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Keratinocyte cornification and epidermal barrier formation are tightly controlled processes, which require complete degradation of intracellular organelles, including removal of keratinocyte nuclei. Keratinocyte nuclear destruction requires Akt1-dependent phosphorylation and degradation of the nuclear lamina protein, Lamin A/C, essential for nuclear integrity. However, the molecular mechanisms that result in complete nuclear removal and their regulation are not well defined. Post-confluent cultures of rat epidermal keratinocytes (REKs) undergo spontaneous and complete differentiation, allowing visualisation and perturbation of the differentiation process in vitro. We demonstrate that there is dispersal of phosphorylated Lamin A/C to structures throughout the cytoplasm in differentiating keratinocytes. We show that the dispersal of phosphorylated Lamin A/C is Akt1-dependent and these structures are specific for the removal of Lamin A/C from the nuclear lamina; nuclear contents and Lamin B were not present in these structures. Immunoprecipitation identified a group of functionally related Akt1 target proteins involved in Lamin A/C dispersal, including actin, which forms cytoskeletal microfilaments, Arp3, required for actin filament nucleation, and Myh9, a component of myosin IIa, a molecular motor that can translocate along actin filaments. Disruption of actin filament polymerisation, nucleation or myosin IIa activity prevented formation and dispersal of cytoplasmic Lamin A/C structures. Live imaging of keratinocytes expressing fluorescently tagged nuclear proteins showed a nuclear volume reduction step taking less than 40 min precedes final nuclear destruction. Preventing Akt1-dependent Lamin A/C phosphorylation and disrupting cytoskeletal Akt1-associated proteins prevented nuclear volume reduction. We propose keratinocyte nuclear destruction and differentiation requires myosin II activity and the actin cytoskeleton for two intermediate processes: Lamin A/C dispersal and rapid nuclear volume reduction.Subject terms: Cell biology, Physiology  相似文献   

The phosphorylation-dependent anchorage of retinoblastoma protein Rb in the nucleus is essential for its function. We show that its pocket C domain is both necessary and sufficient for nuclear anchorage by transiently expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) chimeras of Rb fragments in tissue culture cells and by extracting the cells with hypotonic solutions. Solid phase binding assays using glutathione S-transferase-fusion of Rb pockets A, B, and C revealed a direct association of lamin C exclusively to pocket C. Lamina-associated polypeptide (LAP) 2alpha, a binding partner of lamins A/C, bound strongly to pocket C and weakly to pocket B. When LAP2alpha was immunoprecipitated from soluble nuclear fractions, lamins A/C and hypophosphorylated Rb were coprecipitated efficiently. Similarly, immunoprecipitation of expressed GFP-Rb fragments by using anti-GFP antibodies coprecipitated LAP2alpha, provided that pocket C was present in the GFP chimeras. On redistribution of endogenous lamin A/C and LAP2alpha into nuclear aggregates by overexpressing dominant negative lamin mutants in tissue culture cells, Rb was also sequestered into these aggregates. In primary skin fibroblasts, LAP2alpha is expressed in a growth-dependent manner. Anchorage of hypophosphorylated Rb in the nucleus was weakened significantly in the absence of LAP2alpha. Together, these data suggest that hypophosphorylated Rb is anchored in the nucleus by the interaction of pocket C with LAP2alpha-lamin A/C complexes.  相似文献   

