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The central complex is an important center for higher‐order brain function in insects. It is an intricate neuropil composed of four substructures. Each substructure contains repeated neuronal elements which are connected by processes such that topography is maintained. Although the neuronal architecture has been described in several insects and the behavioral role investigated in various experiments, the exact function of this neuropil has proven elusive. To describe the architecture of the central complex, we study 15 enhancer‐trap lines that label various ellipsoid body neuron types. We find evidence for restriction of gene expression that is correlated with specific neuronal types: such correlations suggest functional classifications as well. We show that some enhancer‐trap patterns reveal a single ellipsoid body neuron type, while others label multiple types. We describe the development of the ellipsoid body neuropil in wild‐type animals and propose developmental mechanisms based on animals displaying structural mutations of this neuropil. The experiments performed here demonstrate the degree of resolution possible from the analysis of enhancer‐trap lines and form a useful library of tools for future structure/function studies of the ellipsoid body. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 41: 189–207, 1999  相似文献   

A L Holmes  R N Raper  J S Heilig 《Genetics》1998,148(3):1189-1201
To identify genes necessary for establishing connections in the Drosophila sensory nervous system, we designed a screen for mutations affecting development of the larval visual system. The larval visual system has a simple and stereotypic morphology, can be recognized histologically by a variety of techniques, and is unnecessary for viability. Therefore, it provides an opportunity to identify genes involved in all stages of development of a simple, specific neuronal connection. By direct observation of the larval visual system in mutant embryos, we identified 24 mutations affecting its development; 13 of these are larval visual system-specific. These 13 mutations can be grouped phenotypically into five classes based on their effects on location, path or morphology of the larval visual system nerves and organs. These mutants and phenotypic classifications provide a context for further analysis of neuronal development, pathfinding and target recognition.  相似文献   

The larval visual system of Drosophila melanogaster consists of two bilateral clusters of 12 photoreceptors, which express Rhodopsin 5 and 6 (Rh5 and Rh6) in a non-overlapping manner. These neurons send their axons in a fascicle, the larval optic nerve (LON), which terminates in the larval optic neuropil. The LON is required for the development of a serotonergic arborization originating in the central brain and for the development of the dendritic tree of the circadian pacemakers, the small ventral lateral neurons (LNv) [Malpel, S., Klarsfeld, A., Rouyer, F., 2002. Larval optic nerve and adult extra-retinal photoreceptors sequentially associate with clock neurons during Drosophila brain development. Development 129, 1443-1453; Mukhopadhyay, M., Campos, A.R., 1995. The larval optic nerve is required for the development of an identified serotonergic arborization in Drosophila melanogaster. Dev. Biol., 169, 629-643]. Here, we show that both Rh5- and Rh6-expressing fibers overlap equally with the 5-HT arborization and that it, in turn, also contacts the dendritic tree of the LNv. The experiments described here aimed at determining whether Rh5- or Rh6-expressing fibers, as well as the LNv, influence the development of this serotonergic arborization. We conclude that Rh6-expressing fibers play a unique role in providing a signal required for the outgrowth and branching of the serotonergic arborization. Moreover, the innervation of the larval optic neuropil by the 5-HT arborization depends on intact Rac function. A possible role for these serotonergic processes in modulating the larval circadian rhythmicity and photoreceptor function is discussed.  相似文献   

