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1973、1974年的秋、冬季,我所和上海畜产分公司在北京、山东、安徽、上海、江苏、浙江等地进行黄鼬资源量的调查时,剖检黄鼬61只,感染寄生蠕虫的有22只,占总剖检数的36.06%。经鉴定,有吸虫一种及线虫三种,包括一新种。 华枝睾吸虫 Clonorchis sinensis的保虫宿主很多,过去国内仅限于猫、犬、猪等家畜的调查,对野生动物的自然疫源调查较少。此次调查发现黄鼬的感染率为24.59%,感染强度最多达321个虫体,应引起有关防疫部门的注意。  相似文献   

农作区黄鼬越冬的栖息地   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄鼬是我国重要的毛皮兽资源之一。它的分布虽然很广,但目前的产区绝大部分都在农作区,如淮河流域、长江中下游和华北平原。冬初,黄鼬的数量进入相对稳定时期,是调查其资源量的有利时机。所以,对农作区黄鼬越冬栖息地的调查,是了解黄鼬冬季资源量及数量配置的重要前提。 我们于1973、1974年的两个秋冬季,先后在北京  相似文献   

1984—1986年,我们对鄱阳湖地区的11个县的兽类资源进行了调查,共采集标本及收购皮张387号,计46种。加上原有文献记载该地区共有兽类52种。全区年产各种皮张15万张左右,其中以黄鼬皮产量最高。药用兽以穿山甲为主,最高年产量约5000只左右。珍稀保护兽类共有11种。本文还就兽类的分布、资源状况及对资源的保护、开发利用等作了较详尽的论述。  相似文献   

猿猴是我国的重要动物资源,分布区遍及我国的大半部,数量亦较多,其中猕猴类是目前多方面科学研究的试验动物,也有不少珍贵和稀有的种类,有着进一步合理开发利用的前途。因此,如何捕捉活猴,是值得调查研究和推广的课题。笔者自1959-1962年,参加中国科学院动物研究所猴类调查工作组,在广西、海南岛、福建、江西、云南、四川、贵州等主要产猴地区的野外调查中,向猎民及老乡学习和了解了一些捕猴技术和方法。1960年曾参加中国畜产公司主持召开的全国九省、区捕猴经验  相似文献   

黄鼬皮(黄狼皮和元皮)是我国传统的出口毛皮商品。我国劳动人民在长期的生产斗争中积累了多种多样的因地制宜的捕猎黄鼬的方法。使用猎狗捕捉黄鼬就是其中之一。此法盛行于苏北地区,亦习用于苏南、皖北和上海郊区。用猎狗捕捉黄鼬,能在白天快而准确地找到黄鼬巢穴或隐藏处,立即捕捉,较其他方法主动。可在广大地区运用。所以,有些地区的生产部门,特请有经验的猎人到各地传授用猎狗捕捉黄鼬的方法,并加以推广。我们在工作中,曾有机会向有经验的猎人学习使用猎狗捕捉黄鼬的方法,并实际运用。现将学到的经  相似文献   

黄鼬的繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物的繁殖是研究种群数量变动和资源利用的基础。对于重要资源动物黄鼬的繁殖问题,更有探究的必要。现就1963年至1978年5月在上海市郊和崇明岛的调查,以及室内饲养观  相似文献   

我国毛皮兽资源中,黄鼬(Mustela sibirica)是分布广、数量大、产值很高的经济动物。充分利用和发展黄鼬的自然资源,是社会主义建设的需要。 狩措动物资源的种群数量增长和恢复,除了受种群增长率和环境因素的影响外,很大  相似文献   

黄鼬种群性比在狩猎生产上的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合理利用我国重要毛皮兽——黄鼬(Mustela sibirica)资源,是有重要意义的。我们在研究提高黄鼬皮质量的基础上,为发展黄鼬生产,研究了种群性比,以探讨比较简单、有效、易于推广的增产措施。  相似文献   

江西的毛皮兽资源十分丰富,每年不仅生产数十万张毛皮,还提供大量野味和药材。如何合理利用这些动物,是值得调查探讨的问题。 在江西畜产工作同志的具体帮助下,我们从1964、1965及1972年冬季,先后在二十一个县、市采集标本,在二十一个县访问畜产技术人员和许多有经验的猎人;现将所得资料,汇集如下:  相似文献   

