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Hofr C  Brabec V 《Biopolymers》2005,77(4):222-229
The effect of the location of the interstrand cross-link formed by trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (transplatin) on the thermal stability and energetics of 15-mer DNA duplex has been investigated. The duplex containing single, site-specific cross-link, thermodynamically equivalent model structures (hairpins) and nonmodified duplexes were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry, temperature-dependent uv absorption, and circular dichroism. The results demonstrate that the formation of the interstrand cross-link of transplatin does not affect pronouncedly thermodynamic stability of DNA: the cross-link induces no marked changes not only in enthalpy, but also in "reduced" (concentration independent) monomolecular transition entropy. These results are consistent with the previous observations that interstrand cross-links of transplatin structurally perturb DNA only to a relatively small extent. On the other hand, constraining the duplex with the interstrand cross-link of transplatin results in a significant increase in thermal stability that is primarily due to entropic effects: the cross-link reduces the molecularity of the oligomer system from bimolecular to monomolecular. Importantly, the position of the interstrand cross-link within the duplex modulates cooperativity of the melting transition of the duplex and consequently its thermal stability.  相似文献   

O Vrna  V Boudný    V Brabec 《Nucleic acids research》1996,24(20):3918-3925
Negatively supercoiled, relaxed and linearized forms of pSP73 DNA were modified in cell-free medium by cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cisplatin). The frequency of interstrand cross-links (ICLs) formed in these DNAs has been determined by: (i) immunochemical analysis; (ii) an assay employing NaCN as a probe of DNA ICLs of cisplatin; (iii) gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. At low levels of the modification of DNA (<1 Pt atom fixed per 500 bp) the number of ICLs formed by cisplatin was radically enhanced in supercoiled in comparison with linearized or relaxed DNA. At these low levels of modification, the frequency of ICLs in supercoiled DNA was enhanced with increasing level of negative supercoiling or with decreasing level of modification. In addition, the replication mapping of DNA ICLs of cisplatin was consistent with these lesions being preferentially formed in negatively supercoiled DNA between guanine residues in both the 5'-d(GC)-3' and the 5'-d(CG)-3' sites. Among the DNA adducts of cisplatin the ICL has the markedly greatest capability to unwind the double helix. We suggest that the formation of ICLs of cisplatin is thermodynamically more favored in negatively supercoiled DNA owing mainly to the relaxation of supercoils.  相似文献   

The diepoxide mycotoxin (2R, 3R, 8R, 9R)-4,6-decadiyne-2,3:8,9-diepoxy-1,10-diol (repandiol) was both isolated from the mushroom Hydnum repandum and synthesized de novo. Repandiol was found to form interstrand cross-links within a restriction fragment of DNA, linking deoxyguanosines on opposite strands primarily within the 5'-GNC and 5'-GNNC sequences preferred by diepoxyoctane. However, repandiol was a significantly less efficient cross-linker than either of the diepoxyalkanes (diepoxyoctane and diepoxybutane) to which it was compared.  相似文献   

Binding of Rhodium (II) acetate [Rh(2)(O(2)CCH(3))(4)] (Rh1) compound with plasmid pUC19 DNA has been studied using different molar ratio of Rh1. After incubation for 24hr at 37 degrees C, binding of the Rh1 to pUC19 DNA was confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis. The electrophoretic results indicated the slower migration speed for the linearized pUC19 DNA. Conformation change of the DNA after Rh1 binding was also indicated at higher molar ratio of Rh1. The atomic force microscopy images showed that the Rh1 induced the conformation change to unwind pUC19 DNA. The Rh1-DNA complexes are observed very stable due to covalent bond. This study clearly demonstrates that [Rh(2)(O(2)CCH(3))(4)] reacts with pUC19 DNA and covalently binds to be stable Rh1-pUC19 DNA as interstrand adducts.  相似文献   

