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Endogenous rhythms are adaptive responses to predictable changes of the environment, like the day/night cycle. Some researches demonstrated that social cycles can influence the circadian rhythm, while no study investigated the effect of endogenous rhythmicity on the sociability in Vertebrates. This study investigated whether differences in the functioning of the circadian system was associated with social motivation in Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica).We compared quail from a line expressing a robust circadian rhythm of feeding activity (R) to quail from a line expressing circadian arrhythmicity of feeding activity (A) under constant darkness. Classic behavioral tests evaluated social motivation of these birds.When socially isolated, the motivation of R quail to re-establish contact with conspecifics appeared stronger than that of A quail. When in the presence of conspecifics, R quail faced a stressful situation (change of environment) more calmly than did A quail. Thus, variation of circadian behavioral rhythmicity is associated with variation in social motivation in Japanese quail. Rhythmic animals appeared to respond more appropriately to environmental challenges than arrhythmic animals.  相似文献   

Social network analysis is an ideal quantitative tool for advancing our understanding of complex social behaviour. However, this approach is often limited by the challenges of accurately characterizing social structure and measuring network heterogeneity. Technological advances have facilitated the study of social networks, but to date, all such work has focused on large vertebrates. Here, we provide proof of concept for using proximity data-logging to quantify the frequency of social interactions, construct weighted networks and characterize variation in the social behaviour of a lek-breeding bird, the wire-tailed manakin, Pipra filicauda. Our results highlight how this approach can ameliorate the challenges of social network data collection and analysis by concurrently improving data quality and quantity.  相似文献   

Robotics has traditionally focused on developing intelligent machines that can manipulate and interact with objects. The promise of personal robots, however, challenges researchers to develop socially intelligent robots that can collaborate with people to do things. In the future, robots are envisioned to assist people with a wide range of activities such as domestic chores, helping elders to live independently longer, serving a therapeutic role to help children with autism, assisting people undergoing physical rehabilitation and much more. Many of these activities shall require robots to learn new tasks, skills and individual preferences while ‘on the job’ from people with little expertise in the underlying technology. This paper identifies four key challenges in developing social robots that can learn from natural interpersonal interaction. The author highlights the important role that expressive behaviour plays in this process, drawing on examples from the past 8 years of her research group, the Personal Robots Group at the MIT Media Lab.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that psychopathy is a trait continuum. This has unappreciated implications for understanding the selective advantage of psychopathic traits. Although clinical psychopathy is typically construed as a strategy of unconditional defection, subclinical psychopathy may promote strategic conditional defection, broadening the adaptive niche of psychopathy within human societies. To test this, we focus on a ubiquitous real-life source of conditional behaviour: the expected relational value of social partners, both in terms of their quality and the likely quantity of future interactions with them. We allow for conversational interaction among participants prior to their playing an unannounced, one-shot prisoner''s dilemma game, which fosters naturalistic interpersonal evaluation and conditional behaviour, while controlling punishment and reputation effects. Individuals scoring higher on factor 1 (callous affect, interpersonal manipulation) of the Levenson self-report psychopathy scale defected conditionally on two kinds of low-value partners: those who interrupted them more during the conversation, and those with whom they failed to discover cues to future interaction. Both interaction effects support the hypothesis that subclinical primary psychopathy potentiates defection on those with low expected relational value. These data clarify the function and form of psychopathic traits, while highlighting adaptive variation in human social strategies.  相似文献   



Polyvagal theory emphasizes that autonomic nervous system functioning plays a key role in social behavior and emotion. The theory predicts that psychiatric disorders of social dysfunction are associated with reduced heart rate variability, an index of autonomic control, as well as social inhibition and avoidance. The purpose of this study was to examine whether heart rate variability was reduced in treatment-seeking patients diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, a disorder characterized by social fear and avoidance.


Social anxiety patients (n = 53) were recruited prior to receiving psychological therapy. Healthy volunteers were recruited through the University of Sydney and the general community and were matched by gender and age (n = 53). Heart rate variability was assessed during a five-minute recording at rest, with participants completing a range of self-report clinical symptom measures.


