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Mechanisms of intracellular ice formation.   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The phenomenon of intracellular freezing in cells was investigated by designing experiments with cultured mouse fibroblasts on a cryomicroscope to critically assess the current hypotheses describing the genesis of intracellular ice: (a) intracellular freezing is a result of critical undercooling; (b) the cytoplasm is nucleated through aqueous pores in the plasma membrane; and (c) intracellular freezing is a result of membrane damage caused by electrical transients at the ice interface. The experimental data did not support any of these theories, but was consistent with the hypothesis that the plasma membrane is damaged at a critical gradient in osmotic pressure across the membrane, and intracellular freezing occurs as a result of this damage. An implication of this hypothesis is that mathematical models can be used to design protocols to avoid damaging gradients in osmotic pressure, allowing new approaches to the preservation of cells, tissues, and organs by rapid cooling.  相似文献   

Intracellular ice crystallization was studied by the method of cryomicroscopy in the systems modeling a biological suspension, such as erythrocyte concentrates. Initiation of crystallization by extracellular ice through hydrophilic channels has been shown to be the most probable mechanism of intracellular ice formation.  相似文献   

The occurrence of intracellular ice formation (IIF) during freezing, or the lack there of, is the single most important factor determining whether or not cells survive cryopreservation. One important determinant of IIF is the temperature at which a supercooled cell nucleates. To avoid intracellular ice formation, the cell must be cooled slowly enough so that osmotic dehydration eliminates nearly all cell supercooling before reaching that temperature. This report is concerned with factors that determine the nucleation temperature in mouse oocytes. Chief among these is the concentration of cryoprotective additive (here, glycerol or ethylene glycol). The temperature for IIF decreases from -14 degrees C in buffered isotonic saline (PBS) to -41 degrees C in 1M glycerol/PBS and 1.5M ethylene glycol/PBS. The latter rapidly permeates the oocyte; the former does not. The initial extracellular freezing at -3.9 to -7.8 degrees C, depending on the CPA concentration, deforms the cell. In PBS that deformation often leads to IIF; in CPA it does not. The oocytes are surrounded by a zona pellucida. That structure appears to impede the growth of external ice through it, but not to block it. In most cases, IIF is characterized by an abrupt blackening or flashing during cooling. But in some cases, especially with dezonated oocytes, a pale brown veil abruptly forms during cooling followed by slower blackening during warming. Above -30 degrees C, flashing occurs in a fraction of a second. Below -30 degrees C, it commonly occurs much more slowly. We have observed instances where flashing is accompanied by the abrupt ejection of cytoplasm. During freezing, cells lie in unfrozen channels between the growing external ice. From phase diagram data, we have computed the fraction of water and solution that remains unfrozen at the observed flash temperatures and the concentrations of salt and CPA in those channels. The results are somewhat ambiguous as to which of these characteristics best correlates with IIF.  相似文献   

Cryomicroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to characterize the incidence of intracellular ice formation (IIF) in 12- to 13-hr-old embryos of Drosophila melanogaster (Oregon-R strain P2) as influenced by the state of the eggcase (untreated, dechorionated, or permeabilized), the composition of the suspending medium (with and without cryoprotectants), and the cooling rate. Untreated eggs underwent IIF over a very narrow temperature range when cooled at 4 or 16 degrees C/min with a median temperature of intracellular ice formation (TIIF50) of -28 degrees C. The freezable water volume of untreated eggs was approximately 5.4 nl as determined by DSC. IIF in dechorionated eggs occurred over a much broader temperature range (-13 to -31 degrees C), but the incidence of IIF increased sharply below -24 degrees C, and the cumulative incidence of IIF at -24 degrees C decreased with cooling rate. In permeabilized eggs without cryoprotectants (CPAs), IIF occurred at much warmer temperatures and over a much wider temperature range than in untreated eggs, and the TIIF50 was cooling rate dependent. At low cooling rates (1 to 2 degrees C/min), TIIF50 increased with cooling rate; at intermediate cooling rates (2 to 16 degrees C/min), TIIF50 decreased with cooling rate. The total incidence of IIF in permeabilized eggs was 54% at 1 degree C/min, and volumetric contraction almost always occurred during cooling. Decreasing the cooling rate to 0.5 degree C/min reduced the incidence of IIF to 43%. At a cooling rate of 4 degrees C/min, ethylene glycol reduced the TIIF50 by about 12 degrees C for each unit increase in molarity of CPA (up to 2.0 M) in the suspending medium. The TIIF50 was cooling rate dependent when embryos were preequilibrated with 1.0 M propylene glycol or ethylene glycol, but was not so in 1.0 M DMSO. For embryos equilibrated in 1.5 M ethylene glycol and then held at -5 degrees C for 1 min before further cooling at 1 degree C/min, the incidence of IIF was decreased to 31%. Increasing the duration of the isothermal hold to 10 min reduced the incidence of IIF to 22% and reduced the volume of freezable water in embryos when intracellular ice formation occurred. If the isothermal hold temperature was -7.5 or -10 degrees C, a 10- to 30-min holding time was required to achieve a comparable reduction in the incidence of IIF.  相似文献   

