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Copy-DNA clones have been obtained that distinguish eight messenger mRNAs, moderately abundant in the axes of the germinating soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seedling. These clones have been used to characterize the size of the mRNAs and to anlyze the accumulation of the mRNAs at different time points and in different parts of the axis during germination and early seedling growth. Three of the mRNAs accumulate to a substantial level by 9 h, a time point before either the beginning of growth or the accumulation of polyribosomes. Four other mRNAs reach a substantial level only at 24 h, a period when rapid seedling growth is occurring. Those mRNAs whose accumulation begins at 24 h were found only in the top (hypocotyl) half of the 24-h seedlings, while the remaining mRNAs were present also in the bottom half of the seedlings in different amounts. By 44 h, the bottom 0.5 cm of the seedlings, i.e., the region of meristematic growth, had little or none of the mRNAs, with the exception of one mRNA. These temporal and spatial observations indicate that many of the mRNAs are not involved simply in the general maintenance of ongoing cell proliferation, but that they may be related to differentiation during early seedling formation. Further, the early accumulating mRNAs may be functioning in regulating the onset of seedling growth.Abbreviations cDNA copy DNA - poly(A)+RNA polyadenylated RNA  相似文献   

In this work, the effects of polyamine (cadaverine, putrescine, spermidine, spermine) pretreatments on the germination of barley seeds, seedling growth under saline (NaCI) conditions and on leaf anatomy of the seedlings grown for 20 days in pots with perlite containing different concentrations of NaCI prepared with Hoagland solutions following the germination period of 7 days were studied. The inhibitive effect of salt on seed germination and seedling growth was alleviated in varying degrees, and dramatically, by polyamine pretreatments at the levels of NaCI studied; particularly with lower levels of salt, the control seeds were able to germinate with great difficulty. Also, the successes of these pretreatments continued, even decreased, with higher levels of NaCI such that the control seeds showed no germination. On the other hand, on the various parameters of leaf anatomy of barley seedlings, interactions between pretreatments of polyamine and salinity, with some of these being statistically important, were observed.  相似文献   

A study was conducted using ten genetically diverse genotypes along with their 45F1 (generated by diallel mating) under normal and salt stress conditions. Although, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is moderately sensitive to salinity but more attention to salinity is yet to be required in the production of tomato. In present study, germination rate, speed of germination, dry weight ratio and Na+/K+ ratio in root and shoot, were the parameters assayed on three salinity levels; control, 1.0 % NaCl and 3.0 % NaCl with Hoagland’s solution. Increasing salt stress negatively affected growth and development of tomato. When salt concentration increased, germination of tomato seed was reduced and the time needed to complete germination lengthened, root/shoot dry weight ratio was higher and Na+ content increased but K+ content decreased. Among the varieties, Sel-7 followed by Arka Vikas and crosses involving them as a parent were found to be the more tolerant genotypes in the present study on the basis of studied parameters.  相似文献   

The effect of 28-homobrassinolide and 24-epibrassinolide on the germination and seedling growth of three varieties of sorghum, viz. CSH-14 and ICSV-745 (susceptible to water stress) and M-35-1 (resistant to water stress), under osmotic stress conditions was studied. Both the brassinosteroids were very effective in increasing the percentage of germination and seedling growth of all the three varieties of sorghum under osmotic stress, the growth promotion being associated with enhanced levels of soluble proteins and free proline. Brassinosteroid treatment enhanced the activity of catalase and reduced the activities of peroxidase and ascorbic acid oxidase.  相似文献   

Instances of flowering of bamboo species Dendrocalamus strictus are few and far between which are taken as opportunity by nurserymen to collect seeds for propagation. Germination of seeds is reported to be poor. Therefore, different seed priming treatments were applied to D. strictus seeds collected from Ranchi in order to obtain uniform and high germination. Under laboratory conditions, dehusking of seeds before sowing ensured cent percent germination. Seed priming with KNO3 1% solution resulted in 80.4% increase in germination followed by hydropriming by 16 h (73.1% increase). In field conditions, dehusked seeds gave 23.0% germination without any priming treatment. Priming treatment with KNO3 1% gave the highest rise in germination (39.1%) followed by hydropriming for 16 h (26.1%). Seeds with their seed coats intact could give germination of 9.5% when germinated without any treatment. A rise of 115.8% in germination was obtained by priming with KNO3 1% (final germination count 20.5%). The next best treatment was hydropriming for 16 h (final germination 18.5%, a rise of 94.7%). KNO3 1% also induced the earliest and the most rapid germination. When seedlings germinated in laboratory were transferred to soil, all seedlings from all treatments established successfully without any mortality whatsoever. Therefore, it is recommended that seeds should be primed for 8 h with 1% KNO3 and germinated in laboratory or in farm house under normal atmospheric condition before transplanting the seedlings to soil.  相似文献   