The binding of cis-Pt(II) diammine (cis-DP) to double-stranded DNA was studied with several kinked conformations that can accommodate the formation of a square planar complex. Molecular mechanics (MM) calculations were performed to optimize the molecular fit. These results were combined with quantum mechanical (QM) calculations to ascertain the relative energetics of ligand binding through water vs direct binding of the phosphate to the ammine and platinum, and to guide the selection of DNA conformations to model complex formation. Based on QM and MM calculations, models are proposed that may be characterized by several general features. A structure involving hydrogen bonding between each ammine and distinct adjacent phosphate groups, referred to as closed conformation (CC), has already been reported. This is also found in the crystal structure of small dimers. We report alternative conformations that may be important in platination of duplex DNA. They are characterized by an intermediate conformation (IC), involving hydrogen bonding between one ammine and phosphate group, and an open conformation (OC), without ammine phosphate hydrogen bonding. The IC and OC can be stabilized by water bridges in the space between the ammine and the phosphate groups. Sugar puckers alternate from the type C(2')-endo or C(1')-exo (S), to the type C(3')-endo or C(2')-exo (N), with intermediate types near O(1')-endo (O). In general, the sugar puckers alternate from S to N to S through the platinated region (3'-TpG*pG*p-5'), with the complexed strand exhibiting, (3')-S*-N*-S-(5') alternation, while the complementary strand shows either (3')-S*-N*-S-(5') or (3')-S*-N*-O-(5') alternation. In both the OC and IC, a hydrogen bond is found between the ammine and O4(T) on thymine (T) at the (3') end, adjacent to the complex site. There is a continuous range of backbone conformations through the platinated region which relate the OC to the IC. The models presented suggest that the dynamics of the binding of the cis-Pt(II)-diammines to adjacent N7(G) in double-stranded DNA may encompass several conformational possibilities, and that water bridges may play a roll in supporting open and intermediate conformations. Proton-proton distances are reported to assist in the experimental determination of conformations.  相似文献   

The results of a study of the binding to DNA of substituted cis-Pt(II) diammines, (cis-DP) are presented. Computer modeling of a series of cis-Pt(NH2R)2(+2)--where R = H, CH3, cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, and cyclopentyl--to N7(G) atoms of two adjacent intrastrand guanine bases in a square planar complex in a pentamer duplex of DNA were performed. The stability of the complexes is studied by calculating the relative conformational energy of the cis-DP-DNA complexes with molecular mechanics (MM) and the intrinsic binding energy, which is the relative binding energy for ligand replacement in the presence of the substituents R with quantum mechanics. In the model, the receptor site geometry and the conformation of the DNA is changed little in the accommodation of the series of monosubstituted diammines. These diammines bind to one family of DNA conformations, denoted as IC in a previous study, and this suggests that a common conformational feature in the DNA may exist to explain the smooth trend in activity. The slight increase in van der Waals energy resulting from an increasing number of atoms in the substituents is countered by a larger decrease in the ligand replacement energy as the substituent increases in size. This overall decrease in relative energy is consistent with the slight decrease in activity as the substituent size increases.  相似文献   

Millard JT  Wilkes EE 《Biochemistry》2000,39(51):16046-16055
Interstrand cross-linking studies with the antitumor drug cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) and its clinically inactive isomer, trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II), were performed on a fragment of the 5S rRNA gene of Xenopus borealis in the free and nucleosomal state. 5S nucleosomes were formed via histone octamer exchange from chicken erythrocyte core particles. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to probe the ability of platinated DNA to reconstitute into core particles. Both isomers negatively impacted reconstitution when histones were present during incubation with the drug. When histones were not present during the drug treatment, platinated DNA was successfully reconstituted into core particles. These results suggest that platination of histones impedes reconstitution of free DNA. However, already-formed core particles were not disrupted upon platination. Sites of interstrand cross-linking were probed through denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and quantitative phosphorimagery. We found both site-specific enhancement and depression of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) cross-linking in the nucleosomal samples relative to free DNA at both drug concentrations that were tested (0.01 and 0.0025 mM). trans-Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) exhibited no detectable differences in the interstrand cross-linking of free and nucleosomal samples.  相似文献   

