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The duration of the photoreceptor's response to a light stimulus determines the speed at which an animal adjusts to ever-changing conditions of the visual environment. One critical component which regulates the photoresponse duration on the molecular level is the complex between the ninth member of the regulators of G protein signaling family (RGS9-1) and its partner, type 5 G protein beta-subunit (Gbeta5L). RGS9-1.Gbeta5L is responsible for the activation of the GTPase activity of the photoreceptor-specific G protein, transducin. Importantly, this function of RGS9-1.Gbeta5L is regulated by its membrane anchor, R9AP, which drastically potentiates the ability of RGS9-1.Gbeta5L to activate transducin GTPase. In this study, we address the kinetic mechanism of R9AP action and find that it consists primarily of a direct increase in the RGS9-1.Gbeta5L activity. We further showed that the binding site for RGS9-1.Gbeta5L is located within the N-terminal putative trihelical domain of R9AP, and even though this domain is sufficient for binding, it takes the entire R9AP molecule to potentiate the activity of RGS9-1.Gbeta5L. The mechanism revealed in this study is different from and complements another well-established mechanism of regulation of RGS9-1.Gbeta5L by the effector enzyme, cGMP phosphodiesterase, which is based entirely on the enhancement in the affinity between RGS9-1.Gbeta5L and transducin. Together, these mechanisms ensure timely transducin inactivation in the course of the photoresponse, a requisite for normal vision.  相似文献   

RGS9-2, a member of the R7 regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) protein family of neuronal RGS, is a critical regulator of G protein signaling. In striatal neurons, RGS9-2 is tightly associated with a novel palmitoylated protein, R7BP (R7 family binding protein). Here we report that R7BP acts to target the localization of RGS9-2 to the plasma membrane. Examination of the subcellular distribution in native striatal neurons revealed that both R7BP and RGS9-2 are almost entirely associated with the neuronal membranes. In addition to the plasma membrane, a large portion of RGS9-2 was found in the neuronal specializations, the postsynaptic densities, where it forms complexes with R7BP and its constitutive partner Gbeta5. Using site-directed mutagenesis we found that the molecular determinants that specify the subcellular targeting of RGS9-2.Gbeta5.R7BP complex are contained within the 21 C-terminal amino acids of R7BP. This function of the C terminus was found to require the synergistic contributions of its two distinct elements, a polybasic motif and palmitoylated cysteines, which when combined are sufficient for directing the intracellular localization of the constituent protein. In differentiated neurons, the C-terminal targeting motif of R7BP was found to be essential for mediating its postsynaptic localization. In addition to the plasma membrane targeting elements, we identified two functional nuclear localization sequences that can mediate the import of R7BP into the nucleus upon depalmitoylation. These findings provide a mechanism for the subcellular targeting of RGS9-2 in neurons.  相似文献   

A member of the RGS (regulators of G protein signaling) family, RGS9-2 is a critical regulator of G protein signaling pathways that control locomotion and reward signaling in the brain. RGS9-2 is specifically expressed in striatal neurons where it forms complexes with its newly discovered partner, R7BP (R7 family binding protein). Interaction with R7BP is important for the subcellular targeting of RGS9-2, which in native neurons is found in plasma membrane and its specializations, postsynaptic densities. Here we report that R7BP plays an additional important role in determining proteolytic stability of RGS9-2. We have found that co-expression with R7BP dramatically elevates the levels of RGS9-2 and its constitutive subunit, Gbeta5. Measurement of the RGS9-2 degradation kinetics in cells indicates that R7BP markedly reduces the rate of RGS9-2.Gbeta5 proteolysis. Lentivirus-mediated RNA interference knockdown of the R7BP expression in native striatal neurons results in the corresponding decrease in RGS9-2 protein levels. Analysis of the molecular determinants that mediate R7BP/RGS9-2 binding to result in proteolytic protection have identified that the binding site for R7BP in RGS proteins is formed by pairing of the DEP (Disheveled, EGL-10, Pleckstrin) domain with the R7H (R7 homology), a domain of previously unknown function that interacts with four putative alpha-helices of the R7BP core. These findings provide a mechanism for the regulation of the RGS9 protein stability in the striatal neurons.  相似文献   