The effect of salinity on germination, seedling emergence, seedling growth and ion accumulation of a euhalophyte Suaeda salsa L. in an intertidal zone and on saline inland were investigated. Brown seeds of S. salsa were heavier and better developed than black seeds in both the intertidal zone and on saline inland. The brown seeds/black seeds ratio for S. salsa in the intertidal zone was much higher than that for S. salsa on saline inland. More germinated seeds grew as seedlings under high salinity for S. salsa from the intertidal zone than S. salsa on saline inland; high salinity decreased the shoot length more severely for S. salsa from saline inland than for S. salsa from the intertidal zone; the seedling growth at a range of NaCl, measured either as shoot length or shoot dry weight, for S. salsa from the intertidal zone was lower than that of S. salsa from saline inland. In conclusion, for S. salsa from the intertidal zone there appears to be selection for slower growth and producing more brown seeds. The establishment of populations of S. salsa in different saline environments depends on the responses of seed germination, seedling emergence and seedling growth to salinity. These characteristics may determine the natural distributions of S. salsa populations in different saline environments.  相似文献   

During germination and early growth of the seedling, storage proteins are degraded by proteases. Currently, limited information is available on the degradation of storage proteins in the soybean during germination. In this study, a combined two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry approach was utilized to determine the proteome profile of soybean seeds (Glycine max L.; Eunhakong). Comparative analysis showed that the temporal profiles of protein expression are dramatically changed during the seed germination and seedling growth. More than 80% of the proteins identified were subunits of glycinin and β-conglycinin, two major storage proteins. Most subunits of these proteins were degraded almost completely at a different rate by 120h, and the degradation products were accumulated or degraded further. Interestingly, the acidic subunits of glycinin were rapidly degraded, but no obvious change in the basic chains. Of the five acidic subunits, the degradation of G2 subunit was not apparently affected by at least 96h but the levels decreased rapidly after that, while no newly appearing intermediate was detected upon the degradation of G4 subunit. On the other hand, the degradation of β-conglycinin during storage protein mobilization appeared to be similar to that of glycinin but at a faster rate. Both α and α' subunits of β-conglycinin largely disappeared by 96h, while the β subunits degraded at the slowest rate. These results suggest that mobilization of subunits of the storage proteins is differentially regulated for seed germination and seedling growth. The present proteomic analysis will facilitate future studies addressing the complex biochemical events taking place during soybean seed germination.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对盐生植物黄花补血草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尤佳  王文瑞  卢金  贾鹏翔  缪建顺  杨颖丽 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3825-3833
盐生植物黄花补血草广泛分布于我国西北地区、东北西部以及华北北部,对改良盐碱土壤具有重要的生态作用。以黄花补血草(Limonium aureum(L.)Hill)为材料,研究分析了不同浓度NaCl胁迫对其种子萌发和幼苗生长产生的抑制效应及作用机制。结果表明:低浓度NaCl(25 mmol/L和50 mmol/L)处理不影响黄花补血草种子萌发和幼苗生长,25 mmol/L NaCl甚至促进了根生长,而高浓度NaCl(100 mmol/L和150 mmol/L)处理明显抑制种子萌发及幼苗生长。利用荧光探针的检测结果表明,NaCl处理的幼苗根中过氧化氢(H2O2)和一氧化氮(NO)含量明显高于对照水平。碘化丙啶(PI)染色结合激光共聚焦显微镜观察及检测相对电导率结果显示,高浓度NaCl处理抑制了幼苗根尖伸长区细胞的伸长生长,增加了细胞膜的通透性,对根细胞造成了明显的伤害。此外,高浓度NaCl处理诱导叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量显著升高。以上结果说明,黄花补血草对低浓度的盐具有一定的耐盐性,但高浓度盐降低了种子的萌发率,使幼苗根中H2O2产生增加,抑制根尖伸长区细胞的伸长生长,对根、叶造成明显氧化损伤,从而抑制黄花补血草幼苗的生长。  相似文献   

