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以UNCG、GNRA、CUUG(N=A、U、C或G,R=G或A)为端环能够形成稳定的、保守的发夹结构。高分辨率的溶液结构、晶体结构和计算机模拟等方法从原子水平上解析了这些发夹特殊的结构特征。在体内,它们发挥着重要的生物学功能:在折叠过程中作为折叠的起始位置帮助组织RNA分子正确折叠;与核酸受体结合参与三级相互作用;与蛋白质发生相互作用;阻止逆转录酶的延伸等等。另外,由于C(UUCG)G发夹极其稳定的特征,在体外RNA分子的实验测定中它还是稳定核酸结构的理想工具。这些稳定的发夹广泛分布于体内rRNA、催化RNA和非编码mRNA中。但在对人类编码区mRNA结构特征的研究当中,却未发现C(UUCG)G发夹。  相似文献   

In the absence of chaperone molecules, RNA folding is believed to depend on the distribution of kinetic traps in the energy landscape of all secondary structures. Kinetic traps in the Nussinov energy model are precisely those secondary structures that are saturated, meaning that no base pair can be added without introducing either a pseudoknot or base triple. In this paper, we compute the asymptotic expected number of hairpins in saturated structures. For instance, if every hairpin is required to contain at least θ=3 unpaired bases and the probability that any two positions can base-pair is p=3/8, then the asymptotic number of saturated structures is 1.34685?n ?3/2?1.62178 n , and the asymptotic expected number of hairpins follows a normal distribution with mean $0.06695640 \cdot n + 0.01909350 \cdot\sqrt{n} \cdot\mathcal{N}$ . Similar results are given for values θ=1,3, and p=1,1/2,3/8; for instance, when θ=1 and p=1, the asymptotic expected number of hairpins in saturated secondary structures is 0.123194?n, a value greater than the asymptotic expected number 0.105573?n of hairpins over all secondary structures. Since RNA binding targets are often found in hairpin regions, it follows that saturated structures present potentially more binding targets than nonsaturated structures, on average. Next, we describe a novel algorithm to compute the hairpin profile of a given RNA sequence: given RNA sequence a 1,…,a n , for each integer k, we compute that secondary structure S k having minimum energy in the Nussinov energy model, taken over all secondary structures having k hairpins. We expect that an extension of our algorithm to the Turner energy model may provide more accurate structure prediction for particular RNAs, such as tRNAs and purine riboswitches, known to have a particular number of hairpins. Mathematica? computations, C and Python source code, and additional supplementary information are available at the website http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/RNAhairpinProfile/.  相似文献   

T4 RNA ligase 2 (Rnl2) exemplifies a family of RNA-joining enzymes that includes protozoan RNA-editing ligases. Rnl2 efficiently seals 3'-OH/5'-PO4 RNA nicks in either a duplex RNA or an RNA:DNA hybrid but cannot seal DNA nicks. RNA specificity arises from a requirement for at least two ribonucleotides immediately flanking the 3'-OH of the nick; the rest of the nicked duplex can be replaced by DNA. The terminal 2'-OH at the nick is important for the attack of the 3'-OH on the 5'-adenylated strand to form a phosphodiester, but dispensable for nick recognition and adenylylation of the 5'-PO4 strand. The penultimate 2'-OH is important for nick recognition. Stable binding of Rnl2 at a nick depends on contacts to both the N-terminal adenylyltransferase domain and its signature C-terminal domain. Nick sensing also requires adenylylation of Rnl2. These results provide insights to the evolution of nucleic acid repair systems.  相似文献   

Comparison of the most stable potential hairpins in the sequences of natural ribozymes with those in the randomized sequences has revealed that the hairpin loop energies are lower than expected by chance. Although these hairpins are not necessarily parts of functional structures, there is a selective pressure to diminish the destabilizing free energies of the hairpin loops. In contrast, no significant bias is observed in the stacking values of the most stable stems. In the ribozymes isolated in vitro the loops of potential hairpins are closer to random values, which can result in less efficient folding rates. Furthermore, the effects of kinetic traps seem to be more significant in the folding pathways of the in vitro isolates due to a potential to form stable stacks incompatible with the functional folds. Similarly to natural ribozyme sequences, the untranslated regions of viral RNAs also form hairpins with relatively low loop free energies. These evolutionary trends suggest ways for efficient engineering of improved RNA constructs on the basis of analysis of in vitro isolates and approaches for the search of regions coding for functional RNA structures in large genome sequences. Received: 12 January 2001 / Accepted: 21 May 2001  相似文献   

