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The principal active constituent of the botanical drug candidate PBI-05204, a supercritical CO(2) extract of Nerium oleander, is the cardiac glycoside oleandrin. PBI-05204 shows potent anticancer activity and is currently in phase I clinical trial as a treatment for patients with solid tumors. We have previously shown that neriifolin, which is structurally related to oleandrin, provides robust neuroprotection in brain slice and whole animal models of ischemic injury. However, neriifolin itself is not a suitable drug development candidate and the FDA-approved cardiac glycoside digoxin does not cross the blood-brain barrier. We report here that both oleandrin as well as the full PBI-05204 extract can also provide significant neuroprotection to neural tissues damaged by oxygen and glucose deprivation as occurs in ischemic stroke. Critically, we show that the neuroprotective activity of PBI-05204 is maintained for several hours of delay of administration after oxygen and glucose deprivation treatment. We provide evidence that the neuroprotective activity of PBI-05204 is mediated through oleandrin and/or other cardiac glycoside constituents, but that additional, non-cardiac glycoside components of PBI-05204 may also contribute to the observed neuroprotective activity. Finally, we show directly that both oleandrin and the protective activity of PBI-05204 are blood brain barrier penetrant in a novel model for in vivo neuroprotection. Together, these findings suggest clinical potential for PBI-05204 in the treatment of ischemic stroke and prevention of associated neuronal death.  相似文献   

Estrogen and progesterone, while regulating uterine functions, also regulate the number of caveolae and the level of caveolin. Large numbers of caveolae, as well as elevated expression of caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 isoforms in the myometrium of ovariectomised (OVX) rats were detected. 17beta-estradiol (E2) has a downregulating effect: the treatment of OVX rats with E2 (5 microg/animal) reduced the formation of caveolae by approx. 90%. Western blots clearly demonstrated the reduction of membrane caveolin-1 and -2 content. Progesterone treatment (2.5 mg/animal) alone did not cause any substantial change, but prevented the effect of estrogen. Control experiments showed that the quantity of Na+/K+-ATPase, a plasma membrane protein excluded from caveolae, was not downregulated by E2. The administration of the pure estrogen receptor (ERalpha) antagonist ICI 182,780 (1 mg/animal) not only compensated for the inhibitory effect of E2, but further increased the level of caveolin-1 in the myometrium of OVX rats and facilitated the formation of caveolae by approximately 70%. In contrast, the partial antagonist tamoxifen (1 mg/animal) mimicked the effect of estrogen. The amount of caveolin also changed during pregnancy. During the first half of pregnancy the expression of caveolin was suppressed, but it gradually increased until delivery. Our results indicate that the formation and number of caveolae are influenced by the physiological state of the uterus in a hormone dependent manner.  相似文献   

Although placental transfer of maternal calcium (Ca(2+)) is a crucial process for fetal development, the biochemical mechanisms are not completely elucidated. Especially, mechanisms of syncytiotrophoblast Ca(2+) extrusion into fetal circulation remain to be established. In the current study we have investigated the characteristics of Ca(2+) efflux in syncytiotrophoblast-like structure originating from the differentiation of cultured trophoblasts isolated from human term placenta. Time-courses of Ca(2+) uptake by differentiated human trophoblasts displayed rapid initial entry (initial velocity (V(i)) of 8.82 +/- 0.86 nmol/mg protein/min) and subsequent establishment of a plateau. Ca(2+) efflux studies with (45)Ca(2+)-loaded cells also showed rapid decline of cell-associated (45)Ca(2+) with a V(i) of efflux (V(ie)) of 8.90 +/- 0.96 nmol/mg protein/min. Expression of membrane systems responsible for intracellular Ca(2+) extrusion from differentiated human trophoblast were investigated by RT-PCR. Messenger RNAs of four known isoforms of PMCA (PMCA 1-4) were detected. Messenger RNAs of two cloned human NCX isoforms (NCX1 and NCX3) were also revealed. More specifically, both splice variants NCX1.3 and NCX1.4 were amplified by PCR with total RNA of differentiated human trophoblast cells. Ca(2+) flux studies in Na-free incubation medium indicated that NCX played a minimal role in the cell Ca(2+) fluxes. However, erythrosine B (inhibitor of PMCA) time- and dose-dependently increased cell associated (45)Ca(2+) suggesting a principal role of plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA) in the intracellular Ca(2+) extrusion of syncytiotrophoblast-like structure originating from the differentiation of cultured trophoblast cells isolated from human term placenta.  相似文献   