Compared to controls, participants with social anxiety exhibited significant reductions across a number of heart rate variability measures. Reductions in heart rate variability were observed in females with social anxiety, compared to female controls, and in patients taking psychotropic medication compared to non-medicated patients. Finally, within the clinical group, we observed significant associations between reduced heart rate variability and increased social interaction anxiety, psychological distress, and harmful alcohol use.


The results of this study confirm that social anxiety disorder is associated with reduced heart rate variability. Resting state heart rate variability may therefore be considered a marker for social approach-related motivation and capacity for social engagement. Additionally, heart rate variability may provide a useful biomarker to explain underlying difficulties with social approach, impaired stress regulation, and behavioral inhibition, especially in disorders associated with significant impairments in these domains.  相似文献   

Androgens respond to social challenges and this response has been interpreted as a way for males to adjust androgen-dependent behavior to social context. However, the androgen responsiveness to social challenges varies across species and a conceptual framework has been developed to explain this variation according to differences in the mating system and parental care type, which determines the regimen of challenges males are exposed to, and concomitantly the scope (defined as the difference between the physiological maximum and the baseline levels) of response to a social challenge. However, this framework has been focused on territorial species and no clear predictions have been made to gregarious species (e.g. shoaling fish), which although tolerating same-sex individuals may also exhibit intra-sexual competition. In this paper we extend the scope of this conceptual framework to shoaling fish by studying the endocrine response of zebrafish (Danio rerio) to social challenges. Male zebrafish exposed to real opponent agonistic interactions exhibited an increase in androgen levels (11-ketotestosterone both in Winners and Losers and testosterone in Losers). This response was absent in Mirror-fighters, that expressed similar levels of aggressive behavior to those of winners, suggesting that this response is not a mere reflex of heightened aggressive motivation. Cortisol levels were also measured and indicated an activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–interrenal axis in Winners of real opponent fighters, but not Losers or in Mirror-fighters. These results confirm that gregarious species also exhibit an endocrine response to an acute social challenge.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: There are many challenges involved in running randomised controlled dietary intervention trials that investigate health outcomes. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the recruitment process, retention of participants and challenges faced in our dairy intervention trial, and to provide strategies to combat the difficulties of running long-term dietary intervention trials. METHODS: A 12-month, randomised, two-way crossover study in overweight adults with habitually low dairy food consumption designed to assess the effects of a high dairy intake (HD; 4 serves of reduced fat dairy per day) compared to a low dairy intake (LD; 1 serve of reduced fat dairy per day) on measures of cardiometabolic and cognitive health was conducted. On completion of the HD phase, each participant was interviewed about their experience in the trial and responses were used to evaluate the key issues for study participants. RESULTS: Although the recruitment target was achieved, high rates of attrition (49.3%) and difficulties maintaining participant compliance (reported by 37.8% of participants) were major threats to the viability of the study. Factors that contributed to the high attrition included inability to comply with the dietary requirements of the study protocol (27.0%), health problems or medication changes (24.3%) and time commitment (10.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Attrition and adherence to study requirements present challenges to trials requiring longer-term dietary change. Including a run-in period to further assess the motivation, commitment and availability of participants, maintaining regular contact with participants during control phases, minimising time commitment, providing flexibility with dietary requirements, facilitating positive experiences, and stringent monitoring of diet are some key recommendations for future dietary intervention trials.  相似文献   

Several examples of the need for the application of sound ergonomic principles in Singapore factories are presented. Emphasis is laid on the necessity to consider local habits and customs in the devising of ergonomic solutions to occupational health problems. Examples are given concerning vehicle cabin design, difficulties due to climate differences in applying personal protective equipment or in building design, inadequate displays warning dangers, and health consequences of technical improvements, safety measures, or measures to achieve greater efficiency. Sometimes ergonomic practices may promote productivity but be prejudicial to health. In rapidly-changing and cosmopolitan Singapore, ergonomic principles are vital to all facets of manufacturing processes and the transportation and distribution of goods, but ergonomic practice can be complicated by several factors as indicated by such examples.  相似文献   