When DNA fibres are stretched during drying, the polymer undergoes a conformational transition. We present quantitative results from X-ray diffraction studies on such fibres held at various ambient relative humidities. These indicate that the molecules are arranged in arrays which are crystalline in projection down the fibre axis. The packing can be explained in terms of a hexagonal cell with a lattice parameter, a, of approximately 13 A which varies with humidity. The patterns contain meridional intensities at 1/3.4 A(-1) and 1/6.5 A(-1), a strong off-meridional intensity at Z=1/5.6 A(-1) and diffuse scatter at Z=1/28 A(-1).  相似文献   

Based on their extremely high mutation rates, RNA viruses have been traditionally considered as the fastest evolving entities in nature. However, recent work has revealed that, despite their greater replication fidelity, single-stranded (ss) DNA viruses can evolve fast in a similar way. To further investigate this issue, we have compared the rates of adaptation and molecular evolution of ssRNA and ssDNA viruses under highly controlled laboratory conditions using the bacteriophages ΦX174, G4, f1, Qβ, SP, and MS2 as model systems. Our results indicate that ssRNA phages evolve faster than ssDNA phages under strong selective pressure, and that their extremely high mutation rates appear to be optimal for this kind of scenario. However, their performance becomes similar to that of ssDNA phages over the longer term or when the population is moderately well-adapted. Interestingly, the roughly 100-fold difference between the mutation rates of ssRNA and ssDNA phages yields less than a fivefold difference in adaptation and nucleotide substitution rates. The results are therefore consistent with the observation that, despite their lower mutation rates, ssDNA viruses can sometimes match the evolvability of RNA viruses.  相似文献   

Ion-mediated interaction is critical to the structure and stability of nucleic acids. Recent experiments suggest that the multivalent ion-induced aggregation of double-stranded (ds) RNAs and DNAs may strongly depend on the topological nature of helices, while there is still lack of an understanding on the relevant ion-mediated interactions at atomistic level. In this work, we have directly calculated the potentials of mean force (PMF) between two dsRNAs and between two dsDNAs in Co(NH3)63+ (Co-Hex) solutions by the atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. Our calculations show that at low [Co-Hex], the PMFs between B-DNAs and between A-RNAs are both (strongly) repulsive. However, at high [Co-Hex], the PMF between B-DNAs is strongly attractive, while those between A-RNAs and between A-DNAs are still (weakly) repulsive. The microscopic analyses show that for A-form helices, Co-Hex would become ‘internal binding’ into the deep major groove and consequently cannot form the evident ion-bridge between adjacent helices, while for B-form helices without deep grooves, Co-Hex would exhibit ‘external binding’ to strongly bridge adjacent helices. In addition, our further calculations show that, the PMF between A-RNAs could become strongly attractive either at very high [Co-Hex] or when the bottom of deep major groove is fixed with a layer of water.  相似文献   

RNA structures are unwound for decoding. In the process, they can pause the elongating ribosome for regulation. An example is the stimulation of -1 programmed ribosomal frameshifting, leading to 3′ direction slippage of the reading-frame during elongation, by specific pseudoknot stimulators downstream of the frameshifting site. By investigating a recently identified regulatory element upstream of the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) −1 frameshifting site, it is shown that a minimal functional element with hairpin forming potential is sufficient to down-regulate−1 frameshifting activity. Mutagenesis to disrupt or restore base pairs in the potential hairpin stem reveals that base-pair formation is required for−1 frameshifting attenuation in vitro and in 293T cells. The attenuation efficiency of a hairpin is determined by its stability and proximity to the frameshifting site; however, it is insensitive to E site sequence variation. Additionally, using a dual luciferase assay, it can be shown that a hairpin stimulated +1 frameshifting when placed upstream of a +1 shifty site in yeast. The investigations indicate that the hairpin is indeed a cis-acting programmed reading-frame switch modulator. This result provides insight into mechanisms governing−1 frameshifting stimulation and attenuation. Since the upstream hairpin is unwound (by a marching ribosome) before the downstream stimulator, this study’s findings suggest a new mode of translational regulation that is mediated by the reformed stem of a ribosomal unwound RNA hairpin during elongation.  相似文献   

