),A. cribrum (Klug) andA. dubia (Boheman)] were collected fromBaccharis spp. andBaccharidastrum spp. in South America. Specificity studies showed that they were restricted to these 2 host genera. Between 1974 and 1976 these species were introduced into Australia for the control ofBaccharis halimifolia. A. phaeopoda andA. fuscata were first released in 1976. One field colony ofA. fuscata persisted for up to 3 years but no recoveries ofA. phaeopoda were made after the 1st field generation. The other species died out in quarantine and were not released.   相似文献   

Sesame is an important vegetable crop for the production of oil in Korea. The main obstacle of sesame cultivation is the occurrence of damping-off diseases and wilt caused by a complex of soil-borne pathogens in fields cultivated for two or more successive years. To protect sesame seedlings against these diseases, Paenibacillus polymyxa E681, a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) previously shown to suppress disease incidence and promote growth on cucumber and pepper in the greenhouse and field experiments, was evaluated for its capacity for biological control and growth promotion in vitro and in situ. Seed treatment with strain E681 alone did not show consistent protection. Therefore, seed pelleting with strain E681 was attempted to increase the seed size and improve the stability and effectiveness of biocontrol capacity by strain E681. Through screening of pelleting materials, a combination of clay and vermiculite was selected for further experiments to enhance seed germination and root colonization of strain E681 on sesame. In greenhouse trials, formulations of strain E681 reduced disease incidence in disease-conducive soil. In the field, pelleting of sesame seeds with strain E681 significantly reduced pre- and post-emergence damping-off compared to the non-treated or pelleting alone controls; pelleting also promoted the plant growth and the grain yield. Furthermore, the efficacy of strain E681 for biological control and plant growth promotion was improved by sesame seed pelleting compared to the treatment with strain E681 alone. Hence, the application of strain E681 via seed pelleting offers potential to overcome some of the problems associated with successive years of sesame cultivation.  相似文献   

Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. is a perennial herb indigenous to Eurasia that is now present throughout temperate regions of the world where it is considered one of the worst weeds of pastoral and agricultural systems. Classical biological control has been attempted in both North America (NA) and New Zealand (NZ). However, nearly 50 years after the first agent releases there are no indications of successful control. We review the status of the five agents deliberately released for control of C. arvense in NA and NZ, plus the species unintentionally introduced, and the occurrence of insects native to NA on C. arvense. We retrospectively evaluate C. arvense as a target weed, critique the agents selected for release, and contrast the different situations in NA and NZ. In retrospect, we see justification for the agents released in NA, but it is evident that these agents would not meet the more stringent host specificity requirements necessary to be released today. The failure of the program in NA is attributed to compromised safety, and lack of impact. Non-target impacts by one of the released agents, Rhinocyllus conicus, have raised safety concerns for native thistle plants. The other released agents either failed to establish, or if established, had no impact on the weed. In contrast, the situation in NZ is quite different because there are no related native thistles (Cardueae), and thus little chance of non-target impacts. Thus far, failure in NZ is attributed to lack of effectiveness due to non-establishment, or no impact, of released agents. In the past, the same agents that were released in NA were subsequently released in NZ, without considering whether or not these were the best choices. Thus, the past failure in NZ might be due to the previous lack of a NZ-specific approach to biocontrol of thistles in general and C. arvense in particular. A new approach taking into consideration the absence of native Cardueae has resulted in the release of agents more likely to be effective, and has potentially set NZ on track towards successful biological control of C. arvense, and other thistles.  相似文献   

