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作者对国产伤寒Vi多糖菌苗和法国Merieux产伤寒Vi多糖菌苗人体接种反应及血清抗体应答情况进行比较,接种后6~8小时法国菌苗的体温反应同国产菌苗相比有显著性差异(x2=5.347,0.25>P>0.01),24小时后反应消失,免后一月国产菌苗和法国菌苗Vi抗体四倍增长率分别为91.80%和89.6%(x2=0.164,P>0.05),GMT分别为36.94和35.49(t=0.653,P>0.05),二者均无显著性差异。  相似文献   

目的:研究接种两种不同剂型的乙肝疫苗(Hepatitis B vaccine,Hep B)(包括10μg CHO基因工程乙肝疫苗(以下简称10μg Hep B)与5μg重组酵母乙肝疫苗(以下简称5μg Hep B))后不同时间,新生儿体内免疫水平的变化,为新生儿乙肝疫苗的接种提供科学依据。方法:选择2016年7月1日-2018年12月1日在青岛大学附属医院接种且按照0、1、6个月免疫程序完成乙型肝炎疫苗全程接种的,采用化学放光法测定血清中抗体水平,比较接种10μg与5μg Hep B后不同时间新生儿体内抗体变化。结果:接种1、6和12月后,10μg Hep B组新生儿低无应答率显著低于5μg Hep B组,而肝表面抗体滴度明显高于5μg Hep B组(P0.05);12个月后,两组新生儿乙肝表面抗体滴度均呈现下降趋势;10μg Hep B组新生儿乙肝表面抗体阳性率仍显著高于5μg Hep B组(P0.05)。结论:新生儿接种10μg Hep B的免疫效果优于5μg Hep B。  相似文献   

Observations were made on 26 infants delivered by elective caesarean section under general anaesthesia. A standard anaesthetic technique was employed using a methohexitone, relaxant, nitrous oxide-oxygen sequence with regulated ventilation and the administration of papaveretum after clamping the umbilical cord. In 12 patients the induction dose of methohexitone was 1·4mg/kg and in 14 it was reduced to 1·0 mg/kg. There were no significant differences between the two groups in the clinical status of the mothers, in operative technique and timing, or in the value of PO2, PCO2, and pH in the umbilical cord venous blood.The infants whose mothers received the lower dose of methohexitone were in better condition, as assessed by the number needing assisted ventilation, the time taken to establish regular respiration, the Apgar score, and the “Apgar minus colour” score.  相似文献   

本文研究人体接种流行性出血热(EHF)灭活疫苗总量为三毫升时,比较观察分三次接种和分二次接种的反应及免疫效果。试验分三组进行,第一组根据常规方法0、7、28天免疫三针,每针1毫升;第二组0、28天免疫二针,每针1.5毫升;第三组0、28天免疫二针,第一针2毫升,第二针1毫升。结果三组均未发生全身或局部的不良反应,末针15—30天,采血测定EHF中和抗体,阳转率分别为87.1%、79.4%和76.6%经统计处理三组无明显差别。  相似文献   

不同月龄婴儿接种DTP后血清中百日咳抗体水平的观测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对比观察了213例2月龄、3月龄婴儿接种DTP后百日咳抗体水平的变化,探讨了母传抗体对免后抗体增长的影响。结果表明2月龄、3月龄婴儿DTP免疫后1个月和3个月血清中百日咳抗体达保护水平的百分率无显著性差异(x ̄2=0.036,p>0.9;x ̄2=0.327,p>0.5),免后1个月抗体GMT无显著性差异(t=0.17,p>0.5),免后3个月抗体GMT3月龄组高于2月龄组(t=2.22,p<0.05)。我们还发现免前抗体水平与免后1个月GMT虽有负相关(r=—0,754)的倾向,但总体上对抑制免后抗体应答不明显,因而建议将儿童DTP基础免疫的起始月龄提前至2月龄进行。  相似文献   