The neurons of the insect brain derive from neuroblasts which delaminate from the neuroectoderm at stereotypic locations during early embryogenesis. In both grasshopper and Drosophila, each developing neuroblast acquires an intrinsic capacity for neuronal proliferation in a cell autonomous manner and generates a specific lineage of neural progeny which is nearly invariant and unique. Maps revealing numbers and distributions of brain neuroblasts now exist for various species, and in both grasshopper and Drosophila four putatively homologous neuroblasts have been identified whose progeny direct axons to the protocerebral bridge and then to the central body via an equivalent set of tracts. Lineage analysis in the grasshopper nervous system reveals that the progeny of a neuroblast maintain their topological position within the lineage throughout embryogenesis. We have taken advantage of this to study the pioneering of the so-called w, x, y, z tracts, to show how fascicle switching generates central body neuroarchitecture, and to evaluate the roles of so-called intermediate progenitors as well as programmed cell death in shaping lineage structure. The novel form of neurogenesis involving intermediate progenitors has been demonstrated in grasshopper, Drosophila and mammalian cortical development and may represent a general strategy for increasing brain size and complexity. An analysis of gap junctional communication involving serotonergic cells reveals an intrinsic cellular organization which may relate to the presence of such transient progenitors in central complex lineages.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of muscle development in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The different thoracic muscles of Drosophila are affected specifically in the mutants: stripe (sr), erect wing (ewg), vertical wings (vtw), and nonjumper (nj). We have tested the extent of this specificity by means of a genetic analysis of these loci, multiple mutant combinations, and gene dosage experiments. A quantitative, rather than a qualitative, specificity is found in the mutant phenotypes. All muscles are altered by mutations in any given gene, but the severity of these alterations is muscle specific. The locus stripe seems to have a polar organization where different allelic combinations show quantitative specificity in the muscle affected. In addition to the muscle phenotypes, neural alterations are detected in these mutants. The synergism found between ewg, vtw and ewg, sr as well as the dosage effect of the distal end of the X chromosome upon the expression of ewg and sr suggests the existence of functional relationships among the loci analyzed.  相似文献   

Nine recombinants were found amongst 2233 piglets all belonging to 268 informative families and typed for the major histocompatibility complex,SLA. These recombinants have allowed the identification of three loci, two controlling SLA allelic series homologous toH-2D andH-2K, the third the mixed lymphocyte culture reaction. The latter is situated 0.4 cM from the other two loci.Lysostrip and biochemical experiments have confirmed the presence of two allelic SLA series, and indicate that a third series controlling SLA antigens probably exists.  相似文献   

The bithorax complex (BX-C) comprises several genes required for the diversification of posterior segments in Drosophila. The BX-C genes control segment differences not only in the epidermis but in other tissues as well, especially in the central nervous system. We have examined the control of one segment-specific neural structure: the lateral dots, a paired structure present in the first abdominal segment of the larval CNS and absent in all following abdominal segments. Our results show that the suppression of lateral dots in segments A3 and A4 requires the presence of two active copies of one of the BX-C genes, abdominal-A (abd-A). We also show that the adjacent BX-C regions, iab-3 and iab-4, can act in trans on abd-A not only when the two copies of BX-C are paired but also, at least to some extent, when pairing is disturbed.  相似文献   

A Nighorn  M J Healy  R L Davis 《Neuron》1991,6(3):455-467
Drosophila dunce (dnc) flies are defective in learning and memory as a result of lesions in the gene that codes for a cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase (PDE). Antibodies to the dnc PDE showed that the most intensely stained regions in the adult brain were the mushroom body neuropil--areas previously implicated in learning and memory. In situ hybridization demonstrated that dnc RNA was enriched in the mushroom body perikarya. The mushroom bodies of third instar larval brains were also stained intensely by the antibody, suggesting that the dnc PDE plays an important role in these neurons throughout their development. The role of the dnc PDE in mushroom body physiology is discussed, and a circuit model describing a possible role of the mushroom bodies in mediating olfactory learning and memory is presented.  相似文献   

The task of the visual system is to translate light into neuronal encoded information. This translation of photons into neuronal signals is achieved by photoreceptor neurons (PRs), specialized sensory neurons, located in the eye. Upon perception of light the PRs will send a signal to target neurons, which represent a first station of visual processing. Increasing complexity of visual processing stems from the number of distinct PR subtypes and their various types of target neurons that are contacted. The visual system of the fruit fly larva represents a simple visual system (larval optic neuropil, LON) that consists of 12 PRs falling into two classes: blue-senstive PRs expressing Rhodopsin 5 (Rh5) and green-sensitive PRs expressing Rhodopsin 6 (Rh6). These afferents contact a small number of target neurons, including optic lobe pioneers (OLPs) and lateral clock neurons (LNs). We combine the use of genetic markers to label both PR subtypes and the distinct, identifiable sets of target neurons with a serial EM reconstruction to generate a high-resolution map of the larval optic neuropil. We find that the larval optic neuropil shows a clear bipartite organization consisting of one domain innervated by PRs and one devoid of PR axons. The topology of PR projections, in particular the relationship between Rh5 and Rh6 afferents, is maintained from the nerve entering the brain to the axon terminals. The target neurons can be subdivided according to neurotransmitter or neuropeptide they use as well as the location within the brain. We further track the larval optic neuropil through development from first larval instar to its location in the adult brain as the accessory medulla.  相似文献   

