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When evaluating fishing gear catches, the focus is often on a few species as opposed to the entire catch. In some fisheries this can lead to ignoring major part of catch composition. Thus, there is a need for a more holistic approach when evaluating the ecological impact of using a specific fishing gear and when comparing two or more gears. In this context, it is relevant to have a method that describes the total catch and quantifies proportions of the catch being wanted and unwanted. In this study, we outline such a method and demonstrate its applicability to catch data from a small-scale coastal gillnet fishery targeting European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa, Linnaeus, 1758) by comparing catch composition when using nylon and biodegradable gillnets. The results showed no significant differences in catch composition between gillnets made of the two materials. Therefore, the catch composition obtained using the more environmentally friendly biodegradable materials does not represent a barrier in this specific gillnet fishery. However, species selectivity of gillnets is still of concern as the primary target species constituted only half of the total catch composition in numbers while the rest was unwanted catch. The presented approach for quantifying and inferring the differences in catch composition can be further applied for assessing the performance of different fishing gears and their modifications.  相似文献   

生物降解地膜应用与地膜残留污染防控   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
地膜是农业生产中重要的生产资料之一,过去30多年,地膜用量和农作物覆膜面积一直稳定增长,2014年地膜用量达到了144万t,覆膜面积超过1 800万hm~2,该技术对保障我国农产品安全供给作出了重大贡献。与此同时,地膜残留污染问题越来越严重,一些农田的地膜残留量超过250 kg/hm~2,在我国西北的局部区域,地膜残留已经对农田土壤、作物生长发育、农事作业等造成严重影响和危害。生物降解地膜成为替代普通PE地膜、解决地膜残留污染的一种有效措施和手段,目前生物降解地膜正处于产品研发和评价试验的关键阶段,部分生物降解地膜产品在马铃薯、花生、烟草生产上显示出良好的效果,但总体上还面临巨大挑战,主要包括需要进一步提高地膜产品质量,提高地膜产品破裂和降解可控性,改善地膜的增温保墒能力,实现满足农作物对地膜覆盖功能的要求;此外,需要降低生物降解地膜综合成本,促进生物降解地膜规模化应用。总体上,随着技术进步和农业生产环境的变化,生物降解地膜应用将具有良好的前景。  相似文献   

In the Atlantic, economic losses have been reported from shark, swordfish and tuna longline fisheries due to depredation by cetaceans. We examined interactions of odontocete cetaceans with commercial longliners operating in waters off Brazil and the Azores archipelago during 2006–2007, analysing relationships between catches, depredation on hooked fish, cetacean sightings, acoustic records of cetacean presence and environmental variables. Data were provided by skippers of six vessels and by on-board observers for two vessels. The percentage of longline sets depredated by cetaceans was low (ranging from 1% to 9% of total sets per ship) but the proportion of fish damaged was high (up to 100%) when depredation occurred. Catches were related to the phase of the moon, cloud cover, sea surface temperature and water depth whereas cetacean sightings were primarily related to catches. In particular there was a positive association between Delphinus delphis sightings and catches of swordfish, and between Stenella frontalis sightings and mako catches. Acoustic detection was low when depredation by false killer whales occurred although high rates of clicks were detected when delphinids were sighted and false killer whales were by-caught. This may indicate that false killer whales are not echolocating when feeding on fish hooked on a longline. Guest editor: V. D. Valavanis Essential Fish Habitat Mapping in the Mediterranean  相似文献   

J. Mouthon 《Hydrobiologia》1996,317(3):221-229
Malacological surveys and physico-shemical water analysis have been carried out at one hundred and sixty stations in France, distributed accross five major catchment areas. The relationships between six of the variables: dissolved oxygen, BOD5, ammonia nitrogen, nitrites, Kjeldhal nitrogen and orthophosphates can be considered as indicators of biodegradable pollution and the populations of forty eight species of molluscs have been studied using correspondence analysis. A scale of sensitivity of these to this type of pollution is presented.  相似文献   

