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Knowledge on the population of genetic structure and ecological behaviour of Apis dorsata from Peninsular Malaysia is needed for effective management and conservation of this species since unsustainable whole solitary low nest cutting for product harvesting is the current common practice here. The analysis of 15 single locus DNA microsatellite markers on samples from 20 solitary nests of A. dorsata showed that while these markers were polymorphic, high intracolonial relatedness existed. Furthermore, in general, slightly negative values of intercolony relatedness (R) among the nests of A. dorsata were found. However, positive values of mean intercolony relatedness were observed between 54 pairs of nests out of 190 possible combinations. The R values among nest pairs 3-4 and 3-5 was higher than 0.50 showing that their queens were half siblings, whereas nest pair 19-20 showed relatedness of 0.95 indicating that the same queen was sampled. The results that we obtained could not conclusively support the hypothesis of this study that the honey hunters in Marang district of Malaysia repeatedly harvest the same nest located at a different site and at a different time during the same honey harvesting season. However, our finding of an appreciable level of intercolonial relatedness between several pairs of nests in this pioneer study indicated that a comprehensive study with a larger sample size of solitary nests found throughout the region would be necessary to provide concrete proof for this novel idea.  相似文献   

The cavity-nesting Apis mellifera and Apis cerana bees detect, uncap, and remove diseased brood. The hygiene behaviour of open-air-nesting bees Apis dorsata and Apis laboriosa was investigated in India and Nepal. Sealed A. dorsata pupae were pin-killed or deep-frozen. The workers removed 73 or 37% of damaged pin-killed pupae depending on the diameter of the pins, and only 7% of the frozen undamaged pupae. Migrating A. dorsata and A. laboriosa left unopened the sealed brood in deserted combs. Thus, A. dorsata and A. laboriosa do not open undamaged cells with dead brood. This behaviour is a more efficient mechanism in preventing the spread of diseases and parasitic mites than uncapping and removing dead pupae by A. mellifera and A. cerana. It may be beneficial for migrating A. dorsata and A. laboriosa to temporarily disuse part of the comb cells in exchange for arresting the mites there and thus reducing the increase of their population.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and population differentiation of the giant honey bee (Apis dorsata) in Thailand were examined. Six PCR-RFLP mitotypes were generated from digestion of the COI-COII, Cytb-tRNAser, ATPase6-8, and lrRNA genes with Dra I and Hin fI. Low genetic diversity (h=0.074, π=0.032%) and a lack of genetic population differentiation between A. dorsata originating from geographically different regions were observed from mtDNA polymorphisms (P > 0.05). In contrast, microsatellite (A14, A24, and A88) polymorphisms revealed a relatively high level of genetic diversity in A. dorsata (H o=0.68–0.74, average number of alleles per locus=6.0–9.0). Both A24 and A88 indicated significant population differentiation between bees from the north-to-central region (north, northeast, and central regions), peninsular Thailand, and Samui Island.  相似文献   



Majority of the tiger habitat in Indian subcontinent lies within high human density landscapes and is highly sensitive to surrounding pressures. These forests are unable to sustain healthy tiger populations within a tiger-hostile matrix, despite considerable conservation efforts. Ranthambore Tiger Reserve (RTR) in Northwest India is one such isolated forest which is rapidly losing its links with other tiger territories in the Central Indian landscape. Non-invasive genetic sampling for individual identification is a potent technique to understand the relationships between threatened tiger populations in degraded habitats. This study is an attempt to establish tiger movement across a fragmented landscape between RTR and its neighboring forests, Kuno-Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary (KPWLS) and Madhav National Park (MNP) based on non-invasively obtained genetic data.


Data from twelve microsatellite loci was used to define population structure and also to identify first generation migrants and admixed individuals in the above forests.


Population structure was consistent with the Central Indian landscape and we could determine significant gene flow between RTR and MNP. We could identify individuals of admixed ancestry in both these forests, as well as first generation migrants from RTR to KPWLS and MNP.


