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Pollen-mediated movement of transgenes from transplastomic oilseed rape (Brassica napus) into wild relatives will be avoided if chloroplasts are maternally transmitted. We assess the probability of chloroplast exchange between conventional oilseed rape and wild Brassica rapa to model the future behavior of transplastomic cultivars. Primers specific to cpDNA were used to demonstrate maternal inheritance of chloroplasts in 47 natural hybrids between cultivated B. napus and wild B. rapa. We conclude that there will be no or negligible pollen-mediated chloroplast dispersal from oilseed rape. Transgene introgression could still occur in mixed populations, however, if B. napus acted as the recurrent female parent. Rate of transfer would then depend on the abundance of mixed populations, their persistence as mixtures, and hybridization frequency within stands. A low incidence of sympatry (0.6-0.7%) between wild B. rapa and cultivated B. napus along the river Thames, UK, in 1997 and 1998, suggests mixed stands will form only rarely. Eighteen feral populations of B. napus also showed a strong tendency toward rapid decline in plant number, seed return, and ultimately, extinction within 3 years. Conversely, hybrid production is significant in mixed stands, and the absence of control practices means that oilseed rape will have slightly greater persistence. We infer that some introgression from transplastomic B. napus into B. rapa is inevitable in mixed populations even though such populations will occur infrequently and will tend to lose B. napus plants relatively quickly. Chloroplast exchange will be extremely rare and scattered.  相似文献   

It is possible to monitor the movement of transgenes by tagging them with green fluorescent protein (GFP). In order to develop a model to study transgene flow, canola (Brassica napus cv Westar) was transformed with two GFP constructs, mGFP5er (GFP only) and pSAM 12 [GFP linked to a synthetic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cry1Ac endotoxin gene]. Transformed callus sectors that fluoresced green were preferentially selected in the tissue culture process. Four independent GFP canola events and 12 events of GFP/Bt canola were regenerated through tissue culture. GFP fluorescence was macroscopically detectable throughout the entire life cycle of canola. The GFP/Bt events were insecticidal to neonate corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) larvae and prevented herbivory damage. Fluorescence intensity at 508 nm varied between the independent transformation events, and ranged from 7.6×105 to 13.8×105 (counts per second) in contrast with the wild-type at 5.3×105 cps. Nine GFP/Bt and three GFP events were hybridized with three wild accessions of B. rapa. The resultant hybrids fluoresced green and were insecticidal to neonate corn earworm larvae to the same degree as the transgenic canola parents. However, fluorescence intensities of the hemizygous F1 hybrid lines were lower than the respective original homozygous canola parents. Each F1 hybrid line was backcrossed by hand onto the B. rapa parent, and transgenic backcrosses were produced at rates ranging from 15% to 34%. These data suggest that GFP can be used as a tool to monitor transgene flow from crop species to wild relatives. Received: 11 September 2000 / Accepted: 1 February 2001  相似文献   

Stable expression of a transgene may lead to increased fitness for wild plants after acquiring the transgene via crop-weed hybridization. Here, we investigate the stability of Bt toxin content in wild Brassica rapa acquiring the Bt gene from Bt Brassica napus. The Bt toxin content in nine Bt-expressing B. napus lines was 0.80-1.70 micro g/g leaf tissue throughout the growing season. These nine lines were crossed with three accessions of wild B. rapa and the Bt gene was successfully transferred to interspecific hybrids (F1) and successive backcross generations (BC1 to BC4). The Bt toxin level in F1 and BC progenies containing the Bt gene remained at 0.90-3.10 micro g/g leaf tissue. This study indicates that the Bt gene can persist and be stably expressed in wild B. rapa.  相似文献   


Brassica crops are able to hybridize with closely related wild and weedy species such as Brassica rapa and therefore these species could become recipients of transgenes from GM brassica crops, such as oilseed rape. Transgenes which protect against herbivory, such as a gene conferring the production of a Bt toxin, could increase the recipient's fitness and therefore enhance its competitiveness. We used microbial Bt and several other pesticides to exclude several guilds of herbivores and thus simulate the effect of transgene introgression on the performance of wild B. rapa. There were only minor negative effects of excluding insect herbivores on the performance of B. rapa and it appears that vertebrate herbivory has a more significant effect. The advantages and disadvantages of simulating the risks associated with GM plants are discussed. If we apply this simulation to GM risk assessment and make inferences from these findings, the implications of this for gene flow from insect-resistant transgenic plants are that it will be of little significance should it occur.  相似文献   