The effects of gibberellic acid (GA3), potassium nitrate (KNO3), prechilling, temperature, salt stress and osmotic potential on seed germination and sowing depth on seedling emergence and burial depth on seed viability of hoary cress (Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.), were studied in a series of laboratory, glasshouse and outdoor experiments. The optimal temperature for hoary cress seed germination was 20°C, both in light/dark and darkness regimes. Seed germination of hoary cress at 400 ppm concentration of GA3 in a light/dark regime was maximal. Potassium nitrate concentrations increased the percentage of germination in comparison with the control treatment. Increasing the duration of dry prechilling to 30 and 45 days promoted the seed germination of hoary cress. Germination of hoary cress markedly decreased as salt and drought stress increased. Seed germination of hoary cress occurred at a range of pH from 3 to 11. Seedling emergence significantly decreased as planting depth increased. Total seed viability decreased with increasing burial depth. The maximum increase in mortality occurred in seeds that were buried at 5‐cm depth.  相似文献   

以1/4 Hoagland溶液为基础培养液,研究了0.5%、1.0%、1.5%、2.0%和2.5%NaCl处理对海滨锦葵[Kostelezkya rirginica(L.)Presl.]种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,发现随着培养液中NaCl浓度的增加,海滨锦葵种子萌发率逐渐降低;当NaCl浓度达2.5%时种子不萌发,但NaCl胁迫解除后,种子的萌发率水平与对照相当。幼苗在含0.5%~1.0%NaCl的培养液中生长状况良好,叶绿素含量和根系活力明显增高;但当NaCl浓度达1.5%-2.0%时,叶绿素含量和根系活力逐渐下降;与对照相比,NaCl胁迫下幼苗的MDA水平降低。结果表明,NaCl胁迫对海滨锦葵种子萌发和幼苗牛长有一定的影响,但海滨锦葵可通过种子休眠、增加根系活力、降低体内MDA水平来缓解一定的盐害效应.以适应盐胁迫的生长环境.  相似文献   

The effect of 24-epibrassinolide and 28-homobrassinolide on the inhibitionof germination and seedling growth of rice (Oryza sativa) induced bysalinity stress was studied. Brassinosteroids were found to reverse theinhibitory effect on germination and seedling growth. The activation ofseedling growth by brassinosteroids under salinity stress was associatedwith enhanced levels of nucleic acids and soluble proteins.  相似文献   

Soil salinization and alkalinization frequently co-occur in nature, but there is little information on the interactive effects of salt and alkali stresses on plants. Seed germination and early seedling growth are crucial stages for plant establishment. We investigated the interactive effects of salt and alkali stresses on seed germination, germination recovery and seedling growth of a halophyte Spartina alterniflora. Seed germination percentage was not significantly reduced at low salinity (≤ 200 mM) at pH 6.63–9.95, but decreased with increased salinity and pH. Ungerminated seeds germinated well after transfer to distilled water from treatment solutions, indicating that seeds can remain viable in high salt–alkaline habits. Shoot growth was stimulated at low salinity and pH, but decreased with increased salinity and pH. Radicle elongation decreased sharply with increased salinity and pH, and was significantly inhibited when pH ≥ 9.0, indicating that the radicles are very sensitive to salt–alkaline stress. The deleterious effects of salinity or high pH alone were less than when combined. A reciprocal enhancement of salt and alkali stresses is a characteristic feature for salt–alkaline stress. Stepwise regression analysis indicates that salinity is the dominant factor, while pH and buffer capacity are secondary for salt–alkaline mixed stress.  相似文献   

