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Applied research that supplies requisite, albeit incomplete, scientific knowledge is necessary if we are to address the legal, regulatory, and social/ethical issues regarding the use of transgenic trees. The technology for creating these trees has gotten far ahead of research on the ecological and population genetics impacts that may emerge. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive, interdisciplinary scientific approach that combines experimental results with model projections. We believe that much of this work must be completed before social issues can be clarified and resolved. Broad-based failure by those in the forestry-minded scientific community to carry out this interdisciplinary research could lead either to the establishment of transgenic trees with unintended consequences, or to an inability to realize the numerous advantages that this technology may offer.
Richard MeilanEmail:

Proformica longiseta Collingwood is an endemic ant found in southeastern Spain that inhabits high mountains and is widespread within an altitude range. We have studied the population genetics and biogeography of 14 populations of P. longiseta throughout its distribution using microsatellites and mitochondrial data. Populations are strongly structured for both markers and show isolation by distance, which together with the absence of intra-population variation in mitochondrial DNA suggest strong female philopatry and limited male dispersal. In spite of this, no recent bottlenecks or inbreeding were detected. Finally, we report on a population currently located where it did not exist 14 years ago, above the usual altitudinal limit known for the species, which may be due to recent colonization enhanced by global warming.  相似文献   

Individuals of many species show high levels of fidelity to natal populations, often due to reliance on patchily distributed habitat features. In many of these species, the negative impacts of inbreeding are mitigated through specialized behaviours such as seasonal mating dispersal. Quantifying population structure for species with these characteristics can potentially elucidate social and environmental factors that interact to affect mating behaviour and population connectivity. In the northern part of their range, timber rattlesnakes are communal hibernators with high natal philopatry. Individuals generally recruit to the same hibernaculum as their mother and remain faithful to that hibernaculum throughout their lives. We examined the genetic structure of Crotalus horridus hibernacula in the northeastern USA using microsatellite loci. Sampled hibernacula exhibited only modest levels of differentiation, indicating a significant level of gene flow among them. We found no significant correlation between genetic differentiation and geographical distance, but did find significant positive correlation between genetic differentiation and a cost-based distance metric adjusted to include the amount of potential basking habitat between hibernacula. Therefore, thermoregulation sites may increase gene flow by increasing the potential for contact among individuals from different populations. Parentage analyses confirmed high levels of philopatry of both sexes to their maternal hibernaculum; however, approximately one-third of paternity assignments involved individuals between hibernacula, confirming that gene flow among hibernacula occurs largely through seasonal male mating dispersal. Our results underscore the importance of integrating individual-level behaviours and landscape features with studies of fine-scale population genetics in species with high fidelity to patchily distributed habitats.  相似文献   