Bacillus licheniformis N1, which has previously exhibited potential as a biological control agent, was investigated to develop a biofungicide to control the gray mold of tomato caused by Botrytis cinerea. Various formulations of B. licheniformis N1 were developed using fermentation cultures of the bacteria in Biji medium, and their ability to control gray mold on tomato plants was evaluated. The results of pot experiments led to the selection of the wettable powder formulation N1E, based on corn starch and olive oil, for evaluation of the disease control activity of this bacterium after both artificial infection of the pathogen and natural disease occurrence under production conditions. In plastic-house artificial infection experiments, a 100-fold diluted N1E treatment was found to be the optimum biofungicide spray formulation. This treatment resulted in the significant reduction of symptom development when N1E was applied before Bo. cinerea infection, but not after the infection. Both artificial infection experiments in a plastic house and natural infection experiments under production conditions revealed that the N1E significantly reduced disease severity on tomato plants and flowers. The disease control value of N1E on tomato plants was 90.5% under production conditions, as compared to the 77% conferred by a chemical fungicide, the mixture of carbendazim and diethofencarb (1:1). The prevention of flower infection by N1E resulted in increased numbers of tomato fruits on each plant. N1E treatment also had growth promotion activity, which showed the increased number of tomato fruits compared to fungicide treatment and non-treated control and the increased fruit size compared the non-treated control under production conditions. This study suggests that the corn starch-based formulation of B. licheniformis developed using liquid fermentation will be an effective tool in the biological control of tomato gray mold.  相似文献   

Tests of seven rare and endangered native North American Cirsium species and four modern artichoke lines were requested in response to a proposal for introduction of Puccinia carduorum into the United States for biological control of musk thistle (Carduus nutans ssp. leiophyllus). These tests were supplemental to an earlier extensive host-range study that established P. carduorum from musk thistle as host specific, useful for biological control, and suitable for limited field tests in Virginia. Test plants in the current study were evaluated in support of a proposal to use the rust in the western United States, and particularly, in California. None of the test plants in this study had been evaluated in previous assessments and all were either rare, endangered or threatened in California. Tests were conducted in both field and greenhouse settings. Field tests were run for two seasons, and test plants were inoculated by natural spread of the pathogen from source plants inside rings of test plants. Greenhouse tests involved direct inoculation under optimal conditions of dew and temperature (18–20 °C, 16 h) for infection. None of the seven Cirsium species or subspecies tested became infected by P. carduorum, either in field or greenhouse tests, compared to infection of 98% of the individual musk thistle plants (n = 102) from all the studies. Modern artichoke cultivars were tested only by direct inoculation under optimal greenhouse conditions. All artichoke plants (n = 115) either were immune (no macroscopic symptoms, n = 69) or at most, resistant (n = 46); pustules on all but two of the resistant plants were very small (0.30 mm diam). Despite infections on artichokes, P. carduorum could not be maintained on artichokes under optimal greenhouse conditions. These results confirm earlier findings from host-range tests and risk assessments of P. carduorum. This information suggests that rare, threatened, or endangered Cirsium spp. and modern artichoke cultivars are not likely to be adversely affected by the use of P. carduorum for biological control of musk thistle. These data have been reviewed by grower groups and regulatory agencies in a proposal for permission to use the rust for musk thistle control throughout the United States.  相似文献   

Two geometrid moths Chiasmia inconspicua and Chiasmia assimilis, identified as potential biological control agents for prickly acacia Acacia nilotica subsp. indica, were collected in Kenya and imported into quarantine facilities in Australia where laboratory cultures were established. Aspects of the biologies of both insects were studied and CLIMEX® models indicating the climatically favourable areas of Australia were developed. Host range tests were conducted using an approved test list of 74 plant species and no-choice tests of neonate larvae placed on both cut foliage and potted plants. C. inconspicua developed through to adult on prickly acacia and, in small numbers, Acacia pulchella. C. assimilis developed through to adult on prickly acacia and also in very small numbers on A. pulchella, A. deanei, A. decurrens, and A. mearnsii. In all experiments, the response on prickly acacia could be clearly differentiated from the responses on the non-target species. Both insects were approved for release in Australia. Over a three-year period releases were made at multiple sites in north Queensland, almost all in inland areas. There was no evidence of either insect’s establishment and both colonies were terminated. A new colony of C. assimilis was subsequently established from insects collected in South Africa and releases of C. assimilis from this new colony were made into coastal and inland infestations of prickly acacia. Establishment was rapid at one coastal site and the insect quickly spread to other infestations. Establishment at one inland area was also confirmed in early 2006. The establishment in coastal areas supported a CLIMEX model that indicated that the climate of coastal areas was more suitable than inland areas.  相似文献   

