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The influence of age on limb vasodilator capacity in women is unclear. The objectives of this study were to characterize and compare age-associated changes in forearm and calf peak vascular conductance (VC(peak); a functional index of arterial structure) in women and to identify physiological characteristics predictive of variation in limb-specific VC(peak). Peak conductance (plethysmographic flow/mean arterial pressure), VC(peak) of the forearm (forearm VC(peak)), and calf (calf VC(peak)) after 10 min of arterial occlusion were measured in 58 healthy, normally active women aged 21-79 yr. Aerobic capacity (cycle peak oxygen uptake), arterial health (pulse-wave velocity, ankle-brachial index), total cholesterol, limb-specific tissue composition (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry), and isometric strength (handgrip, plantar flexion) were also assessed. The relative decline in calf VC(peak) with age (-6.8% per decade, P < 0.001) was greater than the forearm (-4.4% per decade, P = 0.004), in contrast to results previously reported for men (forearm decline > calf decline). Limb VC(peak) per kilogram muscle declined with age in the calf (-6.0% per decade; P = 0.002), but not the forearm (P = 0.12). Age, cholesterol, and regional tissue composition were significant predictors of peak conductance in both limbs; however, age was a stronger predictor of peak conductance in the calf. These results suggest that healthy aging is associated with a linear decline in limb vasodilator capacity in women, but the magnitude of this effect is region specific. Further research will be required to determine whether the decline in lower extremity vasodilator capacity with age explains diminished exercising leg vasodilation in older women. 相似文献
Maximal vascular leg conductance in trained and untrained men 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Snell P. G.; Martin W. H.; Buckey J. C.; Blomqvist C. G. 《Journal of applied physiology》1987,62(2):606-610
Lower leg blood flow and vascular conductance were studied and related to maximal oxygen uptake in 15 sedentary men (28.5 +/- 1.2 yr, mean +/- SE) and 11 endurance-trained men (30.5 +/- 2.0 yr). Blood flows were obtained at rest and during reactive hyperemia produced by ischemic exercise to fatigue. Vascular conductance was computed from blood flow measured by venous occlusion plethysmography, and mean arterial blood pressure was determined by auscultation of the brachial artery. Resting blood flow and mean arterial pressure were similar in both groups (combined mean, 3.0 ml X min-1 X 100 ml-1 and 88.2 mmHg). After ischemic exercise, blood flows were 29- and 19-fold higher (P less than 0.001) than rest in trained (83.3 +/- 3.8 ml X min-1 X 100 ml-1) and sedentary subjects (61.5 +/- 2.3 ml X min-1 X 100 ml-1), respectively. Blood pressure and heart rate were only slightly elevated in both groups. Maximal vascular conductance was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) in the trained compared with the sedentary subjects. The correlation coefficients for maximal oxygen uptake vs. vascular conductance were 0.81 (trained) and 0.45 (sedentary). These data suggest that physical training increases the capacity for vasodilation in active limbs and also enables the trained individual to utilize a larger fraction of maximal vascular conductance than the sedentary subject. 相似文献
Maria M Anton Miriam Y Cortez-Cooper Allison E DeVan Daria B Neidre Jill N Cook Hirofumi Tanaka 《Journal of applied physiology》2006,101(5):1351-1355
Age-related reductions in basal limb blood flow and vascular conductance are associated with the metabolic syndrome, functional impairments, and osteoporosis. We tested the hypothesis that a strength training program would increase basal femoral blood flow in aging adults. Twenty-six sedentary but healthy middle-aged and older subjects were randomly assigned to either a whole body strength training intervention group (52 +/- 2 yr, 3 men, 10 women) who underwent three supervised resistance training sessions per week for 13 wk or a control group (53 +/- 2 yr, 4 men, 9 women) who participated in a supervised stretching program. At baseline, there were no significant differences in blood pressure, cardiac output, basal femoral blood flow (via Doppler ultrasound), vascular conductance, and vascular resistance between the two groups. The strength training group increased maximal strength in all the major muscle groups tested (P < 0.05). Whole body lean body mass increased (P < 0.05) with strength training, but leg fat-free mass did not. Basal femoral blood flow and vascular conductance increased by 55-60% after strength training (both P < 0.05). No such changes were observed in the control group. In both groups, there were no significant changes in brachial blood pressure, plasma endothelin-1 and angiotensin II concentrations, femoral artery wall thickness, cardiac output, and systemic vascular resistance. Our results indicate that short-term strength training increases basal femoral blood flow and vascular conductance in healthy middle-aged and older adults. 相似文献