IL-18 DNA免疫对HIV-1核酸疫苗诱导的免疫应答的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究白细胞介素-18(IL-18)基因对人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)核酸疫苗诱导免疫应答的影响,将人IL-18基因插入到真核表达载体pVAX1中,构建了真核表达载体pVAX1-IL-18;将pCI-neoGAG联合pVAX1-IL-18或者pCI-neoGAG单独免疫Balb/c小鼠,检测免疫小鼠的特异性抗体和IFN-γ,同时观察免疫小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖和小鼠特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)反应.酶切及测序结果表明成功地构建了人IL-18基因真核表达载体;与pCI-neoGAG免疫组比较,pCI-neoGAG联合pVAX1-IL-18免疫组小鼠血清的抗HIV-1p24抗体滴度降低(P<0.01);而与pCI-neoGAG免疫组比较,pCI-neoGAG联合pVAX1-IL-18免疫组小鼠血清的IFN-γ升高(P<0.01);pCI-neoGAG联合pVAX1-IL-18免疫组小鼠的脾淋巴细胞增殖实验刺激指数(SI)以及特异性CTL活性均高于pCI-neoGAG免疫组(P<0.01).IL-18基因联合HIV-1核酸疫苗免疫小鼠,可能增强特异性Th1细胞和CTL反应,白细胞介素-18基因对体液免疫有抑制作用.  相似文献   

IL—18DNA免疫对HIV—1核酸疫苗诱导的免疫应答的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究白细胞介素-18(IL-18)基因对人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)核酸疫苗诱导免疫应答的影响,将人IL-18基因插入到真核表达载体pVAX1中,构建了真核表达载体pVAX1-IL-18;将pCI-neoGAG联合pVAX1-IL-18或者pCI-neoGAG单独免疫Balb/c小鼠,检测免疫小鼠的特异性抗体和IFN-γ,同时观察免疫小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖和小鼠特异性细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)反应。酶切及测序结果表明成功地构建了人IL-18基因真核表达载体;与pCI-neoGAG免疫组比较,pCI-neoGAG联合pVAX1-IL-18免疫组小鼠血清的抗HIV-1p24抗体滴度降低(P<0.01);而与pCI-neoGAG免疫组比较,pCI-neoGAG联合pVAX1-IL-18免疫组小鼠血清的IFN-γ升高(P<0.01);pCI-neoGAG联合pVAX1-IL-18免疫组小鼠的脾淋巴细胞增殖实验刺激指数(SI)以及特异性CTL活性均高于pCI-neoGAG免疫组(P<0.01)。IL-18基因联合HIV-1核酸疫苗免疫小鼠,可能增强特异性Th1细胞和CTL反应,白细胞介素-18基因对体液免疫有抑制作用。  相似文献   

目的:了解乙肝表面抗原阴性(HBsAg阴性)母亲及其婴儿乙肝疫苗接种情况及抗-HBs滴度水平,从而为今后针对该特殊人群进行更好的乙肝疫苗免疫策略提供依据。方法:2010年5月~2010年10月,对陕西省227对HBsAg阴性母亲及其婴幼儿(月龄为8~24月)进行流行病学调查并采集血液标本,对母婴血清抗-HBs进行定性及定量检测。结果:母亲乙肝表面抗体(抗-HBs)阳性率为45.4%,抗-HBs平均滴度为12.88 mIU/mL(95%CI:8.91-18.19)。婴儿乙肝疫苗首针、第二针和第三针的及时接种率分别为95.2%,93.8%和85.9%。婴儿抗-HBs阳性率为77.1%,抗-HBs平均滴度为37.15 mIU/mL(95%CI:28.18-48.98)。结论:婴儿乙肝疫苗首针及时接种率较高,但三针全程及时接种率仍需提高。母亲抗-HBs阳性率较低,应当重视HBsAg阴性孕龄妇女的乙肝疫苗接种及乙肝标志物的检测,从而提高该人群的乙肝免疫水平。  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest the potential involvement of CD8+ T cells in the pathogenesis of murine hypertension. We recently reported that immunization with apoB-100 related peptide, p210, modified CD8+ T cell function in angiotensin II (AngII)-infused apoE (-/-) mice. In this study, we hypothesized that p210 vaccine modulates blood pressure in AngII-infused apoE (-/-) mice. Male apoE (-/-) mice were immunized with p210 vaccine and compared to unimmunized controls. At 10 weeks of age, mice were subcutaneously implanted with an osmotic pump which released AngII for 4 weeks. At 13 weeks of age, p210 immunized mice showed significantly lower blood pressure response to AngII compared to controls. CD8+ T cells from p210 immunized mice displayed a different phenotype compared to CD8+ T cells from unimmunized controls. Serum creatinine and urine albumin to creatinine ratio were significantly decreased in p210 immunized mice suggesting that p210 vaccine had renal protective effect. At euthanasia, inflammatory genes IL-6, TNF-α, and MCP-1 in renal tissue were down-regulated by p210 vaccine. Renal fibrosis and pro-fibrotic gene expression were also significantly reduced in p210 immunized mice. To assess the role of CD8+ T cells in these beneficial effects of p210 vaccine, CD8+ T cells were depleted by CD8 depleting antibody in p210 immunized mice. p210 immunized mice with CD8+ T cell depletion developed higher blood pressure compared to mice receiving isotype control. Depletion of CD8+ T cells also increased renal fibrotic gene expression compared to controls. We conclude that immunization with p210 vaccine attenuated AngII-induced hypertension and renal fibrosis. CD8+ T cells modulated by p210 vaccine could play an important role in the anti-hypertensive, anti-fibrotic and renal-protective effect of p210 vaccine.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Attempts to immunize aged subjects often result in the failure to elicit a protective immune response. Murine model studies have shown that oligonucleotides containing CpG motifs (CpG ODN) can stimulate immune system in aged mice as effectively as in young mice. Since many physiological and pathophysiological data of pigs can be transferred to humans, research in pigs is important to confirm murine data. Here we investigated whether immunization of aged pig model with attenuated pseudorabies virus vaccine (PRV vaccine) formulated with CpG ODN could promote a successful development of immune responses that were comparable to those induced in young pigs in a similar manner.


