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Summary Male and female flowers of the dioecious perennial herb Rubus chamaemorus L. are similar in general appearance. However, female flowers are somewhat smaller, do not produce any pollen, and contain very small amounts of nectar. Syrphids and bumblebees, which are important pollinators of R. chamaemorus, showed a strong preference for male flowers. Male flowers were also less often rejected by flower visitors than were female flowers, and two different groups of syrphid species stayed longer in male than in female flowers. These observations suggest that female flowers of R. chamaemorus attract pollinators by deceit.Hand-pollination experiments indicated that pollen availability limited seed production of R. chamaemorus in female dominated habitats but not in areas with an equal floral sex ratio. We suggest that the relative importance of factors limiting female reproductive success is not constant, but is influenced by the floral sex ratio of the population. This should apply also to other dioecious species that show variable sex ratios on either a local or regional scale.  相似文献   

Bees foraging for nectar should choose different inflorescences from those foraging for both pollen and nectar, if inflorescences consist of differing proportions of male and female flowers, particularly if the sex phases of the flowers differ in nectar content as well as the occurrence of pollen. This study tested this prediction using worker honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) foraging on inflorescences of Lavandula stoechas. Female flowers contained about twice the volume of nectar of male flowers. As one would predict, bees foraging for nectar only chose inflorescences with disproportionately more female flowers: time spent on the inflorescence was correlated with the number of female flowers, but not with the number of male flowers. Inflorescence size was inversely correlated with the number of female flowers, and could be used as a morphological cue by these bees. Also as predicted, workers foraging for both pollen and nectar chose inflorescences with relatively greater numbers of both male and female flowers: time spent on these inflorescences was correlated with the number of male flowers, but not with the number of females flowers. A morphological cue inversely associated with such inflorescences is the size of the bract display. Choice of flowers within inflorescences was also influenced predictably, but preferences appeared to be based upon corolla size rather than directly on sex phase.  相似文献   

Osyris alba L. is a widespread dioecious hemiparasitic shrub of S Europe, N Africa, and SW Asia. Male inflorescences are multiflowered whereas each female inflorescence is reduced to a single flower with persistent enlarged bracts. Pollination is a prerequisite for fruit and seed development and wind is unlikely to be an effective means of pollen spread. In southern Italy pollen is transported by small unspecialized flies and beetles. Both male and female flowers produce an indistinguishable sweet odour. Male flowers are produced in large numbers and over a larger period than the females and provide pollen, nectar, and staminal hairs as rewards for pollinators. The presence and function of staminal hairs with tip cells inOsyris alba has been reported for the first time. Female flowers are rewardless, producing neither mature pollen, nectar nor staminal hairs, but possess three modified yellow indehiscent anthers containing no viable pollen which may provide a strong visual feeding stimulus for pollinators. It is suggested that pollinators are attracted by deceit to female flowers by mimicry of the males and the floral mimicry is, therefore, intraspecific and intersexual. The floral characteristics and flowering phenology of male and female plants are consistent with this kind of mimicry. The female flower possesses a tricarpellary ovary with three ovules of which only one develops. The single seed, containing a small embryo and a large, rich endosperm, is borne in a red fleshy bird-dispersed fruit. The reduction in seed number per flower to one highly nutrient-invested seed, together with a reduction of the multiflowered inflorescence to a solitary flower and the sequential production of ripe fruits over an extended fruiting season, suggest that the female function is markedly resource-limited. It is suggested that, although all the reproductive characteristics present inOsyris alba, as well as hemiparasitism, had probably evolved before the end of the tropical Tertiary, they are of adaptive advantage in the nutrient and water-limited environment of the Mediterranean maquis.  相似文献   

