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Few studies have documented the impacts of habitat fragmentation on plant mating patterns together with fitness. Yet, these processes require urgent attention to better understand the impact of contemporary landscape change on biodiversity and for guiding native plant genetic resource management. We examined these relationships using the predominantly insect‐pollinated Eucalyptus socialis. Progeny were collected from trees located in three increasingly disturbed landscapes in southern Australia and were planted out in common garden experiments. We show that individual mating patterns were increasingly impacted by lower conspecific density caused by habitat fragmentation. We determined that reduced pollen diversity probably has effects over and above those of inbreeding on progeny fitness. This provides an alternative mechanistic explanation for the indirect density dependence often inferred between conspecific density and offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Populations of Sinojackia rehderiana are highly threatened and have small and scattered distribution due to habitat fragmentation and human activities. Understanding changes in genetic diversity, the fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) at different life stages and gene flow of S. rehderiana is critical for developing successful conservation strategies for fragmented populations of this endangered species. In this study, 208 adults, 114 juveniles and 136 seedlings in a 50 × 100-m transect within an old-growth forest were mapped and genotyped using eight microsatellite makers to investigate the genetic diversity and SGS of this species. No significant differences in genetic diversity among different life-history stages were found. However, a significant heterozygote deficiency in adults and seedlings may result from substantial biparental inbreeding. Significant fine-scale spatial structure was found in different life-history stages within 19 m, suggesting that seed dispersal mainly occurred near a mother tree. Both historical and contemporary estimates of gene flow (13.06 and 16.77 m) indicated short-distance gene dispersal in isolated populations of S. rehderiana. The consistent spatial structure revealed in different life stages is most likely the result of limited gene flow. Our results have important implications for conservation of extant populations of S. rehderiana. Measures for promoting pollen flow should be taken for in situ conservation. The presence of a SGS in fragmented populations implies that seeds for ex situ conservation should be collected from trees at least 19-m apart to reduce genetic similarity between neighbouring individuals.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA was used to investigatelevels of genetic variability in severelyfragmented populations of the geometrictortoise, Psammobates geometricus, themost endangered tortoise on mainland Africa.Eight microsatellite markers were used toassess genetic variability within and betweenthree naturally occurring populations of P. geometricus. These populations areseparated by the Cape Fold mountain ranges inthe western Cape region of South Africa. Levels of variability were quantified usingallelic diversity, genotypic frequencies andheterozygosity. Evidence for populationsub-structuring was examined using Fstatistics, Rst and 2.High levels of variability were found in allthree populations. Low levels of populationdifferentiation were found suggestingsignificant gene flow between the populations.  相似文献   