Population genetics simulation models are useful tools to study the effects of demography and environmental factors on genetic variation and genetic differentiation. They allow for studying species and populations with complex life histories, spatial distribution and many other complicating factors that make analytical treatment impracticable. Most simulation models are individual‐based: this poses a limitation to simulation of very large populations because of the limits in computer memory and long computation times. To overcome these limitations, we propose an intermediate approach that allows modelling of very complex demographic scenarios, which would be intractable with analytical models, and removes the limitations imposed by large population size, which affect individual‐based simulation models. We implement this approach in a software package for the r environment, MetaPopGen. The innovative concept of this approach with respect to the other population genetic simulators is that it focuses on genotype numbers rather than on individuals. Genotype numbers are iterated through time by using random number generators for appropriate probabilistic distributions to reproduce the stochasticity inherent to Mendelian segregation, survival, dispersal and reproduction. Features included in the model are age structure, monoecious and dioecious (or separate sexes) life cycles, mutation, dispersal and selection. The model simulates only one locus at a time. All demographic parameters can be genotype‐, sex‐, age‐, deme‐ and time‐dependent. MetaPopGen is therefore indicated to study large populations and very complex demographic scenarios. We illustrate the capabilities of MetaPopGen by applying it to the case of a marine fish metapopulation in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Dispersal triggers gene flow, which in turn strongly affects the ensuing genetic population structure of a species. Using nuclear microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), we estimated the genetic population structure of the wasp Polistes olivaceus throughout Bangladesh. The level of population differentiation using nuclear markers (F ST) appeared to be much lower than that estimated using mtDNA haplotype sequences (ФST), even after correcting for effective population size differences between the two markers. These results suggest a philopatric tendency, in which gynes disperse less than males. We observed no isolation by distance among the study populations at either the nuclear or mtDNA level, suggesting nonequilibrium between gene flow and drift as a result of very frequent interpopulation movement. For the nuclear markers, an individual assignment test showed no genetically and geographically distinct groups. Instead, phylogenetic analyses as well as a minimum spanning network using mtDNA haplotypes consistently revealed two distinct lineages. The distribution of haplotypes indicated western populations with a single lineage and offered clear evidence for restricted gene flow across the Jamuna–Padma–Upper Meghna river system. Mismatch distributions exhibited a unimodal distribution, which along with a starlike haplotype network, suggested a population expansion in lineage I but not in lineage II. Overall, these results suggest that gene flow among populations of P. olivaceus was affected by both female philopatry and a major river system across Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Studies of social birds and mammals have produced extensive theory regarding the formation and dynamics of kin-based social groups in vertebrates. However, comparing kin dynamics in birds and mammals to social reptiles provides the opportunity to identify selective factors that promote independent origins of kin sociality across vertebrates. We combined a 5-year mark-recapture study with a DNA microsatellite analysis of relatedness in a social lizard (Xantusia vigilis) to examine the formation and stability of kin groups. We found that these lizards are highly sedentary and that groups often form through the delayed dispersal of offspring. Groups containing juveniles had higher relatedness than adult-only groups, as juveniles were commonly found in aggregations with at least one parent and/or sibling. Groups containing nuclear family members were more stable than groups of less-related lizards, as predicted by social theory. We conclude that X. vigilis aggregations conform to patterns of kin sociality observed in avian and mammalian systems and represent an example of convergent evolution in social systems. We suggest that kin-based sociality in this and other lizards may be a by-product of viviparity, which can promote delayed juvenile dispersal by allowing prolonged interaction between a neonate and its mother.  相似文献   

IAN J. WANG 《Molecular ecology》2009,18(18):3847-3856
Environmental variables can strongly influence a variety of intra- and inter-population processes, including demography, population structure and gene flow. When environmental conditions are particularly harsh for a certain species, investigating these effects is important to understanding how populations persist under difficult conditions. Furthermore, species inhabiting challenging environments present excellent opportunities to examine the effects of complex landscapes on population processes because these effects will often be more pronounced. In this study, I use 16 microsatellite loci to examine population structure, gene flow and demographic history in the black toad, Bufo exsul , which has one of the most restricted natural ranges of any amphibian. Bufo exsul inhabits four springs in the Deep Springs Valley high desert basin and has never been observed more than several meters from any source of water. My results reveal limited gene flow and moderately high levels of population structure ( F ST = 0.051–0.063) between all but the two closest springs. I found that the geographic distance across the arid scrub habitat between springs is significantly correlated with genetic structure when distance accounts for topography and barriers to dispersal. I also found very low effective population sizes ( N e = 7–30) and substantial evidence for historical population bottlenecks in all four populations. Together, these results suggest that the desert landscape and B.   exsul 's high habitat specificity contribute significantly to population structure and demography in this species and emphasize the importance of considering behavioural and landscape data in conservation genetic studies of natural systems.  相似文献   

Little is known about what controls effective sizes and migration rates among parasite populations. Such data are important given the medical, veterinary, and economic (e.g., fisheries) impacts of many parasites. The autogenic-allogenic hypothesis, which describes ecological patterns of parasite distribution, provided the foundation on which we studied the effects of life cycles on the distribution of genetic variation within and among parasite populations. The hypothesis states that parasites cycling only in freshwater hosts (autogenic life cycle) will be more limited in their dispersal ability among aquatic habitats than parasites cycling through freshwater and terrestrial hosts (allogenic life cycle). By extending this hypothesis to the level of intraspecific genetic variation, we examined the effects of host dispersal on parasite gene flow. Our a priori prediction was that for a given geographic range, autogenic parasites would have lower gene flow among subpopulations. We compared intraspecific mitochondrial DNA variation for three described species of trematodes that infect salmonid fishes. As predicted, autogenic species had much more highly structured populations and much lower gene flow among subpopulations than an allogenic species sampled from the same locations. In addition, a cryptic species was identified for one of the autogenic trematodes. These results show how variation in life cycles can shape parasite evolution by predisposing them to vastly different genetic structures. Thus, we propose that knowledge of parasite life cycles will help predict important evolutionary processes such as speciation, coevolution, and the spread of drug resistance.  相似文献   