Young and aged pigs were immunized IM with PRV vaccine alone, or in combination with CpG ODN respectively. At days 3, 7, 14 post immunization sera were assayed by ELISA for IgG titres, at day 7 for IgG1 and IgG2 subtypes titres. All blood samples collected in evacuated test tubes with K-EDTA at day 7 were analyzed for flow cytometer assay. Blood samples at day 7 collected in evacuated test tubes with heparin were analysed for antigen-specific cytokines production and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) proliferative responses.


CpG ODN could enhance Th1 responses (PRV-specific IgG2/IgG1 ratio, proliferative responses, Th1 cytokines production) when used as an adjuvant for the vaccination of aged pigs, which were correlated with enhanced CD4+ T cells percentage, decreased CD4+CD8+CD45RO+ T cells percentage and improved PRV-specific CD4+ T cells activation.


Our results demonstrate a utility for CpG ODN, as a safe vaccine adjuvant for promoting effective systemic immune responses in aged pig model. This agent could have important clinical uses in overcoming some of age-associated depressions in immune function that occur in response to vaccination.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza A viruses of the H5N1 subtype continue to circulate in poultry, and zoonotic transmissions are reported frequently. Since a pandemic caused by these highly pathogenic viruses is still feared, there is interest in the development of influenza A/H5N1 virus vaccines that can protect humans against infection, preferably after a single vaccination with a low dose of antigen. Here we describe the induction of humoral and cellular immune responses in ferrets after vaccination with a cell culture-derived whole inactivated influenza A virus vaccine in combination with the novel adjuvant CoVaccine HT. The addition of CoVaccine HT to the influenza A virus vaccine increased antibody responses to homologous and heterologous influenza A/H5N1 viruses and increased virus-specific cell-mediated immune responses. Ferrets vaccinated once with a whole-virus equivalent of 3.8 μg hemagglutinin (HA) and CoVaccine HT were protected against homologous challenge infection with influenza virus A/VN/1194/04. Furthermore, ferrets vaccinated once with the same vaccine/adjuvant combination were partially protected against infection with a heterologous virus derived from clade 2.1 of H5N1 influenza viruses. Thus, the use of the novel adjuvant CoVaccine HT with cell culture-derived inactivated influenza A/H5N1 virus antigen is a promising and dose-sparing vaccine approach warranting further clinical evaluation.Since the first human case of infection with a highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus of the H5N1 subtype in 1997 (9, 10, 37), hundreds of zoonotic transmissions have been reported, with a high case-fatality rate (10, 44). Since these viruses continue to circulate among domestic birds and human cases are regularly reported, it is feared that they will adapt to their new host or exchange gene segments with other influenza A viruses, become transmissible from human to human, and cause a new pandemic. Recently, a novel influenza A virus of the H1N1 subtype emerged. This virus, which originated from pigs, was transmitted between humans efficiently, resulting in the first influenza pandemic of the 21st century (8, 45). Although millions of people have been inoculated with the (H1N1)2009 virus, the case-fatality rate was relatively low compared to that for infections with the H5N1 viruses (11, 31). However, the unexpected pandemic caused by influenza A/H1N1(2009) viruses has further highlighted the importance of rapid availability of safe and effective pandemic influenza virus vaccines. Other key issues for the development of pandemic influenza A virus vaccines include optimal use of the existing (limited) capacity for production of viral antigen and effectiveness against viruses that are antigenically distinct. Ideally, a