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Individuals of the shore crab Carcinus maenas were exposed to artificial cycles, applied in tidal antiphase, of pairs of the three major environmental variables that entrain circatidal rhythmicity in this species: salinity, temperature, and hydrostatic pressure. During entrainment, the observed locomotor activity patterns were dominated by exogenous responses to high pressure, low temperature, or low salinity. In subsequent constant conditions, many of the crabs showed bimodal circatidal rhythms, with peaks phased to the times of expected high-tide characteristics of high pressure, low temperature, or high salinity. Similar bimodal rhythms were induced by exposing freshly captured crabs, with free-running circatidal rhythms, to tidal antiphase cycles of each of the three environmental variables applied individually. The hypothesis that circatidal rhythmicity in this species is controlled by at least two separate circatidal oscillators, with differential sensitivities to specific cyclical environmental variables, is discussed.  相似文献   

Limulus polyphemus, the American horseshoe crab, has an endogenous clock that drives circatidal rhythms of locomotor activity. In this study, we examined the ability of artificial tides to entrain the locomotor rhythms of Limulus in the laboratory. In experiments one and two, the activity of 16 individuals of L. polyphemus was monitored with activity boxes and "running wheels." When the crabs were exposed to artificial tides created by changes in water depth, circatidal rhythms were observed in animals exposed to 12.4-h "tidal" cycles of either water depth changes (8 of 8 animals) or inundation (7 of 8 animals). In experiment three, an additional 8 animals were exposed to water depth changes under cyclic conditions of light and dark and then monitored for 10 days with no imposed artificial tides. Most animals (5) clearly synchronized their activity to the imposed artificial tidal cycles, and 3 of these animals showed clear evidence of entrainment after the artificial tides were terminated. Overall, these results demonstrate that the endogenous tidal clock that influences locomotion in Limulus can be entrained by imposed artificial tides. In the laboratory, these tidal cues override the influence of light/dark cycles. In their natural habitat, where both tidal and photoperiod inputs are typically always present, their activity rhythms are likely to be much more complex.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory experiments show that endogenous circatidal rhythms in coastal animals are entrained by exposure to real or simulated tidal cycles of hydrostatic pressure, temperature, salinity, wave agitation, immersion and light. Short pulses (2–3 h) of simulated high tide induce slight phase advances or delays in the free-running circatidal rhythm of groups of experimental animals, depending upon the time of application. Phase-response curves derived in this way are less clear-cut than for typical circadian rhythms, but their pattern suggests that tidally rhythmic behaviour is controlled by truly circatidal (and not circadian) oscillators. The underlying circatidal oscillators appear, in general, to be fairly stable, suggesting that populations of coastal animals are relatively unsusceptible to irregularly timed environmental stimuli associated, say, with severe storms.  相似文献   

