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Fertile patches are created and maintained by a combination of physical and biologically-mediated processes including soil disturbance by animals. We examined the creation of fertile patches by 4 vertebrates, the greater bilby Macrotis lagotis , burrowing bettong Bettongia lesueur , European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus , and Gould's sand goanna Varanus gouldii within dunes, ecotones, and swales in a dunefield in arid South Australia. These animals all create pits when foraging for subterranean food resources. We hypothesized that 1) the effect of pits on litter capture would vary among landscapes and animal species, 2) larger pits would trap more litter and seed, 3) pits would contain more viable seed than the surrounding matrix, and 4) the effect of pits on soil chemistry would vary among animal species, and be greater in landscapes with more finely textured soils. We found that litter was restricted almost exclusively to the pits, and was greater in pits with larger openings. Litter capture was greater in ecotones and dunes than in swales. A total of 1307 seedlings from 46 genera germinated from litter samples taken from the pits, but no seedlings emerged from samples taken from soil surrounding the pits. Foraging pits contained significantly higher levels of total C and N than surrounding soil, and total C and N concentrations were greatest in swales and lowest in dunes. Pits contained ca 55% more mineralisable N that surface soils, and pits constructed by bilbies and bettongs contained half the concentration of mineralisable N as those of rabbits and goannas. Concentrations of mineral N and mineralisable N were also greatest in the swales. Our results demonstrate the importance of animal-created pits as nutrient sinks and sites for seedling establishment, and suggest that changes in the composition of arid zone vertebrates may have resulted in profound changes to nutrient and soil dynamics in arid Australia.  相似文献   

Successional trajectories of a grazed salt desert shrubland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Successional trajectories through the statistical space of ordinations were used to examine response to grazing in salt desert shrub communities of western Utah, USA. Relative cover data were periodically collected over a 53 year period from grazing exclosures and pastures grazed with light or heavy stocking rates in fall or spring (4 grazing treatments). Two-way indicator species analysis was used to select the 98 most similar plots (24 m2) from among 358 plots in 1935. Foliar cover of 23 species on those 98 plots was followed at irregular intervals over 53 years, resulting in 709 plot-time samples. Successional trajectories were developed for each grazing treatment with ordinations from detrended correspondence analysis. Grazing season had a more pronounced influence on floristic trajectories than did grazing intensity. These ordinations suggest grazing season was an important factor regulating response to grazing and identify annual March-April grazing as an important cause of retrogression in the salt desert shrub ecosystem.Abbreviations (DER) Desert Experimental Range  相似文献   

Despite increasing concerns about microplastic (MP) pollution in aquatic ecosystems, there is insufficient knowledge on how MP affect fungal communities. In this study, we explored the diversity and community composition of fungi attached to polyethylene (PE) and polystyrene (PS) particles incubated in different aquatic systems in north‐east Germany: the Baltic Sea, the River Warnow and a wastewater treatment plant. Based on next generation 18S rRNA gene sequencing, 347 different operational taxonomic units assigned to 81 fungal taxa were identified on PE and PS. The MP‐associated communities were distinct from fungal communities in the surrounding water and on the natural substrate wood. They also differed significantly among sampling locations, pointing towards a substrate and location specific fungal colonization. Members of Chytridiomycota, Cryptomycota and Ascomycota dominated the fungal assemblages, suggesting that both parasitic and saprophytic fungi thrive in MP biofilms. Thus, considering the worldwide increasing accumulation of plastic particles as well as the substantial vector potential of MP, especially these fungal taxa might benefit from MP pollution in the aquatic environment with yet unknown impacts on their worldwide distribution, as well as biodiversity and food web dynamics at large.  相似文献   

