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DNA甲基化是最主要的表观遗传修饰之一,主要发生在胞嘧啶第五位碳原子上,称为5-甲基胞嘧啶。哺乳动物DNA甲基化由从头DNA甲基转移酶DNMT3A/3B在胚胎发育早期建立。细胞分裂过程中甲基化模式的维持由DNA甲基转移酶DNMT1实现。TET家族蛋白氧化5-甲基胞嘧啶成为5-羟甲基胞嘧啶、5-醛基胞嘧啶和5-羧基胞嘧啶,从而起始DNA的去甲基化过程。这些DNA甲基化修饰酶精确调节DNA甲基化的动态过程,在整个生命发育过程中发挥重要作用,其失调也与多种疾病发生密切相关。本文对近年来DNA甲基化修饰酶的结构与功能研究进行讨论。  相似文献   

We have established that 5′-CG-3′ dinucleotide and 5′-CNG-3′ trinucleotide are found in published sequences of small interfering RNA and microRNA more often than they should be in random DNA sequences. This circumstance indicates the important biological role played by 5′-CG-3′ dinucleotides and 5′-CNG-3′ trinucleotides in small RNA sequences. We suggest that small RNAs containing these di- and trinucleotides participate in the creation of chromatin marks of epigenetic information through a highly specific search for repressible DNA sequences and through the initiation of the methylation de novo of 5′-CG-3′ and 5′-CNG-3′ sites in DNA fragments appearing to be bound complementary to small RNAs. Several genes can be inactivated simultaneously if they contain the motif recognized by small RNA. Allelic exclusion appears, in our opinion, as a result of initiation by small RNAs of DNA methylation de novo of all but one of the alleles that exist in the cell. The predecessor of this small RNA is transcribed from the antiparallel allele chain. Alleles whose antiparallel chains are less actively read by RNA polymerase, which, as we suggest, in the process of transcribing, releases DNA from small RNA bound to it, are inactivated. However, the quantity of small RNA transcribed from only one allele is insufficient to overcome the level above which the repression process of this allele is initiated de novo.  相似文献   



Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have a wide range of applications throughout the fields of basic research, disease modeling and drug screening. Epigenetic instable iPSCs with aberrant DNA methylation may divide and differentiate into cancer cells. Unfortunately, little effort has been taken to compare the epigenetic variation in iPSCs with that in differentiated cells. Here, we developed an analytical procedure to decipher the DNA methylation heterogeneity of mixed cells and further exploited it to quantitatively assess the DNA methylation variation in the methylomes of adipose-derived stem cells (ADS), mature adipocytes differentiated from ADS cells (ADS-adipose) and iPSCs reprogrammed from ADS cells (ADS-iPSCs).


We observed that the degree of DNA methylation variation varies across distinct genomic regions with promoter and 5’UTR regions exhibiting low methylation variation and Satellite showing high methylation variation. Compared with differentiated cells, ADS-iPSCs possess globally decreased methylation variation, in particular in repetitive elements. Interestingly, DNA methylation variation decreases in promoter regions during differentiation but increases during reprogramming. Methylation variation in promoter regions is negatively correlated with gene expression. In addition, genes showing a bipolar methylation pattern, with both completely methylated and completely unmethylated reads, are related to the carbohydrate metabolic process, cellular development, cellular growth, proliferation, etc.


This study delivers a way to detect cell-subset specific methylation genes in a mixed cell population and provides a better understanding of methylation dynamics during stem cell differentiation and reprogramming.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-978) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Gene silencing via promoter CpG island hypermethylation offers tumor cells growth advantages. This epigenetic event is pharmacologically reversible, and uncovering a unique set of methylation-silenced genes in tumor cells can bring a new avenue to cancer treatment. However, high-throughput tools capable of surveying the methylation status of multiple gene promoters are needed for this discovery process. Herein we describe an oligonucleotide-based microarray technique that is both versatile and sensitive in revealing hypermethylation in defined regions of the genome. DNA samples are bisulfite-treated and PCR-amplified to distinguish CpG dinucleotides that are methylated from those that are not. Fluorescently labeled PCR products are hybridized to arrayed oligonucleotides that can discriminate between methylated and unmethylated alleles in regions of interest. Using this technique, two clinical subtypes of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, mantle cell lymphoma, and grades I/II follicular lymphoma, were further separated based on the differential methylation profiles of several gene promoters. Work is underway in our laboratory to extend the interrogation power of this microarray system in multiple candidate genes. This novel tool, therefore, holds promise to monitor the outcome of various epigenetic therapies on cancer patients.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化与脊椎动物胚胎发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨晓丹  韩威  刘峰 《遗传》2012,34(9):1108-1113
DNA甲基化是指DNA甲基转移酶(DNMT)将DNA序列中的5′胞嘧啶转变为5′甲基胞嘧啶的化学修饰, 可以调控基因的时空特异性表达, 从而影响细胞命运决定和分化等生物学过程。近年来研究发现, DNA甲基化在脊椎动物胚胎早期发育中有重要作用, Dnmt基因的缺失会影响胚胎早期发育和多个器官的形成及分化, 如胚胎早期致死、内脏器官和神经系统终末分化缺陷以及血液发生紊乱等。文章总结了DNA甲基化转移酶在小鼠和斑马鱼发育过程中的动态变化, 并系统阐述了DNA甲基化在胚胎早期发育和器官发生中的作用, 重点揭示DNA 甲基化转移酶与组蛋白甲基化转移酶如何协同调控DNA甲基化从而影响基因转录的分子机理。DNA甲基化作为一种关键的表观遗传学因素, 全面系统地理解其在胚胎发育过程中的作用机制对靶向治疗人类相关疾病有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