1. A great number of vital processes are rhythmic and the rhythms quite often persist in constant conditions. The best-known rhythms are circadian; much less is known about circalunadian rhythms, and this review was prepared in an attempt to rectify this deficiency. All through the article comparisons are drawn between circalunadian and circacian rhythms. 2. Activity rhythms. (a) The activity patterns of 28 intertidal animals are discussed. All describe a periodicity with a basic component of 24.8 hours, and this approximate period persists in the laboratory in constant light and temperature and in the absence of the tides. The duration of persistence ranges from a few cycles to months, and is a function of the species studied, the conditions imposed, and individual tenacity. (b) In those few cases where relatively long-term observations have been made, there is a trend for the period of the rhythm to become circatidal, or better, circalunadian. (c) The ‘desired’ phase relationship between rhythm and tidal cycle is species-specific. Geographical translocation experiments have shown that the phase is set by the local tides. (d) In some cases the amplitude of the persistent rhythm mimics the semidiurnal inequality of the tides. (e) In about a third of the species discussed, a circadian component has been found combined with the tidal component. Many of the other studies were of such short duration that a low-amplitude circadian component would have gone unnoticed. (f) The tidal rhythm is innate. However, the rhythm is (i) sometimes lacking in organisms living in non-tidal habitats, or (ii) fades after a spell of incarceration in constant conditions. Various treatments — some aperiodic — can induce the expression of the missing tidal rhythm. (g) In the green crab, removal of the eyestalks destroys the activity rhythm. 3. Vertical migration rhythms. (a) A rather surprisingly large number of intertidal animals have been found to undergo migration rhythms between the upper layers of the substratum and its surface. The movements are synchronized with the tides in nature, but most species have either been shown to be diurnal in constant conditions, or in cases where adequate testing has not been done, suspected of being so. (b) In only one species has confirming work shown that the fundamental frequency is truly tidal. This finding is especially important as it shows that tidal rhythms need only the single-cell level of organization for expression. Even at this level there appears to be a dictatorial override by a circadian clock. 4. Colour change. Low-amplitude tidal rhythms in colour change — superimposed on a more dominant circadian change — have been reported to be intrinsic in four species and inducible in a fifth. 5. Oxygen consumption. Tidal rhythms in oxygen consumption have been described for seven invertebrates and one alga; six of the species have superimposed solar-day rhythmic components also. 6. Translocation. A total of five geographical translocation experiments, in which the organisms were maintained in constant conditions throughout, have been tried. Unequivocally in one case, and possibly in a second, the test organisms rephased spontaneously to the times commensurate with local tidal conditions. In two other cases, the pretranslocation phase was retained. The fifth experiment has not been reproducible. 7. Determination of phase. (a) The tidal cycle on the home shoreline sets the phase of the inhabitant's rhythms. Even the location of a crab's burrow on the beach incline can play a determining role. (b) Paradoxically, the periodic wetting by inundation is not an important entraining factor for most intertidal organisms. Instead, the effective portions of the tidal cycle include one or more of the following. (i) Mechanical agitation, especially for animals living in an uprush zone where they are periodically subjected to the pounding surf, (ii) Temperature cycles, though they have not yet been systematically investigated, have very pronounced entraining roles in crabs. (iii) Pressure is probably not a generally important entraining agent for most intertidal organisms, but it is so for the green crab. (c) Light-dark cycles in general, whether daily or tidal in length, have no effect on the entrainment or phase setting of many tidal rhythms. There are two exceptions: (i) a 24-hour light-dark cycle is known to keep a tidal locomotor rhythm (one that becomes circalunadian in constant conditions) at a strict tidal frequency. (ii) In rhythms with both daily and tidal components, when the former is shifted by light stimuli, the latter is affected in a nearly identical manner. 8. Temperature. (a) The role of temperature on tidal rhythms is compared with its role on circadian rhythms. (b) The effects of different constant temperatures have so far been studied on only four tidal rhythms. All studies indicate a lack of any permanent change in period, which is not so with most circadian rhythms; the latter having temperature coefficients around 1.1. In two of the studies the rhythms under test temperatures were followed for less than a day, and a third study cannot be repeated. (c) Short exposure to very cold temperature pulses produced a response that may be interpreted as a temporary stoppage of the clock. Exposure to relatively less-cold pulses appear simply to reset the hands of the clock. The same responses have been demonstrated with circadian rhythms. (d) In the case of green crabs, which had become arrhythmic during prolongued captivity in the laboratory, a tidal rhythm could be reinitiated by a single short cold treatment. The cold pulse also set the phase of the rhythm. (e) A few superficial studies employing temperature steps or pulses have produced results which suggest that a phase-change sensitivity rhythm — just like that found associated with circadian rhythms — may underlie tidal rhythms. Certainly a determined search for this rhythm should be made in the near future. 9. Clock control of rhythms. (a) An argument is constructed claiming that tidal rhythms have a basic period of about 24–8 hours rather than the more expected tidal interval of 12.4 hours. In constant conditions, a circalunadian period is usually displayed. (b) After speculating that a frequency-transforming coupler may function between the clock and the overt rhythm, reasons are given that lead to the further speculation that both circadian and circalunadian rhythms could be generated by a single clock, via specific coupling mechanisms. (c) Two current hypotheses concerning the nature of the clockworks are reviewed and discussed. (d) Suggestions are made for future investigations.  相似文献   

The circalunidian hypothesis that tidal rhythms in coastal animals are controlled by two lunar-day (c. 24.8 h) oscillators coupled in antiphase is challenged. Rhythmic locomotor activity patterns of the shore crab Carcinus maenas, and probably of some other species too, are more economically explained by interacting circadian (c. 24 h) and true circatidal (c. 12.4 h) physiological oscillators. A testable hypothesis is proposed that combines a circadian promotor and a circatidal inhibitor of locomotor activity.  相似文献   

American horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) exhibit clear circadian rhythms of visual sensitivity in the laboratory and in the field they exhibit seasonal patterns of mating behavior that are closely associated with the tides. Recent reports suggest that Limulus locomotor activity may be controlled by endogenous circadian and/or circatidal clocks and that light:dark (LD) cycles may affect the rhythmic output of both of these clocks. In this study, we examined locomotor behavior in the laboratory to determine the extent of this endogenous activity and to examine the influence of LD cycles on these rhythms. Thirty-three L. polyphemus were captured during the breeding season and their activity was monitored with activity boxes and “running wheels” in seawater kept at constant temperature and salinity. Activity patterns were analyzed using visual inspection of actograms and Chi-square and Lomb-Scargle periodograms. Overall, 36% of the animals was significantly more active during L, while only 12% was more active during D (52% showed no preference). Circatidal rhythms were observed in LD in 67% of the horseshoe crabs. Surprisingly, LD cycles appeared to synchronize these rhythms at times. In DD, the majority of animals tested (63%) exhibited circatidal rhythms that persisted for at least seven days. Overall, the results demonstrate that an endogenously controlled tidal rhythm of locomotion operates during, and significantly after, the breeding season in this species. In addition, the present results are consistent with the presence of circalunidian oscillators controlling these rhythms.  相似文献   

Melanerita atramentosa Reeve is active during high water and for a period after the ebb, until the substratum dries. A circatidal rhythm with an endogenous inequality between the diurnal and nocturnal high water activity is present in freshly collected snails placed under constant conditions (LL, 30 lux, temperature 21 °C, water level constant). The free-running period of the circatidal rhythm was approximately 24.3 h, slightly less than the tidal period of 24.8 h. This rhythm faded out after 4–6 days of constant conditions. Snails acclimated to non-tidal conditions were active at night. This rhythm persisted under constant conditions for 5–10 days, after which it too faded out. Shock-freezing re-initiated the circatidal rhythm, supporting a ‘multiple-clock’ hypothesis of control. Its limits entrainment are probably narrow, but an entrained periodicity persists for a number of cycles. A model of clock interaction and environmental influence is advanced.  相似文献   

The mole crab Emerita talpoida migrates with the tide in the swash zone of sand beaches. A circatidal rhythm in vertical swimming underlies movement, in which mature male crabs show peak swimming activity 1-2 h after the time of high tides at the collection site. In addition, there is a secondary rhythm in activity amplitude, in which crabs are maximally active following low amplitude high tides and minimally active following high amplitude high tides. The present study determined the phase response relationship for entrainment of the circatidal rhythm with mechanical agitation and whether the cycle in activity related to tidal amplitude could be entrained by a cycle in the duration of mechanical agitation at the times of consecutive high tides. After entrainment with mechanical agitation on an orbital shaker, activity of individual crabs was monitored in constant conditions with a video system and quantified as the number of ascents from the sand each 0.5 h. Mechanical agitation at the times of high tide, mid-ebb and low tide reset the timing of the circatidal rhythm according to the timing relationship to high tide. However, mechanical agitation during flood tide had no entrainment effect. In addition, a cycle in duration of mechanical agitation entrained the rhythm in activity amplitude associated with tidal amplitude. Both rhythms and entrainment effectiveness over the tidal cycle may function to reduce the likelihood of stranding above the swash zone.  相似文献   

The American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus (Linnaeus), typically inhabits estuaries and coastal areas with pronounced semi-diurnal and diurnal tides that are used to synchronize the timing of spawning, larval hatching, and emergence. Horseshoe crabs spawn in the intertidal zone of sandy beaches and larval emergence occurs when the larvae exit the sediments and enter the plankton. However, L. polyphemus populations also occur in areas that lack significant tidal changes and associated synchronization cues. Endogenous activity rhythms that match predictable environmental cycles may enable larval horseshoe crabs to time swimming activity to prevent stranding on the beach. To determine if L. polyphemus larvae possess a circatidal rhythm in vertical swimming, larvae collected from beach nests and the plankton were placed under constant conditions and their activity monitored for 72 h. Time-series analyses of the activity records revealed a circatidal rhythm with a free-running period of ≈ 12.5 h. Maximum swimming activity consistently occurred during the time of expected falling tides, which may serve to reduce the chance of larvae being stranded on the beach and aid in seaward transport by ebb currents (i.e., ebb-tide transport). To determine if agitation serves as the entrainment cue, larvae were shaken on a 12.4 h cycle to simulate conditions during high tide in areas with semi-diurnal tides. When placed under constant conditions, larval swimming increased near the expected times of agitation. Thus, endogenous rhythms of swimming activity of L. polyphemus larvae in both tidal and nontidal systems may help synchronize swimming activity with periods of high water and inundation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the entrainment of a larval release rhythm by determining whether a tidal cycle in hydrostatic pressure could entrain the circatidal rhythm in larval release by the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould). Ovigerous females were collected from a non-tidal estuary. The time of larval release by individual crabs was monitored under constant conditions with a time-lapse video system. Crabs with mature embryos at the time of collection had a pronounced circadian rhythm in larval release with a free running period of 25.1 h. Crabs with immature embryos that were maintained under constant conditions from the time of collection until larval release retained a weak circadian rhythm. Other crabs with immature embryos were exposed to a tidal cycle in step changes in hydrostatic pressure equivalent to 1 m of water. This cycle entrained a circatidal rhythm in larval release. The free-running period was 12.1 h and larvae were released at the time of the transition from low to high pressure. Although past studies demonstrated that a tidal cycle in hydrostatic pressure could entrain activity rhythms in crustaceans, this is the first study to show that pressure can entrain a larval release rhythm.  相似文献   