荒漠-绿洲土壤微生物群落组成与其活性对比   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李晨华  李彦  谢静霞  唐立松 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3391-3399
结合野外观测与实验室研究方法,对比研究了准葛尔盆地南缘盐生荒漠与绿洲农田土壤微生物活性与其群落组成的变化特征,并分析了土壤温度与湿度对荒漠-绿洲土壤微生物活性的影响。结果表明:荒漠开垦为绿洲后,土壤细菌明显增加,真菌无明显变化,放线菌显著减少。细菌在绿洲农田土壤矿化作用中占主导,真菌则在荒漠中占优势,绿洲农田土壤微生物活性(包括真菌与细菌活性)明显高于荒漠。温度对荒漠-绿洲土壤微生物活性的影响只在一定土壤湿度范围内作用显著,绿洲农田受其影响较大;荒漠有机质含量明显高于绿洲农田,但水分与盐分因素抑制了微生物对其的分解和矿化。不同土地利用方式导致了荒漠绿洲间土壤湿度及盐份的较大差异,加之与土壤温度极显著的交互作用,使得开垦后土壤有机碳的易得性增强,微生物群落结构发生显著改变,进而有机碳的矿化速率加快,土壤碳库随之消减。  相似文献   

The leaf surfaces of Tamarix, a salt-secreting desert tree, harbor a diverse community of microbial epiphytes. This ecosystem presents a unique combination of ecological characteristics and imposes a set of extreme stress conditions. The composition of the microbial community along ecological gradients was studied from analyses of microbial richness and diversity in the phyllosphere of three Tamarix species in the Mediterranean and Dead Sea regions in Israel and in two locations in the United States. Over 200,000 sequences of the 16S V6 and 18S V9 hypervariable regions revealed a diverse community, with 788 bacterial and 64 eukaryotic genera but only one archaeal genus. Both geographic location and tree species were determinants of microbial community structures, with the former being more dominant. Tree leaves of all three species in the Mediterranean region were dominated by Halomonas and Halobacteria, whereas trees from the Dead Sea area were dominated by Actinomycetales and Bacillales. Our findings demonstrate that microbial phyllosphere communities on different Tamarix species are highly similar in the same locale, whereas trees of the same species that grow in different climatic regions host distinct microbial communities.  相似文献   

Extreme arid regions in the worlds'' major deserts are typified by quartz pavement terrain. Cryptic hypolithic communities colonize the ventral surface of quartz rocks and this habitat is characterized by a relative lack of environmental and trophic complexity. Combined with readily identifiable major environmental stressors this provides a tractable model system for determining the relative role of stochastic and deterministic drivers in community assembly. Through analyzing an original, worldwide data set of 16S rRNA-gene defined bacterial communities from the most extreme deserts on the Earth, we show that functional assemblages within the communities were subject to different assembly influences. Null models applied to the photosynthetic assemblage revealed that stochastic processes exerted most effect on the assemblage, although the level of community dissimilarity varied between continents in a manner not always consistent with neutral models. The heterotrophic assemblages displayed signatures of niche processes across four continents, whereas in other cases they conformed to neutral predictions. Importantly, for continents where neutrality was either rejected or accepted, assembly drivers differed between the two functional groups. This study demonstrates that multi-trophic microbial systems may not be fully described by a single set of niche or neutral assembly rules and that stochasticity is likely a major determinant of such systems, with significant variation in the influence of these determinants on a global scale.  相似文献   

As it is well known, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization can be initiated from the following three types of fungal propagules: spores, extraradical mycelium (ERM), and mycorrhizal root fragments harboring intraradical fungal structures. It has been shown that biomass allocation of AM fungi (AMF) among these three propagule types varies between fungal taxa, as also differs the ability of the different AMF propagule fractions to initiate new colonizations. In this study, the composition of the AMF community in the roots of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L., a characteristic Mediterranean shrub), inoculated with the three different propagule types, was analyzed. Accordingly, cuttings from this species were inoculated with either AMF spores, ERM, or colonized roots extracted from a natural soil. The AMF diversity within the rosemary roots was characterized using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of the small subunit (SSU) rDNA region. The AMF community established in the rosemary plants was significantly different according to the type of propagule used as inoculum. AMF taxa differed in their ability to initiate new colonizations from each propagule type. Results suggest different colonization strategies for the different AMF families involved, Glomeraceae and Claroideoglomeraceae colonizing mainly from colonized roots whereas Pacisporaceae and Diversisporaceae from spores and ERM. This supports that AMF taxa show contrasting life-history strategies in terms of their ability to initiate new colonizations from the different propagule types. Further research to fully understand the colonization and dispersal abilities of AMF is essential for their rational use in ecosystem restoration programs.  相似文献   