Uncertainty exists as to whether a period of passive arterial occlusion (PAO) or ischemic exercise (IE) results in peak lower leg vascular conductance (LVC). This uncertainty is due to the different body positions, active muscle mass, and occlusion times used for PAO or IE. The purpose of this study was to examine whether 10 min of PAO elicits a similar LVC compared with ischemic dorsiflexion (IDF), ischemic plantar flexion (IPF), and ischemic plantar-dorsiflexion (IPDF). Ten subjects (5 women, 27 +/- 9 yr, 68 +/- 3 kg) were studied on 3 days over 1 wk in a semireclined position with the right foot attached to an isokinetic dynamometer. Mean arterial pressure (Finapres) and lower leg blood flow (LBF, venous occlusion plethysmography) were measured at rest and after PAO and IE. PAO was administered randomly on 1 of the 3 days and before IE. IE protocols consisted of maximal isokinetic dorsiflexion and/or plantar flexion at 120 and 60 degrees/s, respectively. In a second experiment, an additional eight subjects (4 women, 29 +/- 12 yr, 77 +/- 12 kg) were studied to examine the effect of isokinetic speed during IDF on peak LBF and LVC. Peak LVC (ml.min(-1).100 ml(-1).mmHg(-1)) was similar among IPF (0.590 +/- 0.16), IPDF (0.532 +/- 0.17), and PAO (0.511 +/- 0.18), and significantly lower after IDF (0.334 +/- 0.15). No differences in peak LBF and LVC were observed after IDF using different isokinetic speeds. We conclude that 10 min of PAO, IPF, and IPDF performed in a similar posture are adequate stimuli to elicit peak LVC. 相似文献
Previously, a strong relationship has been found between whole body maximal aerobic power (VO(2 max)) and peak vascular conductance in the calf muscle (J. L. Reading, J. M. Goodman, M. J. Plyley, J. S. Floras, P. P. Liu, P. R. McLaughlin, and R. J. Shephard. J. Appl. Physiol. 74: 567-573, 1993; P. G. Snell, W. H. Martin, J. C. Buckley, and C. G. Blomqvist. J. Appl. Physiol. 62: 606-610, 1987), suggesting a matching between maximal exercise capacity and peripheral vasodilatory reserve across a broad range of aerobic power. In contrast, long-term training could alter this relationship because of the unique demands for muscle blood flow and cardiac output imposed by different types of training. In particular, the high local blood flows but relatively low cardiac output demand imposed by the type of resistance training used by bodybuilders may cause a relatively greater development in peripheral vascular reserve than in aerobic power. To examine this possibility, we studied the relationship between treadmill VO(2 max) and vascular conductance in the calf by using strain-gauge plethysmography after maximal ischemic plantar flexion exercise in 8 healthy sedentary subjects (HS) and 28 athletes. The athletes were further divided into three groups: 10 elite middle-distance runners (ER), 11 power athletes (PA), and 7 bodybuilders (BB). We found that both BB and ER deviate from the previously demonstrated relationship between VO(2 max) and vascular conductance. Specifically, for a given vascular conductance, BB had a lower VO(2 max), whereas ER had a higher VO(2 max) than did HS and PA. We conclude that the relationship between peak vascular conductance and aerobic power is altered in BB and ER because of training-specific effects on central vs. peripheral cardiovascular adaptation to local skeletal muscle metabolic demand. 相似文献
Martínez-Nieves B Collins HL DiCarlo SE 《American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology》2000,278(6):R1634-R1642