Yao X  Ye Q  Kang M  Huang H 《The New phytologist》2007,176(2):472-480
Polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to investigate the impact of habitat fragmentation on the population structure and gene flow of Changiostyrax dolichocarpa, a critically endangered tree in central China. Intrapopulation genetic diversity, population structure and gene flow in the five extant populations of this species were analysed by eight SSR markers. Intrapopulation genetic diversity results suggest that C. dolichocarpa remnants maintained a relatively high degree of genetic diversity despite severe fragmentation. Low genetic differentiation among populations was found based on Wright's F(ST) and amova analysis. Both the F(ST)-based estimate and private allele method revealed high historical gene flow among the remnant populations. Recent immigrants, detected by assignment tests, tend to decrease from the grandparent generation to the current generation. The potentially highly restricted current gene flow among fragments may render the fragmented populations of C. dolichocarpa at a higher risk of local extinction several generations after fragmentation. Both in situ and ex situ conservation management for the remnant populations of C. dolichocarpa are therefore urgently needed to rescue remaining genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Wang R  Compton SG  Chen XY 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(21):4421-4432
Fragmentation reduces population sizes, increases isolation between habitats and can result in restricted dispersal of pollen and seeds. Given that diploid seed dispersal contributes more to shaping fine-scale spatial genetic structure (SGS) than haploid pollen flow, we tested whether fine-scale SGS can be sensitive to fragmentation even if extensive pollen dispersal is maintained. Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindley & Paxton) Schottky (Fagaceae), a wind-pollinated and gravity seed-dispersed tree, was studied in an area of southeast China where its populations have been fragmented to varying extents by human activity. Using different age classes of trees in areas subject to varying extents of fragmentation, we found no significant difference in genetic diversity between prefragmentation vs. postfragmentation C. sclerophylla subpopulations. Genetic differentiation among postfragmentation subpopulations was also only slightly lower than among prefragmentation subpopulations. In the most fragmented habitat, selfing rates were significantly higher than zero in prefragmentation, but not postfragmentation, cohorts. These results suggest that fragmentation had not decreased gene flow among these populations and that pollen flow remains extensive. However, significantly greater fine-scale SGS was found in postfragmentation subpopulations in the most fragmented habitat, but not in less fragmented habitats. This alteration in SGS reflected more restricted seed dispersal, induced by changes in the physical environments and the prevention of secondary seed dispersal by rodents. An increase in SGS can therefore result from more restricted seed dispersal, even in the face of extensive pollen flow, making it a sensitive indicator of the negative consequences of population fragmentation.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of road networks has reduced connectivity among populations of flora and fauna. The resulting isolation is assumed to increase population extinction rates, in part because of the loss of genetic diversity. However, there are few cases where loss of genetic diversity has been linked directly to roads or other barriers. We analysed the effects of such barriers on connectivity and genetic diversity of 27 populations of Ovis canadensis nelsoni (desert bighorn sheep). We used partial Mantel tests, multiple linear regression and coalescent simulations to infer changes in gene flow and diversity of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers. Our findings link a rapid reduction in genetic diversity (up to 15%) to as few as 40 years of anthropogenic isolation. Interstate highways, canals and developed areas, where present, have apparently eliminated gene flow. These results suggest that anthropogenic barriers constitute a severe threat to the persistence of naturally fragmented populations.  相似文献   

Despite recurrent episodes of range expansion and contraction, forest trees often harbour high genetic diversity. Studies of temperate forest trees suggest that prolonged juvenile phase and high pollen flow are the main factors limiting founder effects. Here, we studied the local colonization process of a pioneer rainforest tree in central Africa, Aucoumea klaineana. We identified 87% of parents among trees up to 20-25 years old and could thus compare direct parentage structure data with classical population genetics estimators. In this species, genetic diversity was maintained during colonization. The absence of founder effects was explained by (i) local random mating and (ii) local recruitment, as we showed that 75% of the trees in the close neighbourhood participated in the recruitment of new saplings. Long-distance pollen flow contributed little to genetic diversity: pollen and seed dispersal was mainly within stand (128 and 118 m, respectively). Spatial genetic structure was explained by aggregated seed dispersal rather than by mother-offspring proximity as assumed in classical isolation-by-distance models. Hence, A. klaineana presents a genetic diversity pattern typical of forest trees but does not follow the classical rules by which this diversity is generally achieved. We suggest that while high local genetic variability is of general importance to forest tree survival, the proximate mechanisms by which it is achieved may follow very different scenarios.  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural practices and forest fragmentation can have a dramatic effect on landscape connectivity and the dispersal of animals, potentially reducing gene flow within populations. In this study, we assessed the influence of woodland connectivity on gene flow in a traditionally forest-dwelling species--the European roe deer--in a fragmented landscape. From a sample of 648 roe deer spatially referenced within a study area of 55 x 40 km, interindividual genetic distances were calculated from genotypes at 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We calculated two geographical distances between each pair of individuals: the Euclidean distance (straight line) and the 'least cost distance' (the trajectory that maximizes the use of wooded corridors). We tested the correlation between genetic pairwise distances and the two types of geographical pairwise distance using Mantel tests. The correlation was better using the least cost distance, which takes into account the distribution of wooded patches, especially for females (the correlation was stronger but not significant for males). These results suggest that in a fragmented woodland area roe deer dispersal is strongly linked to wooded structures and hence that gene flow within the roe deer population is influenced by the connectivity of the landscape.  相似文献   