DNA methylation analysis by MethyLight technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MethyLight is a sensitive, fluorescence-based real-time PCR technique that is capable of quantitating DNA methylation at a particular locus by using DNA oligonucleotides that anneal differentially to bisulfite-converted DNA according to the methylation status in the original genomic DNA. The use of three oligonucleotides (forward and reverse primers, and interpositioned probe) in MethyLight, any one or more of which can be used for methylation discrimination, allows for a high degree of specificity, sensitivity, and flexibility in methylation detection.  相似文献   

A mouse line carrying a lacZ transgene driven by the human EEF1A1/EF1alpha promoter was established. Although the promoter is known to show ubiquitous activity, only paternal transgene alleles were expressed, resulting in a transgene imprinting. At mid‐gestation, the promoter sequence was differentially methylated, hypomethylated for paternal and hypermethylated for maternal alleles. In germline, the promoter was a typical differentially methylated region. After fertilization, however, both alleles were hypermethylated. Thus, the differential methylation of the promoter required for transgene imprinting was re‐established during later embryonic development independently of the germline differential methylation. Furthermore, also a retroelement promoter closely‐flanking imprinted transgene and its wild type counterpart displayed similar differential methylation during early development. The retroelement promoter was methylated differentially also in germline, but in an opposite pattern to the embryonic differential methylation. These results suggest that there might be an unknown epigenetic regulation inducing transgene imprinting independently of DNA methylation in the transgene insertion site. Then, besides CpG dinucleotides, non‐CpG cytosines of the retroelement promoter were highly methylated especially in the transgene‐active mid‐gestational embryos, suggesting that an unusual epigenetic regulation might protect the active transgene against de novo methylation occurring generally in mid‐gestational embryo.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry was employed to analyze DNA methylation carried out by the Escherichia coli dam DNA methyltransferase using oligonucleotide substrates with molecular masses of 5000-10,000 Da per strand. The mass spectrometry assay offers several advantages: (i) it directly shows the methylation as the increase in the mass of the substrate DNA, (ii) it is nonradioactive, (iii) it is quantitative, and (iv) it can be automated for high-throughput applications. Since unmethylated and methylated DNA are detected, the ratio of methylation can be determined directly and accurately. Furthermore, the assay allows detection individually of the methylation of several substrates in competition, offering an ideal setup to analyze the specificity of DNA interacting with enzymes. We could not identify methylation at any noncanonical site, indicating that the dam MTase is a very specific enzyme. Finally, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry permitted assessment of the number of methyl groups incorporated into each DNA strand, thereby, allowing study of mechanistic details such as the processivity of the methylation reaction. We provide evidence that the dam MTase modifies DNA in a processive reaction, confirming earlier findings.  相似文献   

胡宗福  赵静雯  杨景峰 《生命科学》2014,(10):1026-1031
DNA甲基化与衰老的研究是近年来生命科学领域研究的热点之一。综述了DNA甲基化理论研究进展和探讨影响甲基化与衰老的主要因素,以揭示两者之间可能存在的联系。  相似文献   

We here report a simple assay system for DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitors based on the HBx-induced DNA methylation of E-cadherin. A stable cell line named G1 was generated by co-transfecting E-cadherin luciferase reporter and HBx-expression plasmid into HepG2 cells. Treatment of G1 cells with DNMT inhibitors, 5-azacytidine, 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine, and procainamaid, dose-dependently inhibited DNA methylation of E-cadherin promoter in the reporter, resulting in up-regulation of luciferase levels and its enzyme activity. Treatment with all-trans retinoic acid that is known to inhibit DNMT expression, also induced similar effects. Our system can be useful for development of epi-drugs targeting DNA methylation in malignancies.  相似文献   