Overexpression of the proto-oncogene TRIP-Br2 (SERTAD2) has been shown to induce E2F activity and promote tumorigenesis, whereas ablation of TRIP-Br2 arrests cell proliferation. Timely degradation of many cell cycle regulators is fundamental to the maintenance of proper cell cycle progression. Here we report novel mechanism(s) that govern the tight regulation of TRIP-Br2 levels during cell cycle progression. TRIP-Br2 was observed to be a short-lived protein in which the expression level peaks at the G(1)/S boundary. TRIP-Br2 accumulated in cells treated with 26 S proteasome inhibitors. Co-immunoprecipitation studies revealed that TRIP-Br2 forms ubiquitin conjugates. In silico analysis identified a putative leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) motif that overlaps with the PHD-Bromo interaction domain in the acidic C-terminal transactivation domain (TAD) of TRIP-Br2. This NES motif is highly conserved in widely divergent species and in all TRIP-Br family members. TRIP-Br2 was shown to be stabilized in G(2)/M phase cells through nuclear entrapment, either by deletion of the acidic C-terminal TAD, which includes the NES motif, or by leptomycin B-mediated inhibition of the CRM1-dependent nuclear export machinery. Mutation of leucine residue 238 of this NES motif abolished the interaction between CRM1 and TRIP-Br2, as well as the nuclear export of TRIP-Br2 and its subsequent 26 S proteasome-dependent degradation. These data suggest that CRM1-mediated nuclear export may be required for the proper execution of ubiquitin-proteasome-dependent degradation of TRIP-Br2.  相似文献   

Soluble factors are required to mediate nuclear export of protein and RNA through the nuclear pore complex (NPC). These soluble factors include receptors that bind directly to the transport substrate and regulators that determine the assembly state of receptor-substrate complexes. We recently reported the identification of NXT1, an NTF2-related export factor that stimulates nuclear protein export in permeabilized cells and undergoes nucleocytoplasmic shuttling in vivo (Black, B.E., L. Lévesque, J.M. Holaska, T.C. Wood, and B.M. Paschal. 1999. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19:8616-8624). Here, we describe the molecular characterization of NXT1 in the context of the Crm1-dependent export pathway. We find that NXT1 binds directly to Crm1, and that the interaction is sensitive to the presence of Ran-GTP. Moreover, mutations in NXT1 that reduce binding to Crm1 inhibit the activity of NXT1 in nuclear export assays. We show that recombinant Crm1 and Ran are sufficient to reconstitute nuclear translocation of a Rev reporter protein from the nucleolus to an antibody accessible site on the cytoplasmic side of the NPC. Further progress on the export pathway, including the terminal step of Crm1 and Rev reporter protein release, requires NXT1. We propose that NXT1 engages with the export complex in the nucleoplasm, and that it facilitates delivery of the export complex to a site on the cytoplasmic side of NPC where the receptor and substrate are released into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Lamin A/C is a structural protein of the nuclear envelope (NE) and cardiac involvement in Lamin A/C mutations was one of the first phenotypes to be reported in humans, suggesting a crucial role of this protein in the cardiomyocytes function. Mutations in LMNA gene cause a class of pathologies generically named ‘Lamanopathies’ mainly involving heart and skeletal muscles. Moreover, the well‐known disease called Hutchinson–Gilford Progeria Syndrome due to extensive mutations in LMNA gene, in addition to the systemic phenotype of premature aging, is characterised by the death of patients at around 13 typically for a heart attack or stroke, suggesting again the heart as the main site sensitive to Lamin A/C disfunction. Indeed, the identification of the roles of the Lamin A/C in cardiomyocytes function is a key area of exploration. One of the primary biological roles recently conferred to Lamin A/C is to affect contractile cells lineage determination and senescence. Then, in differentiated adult cardiomyocytes both the ‘structural’ and ‘gene expression hypothesis’ could explain the role of Lamin A in the function of cardiomyocytes. In fact, recent advances in the field propose that the structural weakness/stiffness of the NE, regulated by Lamin A/C amount in NE, can ‘consequently’ alter gene expression.  相似文献   


The authors were alerted to the fact that the statistical analysis of cilia measurements lacked important information regarding sample size and pooling of datapoints. The authors therefore wish to add the following information to the Materials and Methods section to clarify the method used for the statistical analysis of cilia counts.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Lmna null mice display defective primary cilia in the skeletal muscle, kidney, uterus, and ovary.
  • E(E) The statistical analysis of cilia counts from mouse tissues was based on a comparison of the pooled counts across 3 pairs of the control and Lmna−/− mice.
Source data are available online for this figure.  相似文献   