Urbanization can result in the fragmentation of once contiguous natural landscapes into a patchy habitat interspersed within a growing urban matrix. Animals living in fragmented landscapes often have reduced movement among habitat patches because of avoidance of intervening human development, which potentially leads to both reduced gene flow and pathogen transmission between patches. Mammalian carnivores with large home ranges, such as bobcats (Lynx rufus), may be particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation. We performed genetic analyses on bobcats and their directly transmitted viral pathogen, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), to investigate the effects of urbanization on bobcat movement. We predicted that urban development, including major freeways, would limit bobcat movement and result in genetically structured host and pathogen populations. We analysed molecular markers from 106 bobcats and 19 FIV isolates from seropositive animals in urban southern California. Our findings indicate that reduced gene flow between two primary habitat patches has resulted in genetically distinct bobcat subpopulations separated by urban development including a major highway. However, the distribution of genetic diversity among FIV isolates determined through phylogenetic analyses indicates that pathogen genotypes are less spatially structured-exhibiting a more even distribution between habitat fragments. We conclude that the types of movement and contact sufficient for disease transmission occur with enough frequency to preclude structuring among the viral population, but that the bobcat population is structured owing to low levels of effective bobcat migration resulting in gene flow. We illustrate the utility in using multiple molecular markers that differentially detect movement and gene flow between subpopulations when assessing connectivity.  相似文献   

Coffea arabica, the wild ancestor of all commercial Arabica coffee cultivars worldwide, is endemic to the montane rainforests of Ethiopia. These forests, which harbour the most important C. arabica gene pool, are threatened by increasing anthropogenic disturbance, potentially altering the mating patterns, pollen dispersal and maintenance of genetic diversity in C. arabica understorey populations. We genotyped 376 adult coffee shrubs and 418 progenies from three natural unmanaged, and three highly managed coffee populations, using 24 microsatellite markers. Mating system analysis of C. arabica yielded an overall multilocus outcrossing rate of 76%, which contrasts with the common knowledge that C. arabica is a predominantly selfing species. In highly managed coffee populations, paternity could be assigned to 78% of the progenies, whereas in the unmanaged natural coffee populations, only 57% of the progenies could be assigned to a father, indicating reduced long‐distance pollen dispersal in managed forests. Furthermore, the fraction of selfed progenies was significantly higher in managed (23%) than unmanaged (10%) coffee forests. Finally, the lack of spatial genetic structure in all studied populations suggests high seed dispersal in unmanaged populations, and intense berry harvesting and coffee planting in the managed populations. Our results imply that in situ conservation of the wild gene pool of C. arabica must focus on limiting intensification of coffee forest management, as decreased pollen dispersal and increased selfing in C. arabica in intensively managed populations may increase the risk of genetic erosion. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 76–88.  相似文献   

Habitat islands, genetic diversity, and gene flow in a Patagonian rodent   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effects of terrestrial habitat islands on gene flow and genetic diversity in animal populations have been predicted and discussed in theoretical terms, but empirical data are needed to test these predictions and provide an understanding of the relationships of life-history characteristics to genetics of insular species. We studied saxicolous mice ( Phyllotis xanthopygus ) in Patagonia to explore genetic structure, phylogeography, and gene flow in a species inhabiting natural habitat islands. Phylogeographic analyses based on mtDNA sequences revealed two haplotype clades, which presumably reflect early Pleistocene factors that temporarily separated the mice into two geographically isolated groups. The Río Chubut, which lies within a glacial drainage basin bisecting northern Patagonia, might have affected gene flow in the species. Although we anticipated isolation by distance and founder phenomena associated with habitat islands, in some habitat patches we found evidence of high local genetic diversity. The amount of divergence in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (≈ 3.4%) in animals at a single locality could best be explained through a combination of historical factors and metapopulation source–sink theory. Demographic shifts, dispersal, and episodic recolonization are important in the life history and genetic population structure of P. xanthopygus .  相似文献   