While intratumor heterogeneity contributes to disease progression, metastasis, and resistance to chemotherapy, it also provides a route to understanding the evolution and drivers of disease. Defects in epigenetic landscapes are intimately linked to pathogenesis of a variety of human diseases, with epigenetic deregulation promoting tumorigenesis. Understanding epigenetic heterogeneity is crucial in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), where epigenetic alterations are frequent, early, and pathogenic events. We determined genome-wide DNA methylation and copy number variation leveraging the Infinium 450K in a series of regenerative nodules from within single patient livers. Bioinformatics strategies were used to ascertain within-patient heterogeneity, link epigenetic changes to clinical features, and determine their relevance to disease pathogenesis. Our data demonstrate that DNA methylation and copy number alterations evolve during the pre-neoplastic phase of HCC and independently segregate regenerative nodules into distinct clusters. Regenerative nodules with a high frequency of epigenetic changes have significantly lower copy number variation, suggesting that individual nodules have differential enrichment of epigenetic and genetic components, with both contributing to disease progression. Regenerative nodules were scored based on ‘epigenetic progression’ with higher scores associated with increased proliferation measured by Ki67 staining. Early events observed in epigenetically ‘aggressive’ nodules are enriched for genes involved in liver cancer. Our study demonstrates that marked epigenetic and genetic heterogeneity exists in early pre-neoplastic liver tissue within individual patients, emphasizing the potential contributions of each mechanism to driving liver disease progression, and it unveils strategies for identifying epigenetic drivers of hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

王丽波  王芳  张岩 《生物信息学》2014,12(3):213-217
DNA甲基化是重要的表观遗传标记之一,在转录调控中起直接作用。DNA甲基化的异常与癌症的发生发展密切相关。高通量测序使得在单碱基分辨率下检测全基因组的DNA甲基化水平成为可能。本文基于临近CpGs位点甲基化水平的相关性挖掘DNA甲基化连锁区域。结果发现DNA甲基化连锁区域的甲基化水平和模式在癌症中存在异常,而且显著富集到分化/发育相关的生物学功能。DNA甲基化连锁区域的挖掘有助于对具有生物学功能的表观遗传标记的进一步理解,有助于对癌症诊断的表观遗传标记的挖掘。  相似文献   



Previously a variety of environmental toxicants were found to promote the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease through differential DNA methylation regions (DMRs), termed epimutations, present in sperm. The transgenerational epimutations in sperm and somatic cells identified in a number of previous studies were further investigated.


The epimutations from six different environmental exposures were found to be predominantly exposure specific with negligible overlap. The current report describes a major genomic feature of all the unique epimutations identified (535) as a very low (<10 CpG/100 bp) CpG density in sperm and somatic cells associated with transgenerational disease. The genomic locations of these epimutations were found to contain DMRs with small clusters of CpG within a general region of very low density CpG. The potential role of these epimutations on gene expression is suggested to be important.


Observations suggest a potential regulatory role for lower density CpG regions termed “CpG deserts”. The potential evolutionary origins of these regions is also discussed.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation is an epigenetically propagated DNA modification that can modify how the DNA molecule is recognized and expressed. DNA methylation undergoes extensive reprogramming during mammalian embryogenesis and is directly linked to the regulation of pluripotency and cellular identity. Studying its regulation is also important for a better understanding of the many diseases that show epigenetic deregulations, in particular, cancer. In the recent years, a lot of progress has been made to characterize the profiles of DNA methylation at the genome level, which revealed that patterns of DNA methylation are highly dynamic between cell types. Here, we discuss the importance of DNA methylation for genome regulation and the mechanisms that remodel the DNA methylome during mammalian development, in particular the involvement of the rediscovered modified base 5-hydroxymethylcytosine.  相似文献   

Endometriosis is a common chronic gynecologic disorder characterized by the presence and growth of endometrial‐like tissue outside of the uterine cavity. Although the exact etiology remains unclear, epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation, are thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of endometriosis. Here, we used the Illumina Human Methylation 450 K BeadChip Array to analyze the genome‐wide DNA methylation profiles of six endometriotic lesions and six eutopic endometria from patients with ovarian endometriosis and six endometria of women without endometriosis. Compared with the eutopic endometria of women with endometriosis, 12,159 differentially methylated CpG sites and 375 differentially methylated promoter regions were identified in endometriotic lesions. GO analyses showed that these putative differentially methylated genes were primarily associated with immune response, inflammatory response, response to steroid hormone stimulus, cell adhesion, negative regulation of apoptosis, and activation of the MAPK activity. In addition, the expression levels of DNMT1, DNMT3A, DNMT3B, and MBD2 in endometriotic lesions and eutopic endometria were significantly decreased compared with control endometria. Our findings suggest that aberrant DNA methylation status in endometriotic lesions may play a significant role in the pathogenesis and progression of endometriosis.  相似文献   

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