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The findings on the navigational mechanisms of homing pigeons and the available data on those of wild birds, in particular migrants, are compared. There are important parallels in the use of the magnetic field and the sun for directional orientation. Also the findings on the navigational ‘map’, its preferred use by experienced birds and the strategy of using route information to acquire the necessary knowledge to establish the ‘map’, obtained in pigeons studies, can probably be generalized to wild birds and migrants in their home region. It seems that birds share a common navigational system. Special development of migratory birds, however, is the innate migration program that enables young first‐time migrants to reach their still unknown wintering area.  相似文献   

Studies on avian navigation began at the end of the 19th century with testing various hypotheses, followed by large-scale displacement experiments to assess the capacity of the birds' navigational abilities. In the 1950s, the first theoretical concepts were published. Kramer proposed his ‘Map-and-Compass’ model, assuming that birds establish the direction to a distant goal with the help of an external reference, a compass. The model describes homing as a two-step process, with the first step determining the direction to the goal as a compass course and the second step locating this course with the help of a compass. This model was widely accepted when numerous experiments with clock-shifted pigeons demonstrated the use of the sun compass, and thus a general involvement of compass orientation, in homing. The ‘map’ step is assumed to use local site-specific information, which led to the idea of a ‘grid map’ based on environmental gradients. Kramer's model still forms the basis of our present concept on avian homing, yet route integration with the help of an external reference provides an alternative strategy to determine the home course, and the magnetic compass is a second compass mechanism available to birds. These mechanisms are interrelated by ontogenetic learning processes. A two-step process, with the first step providing the compass course and the second step locating this course with the help of a compass, appears to be a common feature of avian navigation tasks, yet the origin of the compass courses differs between tasks according to their nature, with courses acquired by experience for flights within the home range, courses based on navigational processes for returning home, and courses derived from genetically coded information in first-time migrants. Compass orientation thus forms the backbone of the avian navigational system. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Site fidelity to breeding and wintering grounds, and even stopover sites, suggests that passerines are capable of accurate navigation during their annual migrations. Geolocator‐based studies are beginning to demonstrate precise population‐specific migratory routes and even some interannual consistency in individual routes. Displacement studies of birds have shown that at least adult birds are capable of goal‐oriented movements, likely involving some type of map or geographic position system. In contrast, juveniles on their first migration use a clock‐and‐compass orientation strategy, with limited knowledge about locations along their migratory routes. Positioning information could come from a variety of cues including visual, olfactory, acoustic, and geomagnetic sources. How information from these systems is integrated and used for avian navigation has yet to be fully articulated. In this review, we (1) define geographic positioning and distinguish the types of navigational strategies that birds could use for orientation, (2) describe sensory cues available to birds for geographic positioning, (3) review the evidence for geographic positioning in birds and methods used to collect that evidence, and (4) discuss ways ornithologists, particularly field ornithologists, can contribute to and advance our knowledge of the navigational abilities of birds. Few studies of avian orientation and navigation mechanisms have been conducted in the Western Hemisphere. To fully understand migratory systems in the Western Hemisphere and develop better conservation policies, information about the orientation and navigation mechanisms used by specific species needs to be integrated with other aspects of their migration ecology and biology.  相似文献   