氧化铈纳米颗粒(CeO2NPS),因具有较强的自由基清除能力和抗氧化酶特性,已被证明可提高植物的耐盐性,但其对辣椒种子引发作用和机制尚不明确。为揭示CeO2NPS种子引发处理辣椒对盐胁迫下的萌发及幼苗生长的影响,以辣椒品种(Capsicum annuum)茂蔬360为试验材料,设置了7个CeO2NPS浓度(0、0.05、0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4、0.5 mmol·L-1),以未引发处理组为对照,研究不同浓度CeO2NPS种子引发处理后对盐胁迫下辣椒种子萌发、幼苗生物量和生理生化指标的影响。结果表明:(1)0.5 mmol·L-1 CeO2NPS种子引发处理后的种子,其可溶性蛋白质、脯氨酸含量和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、抗坏血酸(AsA)含量和AsA/DHA比值显著提高,超氧阴离子(O2-)含量显著降低; 盐胁迫下,该处理种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数最大。(2)0.4 mmol·L-1 CeO2NPS种子引发处理的幼苗在盐胁迫下的鲜重、干重和根长最大,幼苗的可溶性蛋白质、AsA含量和AsA/DHA比值均显著提高。综上认为,CeO2NPS引发处理不仅可通过降低种子水势、促进贮藏物质代谢和提高抗氧化能力提高种子在盐胁迫下的发芽率,还可在苗期通过增强蛋白合成和抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环(AsA-GSH)促进盐胁迫下幼苗的生长。  相似文献   

蔺菲  郝占庆  叶吉  姜萍 《应用生态学报》2006,17(8):1398-1402
研究了长白山暗针叶林两种主要地面苔藓植物——塔藓和拟垂枝藓对红松、红皮云杉和落叶松种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响.结果表明,在一定浓度下,塔藓浸提液抑制红松发芽,拟垂枝藓浸提液促进红松发芽;苔藓浸提液对红皮云杉和落叶松的发芽率没有显著影响,但不同程度地加快了种子日萌发高峰的出现.用苔藓植物体直接培养红皮云杉和落叶松种子,发现活植物体量大时对发芽率没有显著影响,但延迟了红皮云杉种子萌发高峰的出现,加速了落叶松种子萌发高峰的出现;杀青后的苔藓植物体则明显地抑制种子发芽.通过幼苗培养实验,发现苔藓植物浸提液抑制红皮云杉和红松幼苗生长,但促进了落叶松幼苗的生长;不同处理的苔藓植物体对幼苗生长的影响差异较大,活植物体量大时,两种苔藓均促进了红皮云杉和落叶松幼苗生长,而杀青后植物体则明显地抑制幼苗生长.  相似文献   

Germination of the polymorphic seeds and seedling growth of Atriplex triangularis under various salinity, gibberellic acid and kinetin treatments were determined. Gibberellic acid (GA3; 2.9 m M ) promoted germination and growth at high NaCl concentrations (345 m M ). Kinetin (4.7 μ M ) stimulated germination at all salinities and seed sizes tested. GA3 and kinetin generally increased seedling growth at all concentrations of salinity studied. Higher concentrations of kinetin were found to be inhibitory.  相似文献   

Changes in the contents of starch, protein, DNA, RNA, total phosphorus, acid soluble phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus, and in the activities of some enzymes of carbohydrate, amino acid, nucleic acid and phosphate metabolism were studied during the germination of Cuscuta campestris seeds. The results are expressed on per seed basis.
Starch content in Cuscuta seeds showed a steady decline with most of it depleted by the end of the eighth day of germination. Protein content increased with germination up to 48 h and then decreased. RNA and DNA contents increased to a maximal level on the fourth day of germination and then decreased. Total phosphorus in the seeds remained almost unchanged during the period of study. Both trichloroacetic acid soluble and inorganic phosphorus increased until the third day and then decreased. Phytin was rapidly hydrolyzed with little being detectable by the seventh day of germination. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase increased with germination, while fructose bisphosphate aldolase which is indispensable for glycolysis, decreased with germination. Ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease increased till the third and fourth day, respectively, and then decreased. Aspartate and alanine aminotransferases showed a maximum on the second day and then decreased. Activities of alkaline fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and phytase were absent in the dry seeds and appeared only on the second day of germination. Both α- and β-amylase activities were present in the dry seed.  相似文献   

Effects of different nutrient solutions, organic supplements and plant growth regulators on in vitro seed germination and protocorm development of Geodorum densiflorum (Lam.) Schltr. were studied. Seed germination was very high (up to 96%) in all the basal media, with Knudson's C and half-strength Murashige & Skoog being slightly more productive than Vacin & Went. Application of organic supplements and NAA had little effect on germination, but BAP proved inhibitory. After germination, protocorms exhibited a clear preference for peptone and NAA for much faster growth, while BAP resulted in stunted growth. Beside normal development, disorganisation of protocorms, followed by callusing occurred in presence of peptone and NAA. The calli were compact with limited growth and frequently regenerated protocorm like bodies. Development of seedlings was preceded by an intermediary rhizome phase. Growth of rhizomes was slow in the plant growth regulator free medium and about 15 months of culture was required for seedling formation. However, it was possible to hasten the process by 8-10 months with the employment of NAA, which also enhanced the number of seedlings per protocorm through axillary branching. Combined application of high BAP and low NAA was also useful for high rate of seedling formation.  相似文献   