The functional floral morphology of the three genera of Vivianiaceae (= Ledocarpaceae, Geraniales), Rhynchotheca, Viviania and Balbisia, is compared. Likely pollination mechanisms are inferred from morphology and field observations. The flowers of Viviania are nectariferous and apparently zoophilous with nectar as the (primary) pollinator reward. Balbisia has pollen flowers without nectaries, its showy corolla indicates that it is also zoophilous with pollen as sole pollinator reward; bees were observed as flower visitors. One taxon (B. gracilis) may be anemophilous. Rhynchotheca has flowers without petals, with large, pendulous anthers and lacks nectaries. It shows synchronous mass flowering in its natural populations and is evidently anemophilous. A comparison with other Geraniales shows that nectar flowers with small anthers are likely the ancestral condition in Vivianiaceae. This suggests that the pollen flowers with larger anthers of Balbisia and Rhynchotheca may represent an apomorphic condition. The documentation of pollen flowers and anemophily in Vivianiaceae expands the range of known floral and pollination syndromes in Geraniales.  相似文献   

In hermaphrodite neotropicalLauraceae a highly evolved dichogamous system is present which represents a kind of temporal dioecy. This system involves the existence of two flower morphs which are characterized by reciprocal phases of receptivity of the stigmas and pollen release. In some genera (Persea, Cinnamomum), nectar is produced as a reward for the flower visitors, while in other genera (Aniba, Clinostemon, Licaria), nectar is absent and pollen seems to be the only reward. This implies that in this case the flowers in the female stage must be deceptive flowers. In dioecious species of the generaOcotea andNectandra, both the male and female flowers attract the visitors with nectar. The pollen-ovule ratio of theLauraceae is comparatively low. — The type of reproductive system that characterizes theLauraceae, comprising functional dioecy, small, inconspicuously coloured flowers, pollination by small bees, and large, one-seeded fruits dispersed by birds, is quite prominent among trees of various families in the tropical lowland forest. The relationship between the different modes of flowering within theLauraceae and the causes for the correlation of their reproductive traits are discussed.  相似文献   

The adults of many parasitoid species require nectar for optimal fitness, but very little is known of flower recognition. Flight cage experiments showed that the adults of an egg parasitoid (Trichogramma carverae Oatman and Pinto) benefited from alyssum (Lobularia maritima L.) bearing white flowers to a greater extent than was the case for light pink, dark pink or purple flowered cultivars, despite all cultivars producing nectar. Survival and realised parasitism on all non-white flowers were no greater than when the parasitoids were caged on alyssum shoots from which flowers had been removed. The possibility that differences between alyssum cultivars were due to factors other than flower color, such as nectar quality, was excluded by dying white alyssum flowers by placing the roots of the plants in 5% food dye (blue or pink) solution. Survival of T. carverae was lower on dyed alyssum flowers than on undyed white flowers. Mixing the same dyes with honey in a third experiment conducted in the dark showed that the low level of feeding on dyed flowers was unlikely to be the result of olfactory or gustatory cues. Flower color appears, therefore, to be a critical factor in the choice of plants used to enhance biocontrol, and is likely also to be a factor in the role parasitoids play in structuring invertebrate communities.  相似文献   

The increase of the amino acid concentration over different time intervals in artificial nectar (i.e., a sucrose solution) due to pollen contamination was investigated in four Californian plant species (Aesculus californica, Amsinckia lunaris, Brodiaea pulchella, Carduus pycnocephalus), which are important nectar resources for a Californian colony of the butterflyBattus philenor as well as for other insects. The increase of the amino acid concentration in the medium is different in all four species and seems to be determined by a variety of factors including permeability of the pollen grain wall and presence or absence of pores. The results suggest a passive diffusion process of the free pollen amino acids into the medium rather than an active release. Implications from the experiments forBattus philenor and for other nectar feeding pollinators are discussed. A possible complementary effect of free pollen and nectar amino acids is proposed for plant species in which pollen is likely to be knocked into nectar by their flower visitors. A possible evolutionary pathway from nectar feeding butterflies such asBattus philenor to the complex derived pollen feeding habit in theHeliconius butterflies is proposed.  相似文献   