RGS9-1 is a GTPase-accelerating protein (GAP) required for rapid recovery of the light response in vertebrate rod and cone photoreceptors. Similar to its phototransduction partners transducin (G(t)) and cGMP phosphodiesterase, it is a peripheral protein of the disc membranes, but it binds membranes much more tightly. It lacks the lipid modifications found on G(t) and cGMP phosphodiesterase, and the mechanism for membrane attachment is unknown. We have used limited proteolysis to generate a fragment of RGS9-1 that is readily removed from membranes under moderate salt conditions. Immunoblots reveal that this soluble fragment lacks a 3-kDa fragment from the C-terminal domain, the only domain within RGS9-1 that differs in sequence from the brain-specific isoform RGS9-2. Recombinant fragments of RGS9-1 with or without the partner subunit G beta(5L) were constructed with or without the C-terminal domain. Those lacking the C-terminal domain bound to photoreceptor membranes much less tightly than those containing it. Removal by urea of G beta(5L) from endogenous or recombinant RGS9-1 bound to rod outer segment membranes left RGS9-1 tightly membrane-bound, and recombinant RGS9-1 was urea-soluble in the absence of membranes. Thus the C-terminal domain of RGS9-1 is critical for membrane binding, whereas G beta(5L) does not play an important role in membrane attachment.  相似文献   

RGS (regulators of G protein signaling) proteins regulate G protein signaling by accelerating GTP hydrolysis, but little is known about regulation of GTPase-accelerating protein (GAP) activities or roles of domains and subunits outside the catalytic cores. RGS9-1 is the GAP required for rapid recovery of light responses in vertebrate photoreceptors and the only mammalian RGS protein with a defined physiological function. It belongs to an RGS subfamily whose members have multiple domains, including G(gamma)-like domains that bind G(beta)(5) proteins. Members of this subfamily play important roles in neuronal signaling. Within the GAP complex organized around the RGS domain of RGS9-1, we have identified a functional role for the G(gamma)-like-G(beta)(5L) complex in regulation of GAP activity by an effector subunit, cGMP phosphodiesterase gamma and in protein folding and stability of RGS9-1. The C-terminal domain of RGS9-1 also plays a major role in conferring effector stimulation. The sequence of the RGS domain determines whether the sign of the effector effect will be positive or negative. These roles were observed in vitro using full-length proteins or fragments for RGS9-1, RGS7, G(beta)(5S), and G(beta)(5L). The dependence of RGS9-1 on G(beta)(5) co-expression for folding, stability, and function has been confirmed in vivo using transgenic Xenopus laevis. These results reveal how multiple domains and regulatory polypeptides work together to fine tune G(talpha) inactivation.  相似文献   

Regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins are GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) of heterotrimeric G-proteins that alter the amplitude and kinetics of receptor-promoted signaling. In this study we defined the G-protein alpha-subunit selectivity of purified Sf9 cell-derived R7 proteins, a subfamily of RGS proteins (RGS6, -7, -9, and -11) containing a Ggamma-like (GGL) domain that mediates dimeric interaction with Gbeta(5). Gbeta(5)/R7 dimers stimulated steady state GTPase activity of Galpha-subunits of the G(i) family, but not of Galpha(q) or Galpha(11), when added to proteoliposomes containing M2 or M1 muscarinic receptor-coupled G-protein heterotrimers. Concentration effect curves of the Gbeta(5)/R7 proteins revealed differences in potencies and efficacies toward Galpha-subunits of the G(i) family. Although all four Gbeta(5)/R7 proteins exhibited similar potencies toward Galpha(o), Gbeta(5)/RGS9 and Gbeta(5)/RGS11 were more potent GAPs of Galpha(i1), Galpha(i2), and Galpha(i3) than were Gbeta(5)/RGS6 and Gbeta(5)/RGS7. The maximal GAP activity exhibited by Gbeta(5)/RGS11 was 2- to 4-fold higher than that of Gbeta(5)/RGS7 and Gbeta(5)/RGS9, with Gbeta(5)/RGS6 exhibiting an intermediate maximal GAP activity. Moreover, the less efficacious Gbeta(5)/RGS7 and Gbeta(5)/RGS9 inhibited Gbeta(5)/RGS11-stimulated GTPase activity of Galpha(o). Therefore, R7 family RGS proteins are G(i) family-selective GAPs with potentially important differences in activities.  相似文献   