Rachel  Muheim  Susanne  Åkesson  Thomas  Alerstam 《Oikos》2003,103(2):341-349
The use of celestial or geomagnetic orientation cues can lead migratory birds along different migration routes during the migratory journeys, e.g. great circle routes (approximate), geographic or magnetic loxodromes. Orientation cage experiments have indicated that migrating birds are capable of detecting magnetic compass information at high northern latitudes even at very steep angles of inclination. However, starting a migratory journey at high latitudes and following a constant magnetic course often leads towards the North Magnetic Pole, which means that the usefulness of magnetic compass orientation at high latitudes may be questioned. Here, we compare possible long‐distance migration routes of three species of passerine migrants breeding at high northern latitudes. The initial directions were based on orientation cage experiments performed under clear skies and simulated overcast and from release experiments under natural overcast skies. For each species we simulated possible migration routes (geographic loxodrome, magnetic loxodrome and sun compass route) by extrapolating from the initial directions and assessing a fixed orientation according to different compass mechanisms in order to investigate what orientation cues the birds most likely use when migrating southward in autumn. Our calculations show that none of the compass mechanisms (assuming fixed orientation) can explain the migration routes followed by night‐migrating birds from their high Nearctic breeding areas to the wintering sites further south. This demonstrates that orientation along the migratory routes of arctic birds (and possibly other birds as well) must be a complex process, involving different orientation mechanisms as well as changing compass courses. We propose that birds use a combination of several compass mechanisms during a migratory journey with each of them being of a greater or smaller importance in different parts of the journey, depending on environmental conditions. We discuss reasons why birds developed the capability to use magnetic compass information at high northern latitudes even though following these magnetic courses for any longer distance will lead them along totally wrong routes. Frequent changes and recalibrations of the magnetic compass direction during the migratory journey are suggested as a possible solution.  相似文献   

Long-distance migration is a strategy some animals use to survive a seasonally changing environment. To reach favorable grounds, migratory animals have evolved sophisticated navigational mechanisms that rely on a map and compasses. In migratory insects, the existence of a map sense (sense of position) remains poorly understood, but recent work has provided new insights into the mechanisms some compasses use for maintaining a constant bearing during long-distance navigation. The best-studied directional strategy relies on a time-compensated sun compass, used by diurnal insects, for which neural circuits have begun to be delineated. Yet, a growing body of evidence suggests that migratory insects may also rely on other compasses that use night sky cues or the Earth's magnetic field. Those mechanisms are ripe for exploration.  相似文献   

Juvenile bird migrants are generally believed to use a clock‐and‐compass migratory orientation strategy. According to such a strategy migrants accomplish their migration by flying a number of successive flight steps with direction and number of steps controlled by an endogenous programme. One powerful way of testing this is by comparing predictions from a model of such a strategy with observed patterns. We used data from ringing and satellite‐based radio telemetry to investigate the orientation system of juvenile ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) and honey buzzards (Pernis apivorus) migrating from Sweden to tropical west Africa. The ring recoveries showed a much larger scatter in the orientation of ospreys than of honey buzzards, but there was only a slight such difference in the satellite tracks. These tracks of individuals of both species were rather straight with a high directional concentration per step. The honey buzzard data showed a close fit to a simple vector summation model, which is expected if birds follow a clock‐and‐compass strategy. However, the osprey data did not fit such a simple model, as ring recoveries showed a significantly greater deviation at short distances than predicted on the basis of long distance data. Satellite tracking also indicated less concentrated orientation on short distances. The pattern observed for the osprey can generally be explained by an extended vector summation model, including an important element of pre‐migration dispersal. The existence of extensive dispersal in the osprey stands in contrast to the apparent absence of such dispersal in the honey buzzard. The explanation for this difference between the species is unclear. The model of orientation by vector summation is very sensitive to the existence of differences in mean direction between individuals. Assuming such differences, as tentatively indicated by the satellite tracking data, makes simple compass orientation by vector summation inconsistent with the distribution of ring recoveries at long distances, with a high proportion of misoriented birds falling outside the normal winter range.  相似文献   

The animals from the environments focused on here share the same navigational mechanisms with terrestrial animals. However, some of them seem to rely on additional ways of detecting and/or processing navigational cues, some of which are perhaps still unknown. A classification of the mechanisms of navigation is given. This is based on the source of information that animals use to head for their targets. A selected series of phenomena of current interest is presented, starting with olfactory beaconing in oceanic birds, which allows the detection of patchily distributed food and productive areas from long distances. Animals of sandy beaches rely on an array of mechanisms of orientation, which have an adaptive value for their ecotonal system. As some species are capable of using both the moon and sun compass in orientation, attention and experiments are focused on the significance of these celestial cues in the navigational process. Two clocks of different periods, one of which would appear to regulate both the activity rhythm and the sun compass, are presumed to underlie the two compass mechanisms. The feats of global navigators in and over the oceans are especially puzzling considering their ability of homing to the natal and nesting sites after long lasting, extended wandering in the open ocean, and of pinpointing tiny, isolated oceanic islands. The existent literature allows comparison of the navigational capabilities of oceanic birds with those of sea turtles. Their performances in natural conditions seem to be similar, but sea turtles exhibit a reduced capacity of compensation for experimental relocation. Capacity of positioning based on geomagnetic parameters has been indicated for sea turtles through laboratory experiments, but this is not confirmed by the routes of magnetically disturbed turtles tracked while migrating or attempting to compensate for relocation. Also albatrosses with fitted magnets are not disturbed in their homing.  相似文献   