Pavel Kratina  Monika Winder 《Oikos》2015,124(10):1337-1345
Ecologists and ecosystem managers often base their understanding of trophic dynamics on consumer and resource biomass. However, the factors that alter the relative nutritional value of resources are often poorly understood, despite their potential to decouple trophic interactions. Recent population declines in pelagic fishes of the upper San Francisco Estuary were not accompanied by an equivalent decrease in zooplankton biomass, which are the main resource for the fish and their larvae. It was hypothesized that changes in zooplankton nutritional conditions following the establishment of invasive species caused food‐quality related limitations for these higher‐order consumers. Using stable isotopes, elemental stoichiometry and fatty acid analyses for all dominant invasive and native zooplankton taxa and seston, we characterized the plankton community structure in the estuary and demonstrated taxon‐specific differences in their nutritional value. We then quantified the temporal dynamics in meso‐zooplankton proportions of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and ratio of n3:n6 fatty acids. We found temporal increase in the community‐level DHA, n3 to n6 fatty acid ratio, decrease in the community‐level EPA and PUFA in the brackish water region, but no change in the bulk PUFA proportions in the freshwater region of the estuary. These changes were caused mainly by declines of native cladocerans that are rich in EPA and by an increase in the dominance of invasive taxa with high DHA concentrations, similar to that of native taxa. Although we showed temporal shifts in individual fatty acid classes, the proportion of the essential fatty acids remained relatively high, suggesting that nutritional prey availability for fish remained unchanged with the shift in species composition. We argue that the nutritional content of resource communities should be considered when analyzing the long‐term trophic dynamics and designing effective management and restoration strategies.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long studied the relationship between biotic composition and ecosystem functioning in larger organisms; however, only recently has this relationship been investigated widely in microorganisms. Recent studies are reviewed within a framework of three experimental approaches that are often used to study larger organisms: environmental treatment, common garden, and reciprocal transplant experiments. Although the composition of microorganisms cannot be easily manipulated in the field, applying these approaches to intact microbial communities can begin to tease apart the effects of microbial composition from environmental parameters on ecosystem functioning. The challenges in applying these approaches to microorganisms are highlighted and it is discussed how the experimental approach and duration affects a study's interpretation. In general, long-term environmental treatment experiments identify correlative relationships between microbial composition and ecosystem functioning, whereas short-term common garden experiments demonstrate that microbial composition influences ecosystem functioning. Finally, reciprocal transplants simultaneously test for interactive effects of the environment and composition on functioning. The studies reviewed provide evidence that, at least in some cases, microbial composition influences ecosystem functioning. It is concluded that whole-community experiments offer a way to test whether information about microbial composition will help predict ecosystem responses to global change.  相似文献   

Douglas A. Kelt 《Ecography》1999,22(2):123-137
Several recent studies have compared small mammal community structure across multiple deserts on different continents. These studies have tacitly assumed that variation in community structure was greater between continents than within, and so have not evaluated variation across desert regions within continents. I evaluated several metrics of community structure and a model of community assembly for four desert regions in North America - the Great Basin, Mojave. Sonoran. and Chihuahuan Deserts in order to explicitly compare these metrics across these deserts. Additionally. I compared these results with similar analyses conducted on two desert regions in central Asia - the Gobi Desert and the Turan Desert Region to evaluate the relative magnitude of intra- vs inter-continental variation. Although the patterns observed are complex, they demonstrated marked heterogeneity in desert small mammal communities within North America. However, this heterogeneity is much less than that observed in inter-continental comparisons, in which Asian and North American deserts differ markedly. These results agree with other recent studies providing limited or no support for the existence of substantial convergence in community characteristics or ecological function across geographically distant regions. Rather, the results support the hypothesis that the common evolutionary history of faunas in globally disjunct landmasses has had a stronger influence on the evolution of communities and faunas than do regional variations in climate, physiography, etc. Whereas a common ecological setting may have large impacts on some facets of organismal structure (e.g., bipedalism in desert small mammals), common evolutionary history appears to have a more profound influence on local dynamics.  相似文献   