Different coastal areas possess different pollution risks and ecosystem service values. The management strategies in these areas also differ. With limited environmental funds available, it is necessary to conduct in-depth study of pollution risks and ecosystem service values for developing marine conservation and management strategies. This paper proposes a management method that combines marine pollution risks and ecosystem service values to identify the management priorities of different sites, which are used to determine the appropriate management strategies. The management priorities of different bays in China's Bohai Sea were determined, and management strategies were recommended. The method can be used to determine effective management strategies for oceans around the world, especially in developing countries with limited environmental protection funds.  相似文献   

Characterising adaptive genetic divergence among conspecific populations is often achieved by studying genetic variation across defined environmental gradients. In marine systems this is challenging due to a paucity of information on habitat heterogeneity at local and regional scales and a dependency on sampling regimes that are typically limited to broad longitudinal and latitudinal environmental gradients. As a result, the spatial scales at which selection processes operate and the environmental factors that contribute to genetic adaptation in marine systems are likely to be unclear. In this study we explore patterns of adaptive genetic structuring in a commercially‐ harvested abalone species (Haliotis rubra) from southeastern Australia, using a panel of genome‐wide SNP markers (5,239 SNPs), and a sampling regime informed by marine LiDAR bathymetric imagery and 20‐year hindcasted oceanographic models. Despite a lack of overall genetic structure across the sampling distribution, significant genotype associations with heterogeneous habitat features were observed at local and regional spatial scales, including associations with wave energy, ocean current, sea surface temperature, and geology. These findings provide insights into the potential resilience of the species to changing marine climates and the role of migration and selection on recruitment processes, with implications for conservation and fisheries management. This study points to the spatial scales at which selection processes operate in marine systems and highlights the benefits of geospatially‐informed sampling regimes for overcoming limitations associated with marine population genomic research.  相似文献   

有机胂饲料添加剂对猪场周围及农田环境污染的调查研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对广东省长期使用阿散酸为饲料添加剂的15个大型猪场的周围环境及农田进行了调查,结果表明:猪场内长期施用猪粪为肥料的甘薯根内的总砷含量已为国家规定最高检出限(0.5mg/kg)的3—6倍;甘薯地土壤的砷含量介于25.83~55.54mg/kg,远远大于自然界最高砷含量的背景值(15mg/kg);而且甘薯的各种组织的总砷含量与土壤砷含量成正比。绝大多数猪场鱼塘水的砷含量已超过渔业水质标准0.05mg/L;虽然鱼肌肉的总砷含量未超过国家规定标准0.5mg/kg,但是在鱼的可食性组织脂肪、脑的总砷含量却远远超标,约为肌肉组织中3-4倍。猪场排污口附近的土壤,砷污染范围介于200—500m之间;其中在距排污口约5m,50m的土壤,砷的含量远超过自然界的砷含量的最高背景值15mg/kg。长期施用猪粪作为肥料的稻田,大多数土壤砷含量已超过国家规定的最高标准;另外,水稻有一定的砷富集能力,而且水稻各种组织的砷含量与土壤的砷含量也存在明显的正相关。  相似文献   