Timely termination of the light response in retinal photoreceptors requires rapid inactivation of the G protein transducin. This is achieved through the stimulation of transducin GTPase activity by the complex of the ninth member of the regulator of G protein signaling protein family (RGS9) with type 5 G protein beta subunit (Gbeta5). RGS9.Gbeta5 is anchored to photoreceptor disc membranes by the transmembrane protein, R9AP. In this study, we analyzed visual signaling in the rods of R9AP knockout mice. We found that light responses from R9AP knockout rods were very slow to recover and were indistinguishable from those of RGS9 or Gbeta5 knockout rods. This effect was a consequence of the complete absence of any detectable RGS9 from the retinas of R9AP knockout mice. On the other hand, the level of RGS9 mRNA was not affected by the knockout. These data indicate that in photoreceptors R9AP determines the stability of the RGS9.Gbeta5 complex, and therefore all three proteins, RGS9, Gbeta5 , and R9AP, are obligate members of the regulatory complex that speeds the rate at which transducin hydrolyzes GTP.  相似文献   

The RGS7 (R7) family of RGS proteins bound to the divergent Gbeta subunit Gbeta5 is a crucial regulator of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling in the visual and nervous systems. Here, we identify R7BP, a novel neuronally expressed protein that binds R7-Gbeta5 complexes and shuttles them between the plasma membrane and nucleus. Regional expression of R7BP, Gbeta5, and R7 isoforms in brain is highly coincident. R7BP is palmitoylated near its COOH terminus, which targets the protein to the plasma membrane. Depalmitoylation of R7BP translocates R7BP-R7-Gbeta5 complexes from the plasma membrane to the nucleus. Compared with nonpalmitoylated R7BP, palmitoylated R7BP greatly augments the ability of RGS7 to attenuate GPCR-mediated G protein-regulated inward rectifying potassium channel activation. Thus, by controlling plasma membrane nuclear-shuttling of R7BP-R7-Gbeta5 complexes, reversible palmitoylation of R7BP provides a novel mechanism that regulates GPCR signaling and potentially transduces signals directly from the plasma membrane to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Cyclic GMP plays a key role in retinal phototransduction and its photoreceptor concentration is precisely controlled by the cooperative action of cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) and retinal guanylyl cyclase (retGC). However, studies of the relationship between these two systems have focused only on a Ca(2+)-mediated, indirect connection. Using a retinal "regulator of G-protein signaling" (RGS9-1) and its fragments, we show that the N-terminus of RGS9-1 inhibits retGC activity. We also indicate that the GGL domain and/or the RGS domain function as an internal suppressor against the N-terminus, suggesting that proteins bound to these domains regulate the inhibitory activity of the N-terminus. Direct interaction of retGC with RGS9-1 and its N-terminus is also proved by immunoprecipitation and an overlay technique. Since RGS9-1 also controls the lifetime of transducin-activated PDE through regulating GTPase activity of transducin, this study strongly suggests that RGS9-1 mediates the direct interaction between PDE and retGC systems, and that this ingenious mechanism plays an important role in tuning of cGMP concentration in photoreceptors.  相似文献   

RGS9, a member of the family of regulators of G protein signaling (RGS), serves as a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for the transducin alpha-subunit (Gtalpha) in the vertebrate visual transduction cascade. The GAP activity of RGS9 is uniquely potentiated by the gamma-subunit of the effector enzyme, cGMP-phosphodiesterase (Pgamma). In contrast, Pgamma attenuates the GAP effects of several other RGS proteins, including RGS16. We demonstrate here that the Pgamma subunit exerts its effects on the GTPase activity of the Gtalpha-RGS complex via the C-terminal domain, Pgamma-63-87. The structural determinants that control the direction of Pgamma effects on the RGS-Gtalpha system are localized within the RGS domains. The addition of Pgamma caused an increase in the maximal stimulation of Gtalpha GTPase activity by RGS9d without affecting the EC50 value. Modulation of Gtalpha GTPase activity by chimeric RGS16 and RGS9 proteins and Pgamma has been investigated. This analysis suggests that in addition to the differences in primary structures, the overall conformations of the RGS fold in RGS9 and RGS16 are likely to be responsible for the opposite effects of Pgamma on the RGS9 and RGS16 GAP activity. The RGS9 alpha3-alpha5 region constituted the minimal insertion of the RGS9 domain into RGS16 that reversed the inhibitory effect of Pgamma. A model of the RGS9 complex with Gtalpha shows the alpha3-alpha5 helices in RGS9 facing the proximate Pgamma binding site on Gtalpha. Our results and this model demonstrate that the mechanism of potentiation of RGS9 GAP activity by Pgamma involves a more rigid stabilization of the Gtalpha switch regions when Gtalpha is bound to both RGS9 and Pgamma.  相似文献   