Shine R 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(3):715-716
Most biologists would agree that understanding the factors that influence gene flow among populations is important, because population connectivity is critical to effective conservation and management as well as to issues such as disease transmission and the degree of local adaptation. Nonetheless, our understanding of the mechanistic determinants of gene flow remains abysmally limited for many types of organisms. Predictably, some of the biggest gaps involve animals that are rare, secretive, and difficult to collect or handle — and thus, remain relatively unstudied for other traits as well. Large venomous snakes have long provided a classic example of such an under-studied group, but the situation has changed dramatically over recent years. The study by Clark et al . in this issue builds upon our increasingly sophisticated understanding of snake behaviour, to interpret patterns of gene flow in the light of our emerging knowledge of snake behavioural ecology.  相似文献   

The broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) and silverleaf whitefly Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (=B strain of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)) have many common host plants. It was found that broad mites can attach themselves to B. argentifolii adults and use them as a carrier for their dispersal. In a cage experiment, we observed that more than 80% of B. argentifolii adults had more than one broad mite attached within 4 h after B. argentifolii landed on broad mite-infested plants. Overall, 97.5% of the broad mites examined were attached to the legs, mostly on the tibiae and tarsi of B. argentifolii adults, and 99.5% of the broad mites attached to B. argentifolii were adult females. The successful dispersal of broad mite via B. argentifolii was also demonstrated with a cage experiment.  相似文献   

Fungi are mostly terrestrial. Less than 2% of the species are aquatic. These include primitive species with zoospores (Chytridiomycetes and Oomycetes) and re-migrant types mostly in Ascomycetes and Fungi Imperfecti (including Hyphomycetes) with a very few in Basidio-mycetes. Aquatic Hyphomycetes are abundant on decaying leaves (especially of broad-leaved trees) in well-aerated streams and rivers. Their conidia are hyaline and mostly of unusual form. In many the conidium is tetraradiate consisting of four long arms diverging from a common point. In the different genera the tetraradiate conidium develops in very different ways. In some it is a phialoconidium; in others a thalloconidium. In some attachment to the conidiophore is by the tip of one of the four arms; in others near their point of divergence. In some all arms develop simultaneously; in others in succession. The wide range of developmental geometry suggests convergent evolution. The tetraradiate aquatic spore also occurs in Basidiomycetes. The only two higher Basidiomycetes (both marine) with submerged sporophores have tetraradiate basidiospores. The world-wide distribution of aquatic Hyphomycetes is discussed. Their general ecology is also considered. Concentrations of 1000 to 10,000 conidia per litre may be reached in small rivers in autumn. Attention is paid to the possible biological value of the tetraradiate aquatic spore. The evidence suggests that this is connected with the problem of initial anchorage in the turbulent conditions of a stream.  相似文献   

杨光  田然  徐士霞 《兽类学报》2021,41(5):591-603
中国兽类物种丰富,且具有150个特有种。本文综述了60年来中国兽类遗传与进化的研究进展,内容涵盖系统发育关系重建、遗传多样性评估、种群遗传结构、适应性进化以及趋同进化的分子机制。本文重点概述了食肉目(大、小熊猫)、有蹄类、翼手目、灵长目、小型兽类以及海兽类等重要类群的研究进展,为中国兽类的物种保护提供了重要资料。另外,本文还对中国兽类遗传与进化研究未来的研究方向提出几点建议,包括运用各种组学技术、筛选新型遗传标记和候选基因(调控序列)、结合表观遗传学并借助进化发育生物学研究方法,以期全面深入地理解中国兽类分类地位、起源以及特异表型产生和独特适应的发育遗传学机制等,进而实现“天人合一”保护生物学的新理念和新愿景。  相似文献   