Members of a homologous series of pyrrolo[2,1-c][1,4]benzodiazepine (PBD) dimers with C8-O-(CH(2))(n)-O-C8' diether linkages (n = 3-6 for 2a-d, respectively) have been studied for their ability to interact with oligonucleotide duplexes containing potential target binding sites. The results confirm earlier predictions that the n = 3 analogue (2a, DSB-120) will covalently bind to a 5'-Pu-GATC-Py sequence by cross-linking opposite-strand guanines separated by 2 bp. Preference for this DNA sequence is shown using oligonucleotides with altered bases between and/or flanking these guanines. The more extended PBD dimer 2c (n = 5) can span an extra base pair and cross-link the 5'-Pu-GA(T/A)TC-Py sequence. The ability of each homologue to cross-link linear plasmid DNA has been determined, with a rank order that correlates with the reported order of in vitro cytotoxicity: n = 3 (2a) > n = 5 (2c) > n = 6 (2d) > n = 4 (2b). The n = 3 homologue (2a) is >300-fold more efficient at cross-linking DNA than the clinically used cross-linking agent melphalan under the same conditions. Kinetic studies reveal that the n = 3 and 5 dimers achieve faster cross-linking to plasmid DNA (108 and 81% cross-linking h(-1) microM(-1) at 37 degrees C, respectively), whereas the n = 4 and 6 homologues are significantly less efficient at 10.3 and 23% cross-linking h(-1) microM(-1), respectively. Alternating activity for the odd n and even n dimers is probably due to configurational factors governed by the spatial separation of the PBD subunits and the flexible character of the tethering linkage. Molecular modeling confirms the order of cross-linking reactivity, and highlights the role of linker length in dictating sequence recognition for this class of DNA-reactive agent.  相似文献   

Kang M  Chifotides HT  Dunbar KR 《Biochemistry》2008,47(8):2265-2276
The 2D NMR analysis in solution of the DNA duplex d(CTCTC*A*ACTTCC).d(GGAAGTTGAGAG) binding to the dirhodium unit cis-[Rh2(mu-O2CCH3)2(eta1-O2CCH3)]+ showed that an unprecedented intrastrand adduct, dsII, is formed with the dirhodium unit cross-linking in the major groove residues C5 and A6 (indicated with asterisks), also corroborated by enzyme digestion studies. Formation of the dirhodium complex dsII destabilizes significantly the duplex as indicated by the substantial decrease in its melting temperature (DeltaTm = -22.9 degrees C). The reduced thermal stability of dsII is attributed to the decreased stacking of the bases and the complete disruption and/or weakening of the hydrogen bonds within the base pairs in the immediate vicinity of the metalation site (C5.G20 and A6.T19), but the effects due to the metal binding are more severe for the base pairs in the 5' direction to the lesion site. The NMR spectroscopic data indicate that Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding is completely disrupted for the C5.G20 site and considerably weakened for A6.T19. In dsII, the bases C5 and A6 bind to eq positions of the dirhodium unit cis-[Rh2(mu-O2CCH3)2(eta1-O2CCH3)]+, which retains one monodentate and two bridging acetate groups, presumably due to steric reasons. Binding of A6 takes place via N7, whereas binding of the C5 base takes place via the exocyclic N4 site, resulting in the anti-cytosine rotamer with respect to site N3 in its metal-stabilized rare iminooxo form.  相似文献   