A high-speed video cryomicroscopy system was developed, and used to observe the process of intracellular ice formation (IIF) during rapid freezing (130 °C/min) of bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells adherent to glass substrates, or in suspension. Adherent cells were micropatterned, constraining cell attachment to reproducible circular or rectangular domains. Employing frame rates of 8000 frames/s and 16,000 frames/s to record IIF in micropatterned and suspended cells, respectively, intracellular crystal growth manifested as a single advancing front that initiated from a point source within the cell, and traveled at velocities of 0.0006-0.023 m/s. Whereas this primary crystallization process resulted in minimal change in cell opacity, the well-known flashing phenomenon (i.e., cell darkening) was shown to be a secondary event that does not occur until after the ice front has traversed the cell. In cells that were attached and spread on a substrate, IIF initiation sites were preferentially localized to the peripheral zone of the adherent cells. This non-uniformity in the spatial distribution of crystal centers contradicts predictions based on common theories of IIF, and provides evidence for a novel mechanism of IIF in adherent cells. A second IIF mechanism was evident in ∼20% of attached cells. In these cases, IIF was preceded by paracellular ice penetration; the initiation site of the subsequent IIF event was correlated with the location of the paracellular ice dendrite, indicating an association (and possibly a causal relationship) between the two. Together, the peripheral-zone and dendrite-associated initiation mechanisms accounted for 97% of IIF events in micropatterned cells.  相似文献   

A small-volume fluorescent dye viability assay has been successfully applied to a conduction cryomicroscope freezing-thawing stage as a means of determining post-thaw survival of the nucleated mammalian cell HeLa S-3. The survival signature for HeLa S-3 cells has been determined, revealing an optimum cooling rate of −30 °C/min where the maximum survival is 30%. No cells survive for cooling rates greater than −128 °C/min and the decreased survival at supraoptimal cooling rates coincides with a linear increase in the percentage of cells containing intracellular ice from 0% at −16 °C/min to 100% at −128 °C/min.Although no data were taken to identify increased salt concentration as the mechanism responsible for cell injury at suboptimal cooling rates, the post-thaw leakage of intracellular fluorescent dye at these rates takes approximately 4–10 min as opposed to instantaneous release of dye for cells which contain ice at the high cooling rates. This indicates two modes of damage.Cell number density has been identified as an important parameter in freezing studies since survival can be enhanced at slow rates by packing cells together in groups. Packing also causes a greater fraction of the cells in a sample to have intracellular ice present, thus decreasing survival at the faster rates. These responses can be explained by assuming that the outer cells in a group protect the inner ones from solution damage at slow rates, yet restrict water flux from the inner cells at faster rates, causing an increased likelihood of intracellular ice formation. Both of these results are consistent with the dual-mechanism freezing damage theory proposed by Mazur.  相似文献   

When cooled at rapid rates to temperatures between −10 and −30°C, the incidence of intracellular ice formation was less in protoplasts enzymically isolated from cold acclimated leaves of rye (Secale cereale L. cv Puma) than that observed in protoplasts isolated from nonacclimated leaves. The extent of supercooling of the intracellular solution at any given temperature increased in both nonacclimated and acclimated protoplasts as the rate of cooling increased. There was no unique relationship between the extent of supercooling and the incidence of intracellular ice formation in either nonacclimated or acclimated protoplasts. In both nonacclimated and acclimated protoplasts, the extent of intracellular supercooling was similar under conditions that resulted in the greatest difference in the incidence of intracellular ice formation—cooling to −15 or −20°C at rates of 10 or 16°C/minute. Further, the hydraulic conductivity determined during freeze-induced dehydration at −5°C was similar for both nonacclimated and acclimated protoplasts. A major distinction between nonacclimated and acclimated protoplasts was the temperature at which nucleation occurred. In nonacclimated protoplasts, nucleation occurred over a relatively narrow temperature range with a median nucleation temperature of −15°C, whereas in acclimated protoplasts, nucleation occurred over a broader temperature range with a median nucleation temperature of −42°C. We conclude that the decreased incidence of intracellular ice formation in acclimated protoplasts is attributable to an increase in the stability of the plasma membrane which precludes nucleation of the supercooled intracellular solution and is not attributable to an increase in hydraulic conductivity of the plasma membrane which purportedly precludes supercooling of the intracellular solution.  相似文献   

The rates of cooling of tissue packages quenched in liquid nitrogen were investigated using microthermocouples. By assembling tissue packages from a standard 200-μm tissue slice a microthermocouple could be positioned at different depths within the package. Results showed that for a given mass of tissue the rates of cooling at different depths were the same. When the tissue mass was varied the rates of cooling at a fixed depth decreased with increasing tissue mass.The ice crystal formations produced when tissues are quenched in liquid nitrogen were investigated using freeze substitution. Assemblies of rabbit cornea of different thicknesses were quenched in liquid nitrogen and freeze substituted. The size of the ice crystal cavities produced during the quenching increased with increasing tissue mass, exhibiting a saturation size for the larger tissue masses. There was no obvious size distribution of the ice crystal cavities across the thickness of the corneas.The results suggest an “isotherm” model for the quenching conditions used in these experiments, there being small or negligible temperature gradients through the tissue which uniformly cools at a fixed rate.  相似文献   

Intracellular ice formation (IIF) is the major cause of death in cells subjected to freezing. The occurrence of intracellular ice prevents the penetration of light into the camera and makes the image dark. Therefore, the gray-level variation can reflect the IIF. However, cell deformation is accompanied with IIF, especially for larger cells. It is necessary to account this entire phenomenon together in a single method. In this paper, the normalized parameter C defined by the gray-level variation depending on the displacement was defined to reflect the gray-level change of each pixel point in the region of interest of the image. The process of IIF of onion epidermal cells and 293T cells was analyzed by this method.  相似文献   

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