Molecular motors transport the axis-determining mRNAs oskar, bicoid and gurken along microtubules (MTs) in the Drosophila oocyte. However, it remains unclear how the underlying MT network is organized and how this transport takes place. We have identified a centriole-containing centrosome close to the oocyte nucleus. Remarkably, the centrosomal components, gamma-tubulin and Drosophila pericentrin-like protein also strongly accumulate at the periphery of this nucleus. MT polymerization after cold-induced disassembly in wild type and in gurken mutants suggests that in the oocyte the centrosome-nucleus complex is an active center of MT polymerization. We further report that the MT network comprises two perpendicular MT subsets that undergo dynamic rearrangements during oogenesis. This MT reorganization parallels the successive steps in localization of gurken and oskar mRNAs. We propose that in addition to a highly polarized microtubule scaffold specified by the cortex oocyte, the repositioning of the nucleus and its tightly associated centrosome could control MT reorganization and, hence, oocyte polarization.  相似文献   

The genes cubitus interruptus (ci), ribosomal protein S3A (RpS3A), and pangolin (pan) are localized within 73 kb in the cytological region 101F-102A on chromosome IV in Drosophila melanogaster. A region of 13 kb harbours the regulatory regions of both ci and pan, transcribed in opposite directions, and a 1.1-kb gene encoding RpS3A. This dense clustering gives rise to very complicated complementation patterns between different alleles in these loci. We investigated this region genetically and molecularly by use of an enhancer trap line (IA5), where the P-element was found to be inserted into the first intron of pan. Screens for imprecise excisions of the P-element were performed, and complementations between new and old established mutant lines were investigated. We found that when mutated or deleted the RpS3A gene gives rise to a Minute phenotype, and we conclude that M(4)101 encodes the ribosomal protein S3A.  相似文献   

Ion channels and synaptic organization: analysis of the Drosophila genome   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Littleton JT  Ganetzky B 《Neuron》2000,26(1):35-43

Insects can perform impressive feats of navigation, suggesting a sophisticated sense of direction and an ability to choose appropriate trajectories toward ethological goals. The hypothesized substrate for these navigational abilities is the central complex (CX), a midline brain structure with orderly topology. The circuit transformations performed by the CX are now being concretely described by recent advances in the study of fruit fly neural circuits. An emerging theme is dynamic representation of navigational variables (e.g. heading or travel direction) computed in a manner distributed across specific neuronal populations. These representations are shaped by multimodal inputs whose weights evolve rapidly as surroundings change. Investigation of CX circuits is revealing with precise detail how structured wiring and synaptic plasticity enable neural circuits to flexibly subsample from the currently available sensory and motor cues to build a stable and accurate map of space. Given the sensory richness of natural environments, these findings are encouraging insect neuroscientists to no longer ask which cues insects use to navigate, but instead which cues can insects use, and under which contexts.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of the fan-shaped and ellipsoid bodies (FB and EB) of the central complex of Drosophila melanogaster brain in the control of male courtship behavior and singing, we analyzed characteristics of the courtship behavior and parameters of the communicative sound signals accompanying it in wild type flies and in flies from 5 mutant strains with various anatomical defects in FB and EB. The following strains of flies were used for experiments: Canton S (wild type, the control), eboKS263 with defects only in EB and ebo1041, ceb849, ceb892 and cbdKS96 with both the FB and EB damaged in different manner. The data obtained suggest that the FB and EB are involved: 1) in maintenance of a high courtship activity level, 2) in the control of accuracy of male following movements when courting a female, 3) in the control of the form and stability of sound elements in courtship songs, 4) in the control of the rhythmic structure of courtship songs determined by the stability of the pacemakers, and 5) in setting up a correspondence between the current behavior and the external situation.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of the cellularization of the Drosophila embryo.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The synchronous cellularization of the Drosophila embryo at the blastoderm stage provides a unique system for studying the molecular mechanisms involved in cytokinesis, using genetical and biochemical approaches. The cellularization process requires the major components of the embryonic cytoskeleton that are deposited into the egg during oogenesis. Genetical analysis indicates that it requires also the products of additional maternally-acting genes, as well as that of a limited set of zygotically-acting genes. The cellularization defective phenotypes associated with small deficiencies uncovering these latter loci reveal specific steps within this complex process. The molecular analysis of these genes will ultimately provide meaningful insights into the normal process of cellularization. Among them, the serendipity alpha gene encodes a membrane-associated protein, which is exclusively accumulated during cellularization, and is required for the reorganization of the microfilaments as the onset of cellularization.  相似文献   