黄鼬在吉林环长白山旅游公路路域活动的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年11~12月,采用样线法对环长白山旅游公路改扩建工程全线路域200 m范围内黄鼬活动情况进行了3次调查.调查结果显示:K10~K45路段黄鼬穿越公路较多;黄鼬穿越公路频率与路域植被类型和雪被深度有密切的关系;黄鼬已经开始利用涵洞穿越公路;公路对黄鼬具有吸引效应,影响域范围约为50 m.为此提出了相应的保护对策.  相似文献   

The decision of females to nest communally has important consequences for reproductive success. While often associated with reduced energetic expenditure, conspecific aggregations also expose females and offspring to conspecific aggression, exploitation, and infanticide. Intrasexual competition pressures are expected to favor the evolution of conditional strategies, which could be based on simple decision rules (i.e., availability of nesting sites and synchronicity with conspecifics) or on a focal individual's condition or status (i.e., body size). Oviparous reptiles that reproduce seasonally and provide limited to no postnatal care provide ideal systems for disentangling social factors that influence different female reproductive tactics from those present in offspring‐rearing environments. In this study, we investigated whether nesting strategies in a West Indian rock iguana, Cyclura nubila caymanensis, vary conditionally with reproductive timing or body size, and evaluated consequences for nesting success. Nesting surveys were conducted on Little Cayman, Cayman Islands, British West Indies for four consecutive years. Use of high‐density nesting sites was increasingly favored up to seasonal nesting activity peaks, after which nesting was generally restricted to low‐density nesting areas. Although larger females were not more likely than smaller females to nest in high‐density areas, larger females nested earlier and gained access to priority oviposition sites. Smaller females constructed nests later in the season, apparently foregoing investment in extended nest defense. Late‐season nests were also constructed at shallower depths and exhibited shorter incubation periods. While nest depth and incubation length had significant effects on reproductive outcomes, so did local nest densities. Higher densities were associated with significant declines in hatching success, with up to 20% of egg‐filled nests experiencing later intrusion by a conspecific. Despite these risks, nests in high‐density areas were significantly more successful than elsewhere due to the benefits of greater chamber depths and longer incubation times. These results imply that communal nest sites convey honest signals of habitat quality, but that gaining and defending priority oviposition sites requires competitive ability.  相似文献   

To determine some of the influences on nesting densities of bumble bees I examined the dispersion and occupancy of 35 nests in an old field on Amherst Island, Ontario, Canada and 39 nests found by Cumber (1953) in England. Densities up to 1 nest per 200 m2 were observed. Overall, Cumber's nests were randomly dispersed, but nests on the ground surface were aggregated. Nests of surface-nesting species were consequently more aggregated than expected at random, whereas surface-nesting and underground-nesting species seldom nested near one another. This distribution of nests probably reflects the nesting habits of the rodents that originally constructed the nests, rather than interactions between bees. On Amherst Island, abnormally wet spring weather apparently hampered normal colony development, particularly of underground-nesting bees based on a low frequency of underground nests, scarcity of workers of two underground-nesting species compared with the relative abundance of spring queens, and delayed appearance of workers of all species relative to the previous year. The nests of two common species were randomly dispersed, but those of a third species were regularly distributed, suggesting that intraspecific interactions may limit nesting density for this species.  相似文献   

Nest site selection is at once fundamental to reproduction and a poorly understood component of many organisms’ reproductive investment. This study investigates the nesting behaviors of black‐and‐white ruffed lemurs, Varecia variegata, a litter‐bearing primate from the southeastern rainforests of Madagascar. Using a combination of behavioral, geospatial, and demographic data, I test the hypotheses that environmental and social cues influence nest site selection and that these decisions ultimately impact maternal reproductive success. Gestating females built multiple large nests throughout their territories. Of these, females used only a fraction of the originally constructed nests, as well as several parking locations as infants aged. Nest construction was best predicted by environmental cues, including the size of the nesting tree and density of feeding trees within a 75 m radius of the nest, whereas nest use depended largely on the size and average distance to feeding trees within that same area. Microhabitat characteristics were unrelated to whether females built or used nests. Although unrelated to nest site selection, social cues, specifically the average distance to conspecifics’ nest and park sites, were related to maternal reproductive success; mothers whose litters were parked in closer proximity to others’ nests experienced higher infant survival than those whose nests were more isolated. This is likely because nesting proximity facilitated communal crèche use by neighboring females. Together, these results suggest a complex pattern of nesting behaviors that involves females strategically building nests in areas with high potential resource abundance, using nests in areas according to their realized productivity, and communally rearing infants within a network of nests distributed throughout the larger communal territory.  相似文献   