We tested the hypothesis that dynamic exercise resets the operating point and attenuates the spontaneous gain of the arterial baroreflex regulation of mesenteric and hindlimb vascular conductance in hypertensive rats. Eleven adult male spontaneously hypertensive rats were chronically instrumented with left carotid arterial catheters and Doppler ultrasonic flow probes around the superior mesenteric and left common iliac arteries. After the rats recovered, arterial baroreflex function was examined by recording reflex changes in conductance in response to spontaneous changes in mean arterial pressure before exercise and during steady-state treadmill running at 6 and 18 m/min. Dynamic exercise reduced the spontaneous baroreflex gain of mesenteric conductance (by 51 and 36%) and maximum mesenteric conductance (by 24 and 32%) at 6 and 18 m/min, respectively. In sharp contrast, dynamic exercise increased the spontaneous maximum iliac conductance (by 32 and 47%) without changing the spontaneous gain. Sinoaortic denervation eliminated the relationship between mean arterial pressure and conductance by reducing the mesenteric (92%) and iliac (68%) vascular conductance gain. These results demonstrate that dynamic exercise has differential effects on the regulation of mesenteric and iliac vascular conductance in hypertensive rats. 相似文献
Masako Y Endo Chizuko Fujihara Chinami Yamazaki Hideaki Kashima Kouhei Eguchi Akira Miura Yoshiyuki Fukuoka Yoshiyuki Fukuba 《Journal of physiological anthropology》2014,33(1):11
Recently, it was reported in healthy young subjects that fructose containing drinks increased blood pressure acutely, without any apparent change in total vascular conductance (TVC). However, because it is well known that the splanchnic vasculature is dilated by oral fructose ingestion, it is assumed to be the concomitant vasoconstriction in other peripheral region(s) that is responsible for this finding. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the acute response of regional VC to oral fructose ingestion in young healthy humans.Results
In 12 healthy young subjects, mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate, cardiac output, and blood flow (BF) in the superior mesenteric (SMA), brachial (BA), and popliteal (PA) arteries, in addition to forearm skin BF, were measured continuously for 2 h after ingestion of 400 ml fructose solution (containing 50 g fructose). Regional VC was calculated as BF/MAP. MAP increased for 120 min after fructose ingestion without any change in TVC. While VC in the SMA was elevated after ingestion, VC in BA and PA and forearm skin decreased.Conclusions
While TVC was apparently unchanged during the 2 h after fructose ingestion, there were coincident changes in regional VCs in the peripheral circulation, but no net change in TVC. 相似文献8.
Ganio MS Overgaard M Seifert T Secher NH Johansson PI Meyer MA Crandall CG 《American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology》2012,302(8):H1756-H1761
During moderate actual or simulated hemorrhage, as cardiac output decreases, reductions in systemic vascular conductance (SVC) maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP). Heat stress, however, compromises the control of MAP during simulated hemorrhage, and it remains unknown whether this response is due to a persistently high SVC and/or a low cardiac output. This study tested the hypothesis that an inadequate decrease in SVC is the primary contributing mechanism by which heat stress compromises blood pressure control during simulated hemorrhage. Simulated hemorrhage was imposed via lower body negative pressure (LBNP) to presyncope in 11 passively heat-stressed subjects (increase core temperature: 1.2 ± 0.2°C; means ± SD). Cardiac output was measured via thermodilution, and SVC was calculated while subjects were normothermic, heat stressed, and throughout subsequent LBNP. MAP was not changed by heat stress but was reduced to 45 ± 12 mmHg at the termination of LBNP. Heat stress increased cardiac output from 7.1 ± 1.1 to 11.7 ± 2.2 l/min (P < 0.001) and increased SVC from 0.094 ± 0.018 to 0.163 ± 0.032 l·min(-1)·mmHg(-1) (P < 0.001). Although cardiac output at the onset of syncopal symptoms was 37 ± 16% lower relative to pre-LBNP, presyncope cardiac output (7.3 ± 2.0 l/min) was not different than normothermic values (P = 0.46). SVC did not change throughout LBNP (P > 0.05) and at presyncope was 0.168 ± 0.044 l·min(-1)·mmHg(-1). These data indicate that in humans a cardiac output adequate to maintain MAP while normothermic is no longer adequate during a heat-stressed-simulated hemorrhage. The absence of a decrease in SVC at a time of profound reductions in MAP suggests that inadequate control of vascular conductance is a primary mechanism compromising blood pressure control during these conditions. 相似文献
Joseph C Daley Mazhar H Khan Cynthia S Hogeman Lawrence I Sinoway 《Journal of applied physiology》2003,95(4):1493-1498