Humpback whale seasonal migrations, spanning greater than 6500 km of open ocean, demonstrate remarkable navigational precision despite following spatially and temporally distinct migration routes. Satellite-monitored radio tag-derived humpback whale migration tracks in both the South Atlantic and South Pacific include constant course segments of greater than 200 km, each spanning several days of continuous movement. The whales studied here maintain these directed movements, often with better than 1° precision, despite the effects of variable sea-surface currents. Such remarkable directional precision is difficult to explain by established models of directional orientation, suggesting that alternative compass mechanisms should be explored.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ein erster Versuch von Bellrose, die Evolution des Orientierungssystems der Vögel zu beschreiben, ging von der Annahme aus, Kompaßorientierung und die Fähigkeit zur Navigation habe sich im Zusammenhang mit dem Vogelzug entwickelt. Kompaßmechanismen sowie die Mosaik- und die Navigationskarte spielen jedoch bereits bei der Orientierung im Heimbereich entscheidende Rollen, müssen sich also dort entwickelt haben unter dem Selektionsdruck, die täglichen Flugwege zu optimieren, vielleicht schon bei den Vorfahren der Vögel.Magnetkompaßorientierung erscheint als der einfachste Orientierungsmechanismus und müßte deshalb an den ältesten Orientierungsstrategien beteiligt gewesen sein. Ein Magnetkompaß ist bei Wirbeltieren weit verbreitet, doch gibt es Hinweise auf unterschiedliche Funktionsprinzipien. Es ist deshalb offen, ob die Vögel ihn von ihren Vorfahren übernommen oder eigenständig entwickelt haben. Das gleiche gilt für den Sonnenkompaß. Die entscheidende Rolle des Magnetkompaß bei der ontogenetischen Entwicklung des Sonnenkompaß läßt eine ähnliche Beziehung bei der phylogenetischen Entwicklung vermuten.Über kurze Entfernungen kann man sich Orientierung durch Wegumkehr allein mit Kompaßmechanismen vorstellen, wobei Umwege integriert werden müssen. Bei dieser Strategie akkumulieren sich jedoch die Fehler; die bei größeren Entfernungen resultierende Ungenauigkeit erzeugte einen Selektionsdruck, der das Benutzen von Ortsinformation begünstigte. Dies führte zur Entstehung der Mosaikkarte, die auf Kompaßorientierung und Landmarken beruht. Sie ist heute als eigenständiger Mechanismus anzusehen, der nach angeborenen Regeln aufgebaut wird. Die Navigationskarte entsteht, indem die gleichen Regeln auf Faktoren mit Gradienten-Charakter angewandt werden; sie hat sich offenbar aus der Mosaikkarte entwickelt. Ob sie eine Sonderentwicklung der Vögel infolge ihrer Flugfähigkeit ist, muß offen bleiben. Da die Vögel die Grundelemente ihres Orientierungssystems wahrscheinlich von ihren Vorfahren übernommen haben, würden wir erwarten, daß diese Mechanismen bei allen Vögel gleich sind bzw. nach den gleichen Regeln erstellt werden.Vorstufen des Vogelzugs waren zunächst ungerichtete Flüge auf der Suche nach günstigeren Bedingungen; in diesem Stadium reichten die vorhandenen Navigationsmechanismen zur Orientierung zwischen den verschiedenen Gebieten aus. Als aus diesen ersten Ortsbewegungen ein regelmäßiger Zug zwischen zwei Regionen wurde, begann sich das Zugprogramm zu entwickeln, wobei sich zunächst eine spontane Richtungstendenz herausbildete. Der Magnetkompaß konnte als erstes Referenzsystem für diese Zugrichtung dienen. Später erhielt die Himmelsrotation ihre entscheidende Bedeutung, wobei die Vögel die Referenzrichtung Süd zunächst aus dem Polarisationsmuster am Tage ableiteten. Im Laufe der Zeit entstanden die differenzierten Zugprogramme mit Richtungsfolgen, steuernden Zeitprogrammen und Triggermechanismen. Die Zugrichtung und Länge der Zugstrecke unterliegen auch weiterhin einer ständigen Selektion, die für optimale Anpassung an die jeweiligen Umweltbedingungen sorgt. Der Übergang vom Tag- zum Nachtzug bereitete keine Probleme, denn die Vögel mußten zunächst keine neuen Orientierungsmechanismen entwickeln, da sich der Magnetkompaß zu jeder Tageszeit einsetzen läßt. Später entstand der Sternkompaß, der in seinen Funktionseigenschaften hervorragend auf die Bedürfnisse von Zugvögeln angepaßt ist und als eigenständige Entwicklung der Nachtzieher angesehen werden muß. Dazu erwarben die Nachtzieher die Fähigkeit, die Information der Himmelsrotation aus der Bewegung der Sterne abzuleiten und direkt auf den Sternkompaß zu übertragen. Da das Zugverhalten bei Vögeln mehrfach unabhängig voneinander entstanden ist, muß man Entsprechendes auch von den Mechanismen der Zugorientierung annehmen. Das bedeutet, daß sich die betreffenden Mechanismen bei den verschiedenen Arten unterschiedlich entwickelt haben könnten, doch ist mit konvergenten Entwicklungen zu rechnen.