Vegetative and floral features ofCajophora coronata (Loasaceae) suggest adaptations to pollination by rodents: (1) mammal guard represented by a covering of stinging hairs; (2) geoflory; (3) white corolla; (4) open flowers with copious low concentration nectar; (5) abundant pollen; (6) maximum pollen and nectar presentation in the afternoon hours and in the night. Palynological analysis revealed pollen loads ofC. coronata on the nostrils and whiskers of captured rodents (Graomys griseoflavus, fam.Muridae). Pollen and anther remains were also found in faeces sampled in the surroundings. Additional evidence includes rodent footprints obtained by placing smoked plates beneath the flowers, which revealed flower visitation during the night. These observations are to our knowledge the first evidence of flower visitation by rodents in South America and the first in the New World outside the range of flower bats and bat flowers.  相似文献   

Summary Amino acids occur in most floral nectars but their role in pollinator attraction is relatively unstudied. Nectars of butterfly-pollinated flower tend to have higher concentrations of amino acids than do flowers pollinated by bees and many other animals, suggesting that amino acids are important attractants of butterflies to flowers. In order to determine whether amino acids are important in attracting butterflies and bees, we tested the preference of cabbage white butterflies (Pieris rapae) and honey bees (Apis mellifera) by allowing them to feed from artificial flowers containing sugar-only or sugar-amino acid mimics ofLantana camara nectar. Honey bees and female cabbage white butterflies consumed more sugar-amino acid nectar than sugar-only nectar. In addition, female cabbage white butterflies visited artificial flowers containing sugar-amino acid nectars more frequently than flowers containing sugar-only nectars; honey bees spent more time consuming the sugar-amino acid nectar. Male cabbage white butterflies did not discriminate between the two nectars. These results support the hypothesis that the amino acids of nectar contribute to pollinator attraction and/or feeding.  相似文献   

Summary Can bees accurately gauge accumulating bodily pollen as they harvest pollen from flowers? Several recent reports conclude that bees fail to assess pollen harvest rates when foraging for nectar and pollen. A native nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cavanilles) that is visited exclusively for pollen by both solitary and social bees (eg. Ptiloglossa and Bombus) was studied in SE Arizona and SW New Mexico. The flowers have no nectaries. Two experiments were deployed that eliminated pollen feedback to the bees by experimentally manipulating flowers prior to bee visits. The two methods were 1) plugging poricidal anthers with glue and 2) emptying anthers of pollen by vibration prior to bee visitation. Both experiments demonstrated that bees directly assess pollen harvest on a flower-by-flower basis, and significantly tailor their handling times, number of vibratile buzzes per flower and grooming bouts according to the ongoing harvest on a given flower. In comparison to experimental flowers, floral handling times were extended for both Bombus and Ptiloglossa on virgin flowers. Greater numbers of intrafloral buzzes and numbers of times bees groomed pollen and packed it into their scopae while still on the flower were also more frequent at virgin versus experimental flowers. Flowers with glued andreocia received uniformly brief visits from Bombus and Ptiloglossa with fewer sonications and virtually no bouts of grooming. Curtailed handling with few buzzes and grooms also characterized visits to our manually harvested flowers wherein pollen was artificially depleted. Sonicating bees respond positively to pollen-feedback while harvesting from individual flowers, and therefore we expect them to adjust their harvesting tempo according to the currency of available pollen (standing crop) within Solanum floral patches.  相似文献   

Opuntia brunneogemmia andO. viridirubra occur sympatrically in the Serra do Sudeste, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Their flowers have 450–600 thigmonastic stamens and provide large amounts of pollen and nectar for bees. Bees of 41 species were registered at the flowers ofO. brunneogemmia and 30 at the flowers ofO. viridirubra. Females of three oligolectic species are the only effective pollinators:Ptilothrix fructifera (Anthophoridae),Lithurgus rufiventris (Megachilidae), andCephalocolletes rugata (Colletidae). During their visits inOpuntia-flowers, bees touch the filaments and stimulate the movement of the stamens to the centre of the flower. At the end of this movement, the anthers are densely packed around the style. As a consequence the pollen is presented in an easily accessible upper layer of anthers and various, nearly inaccessible lower layers. The lower layers contain about 80% of the pollen reward. Only females of the three oligolectic pollinators exploit the pollen from the lower layers and reach the nectar furrow. Therefore, through their stamen movements,Opuntia flowers hide most of their pollen from flower visitors but favour effectively pollinating, oligolectic bees.  相似文献   