Establishment success of plants derived from large seeds has been proposed to be greater than that of those derived from smaller ones, particularly under unfavourable conditions of moisture. Therefore, the advantages conferred by large seeds in terms of seedling performance may be modulated by abiotic conditions. The effect of seed size on Cryptocarya alba seedling performance (as determined by seedling recruitment and seedling size) was evaluated under two contrasting rainfall regimes (wet and dry year regime), simulated in the laboratory. It was also determined whether the presence of a pericarp, which had been shown to reduce germination, decreases desiccation and if this counterbalances the greater recruitment of seeds without a pericarp, especially under unfavourable conditions of moisture. Large seeds had a greater probability of recruitment and their seedlings attained a greater biomass, independently of the amount of water applied. In the simulated wet year regime, seeds with a pericarp showed a greater probability of recruitment than those lacking a pericarp. However, seedlings derived from both seed types attained a similar biomass. Under the dry year regime, seeds with and without a pericarp showed similar recruitment probabilities and their seedlings had similar biomasses. These results do not support the assumption that under favourable conditions of moisture, individual differences in seed size would not matter in term of seedling performance. A possible explanation in this case, is the presence of recalcitrant seeds in C. alba, which determines a very short time period for germination following dispersal. Therefore, any attribute that increases germination (e.g., large seeds) would be advantageous, independently of the prevailing abiotic conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of 24-epibrassinolide (24-epiBL) on seedling growth, antioxidative system, lipid peroxidation, proline and soluble protein content were investigated in seedlings of the salt-sensitive rice cultivar IR-28. Seedling growth of rice plants was improved by 24-epiBL treatment under salt stress conditions. When seedlings treated with 24-epiBL were subjected to 120 mM NaCl stress, the activities of superoxide dismutase (EC, catalase (EC and glutathione reductase (EC did not show significant difference, whereas the activity of ascorbate peroxidase (EC significantly increased. Increased activity of peroxidase (EC under NaCl stress showed remarkable decrease in the 24-epiBL+NaCl-applied group. Lipid peroxidation level significantly increased under salt stress but decreased with 24-epiBL application revealing that less oxidative damage occurred in this group (24-epiBL+NaCl). In addition, increased proline content in the NaCl-applied group was decreased by 24-epiBL application in the 24-epiBL+NaCl-applied group. Soluble protein content was increased by 24-epiBL application even under NaCl stress, being also higher than control conditions (no 24-epiBL or NaCl treatment). 24-epiBL treatment considerably alleviated oxidative damage that occurred under NaCl-stressed conditions and improved seedling growth in part under salt stress in sensitive IR-28 seedlings.  相似文献   

The investigation was carried out to study the effect of halopriming on NaCl and polyethylene glycol-6000 (PEG-6000) induced stress tolerance potential of three Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek varieties, with varied abiotic stress tolerance potential. Halopriming is a seed priming technique in which the seeds were soaked in various salt solutions (in this study NaCl was used). The results of the study indicated that the application of stresses (both NaCl and PEG) induced retardation of growth attributes (measured in terms of shoot length, fresh weight, dry weight) and decrease in physiological attributes like total chlorophyll content, metabolites, photosynthetic and mitochondrial activity of the seedlings in all three V. radiata (L.) varieties. However, halopriming of the seeds could reduce the extent of decrease in these biological attributes. NaCl and PEG stress also caused increase in MDA content (a product of membrane lipid peroxidation) in all the varieties studied and this increase was significantly minimized under halopriming. From the present investigation it was evident that among the green gram varieties studied, Pusa Vishal, a NaCl tolerant variety showed enhanced tolerance to NaCl and PEG induced stress, when the seeds were subjected to halopriming followed by Pusa Ratna (stress sensitive variety). Pusa 9531 (drought tolerant variety) also showed positive halopriming effects but it was less significant when compared to other two varieties. It could be concluded that halopriming improved the drought and salinity stress tolerance potential of all varieties and it was significantly higher in the Pusa Vishal as compared to Pusa 9531 and Pusa Ratna.  相似文献   

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