single administration of a low dose of antigen would be sufficient to induce protective immunity against the homologous strain and heterologous antigenic variant strains. However, since the population at large will be immunologically naïve to a newly introduced virus, high doses of antigen are required to induce protective immunity in unprimed subjects (23, 36). The use of safe and effective adjuvants in pandemic influenza virus vaccines is considered a dose-sparing strategy. Clinical trials evaluating candidate inactivated influenza A/H5N1 virus vaccines showed that the use of adjuvants can increase their immunogenicity and broaden the specificity of the induced antibody responses (2, 7, 19, 23, 27, 36, 41). These research efforts have resulted in the licensing of adjuvanted vaccines against seasonal and pandemic influenza viruses (17). The protective efficacy of immune responses induced with candidate influenza A/H5N1 virus vaccines was demonstrated in ferrets after two immunizations (1, 22, 24, 25) or after a single immunization. The latter was achieved with a low dose of antigen in combination with the adjuvant Iscomatrix (26).Recently, a novel adjuvant that consists of a sucrose fatty acid sulfate ester (SFASE) immobilized on the oil droplets of a submicrometer emulsion of squalane in water has been developed (4). It has been demonstrated that the addition of this novel adjuvant, called CoVaccine HT, to multiple antigens increased the immune response to these antigens in pigs and horses and was well tolerated in both species (4, 16, 40). Furthermore, it was shown that the use of CoVaccine HT increased the virus-specific antibody responses in mice and ferrets after vaccination with a cell culture-derived whole inactivated influenza A/H5N1 virus vaccine (5, 13). One of the mode of actions of CoVaccine HT is the activation of antigen-presenting cells such as dendritic cells, most likely through Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling (5).In the present study, we evaluated the protective potential of CoVaccine HT-adjuvanted cell culture-derived whole inactivated influenza A/H5N1 virus (WIV) vaccine in the ferret model, which is considered the most suitable animal model for the evaluation of candidate influenza virus vaccines (6, 14, 15). To this end, ferrets were vaccinated once or twice with various antigen doses with or without the adjuvant to test whether dose sparing could be achieved. The use of CoVaccine HT increased virus-specific antibody responses and T cell responses. A single administration of 3.8 μg hemagglutinin (HA) of WIV NIBRG-14 vaccine preparation in combination with CoVaccine HT conferred protection against challenge infection with the homologous highly pathogenic A/H5N1 virus strain A/VN/1194/04 and partial protection against infection with a heterologous, antigenically distinct strain, A/IND/5/05. Therefore, it was concluded that the use of CoVaccine HT in inactivated influenza virus vaccines induced protective virus-specific humoral and cell-mediated immune responses and that it could be suitable as adjuvant in (pre)pandemic A/H5N1 virus vaccines. Further clinical testing of these candidate vaccines seems to be warranted.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV)感染是我国常见病及多发病。HBV难以清除的原因之一就是机体的免疫功能障碍。目前虽然基因重组HBV表面抗原 (HBsAg)疫苗预防HBV感染取得了较好的效果 ,但基因重组HBsAg疫苗主要能诱导特异性体液免疫 ,不能刺激机体的细胞免疫应答。近年来发现基因疫苗可诱导机体产生细胞及体液免疫反应 ,特别是诱导细胞免疫反应的能力优于蛋白、多肽类疫苗 ,更适应于慢性病毒感染的预防与治疗[1,2 ] 。为了探讨应用HBV基因疫苗预防HBV感染的可能性 ,本文构建了HBV全S基因和HBsAg基因疫苗 ,观察和比…  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒全S基因疫苗诱导小鼠的特异性免疫应答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染是我国常见病及多发病.HBV难以清除的原因之一就是机体的免疫功能障碍.目前虽然基因重组HBV表面抗原(HBsAg)疫苗预防HBV感染取得了较好的效果,但基因重组HBsAg疫苗主要能诱导特异性体液免疫,不能刺激机体的细胞免疫应答.近年来发现基因疫苗可诱导机体产生细胞及体液免疫反应,特别是诱导细胞免疫反应的能力优于蛋白、多肽类疫苗,更适应于慢性病毒感染的预防与治疗[1,2].为了探讨应用HBV基因疫苗预防HBV感染的可能性,本文构建了HBV全S基因和HBsAg基因疫苗,观察和比较了这两种疫苗经肌肉注射接种到Balb/C小鼠体内后的细胞及体液免疫功能的变化.  相似文献   

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