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R M Evans  L M Fink 《Cell》1982,29(1):43-52
Analysis of cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells has shown that vimentin exists primarily as two 57,000 dalton isoelectric variants, a nonphosphorylated form and a slightly more acidic phosphorylated form. Similar analyses of CHO cells that were treated with colcemid show the presence of at least two to three additional, more acidic, phosphorylated vimentin isoelectric variants. An increasing 32P-specific activity of these variants suggests that this alteration involves increased phosphorylation. Analysis of 32P-labeled vimentin from colcemid-treated cells indicates that the amount of the additional phosphorylated variants correlates with the accumulation of cells in mitosis. CHO cells enriched in mitotic cells without antimitotic drugs demonstrate the same alteration in the isoelectric focusing pattern of phosphorylated vimentin. When mitotic cells are replated, the amount of additional phosphorylated variants is reduced within 30 min. The data suggest that an alteration in phosphorylated vimentin is temporally related to the alteration in the organization of intermediate filaments in mitotic cells.  相似文献   

When cultured cells of the rat kangaroo cell line PtK2 grown on plastic or glass surfaces are lysed and extracted with combinations of low and high salt buffers and the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 cytoskeletal preparations are obtained that show an enrichment of 6 to 11 nm thick filaments. The arrays of these filaments have been examined by various light and electron microscopic techniques, including ultrathin sectioning, whole mount transmission electron microscopy, negative staining, and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. In addition, 6 to 11 nm filaments isolated from these cells with similar extraction procedures and with centrifugation techniques have been examined by electron microscopy. The arrays of these isolated intermediate-sized filaments, their ultrastructure and their specific decoration by certain antibodies present in normal rabbit sera as well as by guinea pig antibodies against purified bovine prekeratin is demonstrated. When preparations enriched in these intermediate-sized filaments are examined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis a corresponding enrichment of three polypeptide bands with apparent molecular weights of about 45 000, 52 000 and 58 000 (the latter component sometimes appears split into two bands) is observed, besides some residual actin and a few high molecular weight bands. The morphology of the isolated filaments, their immunological reaction with antibodies decorating prekeratin-containing structures, and the sizes of their constitutive polypeptides suggest that these filaments are closely related to prekeratin-containing filaments observed in a variety of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic filamentous structures of the testis Leydig cells have been studied in the rat after double fixation with glutaraldehyde and osmium-potassium ferrocyanide. A good preservation of the cytoplasmic filaments was obtained and their abundance in the rat Leydig cells become apparent. Judging from their diameter (8–11 nm) and general morphology most of the filaments observed belong to the intermediate-sized type. The close association between filament bundles and mitochondria is described. Some images show cross-bridges between individual filaments and mitochondria and their attachment to the mitochondria outer membrane.  相似文献   

Cloned hepatoma cells (7222) derived from the liver of a rat treated with the carcinogen, diethylnitrosamine, exhibit a genetically stable, large, acentric, juxtanuclear, hyaline aggregate of loosely packed intermediate-sized (7–11 nm) filaments, interspersed with variable but minor amounts of microtubules, polyribosomes and membranous structures. Immunofluorescence microscopy shows that the these filaments react specifically with antibodies to bovine prekeratin and to murine vimentin. The aggregates contain aster-like foci common to the arrangement of both tonofilament-like and vimentin-containing intermediate-sized filaments, although both filament systems show different fibrillar patterns in other cytoplasmic regions. While the cytokeratin filament system is not significantly altered during exposure to colcemid, the vimentin in the abnormal aggregate is rearranged during such treatment into extensive and complex perinuclear ‘whorls’ of filaments. Treatment of the cells with butyrate results in a markedly flattened, hepatocyte-like morphology, a reappearance of typical actin-containing ‘cables’, and a progressive disintegration of the filament aggregate concomitant with a normal display of filaments of both the cytokeratin and vimentin type. The results show that (i) some cells contain aggregates consisting of two different types of intermediate-sized filaments oriented onto a common focal center; (ii) such an abnormal filament arrangement is clonally stable; (iii) the vimentin-type filaments contained in such aggregates are still susceptible to the action of antimitotic drugs and can be rearranged into characteristic perinuclear whorls; and (iv) this abnormal aggregate of intermediate filaments can be reverted to normal patterns upon treatment of the cells with butyrate.  相似文献   