Saposins (A, B, C, and D) are small sphingolipid activator proteins that are derived by proteolytic processing of a common precursor, prosaposin. In the lysosomal sphingolipid degradation pathway, acid beta-glucosidase (GCase) requires saposin C for optimal in vitro and in vivo hydrolysis of glucocerebroside. The deficiency of prosaposin/saposins (PS-/-) in humans and mice leads to a decrease of GCase activity in selected tissues. Concordant decreases (>50%) of GCase protein and in vitro activity were detected in extracts of cultured fibroblasts and hepatocytes from PS-/- mice and human prosaposin-deficient fibroblasts. GCase RNA in the PS-/- cells was at wild-type levels. Compared with that in wild-type cells (t(1/2) >24 h), the GCase protein in the PS-/- cells had a faster disappearance rate (t(1/2) approximately 1 h in mouse and approximately 8 h in human) as determined by metabolic labeling and immunoprecipitation with anti-GCase antibodies. Treatment of PS-/- cells with leupeptin, an inhibitor of cysteine proteases, led to significant increases (approximately 2-fold) in GCase protein and in vitro activity. Loading saposin C to human PS-/- fibroblasts resulted in an enhancement of GCase protein and in vitro activity. Saposin D loading had no effect. These data indicate that saposin C is required for GCase resistance to proteolytic degradation in the cell. Thus, diminished in vivo GCase activity would be greater than expected only from the lack of GCase activation by saposin C. These results indicate a new property for saposin C, an anti-proteolytic protective function toward GCase.  相似文献   

MDM2-HDAC1-mediated deacetylation of p53 is required for its degradation   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The tumor suppressor p53 is stabilized and activated in response to cellular stress through post-translational modifications including acetylation. p300/CBP-mediated acetylation of p53 is negatively regulated by MDM2. Here we show that MDM2 can promote p53 deacetylation by recruiting a complex containing HDAC1. The HDAC1 complex binds MDM2 in a p53-independent manner and deacetylates p53 at all known acetylated lysines in vivo. Ectopic expression of a dominant-negative HDAC1 mutant restores p53 acetylation in the presence of MDM2, whereas wild-type HDAC1 and MDM2 deacetylate p53 synergistically. Fibroblasts overexpressing a dominant negative HDAC1 mutant display enhanced DNA damage-induced p53 acetylation, increased levels of p53 and a more pronounced induction of p21 and MDM2. These results indicate that acetylation promotes p53 stability and function. As the acetylated p53 lysine residues overlap with those that are ubiquitylated, our results suggest that one major function of p53 acetylation is to promote p53 stability by preventing MDM2-dependent ubiquitylation, while recruitment of HDAC1 by MDM2 promotes p53 degradation by removing these acetyl groups.  相似文献   