Among tetrapods, evidence for postrenal modification of the urine by the distal digestive tract (including the colon and cloaca) is highly variable. Birds and bladderless reptiles are of interest because the colon and cloaca represent the only sites from which water and ions can be reclaimed from the urine secreted by the kidney. For animals occupying desiccating environments (e.g., deserts and marine environments), postrenal modification of the urine may directly contribute to the maintenance of hypo‐osmotic body fluids. We compared the morphology and distribution of key proteins in the colon, cloaca, and urogenital ducts of watersnakes from marine (Nerodia clarkii clarkii) and freshwater (Nerodia fasciata) habitats. Specifically, we examined the epithelia of each tissue for evidence of mucus production by examining the distribution of mucopolysaccharides, and for evidence of water/ion regulation by examining the distribution of Na+/K+‐ATPase (NKA), Na+/K+/Cl? cotransporter (NKCC), and aquaporin 3 (AQP3). NKCC localized to the basolateral epithelium of the colon, urodeal sphincter, and proctodeum, consistent with a role in secretion of Na+, Cl?, and K+ from the tissue, but NKA was not detected in the colon or any compartment of the cloaca. Interestingly, NKA was detected in the basolateral epithelium of the ureters, suggesting the urothelium may play a role in active ion transport. AQP3 was detected in the ureters and coprodeal complex, consistent with a role in urinary and fecal dehydration or, potentially, in the production of the watery component of the mucus secreted by the coprodeal complex. Since no differences in general cloacal morphology, production of mucus, or the distribution of ion transporters/water channels were detected between the two species, cloacal osmoregulation may either be regulated by proteins not examined in this study or may not be responsible for the differential success of N. c. clarkii and N. fasciata in marine habitats. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this brief review we discuss some aspects of the Na+ pump and its roles in mediating the effects of ouabain and endogenous ouabain (EO): i) in regulating the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]CYT) via Na/Ca exchange (NCX), and ii) in activating a number of protein kinase (PK) signaling cascades that control a myriad of cell functions. Importantly, [Ca2+]CYT and the other signaling pathways intersect at numerous points because of the influence of Ca2+ and calmodulin in modulating some steps in those other pathways. While both mechanisms operate in virtually all cells and tissues, this article focuses primarily on their functions in the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system (CNS) and the kidneys.  相似文献   