Little information exists on the nesting of hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in the harsh northern environment, although this aspect has specific importance for the species’ survival in this region. We studied the nest types and nesting site selection of radio tagged hedgehogs in urban areas in Eastern Finland. Altogether, four different nest types were discovered and one of them (the pre-hibernation nest) is described here for the first time. Hedgehogs preferred residential areas for nesting during the mating and post-mating seasons while in the pre-hibernation season and hibernation period nesting was more common in forest areas. Nest constructions were closely related to materials found in the nest vicinity. During the active period, males used on average 24 nests and changed them 30 times, whereas females used 17 nests and changed them 26 times. The number of female nests and frequency of nest change increased from post-mating to pre-hibernation seasons, while in males both decreased. In general, female and male nests were situated within their established long-term home range, but in the pre-hibernation season over 30 % of male nests were situated outside of it. In post-mating and pre-hibernation seasons, females avoided other individuals of the same sex; this was demonstrated by the lack of nests in other female core areas. Hedgehogs hibernate for around 223 days, which is the longest reported hibernation period for this species. The results of the present study emphasise the importance of forest and diverse residential areas including forest patches for the hedgehog’s nesting habitat.  相似文献   

Extending a previous study of the thermal significance of the nest of the Sociable Weaver carried out during the winter, we measured temperature and humidity in the matrix and chambers of a large nest of this species in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa, during the austral summer of December 1973. Air temperatures outside the nest ranged from 16 to 33.5°C but temperatures in occupied chambers varied over a range of only 7 or 8°C and remained well within the zone of thermal neutrality for a passerine bird of this size. Compared to outside air temperatures, those within the nest matrix were lower during the day and higher at night. Thus, the nest ameliorates the effects of external temperatures and allows maintenance inside the chambers of a range of temperature favourable to the birds. In winter we found up to five roosting adults per chamber, with some chambers left empty. In the same nest in summer we found no more than two adults per chamber but virtually all chambers were occupied. The principal mechanism for maintaining chambers within the zone of minimal energetic cost is changes in the number of birds in the nest chambers at night. Humidity inside the occupied and unoccupied chambers was somewhat higher in the former but always less than that of outside air in both cases. Air movement through the desiccated nest materials causes uptake by these materials of most of the water vapour introduced by the birds, and this moisture is dissipated to the outside during the day so that the nest remains dry. The highly social and colonial habits of the birds and their year-round occupancy and maintenance of the nest favour a system of opportunistic breeding that may be initiated by rainfall at any season. Larger nests provide the most favourable environment for energy conservation and successful reproduction. Even the largest nests, however, do not prevent predation during the warm season by snakes such as the Cape Cobra, which may consume all the eggs and young in all the chambers of a large nest. The effects of such heavy predation may be offset by the birds' capability for breeding during times too cold for reptile activity. It seems likely that in smaller nests such as those on telephone poles, lack of predation would favour summer breeding while thermal problems would limit breeding success in winter. In larger nests, breeding success may be lower in summer because of predation and higher in winter when reptile predation is lacking and thermal problems are minimized by the nest structure. The large nest not only makes possible the success of the Sociable Weaver in desert areas, but the nest could only exist in such areas and the species' range is thereby restricted. Higher humidity and heavier rainfall would cause fermentation within the nest mass, loss of its thermoregulatory advantages, and ultimately its decomposition and destruction. Therefore, the unique nesting system of the Sociable Weaver appears to be initially self-reinforcing and ultimately self-limiting.  相似文献   

WeaselsMustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 in Kielder Forest, UK showed a diurnal rhythm of activity in summer and we argue that this is the prevailing rhythm found in weasels under natural conditions. Climatic conditions influenced weasel activity with weasels decreasing activity under rainy conditions, but we found no influence of month or weasel weight. In certain habitat types levels of weasel activity increased with increasing field voleMicrotus agrestis density. This result stands in contrast to results from studies carried out in the laboratory and may reflect a greater proportion of time spent in reproductive activity and intra-specific interactions in areas where vole density, and hence conspecific density is high.  相似文献   