The system of the intermediate-sized filaments (IF) of rat kangaroo PtK2 cells which can be specifically demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy using certain rabbit autoantibodies and guinea pig antibodies against bovine hoof prekeratin has been studied by electron microscopy. The characteristic ornamental, curved arrays of this system are shown after fixation in situ in both thin sections and whole-cell-preparations to represent bundles of 6 to 11 nm thick filaments extending through the whole cytoplasm, although in some cells they appear to be enriched in the perinuclear region. While many individual IF are recognized in the cytoplasm the tendency of such filaments to aggregate laterally into bundles is one of their prominent features. Among such bundle formations one form that consists of tightly packed IF cemented together in a dense osmiophilic matrix is especially conspicious. The appearance and mode of arrangement of the IF is not significantly altered in cells treated with colcemid and/or cytochalasin B. Spatial relationships of IF with microfilament-containing cables and microtubules as well as with membranous structures are also described. IF are heterogeneous in width and reveal an unstained, apparently hollow core, indicative of a tubular organization. Many IF show small, sometimes periodically arranged lateral projections which seem to be involved in IF cross-linking. Associations with polyribosomes are common. The changes in the IF system during mitosis have also been examined. The structural details of the IF as well as their possible role as cytoskeletal elements involved in the control of cell shape and cytoplasmic architecture are discussed in relation to data on various intermediate-sized filaments from other cell types. The close similarity of the IF of PtK2 cells to aggregates of prekeratin filaments is emphasized. It is suggested that PtK2 cells represent an epithelial cell line growing in a state of balanced semi-keratinization.  相似文献   

A novel cytoskeletal element consisting of dense webs of thin (3-14 nm) filaments surrounding the nucleus of the sperm head has recently been isolated and shown to be associated with certain major basic proteins. Using antibodies specific for calicin, a prominent Mr-60,000 cytoskeletal protein of the posterior calyx of bull sperm heads detected in immunoblotting on gel electrophoretically separated polypeptides as well as in immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, we show that the same--or an immunologically related--polypeptide occurs in sperm heads of other species with greatly different morphology, including human, boar, guinea pig, hamster, rat and mouse. The calicin localization in the various species is described and discussed in relation to the specific sperm morphology.  相似文献   

We have prepared an antibody against chicken erythrocyte α spectrin, using as immunogen protein purified by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. One- and two-dimensional immunoautoradiography show that this antiserum reacts only with α spectrin in chicken erythrocytes and crossreacts with α spectrin in erythrocytes from various mammals. Immunofluorescence reveals that this antiserum reacts with a plasma membrane component in erythrocytes as well as in most nonerythroid avian and mammalian cells. Intense staining is seen at or near the plasma membrane in neurons, lens cells, endothelial and epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, skeletal and cardiac muscle, as well as skeletal myotubes grown in tissue culture. Immunoautoradiography indicates that the crossreactive antigen in these nonerythroid tissues has the same molecular weight and isoelectric point as the chicken erythrocyte antigen. Smooth muscle, tracheal cilia, myelin and mature sperm stain weakly or not at all. These results suggest that spectrin is more extensively distributed than previously recognized, and that the functions of spectrin elucidated for erythrocytes may apply to other cell types as well.  相似文献   

The interaction of vesicles produced from individual phospholipids and mixtures thereof with preformed vimentin filaments as well as the influence of these vesicles on filament assembly were investigated employing negative stain electron microscopy and sucrose density gradient equilibrium centrifugation. Liposomes with a phospholipid composition characteristic of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were able to bind efficiently to vimentin filaments without significantly affecting their morphology at higher concentrations. However, in sucrose density gradient centrifugation partial disintegration of the filaments was observed. In addition, larger quantities of phospholipid mixture totally blocked intermediate filament (IF) formation. Using vesicles of individual phospholipids, these effects could be shown to be due to the presence of negatively charged lipid species in the phospholipid mixture. While these were highly active in preventing filament assembly and in dissociating preformed filaments, electrically uncharged phospholipids were virtually inactive. The highest efficiency was shown by phosphatidylinositol-4,5-diphosphate. These results demonstrate that a negative surface charge of liposomes is an essential prerequisite for their successful and tight association with vimentin filaments. However, the high susceptibility of these filaments to photoaffinity labeling with the membrane-penetrating reagent 1-azidopyrene in the presence of phospholipid vesicles, points to additional interactions between hydrophobic regions of both reactants. Finally, the data also suggest a direct relationship between IFs and the lipid bilayer as the active principle underlying the association of IFs with natural membranes as observed by electron and immunofluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