The orientation system of birds — IV. Evolution
Summary In a first attempt to explain the evolution of the avian navigational system, Bellrose suggested that compass mechanisms and the ability for true navigation had developed in connection with migration across increasing distances. Yet birds use compasses, the mosaic and the navigational maps even close to home and for homing. This means that those mechanisms must have developed for orientation within the home range, with the necessity to optimize the everyday flights acting as selective pressure. In view of this, any attempt to reconstruct the evolution of the avian navigational system must start out with the non-flying ancestors of birds.Considering the requirements of orientation by landmarks and by using a compass, compass orientation with the help of the magnetic field appears to be the simplest mechanism; consequently, it must be assumed to belong to the most ancient orientation strategies. The magnetic compass is wide-spread among animals, but it appears to function according to different principles among the various groups of vertebrates so that it is unclear whether birds inherited their magnetic compass from their reptilian ancestors or developed a mechanism of their own. The same is true for the sun compass. The crucial role of the magnetic compass in the ontogenetic development of the sun compass might indicate a similar relationship for the phylogenetic development.Over short distances within the home range, orientation based solely on compass orientation appears possible, using the strategy of route reversal, with non-straight routes being integrated. Since this strategy accumulates errors, it becomes inaccurate over longer distances, thus causing selective pressure to use local site-specific information. This leads to the formation of the mosaic map, a mechanism that includes landmarks as well as compass orientation. Today, the mosaic map of landmarks is a mechanism by itself, established according to innate learning principles that associate information on path integration with site-specific information, thus forming a directionally oriented mental representation of the distribution of landmarks. The navigational map is formed by applying the same principles to factors of the nature of gradients; it thus appears to have developed from the mosaic map. Whether or not it is a special development of birds associated with their flying ability is unclear. Because the birds probably inherited the basic mechanisms of orientation from their ancestors, one would expect these mechanisms to be similar in all birds. For the mechanisms involving learned components, this means that they are established following common rules. Birds improved those mechanisms and adapted them to their specific needs.Migration is assumed to have begun with non-directed search movements for regions offering better conditions. At this stage, the already existing mechanisms of homing were sufficient for navigation between the various areas. When these first movements turned into regular migration between two regions, the migratory program began to evolve, starting out with spontaneous tendencies in a preferred direction. The magnetic compass may have served as first reference system for the migratory direction; later, celestial rotation, indicated by the changing pattern of polarized light during the day, obtained its important role in indicating the reference direction geographic South. In the course of time, sophisticated migration programs with changes in direction, controlling time programs, responses to trigger mechanisms etc. developed. The migratory direction and distance, i.e. the amount of migratory activity, continue to be subject to selective pressure so that birds can respond to the environmental conditions in an optimal way. The transition from daytime migration to night migration did not require new mechanisms, as the magnetic compass can be used at any time of the day. Later, however, the star compass evolved, which is to be considered a special development of night-migrating birds, with its way of functioning well adapted to the specific needs of migrants. Birds also developed the ability to derive information on celestial rotation from the rotating stars at night and to transfer this information directly to the star compass. Since migratory habits evolved many times independently among birds, the same has to be assumed for the specific mechanisms of migratory orientation. This means that they need not necessarily be identical in all bird migrants. We are to expect convergent developments, however, leading to mechanisms of the most suitable type.