Experimental studies can be useful tools to test plant responses to herbivory and to quantify the impact of potential biological control agents prior to their release. We evaluated the per-capita effect of Ceutorhynchus alliariae and C. roberti, two stem-boring weevils currently being investigated as potential biological control agents for garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, in North America. Weevils were released at three different densities in individual and mixed-species treatments onto potted plants of A. petiolata. Damage by C. roberti alone and by both weevils combined caused an increase in the numbers of inflorescences produced per plant. Although plants could compensate for low levels of damage, moderate to high levels of damage by both C. alliariae and C. roberti, individually and in combination, caused a decrease in plant height and a reduction in seed output per plant. The damage inflicted by both weevil species is similar so the overall impact of both species combined can be predicted by summing the impact of each species alone. Provided they are sufficiently host specific, both weevils could be released as biocontrol agents. Because reduced seed production is necessary to suppress A. petiolata populations, both species have the potential to contribute to control of A. petiolata in North America.  相似文献   

The challenge of using ladybird beetles for biological control of insect pests such as aphids is that the adult beetles tend to fly away from the host plants. Therefore, flightless ladybirds might improve biocontrol. There are several artificial ways to obtain flightless beetles, but it may be preferable to use natural variation in flight ability. We investigated, for the first time, biocontrol by inundative augmentation of natural flightless morphs of the ladybird beetle Adalia bipunctata. Microcosm experiments using single leaves with one of three species of aphid revealed no differences in consumption behavior between flightless and winged beetles. Monitoring for 48 h of single, caged pepper plants infested with aphids of Myzus persicae nicotianae or Aulacorthum solani showed that flightless beetles had a longer residence time on the plants than winged beetles. This only translated into significantly better biocontrol of M. persicae. Despite their difference in residence time, both beetle morphs reduced the population growth of A. solani. This is probably explained by the tendency of A. solani to drop from the plant upon disturbance, and we predict that flightless beetles may outperform winged ones in the long term. Overall, our results provide a proof of principle that natural flightless A. bipunctata can improve biocontrol of aphids by ladybird beetles. However, we recognize that the effect of biocontrol will vary with the species of aphid used and that further examination in long term and large scale experiments is required.  相似文献   

Peristenus digoneutis Loan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was introduced to the US for biological control of the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) (Hemiptera: Miridae), and has since spread through much of the northeast. The purpose of this study was to determine if P. digoneutis and a native congener, Peristenus pallipes (Curtis), parasitize L. lineolaris in strawberry (where it is a key pest), and what factors relate to parasitism levels. During 1997–1999 we monitored parasitism on 17 strawberry farms in 14 counties in eastern and western New York State. We found that in eastern NY (where P. digoneutis has been established since the early 1990s), overall mean parasitism was 19.7% (ranging from 0 to 70%), mostly by P. digoneutis. Mean parasitism was significantly lower (12.3%, ranging from 0 to 58%) in western NY (where P. digoneutis was first recorded in 1999), and was mostly by P. pallipes. P. pallipes parasitism was significantly lower in eastern than western NY, suggesting the potential for competitive interaction with P. digoneutis. The insecticide regime of a farm was an important factor influencing parasitism rate, which was 5- to 6.5-fold higher on organic or casually sprayed farms than on intensely treated farms, though pest density under these three regimes was not significantly different. L. lineolaris density, and parasitism rate in nearby alfalfa and abandoned fields were also significant factors for parasitism in strawberry.  相似文献   

Russian knapweed, Acroptilon repens, is one of the most serious exotic invaders of temperate grasslands in North America. Here we present results from a field experiment in which we quantified the impact of two potential biological control agents, the gall wasp Aulacidea acroptilonica V.Bel. (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) and the gall midge Jaapiella ivannikovi Fedotova (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae), on A. repens under field conditions in the plant’s native range in Uzbekistan. Attack by A. acroptilonica reduced shoot length by 21%, above-ground biomass by 25% and seed output by 75%, while attack by J. ivannikovi reduced shoot length by 12%, above-ground biomass by 24%, and seed output by 92%. The results of these field experiments are likely to accurately reflect the potential of these two gall formers to reduce above-ground biomass and sexual reproduction of A. repens shoots, since the shoots were part of a clonal network. Despite this, the attacked shoots were not able to compensate for the reallocation of plant resources to gall formation. Moreover, the mean number of galls per shoot obtained in the experiments was within the range of observed gall incidences in the native range. The impact of these two gall-forming insects on Russian knapweed in North America will depend on the population size the species reach and on the timing of attack. The highest impact is likely to occur when the insects attack shoots that have not yet started producing flower-buds.  相似文献   