Rink SM  Warner DL  Klapars A  Vedejs E 《Biochemistry》2005,44(42):13981-13986
The aziridinomitosene derivative (1S,2S)-6-desmethyl(methylaziridino)mitosene (4) was shown to alkylate plasmid DNA at pH 7.4 in the absence of a reducing agent [Vedejs, E., Naidu, B. N., Klapars, A., Warner, D. L., Li, V. -s., Na, Y., and Kohn, H. (2003) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 15796-15806], an activity not found in the parent mitomycins. We sought to evaluate aziridinomitosene 4 for the presence of DNA interstrand cross-linking activity using nonreductive reaction conditions. Radiolabeled DNA treated with 4 was analyzed by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (DPAGE), a technique that readily separates the less mobile cross-linked ds DNA from the more mobile ss DNA products. Nonreduced 4 produced an interstrand cross-link (ICL) in duplex DNA containing 5'-d(CG) sites, and the yield of ICL was comparable to that obtained from reduced MC under similar conditions. A ds DNA having the central tetranucleotide 5'-d(ACGT) provided the greatest ICL yield from both nonreduced 4 and reduced MC. Substitution of 5'-d(CG) with the inverted sequence 5'-d(GC) completely abolished interstrand cross-linking by 4, revealing 5'-d(CG) as its specific site of ICL formation. Replacement of dG at 5'-d(CG) with 2'-deoxyinosine (dI), which lacks the exocyclic C2 amino group present in dG, also prevented DNA ICL formation by 4, revealing an essential role for the dG C2 amino group in the interstrand cross-linking reaction between 4 and duplex DNA. This report directly demonstrates the presence of bifunctional alkylating activity in a nonreduced aziridinomitosene and clearly shows that unreduced 4 alkylates residues in the minor groove of ds DNA, cross-linking with the same 5'-d(CG) sequence specificity displayed by reduced MC.  相似文献   

A pair of chiral binuclear ruthenium(II) complexes were prepared and their binding affinities towards double stranded native DNA were assessed by observing isotropic absorption, polarized light spectra - circular and linear dichroism (CD and LD), fluorescence quenching and DNA thermal denaturation. Upon binding to DNA, the complexes produced LD signals consisting of positive and negative signals in the absorption region, although they exhibited red shift and hypochromism in the absorption spectrum. These contrasting observations indicated that the binding modes of the complexes are largely deviated from classical intercalative binding. Groove binding of the complexes to DNA was found to be more likely than intercalative binding. The small increase of DNA melting temperature in the presence of the complexes indicated a predominance of DNA groove binding. The absence of “molecular light switch effect” further supported non-intercalative binding. The groove binding propensity of complexes was also supported by comparison of the resulting data with the [Ru(phen)2(dppz)]2+.  相似文献   

J M Malinge  C Prez    M Leng 《Nucleic acids research》1994,22(19):3834-3839
Physico-chemical and immunological studies have been done in order to further characterize the distorsions induced in DNA by the interstrand cross-links formed between the antitumor drug cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cis-DDP) and two guanines on the opposite strands of DNA at the d(GC/GC) sites. Bending (45 degrees) and unwinding (79 +/- 4 degrees) were determined from the electrophoretic mobility of multimers of 21- 24-base pairs double-stranded oligonucleotides containing an interstrand cross-link in the central sequence d(TGCT/AGCA). The distorsions induced by the interstrand cross-link in the three 22-base pairs oligonucleotides d(TGCT/AGCA), d(AGCT/AGCT) and d(CGCT/AGCG) were compared by means of gel electrophoresis, circular dichroism, phenanthroline-copper footprinting and antibodies specifically directed against cis-DDP interstrand cross-links. The four different technical approaches indicate that the distorsions are independent of the chemical nature of the base pairs adjacent to the interstrand cross-link. The general conclusion is that the interstrand cross-link induces a bending and in particular an unwinding larger than other platinum adducts and the distorsions are independent of the nature of the bases (purine or pyrimidine) adjacent to the d(GC/GC) site.  相似文献   