Drosophila uses different olfactory organs at different developmental stages. The larval and adult olfactory organs are morphologically dissimilar and have different developmental origins: the antenno-maxillary complex (AMC), which houses the larval olfactory organ, is histolyzed during metamorphosis; the third antennal segment--the principal adult olfactory organ--derives from an imaginal disc. A screen for genes expressed in both larval and adult olfactory organs, but in relatively few other tissues, has been carried out. Seven enhancer trap lines showing reporter gene expression in both the larval AMC and in certain subsets of the adult antenna are described. The antennal staining pattern of one line shows a striking change over the first few days of adult life, with a time course comparable to that of the development of sexual maturity. A pronounced sexual dimorphism in antennal staining pattern is seen in another line. Some staining patterns resemble the patterns of certain classes of antennal sensilla; others show expression restricted to only a small number of cells. Some lines also show expression associated with other chemosensory organs at either the larval or adult stage, including the maxillary palps, labellum, and anterior wing margin. One line, which also shows staining in the male reproductive tract, is male sterile. The significance of these results is considered in terms of (1) the molecular organization of the olfactory system; (2) the recruitment of olfactory genes for use in two developmental contexts; (3) the sharing of genes among different sensory modalities; (4) the role of olfaction in sexual behavior; and (5) posteclosional changes in the olfactory system.  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of 1200 Golgi-impregnated brains the structure of the central complex of Drosophila melanogaster was analyzed at the cellular level. The four substructures of the central complex — the ellipsoid body, the fanshaped body, the noduli, and the protocerebral bridge — are composed of (a) columnar small-field elements linking different substructures or regions in the same substructure and (b) tangential large-field neurons forming strata perpendicular to the columns. At least some small-field neurons belong to isomorphic sets, which follow various regular projection patterns. Assuming that the blebs of a neuron are presynaptic and the spines are postsynaptic, the Golgi preparations indicate that small-field neurons projecting to the ventral bodies (accessory area) are the main output from the central complex and that its main input is through the large-field neurons. These in turn are presumed to receive input in various neuropils of the brain including the ventral bodies. Transmitters can be attributed immunocytochemically to some neuron types. For example, GABA is confined to the R1–R4 neurons of the ellipsoid body, whereas these cells are devoid of choline acetyltransferase-like immunore-activity. It is proposed that the central complex is an elaboration of the interhemispheric commissure serving the fast exchange of data between the two brain hemispheres in the control of behavioral activity.  相似文献   

Transfer RNAs of Escherichia coli were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the relative abundance of each of the 26 known tRNAs thus separated was measured on the basis of molecular numbers in cells. Based on this relative abundance, the distributions of cognate codons in E. coli genes (lacI, rpA, asnA, recA, lpp and four ribosomal protein genes) and in coliphage (MS2, φX174 and λ) genes were examined. A strong positive correlation between the tRNA abundance and the choice of codons, among both synonymous codons and those corresponding to different amino acids, was found for all E. coli protein genes that had been sequenced completely. However, the correlation was less significant for the phage genes. The relationship between tRNA abundance and its usage (namely anticodon usage) was examined by regression analysis. The degree of the relationship found for individual E. coli genes differed from gene to gene: those of r-protein genes and recA were higher than those of trpA, lacI and asnA. The dependent relationship of tRNA usage on its content for the first two genes seems to be greater than that expected from the proportional relationship between the two variables; i.e. these genes selectively use codons corresponding to major tRNAs but nearly avoid using those of minor tRNAs.  相似文献   

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