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Low phosphorus availability is often a primary constraint to plant productivity in native soils. Here we test the hypothesis that root carbon costs are a primary limitation to plant growth in low P soils by assessing the effect of P availability and mycorrhizal infection on whole plant C budgets in common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plants were grown in solid-phase-buffered silica sand providing a constant supply of low (1 μ m ) or moderate (10 μ m ) P. Carbon budgets were determined weekly during the vegetative growth phase. Mycorrhizal infection in low-P plants increased the root specific P absorption rate, but a concurrent increase in root respiration consumed the increased net C gain resulting from greater P uptake. The energy content of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots was similar. We propose that the increase in root respiration in mycorrhizal roots was mainly due to increased maintenance and growth respiration of the fungal tissue. Plants grown with low P availability expended a significantly larger fraction of their total daily C budget on below-ground respiration at days 21, 28 and 35 after planting (29–40%) compared with plants grown with moderate P supply (18–25%). Relatively greater below-ground respiration in low P plants was mainly a result of their increased root:shoot ratio, although specific assimilation rate was reduced significantly at days 21 and 28 after planting. Specific root respiration was reduced over time by low P availability, by up to 40%. This reduction in specific root respiration was due to a reduction in ion uptake respiration and growth respiration, whereas maintenance respiration was increased in low-P plants. Our results support the hypothesis that root C costs are a primary limitation to plant growth in low-P soils.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can transfer nitrogen (N) to host plants, but the ecological relevance is debated, as total plant N and biomass do not generally increase. The extent to which the symbiosis is mutually beneficial is thought to rely on the stoichiometry of N, phosphorus (P) and carbon (C) availability. While inorganic N fertilization has been shown to elicit strong mutualism, characterized by improved plant and fungal growth and mineral nutrition, similar responses following organic N addition are lacking. Using a compartmented microcosm experiment, we determined the significance to a mycorrhizal plant of placing a 15N‐labelled, nitrogen‐rich patch of organic matter in a compartment to which only AMF hyphae had access. Control microcosms denied AMF hyphal access to the patch compartment. When permitted access to the patch compartment, the fungus proliferated extensively in the patch and transferred substantial quantities of N to the plant. Moreover, our data demonstrate that allowing hyphal access to an organic matter patch enhanced total plant N and P contents, with a simultaneous and substantial increase in plant biomass. Furthermore, we demonstrate that organic matter fertilization of arbuscular mycorrhizal plants can foster a mutually beneficial symbiosis based on nitrogen transfer, a phenomenon previously thought irrelevant.  相似文献   

Existing models of nutrient transfer in arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbioses are inadequate as they do not explain the range of real responses seen experimentally. A computer simulation model was used to evaluate the novel hypotheses that mycorrhizal nutrient transfers were based solely on symbionts' internal needs, and that carbon and phosphorus transfers were quantitatively unlinked. To be plausible, simulated mycorrhizal plants would show a +/-50% variation in weight vs nonmycorrhizal controls, with a normal response distribution (mimicking a real data set). One plant and one arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) growing in a soil volume were simulated, using C, P and nitrogen nutrient cycling and stoichiometry. C- and P-exchange rates were independent and could be varied at will. The model was tested at realistic nutrient concentrations and a full range of nutrient exchange rates. The model showed -20% to +55% range in mycorrhizal plant weight distributed close to normal, suggesting that the hypotheses were plausible. The model suggests that theoretical assumptions about mycorrhizas should be reassessed. The model worked only because the symbionts possessed incomplete information on their partner and environmental conditions. Conventional cost-benefit models do not work under these circumstances, but both mutualistic and parasitic interactions were successfully simulated.  相似文献   

Human management practices and large detritivores such as earthworms incorporate plant litter into the soil, thereby forming a heterogeneous soil environment from which plant roots extract nutrients. In a greenhouse experiment we investigated effects of earthworms and spatial distribution of 15N-labelled grass litter on plants of different functional groups [Lolium perenne (grass), Plantago lanceolata (forb), Trifolium repens (legume)]. Earthworms enhanced shoot and root growth in L. perenne and P. lanceolata and N uptake from organic litter and soil in all plant species. Litter concentrated in a patch (compared with litter mixed homogeneously into the soil) increased shoot biomass and 15N uptake from the litter in L. perenne and enhanced root proliferation in P. lanceolata when earthworms were present. Growth of clover (T. repens) was rather independent of the presence of earthworms and organic litter distribution: nevertheless, clover took up more nitrogen in the presence of earthworms and exploited more 15N from the added litter than the other plant species. The magnitude of the effects of earthworms and organic litter distribution differed between the plant species, indicating different responses of plants with contrasting root morphology. Aphid (Myzus persicae) reproduction was reduced on P. lanceolata in the presence of earthworms. We suggest that earthworm activity may indirectly alter plant chemistry and hence defence mechanisms against herbivores.  相似文献   