The diurnal modulation of circatidal activity was studied in freshly caught Eurydice pulchra of different feeding states. Apparently fully fed specimens displayed definite circadian modulation, with greatest tidal activity at the time of expected night‐time high tides, and apparently starved animals showed no circadian variation. Circatidal activity was also entrained in the laboratory using cycles of artificial agitation and the subsequent pattern of free‐running rhythmicity was studied. Animals fed prior to entrainment displayed definite diurnal modulation of the pattern of ciractidal swimming activity. Those fed after the entrainment regime, or not at all, displayed no apparent diurnal inequality of tidal activity peaks. No relationship between diurnal inequality and phototactic behaviour of freshly collected specimens was detected.  相似文献   

Juvenile American horseshoe crabs, Limulus polyphemus, express both daily and tidal rhythms. To determine if, and how, tidal cues influence the expression of these rhythms, we exposed 25 animals to artificial tides, and 17 to artificial tides with inundation, both with a 12:12 LD cycle. In the first experiment, 24% expressed daily rhythms of activity, 24% tidal rhythms, 12% a combination of the two, and the rest were arrhythmic. Under subsequent atidal conditions some expressed daily rhythms, but more were circatidal. In the second experiment, 6% expressed daily rhythms, 71% tidal, 12% a combination, and 12% were arrhythmic. Those expressing tidal rhythms were more active during flood/high tide, while daily animals tended to be nocturnal. Under subsequent constant conditions, the majority exhibited circatidal activity, with some expressing one activity bout per day. We conclude that juvenile horseshoe crabs entrain to artificial tides, with inundation cycles providing stronger cues than water depth changes.  相似文献   

Helcion pectunculus, a high-shore, crevice-dwelling limpet, is active during nocturnal low tides and during daytime low tides whilst in the shade. We examined whether this activity is controlled by an internal clock or purely by exogenous stimuli, such as light levels and tidal phase. Maximum entropy spectral analysis (MESA) revealed that the limpets possess a free-running endogenous rhythm of locomotor activity with both circadian (period 28.1 h) and circatidal (period 13.8 h) components. We suggest that this rhythm plays a role in allowing individuals to avoid unfavourable environmental conditions. The exogenous entrainment factor of the endogenous circatidal rhythm in H. pectunculus is the time of exposure to air, whilst the zeitgeber for the circadian component is not yet known. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The patterns of agonistic behaviour and substratum preferences were investigated in captive groups of juveniles of Lipophrys pholis (Blenniidae), Coryphoblennius galerita (Blenniidae) and Gobius cobitis (Gobiidae). In monospecific groups, size was an excellent predictor of the rank attained by each individual. In heterospecific groups, both C. galerita and L. pholis were dominant over G. cobitis of similar size, and C. galerita dominated L. pholis . Although G. cobitis showed higher rates of activity and of attacks per minute, and a higher ratio of attacks over threats, all these measures were depressed in the presence of either blenniid. In both blennies, in monospecific groups, the dominance rank of each fish was a good predictor of the time spent inside shelters. G. cobitis occupied preferentially the sandy substratum both in mono- and heterospecific groups. Both blennies, when in monospecific groups, occupied preferentially the rocky substratum, with C. galerita showing the highest level of selectivity. In nature, C. galerita also showed a marked preference for rocky substrata, while G. cobitis was especially abundant in mixed bottoms. L. pholis occupied an intermediate position. In the blenniids studied, competition for access to shelter may be one major functional consequence of agonistic behaviour in non-reproductive contexts.  相似文献   

Sand gobies ( Pomatoschistus minutus ) collected from beaches with a large tidal range (Scotland) exhibit a circatidal rhythm of activity in constant conditions in the laboratory. There is no endogenous circadian component to the rhythm. The phasing of the rhythm is such that peak activity occurs at the predicted time of ebb tide. Light-dark (LD) cycles applied in the laboratory have a marked effect on activity greatly enhancing it at night so that the original tidal rhythm becomes nocturnal. Some evidence was obtained that LD cycles can entrain a weak nocturnal circadian rhythm in fish removed from tidal conditions. Contrary to expectations, some fish from beaches with a small and unpredictable tidal range (Oslofjord, Norway) also show a weakly persistent circatidal thythm without an endogenous circadian component, but great variability was noticed between individual fish. Laboratory LD cycles did not entrain a persistent circadian rhythm in the fish from the Oslofjord.  相似文献   