Question: What are the effects of grazing abandonment on the vegetation composition of Estonian coastal wetlands? Location: Vormsi Island and Silma Nature Reserve in western Estonia, Europe. Methods: Local knowledge and field reconnaissance were used to identify current and historical management levels of wetland sites within the west Estonian study area. Nine study sites, with varying management histories, were selected comprising an area of 287 ha. A total of 198 quadrats were taken from 43 distinct vegetation patches in five of the sites. TWINSPAN analysis was used to identify community type, and a phytosociological key was constructed for character taxa. This vegetation classification was then applied within a GIS‐based context to classify all the study sites, using a ground survey technique and 1:2000 scale air photos. Results: We identified 11 different brackish coastal wetland community types. Indicator species were defined with community characteristics for the seven main vegetation types readily recognisable in the field. Coastal wet grasslands were most extensive in grazed sites, or sites that had been more intensively grazed, while abandoned sites were largely composed of Phragmites australis stands, tall grassland, and scrub. Site variations based on vegetation composition were significantly correlated with past grazing intensity. Plant community types showed significant edaphic differences, with particularly low soil moisture and high conductivity and pH for open pioneer patches compared to other vegetation types. Conclusion: Abandonment of traditionally grazed coastal grasslands threatens their characteristic biodiversity. This study found that grazing abandonment reduced the extent of coastal wetland grasslands of particular conservation value. Nevertheless, plant species of conservation interest were found across the sequence of community types described. The study shows that grazing is an important factor influencing coastal wetland plant communities but suggests that vegetation distribution is affected by environmental variables, such as topography.  相似文献   

The importance of terrestrial coastal ecosystems for maintaining healthy coral reef ecosystems remains understudied. Sea kraits are amphibious snakes that require healthy coral reefs for foraging, but little is known about their requirements of terrestrial habitats, where they slough their skin, digest prey, and breed. Using concurrent microclimate measurements and behavior surveys, we show that a small, topographically flat atoll in Fiji with coastal forest provides many microhabitats that relate to the behaviors of Yellow Lipped Sea Kraits, Laticauda colubrina. Microclimates were significantly related to canopy cover, leaf litter depth, and distance from the high‐water mark (HWM). Sea kraits were almost exclusively observed in coastal forest within 30 m of the HWM. Sloughing of skins only occurred within crevices of mature or dying trees. Resting L. colubrina were significantly more likely to occur at locations with higher mean diurnal temperatures, lower leaf litter depths, and shorter distances from the HWM. On Leleuvia, behavior of L. colubrina therefore relates to environmental heterogeneity created by old‐growth coastal forests, particularly canopy cover and crevices in mature and dead tree trunks. The importance of healthy coastal habitats, both terrestrial and marine, for L. colubrina suggests it could be a good flagship species for advocating integrated land‐sea management. Furthermore, our study highlights the importance of coastal forests and topographically flat atolls for biodiversity conservation. Effective conservation management of amphibious species that utilize land‐ and seascapes is therefore likely to require a holistic approach that incorporates connectivity among ecosystems and environmental heterogeneity at all relevant scales.  相似文献   

Aims: The aims of this work were to develop a quantitative test, based on Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, for human faecal pollution in water and to evaluate test performance. Methods and Results: qPCR primers, based on the complete genomic sequence of B. thetaiotaomicron VPI 5482, were designed and tested. The single-copy putative mannanase homologue, α-1-6 mannanase, was selected as the particular target and sequences within this gene chosen as the qPCR primers by Blast search for specificity to B. thetaiotaomicron. The average concentration of B. thetaiotaomicron in human faeces was 1·39 × 108 cells per gram faeces and the detection limit was 9·3 B. thetaiotaomicron copies per qPCR procedure. Comparison of B. thetaiotaomicron content in sewage vs pooled nonhuman faecal samples indicated that the current assay is specific for sewage. Conclusion: The subject assay is potentially useful for quantification of sewage pollution in water. Significance and Impact of the Study: Bacteroides-associated markers, proposed for faecal source tracking, have exclusively been based on gene sequences related to generally classified and uncultured bacteria. However, genes associated with host-microbe interaction have been suggested as more specific markers. The present assay targets such a gene of B. thetaiotaomicron which is considered to be a symbiont in the human gut.  相似文献   