In songbirds, nocturnal activity is believed to be a characteristic feature of migration. However, unlike experimental conditions where the onset of nocturnal restlessness is defined as a shift of activity leading up to the dark period, this behaviour has, until now, not been observed in natural conditions. Here we studied the nocturnal behaviour of radio-tagged juvenile Eurasian reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) during the pre-migratory period. The birds started nocturnal flights at the age of 38 days, whereas migration did not commence until they were at least 50 days old. The birds left their natal site by nocturnal flights and repeatedly returned to it. Such shuttle movements suggest the existence of a previously unknown period of nocturnal activity. Motivation to perform such night flights gradually increases with age. We relate the function of these nocturnal pre-migratory flights to the development of a stellar compass, necessary for detecting the compass direction towards winter quarters and for the formation of a navigational target, which will be used during return (spring) migration.  相似文献   

The question of how migrating birds find their way to winter quarters and back has fascinated humans since the beginning of scientific research into avian biology. Migrating birds have been shown to possess compass systems that allow them to select and maintain certain compass directions. Three such systems are known, solar, stellar and magnetic. Their details are not quite clear and need further research. Hierarchy and interaction of compass systems of migrating birds are poorly studied; different species may vary in this respect. During migration, birds learn to use maps that make true navigation possible, i.e. to detect their position relatively to the goal of movement. The physical nature of navigational maps is an object of intensive research; currently the most promising concepts are the geomagnetic and possibly olfactory maps. A significant contribution to the study of formation of navigational maps was made by Soviet/Russian researchers, whose work was published in Zoologicheskii Zhurnal (Sokolov et al., 1984). Migrating birds have no innate map, and first-autumn individuals reach their species-specific wintering areas by using compass sense and counting time that should be spent moving in certain genetically fixed directions. However, in recent years more and more data surface that suggest that juveniles (maybe not of all species) do have some mechanism of controlling their position on the migratory route that allows them to compensate for errors of the spatio-temporal programme of migration.  相似文献   

Myriad tiny insect species take to the air to engage in windborne migration, but entomology also has its ‘charismatic megafauna’ of butterflies, large moths, dragonflies and locusts. The spectacular migrations of large day‐flying insects have long fascinated humankind, and since the advent of radar entomology much has been revealed about high‐altitude night‐time insect migrations. Over the last decade, there have been significant advances in insect migration research, which we review here. In particular, we highlight: (1) notable improvements in our understanding of lepidopteran navigation strategies, including the hitherto unsuspected capabilities of high‐altitude migrants to select favourable winds and orientate adaptively, (2) progress in unravelling the neuronal mechanisms underlying sun compass orientation and in identifying the genetic complex underpinning key traits associated with migration behaviour and performance in the monarch butterfly, and (3) improvements in our knowledge of the multifaceted interactions between disease agents and insect migrants, in terms of direct effects on migration success and pathogen spread, and indirect effects on the evolution of migratory systems. We conclude by highlighting the progress that can be made through inter‐phyla comparisons, and identify future research areas that will enhance our understanding of insect migration strategies within an eco‐evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