The endogenous rhythm of swimming activity shown by the estuarine amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas) has been studied in animals subjected to periodic inundation under controlled laboratory conditions. A rhythm of circatidal frequency which persisted under constant conditions was recorded in animals entrained to cycles of 8-, 12- and 24-h periods, whereas animals entrained to 6-h cycles appeared to follow the entraining regimen directly, although the free running rhythm was less distinct. Cycles of 4-h period failed to induce rhythmicity. The results support the hypothesis that the endogenous oscillator has a circatidal frequency.

The period for which the animals are submerged is important with regard to entrainment but the effective parameters of the imposed regimen are incompletely understood in this respect.  相似文献   

The cumacean Dimorphostylis asiatica (Crustacea) exhibits a circatidal swimming activity rhythm. The animals were exposed to a 12.5 hr sinusoidal change of hydrostatic pressure of 0.3 atm amplitude in the laboratory. Under constant dark conditions, most of the specimens were entrained to a daily bimodal swimming activity rhythm by the hydrostatic pressure cycle. A small number of individuals exhibited a unimodal daily rhythm, with no apparent entraining from the administered cycles. A marked feature was a flexible phase relationship between the entrained daily bimodal rhythm and the hydrostatic pressure cycles: the swimming activity of most of the specimens occurred around the pressure-decreasing phase, but for a small number of individuals it coincided with the pressure-increasing phase. Such flexibility suggests a weak entraining effect of hydrostatic pressure on the circatidal rhythm of this species. When exposed to 24 hr light-dark cycles and a hydrostatic pressure cycle simultaneously, the specimens exhibited a rhythmic activity entrained by the hydrostatic pressure cycle during the dark period, which closely resembles the temporal activity pattern of this species in the field. The light cycles entrained the swimming activity via direct inhibition and induction of activity (i.e., masking). Under light-dark conditions, the specimens exhibited activity on the pressure-increasing phase more frequently compared with specimens kept in constant darkness.  相似文献   

The burrow emergence activity of the wild caught ragworm Nereis virens Sars associated with food prospecting was investigated under various photoperiodic (LD) and simulated tidal cycles (STC) using a laboratory based actograph. Just over half (57%) of the animals under LD with STC displayed significant tidal (~12.4 h) and/or lunar‐day (~24.8 h) activity patterns. Under constant light (LL) plus a STC, 25% of all animals were tidal, while one animal responded with a circadian (24.2 h) activity rhythm suggestive of cross‐modal entrainment where the environmental stimulus of one period entrains rhythmic behavior of a different period. All peaks of activity under a STC, apart from that of the individual cross‐modal entrainment case, coincided with the period of tank flooding. Under only LD without a STC, 49% of the animals showed nocturnal (~24 h) activity. When animals were maintained under free‐running LL conditions, 15% displayed significant rhythmicity with circatidal and circadian/circalunidian periodicities. Although activity cycles in N. virens at the population level are robust, at the individual level they are particularly labile, suggesting complex biological clock‐control with multiple clock output pathways.  相似文献   

The gobiid fishes of temperate Macaronesia (eastern Atlantic)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In recent years entrainment conditions for mutually-coupled, non-linear oscillators have been studied for a number of biomedical applications and using different analytical methods. The emphasis has been on entrainment between oscillators of similar frequencies. In this paper entrainment conditions are considered for oscillators having intrinsic frequency ratio of about 3:1 and which exhibit integer-ratio synchronization. This condition has application in the study of blood pressure regulation particularly in relation to respiratory effects. Coupling has been observed between respiration and the vasomotor activity associated with the baroreceptor reflex, which has an intrinsic 0·1 Hz component. At normal breathing frequencies the frequency ratio of the respiratory and vasomotor components is in the region of 3:1 hence integer-ratio entrainment is feasible. Using a coupled van der Pol model the entrainment zones for different parameters are described. The parameters considered allow for varying amounts of output, output rate and delay in the intercoupling structure. In particular, it is shown that the entrainment regions are strongly affected by the nature of the coupling. Within these zones the harmonic balance method is developed to provide an analytical solution to frequency, amplitudes and phase conditions. The assumed solution is valid only for certain regions of the stability zones and the reason for this is demonstrated and the means whereby this can be overcome are indicated.  相似文献   

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