The purpose of this study was to examine hemodynamic responses to graded muscle reflex engagement in human subjects. We studied seven healthy human volunteers [24 +/- 2 (SE) yr old; 4 men, 3 women] performing rhythmic handgrip exercise [40% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)] during ambient and positive pressure exercise (+10 to +50 mmHg in 10-mmHg increments every minute). Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), and mean blood velocity were recorded. Plasma lactate, hydrogen ion concentration, and oxyhemoglobin saturation were measured from venous blood. Ischemic exercise resulted in a greater rise in both MSNA and MAP vs. nonischemic exercise. These heightened autonomic responses were noted at +40 and +50 mmHg. Each level of positive pressure was associated with an immediate fall in flow velocity and forearm perfusion pressure. However, during each minute, perfusion pressure increased progressively. For positive pressure of +10 to +40 mmHg, this was associated with restoration of flow velocity. However, at +50 mmHg, flow was not restored. This inability to restore flow was seen at a time when the muscle reflex was clearly engaged (increased MSNA). We believe that these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that before the muscle reflex is clearly engaged, flow to muscle is enhanced by a process that raises perfusion pressure. Once the muscle reflex is clearly engaged and MSNA is augmented, flow to muscle is no longer restored by a similar rise in perfusion pressure, suggesting that active vasoconstriction within muscle is occurring at +50 mmHg. 相似文献
Reflex vasodilation is attenuated in aged skin during hyperthermia. We used laser-Doppler imaging (LDI) to test the hypothesis that the magnitude of conductance and the spatial distribution of vasodilation are altered with aging. LDI of forearm skin was compared in 12 young (19- to 29-yr-old) and 12 older (64- to 75-yr-old) men during supine passive heating. Additionally, iontophoresis of bretylium tosylate was performed in a subset of subjects to explore the involvement of sympathetic vasoconstriction in limiting skin blood flow. Passive heating with water-perfused suits clamped mean skin temperature at 41.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C, causing a ramp increase in esophageal temperature (T(es)) to =38.5 degrees C. LDI scans were performed at baseline and at every 0.2 degrees C increase in T(es). LDI at bretylium and control sites was identical, suggesting no influence of noradrenergic vasoconstriction. Forearm vascular conductance (venous occlusion plethysmography) was reduced in the older men (P = 0.001) at every elevated T(es). Mean cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) of the scanned area was reduced in the older men at 0.2 degrees C = DeltaT(es) = 0.8 degrees C. Early in heating (0.2 degrees C = DeltaT(es) = 0.6 degrees C), older men also responded with a reduced vasodilated area (P = 0.05), implying a slower recruitment or filling of skin microvessels. The results indicate that the area of vasodilation and CVC within the vasodilated area are reduced in aged skin during early passive heating, but only CVC is reduced at DeltaT(es) = 0.8 degrees C. 相似文献
David M Keller Wendy L Wasmund D Walter Wray Shigehiko Ogoh Paul J Fadel Michael L Smith Peter B Raven 《Journal of applied physiology》2003,94(2):542-548
We sought to test the hypothesis that the carotid baroreflex (CBR) alters mean leg blood flow (LBF) and leg vascular conductance (LVC) at rest and during exercise. In seven men and one woman, 25 +/- 2 (SE) yr of age, CBR control of LBF and LVC was determined at rest and during steady-state one-legged knee extension exercise at approximately 65% peak O(2) uptake. The application of 5-s pulses of +40 Torr neck pressure and -60 Torr neck suction significantly altered mean arterial pressure (MAP) and LVC both at rest and during exercise. CBR-mediated changes in MAP were similar between rest and exercise (P > 0.05). However, CBR-mediated decreases in LVC (%change) to neck pressure were attenuated in the exercising leg (16.4 +/- 1.6%) compared with rest (33 +/- 2.1%) and the nonexercising leg (23.7 +/- 1.9%) (P < 0.01). These data suggest CBR control of blood pressure is partially mediated by changes in leg vascular tone both at rest and during exercise. Furthermore, despite alterations in CBR-induced changes in LVC during exercise, CBR control of blood pressure was well maintained. 相似文献