The modification of the double-stranded poly(G).poly(C) complex by cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) was studied by two modes: the action of cis-DDP on poly(G) before formation of the duplex with poly(C) and that on the prepared duplex. It was shown that in the latter case modification disordered the integrity of the duplex only negligibly at rb less than or equal to 0.05 and led to improved interferon-inducing and antiviral activity tested on mice infected by Influenza and Herpes viruses.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the diruthenium(II) compounds [Ru2(μ-O2CR)4(MeOH)2] [R = Me (1), Ph (2), CMePh2 (3) C6H4-p-OMe (4), C6H4-p-CMe3 (5)] by reaction of with hydroquinone, under a nitrogen atmosphere, in the presence of a base is described. This reaction constitutes an easy via to the preparation of diruthenium(II) compounds. The structure of the complexes [Ru2(μ-O2CMe)4(MeOH)2] (1) and [Ru2(μ-O2CPh)4(thf)2] (2b) is established by single crystal X-ray diffraction. These compounds show a diruthenium(II) unit bridged by four carboxylate ligands with the axial positions occupied by methanol and tetrahydrofuran molecules for 1 and 2b, respectively. Complex 1 shows, in the solid state, polymeric chains in which the molecules [Ru2(μ-O2CMe)4(MeOH)2] are linked by hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Acridine-4-carboxamides form a class of known DNA mono-intercalating agents that exhibit cytotoxic activity against tumour cell lines due to their ability to inhibit topoisomerases. Previous studies of bis-acridine derivatives have yielded equivocal results regarding the minimum length of linker necessary between the two acridine chromophores to allow bis-intercalation of duplex DNA. We report here the 1.7 A resolution X-ray crystal structure of a six-carbon-linked bis(acridine-4-carboxamide) ligand bound to d(CGTACG)2 molecules by non-covalent duplex cross-linking. The asymmetric unit consists of one DNA duplex containing an intercalated acridine-4-carboxamide chromophore at each of the two CG steps. The other half of each ligand is bound to another DNA molecule in a symmetry-related manner, with the alkyl linker threading through the minor grooves. The two crystallographically independent ligand molecules adopt distinct side chain interactions, forming hydrogen bonds to either O6 or N7 on the major groove face of guanine, in contrast to the semi-disordered state of mono-intercalators bound to the same DNA molecule. The complex described here provides the first structural evidence for the non-covalent cross-linking of DNA by a small molecule ligand and suggests a possible explanation for the inconsistent behaviour of six-carbon linked bis-acridines in previous assays of DNA bis-intercalation.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence preferences of the DNA interstrand cross-linking agents dehydroretronecine diacetate (DHRA), 2,3-bis(acetoxymethyl)-1-methylpyrrole (BAMP), dehydromonocrotaline, and dehydroretrorsine were studied by using synthetic DNA duplex fragments and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). These agents have structural features in common with the reductively activated aziridinomitosene of mitomycin C (MC). Like MC, they preferentially cross-linked DNA duplexes containing the duplex sequence 5'-CG. For DHRA and BAMP interstrand cross-linked DNA duplexes, PAGE analysis of iron(II)-EDTA fragmentation reactions revealed the interstrand cross-links to be deoxyguanosine to deoxyguanosine (dG-to-dG), again analogous to DNA cross-links caused by MC. Unlike MC, DHRA could be shown to dG-to-dG cross-link a 5'-GC sequence. Furthermore, the impact of flanking sequence on the efficiency of interstrand cross-linking at 5'-CG was reduced for BAMP, with 5'-TCGA and 5'-GCGC being equally efficiently cross-linked. Possible origins of the 5'-CG sequence recognition common to all of the agents are discussed. A model is presented in which the transition state for the conversion of monoadducts to cross-links more closely resembles ground-state DNA at 5'-CG sequences.  相似文献   

Millard JT  Wilkes EE 《Biochemistry》2001,40(35):10677-10685
Diepoxyalkanes form interstrand cross-links in DNA oligomers preferentially at 5'-GNC sites. We have examined cross-linking by 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane (DEB) and 1,2,7,8-diepoxyoctane (DEO) within a fragment of the 5S RNA gene of Xenopus borealis in both the free and nucleosomal states. Sites and efficiencies of interstrand cross-linking were probed through denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and quantitative phosphorimagery. Both agents targeted 5'-GNC sites for cross-linking in the restriction fragment in its free state, and DEO also targeted 5'-GNNC sites. Monoalkylation occurred at all deoxyguanosines. The sites for both monoalkylation and interstrand cross-linking were similar in nucleosomal and free DNA, and cross-linked DNA was cleanly incorporated into the core particle structure. These findings suggest that the 5S core particle is able to tolerate any structural abnormalities induced by diepoxide cross-linking.  相似文献   