Pollination ofLaurus azorica (Lauraceae), a dioecious Macaronesian tree, was studied. Male and female trees had the same size distribution. The population had 2.5 times as many male trees as females. In addition, males produced more flowers, and their inflorescences lasted longer. Individual flower lifetime and length of flowering season were the same in both sexes. Between the years of observation, one tree changed sex. Pollinators wereHalictinae bees and the flyTachina canariensis. The bees collected pollen and nectar and the fly collected nectar from both sexes. Both species visited other plants as well. The evolution of breeding systems inLauraceae is discussed.  相似文献   

In a hypothesis that has remained controversial since its inception, Darwin suggested that long-tubed flowers and long-tongued pollinators evolved together in a coevolutionary race, with each selecting for increasing length in the other. Although the selective pressures that flowers impose on tongue length are relatively straightforward, in that longer tongues allow access to more nectar, selective pressures that pollinators impose on flower length are less clear. Here, we test for such selective pressures in the highly specialized mutualism between the nectar bat Anoura fistulata, which can extend its tongue twice as far as other nectar bats, and Centropogon nigricans, which has flowers of a similar length (8–9 cm). We used flight cage experiments to examine the effects of artificially manipulated flower lengths on (i) bat behaviour and (ii) pollen transfer. Increased length produced longer visits, but did not affect the force bats applied during visits. In the second experiment, flower length increased both the male and female components of flower function: long male flowers delivered more pollen grains and long female flowers received more pollen grains. However, pollen transfer was not correlated with visit duration, so the mechanism behind differences in pollen transfer remains unclear. By demonstrating that bats select for increasing flower length, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that A. fistulata evolved its remarkable tongue in a coevolutionary race with long-tubed flowers similar to that envisioned by Darwin.  相似文献   

Flexible pedicels are characteristic of birdpollinated plants, yet have received little attention in studies of hummingbird-flower interactions. A major implication of flexible pedicels is that flowers may move during pollination. We examined whether such motion affected interactions between ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) and jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) by increasing pollen deposition and by altering the effectiveness of nectar removal. For I. capensis, flower mobility enhanced pollen deposition: birds had significantly longer contact with anthers and more pollen deposited on their bills and crowns when foraging at mobile flowers than at flowers that had been experimentally immobilized. In contrast, flower mobility imposed a cost on hummingbirds by significantly increasing their handling times and reducing their extraction rates relative to their interactions with immobile flowers. Field observations indicated that the motion observed during hummingbird visits did not occur when bees (Bombus spp., Apis mellifera) visited I. capensis flowers, which suggests that the mobility of I. capensis flowers is an adaptation for hummingbird pollination.  相似文献   

The mechanisms mediating the use of flowers in the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis (Nymphalidae) are poorly understood. Availability of nectar and pollen, nectar concentration, and abundance of Stachytarpheta cayennensis and Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), two flower species commonly used by H. erato phyllis in the Neotropics, as well as flower use by this butterfly species in the field were examined in southern Brazil. Under insectary conditions, the preference of H. erato phyllis for different sucrose concentrations (0, 10, 20, 40, and 80%) and the ability to associate sucrose concentrations with preferred and non-preferred flower colors were evaluated through choice tests. Lantana camara inflorescences were less abundant, but contained larger amounts of pollen and nectar than S. cayennensis, and H. erato phyllis utilized the flowers of the former species with higher frequency compared to the latter. In the choice tests, butterflies fed more intensely on 20 and 40% sucrose solutions, an interval in which the nectars of L. camara and S. cayennensis are situated, and were able to associate preferred sucrose concentrations with flower color efficiently within the color spectrum of L. camara flowers (i.e., preferred colors), but not within that of S. cayennensis (non-preferred colors). Thus, the greater use of L. camara flowers by H. erato phyllis is related to the plant’s superior floral rewards and not flower abundance, and to the cognitive abilities of these butterflies to adjust their feeding to the availability of pollen and nectar. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing sucrose preferences in a butterfly species.  相似文献   