Aims: The development of a microbial source tracking (MST) method is strongly desired to ensure public health and bacteriological safety in coastal recreation areas. We try to specify the source of faecal pollution by applying pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to the study of the aquatic environment on Aoshima Beach, Japan. Methods and Results: Enterococcus faecium, an enterococcus, was used as a faecal indicator bacterium in this study. Enterococcus faecium strains were isolated and identified from each water sample collected from Aoshima Beach and five rivers (Oyodo, Kiyotake, Kaeda, Chifuku and Tsukunami Rivers) that might be potential sources of faecal pollution. Enterococcus faecium strains collected from water samples were analysed using PFGE. The similarities of all the PFGE types of the Ent. faecium strains were compared using dendrogram analysis. The PFGE types of the strains isolated from Aoshima Beach showed a high similarity to those of the strains isolated from the Oyodo River at a 0·9 similarity level. It was suggested that the Oyodo River is the source of faecal pollution on Aoshima Beach. Conclusions: The PFGE analysis using enterococci is a potential tool for the MST of faecal indicator bacteria that can be applied to the study of the coastal environment. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is one of the studies that PFGE was applied to the coastal environment. The approach using PFGE could estimate the river that is source of faecal pollution in Aoshima Beach. By applying PFGE as a tool of MST method, detailed information of faecal pollution in coastal area can be provided.  相似文献   

Understanding how species might respond to climate change involves disentangling the influence of co‐occurring environmental factors on population dynamics, and is especially problematic for migratory species like Pacific salmon that move between ecosystems. To date, debate surrounding the causes of recent declines in Yukon River Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) abundance has centered on whether factors in freshwater or marine environments control variation in survival, and how these populations at the northern extremity of the species range will respond to climate change. To estimate the effect of factors in marine and freshwater environments on Chinook salmon survival, we constructed a stage‐structured assessment model that incorporates the best available data, estimates incidental marine bycatch mortality in trawl fisheries, and uses Bayesian model selection methods to quantify support for alternative hypotheses. Models fitted to two index populations of Yukon River Chinook salmon indicate that processes in the nearshore and marine environments are the most important determinants of survival. Specifically, survival declines when ice leaves the Yukon River later in the spring, increases with wintertime temperature in the Bering Sea, and declines with the abundance of globally enhanced salmon species consistent with competition at sea. In addition, we found support for density‐dependent survival limitations in freshwater but not marine portions of the life cycle, increasing average survival with ocean age, and age‐specific selectivity of bycatch mortality in the Bering Sea. This study underscores the utility of flexible estimation models capable of fitting multiple data types and evaluating mortality from both natural and anthropogenic sources in multiple habitats. Overall, these analyses suggest that mortality at sea is the primary driver of population dynamics, yet under warming climate Chinook salmon populations at the northern extent of the species’ range may be expected to fare better than southern populations, but are influenced by foreign salmon production.  相似文献   

The eastern coastal areas of China have high-density population, developed society and economy, and large water pollution emissions. How to reduce water pollution and realize the coordinated development of the economy and environment has become the national focus. Effective environmental policies should consider regional differences in development stage and sustainability performance. Here, we first analyzed the water pollution emissions intensity of the eastern coastal areas of China and the urgency of emissions reduction using 8-year environmental statistics from 2003 to 2010. We characterized development stages of the eastern coastal areas based on the relationships between water pollution emissions intensity and economic development. Further, we built a coordination degree index of economic development and water environment protection as a measure of sustainability. Results show that water pollution emissions intensity decreases as the economy grows from 2003 to 2010. The less-developed regions have a better coordination degree than some more-developed regions, especially those most-developed ones (e.g., Shanghai show more pressures on long-term sustainability than Hebei). The less-developed regions should take advantage of economic growth to invest more advanced environment protection technologies. The more-developed regions need to upgrade its economic structures and municipal infrastructures. Overall, the study provided a comprehensive approach to understand regional difference in development stage and sustainability performance in the eastern coastal region of China as well as the need of different environmental policies to reduce water pollution emissions.  相似文献   