Functional compatibility in cucumber mycorrhizas in terms of plant and fungal growth, and foliar nutrient composition from all possible combinations of six cucumber varieties and three species of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi was evaluated. Measurements of foliar nutrient composition included N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu. Growth of AM fungi was measured in terms of root colonisation, as examined with microscopy and the AM fungus biomarker fatty acid 16:1ω5 from both phospholipids and neutral lipids. Different responses of plant growth and foliar nutrient profiles were observed for the different AM symbioses examined. The AM fungus Claroideoglomus claroideum caused growth depression in association with four out of six cucumber varieties; Rhizophagus irregularis caused growth promotion in one of six cucumber varieties; whereas Funneliformis mosseae had no effect on the growth performance of any of the cucumber varieties examined. All three AM fungi markedly altered host plant shoot nutrient composition, with the strongest contrast observed between cucumber–R. irregularis symbioses and non‐mycorrhizal cucumber plants, independent of cucumber variety. On the other hand, AM fungal growth in roots differed between the three AM fungi, but was unaffected by host genotype. Strong build‐up of storage lipids was observed for R. irregularis, which was more moderate in the two other AM fungi. In conclusion, strong differential responses of cucumber varieties to inoculation with different AM fungi in terms of growth and shoot nutrient composition revealed high functional diversity in AM symbioses in cucumber plants.  相似文献   

1.  A major benefit of the mycorrhizal symbiosis is that it can protect plants from below-ground enemies, such as pathogens. Previous studies have indicated that plant identity (particularly plants that differ in root system architecture) or fungal identity (fungi from different families within the Glomeromycota) can determine the degree of protection from infection by pathogens. Here, we test the combined effects of plant and fungal identity to assess if there is a strong interaction between these two factors.
2.  We paired one of two plants ( Setaria glauca , a plant with a finely branched root system and Allium cepa , which has a simple root system) with one of six different fungal species from two families within the Glomeromycota. We assessed the degree to which plant identity, fungal identity and their interaction determined infection by Fusarium oxysporum , a common plant pathogen.
3.  Our results show that the interaction between plant and fungal identity can be an important determinant of root infection by the pathogen. Infection by Fusarium was less severe in Allium (simple root system) or when Setaria (complex root system) was associated with a fungus from the family Glomeraceae. We also detected significant plant growth responses to the treatments; the fine-rooted Setaria benefited more from associating with a member of the family Glomeraceae, while Allium benefited more from associating with a member of the family Gigasporaceae.
4.   Synthesis . This study supports previous claims that plants with complex root systems are more susceptible to infection by pathogens, and that the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis can reduce infection in such plants – provided that the plant is colonized by a mycorrhizal fungus that can offer protection, such as the isolates of Glomus used here.  相似文献   