The relationship between the quality/quantity of male investment and the feeding behavior of females was investigated in a bruchid weevil, Bruchidius dorsalis (Fahraeus), whose males donate nutrition via seminal fluid to females. Experiments on the effect of feeding regimes of both sexes on the mating frequency of females showed that females mated at a higher frequency if given low-quality food or poor male investment. On the other hand, the experiment that examined the effect of male investment quality on female feeding behavior showed that females receiving the high-quality investment exhibited feeding behavior less often. These results suggest that male investment and feeding behavior play the same role for B. dorsalis females. These experiments also showed that there are sex-related asymmetries in mating and feeding behaviors: females mated more often but males fed more often. Moreover, a field census suggested that only males visited non-host flowers to feed on the pollen and nectar during the non-flowering period of the host plants; females always stayed on the host plants irrespective of the flowering phenology. These results suggest that in B. dorsalis courtship role reversal and sex-specific feeding modes are fairly fixed and obligatory, and that male investment, derived from sexual selection, could affect the feeding behavior and spatial distribution of both sexes, which may have far-reaching impact in various ecological contexts.  相似文献   

Krischik VA  Denno RF 《Oecologia》1990,83(2):182-190
Summary Patterns of growth, reproduction, defense (leaf resin) and herbivory were compared between the sexes of the dioecious shrub Baccharis halimifolia (Compositae). Male plants possessed longer shoots and more tender leaves, grew faster, and flowered and senesced earlier than female plants. Levels of leaf nitrogen, water content, and acetone-soluble resin (shown to deter feeding by polyphagous insect herbivores) did not differ between male and female plants. When offered a choice between leaves from male and female plants, adults of two leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae), the monophagous Trirhabda bacharidis and the polyphagous Paria thoracica, both preferred to feed on male leaves. Similarly, the daily fecundity of older females of T. bacharidis was higher when they were fed leaves from male compared to female plants. However, adult survivorship and total fecundity of T. baccharidis did not differ between male and female leaf treatments. We attribute the feeding preference for and slight increase in fecundity on male plants to the tenderness of male leaves. Larvae of the fly Tephritis subpura (Tephritidae) fed exclusively in the sterile receptacle of male flower heads (85% infested), but the phenology was such that pollen production was not adversely affected. Larvae of two other flies Dasineura sp. and Contarinia sp. (Cecidomyiidae) occupied >95% of only female flower heads where they fed among and on the developing seeds. We conclude that foliage-feeding herbivores are unlikely candidates to explain the female-biased sex ratio (59% female) of B. halimifolia plants in the field, and that their preference for male plants is a result of plant characteristics (e.g. rapid growth) that have been selected by some other factor. However, our data on selective floral herbivory in B. halimifolia are in accord with the argument that dioecy reduces the inadvertent loss of flower parts of one sex when herbivores feed on flower parts of the opposite sex.  相似文献   

Summary In field experiments withAralia hispida inflorescences, the following variables were manipulated: number of umbels per inflorescence, number of flowers per umbel, and amounts of pollen and nectar per flower. Visitation rates by bumble bees, the principal pollinators, were then observed. In the reward-variation experiments, bees appeared to learn the positions of nectar-rich shoots, and visited them significantly more often than nectar-poor shoots. They did not respond to similar variation in pollen production. The nectar preferences developed slowly after the treatments were imposed, and bees continued to favor sites that had been occupied by nectar-rich shoots even after the treatments were discontinued. Visitation rate was approximately proportional to flower number, making it unlikely that increases in inflorescence size produced a disproportionate gain in male reproductive success (a necessary condition in certain models for the evolution of dioecy). For a fixed number of flowers per inflorescence, bees preferred inflorescences with more umbels. In pairwise choice tests of male-phase and female-phase umbels of various sizes, bees preferred male-phase umbels and larger umbels; the preference for male-phase umbels is stronger in bees that had previously fed on male-phase umbels.  相似文献   