Our results indicate reproductive mixing between animals of RTR and MNP in the recent past and migration of animals even today, despite fragmentation and poaching risk, from RTR towards MNP. Substantial conservation efforts should be made to maintain connectivity between these two subpopulations and also higher protection status should be conferred on Madhav National Park.  相似文献   

The giant honeybee Apis dorsata often forms dense colony aggregations which can include up to 200 often closely related nests in the same location, setting the stage for inbred matings. Yet, like in all other Apis species, A. dorsata queens mate in mid‐air on lek like drone congregation areas (DCAs) where large numbers of males gather in flight. We here report how the drone composition of A. dorsata DCAs facilitates outbreeding, taking into the account both spatial (three DCAs) and temporal (subsequent sampling days) dynamics. We compared the drones’ genotypes at ten microsatellite DNA markers with those of the queen genotypes of six drone‐producing colonies located close to the DCAs (Tenom, Sabah, Malaysia). None of 430 sampled drones originated from any of these nearby colonies. Moreover, we estimated that 141 unidentified colonies were contributing to the three DCAs. Most of these colonies were participating multiple times in the different locations and/or during the consecutive days of sampling. The drones sampled in the DCAs could be attributed to six subpopulations. These were all admixed in all DCA samples, increasing the effective population size an order of magnitude and preventing matings between potentially related queens and drones.  相似文献   

Participation of the Nasonov scent in the defence waving behaviour of Apis dorsata is demonstrated. The Nasonov scent seems to act as a superior pheromone for the control and promotion of individual defensive reaction, synchronizing and maximizing the defensive response on colony level. The role of Nasonov scenting in defensive behaviour is discussed, being in keeping with its usual role in attraction and coordination of social behaviour, as known from A. mellifera.  相似文献   

The Norwegian red deer population (Cervus elaphus) was from the mid eighteenth to the early twentieth century drastically reduced in size and distribution but has the last century expanded both demographically and spatially. We have investigated genetic variation, differentiation and admixture in this spatially expanding ungulate population, using 14 microsatellites. The present genetic structure is moderate to strong with an average F ST = 0.08. Low M-ratios indicate loss of genetic variation in all localities and signals of a recent bottleneck was identified in 14 of 15 localities. Genetic distances between the localities indicate two main routes of dispersal during expansion, from the north–west and south–west, respectively. Bayesian assignment tests verify a break of the dataset in two, and demonstrate 99.9% probability for the existence of five sub-populations, which coincide well with five relict populations described by historic records. Computer simulations suggest that the observed genetic differentiation is recent rather than ancient, and that it may be explained by models of fragmentation or of founder events and subsequent merging rather than by models of recent bottlenecks in some particular demes within an ancient genetic structure.  相似文献   

  • 1 Nectivore foraging environments are typically modelled as choices among non-fluctuating rewards, but in reality they often consist of intermittent daily nectar and pollen sources. Intermittent rewards create two distinct foraging problems for colonial nectivores: re-recruitment (periodically returning to intermittent rewards) and re-allocation (finding new rewards).
  • 2 The role of scent in learning and remembering the locations of discontinuous nectar rewards was examined by testing re-recruitment efficiency of Apis cerana and A.dorsata to reward-correlated scents (odour discriminant self-conditioning). Experiments examined the responses of non-naive foragers to an odour correlated with prior reward, and to odours not correlated with prior rewards, by placing different scents into a colony and observing the number of bees re-recruited to a feeding station.
  • 3 Re-recruitment of non-naive foragers in both species was significantly greater in response to the conditioning scent than to the experimental controls. However, species behaviour differed in one aspect; re-recruited A.cerana foragers landed on the feeding station when unscented reward was offered, whereas re-recruited A.dorsata foragers returned but would not land without conditioning scent present in the reward.