Here we report that PLC-beta(1) catalytic activity plays a role in the increase of cyclin D3 levels and induces the differentiation of C2C12 skeletal muscle cells. PLC-beta(1) mutational analysis revealed the importance of His(331) and His(378) for the catalysis. The expression of PLC-beta(1) and cyclin D3 proteins is highly induced during the process of skeletal myoblast differentiation. We have previously shown that PLC-beta(1) activates cyclin D3 promoter during the differentiation of myoblasts to myotubes, indicating that PLC-beta(1) is a crucial regulator of the mouse cyclin D3 gene. We show that after insulin treatment cyclin D3 mRNA levels are lower in cells overexpressing the PLC-beta(1) catalytically inactive form in comparison to wild type cells. We describe a novel signalling pathway elicited by PLC-beta(1) that modulates AP-1 activity. Gel mobility shift assay and supershift performed with specific antibodies indicate that the c-jun binding site is located in a cyclin D3 promoter region specifically regulated by PLC-beta(1) and that c-Jun binding activity is significantly increased by insulin and PLC-beta(1) overexpression. Mutation of AP-1 site decreased the basal cyclin D3 promoter activity and eliminated its induction by insulin and PLC-beta(1). These results hint at the fact that PLC-beta(1) catalytic activity signals a c-jun/AP-1 target gene, i.e. cyclin D3, during myogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Mutations in the lamin A/C gene (LMNA) lead to severe disorders collectively called laminopathies. The mechanisms by which lamin mutations cause the diseases are not clear. Since the mesenchymal lineages, adipose tissue in particular, are mostly affected in laminopathies, the aim of the study was to estimate the effect of LMNA mutations on differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, adipose tissue stromal cells (ATSCs), into adipose lineages. ATSCs transduced with lentiviral vectors carrying LMNA gene mutations associated with various syndromes (myodystrophy, cardiomyopathy, lipodystrophy, progeroid syndrome) were induced to adipose differentiate. It was found that introduction of genetic constructions with LMNA gene point mutations G465D, R482L, and R527C promote adipogenic differentiation compared to wild-type lamin gene; mutation R471C reduced the differentiation. Introduction of R471C or R527C lamin mutations profoundly increased the expression of adipogenesis markers PPARG, SREBP1, and adipsin. Mutations in A/C lamin gene strongly and variously affect the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells that probably underlie the pathogenic changes in patients with laminopathies.  相似文献   

The differentiation of naive CD4 T cells into Th2 cells requires the T cell receptor-mediated activation of the ERK MAPK cascade. Little is known, however, in regard to how the ERK MAPK cascade regulates Th2 cell differentiation. We herein identified Gfi1 (growth factor independent-1) as a downstream target of the ERK MAPK cascade for Th2 cell differentiation. In the absence of Gfi1, interleukin-5 production and the change of histone modification at the interleukin-5 gene locus were severely impaired. Furthermore, the interferon gamma gene showed a striking activation in the Gfi1(-/-) Th2 cells. An enhanced ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent degradation of GATA3 protein was observed in Gfi1(-/-) Th2 cells, and the overexpression of GATA3 eliminated the defect of Th2 cell function in Gfi1-deficient Th2 cells. These data suggest that the T cell receptor-mediated induction of Gfi1 controls Th2 cell differentiation through the regulation of GATA3 protein stability.  相似文献   

Nuclear translocation of beta-catenin is a hallmark of Wnt signaling and is associated with various cancers. In addition to the canonical Wnt pathway activated by Wnt ligands, growth factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) also induce beta-catenin dissociation from the adherens junction complex, translocation into the nucleus, and activation of target genes such as c-myc. Here we report that EGF-induced beta-catenin nuclear localization and activation of c-myc are dependent on the deacetylase HDAC6. We show that EGF induces HDAC6 translocation to the caveolae membrane and association with beta-catenin. HDAC6 deacetylates beta-catenin at lysine 49, a site frequently mutated in anaplastic thyroid cancer, and inhibits beta-catenin phosphorylation at serine 45. HDAC6 inactivation blocks EGF-induced beta-catenin nuclear localization and decreases c-Myc expression, leading to inhibition of tumor cell proliferation. These results suggest that EGF-induced nuclear localization of beta-catenin is regulated by HDAC6-dependent deacetylation and provide a new mechanism by which HDAC inhibitors prevent tumor growth.  相似文献   