Many lines of evidence show that membranes contain microdomains, "lipid rafts", that are different from the rest of the membrane in specific lipid and protein composition. In several biological systems, they were shown to be necessary for trafficking and signal transduction. Here, we investigate if lipid rafts have a role in the regulation of the G protein-mediated pathway underlying vertebrate phototransduction. Photoreceptor membranes contain detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) rafts. Rhodopsin and cGMP phosphodiesterase are found in raft and nonraft portions of the membrane; guanylate cyclase is found exclusively in the raft. Distribution of these proteins does not change in the light or dark. In contrast, the G protein transducin, the RGS9-1-Gbeta5L complex, and the p44 isoform of arrestin undergo dramatic translocation to the raft upon illumination. Phosphorylation of RGS9-1 occurs exclusively in the raft. GTPgammaS or pertussis toxin prevent the light-mediated translocation of transducin and RGS9-1, whereas AlF(minus sign)(4) causes both proteins to move to the raft in the dark. This shows that the Galphat-RGS9-1-Gbeta5L complex has the highest affinity to rafts in the transition state of the GTPase. GTPgammaS binds to transducin at a significantly slower rate in the raft, indicating that this translocation results in a reduced rhodopsin-transducin coupling. Thus, an external signal can rearrange components of a G protein pathway in specific domains of the cell membrane, changing its signaling properties. These findings could reveal a novel mechanism utilized by the cells for regulation of G protein-mediated signal transduction.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the visual G protein transducin, during recovery from photoexcitation, is regulated by RGS9-1, a GTPase-accelerating protein of the ubiquitous RGS protein family. Incubation of dark-adapted bovine rod outer segments with [gamma-(32)P]ATP led to RGS9-1 phosphorylation by an endogenous kinase in rod outer segment membranes, with an average stoichiometry of 0.2-0.45 mol of phosphates/mol of RGS9-1. Mass spectrometry revealed a single major site of phosphorylation, Ser(475). The kinase responsible catalyzed robust phosphorylation of recombinant RGS9-1 and not of an S475A mutant. A synthetic peptide corresponding to the region surrounding Ser(475) was also phosphorylated, and a similar peptide with the S475A substitution inhibited RGS9-1 phosphorylation. The RGS9-1 kinase is a peripheral membrane protein that co-purifies with rhodopsin in sucrose gradients and can be extracted in buffers of high ionic strength. It is not inhibited or activated significantly by a panel of inhibitors or activators of protein kinase A, protein kinase G, rhodopsin kinase, CaM kinase II, casein kinase II, or cyclin-dependent kinase 5, at concentrations 50 or more times higher than their reported IC(50) or K(i) values. It was inhibited by the protein kinase C inhibitor bisindolylmaleimide I and by lowering Ca(2+) to nanomolar levels with EGTA; however, it was not stimulated by the addition of phorbol ester, under conditions that significantly enhanced rhodopsin phosphorylation. A monoclonal antibody specific for the Ser(475)-phosphorylated form of RGS9-1 recognized RGS9-1 in immunoblots of dark-adapted mouse retina. Retinas from light-adapted mice had much lower levels of RGS9-1 phosphorylation. Thus, RGS9-1 is phosphorylated on Ser(475) in vivo, and the phosphorylation level is regulated by light and by [Ca(2+)], suggesting the importance of the modification in light adaptation.  相似文献   