In the Australian state of Victoria, the history of koalas and their management has resulted in the homogenisation and reduction of genetic diversity in many contemporary populations. Decreased genetic diversity may reduce a species’ ability to adapt to future environmental pressures such as climate change or disease. The South Gippsland koala population is considered to be unique in Victoria, as it is believed to be a remnant population, not originating from managed populations that have low genetic variation. This study investigated genetic structure and diversity of koalas in South Gippsland, with comparison to other populations in Victoria (French Island/Cape Otway, FI and Raymond Island, RI), New South Wales and south east Queensland. Population analyses were undertaken using both microsatellite genotype and mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Non-invasive sampling of koala scats was used to source koala DNA, allowing 222 South Gippsland koalas to be genotyped. Using nuclear data the South Gippsland koala population was found to be significantly differentiated (Djost 95% CI SG–RI?=?0.03–0.06 and SG–FI?=?0.08–012) and more diverse (AR 95% CI SG?=?4.7–5.6, RI?=?3.1–3.3, FI?=?3.0–3.3; p?=?0.001) than other Victorian koala populations, supporting the premise that koalas in the South Gippsland region are part of a remnant population, not derived from translocated island stock. These results were also supported by mitochondrial data where eight haplotypes (Pc4, Pc17, Pc26, Pc27, and Pc56–Pc59) were identified in South Gippsland while a single haplotype (Pc27) was found in all island koalas tested. Compared to other Victorian koala populations, greater genetic diversity found in South Gippsland koalas, may provide this population with a greater chance of survival in the face of future environmental pressures. The South Gippsland koala population is, therefore, of high conservation significance, warranting the implementation of strategies to conserve this population and its diversity into the future.  相似文献   

昆虫传粉在维持植物的有性繁殖、物种形成及生态系统稳定中扮演着重要角色, 而野生传粉昆虫为生态系统提供了巨大的传粉服务功能。大蜜蜂(Apis dorsata)为亚洲特有的一种野生传粉昆虫, 是热带地区多种植物和农作物的有效传粉者, 在保障热带生物多样性及作物产量中有不可或缺的作用。但受全球气候变化、人类活动和生境恶化等因素的影响, 其种群数量日益减少, 开展大蜜蜂种质资源保护势在必行。本文综述了大蜜蜂筑巢、迁飞和传粉服务功能, 分析了人为猎取蜂巢, 栖息生境遭受破坏, 杀虫剂和除草剂滥用, 昆虫、螨类和病原物侵染, 气候变化等威胁种群的因素, 以期从强化大蜜蜂基础研究和保护、推动生态农业发展、建立适合大蜜蜂迁飞生态廊道、加强检验检疫及科学合理利用大蜜蜂种质资源等方面制定相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

Integrated study of the genetic structure of the Udmurt population with respect to different genetic systems has been performed. Data on the genes of genetic diseases, abiotic parameters analyzed by population statistic methods, and DNA polymorphism are summarized. The populations of six raions (districts) of Udmurt Republic (the Mozhga, Malaya Purga, Sharkan, Debesy, Igra, and Glazov raions) have been studied. The total population studied was 267 655 people (an urban population of 150 119 people and a rural population of 117 536 people), including 155 346 Udmurts. The population structure has been studied in six districts on the basis of the vital statistics, Crow’s indices, Malecot’s isolation by distance parameters, ethnically assortative marriage parameters, endogamy indices, inbreeding-endogamy (ie) indices, and frequencies of the genotype and allele frequencies of four DNA markers (17 alleles). The prevalences of hereditary diseases have been calculated for different population groups: urban and rural populations, Udmurts and other ethnic groups. These groups, especially the urban and rural populations, substantially differed from one another in the prevalences of autosomal dominant (AD) and autosomal recessive (AR) diseases. The correlation between the prevalence of AD and AR diseases and the ie index is positive and significant. The spectrum of hereditary diseases detected in six districts of Udmurtia comprises 149 diseases (80, 57, and 12 AD, AR, and X-linked diseases, respectively). Accumulation of individual diseases in districts of Udmurtia and accumulation of diseases in Udmurtia as compared to regions studied earlier has been found. Cluster analysis of the frequencies of genes of AD and AR diseases and DNA markers has determined the gene geographic position of Udmurts.  相似文献   