Elevated ozone (O3) can affect the susceptivity of plants to rust pathogens. However, the collective role of microbiomes involved in such interaction remains largely elusive. We exposed two cultivated poplar clones exhibiting differential O3 sensitivities, to non-filtered ambient air (NF), NF + 40 ppb or NF + 60 ppb O3-enriched air in field open-top chambers and then inoculated Melampsora larici-populina urediniospores to study their response to rust infection and to investigate how microbiomes inhabiting four compartments (phyllosphere, rhizosphere, root endosphere, bulk soil) are involved in this response. We found that hosts with higher O3 sensitivity had significantly lower rust severity than hosts with lower sensitivity. Furthermore, the effect of increased O3 on the diversity and composition of microbial communities was highly dependent on poplar compartments, with the microbial network complexity patterns being completely opposite between the two clones. Notably, microbial source analysis estimated that phyllosphere fungal communities predominately derived from root endosphere and vice versa, suggesting a potential transmission mechanism between plant above- and below-ground systems. These promising results suggest that further investigations are needed to better understand the interactions of abiotic and biotic stresses on plant performance and the role of the microbiome in driving these changes.  相似文献   

Soil microbial biomass in arctic heaths has been shown to be largely unaffected by treatments simulating climate change with temperature, nutrient and light manipulations. Here, we demonstrate that more than 10 years is needed for development of significant responses, and that changes in microbial biomass are accompanied with strong alterations in microbial community composition. In contrast to slight or nonsignificant responses after 5, 6 and 10 treatment years, 15 years of inorganic NPK fertilizer addition to a subarctic heath had strong effects on the microbial community and, as observed for the first time, warming and shading also led to significant responses, often in opposite direction to the fertilization responses. The effects were clearer in the top 5 cm soil than at the 5–10 cm depth. Fertilization increased microbial biomass C and more than doubled microbial biomass P compared to the non-fertilized plots. However, it only increased microbial biomass N at the 5–10 cm depth. Fertilization increased fungal biomass and the relative abundance of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) markers of gram-positive bacteria. Warming and shading decreased the relative abundance of fungal PLFAs, and shading also altered the composition of the bacterial community. The long time lag in responses may be associated with indirect effects of the gradual changes in the plant biomass and community composition. The contrasting responses to warming and fertilization treatments show that results from fertilizer addition may not be similar to the effects of increased nutrient mineralization and availability following climatic warming.  相似文献   

Spatial variations in nitrogen availability were studied in a desert community codominated byLarrea tridentata (DC.) Cov. andProsopis glandulosa Torr. Measurements of natural 15N values in tissues suggested thatProsopis obtains approximately half of its nitrogen through direct symbiotic fixation. Soils were collected under 1)Prosopis shrubs, 2)Larrea shrubs 2 m fromProsopis (LP), and 3)Larrea 2 m from otherLarrea but> 5 m from the nearestProsopis (LL).Prosopis soils showed significantly higher rates of nitrogen mineralization than LL soils in both A and B horizons. Rates of mineralization in LP soils were significantly higher than rates in LL soils only in the B horizon and were not significantly different from rates inProsopis soils. Leaf nitrogen concentrations were significantly higher in LP shrubs (2.06%) than in LL shrubs (1.78%), although 15N values did not differ between the two shrub types. Nitrogen concentrations inPerezia nana Gray, a perennial herb, were greater in plants underProsopis shrubs (2.09%) than under LP shrubs (1.93%) or LL shrubs (1.67%). Despite apparent differences in nitrogen availability, biomass ofLarrea and density ofPerezia did not differ significantly among these sites.  相似文献   