Effect of floral orifice width and shape on hummingbird-flower interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nectar guides are common among insect-pollinated plants, yet are thought to be rare or absent among hummingbird-pollinated plants. We hypothesize that the lower lips and trumpet-shaped orifices of many hummingbird flowers act as nectar guides to direct hummingbirds to the flowers' nectar and orient the birds for pollination. To test this hypothesis we conducted laboratory experiments using flowers of Monarda didyma (bee balm) and M. fistulosa (wild bergamot), which have orifice widths of about 4 mm and 2 mm, respectively, and latex flowers with orifice widths of 4 mm and 2 mm and three orifice shapes (trumpet, lipped, and lipless). Rubythroated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) made fewer errors during bill insertion and spent a smaller proportion of their feeding visit in error at M. didyma flowers than at M. fistulosa flowers, and at unaltered flowers of both species than at flowers with lower lips removed. Handling times were longer at both lipped and lipless flowers of M. didyma than at those of M. fistulosa, and at lipped than at lipless flowers of M. didyma. The average duration of contact between a hummingbird and a flower's anthers and stigma was longer at M. didyma than at M. fistulosa for both lipped and lipless flowers, and at lipped than at lipless M. didyma flowers. Hummingbirds missed the openings of latex flowers with their bills more frequently and spent a greater percentage of their total feeding visit in error at (i) 2-mm than at 4-mm flowers of all three shapes, (ii) lipless flowers than at trumpet or lipped flowers, and (iii) lipped flowers than at trumpet flowers of both widths. The duration of hummingbird/anther contact was longer at (i) 2-mm than at 4-mm flowers of all shapes, (ii) lipped than at trumpet or lipless flowers, and (iii) lipless than at trumpet flowers for both widths. No significant differences in handling times of hummingbirds were observed among any of the latex flower shapes or widths. Our results demonstrate that orifice shapes can act as guides by reducing the frequency of feeding errors by visiting hummingbirds, and that effects of orifice shape on pollination must be considered in conjunction with flower widths and locations of anthers and stigmas.  相似文献   

Summary Pink-flowered tubular Penstemon roseus (Plantaginaceae), which has shifted partially to hummingbird pollination, blooms on high-elevation slopes in the mountains in Tlaxcala, Mexico. We studied the interactions between pollinator visitation rates to flowers, pollen removal and deposition, flower size, and nectar removal frequency on seed production in P. roseus. We combine observational and experimental studies in two contrasting natural populations. Our manual pollinations revealed that P. roseus is fully self-compatible. Autonomous self- and manual self-pollinated flowers matured as many seeds as when outcrossed, but outcrossing seems to become better than selfing as the flowering season progressed. Early in the season flowers that were bagged and hand-selfed, hand-outcrossed, or autonomously selfed, or unbagged and naturally pollinated had equal seed set in all four treatments. But later in the season, outcross pollen gave approximately twice as much seed set as the two self-treatments. Low levels of pollen receipt and pollen removal were consistent with the long time elapsed for a given plant to be visited by hummingbirds, which suggests pollen shortage in both sites. Despite differences in pollinator visitation rates to flowers, probability of flower visitation, removal and deposition of pollen, and nectar production rates between populations, we found that total nectar production had no effect on seed production at either site. The daily nectar secretion rate of 0.3–0.65 mg sugar per flower per 1–3 days was low relative to other hummingbird-adapted Penstemon species (typical range: 1.5–5 mg sugar per flower), and it might be intermediate between hummingbird- and bee-adapted Penstemon flowers. Our results support the hypothesis about a shift toward hummingbird pollination, and provide an example of a ‘despecialized’ Penstemon species, which attracts high-energy pollinators (hummingbirds) and profits from outcrossing, but retains bee-syndrome floral traits and low sugar production rates.  相似文献   

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