Clutches of ground‐nesting farmland birds are often destroyed by farming operations, resulting in insufficient reproductive success and subsequently declining populations. The aim of this study was to investigate whether volunteer nest protection can enhance nest success of ground‐nesting birds. The study compared nest success of protected and unprotected Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus nests over 2 years on arable farms in the Netherlands. Because of different crop management, nest success of ground‐breeding birds might differ between organic and conventional arable farms. The effectiveness of volunteer nest protection was therefore investigated on both farm types. Although nest protection significantly reduced nest loss due to farming operations, there were no significant differences in total clutch survival of protected and unprotected nests. However, sample sizes of unprotected nests, and protected nests on organic farms, were relatively small, which may have reduced statistical power. There were indications that protected nests were predated or deserted more often. We recommend exploring different ways to improve the effectiveness of volunteer nest protection through a further reduction of nest loss due to farming operations and predation.  相似文献   

Mesozoic non-avian theropod dinosaurs displayed a diverse range of egg types and clutch forms, suggesting a variety of nesting behaviours, some of which may be shared with birds. More accurate inferences of these behaviours require taphonomic studies of modern nesting sites. Here, we document common tern (Sterna hirundo) nesting sites on Poplar Island in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Nests were surveyed on multiple occasions, documenting nest composition, density and distribution, as well as eggshell concentration and orientation. Three colonies yielded 79 tern nests with 193 eggs. Twelve nests hatched, 7 were predated, 30 failed and the fates of 30 remain unknown. Abundant eggshells occurred at the centre of the nests. Concave-up eggshell in or on the nest surface characterised hatched and predated nests, whereas eggshell forced into the subsurface seemed to favour concave-down orientation and may reflect post-hatching extended use of the nest. Eggs buried deep within the nest materials and/or substrate suggest adult abandonment. Quantitative data on eggshell orientation and observations regarding controls on nest distribution, egg predation and incorporation of intact eggs into the substrate at modern nesting sites provide physical guidelines for the improved interpretation of fossil nesting localities.  相似文献   

There is concern that predation of Lapwing Vanellus vanellus nests may create additional pressure on declining populations of this species in Europe. At seven sites in England and Wales, daily nest predation rates on 1,390 nests were related to variables using Generalised Linear Mixed Models. The strongest predictor was Lapwing nest density (number of nests within 100 m): predation rates declined as nest density increased. Since nocturnal species, probably mammals, have been identified as the major predators of Lapwing nests at these sites, these results suggest that Lapwings are able to deter mammalian predators or may settle to nest at high densities in areas with low predation pressure. At the site level, there was no relationship between Lapwing nesting density and fox density, and a positive relationship with Carrion Crow Corvus corone nesting density. There was a weaker effect of distance to field boundary: nests closer to boundaries were more likely to be predated. Weak interactive effects between crow density and both nest visibility and distance to vantage point were identified in models using a reduced subset of nests. These were counter-intuitive, did not persist in the larger data set, and do not have obvious explanations. If Lapwings nesting at high density are able to deter predators, there are implications for land management. Smaller areas could be managed within potential breeding habitat to encourage Lapwings to nest in dense colonies. Selection of larger fields for such management, where nests could be located far from the field boundary should improve the value of such measures.  相似文献   

Jasper  Parsons 《Ibis》1976,118(4):537-546
The relationship between nesting density and breeding success of Herring Gulls Larus argentatus was studied on the Isle of May, Scotland, in 1968. Herring Gulls nesting at the most common density started laying earlier in the season than those nesting at lower or higher densities. Therefore, although the overall spacing of nests was uniform, the nest density of birds laying later in the season progressively approached a random distribution. The onset of laying occurred in synchronized groups within the colony. Late-laid clutches were commonly situated on the periphery of the colony where the density of nests was lowest. When the laying period was divided into four time periods, in each period the tendancy was for birds nesting at the most common density to have the highest clutch-size, hatching and fledging success, and to rear the most chicks per pair to fledging. In addition, birds which spaced their nests most uniformly, presumably as a consequence of territorial behaviour, were the most successful parents.  相似文献   

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