In this study, samples of Ancherythroculter nigrocauda, an endemic fish in the upper Yangtze River, were collected above and below dams in the Longxi River, a tributary of the upper Yangtze River, China, to investigate the genetic impacts of dams. The mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cyt b) and 13 microsatellite (SSR) loci were used to analyze whether dams have resulted in loss of genetic diversity of the two fragmented populations or caused genetic differentiation between them. The results showed that the haplotype diversity (0.488; 0.486), nucleotide diversity (0.084%; 0.082%) and average expected heterozygosity (0.652; 0.676) of the two populations were all at a low level, and recent bottlenecks were detected. However, there was no genetic differentiation detected by the low genetic differentiation index (Fst, cyt b: ?0.1677, p = 0.99707; SSR: 0.00259, p = 0.81427). Besides, 11 pairs of half‐sibling relationship were found between the two populations indicating that there were individual movements and gene flow between them. This could be the larvae moving from upstream to downstream when water spilled over dams in flooding season. Therefore, our analysis showed that the dams have caused a loss of genetic diversity of the populations of A. nigrocauda in the Longxi River, blocked the active upstream movement but allowing passive downstream drift of larvae.  相似文献   

Understanding the consequences of habitat disturbance on mating patterns although pollen and seed dispersal in forest trees has been a long‐standing theme of forest and conservation genetics. Forest ecosystems face global environmental pressures from timber exploitation to genetic pollution and climate change, and it is therefore essential to comprehend how disturbances may alter the dispersal of genes and their establishment in tree populations in order to formulate relevant recommendations for sustainable resource management practices and realistic predictions of potential adaptation to climate change by means of range shift or expansion (Kremer et al. 2012 ). However, obtaining reliable evidence of disturbance‐induced effects on gene dispersal processes from empirical evaluation of forest tree populations is difficult. Indeed, tree species share characteristics such as high longevity, long generation time and large reproductive population size, which may impede the experimenter's ability to assess parameters at the spatial and time scales at which any change may occur (Petit and Hampe 2006 ). It has been suggested that appropriate study designs should encompass comparison of populations before and after disturbance as well as account for demonstrated variation in conspecific density, that is, the spatial distribution of mates, and forest density, including all species and relating to alteration in landscape openness (Bacles & Jump 2011 ). However, more often than not, empirical studies aiming to assess the consequences of habitat disturbance on genetic processes in tree populations assume rather than quantify a change in tree densities in forests under disturbance and generally fail to account for population history, which may lead to inappropriate interpretation of a causal relationship between population genetic structure and habitat disturbance due to effects of unmonitored confounding variables (Gauzere et al. 2013). In this issue, Shohami and Nathan ( 2014 ) take advantage of the distinctive features of the fire‐adapted wind‐pollinated Aleppo pine Pinus halepensis (Fig. 1) to provide an elegant example of best practice. Thanks to long‐term monitoring of the study site, a natural stand in Israel, Shohami and Nathan witnessed the direct impact of habitat disturbance, here taking the shape of fire, on conspecific and forest densities and compared pre‐ and postdisturbance mating patterns estimated from cones of different ages sampled on the same surviving maternal individuals (Fig. 2). This excellent study design is all the more strong that Shohami and Nathan took further analytical steps to account for confounding variables, such as historical population genetic structure and possible interannual variation in wind conditions, thus giving high credibility to their findings of unequivocal fire‐induced alteration of mating patterns in P. halepensis. Most notably, the authors found, at the pollen pool level, a disruption of local genetic structure which, furthermore, they were able to attribute explicitly to enhanced pollen‐mediated gene immigration into the low‐density fire‐disturbed stand. This cleverly designed research provides a model approach to be followed if we are to advance our understanding of disturbance‐induced dispersal and genetic change in forest trees.  相似文献   

濒危植物鹅掌楸(Liriodendron chinense)目前仅零散分布于我国亚热带及越南北部地区, 残存居群生境片断化较为严重。研究濒危植物片断化居群的遗传多样性及小尺度空间遗传结构(spatial genetic structure)有助于了解物种的生态进化过程以及制定相关的保育策略。本研究采用13对微卫星引物, 对鹅掌楸的1个片断化居群进行了遗传多样性及空间遗传结构的研究, 旨在揭示生境片断化条件下鹅掌楸的遗传多样性及基因流状况。研究结果表明: 鹅掌楸烂木山居群内不同生境斑块及不同年龄阶段植株的遗传多样性水平差异不显著(P>0.05), 居群内存在寨内和山林2个遗传分化明显的亚居群。烂木山居群个体在200 m以内呈现显著的空间遗传结构, 而2个亚居群内的个体仅在20 m的距离范围内存在微弱或不显著的空间遗传结构。鹅掌楸的空间遗传结构强度较低(Sp = 0.0090), 且寨内亚居群的空间遗传结构强度(Sp = 0.0067)要高于山林亚居群(Sp = 0.0053)。鹅掌楸以异交为主, 种子较轻且具翅, 借助风力传播, 在一定程度上降低了空间遗传结构的强度。此外, 居群内个体密度及生境特征也对鹅掌楸的空间遗传结构产生了一定影响。该居群出现显著的杂合子缺失, 近交系数(FIS)为0.099 (P < 0.01), 表明生境片断化的遗传效应正逐渐显现。因此, 对鹅掌楸的就地保护应注意维护与强化生境的连续性, 促进基因交流。迁地保护时, 取样距离应不小于20 m, 以涵盖足够多的遗传变异。  相似文献   