To investigate harmful effects of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium species on microzooplankton, the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis was chosen as an assay species, and tested with 10 strains of Alexandrium including one known non-PSP-producer (Alexandrium tamarense, AT-6). HPLC analysis confirmed the PSP-content of the various strains: Alexandrium lusitanicum, Alexandrium minutum and Alexandrium tamarense (ATHK, AT5-1, AT5-3, ATCI02, ATCI03) used in the experiment were PSP-producers. No PSP toxins were detected in the strains Alexandrium sp1, Alexandrium sp2.Exposing rotifer populations to the densities of 2000 cells ml−1 of each of these 10 Alexandrium strains revealed that the (non-PSP) A. tamarense (AT-6) and two other PSP-producing algae: A. lusitanicum, A. minutum, did not appear to adversely impact rotifer populations. Rotifers exposed to these three strains were able to maintain their population numbers, and in some cases, increase them. Although some increases in rotifer population growth following exposures to these three algal species were noted, the rate was less than for the non-exposed control rotifer groups.In contrast, the remaining seven algal strains (A. tamarense ATHK, AT5-1, AT5-3, ATCI02, ATCI03; also Alexandrium sp1 and Alexandrium sp2) all have adverse effects on the rotifers. Dosing rotifers with respective algal cell densities of 2000 cells ml−1 each, for Alexandrium sp1, Alexandrium sp2, and A. tamarense strains ATHK and ATCI03 showed mean lethal time (LT50) on rotifer populations of 21, 28, 29, and 36h, respectively. The remaining three species (A. tamarense strains AT5-1, AT5-3, ATCI02) caused respective mean rotifer LT50s of 56, 56, and 71 h, compared to 160 h for the unexposed “starved control” rotifers. Experiments to determine ingestion rates for the rotifers, based on changes in their Chlorophyll a content, showed that the rotifers could feed on A. lusitanicum, A. minutum and A. tamarense strain AT-6, but could graze to little or no extent upon algal cells of the other seven strains. The effects on rotifers exposed to different cell densities, fractions, and growth phases of A. tamarense algal culture were respectively compared. It was found that only the whole algal cells had lethal effects, with strongest impact being shown by the early exponential growth phase of A. tamarense. The results indicate that some toxic mechanism(s), other than PSP and present in whole algal cells, might be responsible for the adverse effects on the exposed rotifers.  相似文献   

Laura A. Wirf   《Biological Control》2006,37(3):346-353
Trials were conducted to test the effects of artificial defoliation and defoliation by Macaria pallidata (Warren) (Geometridae) larvae on the invasive weed Mimosa pigra L. Herbivory is generally thought to be detrimental to plant fitness but it is well documented that many plants can increase growth rates or reproduction to compensate for damage. The compensatory ability of an invasive plant has implications for the potential success of defoliating biocontrol agents. Mimosa compensated for 25% manual defoliation, but at 50% and 100% defoliation levels plants suffered a significant reduction in growth rate, height, stem diameter, and biomass. Defoliation by one cohort of macaria larvae, at densities of eight larvae per plant, significantly reduced growth rates and plant height after 1 week. There were no differences between the effects of macaria larvae and manually simulated defoliation. These results suggest that defoliating biocontrol agents can have a valuable role in mimosa control programs.  相似文献   

The cost of rearing the root-feeding weevil, Mogulones cruciger Herbst, to control the invasive weed houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale L.) was determined for two managed production methods. Production in an insectary setting provides control over rearing and all adult weevils that emerge can be collected, but required facility investment and high labor input. Mass-rearing in a managed ‘field crop’ setting required less facilities and labor while the insects were multiplying, but capture of the emerged adults was challenging and labor intensive. Estimated per adult weevil production costs were $CDN 2.65 for the insectary approach, and from $CDN 0.10 to $CDN 0.14 for mass-rearing in the managed field crop setting. Even though collection of adult weevils in the field crop production system was challenging, commercial production of M. cruciger should consider use of this mass-rearing method because of its lower cost.  相似文献   