Navigational control of avian migration is understood, largely from the study of terrestrial birds, to depend on either genetically or culturally inherited information. By tracking the individual migrations of Atlantic Puffins, Fratercula arctica, in successive years using geolocators, we describe migratory behaviour in a pelagic seabird that is apparently incompatible with this view. Puffins do not migrate to a single overwintering area, but follow a dispersive pattern of movements changing through the non-breeding period, showing great variability in travel distances and directions. Despite this within-population variability, individuals show remarkable consistency in their own migratory routes among years. This combination of complex population dispersion and individual route fidelity cannot easily be accounted for in terms of genetic inheritance of compass instructions, or cultural inheritance of traditional routes. We suggest that a mechanism of individual exploration and acquired navigational memory may provide the dominant control over Puffin migration, and potentially some other pelagic seabirds, despite the apparently featureless nature of the ocean.  相似文献   

The small size of the billions of migrating songbirds commuting between temperate breeding sites and the tropics has long prevented the study of the largest part of their annual cycle outside the breeding grounds. Using light-level loggers (geolocators), we recorded the entire annual migratory cycle of the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio, a trans-equatorial Eurasian-African passerine migrant. We tested differences between autumn and spring migration for nine individuals. Duration of migration between breeding and winter sites was significantly longer in autumn (average 96 days) when compared with spring (63 days). This difference was explained by much longer staging periods during autumn (71 days) than spring (9 days). Between staging periods, the birds travelled faster during autumn (356 km d(-1)) than during spring (233 km d(-1)). All birds made a protracted stop (53 days) in Sahelian sub-Sahara on southbound migration. The birds performed a distinct loop migration (22 000 km) where spring distance, including a detour across the Arabian Peninsula, exceeded the autumn distance by 22 per cent. Geographical scatter between routes was particularly narrow in spring, with navigational convergence towards the crossing point from Africa to the Arabian Peninsula. Temporal variation between individuals was relatively constant, while different individuals tended to be consistently early or late at different departure/arrival occasions during the annual cycle. These results demonstrate the existence of fundamentally different spatio-temporal migration strategies used by the birds during autumn and spring migration, and that songbirds may rely on distinct staging areas for completion of their annual cycle, suggesting more sophisticated endogenous control mechanisms than merely clock-and-compass guidance among terrestrial solitary migrants. After a century with metal-ringing, year-round tracking of long-distance migratory songbirds promises further insights into bird migration.  相似文献   

During autumn migration, orientation tests were performed with Goldcrests in the morning immediately after the birds had been caught. In the local geomagnetic field (vertical component pointing downward), they showed a significant tendency towards 144° SE; in a magnetic field with the vertical component pointing upward, their mean was at 321° NW. This response to an inversion of the vertical component reveals that the Goldcrests used the magnetic field for orientation and that their magnetic compass is an inclination compass as it has been described for several other species of migrants.  相似文献   

Bird migration and orientation at high latitudes are of special interest because of the difficulties associated with different compass systems in polar areas and because of the considerable differences between flight routes conforming to loxodromes (rhumblines) or orthodromes (great circle routes). Regular and widespread east-north-east migration of birds from the northern tundra of Siberia towards North America across the Arctic Ocean (without landmark influences) were recorded by ship-based tracking radar studies in July and August. Field observations indicated that waders, including species such as Phalaropusfulicarius and Calidris melanotos, dominated, but also terns and skuas may have been involved. Analysis of flight directions in relation to the wind showed that these movements are not caused by wind drift. Assuming possible orientation principles based on celestial or geomagnetic cues, different flight trajectories across the Arctic Ocean were calculated: geographical loxodromes, sun compass routes, magnetic loxodromes and magnetoclinic routes. The probabilities of these four alternatives are evaluated on the basis of both the availability of required orientation cues and the predicted flight paths. This evaluation supports orientation along sun compass routes. Because of the longitudinal time displacement sun compass routes show gradually changing compass courses in close agreement with orthodromes. It is suggested that an important migration link between Siberia and North American stopover sites 1000-2500km apart across the Arctic Ocean has evolved based on sun compass orientation along orthodrome-like routes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Investigation of bird migration has often highlighted the importance of external factors in determining timing of migration. However, little distinction has been made between short- and long-distance migrants and between local and flight birds (passage migrants) in describing migration chronology. In addition, measures of food abundance as a proximate factor influencing timing of migration are lacking in studies of migration chronology. To address the relationship between environmental variables and timing of migration, we quantified the relative importance of proximate external factors on migration chronology of local American woodcock (Scolopax minor), a short distance migrant, using event-time analysis methods (survival analysis). We captured 1,094 woodcock local to our study sites in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin (USA) during autumn 2002–2004 and documented 786 departure dates for these birds. Photoperiod appeared to provide an initial proximate cue for timing of departure. Moon phase was important in modifying timing of departure, which may serve as a navigational aid in piloting and possibly orientation. Local synoptic weather variables also contributed to timing of departure by changing the rate of departure from our study sites. We found no evidence that food availability influenced timing of woodcock departure. Our results suggest that woodcock use a conservative photoperiod-controlled strategy with proximate modifiers for timing of migration rather than relying on abundance of their primary food, earthworms. Managing harvest pressure on local birds by adjusting season lengths may be an effective management tool with consistent migration patterns from year to year based on photoperiod.  相似文献   