The complex between the short splice variant of the ninth member of the RGS protein family and the long splice variant of type 5 G protein beta subunit (RGS9-Gbeta5L) plays a critical role in regulating the duration of the light response in vertebrate photoreceptors by activating the GTPase activity of the photoreceptor-specific G protein, transducin. RGS9-Gbeta5L is tightly associated with the membranes of photoreceptor outer segments; however, the nature of this association remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that rod outer segment membranes contain a limited number of sites for high affinity RGS9-Gbeta5L binding, which are highly sensitive to proteolysis. In membranes isolated from bovine rod outer segments, all of these sites are occupied by the endogenous RGS9-Gbeta5L, which prevents the binding of exogenous recombinant RGS9-Gbeta5L to these sites. However, treating membranes with urea or high pH buffers causes either removal or denaturation of the endogenous RGS9-Gbeta5L, allowing for high affinity binding of recombinant RGS9-Gbeta5L to these sites. This binding results in a striking approximately 70-fold increase in the RGS9-Gbeta5L ability to activate transducin GTPase. The DEP (disheveled/EGL-10/pleckstrin) domain of RGS9 plays a crucial role in the RGS9-Gbeta5L membrane attachment, as evident from the analysis of membrane-binding properties of deletion mutants lacking either N- or C-terminal parts of the RGS9 molecule. Our data indicate that specific association of RGS9-Gbeta5L with photoreceptor disc membranes serves not only as a means of targeting it to an appropriate subcellular compartment but also serves as an important determinant of its catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Hou Y  Ye RD  Browning DD 《Cellular signalling》2004,16(9):1061-1069
Cyclic-GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) is widely appreciated as having diverse roles in a variety of cell types. Many reports have indicated that PKG might regulate cell function by activating members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family of signaling proteins. In this study, stimulation of HEK-293 cells with nitric oxide (NO) was found to induce a rapid accumulation of phosphorylated p38 MAPK. The involvement of PKG in this process was confirmed by cotransfection of a dominant negative PKG construct (G1alphaR-GFP), which was able to block cGMP-induced p38 MAPK activation. Transfection of cells to express dominant negative Rac1(T17N) was also able to dose-dependently block cGMP-stimulated activation of p38 MAPK, thus indicating the importance of this pathway downstream of PKG. GST-PDB affinity-precipitation experiments revealed that stimulation of HEK293 cells with either nitric oxide or 8-Br-cGMP resulted in a rapid and transient activation of Rac1 with similar kinetics to p38 MAPK phosphorylation. Moreover, using in vitro kinase assays it was found that cGMP also stimulated the activity of the Rac1 effector Pak1. The activation of both Rac1 and Pak1 by 8-Br-cGMP was completely abolished by transfection of the cells with G1alphaR-GFP. Expression of the Rac1(T17N) mutant inhibited PKG-dependent activation of PAK1 indicating that Rac1 functions upstream of PAK1 in this pathway. Immunofluorescence experiments demonstrated clear colocalization of PKG and Rac1 in membrane ruffles and dynamic membrane regions supporting a functional interaction. However, in vitro kinase assays demonstrated that Rac1 is not a substrate for PKG suggesting an indirect activation mechanism. Taken together these data demonstrate a novel PKG-dependent pathway by which the Rac1/Pak1 pathway is activated. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this pathway is central to the activation of p38 MAPK by PKG in these cells.  相似文献   

The complex between the photoreceptor-specific regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) protein, RGS9-1, and type 5 G protein beta-subunit, Gbeta5L, regulates the duration of the cellular response to light by stimulating the GTPase activity of G protein, transducin. An important property of RGS9-1.Gbeta5L is that it interacts specifically with transducin bound to its effector, cGMP phosphodiesterase, rather than with transducin alone. The minimal structure within the RGS9-1.Gbeta5L complex capable of activating transducin GTPase is the catalytic domain of RGS9. This domain itself is also able to discriminate between free and effector-bound transducin but to a lesser degree than RGS9-1.Gbeta5L. The goal of this study was to determine whether other, noncatalytic domains of RGS9-1.Gbeta5L enhance the intrinsic specificity of the catalytic domain or whether they set the specificity of RGS9-1.Gbeta5L regardless of the specificity of its catalytic domain. We found that a double L353E/R360P amino acid substitution reversed the specificity of the recombinant catalytic domain but did not reverse the specificity of RGS9-1.Gbeta5L. However, the degree of discrimination between free and effector-bound transducin was reduced. Therefore, noncatalytic domains of RGS9-1.Gbeta5L play a decisive role in establishing its substrate specificity, yet the high degree of this specificity observed under physiological conditions requires an additional contribution from the catalytic domain.  相似文献   