This article examines the challenges associated with the experience of upward educational mobility among descendants of North African immigrants in France. Drawing on in-depth, open-ended interviews with students and graduates of the prestigious grandes écoles, it sheds light on three specific ways in which class-based and ethno-racial inequalities intersect to shape the mobility costs that our respondents outline: (1) feelings of isolation resulting from being one of the only bursar recipients and ethno-racial minorities of their schools; (2) perceived conflation of their minority background with counter-elite dispositions; and (3) difficulties of adjusting to a student life reflecting the cultural styles of the predominantly white, upper-middle-class group. The article suggests that our respondents deploy a minority culture of mobility rooted in class and ethno-racial processes to overcome these challenges. It finally discusses implications for future research, stressing the need to examine the intersecting effect of multiple social categories in informing complex mobility experiences.  相似文献   

Computational biology and bioinformatics are gradually gaining grounds in Africa and other developing nations of the world. However, in these countries, some of the challenges of computational biology and bioinformatics education are inadequate infrastructures, and lack of readily-available complementary and motivational tools to support learning as well as research. This has lowered the morale of many promising undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers from aspiring to undertake future study in these fields. In this paper, we developed and described MACBenAbim (Multi-platform Mobile Application for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics), a flexible user-friendly tool to search for, define and describe the meanings of keyterms in computational biology and bioinformatics, thus expanding the frontiers of knowledge of the users. This tool also has the capability of achieving visualization of results on a mobile multi-platform context.


MACBenAbim is available from the authors for non-commercial purposes.  相似文献   

生物技术产业是我国战略新兴产业,近年来发展极为迅速,对实践创新型人才需求极大。作为生物工程专业核心课程,“生物工程设备”在生物技术产业实践创新型人才培养中具有重要意义。本课程针对当前课程教学中的设备可及性低、工程实训机会少和学生学习缺乏主动性等痛点,以设备资源和素材库建设、虚实结合工程实训、学生学习积极性调动为抓手,构建“育德、育智、育能(实践创新能力)、对接社会发展新需求、融入学科前沿新进展、引入科研实践新成果(三育三新)”教学内容,创新教学方式和优化考核评价,通过课内外联动-校内外联动、引入前沿进展及科研成果、多样化资源集成、线上线下结合等手段,提高学生的主动性和创新能力,以达到“三会一能”。通过教学探索和实践,提高了课程教学的有效性,学生实践创新能力显著提升。  相似文献   

Using a diverse national sample of adolescents followed for 2 years, several models linking contextual and individual factors to adolescent growth-conducive experiences were tested. Adolescent autonomy, concentration, intrinsic motivation, and goal-directedness during productive activities were measured via the Experience Sampling Method, in which each participant provided multiple responses daily for 1 week in each of 2 years. Structural equation modeling was used to estimate relations among both specific aspects and global constructs of contextual or individual characteristics and experiential dimensions. Growth-conducive environment, as measured by the degree of support and challenge in the school and family, was found to be positively related concurrently to growth-conducive experiences and longitudinally to time spent engaged in productive activities. Autonomy during productive activities was also related to growth-conducive experiences and intrinsic motivation 2 years later. Results imply that teachers, parents, and communities can promote positive youth development by maintaining an environment rich in interpersonal support, autonomy, and opportunities to pursue challenges related to future goals.  相似文献   

Parasite stress theory has recently been used to account for an array of cross-cultural differences in human cognition and social behavior, including in-group bias, interpersonal violence, child maltreatment, and religious adherence. Here, we re-assess the apparently ubiquitous effects of parasite stress on behavior observed in the U.S., using the cross-sectional, cross-population approach implemented by prior pathogen stress studies. Our results raise two challenges to previous findings. First, we show that the observed effects of pathogen stress in the U.S. data are due exclusively to one type of infectious disease – sexually transmitted diseases (STD) – while non-STD infections have no effect. Second, we find that controlling for life history measures of extrinsic risk and a fast life history erases the observed associations with family ties, interpersonal violence, child fatalities, and religious adherence. Thus, after appropriate variable specification, stratification, and control, U.S. cross-state population differences provide no support for the pathogen stress hypothesis in these various domains of behavior. Rather, the findings are more consistent with predictions from life history theory.  相似文献   