Kubala M 《Proteins》2006,64(1):1-12
P-type ATPases form a large family of cation translocating ATPases. Recent progress in crystallography yielded several high-resolution structures of Ca(2+)-ATPase from sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum (SERCA) in various conformations. They could elucidate the conformational changes of the enzyme, which are necessary for the translocation of cations, or the mechanism that explains how the nucleotide binding is coupled to the cation transport. However, crystals of proteins are usually obtained only under conditions that significantly differ from the physiological ones and with ligands that are incompatible with the enzyme function, and both of these factors can inevitably influence the enzyme structure. Biochemical (such as mutagenesis, cleavage, and labeling) or spectroscopic experiments can yield only limited structural information, but this information could be considered relevant, because measurement can be performed under physiological conditions and with true ligands. However, interpretation of some biochemical or spectroscopic data could be difficult without precise knowledge of the structure. Thus, only a combination of both these approaches can extract the relevant information and identify artifacts. Briefly, there is good agreement between crystallographic and other experimental data concerning the overall shape of the molecule and the movement of cytoplasmic domains. On the contrary, the E1-AMPPCP crystallographic structure is, in details, in severe conflict with numerous spectroscopic experiments and probably does not represent the physiological state. Notably, the E1-ADP-AlF(4) structure is almost identical to the E1-AMPPCP, again suggesting that the structure is primarily determined by the crystal-growth conditions. The physiological relevance of the E2 and E2-P structures is also questionable, because the crystals were prepared in the presence of thapsigargin, which is known to be a very efficient inhibitor of SERCA. Thus, probably only crystals of E1-2Ca conformation could reflect some physiological state. Combination of biochemical, spectroscopic, and crystallographic data revealed amino acids that are responsible for the interaction with the nucleotide. High sequence homology of the P-type ATPases in the cytoplasmic domains enables prediction of the ATP-interacting amino acids also for other P-type ATPases.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane potential (deltapsi) of procyclic and bloodstream trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma brucei was studied using the potentiometric fluorescent dye bisoxonol. Our results suggest that a proton pump plays a significant role in the regulation of deltapsi in procyclic and bloodstream forms, as evidenced by depolarization of the plasma membrane by H(+)-ATPase inhibitors (e.g. dicyclohexylcarbo-diimide, N-ethylmaleimide, diethylstilbestrol, and bafilomycin A1). In bloodstream stages the plasma membrane was significantly depolarized by ouabain only when the cells were incubated in sodium-rich buffers indicating that a sodium pump was being inhibited. In contrast, ouabain had no effect on the deltapsi of the procyclic stages in a sodium-rich buffer. However, it induced an additional significant depolarization in these stages when their plasma membrane was already partially depolarized by the H(+)-ATPase inhibitor dicyclohexylcarbo-diimide, indicating the presence of an ouabain-sensitive sodium pump whose activity is masked by the H(+)-ATPase. Unlike procyclic forms, the deltapsi of bloodstream-stage trypomastigotes was markedly sensitive to extracellular Na+ and K+ concentrations. Thus, there are significant differences between procyclic and bloodstream forms in the maintenance of the deltapsi and in their permeability to cations.  相似文献   

Adaptation to freshwater may be expected to reduce performance in seawater because these environments represent opposing selective regimes. We tested for such a trade‐off in populations of the Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus). Alewives are ancestrally anadromous, and multiple populations have been independently restricted to freshwater (landlocked). We conducted salinity challenge experiments, whereby juvenile Alewives from one anadromous and multiple landlocked populations were exposed to freshwater and seawater on acute and acclimation timescales. In response to acute salinity challenge trials, independently derived landlocked populations varied in the degree to which seawater tolerance has been lost. In laboratory‐acclimation experiments, landlocked Alewives exhibited improved freshwater tolerance, which was correlated with reductions in seawater tolerance and hypo‐osmotic balance, suggesting that trade‐offs in osmoregulation may be associated with local adaptation to freshwater. We detected differentiation between life‐history forms in the expression of an ion‐uptake gene (NHE3), and in gill Na+/K+‐ATPase activity. Trade‐offs in osmoregulation, therefore, may be mediated by differentiation in ion‐uptake and salt‐secreting pathways.  相似文献   

Invasions by exotic toxic prey, like the release of the South American cane toad (Bufo (Rhinella) marinus) to the toad‐free Australian continent in 1935, have been shown to result in massive declines in native predator numbers. Due to minor nucleotide mutations of the Na+/K+‐ATPase gene most Australian squamate predators are highly susceptible to cane toad toxin. However, in spite of this, predators like yellow‐spotted goannas (Varanus panoptes) and red‐bellied black snakes (Pseudechis porhyriacus) still persist in parts of Queensland where they, in some areas, have co‐existed with cane toads for more than 70 years. Here, we show that the amino acids of the Na+/K+‐ATPase enzyme in the two species do not provide toad toxin resistance, and hence the two Queensland predators are still highly susceptible to cane toad toxin. Both yellow‐spotted goannas and lace monitors (Varanus varius) have, however, been recorded avoiding feeding on cane toads in areas where they co‐exist with this toxic amphibian. Moreover, both varanids have also been shown to learn to avoid feeding on toads when first subjected to conditioned taste aversion. Such behavioural shifts may therefore explain why yellow‐spotted goannas and red‐bellied black snakes still exist in cane toad infested areas of Queensland. The process appears, however, to be unable to rapidly restore varanid populations to pre‐toad population numbers as even after 10 years of co‐existence with cane toads in the Northern Territory, we see no signs of an increase in yellow‐spotted goanna numbers.  相似文献   