Host plant chemical composition critically shapes the performance of insect herbivores feeding on them. Some insects have become specialized on plant secondary metabolites, and even use them to their own advantage such as defense against predators. However, infection by plant pathogens can seriously alter the interaction between herbivores and their host plants. We tested whether the effects of the plant secondary metabolites, iridoid glycosides (IGs), on the performance and immune response of an insect herbivore are modulated by a plant pathogen. We used the IG‐specialized Glanville fritillary butterfly Melitaea cinxia, its host plant Plantago lanceolata, and the naturally occurring plant pathogen, powdery mildew Podosphaera plantaginis, as model system. Pre‐diapause larvae were fed on P. lanceolata host plants selected to contain either high or low IGs, in the presence or absence of powdery mildew. Larval performance was measured by growth rate, survival until diapause, and by investment in immunity. We assessed immunity after a bacterial challenge in terms of phenoloxidase (PO) activity and the expression of seven pre‐selected insect immune genes (qPCR). We found that the beneficial effects of constitutive leaf IGs, that improved larval growth, were significantly reduced by mildew infection. Moreover, mildew presence downregulated one component of larval immune response (PO activity), suggesting a physiological cost of investment in immunity under suboptimal conditions. Yet, feeding on mildew‐infected leaves caused an upregulation of two immune genes, lysozyme and prophenoloxidase. Our findings indicate that a plant pathogen can significantly modulate the effects of secondary metabolites on the growth of an insect herbivore. Furthermore, we show that a plant pathogen can induce contrasting effects on insect immune function. We suspect that the activation of the immune system toward a plant pathogen infection may be maladaptive, but the actual infectivity on the larvae should be tested.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the effects of temperature on fungal growth and tested whether the differences in fungal growth were related to the effects of temperature on carbon movement to, or within, the fungus. Growth curves and C uptake-transfer-translocation measurements were obtained for three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) isolates cultured within a 6-30 degrees C temperature range. A series of experiments with a model fungal isolate, Glomus intraradices, was used to examine the effects of temperature on lipid body and 33P movement, and to investigate the role of acclimation and incubation time. Temperature effects on AMF growth were both direct and indirect because, despite clear independent root and AMF growth responses in some cases, the uptake and translocation of 13C was also affected within the temperature range tested. Root C uptake and, to a lesser extent, C translocation in the fungus, were reduced by low temperatures (< 18 degrees C). Uptake and translocation of 33P by fungal hyphae were, by contrast, similar between 10 and 25 degrees C. We conclude that temperature, between 6 and 18 degrees C, reduces AMF growth, and that C movement to the fungus is involved in this response.  相似文献   

The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis alters host plant physiology under drought stress, but no information is available on whether or not the AM affects respond to drought locally or systemically. A split‐root system was used to obtain AM plants with total or only half root system colonized as well as to induce physiological drought affecting the whole plant or non‐physiological drought affecting only the half root system. We analysed the local and/or systemic nature of the AM effects on accumulation of osmoregulatory compounds and aquaporins and on antioxidant systems. Maize plants accumulated proline both, locally in roots affected by drought and systemically when the drought affected the whole root system, being the last effect ampler in AM plants. PIPs (plasma membrane intrinsic proteins) aquaporins were also differently regulated by drought in AM and non‐AM root compartments. When the drought affected only the AM root compartment, the rise of lipid peroxidation was restricted to such compartment. On the contrary, when the drought affected the non‐AM root fraction, the rise of lipid peroxidation was similar in both root compartments. Thus, the benefits of the AM symbiosis not only rely in a lower oxidative stress in the host plant, but it also restricts locally such oxidative stress.  相似文献   

施磷和接种AM真菌对玉米耐盐性的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在盆栽条件下研究了不同施磷水平(25,50,100,150mg/kg),不同盐水平(NaCl0,1.2g/kg)和不同接种AM真菌处理(接种和不接种)对玉米生长的影响。结果表明,施磷量为50mg/kg时基本满足玉米生长的需要,1.2g/kg NaCl胁迫显著抑制了玉米的生长;施磷明显促进玉米在盐胁迫条件下的生长,施磷水平和接种菌根真菌的交互作用对玉米耐盐性具有显著影响;盐胁迫条件下,接种AM真菌在  相似文献   

Temporal variations in the relationships among plant nutrient concentrations, soil properties and arbuscular-mycorrhizal (AM) fungal dynamics were studied along a topographic and saline gradient in a temperate grassland soil. Soil and plant ( Lotus tenuis , Paspalum vaginatum , Stenotaphrum secundatum ) samples were collected on four seasonally based occasions. The morphology of AM root colonization had a similar pattern in the plants studied. Maximum arbuscular colonization occurred at the beginning of the growing season in late winter and was minimal in late summer, but maximal vesicular colonization occurred in summer and was minimal in winter, suggesting a preferential production of these morphological phases by the fungus with respect to season. The greatest arbuscular colonization was associated with the highest N and P concentrations in plant tissue, suggesting a correspondence with increases in the rate of nutrient transfer between the symbiotic partners. Water content, salinity and sodicity in soil were positively associated with AM root colonization and arbuscule colonization in L. tenuis , but negatively so in the grasses. There were distinct seasonally related effects with respect to both spore density and AM colonization, which were independent of particular combinations of plant species and soil sites.  相似文献   

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