For more than 20 years, sex allocation in hymenopteran societies has been a major topic in insect sociobiology. A recurring idea was that relatedness asymmetrics arising from their haplodiploid sex determination system would lead to various parent-offspring conflicts over optimal reproduction. A possible weakness of existing theory is that only interests of nuclear genes are properly accounted for. Yet, a diversity of maternally transmitted elements manipulate the reproduction of their host in many solitary arthropod groups. The bacterium Wolbachia is a striking example of such a selfish cytoplasmic element, with effects ranging from reproductive incompatibility between host strains, induction of parthenogenesis and feminization of males. This paper reports on a first PCR-based Wolbachia screening in ants. Out of 50 Indo-Australian species, 50% screened positive for an A-group strain. One of these species also harboured a B-group strain in a double infection. Various factors that might explain the unusually high incidence of Wolbachia in ants are discussed. In general, Wolbachia may represent a widespread and previously unrecognized party active in the conflicts of interest within social insect colonies.  相似文献   

The location of constitutive proteins of different types of intermediate-sized (about 10 mm) filaments (cytokeratin, vimentin, desmin, brain filament protein) was examined in various tissues of 11--20 day chick embryos, using specific antibodies against the isolated proteins and immunofluorescence microscopy on frozen sections and on isolated serous membrane. The tissues studied which contained epithelia were small intestine, gizzard, esophagus, crop, liver, kidney, thymus, mesenteries, and epidermis. The results show that the different intermediate filament proteins, as seen in the same organ, are characteristic of specific lines of differentiation: Cytokeratin filaments are restricted to--and specific for--epithelial cells; vimentin filaments are seen--at this stage of embryogenesis--only in mesenchymal cells, including connective tissue, endothelial and blood cells, and chondrocytes; filaments containing protein(s) related to the subunit protein prepared from gizzard 10 nm filaments (i.e., desmin) are significant only in muscle cells; and intermediate filament protein of brain, most probably neurofilament protein, is present only in nerve cells. We conclude that for most tissues the expression of filaments of cytokeratin, vimentin, desmin, and neurofilament protein is mutually exclusive, and that these protein structurees provide useful markers for histochemical and cytochemical differentiation of cells of epithelial, mesenchymal, myogenic, and neurogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence microscopy has been used to follow the rearrangement of intermediate-sized filaments during mitosis in rat kangaroo PtK2 cells. These epithelial cells express two different intermediate filament systems: the keratin-related tonofilament-like arrays typical of epithelial cells, and the vimentin-type filaments characteristic of mesenchymal cells in vivo, and of many established cell lines. The two filament systems do not appear to depolymerize extensively during mitosis, but show differences in their organization and display which may indicate different functions. The most striking rearrangements have been seen with the vimentin filaments, and in particular in prometaphase a transient cage-like structure of vimentin fibers surrounding the developing spindle is formed. In metaphase, this cage disappears, and vimentin fibers are found in an elliptical band surrounding the chromosomes and the interzone. In telophase, these bands separate, usually breaking first on the side closest to where the cleavage furrow has started to form. Double label experiments with tubulin and vimentin antibodies have indicated that the microtubules and the chromosomes are contained within the thick crescents of vimentin filaments and suggest that the vimentin intermediate filaments may be involved in the orientation of the spindle and/or the chromosomes during mitosis. In contrast, extensive arrays of cytokeratin filaments are present throughout mitosis on the substrate-attached side of the cell and also in other cellular areas, although they are usually not present in the spindle region. Thus the cytokeratin filaments probably continue to play a cytoskeletal role during mitosis and may be responsible for the flat shape that certain epithelial cells such as PtK2 cells continue to maintain during mitosis.  相似文献   