Integrated study of the genetic structure of the Udmurt population with respect to different genetic systems has been performed. Data on the genes of genetic diseases, abiotic parameters analyzed by population statistic methods, and DNA polymorphism are summarized. The populations of six raions (districts) of Udmurt Republic (the Mozhga, Malaya Purga, Sharkan, Debesy, Igra, and Glazov raions) have been studied. The total population studied was 267,655 people (an urban population of 150,119 people and a rural population of 117,536 people), including 155,346 Udmurts. The population structure has been studied in six districts on the basis of the vital statistics, Crow's indices, Malecot's isolation by distance parameters, ethnically assortative marriage parameters, endogamy indices, inbreeding-endogamy (ie) indices, and frequencies of the genotype and allele frequencies of four DNA markers (17 alleles). The prevalences of hereditary diseases have been calculated for different population groups: urban and rural populations, Udmurts and other ethnic groups. These groups, especially the urban and rural populations, substantially differed from one another in the prevalences of autosomal dominant (AR) and autosomal recessive (AR) diseases. The correlation between the prevalence of AD and AR diseases and the ie index is positive and significant. The spectrum of hereditary diseases detected in six districts of Udmurtia comprises 149 diseases (80, 57, and 12 AD, AR, and X-linked diseases, respectively). Accumulation of individual diseases in districts of Udmurtia and accumulation of diseases in Udmurtia as compared to regions studied earlier has been found. Cluster analysis of the frequencies of genes of AD and AR diseases and DNA markers has determined the gene geographic position of Udmurts.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that colonies of honey bees composedof workers with faster rates of adult behavioral developmentare more defensive than colonies composed of workers with slowerbehavioral development, we determined whether there is a correlationbetween genetic variation in worker temporal polyethism andcolony defensiveness. There was a positive correlation for thesetwo traits, both for European and Africanized honey bees. Thecorrelation was larger for Africanized bees, due to differencesbetween Africanized and European bees, differences in experimentaldesign, or both. Consistent with these results was the findingthat colonies with a higher proportion of older bees were moredefensive than colonies of the same size that had a lower proportionof older bees. There also was a positive correlation betweenrate of individual behavioral development and the intensityof colony flight activity, and a negative correlation betweencolony defensiveness and flight activity. This suggests thatthe relationship between temporal polyethism and colony defensivenessmay vary with the manner in which foraging and defense dutiesare allocated among a colony's older workers. These resultsindicate that genotypic differences in rates of worker behavioraldevelopment can influence the phenotype of a honey bee colonyin a variety of ways.  相似文献   

Female preference for local cultural traits has been proposed as a barrier to breeding among animal populations. As such, several studies have found correlations between male bird song dialects and population genetics over relatively large distances. To investigate whether female choice for local dialects could act as a barrier to breeding between nearby and contiguous populations, we tested whether variation in male song dialects explains genetic structure among eight populations of rufous‐collared sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) in Ecuador. Our study sites lay along a transect, and adjacent study sites were separated by approximately 25 km, an order of magnitude less than previously examined for this and most other species. This transect crossed an Andean ridge and through the Quijos River Valley, both of which may be barriers to gene flow. Using a variance partitioning approach, we show that song dialect is important in explaining population genetics, independent of the geographic variables: distance, the river valley and the Andean Ridge. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that song acts as a barrier to breeding among populations in close proximity. In addition, songs of contiguous populations differed by the same degree or more than between two populations previously shown to exhibit female preference for local dialect, suggesting that birds from these populations would also breed preferentially with locals. As expected, all geographic variables (distance, the river valley and the Andean Ridge) also predicted population genetic structure. Our results have important implications for the understanding whether, and at what spatial scale, culture can affect population divergence.  相似文献   