The spatial genetic structure of the neotropical, clustered tree species Vouacapoua americana (Aublet) was studied in two natural forest stands (Paracou and Nouragues) in French Guiana. Using eight microsatellite loci, V. americana is characterized by a marked genetic structure at small spatial distances (under 30-60 m), in agreement with the limited seed dispersal by rodent species. Gene flow through pollen is also shown to be mainly restricted to less than 100 m. This result suggests that most pollination events (mediated through small insects) are probably limited to within-patches of individuals, which might explain the high genetic differentiation among patches (F(ST) = 0.11) separated by less than 2 km. We also assume that stronger genetic structure in Paracou is likely to be due to lower seed dispersal by rodents, large spatial distances separating patches, or a recent recolonization event.  相似文献   

Aims The dispersal of pollen and seeds is spatially restricted and may vary among plant populations because of varying biotic interactions, population histories or abiotic conditions. Because gene dispersal is spatially restricted, it will eventually result in the development of spatial genetic structure (SGS), which in turn can allow insights into gene dispersal processes. Here, we assessed the effect of habitat characteristics like population density and community structure on small-scale SGS and estimate historical gene dispersal at different spatial scales.Methods In a set of 12 populations of the subtropical understory shrub Ardisia crenata, we assessed genetic variation at 7 microsatellite loci within and among populations. We investigated small-scale genetic structure with spatial genetic autocorrelation statistics and heterogeneity tests and estimated gene dispersal distances based on population differentiation and on within-population SGS. SGS was related to habitat characteristics by multiple regression.Important findings The populations showed high genetic diversity (H e = 0.64) within populations and rather strong genetic differentiation (F ′ ST = 0.208) among populations, following an isolation-by-distance pattern, which suggests that populations are in gene flow–drift equilibrium. Significant SGS was present within populations (mean Sp = 0.027). Population density and species diversity had a joint effect on SGS with low population density and high species diversity leading to stronger small-scale SGS. Estimates of historical gene dispersal from between-population differentiation and from within-population SGS resulted in similar values between 4.8 and 22.9 m. The results indicate that local-ranged pollen dispersal and inefficient long-distance seed dispersal, both affected by population density and species diversity, contributed to the genetic population structure of the species. We suggest that SGS in shrubs is more similar to that of herbs than to trees and that in communities with high species diversity gene flow is more restricted than at low species diversity. This may represent a process that retards the development of a positive species diversity–genetic diversity relationship.  相似文献   

Tsuda Y  Ide Y 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(13):3929-3941
Betula maximowicziana is a long-lived pioneer tree species in Japanese cool temperate forests that plays an important role in maintenance of the forest ecosystem and has high economic value. Here we assess the wide-range genetic structure of 23 natural populations of B. maximowicziana using 11 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci. Genetic diversity within populations was relatively low in all populations (mean H(E), 0.361; mean allelic richness, 2.80; mean rare allelic richness, 1.02). The population differentiation was also relatively low (F(ST), 0.062). Genetic distance-based and Bayesian clustering analysis revealed that the populations examined here could be divided into a southern group and a northern group. Analysis of rare allelic richness and Bayesian clustering revealed evidence for both southern and northern refugia during the last glacial period. Furthermore, a comparison of regional genetic diversity revealed significant clines in allelic richness. In spatial genetic structure evaluation, significant isolation by distance (IBD) was detected among the 23 populations, but not within regions. Moreover, significant population bottlenecks were found in all populations under infinite allele model (IAM) assumptions. These unusual, significant bottlenecks might be because of the processes of postglacial colonization and the species' characters and/or life history as a long-lived pioneer tree species. The wide-range, regional genetic structure found in this study provides an important baseline for conservation and forest management, including the identification of evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) and/or management units (MUs) of B. maximowicziana.  相似文献   