Species occurring in unconnected, but similar habitats and under similar selection pressures often display strikingly comparable morphology, behaviour and life history. On island archipelagos where colonizations and extinctions are common, it is often difficult to separate whether similar traits are a result of in situ diversification or independent colonization without a phylogeny. Here, we use one of Hawaii's most ecologically diverse and explosive endemic species radiations, the Hawaiian fancy case caterpillar genus Hyposmocoma, to test whether in situ diversification resulted in convergence. Specifically, we examine whether similar species utilizing similar microhabitats independently developed largely congruent larval case phenotypes in lineages that are in comparable, but isolated environments. Larvae of these moths are found on all Hawaiian Islands and are characterized by an extraordinary array of ecomorphs and larval case morphology. We focus on the ‘purse cases’, a group that is largely specialized for living within rotting wood. Purse cases were considered a monophyletic group, because morphological, behavioural and ecological traits appeared to be shared among all members. We constructed a phylogeny based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences from 38 Hyposmocoma species, including all 14 purse case species and 24 of non‐purse case congeners. Divergence time estimation suggests that purse case lineages evolved independently within dead wood and developed nearly identical case morphology twice: once on the distant Northwest Hawaiian Islands between 15.5 and 9 Ma and once on the younger main Hawaiian Islands around 3.0 Ma. Multiple ecomorphs are usually found on each island, and the ancestral ecomorph of Hyposmocoma appears to have lived on tree bark. Unlike most endemic Hawaiian radiations that follow a clear stepwise progression of colonization, purse case Hyposmocoma do not follow a pattern of colonization from older to younger island. We postulate that the diversity of microhabitats and selection from parasitism/predation from endemic predators may have shaped case architecture in this extraordinary endemic radiation of Hawaiian insects.  相似文献   

Divergence population genetics of chimpanzees   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The divergence of two subspecies of common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes and P. t. verus) and the bonobo (P. paniscus) was studied using a recently developed method for analyzing population divergence. Under the isolation with migration model, the posterior probability distributions of divergence time, migration rates, and effective population sizes were estimated for large multilocus DNA sequence data sets drawn from the literature. The bonobo and the common chimpanzee are estimated to have diverged approximately 0.86 to 0.89 MYA, and the divergence of the two common chimpanzee subspecies is estimated to have occurred 0.42 MYA. P. t. troglodytes appears to have had a larger effective population size (22,400 to 27,900) compared with P. paniscus, P. t. verus, and the ancestral populations of these species. No evidence of gene flow was found in the comparisons involving P. paniscus; however a clear signal of unidirectional gene flow was found from P. t. verus to P. t. troglodytes (2Nm = 0.51).  相似文献   

We conducted a population genetic analysis of the stalked kelp, Pterygophora californica, in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, USA. The results were compared with previous work on the genetic differentiation of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, in the same region. These two sympatric kelps not only share many life history and dispersal characteristics but also differ in that dislodged P. californica does not produce floating rafts with buoyant fertile sporophytes, commonly observed for M. pyrifera. We used a comparative population genetic approach with these two species to test the hypothesis that the ability to produce floating rafts increases the genetic connectivity among kelp patches in the Santa Barbara Channel. We quantified the association of habitat continuity and oceanographic distance with the genetic differentiation observed in stalked kelp, like previously conducted for giant kelp. We compared both overall (across all patches) and pairwise (between patches) genetic differentiation. We found that oceanographic transit time, habitat continuity, and geographic distance were all associated with genetic connectivity in P. californica, supporting similar previous findings for M. pyrifera. Controlling for differences in heterozygosity between kelp species using Jost's DEST, we showed that global differentiation and pairwise differentiation were similar among patches between the two kelp species, indicating that they have similar dispersal capabilities despite their differences in rafting ability. These results suggest that rafting sporophytes do not play a significant role in effective dispersal of M. pyrifera at ecologically relevant spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Multiple genes of the hoatzin encoding stomach lysozyme c and closely related members of this calcium-binding lysozyme c group were cloned from a genomic DNA library and sequenced. There are a minimum of five genes represented among these sequences that encode two distinct groups of protein sequences. One group of three genes corresponds to the stomach lysozyme amino acid sequences, and the remaining genes encode predicted proteins that are more basic in character and share several sequence identities with the pigeon egg-white lysozyme rather than with the hoatzin stomach lysozymes. Despite these structural similarities between some of the hoatzin gene products and the pigeon lysozyme, phylogenetic analyses indicate that all of the hoatzin sequences are closely related to one another. This is borne out by the relatively small genetic distances even in the intronic regions, which are not subject to the selective pressures operating on the coding regions of the stomach lysozymes. These results suggest that multiple gene duplication events have occurred during the evolution of hoatzin lysozymes.  相似文献   