Song Cao 《Biophysical journal》2009,96(10):4024-4034
Based on an ensemble of kinetically accessible conformations, we propose a new analytical model for RNA folding kinetics. The model gives populational kinetics, kinetic rates, transition states, and pathways from the rate matrix. Applications of the new kinetic model to mechanical folding of RNA hairpins such as trans-activation-responsive RNA reveal distinct kinetic behaviors in different force regimes, from zero force to forces much stronger than the critical force for the folding-unfolding transition. In the absence of force or a low force, folding can be initiated (nucleated) at any position by forming the first base stack and there exist many pathways for the folding process. In contrast, for a higher force, the folding/unfolding would predominantly proceed along a single zipping/unzipping pathway. Studies for different hairpin-forming sequences indicate that depending on the nucleotide sequence, a kinetic intermediate can emerge in the low force regime but disappear in high force regime, and a new kinetic intermediate, which is absent in the low and high force regimes, can emerge in the medium force range. Variations of the force lead to changes in folding cooperativity and rate-limiting steps. The predicted network of pathways for trans-activation-responsive RNA suggests two parallel dominant pathways. The rate-limiting folding steps (at f = 8 pN) are the formation of specific basepairs that are 2-4 basepairs away from the loop. At a higher force (f = 11 pN), the folding rate is controlled by the formation of the bulge loop. The predicted rates and transition states are in good agreement with the experimental data for a broad force regime.  相似文献   

DNA samples are commonly frozen for storage. However, freezing can compromise the integrity of DNA molecules. Considering the wide applications of DNA molecules in nanotechnology, changes to DNA integrity at the molecular level may cause undesirable outcomes. However, the effects of freezing on DNA integrity have not been fully explored. To investigate the impact of freezing on DNA integrity, samples of frozen and non-frozen bacteriophage lambda DNA were studied using optical tweezers. Tension (5–35 pN) was applied to DNA molecules to mimic mechanical interactions between DNA and other biomolecules. The integrity of the DNA molecules was evaluated by measuring the time taken for single DNA molecules to break under tension. Mean lifetimes were determined by maximum likelihood estimates and variances were obtained through bootstrapping simulations. Under 5 pN of force, the mean lifetime of frozen samples is 44.3 min with 95% confidence interval (CI) between 36.7 min and 53.6 min while the mean lifetime of non-frozen samples is 133.2 min (95% CI: 97.8–190.1 min). Under 15 pN of force, the mean lifetimes are 10.8 min (95% CI: 7.6–12.6 min) and 78.5 min (95% CI: 58.1–108.9 min). The lifetimes of frozen DNA molecules are significantly reduced, implying that freezing compromises DNA integrity. Moreover, we found that the reduced DNA structural integrity cannot be restored using regular ligation process. These results indicate that freezing can alter the structural integrity of the DNA molecules.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint ensures the fidelity of chromosome segregation by preventing cell-cycle progression until all the chromosomes make proper bipolar attachments to the mitotic spindle and come under tension. Despite significant advances in our understanding of spindle checkpoint function, the primary signal that activates the spindle checkpoint remains unclear. Whereas some experiments indicate that the checkpoint recognizes the lack of microtubule attachment to the kinetochore, others indicate that the checkpoint senses the absence of tension generated on the kinetochore by microtubules. The interdependence between tension and microtubule attachment make it difficult to determine whether these signals are separable. In this article (which is part of the Chromosome Segregation and Aneuploidy series), we consider recent evidence that supports and opposes the hypothesis that defects in tension act as the primary checkpoint signal.  相似文献   