Pteroceltis tatarinowii (Cannabaceae), a relic tree endemic to China, is mainly distributed in limestone mountains and has a wide geographical range. In this study, 12 microsatellite primer pairs were assayed to analyse the genetic pattern and gene flow among 461 individuals sampled from 23 wild populations of P. tatarinowii. A high level of genetic diversity was detected based on high values of total alleles (159), the number of alleles (NA = 6.373), expected heterozygosity (HE = 0.696) and observed heterozygosity (HO = 0.679). The high genetic diversity in this species may be attributed to its long‐life history, wide geographical distribution and wind dispersal. Only low genetic differentiation (GST = 0.137, FST = 0.138) was found among populations. Gene flow (migrants per generation, Nm) was estimated to be 1.56. This moderate level of gene flow possibly decrease interpopulation differentiation by buffering against genetic drift and improving gene exchange. However, spatial genetic structure was detected throughou the sampled range of the species (r = 0.311, p < 0.05) as well as in southern China (r = 0.453, p < 0.05), and may be related to terrain heterogeneity and the demographic history of P. tatarinowii. The east‐west high mountains of southern China might serve as physical barriers to seed and pollen flow. The isolation and local adaptation of different refugia may further limit gene flow. In addition, geographically remote populations might fail to effectively disperse pollen and seeds. Based on the above‐mentioned results, some suggestions for the conservation of the species are presented.  相似文献   

1. Flow regime and riverine architecture are two important landscape characteristics that influence genetic diversity and gene flow in riverine species.
2. Using population genetic markers (mtDNA, microsatellites and allozymes), this study aimed to investigate genetic diversity and gene flow in the freshwater fish, Neosilurus hyrtlii , across two major drainage divisions in northern and central Australia (the Gulf of Carpentaria and Lake Eyre basins). These basins lie adjacent to each other and differ in their hydrological inputs and riverine structure, providing an ideal opportunity to identify the impact of landscape processes upon population dynamics of freshwater fish.
3. Populations were strongly structured among basins, among catchments within basins and were weakly structured within catchments in the Lake Eyre Basin, providing support for the Stream Hierarchy Model.
4. Interestingly, mtDNA and microsatellite diversity was much higher in the Gulf of Carpentaria Basin compared to the Lake Eyre Basin. It was concluded that this difference was due to the extreme hydrological variability in this basin and boom-bust population cycles resulting in smaller effective population sizes in the Lake Eyre Basin.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation due to urbanization are the most pervasive threats to biodiversity in southern California. Loss of habitat and fragmentation can lower migration rates and genetic connectivity among remaining populations of native species, reducing genetic variability and increasing extinction risk. However, it may be difficult to separate the effects of recent anthropogenic fragmentation from the genetic signature of prehistoric fragmentation due to previous natural geological and climatic changes. To address these challenges, we examined the phylogenetic and population genetic structure of a flightless insect endemic to cismontane southern California, Stenopelmatus'mahogani' (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae). Analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequence data suggest that diversification across southern California began during the Pleistocene, with most haplotypes currently restricted to a single population. Patterns of genetic divergence correlate with contemporary urbanization, even after correcting for (geographical information system) GIS-based reconstructions of fragmentation during the Pleistocene. Theoretical simulations confirm that contemporary patterns of genetic structure could be produced by recent urban fragmentation using biologically reasonable assumptions about model parameters. Diversity within populations was positively correlated with current fragment size, but not prehistoric fragment size, suggesting that the effects of increased drift following anthropogenic fragmentation are already being seen. Loss of genetic connectivity and diversity can hinder a population's ability to adapt to ecological perturbations commonly associated with urbanization, such as habitat degradation, climatic changes and introduced species. Consequently, our results underscore the importance of preserving and restoring landscape connectivity for long-term persistence of low vagility native species.  相似文献   

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