We have earlier shown extensive introgression between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and B. rapa in a weedy population using AFLP markers specific for the nuclear genomes. In order to describe the progress of this introgression, we examined 117 offspring from 12 maternal plants from the introgressed population with the same AFLP-markers; AFLP data were supported by chromosome counting. We also analysed the offspring with a species-specific chloroplast marker and finally evaluated the reproductive system in selected maternal plants. Our results indicated a high outcrossing rate of the introgressed maternal plants. It seemed that B. rapa most often functioned as the maternal plant in the introgression process and that the amount of oilseed rape DNA was highly diminished in the offspring compared to their introgressed maternal plants. However, our analysis of plants from the weedy population indicated that introgression can lead to both (1) exchange of chloroplast DNA between species producing B. rapa-like plants with B. napus chloroplasts and (2) incorporation of B. napus C-genome DNA into the B. rapa genome. Therefore, we question whether it can be regarded as containment to position transgenes in the chloroplast or in specific parts of the nuclear genome of B. napus.  相似文献   

The effect of treated municipal wastewater on the roots and the leaves of turnip was studied to compare the 50% and 100% wastewater of 34 ml/d Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) with different doses of potassic fertilizers. Turnip (Brassica rapa) was used as a test plant. A pot experiment was conducted, using a factorial randomized block design to investigate the growth and translocation of heavy metals to the leaves and the roots of turnip. The concentration of heavy metal in wastewater used for irrigation was within the limits. However, the concentration in the plant parts showed a significant rise due to continuous use of wastewater. The concentration of heavy metals in leaves and roots was at excessive levels at 40 and 55 days after sowing (DAS), while at 70 DAS, metal concentration was comparatively low. The range of heavy metals in wastewater irrigated plants was Cd = 1–16.3, Ni = 0–136, Fe = 263–1197, Cu = 0–18, Mn = 37–125, and Zn = 42–141 mg/kg. Concentration of heavy metals in plants was found in the order of Fe>Zn>Ni>Mn>Cu>Cd.  相似文献   

To glucosinolate (GSL) contents on flower buds depending on their position orders in turnip rape (Brassica rapa), three Japanese ‘Nabana’ cultivars such as cv. No. 21 (Brassica rapa, early type), cv. Husanohana (B. rapa, late type) and cv. Norin No. 20 (B. napus) were investigated using HPLC analysis. Ten GSLs including glucoraphanin, sinigrin, glucoalyssin, napoleiferin, gluconapin, 4-hydroxyglucobrassicin, glucobrassicanapin, glucobrassicin, and gluconasturtiin were detected. Differences in individual and total GSL contents were found between two plant varieties, which are also depending on various developmental stages. Among the GSLs, gluconapin (mean 23.11 μmole/g dry weight (DW) and glucobrassicanapin (mean 13.41 μmole/g DW) documented the most abundant compounds and contributed average 39 and 27% of the total GSLs, but indolyl and aromatic GSLs together accounted >10% of the total GSLs. The presence of significant quantities of gluconapin in the cultivars should be studied more extensively, since the GSL is mainly responsible for the bitter taste.  相似文献   

Fitness of hybrids between genetically modified (GM) crops and wild relatives influences the likelihood of ecological harm. We measured fitness components in spontaneous (non-GM) rapeseed x Brassica rapa hybrids in natural populations. The F1 hybrids yielded 46.9% seed output of B. rapa, were 16.9% as effective as males on B. rapa and exhibited increased self-pollination. Assuming 100% GM rapeseed cultivation, we conservatively predict < 7000 second-generation transgenic hybrids annually in the United Kingdom (i.e. approximately 20% of F1 hybrids). Conversely, whilst reduced hybrid fitness improves feasibility of bio-containment, stage projection matrices suggests broad scope for some transgenes to offset this effect by enhancing fitness.  相似文献   