W Shane Journeay Francis D Reardon C Ryan Martin Glen P Kenny 《Journal of applied physiology》2004,96(6):2207-2212
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of 1) passive (assisted pedaling), 2) active (loadless pedaling), and 3) inactive (motionless) recovery modes on mean arterial pressure (MAP), skin blood flow (SkBF), and sweating during recovery after 15 min of dynamic exercise. It was hypothesized that an active recovery mode would be most effective in attenuating the fall in MAP, SkBF, and sweating during exercise recovery. Six male subjects performed 15 min of cycle ergometer exercise at 70% of their predetermined peak oxygen consumption followed by 15 min of 1) active, 2) passive, or 3) inactive recovery. Mean skin temperature (T(sk)), esophageal temperature (T(es)), SkBF, sweating, cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV), heart rate (HR), total peripheral resistance (TPR), and MAP were recorded at baseline, end exercise, and 2, 5, 8, 12, and 15 min postexercise. Cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) was calculated as the ratio of laser-Doppler blood flow to MAP. In the active and passive recovery modes, CVC, sweat rate, MAP, CO, and SV remained elevated over inactive values (P < 0.05). The passive mode was equally as effective as the active mode in maintaining CO, SV, MAP, CVC, and sweat rate above inactive recovery. Sweat rate was different among all modes after 8 min of recovery (P < 0.05). TPR during active recovery remained significantly lower than during recovery in the passive and inactive modes (P < 0.05). No differences in either T(es) or T(sk) were observed among conditions. Given that MAP was higher during passive and active recovery modes than during inactive recovery suggests differences in CVC may be due to differences in baroreceptor unloading and not factors attributed to central command. However, differences in sweat rate may be influenced by factors such as central command and mechanoreceptor stimulation. 相似文献
Elevated body core temperature stimulates cutaneous vasodilation, which can be modified by nonthermal factors. To test whether hypohydration affects forearm vascular conductance discretely from relative alterations in heart rate (HR), eight trained cyclists exercised progressively for 20 min each at 60, 120, and 180 W [approximately 22, 37, and 55% of maximal cycling O2 consumption (VO2peak), respectively] in a warm humid environment (dry bulb temperature 30 degrees C; wet bulb temperature 24 degrees C). Esophageal temperature and forearm blood flow were measured every 30 s, and mean arterial pressure and HR were measured at rest and during each exercise intensity (minutes 15, 35, and 55). In the hypovolemic (HP) compared with the euvolemic (EU) state, blood volume was contracted by 24-h fluid restriction an average of 510 ml, and this difference was sustained throughout exercise. The esophageal temperature and HR responses were similar between EU and HP states at 60 and 120 W but were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in HP by the end of 180 W. In contrast, the forearm blood flow response was significantly (P < 0.05) depressed during exercise at 120 and 180 W in HP, whereas mean arterial pressure remained similar between conditions. When body core temperature is elevated in a hypohydrated state, forearm vascular conductance is reduced at exercise intensities of approximately 37% VO2peak, which is independent of relative changes in HR. These findings are consistent with the notion that during exercise an attenuated cutaneous vasodilation is elicited by alterations in regionalized sympathetic outflow, which is unaccompanied by activation of cardiac pacemaker cells. 相似文献
Our purpose was to analyze regional intrapulmonary volumes and dimensions (especially heights) between total lung capacity and residual volume in upright and head-down healthy men. This analysis was based on the combination of previously obtained scintigraphic data of regional alveolar expansions and of lung shape. This analysis demonstrated that the changes in height were markedly smaller for the apical zones than for the diaphragmatic zones, especially in upright posture but to a smaller extent in head-down posture also. These changes in height in upright posture were attributable to the additive effects of changes in lung shape (which favored larger height changes in the more diaphragmatic zones) and the effects of the changes in regional alveolar expansion (which caused larger volume changes in the diaphragmatic zones). In head-down