DNA interstrand cross-links (ICLs) are critical cytotoxic lesions produced by cancer chemotherapeutic agents such as the nitrogen mustards and platinum drugs; however, the exact mechanism of ICL-induced cell death is unclear. Here, we show a novel mechanism of p53-independent apoptotic cell death involving prolonged cell-cycle (G2) arrest, ICL repair involving HR, transient mitosis, incomplete cytokinesis, and gross chromosomal abnormalities resulting from ICLs in mammalian cells. This characteristic ‘giant'' cell death, observed by using time-lapse video microscopy, was reduced in ICL repair ERCC1- and XRCC3-deficient cells. Collectively, the results illustrate the coordination of ICL-induced cellular responses, including cell-cycle arrest, DNA damage repair, and cell death.  相似文献   


Binding of Rhodium (II) acetate [Rh2(O2CCH3)4] (Rh1) compound with plasmid pUC19 DNA has been studied using different molar ratio of Rh1. After incubation for 24hr at 37 °C, binding of the Rh1 to pUC19 DNA was confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis. The electrophoretic results indicated the slower migration speed for the linearized pUC19 DNA. Conformation change of the DNA after Rh1 binding was also indicated at higher molar ratio of Rh1. The atomic force microscopy images showed that the Rh1 induced the conformation change to unwind pUC19 DNA. The Rh1-DNA complexes are observed very stable due to covalent bond. This study clearly demonstrates that [Rh2(O2CCH3)4] reacts with pUC19 DNA and covalently binds to be stable Rh1-pUC19 DNA as interstrand adducts.  相似文献   

Organometallic ruthenium(ii) anticancer complexes [(η(6)-arene)Ru(en)Cl][PF(6)] (e.g. arene = biphenyl (bip, 1), indane (ind, 2); en = ethylenediamine) bind to N7 of guanine (G) in DNA selectively. The fragment {(η(6)-bip)Ru(en)}(2+) (1') bound to N7 of one guanine residue at a 14-mer duplex DNA migrates readily to other guanine residues in both the same strand and the complementary strand when the strands are hybridized at elevated temperature. In this work, by applying HPLC coupled to mass spectrometry, the mechanism of such intra- and interstrand migration was investigated using a 15-mer duplex, in which one strand 5'-CTCTCTTG(8)TCTTCTC-3' (I) contained a single guanine (G(8)). The results show that the interstrand migration of complexes 1 and 2 within the duplex involves an SN1 pathway, firstly solvent-assisted dissociation of the initially G(8)-bound adducts I-G(8)-1' and I-G(8)-2' (2' = {(η(6)-ind)Ru(en)}(2+)) as the rate-controlling step, and secondly the coordination of the dissociated 1' and 2' to guanine bases (G(21) for 1', either G(21) or G(18) for 2') on strand II. The high temperature used to anneal the single strands was found to increase the migration rate. The formation of the duplex acts as a key driving force to promote the dissociation of G(8)-bound 1' and 2' due to the competition of cytosine in II with the en-NH(2) groups in 1' and 2' for H-bonding with C6O of guanine. Complex 2 (t(1/2) = 18 h) containing a mono-ringed arene ligand dissociates more readily from the initially binding site G(8) than complex 1 (t(1/2) = 23 h). The extended biphenyl arene ligand which is intercalated into DNA stabilizes the adduct I-G(8)-1'. These results provide new insight into this unusual metal migration, and are of significance for the design and development of more active organometallic ruthenium anticancer complexes.  相似文献   

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