Cooperation requires that individuals are able to identify, and preferentially associate with, others who have compatible preferences and the shared background knowledge needed to solve interpersonal coordination problems. This body of shared knowledge constitute a substantial proportion of what is called ‘culture’. It has been argued that, for this reason, individuals prefer to associate with others who share their culture, and also that shared appreciation of humor provides a particularly effective means of identifying others with the relevant preferences and knowledge. The present experiment uses a ‘dummy rating procedure’ to compare the effects of sharing an appreciation of non-humorous (first lines of novels) and humorous (jokes) cultural stimuli on interpersonal affiliation, altruism and assessment. The results show that the degree of shared appreciation for both sets of stimuli had a positive effect on Affiliation; only humorous stimuli had an effect on Altruism; and neither effected the Assessment of others' personal traits. Thus, the results support the general theory that shared culture promotes affiliation, and provide evidence of the special role of humor in interpersonal relations.  相似文献   

Establishing bioequivalence (BE) of drugs indicated to treat cancer poses special challenges. For ethical reasons, often, the studies need to be conducted in cancer patients rather than in healthy volunteers, especially when the drug is cytotoxic. The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) introduced by Amidon (1) and adopted by the FDA, presents opportunities to avoid conducting the bioequivalence studies in humans. This paper analyzes the application of the BCS approach by the generic pharmaceutical industry and the FDA to oncology drug products. To date, the FDA has granted BCS-based biowaivers for several drug products involving at least four different drug substances, used to treat cancer. Compared to in vivo BE studies, development of data to justify BCS waivers is considered somewhat easier, faster, and more cost effective. However, the FDA experience shows that the approval times for applications containing in vitro studies to support the BCS-based biowaivers are often as long as the applications containing in vivo BE studies, primarily because of inadequate information in the submissions. This paper deliberates some common causes for the delays in the approval of applications requesting BCS-based biowaivers for oncology drug products. Scientific considerations of conducting a non-BCS-based in vivo BE study for generic oncology drug products are also discussed. It is hoped that the information provided in our study would help the applicants to improve the quality of ANDA submissions in the future.KEY WORDS: Biopharmaceutics Classification System, bioequivalence, biowaiver, cancer, oncology  相似文献   

Studying the human–alloprimate interface requires researchers to simultaneously examine multiple axes in the lives of organisms across zones of interaction. Such a multiscalar interface creates challenges for ethnoprimatological researchers who must situate their work within ecological, social, or anthropological paradigms. We argue that more explicit incorporation of multispecies ethnography and attention to the distinct practices of Japanese primatology help to realize and promote the potential of ethnoprimatology among a broader peer group of primatologists. Despite the utility of multispecies ethnography, the challenge is not in making multispecies theory applicable to our studies; it is in operationalizing it and making it more accessible by reframing how we view human–alloprimate entanglements. Current examinations of human–alloprimate inter-actions are limited in their ability to bring to bear the relational histories and futures of organisms in shared landscapes. Inter-actions draw attention to momentary encounters rather than to the extended entanglements and holistic properties that emerge from intra-actions within a multispecies assemblage. Using primate hunting in the Central African Republic as a locus of intra-action, we advocate for the expanded promise and future of an ethnoprimatology that can better address human–alloprimate entanglements, improve conservation efforts, and further anthropology’s growing attention to more than human worlds. This is a future that draws heavily from the complexity of the ethnographic moment to more broadly examine the nuanced, intersubjective relationships among those present at the human–alloprimate interface.  相似文献   