D. K. Nag  T. D. Petes 《Genetics》1991,129(3):669-673
Palindromic sequences in single-stranded DNA and RNA have the potential for intrastrand base pairing, resulting in formation of "hairpin" structures. We previously reported a genetic method for detecting such structures in vivo in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Below, we describe evidence indicating that a 14-base-pair palindrome (7 bp per inverted repeat) is sufficient for formation of a hairpin in vivo.  相似文献   

RNA polymerase II is recruited to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), transcribes the sequences that flank the break and produces a novel RNA type that has been termed damage-induced long non-coding RNA (dilncRNA). DilncRNAs can be processed into short, miRNA-like molecules or degraded by different ribonucleases. They can also form double-stranded RNAs or DNA:RNA hybrids. The DNA:RNA hybrids formed at DSBs contribute to the recruitment of repair factors during the early steps of homologous recombination (HR) and, in this way, contribute to the accuracy of the DNA repair. However, if not resolved, the DNA:RNA hybrids are highly mutagenic and prevent the recruitment of later HR factors. Here recent discoveries about the synthesis, processing, and degradation of dilncRNAs are revised. The focus is on RNA clearance, a necessary step for the successful repair of DSBs and the aim is to reconcile contradictory findings on the effects of dilncRNAs and DNA:RNA hybrids in HR.  相似文献   

DNA and RNA are known to have different structural properties. In the present study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on a series of RNA and DNA duplexes indicate differential structural flexibility for the two classes of oligonucleotides. In duplex RNA, multiple base pairs experienced local opening events into the major groove on the nanosecond time scale, while such events were not observed in the DNA simulations. Three factors are indicated to be responsible for the base opening events in RNA: solvent-base interactions, 2'OH(n)-O4'(n+1) intra-strand hydrogen bonding, and enhanced rigid body motion of RNA at the nucleoside level. Water molecules in the major groove of RNA contribute to initiation of base pair opening. Stabilization of the base pair open state is due to a 'conformational switch' comprised of 2'OH(n)-O4'(n+1) hydrogen bonding and a rigid body motion of the nucleoside moiety in RNA. This rigid body motion is associated with decreased flexibility of the glycosyl linkage and sugar moieties in A-form structures. The observed opening rates in RNA are consistent with the imino proton exchange experiments for AU base pairs, although not for GC base pairs, while structural and flexibility changes associated with the proposed conformational switch are consistent with survey data of RNA and DNA crystal structures. The possible relevance of base pair opening events in RNA to its many biological functions is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA trinucleotide repeat (TRs) expansion beyond a threshold often results in human neurodegenerative diseases. The mechanisms causing expansions remain unknown, although the tendency of TR ssDNA to self-associate into hairpins that slip along their length is widely presumed related. Here we apply single molecule FRET (smFRET) experiments and molecular dynamics simulations to determine conformational stabilities and slipping dynamics for CAG, CTG, GAC and GTC hairpins. Tetraloops are favored in CAG (89%), CTG (89%) and GTC (69%) while GAC favors triloops. We also determined that TTG interrupts near the loop in the CTG hairpin stabilize the hairpin against slipping. The different loop stabilities have implications for intermediate structures that may form when TR-containing duplex DNA opens. Opposing hairpins in the (CAG) ∙ (CTG) duplex would have matched stability whereas opposing hairpins in a (GAC) ∙ (GTC) duplex would have unmatched stability, introducing frustration in the (GAC) ∙ (GTC) opposing hairpins that could encourage their resolution to duplex DNA more rapidly than in (CAG) ∙ (CTG) structures. Given that the CAG and CTG TR can undergo large, disease-related expansion whereas the GAC and GTC sequences do not, these stability differences can inform and constrain models of expansion mechanisms of TR regions.  相似文献   

Current advances in high-throughput biology are accompanied by a tremendous increase in the number of related publications. Much biomedical information is reported in the vast amount of literature. The ability to rapidly and effectively survey the literature is necessary for both the design and the interpretation of large-scale experiments, and for curation of structured biomedical knowledge in public databases. Given the millions of published documents, the field of information retrieval, which is concerned with the automatic identification of relevant documents from large text collections, has much to offer. This paper introduces the basics of information retrieval, discusses its applications in biomedicine, and presents traditional and non-traditional ways in which it can be used.  相似文献   

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