Mouse polyclonal antibodies have been raised against two human proteins (IEF [isoelectric focusing] 31, Mr = 50,000; IEF 46, Mr = 43,500) that have previously been shown to be present in HeLa cytoskeletons enriched in intermediate-sized filaments. Immunoprecipitation studies show that both proteins share common antigenic determinants with each other and with the putative human keratins IEF 36 and 44, also present in HeLa cytoskeletons. Indirect immunofluorescence studies showed that both antibodies revealed similar filamentous networks in various cultured epithelial cells of human origin. These included AMA (transformed amnion), HeLa (cervical carcinoma), normal amnion cells, Fl-amnion (transformed amnion), WISH-amnion (transformed amnion), Chang liver (liver), and Detroid-98 (sternal marrow). Human cells that did not react with both antibodies included skin fibroblasts, lung fibroblasts (WI-38), SV40-transformed lung fibroblasts, Molt 4 (leukemia), lymphocytes, and monocytes. These results were in complete agreement with the presence or absence of both proteins in two-dimensional gels of the different cell types. Exposure of AMA cells to demecolcine (24 h; 10 micrograms/ml) caused the total collapse of vimentin filaments but, as seen by indirect immunofluorescence, caused only a partial redistribution of the IEF 31 and 46 filaments. These results are taken to suggest that both proteins are components of the intermediate-sized filaments of the "keratin" type. The antibodies could be clearly differentiated by staining human bladder carcinoma EJ 19 cells, as only the IEF 46 antibody stained a filamentous network in these cells The occurrence of keratins IEF 31, 36, 44, and 46 in different cultured human epithelial cells has been studied using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