The chemokine receptor CXCR4-mediated signaling cascades play an important role in cell proliferation and migration, but the underlying mechanisms by which the receptor signaling is regulated remain incompletely understood. Here, we demonstrate that CXCR4 was co-immunoprecipitated with cyclophilin A (CyPA) from the lysate of HEK293 cells stably expressing CXCR4. Although both the glutathione S-transferase-CXCR4 N- and C-terminal fusion proteins were associated with the purified CyPA, truncation of the C-terminal domain of CXCR4 robustly inhibited the receptor co-immunoprecipitation with CyPA in intact cells, thereby suggesting a critical role of the receptor C terminus in this interaction. Ligand stimulation of CXCR4 induced CyPA phosphorylation and nuclear translocation, both of which were inhibited by truncation of the C-terminal domain of CXCR4. CyPA was associated with transportin 1, and knockdown of transportin 1 by RNA interference (RNAi) blocked CXCL12-induced nuclear translocation of CyPA, thereby suggesting a transportin 1-mediated nuclear import of CyPA. CyPA formed a complex with heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2, which underwent nuclear export in response to activation of CXCR4. Interestingly, the CXCR4-mediated nuclear export of hnRNP A2 was blocked by RNAi of CyPA. Moreover, CXCR4-evoked activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) was attenuated by CyPA RNAi, by overexpression of a PPIase-deficient mutant of CyPA (CyPA-R55A), and by pretreatment of the immunosuppressive drugs, cyclosporine A and sanglifehrin A. Finally, CXCL12-induced chemotaxis of HEK293 cells stably expressing CXCR4 or Jurkat T cells was inhibited by CyPA RNAi or CsA treatment.  相似文献   



A-type lamins are type V intermediate filament proteins encoded by the gene LMNA. Mutations in LMNA give rise to diverse degenerative diseases related to premature ageing. A-type lamins also influence the activity of the Retinoblastoma protein (pRb) and oncogenes such a β-catenin. Consequently, it has been speculated that expression of A-type lamins may also influence tumour progression.

Methodology/Principal Findings

An archive of colorectal cancer (CRC) and normal colon tissue was screened for expression of A-type lamins. We used the Cox proportional hazard ratio (HR) method to investigate patient survival. Using CRC cell lines we investigated the effects of lamin A expression on other genes by RT-PCR; on cell growth by FACS analysis; and on invasiveness by cell migration assays and siRNA knockdown of targeted genes. We found that lamin A is expressed in colonic stem cells and that patients with A-type lamin-expressing tumours have significantly worse prognosis than patients with A-type lamin negative tumours (HR = 1.85, p = 0.005). To understand this finding, we established a model system based upon expression of GFP-lamin A in CRC cells. We found that expression of GFP-lamin A in these cells did not affect cell proliferation but did promote greatly increased cell motility and invasiveness. The reason for this increased invasiveness was that expression of lamin A promoted up-regulation of the actin bundling protein T-plastin, leading to down regulation of the cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin.


Expression of A-type lamins increases the risk of death from CRC because its presence gives rise to increased invasiveness and potentially a more stem cell-like phenotype. This report directly links A-type lamin expression to tumour progression and raises the profile of LMNA from one implicated in multiple but rare genetic conditions to a gene involved in one of the commonest diseases in the Western World.  相似文献   

To investigate the requirement for pRb in myogenic differentiation, a floxed Rb allele was deleted either in proliferating myoblasts or after differentiation. Myf5-Cre mice, lacking pRb in myoblasts, died immediately at birth and exhibited high numbers of apoptotic nuclei and an almost complete absence of myofibers. In contrast, MCK-Cre mice, lacking pRb in differentiated fibers, were viable and exhibited a normal muscle phenotype and ability to regenerate. Induction of differentiation of Rb-deficient primary myoblasts resulted in high rates of apoptosis and a total inability to form multinucleated myotubes. Upon induction of differentiation, Rb-deficient myoblasts up-regulated myogenin, an immediate early marker of differentiation, but failed to down-regulate Pax7 and exhibited growth in low serum conditions. Primary myoblasts in which Rb was deleted after expression of differentiated MCK-Cre formed normal multinucleated myotubes that did not enter S-phase in response to serum stimulation. Therefore, Rb plays a crucial role in the switch from proliferation to differentiation rather than maintenance of the terminally differentiated state.  相似文献   

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