One concern over growing herbicide-tolerant crops is that herbicide-tolerance genes may be transferred into the weeds they are designed to control. Brassica napus (oilseed rape) has a number of wild relatives that cause weed problems and the most widespread of these is Sinapis arvensis (charlock). Sinapis arvensis seed was collected from 102 populations across the UK, within and outside B. napus-growing areas. These populations were tested for sexual compatibility with B. napus and it was found that none of them hybridized readily in the glasshouse. In contrast to previous studies, we have found that hybrids can be formed naturally with S. arvensis as the maternal parent. Six diverse B. napus cultivars (Capricorn, Drakkar, Falcon, Galaxy, Hobson and Regent) were tested for their compatibility with S. arvensis but no cultivar hybridized readily in the glasshouse. We were unable to detect gene transfer from B. napus to S. arvensis in the field, confirming the extremely low probability of hybridization predicted from the glasshouse work.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the use of trap crops as components of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies. Understanding the mechanisms underlying host plant preferences of herbivorous pests can lead to improved effectiveness and reliability of the trap crop. We investigated the behavioural and chemical ecology underlying the success of turnip rape, Brassica rapa, trap crops in protecting oilseed rape, Brassica napus, from the pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus, which feeds in the flowers and lays its eggs in the buds causing yield loss. Using a semi-field arena bioassay, plant growth stage was found to be a major factor in the preference of this pest for B. rapa over B. napus. Plants at early-flowering growth stages were preferred over plants in the bud stage, irrespective of species. No preference was found when both species were flowering. As B. rapa develops faster than B. napus in the field, this could explain part of the mechanism of its success as a trap crop. However, B. rapa was preferred over B. napus when both species were in the bud stage, indicating some inherent preferences for B. rapa. Responses of M. aeneus in olfactometer tests to the odours of B. napus and B. rapa at the bud and flowering growth stages, reflected those of the semi-field arena bioassay. These behavioural responses can be explained by volatile compounds associated with the flowering stage. Phenylacetaldehyde, indole and (E,E)-α-farnesene were found to be present in air entrainment samples of both plant species at the flowering growth stage, but only in those of B. rapa at the bud stage. The former two compounds were behaviourally-active in olfactometer tests. These compounds are likely to be involved in host location by M. aeneus, and, at least partially, responsible for the attractiveness of B. rapa and its success as a trap crop to protect B. napus from this pest.  相似文献   

Unlike most studies on hybridisation between oilseed rape and Brassica rapa, this study focused on hybridisation with oilseed rape as the maternal parent. This is a key cross because, assuming that plastids are inherited maternally, F(1)-hybrid production with maternal oilseed rape (B. napus) is the only transgene escape route from transplastomic oilseed rape. We investigated such F(1)-hybrid production in winter oilseed rape co-cultivated with weedy B. rapa at three plant densities each with two proportions of the different species. The paternity of the progeny produced on oilseed rape was assessed, and several fitness parameters were determined in oilseed rape mother plants in order to correlate hybridisation and plant competition. At higher density, the vegetative fitness per mother plant decreased significantly, but the density only affected the frequency of F(1)-hybrids significantly (a decrease) in the treatment with equal proportions of each species. As to the proportions, at higher B. napus frequencies, there were fewer F(1)-hybrids per mother plant and a significant increase in most biomass components. Thus, B. rapa was the stronger competitor in its effect on both the vegetative and reproductive fitness in B. napus, and the hybridisation frequency. In conclusion, the relative frequency of the two species was a more influential parameter than the density. Hybridisation with B. napus as the female will be most likely at current field densities of B. napus and when B. rapa is an abundant weed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(1):101844
Brassica rapa L., is a crop grown globally and studies have indicated that insect pollination can improve yields. However, the importance of insect pollination in this crop depends on cultivar reproductive biology, insect pollinator species and their abundances. In Bangladesh, the acreage of B. rapa for oilseed production has been expanding, but little is known about whether insects contribute to yield improvements. Using the commonly grown variety Tori-7, we found that plants with inflorescences left exposed to flower visiting insects (body width > 1.5 mm) had a 30.8% greater seed yield compared to those where insect flower visitors were excluded. Of 794 insect flower visiting individuals recorded from observation and trapping surveys conducted across four separate fields, Apis bees (four spp.) were the most abundant (66.1%), followed by flies Musca domestica (14.7%), Sepsis fulgens (6.3%) and hoverflies (3.0%; 3 spp; Syrphidae). Other flower visitors included ants, wasps, beetles, butterflies and moths. For the cultivar assessed, we calculated the economic value of oilseed rape was $US 87.5 million per annum in Bangladesh, of which the economic value of insect pollination was $US 26.92 million per annum. Thus, one in every four dollars earned by our Bangladeshi growers resulted from insect crop pollination. This demonstrates to growers the need to promote and protect insect pollination to optimize their economic returns.  相似文献   