posture the effects of changes in lung shape (which again favored larger height changes in the diaphragmatic zones except at high volumes) were only partially counteracted by the now inverted changes in alveolar expansion. These height changes were qualitatively in agreement with the cephalad displacement of the minor fissure during lung inflation from residual volume to total lung capacity in both postures, measured previously on chest X-rays. In conclusion, this study shows that the gravitational distributions of alveolar expansion, as assessed by scintigraphy, go along with more complex shape-dependent distributions of regional dimensions and volumes as assessed, e.g., by radiological techniques. 相似文献
Masako Y Endo Kazue Shimada Akira Miura Yoshiyuki Fukuba 《Journal of physiological anthropology》2012,31(1):32
Post-exercise hypotension (PEH) following prolonged dynamic exercise arises from increased total vascular conductance (TVC) via skeletal muscle vasodilation. However, arterial vasodilation of skeletal musculatures does not entirely account for the rise in TVC. The aim of the present study was to determine the contribution of vascular conductance (VC) of the legs, arms, kidneys and viscera to TVC during PEH.Methods
Eight subjects performed a single period of cycling at 60% of heart rate (HR) reserve for 60 minutes. Blood flow in the right renal, superior mesenteric, right brachial and right femoral arteries was measured by Doppler ultrasonography in a supine position before exercise and during recovery. HR and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were measured continuously. MAP decreased significantly from approximately 25 minutes after exercise cessation compared with pre-exercise baseline. TVC significantly increased (approximately 23%; P <0.05) after exercise compared with baseline, which resulted from increased VC in the leg (approximately 33%) and arm (approximately 20%), but not in the abdomen.Conclusion
PEH was not induced by decreased cardiac output, but by increased TVC, two-thirds of the rise in which can be attributed to increased VC in active and inactive limbs. 相似文献19.
W Shane Journeay Francis D Reardon Natalie H McInnis Glen P Kenny 《Journal of applied physiology》2005,99(5):1816-1821
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of 1) active (loadless pedaling), 2) passive (assisted pedaling), and 3) inactive (motionless) recovery modes on mean arterial pressure (MAP), cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC), and sweat rate during recovery after 15 min of dynamic exercise in women. It was hypothesized that an active recovery mode would be most effective in attenuating the fall in MAP, CVC, and sweating during exercise recovery. Ten female subjects performed 15 min of cycle ergometer exercise at 70% of their predetermined peak oxygen consumption followed by 20 min of 1) active, 2) passive, or 3) inactive recovery. Mean skin temperature (Tsk), esophageal temperature (Tes), skin blood flow, sweating, cardiac output (CO), stroke volume (SV), heart rate (HR), total peripheral resistance (TPR), and MAP were recorded at baseline, end exercise, and 2, 5, 8, 12, 15, and 20 min postexercise. Cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) was calculated as the ratio of laser-Doppler blood flow to MAP. In the active recovery mode, CVC, sweat rate, MAP, CO, and SV remained elevated over inactive values (P < 0.05). The passive mode was equally as effective as the active mode in maintaining MAP. Sweat rate was different among all modes after 12 min of recovery (P < 0.05). TPR during active recovery remained significantly lower than during recovery in the inactive mode (P < 0.05). No differences in either Tes or Tsk were observed among conditions. The results indicate that CVC can be modulated by central command and possibly cardiopulmonary baroreceptors in women. However, differences in sweat rate may be influenced by factors such as central command, mechanoreceptor stimulation, or cardiopulmonary baroreceptors. 相似文献
Norms of lipoproteid blood composition in men are determined from examination of nonorganized men population at the age of 20-69 years (for each age decade separately in one of the Kiev regions). It is found that lipid distributions vary essentially up to 50 years: the content of cholesterol and triglyceride in blood plasma and cholesterol in high-density lipoproteids increases. Differences in the cholesterol amount in high density lipoproteids in all age groups are statistically insignificant. 相似文献