Classical theories on interpersonal relations have long suggested that social interactions are influenced by sensation, such as the experience of warmth. Past empirical work now confirms that perceived differences in temperature impact how people form thoughts about relationships. The present work first integrates our knowledge database on brand research with this idea of “grounded social cognition”. It then leverages a large sample (total N = 2,552) toward elucidating links between estimates of temperature and positive versus negative evaluations of communal brands. In five studies, the authors have found that thinking about positively (vs. negatively) perceived communal brands leads to heightened temperature estimates. A meta-analysis of the five studies shows a small but consistent effect in this noisy environment, r = .11, 95% CI, .05, .18. Exploratory analyses in Studies 1a and b further suggest that temperature perceptions mediate the (significant) relationship between perceived communality and willingness to purchase from the brand. The authors discuss implications for theory and practice and consider the effects from a Social Baseline Perspective.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the influence of social mechanisms on oestrus and sexual motivation in pigs. The social relations between the animals and the signals they send out can inhibit as well as encourage their social motivation. Social stimuli from both boars and other sows in oestrus tend to induce and synchronise oestrus and ovulation amongst sows. The courting behaviour of boars is also facilitated by social stimuli from other boars. However, when sows are kept under conditions where the social pressure is high, e.g. due to limited space and/or resources, the social stress experienced by particularly the subordinate individuals may inhibit sexual motivation during oestrus. To a large extent this effect seems to be mediated via specific fear reactions towards dominant individuals of sows that have lost many aggressive encounters. For example, fear reduces the sexual motivation during mating and during sexual interactions amongst sows within a group, and fear may thus inhibit their chances of reproductive success. Similarly, fear of humans caused by innate fearfulness or negative handling procedures reduces sexual motivation in the presence of the human handler even when sows are in standing oestrus.  相似文献   

The forecasted growth of the online gaming industry in Korea is expected to reach over 11.8 trillion Korean won (KRW) by 2014. Nearly 60 % of domestic residents play online games. Online games are becoming an integral part of life and we need different perspectives to look into this subject rather than focus on the negatives such as online gaming addiction. In addition, although achievement motivation for online games has been emphasized in earlier research, communicating and socializing with other players is commonplace in today’s online gaming world and socialization motivation is emerging as an important factor influencing online gamers. With stress on the communication and socialization aspects of online gaming, we need different perspectives from those of the past to investigate online gaming and draw on social capital theory. By socially interacting with other gamers, the online gamer not only builds new relationships (bridging social capital), but he/she also strengthens existing relationships (bonding social capital). However, previous research has concentrated only on one of these types of user interactions, and has not analyzed interactions for both bridging and bonding social capital at the same time. Therefore, this study explores both bridging and bonding social capital in online gaming with a neutral dependent construct, the continuance of online gaming, and provides new insights and implications for future research and the industry.  相似文献   

Life history theory has become a prominent framework in the evolutionary social sciences, and the concept of trade-offs, the cornerstone of life history theory in studies on non-human taxa, has likewise been widely adopted. Yet, human life history research often assumes trade-offs without demonstrating them. This is not surprising given the practical difficulties in measuring trade-offs in long-lived animals, like humans. Four main methods are used to demonstrate trade-offs: phenotypic correlations, experimental manipulations, genetic correlations and correlated responses to selection. Here, I discuss challenges with these methods along with potential solutions. For example, individual heterogeneity within a population in quality or access to resources can mask underling trade-offs, and this can be accounted for by careful experimental manipulation or proper statistical treatment of observational data. In general, trade-offs have proven more difficult than expected to measure, and evidence across species is mixed, but strong evidence exists in some cases. I use the key trade-off between reproduction and survival to exemplify methods, challenges and solutions, and review the mixed evidence for a cost of reproduction in humans. I conclude by providing directions for future research. Promising avenues are opening thanks to recent advances in quantitative genetic and genomic methods coupled with the availability of high-quality large-scale datasets on humans from different populations, allowing the study of the evolutionary implications of life history trade-offs in humans.  相似文献   

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