Regulator of G protein signalling (RGS) proteins are primarily known for their ability to act as GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) and thus attenuate G protein function within G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signalling pathways. However, RGS proteins have been found to interact with additional binding partners, and this has introduced more complexity to our understanding of their potential role in vivo. Here, we identify a novel interaction between RGS proteins (RGS4, RGS5, RGS16) and the multifunctional protein 14-3-3. Two isoforms, 14-3-3β and 14-3-3ε, directly interact with all three purified RGS proteins and data from in vitro steady state GTP hydrolysis assays show that 14-3-3 inhibits the GTPase activity of RGS4 and RGS16, but has limited effects on RGS5 under comparable conditions. Moreover in a competitive pull-down experiment, 14-3-3ε competes with Go for RGS4, but not for RGS5. This mechanism is further reinforced in living cells, where 14-3-3ε sequesters RGS4 in the cytoplasm and impedes its recruitment to the plasma membrane by G protein. Thus, 14-3-3 might act as a molecular chelator, preventing RGS proteins from interacting with G, and ultimately prolonging the signal transduction pathway. In conclusion, our findings suggest that 14-3-3 proteins may indirectly promote GPCR signalling via their inhibitory effects on RGS GAP function.  相似文献   

ROPs or RACs are plant Rho-related GTPases implicated in the regulation of a multitude of signaling pathways that function at the plasma membrane by virtue of posttranslational lipid modifications. The relationship between ROP activation status and membrane localization has not been established. Here we demonstrate that endogenous ROPs, as well as a transgenic His6-green fluorescent protein (GFP)-AtROP6 fusion protein, were partitioned between Triton X-100-soluble and -insoluble membranes. In contrast, an activated His6-GFP-Atrop6CA mutant protein accumulated exclusively in detergent-resistant membranes. GDP induced accumulation of ROPs in Triton-soluble membranes, whereas GTPγS induced accumulation of ROPs in detergent-resistant membranes. Recombinant wild-type and constitutively active AtROP6 isoforms were purified from Arabidopsis plants, and their lipids were cleaved and analyzed by gas chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry. In Triton-soluble membranes, wild-type AtROP6 was only prenylated, primarily by geranylgeranyl. The activated AtROP6 that accumulated in detergent-resistant membranes was modified by prenyl and acyl lipids. The acyl lipids were identified as palmitic and stearic acids. In agreement, activated His6-GFP-Atrop6CAmS156 in which cysteine156 was mutated into serine accumulated in Triton-soluble membranes. These findings show that upon GTP binding and activation, AtROP6 and possibly other ROPs are transiently S acylated, which induces their partitioning into detergent-resistant membranes.  相似文献   

Recombinant RGS1, RGS16 and RGS-GAIP, but not RGS2, were able to substantially further stimulate the maximal GTPase activity of G(o1)alpha promoted by agonists at the alpha2A-adrenoreceptor in a concentration-dependent manner. Kinetic analysis of the regulation of an alpha2A-adrenoreceptor-G(o1)alpha fusion protein by all three RGS proteins revealed that they had similar affinities for the receptor-G protein fusion. However, their maximal effects on GTP hydrolysis varied over threefold with RGS16 > RGS1 > RGS-GAIP. Both RGS1 and RGS16 reduced the potency of the alpha2A-adrenoreceptor agonist adrenaline by some 10-fold. A lower potency shift was observed for the partial agonist UK14304 and the effect was absent for the weak partial agonist oxymetazoline. Each of these RGS proteins altered the intrinsic activity of both UK14304 and oxymetazoline relative to adrenaline. Such results require the RGS interaction with G(o1)alpha to alter the conformation of the alpha2A-adrenoreceptor and are thus consistent with models invoking direct interactions between RGS proteins and receptors. These studies demonstrate that RGS1, RGS16 and RGS-GAIP show a high degree of selectivity to regulate alpha2A-adrenoreceptor-activated G(o1)alpha rather than G(i1)alpha, G(i2)alpha or G(i3)alpha and different capacities to inactivate this G protein.  相似文献   

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