We propose a method for using the literature to evaluate host ranges of parasitoids that are candidates for biological control introductions. Data on the parasitoids that attack a given host species can be used as negative evidence concerning the candidate whose host range is being evaluated. By compiling studies for a variety of host species, one can delineate those taxa unlikely to be attacked by the candidate. Using a retrospective case study of a parasitoid introduced into North America, we describe (1) this approach to using the literature to evaluate host range and (2) how well predictions based on such an evaluation match actual host range. Based on the host range of Macrocentrus grandii in Eurasia as reported in the literature, we predicted that the species in the genus Ostrinia are the most likely hosts. Of native North American species, Ostrinia obumbratalis is the only non-target species likely to be attacked by M. grandii. The predicted host range for North America matched the actual host range found in the field. This suggests that a careful literature review could be used as an important source of data on host range of parasitoid species proposed for introduction into a new environment.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is an endosymbiotic bacterium that infects a large percentage of arthropods and can affect the fitness of its host. Here we verified for the first time that the biological control agent Aphytis melinus DeBach is infected with a Wolbachia that causes complete cytoplasmic incompatibility, and conducted an insectary and field survey to determine the infection frequency. A. melinus appears to suffer fitness costs associated with infection based on measurements of longevity and fecundity. We also quantified the Wolbachia titers of A. melinus reared at different temperatures and found that, although not completely cured, increased temperature resulted in a significant reduction in the number of Wolbachia copies found in an individual wasp. Implications of our results for biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

Generally, microbial control agents such as entomopathogenic nematodes are applied in a curative manner for achieving pest suppression; prophylactic applications are rare. In this study, we determined the ability of two Steinernema carpocapsae strains (All and Hybrid) to prophylactically protect peach trees from damage caused by the peachtree borer, Synanthedon exitiosa, which is a major pest of stone fruit trees in North America. In prior studies, the entomopathogenic nematodes S. carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora caused field suppression when applied in a curative manner to established S. exitiosa populations. In our current study, nematodes were applied three times (at 150,000–300,000 infective juveniles/tree) during September and October of 2005, 2006, and 2007. A control (water only) and a single application of chlorpyrifos (at the labeled rate) were also made each year. The presence of S. exitiosa damage was assessed each year in the spring following the treatment applications. Following applications in 2006, we did not detect any differences among treatments or the control (possibly due to a low and variable S. exitiosa infestation of that orchard). Following applications in 2005 and 2007, however, the nematode and chemical treatments caused significant damage suppression. The percentage of trees with S. exitiosa damage in treated plots ranged from 0% damage in 2005 to 16% in plots treated with S. carpocapsae (Hybrid) in 2007. In control plots damage ranged from 25% (2005) to 41% (2007). Our results indicate that nematodes applied in a preventative manner during S. exitios’s oviposition period can reduce insect damage to levels similar to what is achieved with recommended chemical insecticide treatments.  相似文献   

In August 1994 and 1995 classical biological control releases were made in cotton in the San Joaquin Valley, California, with an Arkansas strain of the entomopathogenic fungus, Neozygites fresenii, a pathogen of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii. Pre-release samples in both years indicated that N. fresenii was not naturally present in A. gossypii populations in the San Joaquin Valley. Two release methods were compared: dried N. fresenii-infected cotton aphid “cadavers” and chamber inoculation of A. gossypii. Both methods were successful in introducing N. fresenii to cotton aphids in California; however, higher prevalence of fungal infection resulted with the cadaver treatments. N. fresenii persisted and spread in the aphid population until early October 1994 and late September 1995. The highest mean percentage infection in the cadaver treatment in 1994 reached a level (14%) considered imminent for epizootics (12–15%). The use of predator exclusion cages resulted in higher N. fresenii prevalences.  相似文献   

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