FKBP binding characteristics of cardiac microsomes from diverse vertebrates   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
FK506 binding protein (FKBP) is a cytosolic receptor for the immunosuppressive drug FK-506. The common isoform, FKBP12, was found to be associated with the calcium release channel (ryanodine receptor 1) of different species of vertebrate skeletal muscle, whereas 12.6, a novel FKBP isoform was found to be associated with canine cardiac ryanodine receptor (ryanodine receptor 2). Until recently, canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum was considered to be the prototype for studying heart RyR2 and its interactions with FKBP. In this study, cardiac microsomes were isolated from diverse vertebrates: human, rabbit, rat, mice, dog, chicken, frog, and fish and were analyzed for their ability to bind or exchange with FKBP isoforms 12 and 12.6. Our studies indicate that RyR2 from seven out of the eight animals contain both FKBP12 and 12.6. Dog is the exception. It can now be concluded that the association of FKBP isoforms with RyR2 is widely conserved in the hearts of different species of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Indirect immunoferritin labelling has been used to show the localization of the 57 000 D cytoskeletal protein vimentin in intermediate filaments. Labelling could be shown using either detergent-extracted cytoskeletons prepared from unfixed cultured cells or cells subjected to light fixation and rendered permeable to antibodies by treatment with saponin. Immunoferritin and immunoperoxidase labelling methods were combined with stereo electron microscopy to describe the three-dimensional organization of the intermediate filament system in cultured cells of fibroblastic morphology. The filaments form a complex three-dimensional network throughout the cytoplasm and are frequently found to be associated with microfilament bundles near the upper and lower plasma membranes. The filaments also surround the nucleus and may therefore play a role in anchoring this organelle in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Ten-nm filaments have been isolated from control and colchicine-treated primary cultures of rat ovarian granulosa cells. Negative stain electron microscopy indicates an average filament diameter of 10.3 nm in the isolated fiber bundles, which, upon sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, are found to contain a major polypeptide with a molecular weight of 57,000 and several minor components including actin. One-dimensional peptide mapping and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis demonstrate similarity between the granulosa cell and baby hamster kidney cell 10-nm filament subunit protein, both of which are distinguishable from keratin, desmin, actin, and tubulin. Quantitative gel densitometry experiments demonstrate little difference in the total amount of the 10-nm filament protein in control cells or cells treated with colchicine, accounting for 12 or 15% of the total cellular protein, respectively. The purification procedure, which involves extraction in Triton X-100 and KCl followed by DNase I treatment, yields 709% of the total granulosa cell intermediate filament protein, and 70% of the newly synthesized 57,000 molecular weight component. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of cultures labeled with [32P]phosphate show by autoradiography that the 57,000-dalton polypeptide, actin, and a 130,000-dalton protein are the most readily phosphorylated polypeptides in granulosa cell cultures. These studies identify the major intermediate filament subunit protein of granulosa cells as a 57,000-dalton phosphorylatable polypeptide which comprises a substantial portion of the granulosa cell cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of intermediate-sized filaments in developing and adult kidneys and renal cell carcinoma (RCC) by indirect immunohistochemistry, using a pan-cytokeratin mouse monoclonal antibody (MAb), chain-specific anti-cytokeratin MAb, and anti-vimentin and anti-desmin MAb, to resolve controversy concerning intermediate-sized filament expression in the kidney. With the pan-cytokeratin MAb, cytokeratin expression was detectable in all stages of nephron development, starting with expression in the renal vesicles, the progenitors of the glomeruli, proximal tubules, Henle's loop, and part of the distal tubules. Using chain-specific anti-cytokeratin MAb, cytokeratin 8 and 18 expression was demonstrated in all developmental structures of the nephron, whereas cytokeratin 19 expression was more complex. None of the nephrogenic blastema cells from which the renal vesicles arise expressed cytokeratins. Transient expression of vimentin and cytokeratin 19 was observed in differentiating collecting ducts and proximal tubule cells at the S-shaped stage of nephron development, respectively. In RCC, cytokeratin expression closely resembled that of the mature proximal tubule, i.e., RCC cells expressed cytokeratins 8 and 18. However, in a subset of RCC additional cytokeratin 19 expression was noted. In addition, all except one RCC showed co-expression of cytokeratins and vimentin.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies against intermediate-sized filaments, of the prekeratin or vimentin type, were used to investigate the presence of these filaments by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy in cultured and non-cultured amniotic fluid cells, in frozen sections of the placenta and in isolated cells of the amniotic epithelium. Two major classes of cells can be cultured from amniotic fluids, namely cells of epithelial origin containing filaments of the prekeratin type and cells of different origin which contain filaments of the vimentin type but are negative when tested with antibodies to epidermal prekeratin. The presence of prekeratin type filaments correlates with the morphology of colonies of amniotic fluid cell cultures in vitro as classified by Hoehn et al. (1974). Cells of E-type colonies are shown to be of epithelial origin. In contrast our data indicate a different origin of almost all cells of F-type colonies and of the large majority of cells of AF-type colonies. Cells of epithelial origin and positively stained with antibodies to epidermal prekeratin are occasionally scattered in F-type colonies and in variable percentages (up to 30%) in AF-type colonies. Surprisingly, cryostat sections of the amniotic epithelium and isolated groups of amniotic cells showed positive reactions with both antibodies to vimentin and prekeratin. The possibility that amniotic cells may be different from other epithelial cells in that they contain both types of filaments simultaneously already in situ is presently under investigation.Part of this work is included in the doctoral thesis of Irmgard Treiss to be submitted to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Heidelberg  相似文献   

We examined the inhibitory activity of type V collagen on cell attachment and cell growth and the role of stress fibers and beta 1 integrin in cultured human endothelial cells. Human endothelial cells cultured on type V collagen attached temporarily to the substrate and formed stress fibers. However, the cells failed to proliferate and gradually detached from the substrate. After 24 h, the cells on type V collagen lacked discernible stress fibers (F-actin filaments) and exhibited dots in small aggregates of F-actin. In addition, the cells expressed little or no proteins as focal adhesions, including vinculin and beta 1 integrin. In contrast, the cells on fibronectin and type I collagen formed complete F-actin filaments, exhibited sufficient vinculin and beta 1 integrin, and grew logarithmically from 2 days. On the other hand, human smooth muscle cells formed complete F-actin filaments, revealed typical focal adhesions, and started to proliferate rapidly after 24 h on type V collagen as well as on fibronectin and type I collagen. Thus, the disassembly of F-actin filaments was observed as a specific phenomenon in human endothelial cells cultured on type V collagen. Moreover, the F-actin filaments disappeared from endothelial cells treated with cytochalasin D after 24 h and the cells detached from fibronectin and type I collagen with time, a result consistent with the observations on type V collagen. Accordingly, the disassembly of F-actin filaments in focal adhesions may result in the detachment of endothelial cells from type V collagen.  相似文献   

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