Although placental transfer of maternal calcium (Ca(2+)) is a crucial process for fetal development, the biochemical mechanisms are poorly understood. In the current study, we have investigated the characteristics of Ca(2+) fluxes in relation with cell Ca(2+) homeostasis in the human placental trophoblast cell line BeWo. Time-courses of Ca(2+) uptake by BeWo cells displayed rapid initial entry (initial velocity (V(i)) of 3.42 +/- 0.35 nmol/mg protein/min) and subsequent establishment of a plateau. Ca(2+) efflux studies with (45)Ca(2+)-loaded cells also showed rapid declined of cell-associated (45)Ca(2+) with a V(i) of efflux (Ve(i)) of 3.30 +/- 0.08 nmol/mg protein/min. Further identification of membrane gates for Ca(2+) entry in BeWo cells was carried out. Expression of Ca(2+) transporter/channel CaT1 and L-type alpha(1S) subunit was showed by RT-PCR. However, mRNA for CaT2 channel and L-type alpha(1C) and alpha(1D) subunits were not revealed. Membrane systems responsible for intracellular Ca(2+) extrusion from BeWo cells were also investigated. Plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPases (PMCA) and Na/Ca exchangers (NCX) were detected by Western blot in BeWo cells. Expression of specific isoforms of PMCA and NCX was further investigated by RT-PCR. Messenger RNAs of four isoforms of PMCA (PMCA 1-4) were detected. The presence of messenger RNAs of two NCX isoforms (NCX1 and NCX3) was observed. Ca(2+) flux studies in Na-free incubation medium indicated that NCX played a minimal role in the cell Ca(2+) fluxes. Inorganic ions such as cadmium and manganese did not modify the Ca(2+) fluxes, however, barium increased cell-associated (45)Ca(2+) by, in part, by reducing radiolabel exit.  相似文献   

Dong JW  Zhu HF  Zhou ZN 《生理学报》2003,55(3):245-250
本文旨在研究Na+/H+交换以及Na+/Ca2 +交换对模拟缺血 /复灌引起的大鼠心肌细胞内游离钙水平变化的调节作用。分别利用模拟缺血液和正常台氏液对大鼠心肌细胞进行缺血 /复灌处理 ,在缺血期间分别应用Na+/H+交换抑制剂阿米洛利 (amiloride)、Na+/Ca2 +交换抑制剂NiCl2 以及无钙液 ,观察它们对细胞内游离Ca2 +浓度变化的影响。利用Zeiss LSM 5 10激光共聚焦显微镜检测、采集细胞内游离Ca2 +的指示剂Fluo 3 AM的荧光信号 ,计算出相对于正常(缺血前 )的相对荧光强度 ,以表示胞内游离Ca2 +浓度的变化。结果显示 ,模拟缺血引起大鼠心肌细胞内游离Ca2 +持续上升 ,缺血前的相对荧光强度值为 10 0 % ,模拟缺血 5min后为 140 3± 13 0 % (P <0 0 5 ) ,复灌 15min后为 142 8±15 5 % (P <0 0 5 )。经 10 0 μmol/Lamiloride、5mmol/LNiCl2 和无钙液分别预处理 ,模拟缺血 5min后的相对荧光强度分别为 10 1 4± 16 3 % (P <0 0 5 )、110 4± 11 1% (P <0 0 5 )和 10 7 1± 10 8(P <0 0 5 ) ;复灌 15min后则分别为 97 8±14 3 % (P <0 0 5 )、10 6 2± 14 5 % (P <0 0 5 )和 10 6 6± 15 7(P <0 0 5 )。另外 ,与对照组细胞相比 ,再灌注期间NiCl2和无钙液处理的细胞钙振荡的产生幅度明显减弱 ,amilorid  相似文献   