We investigated the response of soil microbial communities in tropical ecosystems to increased nutrient deposition, such as predicted by anthropogenic change scenarios. Moderate amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus and their combination were added along an altitudinal transect. We expected microorganisms and microbial grazers (testate amoebae) to significantly respond to nutrient additions with the effect increasing with increasing altitude and with duration of nutrient additions. Further, we expected nutrients to alter grazer–prey interrelationships. Indeed, nutrient additions strongly altered microbial biomass (MB) and community structure as well as the community structure of testate amoebae. The response of microorganisms varied with both altitude and duration of nutrient addition. The results indicate that microorganisms are generally limited by N, but saprotrophic fungi also by P. Also, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi benefited from N and/or P addition. Parallel to MB, testate amoebae benefited from the addition of N but were detrimentally affected by P, with the addition of P negating the positive effect of N. Our data suggests that testate amoeba communities are predominantly structured by abiotic factors and by antagonistic interactions with other microorganisms, in particular mycorrhizal fungi, rather than by the availability of prey. Overall, the results suggest that the decomposer system of tropical montane rainforests significantly responds to even moderate changes in nutrient inputs with the potential to cause major ramifications of the whole ecosystem including litter decomposition and plant growth.  相似文献   

Effects of landscape heterogeneity and farming practice on species composition are less well known than those on species richness, in spite of the fact that community composition can be at least as important for ecosystem services, such as pollination. Here, we assessed the effect of organic farming and landscape heterogeneity on pollinator communities, focusing on multivariate patterns in species composition and the taxonomic breadth of communities. By relating our results to patterns observed for species richness we show that: (1) species richness generally declines with decreasing landscape heterogeneity, but taxonomic breadth only declines with landscape heterogeneity on conventionally managed farms. We further highlight the importance to provide results of species composition analyses as (2) primarily hoverfly species benefited from organic farming, but three bee species from different families were favoured by conventionally managed farms and (3) two hoverfly species with aphidophagous larvae showed contrasting responses to landscape heterogeneity. These results advance the understanding of how landscape heterogeneity and farming practices alter insect communities and further suggest that diversity patterns need to be analysed beyond species richness to fully uncover consequences of agricultural intensification.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands have been recognized as a removal treatment option for high concentrations of contaminants in agricultural waste before land application. The goal of this study was to characterize microbial composition in two constructed wetlands designed to remove contaminants from dairy washwater. Water samples were collected weekly for 11 months from two wetlands to determine the efficiency of the treatment system in removal of chemical contaminants and total and fecal coliforms. The reduction by the treatment was greatest for biological oxygen demand, suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, nitrate, and coliforms. There was only moderate removal of total nitrogen and phosphorus. Changes in the total bacterial community and ammonia-oxidizing bacterial composition were examined by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequencing of PCR-amplified fragments of the gene carrying the alpha subunit of the ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) recovered from soil samples and DGGE bands. DGGE analysis of wetlands and manure samples revealed that the total bacterial community composition was dominated by bacteria from phylogenetic clusters related to Bacillus, Clostridium, Mycoplasma, Eubacterium, and Proteobacteria originally retrieved from the gastrointestinal tracts of mammals. The population of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria showed a higher percentage of Nitrosospira-like sequences from the wetland samples, while a higher percentage of Nitrosomonas-like sequences from manure, feces, raw washwater, and facultative pond was found. These results show that the wetland system is a natural process dependent upon the development of healthy microbial communities for optimal wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

Aquatic plants are well suited as subjects for studies on the distribution and abundance of co-occurring species, especially due to the simple structure of their communities, well defined toposequences and relatively easily measurable environmental factors. Here we show that underwater plants occurring in semi-natural lakes form stable communities, where species interactions dominate over dispersal dynamics to form a modular community structure with a high degree of zonation (turnover) and low within-module species richness. In turn, human-induced disturbance largely destroyed the modular structure. Our results indicate that (1) species abundance distributions (SADs) of underwater plant communities are well described by the lognormal model; (2) environmental characters did not significantly influence the SADs of underwater plant communities; (3) log-series SADs do not indicate specific types of community organization; (4) in our lake communities only few satellites (tourists) occur; (5) the co-occurrence of species is highly dependent on the turnover across lakes and water depth zones; and (6) species zonation is a function of lake properties.  相似文献   

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