The Finnish population of White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) has gone through two major demographic bottlenecks during the last two centuries. Strong conservation measures have allowed the population to recover, but despite the rapid population growth during recent years the species is still classified as endangered. We studied the genetic population structure at both individual and population levels in an attempt to recognize the processes shaping it. We used 9 microsatellite loci and 473 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region on samples collected between the years 2003 and 2007 (N = 489). We found a clear isolation by distance pattern at fine scale (i.e. individual level) which is most likely a result of species’ philopatric behaviour. Although we did not find signs of the recent bottlenecks, we did find evidence of an ancient bottleneck that has occurred most likely over 21,000 years ago, long before the genetic divergence of the two present Finnish subpopulations (one along the Baltic Sea coast line and another in Lapland and easternmost Finland). We conclude that the present population structure is mainly a consequence of the species philopatric behaviour over a long time period instead of recent population bottlenecks. Based on our results, the Finnish population seems to have ongoing immigration from neighbouring populations. Hence, even though the population has recovered mainly through local growth, our results suggest that gene flow from genetically differentiated populations have had an impact as well.  相似文献   

Genetic and demographic information for the Yakut population living in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is presented. The mean number of children per woman constituted 4.605. Crow's index and its components (Im and If) were 0.483, 0.104, and 0.343, respectively.  相似文献   

徐春阳  刘秀嶶  贺春玲  高洁  彭艳琼 《昆虫学报》2021,64(11):1313-1327
【目的】当前全球气候变化、土地利用改变、人类活动加剧等正威胁着传粉昆虫的多样性及分布;蜜蜂是生态系统中重要的传粉昆虫类群,对气候、环境变化响应敏感。本研究以重要的传粉昆虫大蜜蜂Apis dorsata为对象,探讨全球变化格局下其潜在适生区变化以及影响其分布的关键因子。【方法】通过文献、馆藏和野外调查系统收集了全球范围内大蜜蜂的物种分布数据,使用13个环境变量通过MaxEnt模型模拟了大蜜蜂当前的潜在适生区;使用9个气候变量并结合公共地球系统模型(CCSM4)模拟了大蜜蜂过去、当前和未来的潜在适生区。【结果】AUC比率显示MaxEnt模型对大蜜蜂的潜在适生区模拟具有较高的准确性,模拟结果表明大蜜蜂的中高潜在适生区主要分布在南亚和东南亚湿润的热带雨林、热带季节性雨林和低地雨林。人类影响、温度季节性变化、等温性、最冷季均温和海拔是影响大蜜蜂潜在适生区的5个最主要因子;在人类影响下大蜜蜂的潜在适生区向山区和连片的湿润常绿森林区收缩,中高潜在适生区显著减少且呈破碎化趋势。基于9个气候变量和CCSM4气候模型对过去、当前和未来的模拟结果显示:在过去的末次冰盛期,东南亚地区可能是大蜜蜂的避难所;在未来,广布于热带地区的大蜜蜂适生区与当前的相近,且部分地区适生指数升高。【结论】基于气候的模拟结果显示大蜜蜂能积极应对未来气候变暖,但随人类活动的加剧及全球气候变化,大蜜蜂仍然面临较大的威胁,需要加强其在南亚和东南亚的中高潜在适生区的重视和保护。  相似文献   

Summary To obtain insights into the organization and adaptive significance of seasonal migration by colonies of the giant honey bee,Apis dorsata, we monitored the arrivals and departures of colonies in a rain forest habitat in northeastern Thailand, compared patterns of honey bee abundance with other measures of habitat variability, and observed the role of dance communication in organizing the migratory departure of a colony. Colonies arrived in the area during the end of the dry season, reproduced, and then departed early in the rainy season. During the immigration phase, early-arriving colonies stayed only temporarily, as if assessing habitat quality. Colonies departing after a long stay always left barren combs behind, suggesting that they had left in response to deteriorating resource quality. These observations support the idea that migration allows colonies to track seasonally varying resources in different regions. Our observations of a colony preparing for migration revealed that the dance language is involved in organizing the colony's departure, but that dancers signal only the direction to be taken, rather than, as in dances to feeding sites, both the direction and distance of a particular location.  相似文献   

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