Fasciola hepatica, the liver fluke, is a trematode parasite of considerable economic importance to the livestock industry and is a re-emerging zoonosis that poses a risk to human health in F. hepatica-endemic areas worldwide. Drug resistance is a substantial threat to the current and future control of F. hepatica, yet little is known about how the biology of the parasite influences the development and spread of resistance. Given that F. hepatica can self-fertilise and therefore inbreed, there is the potential for greater population differentiation and an increased likelihood of recessive alleles, such as drug resistance genes, coming together. This could be compounded by clonal expansion within the snail intermediate host and aggregation of parasites of the same genotype on pasture. Alternatively, widespread movement of animals that typically occurs in the UK could promote high levels of gene flow and prevent population differentiation. We identified clonal parasites with identical multilocus genotypes in 61% of hosts. Despite this, 84% of 1579 adult parasites had unique multilocus genotypes, which supports high levels of genotypic diversity within F. hepatica populations. Our analyses indicate a selfing rate no greater than 2%, suggesting that this diversity is in part due to the propensity for F. hepatica to cross-fertilise. Finally, although we identified high genetic diversity within a given host, there was little evidence for differentiation between populations from different hosts, indicating a single panmictic population. This implies that, once those emerge, anthelmintic resistance genes have the potential to spread rapidly through liver fluke populations.  相似文献   

With the emergence of landscape genetics, the basic assumptions and predictions of classical population genetic theories are being re‐evaluated to account for more complex spatial and temporal dynamics. Within the last decade, there has been an exponential increase in such landscape genetic studies ( Holderegger & Wagner 2006 ; Storfer et al. 2010 ), and both methodology and underlying concepts of the field are under rapid and constant development. A number of major innovations and a high level of originality are required to fully merge existing population genetic theory with landscape ecology and to develop novel statistical approaches for measuring and predicting genetic patterns. The importance of simulation studies for this specific research has been emphasized in a number of recent articles (e.g., Balkenhol et al. 2009a ; Epperson et al. 2010 ). Indeed, many of the major questions in landscape genetics require the development and application of sophisticated simulation tools to explore gene flow, genetic drift, mutation and natural selection in landscapes with a wide range of spatial and temporal complexities. In this issue, Jaquiéry et al. (2011) provide an excellent example of such a simulation study for landscape genetics. Using a metapopulation simulation design and a novel ‘scale of phenomena’ approach, Jaquiéry et al. (2011) demonstrate the utility and limitations of genetic distances for inferring landscape effects on effective dispersal.  相似文献   

While many functional elements of the meiotic process are well characterized in model organisms, the genetic basis of most of the natural phenotypic variation observed in meiotic pathways has not been determined. To begin to address this issue, we characterized patterns of polymorphism and divergence in the protein-coding regions of 33 genes across 31 lines of Drosophila melanogaster and 6 lines of Drosophila simulans. We sequenced genes known to be involved in chromosome segregation, recombination, DNA repair, and related heterochromatin binding. As expected, we found several of the genes to be highly conserved, consistent with purifying selection. However, a subset of genes showed patterns of polymorphism and divergence typical of other types of natural selection. Moreover, several intriguing differences between the two Drosophila lineages were evident: along the D. simulans lineage we consistently found evidence of adaptive protein evolution, whereas along the D. melanogaster lineage several loci exhibited patterns consistent with the maintenance of protein variation.  相似文献   

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