Fitness of interspecific hybrids is sometimes high relative to their parents, despite the conventional belief that they are mostly unfit. F(1) hybrids between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and weedy B. rapa can be significantly more fit than their weedy parents under some conditions; however, under other conditions they are less fit. To understand the reasons, we measured the seed production of B. napus, B. rapa, and different generations of hybrid plants at three different densities and in mixtures of different frequencies (including pure stands). Brassica napus, B. rapa, and backcross plants (F(1) ♀ × B. rapa) produced many more seeds per plant in pure plots than in mixtures and more seeds in plots when each was present at high frequency. The opposite was true for F(1) plants that produced many more seeds than B. rapa in mixtures, but fewer in pure stands. Both vegetative and reproductive interactions may be responsible for these effects. Our results show that the fitness of both parents and hybrids is strongly frequency-dependent and that the likelihood of introgression of genes between the species thus may depend on the numbers and densities of parents and their various hybrid offspring in the population.  相似文献   

Feral oilseed rape populations on roadsides and along other semi-natural habitats contribute to the uncertainty regarding the potential risk of transgene escape from genetically modified (GM) oilseed rape to wild or weedy populations. Knowledge about the underlying mechanism of establishment, persistence, and the evolutionary potential of feral populations is a prerequisite for a successful risk assessment and of high policy relevance. We analysed the origin, persistence, and genetic variation of feral oilseed rape populations in northwest Germany based on a field survey (2004–2007) and nuclear microsatellite markers. A maximum-likelihood approach was used to allocate individuals of feral populations to their source varieties and to hybrids between these varieties. The majority (72%) of the analysed sites was inhabited by oilseed rape for at least 2 years. The proportion of feral populations setting seeds varied between years (30–48%) and was higher than in comparable studies. Within-population genetic diversity of feral oilseed rape populations was higher than that of the common grown varieties studied. Repeated escapes of different varieties and hybridisation between these varieties were identified as the most important sources of genetic variation in feral oilseed rape populations. Up to four different source varieties were identified in feral populations. The detection of three hybrids between different varieties indicates that feral oilseed rape populations may persist via self-recruitment. Our results highlight the evolutionary potential of feral oilseed rape populations and have consequences for approaches to regulate the coexistence of genetically modified and non-GM oilseed rape varieties in the same region. Feral populations may serve as stepping stones for intraspecific and interspecific gene flow and can promote persistence of transgenes outside cultivation. The likelihood of introgressive interspecific hybridisation depends on the abundance of crossing partners, which may vary strongly from region to region.  相似文献   

Concerns exist that transgenic crop x weed hybrid populations will be more vigorous and competitive with crops compared with the parental weed species. Hydroponic, glasshouse, and field experiments were performed to evaluate the effects of introgression of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cry1Ac and green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenes on hybrid productivity and competitiveness in four experimental Brassica rapa x transgenic Brassica napus hybrid generations (F1, BC1F1, BC2F1 and BC2F2). The average vegetative growth and nitrogen (N) use efficiency of transgenic hybrid generations grown under high N hydroponic conditions were lower than that of the weed parent (Brassica rapa, AA, 2n = 20), but similar to the transgenic crop parent, oilseed rape (Brassica napus, AACC, 2n = 38). No generational differences were detected under low N conditions. In two noncompetitive glasshouse experiments, both transgenic and nontransgenic BC2F2 hybrids had on average less vegetative growth and seed production than B. rapa. In two high intraspecific competition field experiments with varied herbivore pressure, BC2F2 hybrids produced less vegetative dry weight than B. rapa. The competitive ability of transgenic and nontransgenic BC2F2 hybrids against a neighbouring crop species were quantified in competition experiments that assayed wheat (Triticum aestivum) yield reductions under agronomic field conditions. The hybrids were the least competitive with wheat compared with parental Brassica competitors, although differences between transgenic and nontransgenic hybrids varied with location. Hybridization, with or without transgene introgression, resulted in less productive and competitive populations.  相似文献   

转基因油菜的基因流及生态风险   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
综合评述了转基因油菜的基因流及其生态风险.油菜作为最早的转基因作物之一目前已在加拿大和澳大利亚大面积商业化应用.(常)异花授粉作物油菜的天然异交率可达30%左右,也易与其它芸苔属作物杂交,因此转基因油菜的生态风险已引起各国科学家的高度重视.转基因油菜主要通过与其野生近缘种的花粉交换和与非转基因油菜的花粉交换两种方式进行花粉的输出.基因可能逃逸到相关野生近缘种,但在大田环境下能够得到杂种的可能性很小;由于基因的漂流在油菜田块间确实存在,因此在种植转基因油菜的过程中必须考虑其间隔距离.  相似文献   