Angiotensin‐converting enzyme (ACE) is upregulated in the diabetic kidney and contributes to renal injury. This study investigates the possible beneficial effects of the ACE inhibitor (ACEI), enalapril and the AT1 receptor blocker (ARB), valsartan, on renal ACE expression, renal structure, and function in streptozotocin (STZ)‐induced diabetic rats. Male Wistar rats were allocated into four groups: control, STZ‐diabetic rats, and STZ‐diabetic rats treated with either enalapril (10 mg/kg/day) or valsartan (50 mg/kg/day) for 8 weeks. Enalapril and valsartan reduced renal ACE mRNA and protein expression, Na+/K+‐ATPase activity, oxidative stress, and serum transforming growth factor‐β1 levels compared to the diabetic group. Both treatments normalized renal nitrate/nitrite levels and ameliorated the observed histopathological changes. In conclusion, ACE downregulation by ACEI and ARB indicates that angiotensin II upregulates ACE through AT1 receptor. Prevention of diabetes‐induced changes in ACE expression and Na+/K+‐ATPase activity could be a new explanation of the renoprotective effects of ACEIs and ARBs. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J BiochemMol Toxicol 27:378‐387, 2013; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com . DOI 10.1002/jbt.21500  相似文献   

Adipose‐derived stromal cells (ADSCs) showed excellent capacity in regeneration and tissue protection. Low tidal volume ventilation (LVT) strategy demonstrates a therapeutic benefit on the treatment of acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ALI/ARDS). This study, therefore, aimed to undertaken determine whether the combined LVT and ADSCs treatment exerts additional protection against lipopolysaccharide (LPS)‐induced ALI in rats. The animals were randomized into seven groups: Group I (control), Group II (instillation of LPS at 10 mg/kg intratracheally), Group III (LPS+LVT 6 ml/kg), Group IV (LPS+intravenous autologous 5 × 106 ADSCs which were pretreated with a scrambled small interfering RNA [siRNA] of keratinocyte growth factor [KGF] negative control), Group V (LPS+ADSCs which were pretreated with a scrambled siRNA of KGF, Group VI (LPS+LVT and ADSCs as in the Group IV), and Group VII (LPS+LVT and ADSCs as in the Group V). We found that levels of tumor necrosis factor‐α, transforming growth factor‐β1, and interleukin (IL)‐1β and IL‐6, the proinflammatory cytokines, were remarkably increased in LPS rats. Moreover, the expressions of ENaC, activity of Na, K‐ATPase, and alveolar fluid clearance (AFC) were obviously reduced by LPS‐induced ALI. The rats treated by ADSCs showed improved effects in all these changes of ALI and further enhanced by ADSCs combined with LVT treatment. Importantly, the treatment of ADSCs with siRNA‐mediated knockdown of KGF partially eliminated the therapeutic effects. In conclusion, combined treatment with ADSCs and LVT not only is superior to either ADSCs or LVT therapy alone in the prevention of ALI. Evidence of the beneficial effect may be partly due to improving AFC by paracrine or systemic production of KGF and anti‐inflammatory properties.  相似文献   

Plant heterotrimeric G proteins modulate numerous developmental stress responses. Recently, receptor‐like kinases (RLKs) have been implicated as functioning with G proteins and may serve as plant G‐protein‐coupled‐receptors. The RLK FERONIA (FER), in the Catharantus roseus RLK1‐like subfamily, is activated by a family of polypeptides called rapid alkalinization factors (RALFs). We previously showed that the Arabidopsis G protein β subunit, AGB1, physically interacts with FER, and that RALF1 regulation of stomatal movement through FER requires AGB1. Here, we investigated genetic interactions of AGB1 and FER in plant salinity response by comparing salt responses in the single and double mutants of agb1 and fer. We show that AGB1 and FER act additively or synergistically depending on the conditions of the NaCl treatments. We further show that the synergism likely occurs through salt‐induced ROS production. In addition, we show that RALF1 enhances salt toxicity through increasing Na+ accumulation and decreasing K+ accumulation rather than by inducing ROS production, and that the RALF1 effect on salt response occurs in an AGB1‐independent manner. Our results indicate that RLK epistatic relationships are not fixed, as AGB1 and FER display different genetic relationships to RALF1 in stomatal versus salinity responses.  相似文献   

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《Journal of neurochemistry》2002,83(6):1543-1546

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《Journal of neurochemistry》2003,87(6):1579-1582

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