Bird migration times, climate change, and changing population sizes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Past studies of bird migration times have shown great variation in migratory responses to climate change. We used 33 years of bird capture data (1970–2002) from Manomet, Massachusetts to examine variation in spring migration times for 32 species of North American passerines. We found that changes in first arrival dates – the unit of observation used in most studies of bird migration times – often differ dramatically from changes in the mean arrival date of the migration cohort as a whole. In our study, the earliest recorded springtime arrival date for each species occurred 0.20 days later each decade. In contrast, the mean arrival dates for birds of each species occurred 0.78 days earlier each decade. The difference in the two trends was largely explained by declining migration cohort sizes, a factor not examined in many previous studies. We found that changes in migration cohort or population sizes may account for a substantial amount of the variation in previously documented changes in migration times. After controlling for changes in migration cohort size, we found that climate variables, migration distance, and date of migration explained portions of the variation in migratory changes over time. In particular, short-distance migrants appeared to respond to changes in temperature, while mid-distance migrants responded particularly strongly to changes in the Southern Oscillation Index. The migration times of long-distance migrants tended not to change over time. Our findings suggest that previously reported changes in migration times may need to be reinterpreted to incorporate changes in migration cohort sizes.  相似文献   

Numerous marine animals can sense the Earth's magnetic field and use it as a cue in orientation and navigation. Two distinct types of information can potentially be extracted from the Earth's field. Directional or compass information enables animals to maintain a consistent heading in a particular direction such as north or south. In contrast, positional or map information can be used by animals to assess geographic location and, in some cases, to navigate to specific target areas. Marine animals exploit magnetic positional information in at least two different ways. For hatchling loggerhead sea turtles, regional magnetic fields function as open-sea navigational markers, eliciting changes in swimming direction at crucial points in the migratory route. Older sea turtles, as well as spiny lobsters, use magnetic information in a more complex way, exploiting it as a component of a classical navigational map, which permits an assessment of position relative to specific geographic destinations. These “magnetic maps” have not yet been fully characterized. They may be organized in several fundamentally different ways, some of which bear little resemblance to human maps, and they may also be used in conjunction with unconventional navigational strategies. Unraveling the nature of magnetic maps and exploring how they are used represents one of the most exciting frontiers of behavioral and sensory biology.  相似文献   

Tracking radar and visual observation techniques were used to observe the orientation of free-flying passerine nocturnal migrants in situations in which potentially usable directional cues were absent or gave conflicting information. When migrants had seen the sun near the time of sunset and/or the stars, they oriented in appropriate migratory directions even when winds were opposed. Under solid overcast skies that prevented a view of both sun and stars, the birds headed downwind in opposing winds and thus moved in seasonally inappropriate directions. The data point to the primacy of visual cues over wind direction, with either sun or stars being sufficient to allow the birds to determine the appropriate migration direction.  相似文献   

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