A stable isotope study was carried out to investigate the feeding ecology of the common goby Pomatoschistus microps larvae (Krøyer, 1838), and to assess differences in the response of planktonic food web to nutrient enrichment, in two ecosystems from the Southern European coast with different levels of historical pollution (estuaries of the Minho and Lima Rivers). At each estuary and time (July 2012, November 2012, February 2013, and June 2013), the fish larvae of two size classes (class 0: 0–10 mm; class 1: 10–15 mm), particulate organic matter (POM), and pelagic zooplankton were collected. The stable isotope mixing model SIAR revealed that, despite temporal differences in the relative proportion of prey items ingested, in both estuaries P. microps larvae feed on both planktonic-hyperbenthic food sources, predating mainly on copepods (from 34% to 60%), Mysidacea (from 16% to 28%), and brachyuran zoea (from 14% to 29%). Fish larvae size classes did not differ significantly for δ15N, and exhibited a very narrow range of the δ13C signature. Enriched δ15N values of all biota in the Lima estuary throughout the study period, with a marked nitrogen enrichment in colder months, are indicative of higher anthropogenic inputs of nitrogen (e.g. sewage and industrial discharges, agriculture) into this system. The δ15N values of fish larvae and other planktonic groups can be a sensitive bioindicator, because they are highly correlated with the nitrogen content of water (ammonium), indicating that this element has transferred through the planktonic food web. Enriched carbon isotope ratios were observed in warmer months, in both estuaries, and the heavier δ13C values in Lima are best explained by differences in the degree of marine influence. This research emphasises the utility of stable isotopes in trophic interactions studies, highlighting the relevance of the stable nitrogen isotope of zooplanktonic communities as a reliable bioindicator to detect patterns of anthropogenic nitrogen contamination in estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation plays a key role in species'' responses to environmental change; however, little is known about the role of changes in environmental quality (the population growth rate an environment supports) on intraspecific trait variation. Here, we hypothesize that intraspecific trait variation will be higher in ameliorated environments than in degraded ones. We first measure the range of multitrait phenotypes over a range of environmental qualities for three strains and two evolutionary histories of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in laboratory conditions. We then explore how environmental quality and trait variation affect the predictability of lineage frequencies when lineage pairs are grown in indirect co‐culture. Our results show that environmental quality has the potential to affect intraspecific variability both in terms of the variation in expressed trait values, and in terms of the genotype composition of rapidly growing populations. We found low phenotypic variability in degraded or same‐quality environments and high phenotypic variability in ameliorated conditions. This variation can affect population composition, as monoculture growth rate is a less reliable predictor of lineage frequencies in ameliorated environments. Our study highlights that understanding whether populations experience environmental change as an increase or a decrease in quality relative to their recent history affects the changes in trait variation during plastic responses, including growth responses to the presence of conspecifics. This points toward a fundamental role for changes in overall environmental quality in driving phenotypic variation within closely related populations, with implications for microevolution.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass and perennial ryegrass/white clover permanent dairy pastures are compared with respect to productivity, environmental impact and financial costs in nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZ) in the UK. With appropriate management, and utilisation of recommended perennial ryegrass and white clover cultivars, white clover is likely to stabilise at around 20% of total dry matter production in a mixed pasture. Plant dry matter production and milk production from a perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture are likely to be similar to that from a perennial ryegrass pasture receiving 200 kg N ha−1 annum−1 and around 70% of that obtained with perennial ryegrass supplied with 350–400 kg N ha−1 annum−1. Nitrate, phosphorus and methane losses from the system and decreases in biodiversity relative to a grazed indigenous sward are likely to be similar for a perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture and a perennial ryegrass pasture receiving 200 kg N ha−1 annum−1: nitrate leachate from both systems is likely to comply with European legislation. Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from nitrogen (N) fertiliser production would be avoided with the perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture. Within NVZ stocking rate restrictions, white clover can provide the N required by a pasture at a lower financial cost than that incurred by the application of N fertiliser.  相似文献   

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