The likelihood that two species hybridise and backcross may depend strongly on environmental conditions, and possibly on competitive interactions between parents and hybrids. We studied the paternity of seeds produced by weedy Brassica rapa growing in mixtures with oilseed rape (B. napus) and their F(1) hybrids at different frequencies and densities. Paternity was determined by the presence of a transgene, morphology, and AFLP markers. In addition, observations of flower and pollen production, and published data on pollen fertilisation success, zygote survival, and seed germination, allowed us to estimate an expected paternity. The frequency and density of B. napus, B. rapa, and F(1) plants had a strong influence on flower, pollen, and seed production, and on the paternity of B. rapa seeds. Hybridisation and backcrossing mostly occurred at low densities and at high frequencies of B. napus and F(1), respectively. F(1) and backcross offspring were produced mainly by a few B. rapa mother plants. The observed hybridisation and backcrossing frequencies were much lower than expected from our compilation of fitness components. Our results show that the male fitness of B. rapa, B. napus, and F(1) hybrids is strongly influenced by their local frequencies, and that male fitness of F(1)hybrids, when pollinating B. rapa seeds, is low even when their female fitness (seed set) is high.  相似文献   

Bulk segregant analysis was used to search for RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers linked to gene(s) affecting oleic acid concentration in an F2 population from the Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera cross Jo4002 x a high oleic acid individual from line Jo4072. Eight primers (=8 markers) out of 104 discriminated the high and low bulks consisting of extreme individuals from the oleic acid distribution. These markers were analysed throughout the entire F2 population, and their association with oleic acid was studied using both interval mapping and ANOVA analysis. Six of the markers mapped to one linkage group. A quantitative trait locus (QTL) affecting oleic acid concentration was found to reside within this linkage group with a LOD score >15. The most suitable marker for oleic acid content is OPH-17, a codominant marker close (<4cM) to the QTL. The mean seed oleic acid content in the F2 individuals carrying the larger allele of this marker was 80.14±9.76%; in individuals with the smaller allele, 54.53±6.83%; in the heterozygotes, 65.47±8.15%. To increase reproducibility, the RAPD marker was converted into a SCAR (sequence characterized amplied region) marker with specific primers. Marker OPH-17 can be used to select spring turnip rape individuals with the desired oleic acid content.  相似文献   

Brassica rapa is grown worldwide as economically important vegetable and oilseed crop. However, its production is challenged by yield-limiting pathogens. The sustainable control of these pathogens mainly relies on the deployment of genetic resistance primarily driven by resistance gene analogues (RGAs). While several studies have identified RGAs in B. rapa, these were mainly based on a single genome reference and do not represent the full range of RGA diversity in B. rapa. In this study, we utilized the B. rapa pangenome, constructed from 71 lines encompassing 12 morphotypes, to describe a comprehensive repertoire of RGAs in B. rapa. We show that 309 RGAs were affected by presence-absence variation (PAV) and 223 RGAs were missing from the reference genome. The transmembrane leucine-rich repeat (TM-LRR) RGA class had more core gene types than variable genes, while the opposite was observed for nucleotide-binding site leucine-rich repeats (NLRs). Comparative analysis with the B. napus pangenome revealed significant RGA conservation (93%) between the two species. We identified 138 candidate RGAs located within known B. rapa disease resistance QTL, of which the majority were under negative selection. Using blackleg gene homologues, we demonstrated how these genes in B. napus were derived from B. rapa. This further clarifies the genetic relationship of these loci, which may be useful in narrowing-down candidate blackleg resistance genes. This study provides a novel genomic resource towards the identification of candidate genes for breeding disease resistance in B. rapa and its relatives.  相似文献   

The process of introgression between a transgenic crop modified for better agronomic characters and a wild relative could lead potentially to increased weediness and adaptation to the environment of the wild species. However, the formation of hybrid and hybrid progeny could be associated with functional imbalance and low fitness, which reduces the risk of gene escape and establishment of the wild species in the field. Our work compares the fitness components of parents and different types of backcross in the sixth generation of hybrids between transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus, AACC, 2n = 38) resistant to the herbicide glufosinate and wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum, RrRr, 2n = 18). The backcross with oilseed rape cytoplasm (OBC) has a fitness value 100 times lower than that of the backcross with wild radish cytoplasm (RBC). The herbicide-resistant RBC has similar growth to the susceptible RBC, but final male and female fitness values are two times lower. In turn, susceptible RBC exhibit similar fitness to the control wild radishes. The relative fitnesses of the different types are the same whether or not they grow under competitive conditions. The consequence on fitness of the chromosome location of the transgene conferring resistance and the relevance of these results to the impact of gene flow on the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

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