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The Smad genes are the intracellular mediators of TGF-beta signals. Targeted mutagenesis in mice has yielded valuable new insights into the functions of this important gene family. These experiments have shown that Smad2 and Smad4 are needed for gastrulation, Smad5 for angiogenesis, and Smad3 for establishment of the mucosal immune response and proper development of the skeleton. In addition, these experiments have shown us the importance of gene dosage in this family, as several of its members yielded haploinsufficiency phenotypes. These include gastrulation and craniofacial defects for Smad2, accelerated wound healing for Smad3, and the incidence of gastric cancer for Smad4. Combinatorial genetics has also revealed functions of Smads in left/right isomerism and liver development.  相似文献   

BackgroundTescalcin is an EF-hand calcium-binding protein that interacts with the Na+/H + exchanger 1 (NHE1). Levay and Slepak recently proposed a role for tescalcin in megakaryopoiesis that was independent of NHE1 activity. Their studies using K562 and HEL cell lines, and human CD34 + hematopoietic stem cells suggested an essential role for tescalcin in megakaryocyte differentiation.ObjectiveTo study the role of tescalcin in megakaryocyte development using a murine model of megakaryopoiesis.MethodsWe generated a mouse with targeted disruption of tescalcin and investigated megakaryocyte development.ResultsTescalcin-deficient mice had a normal number of megakaryocytes and platelets. The morphology, polyploidization profile, and expression of Fli-1 in bone marrow-derived megakaryocytes were also normal.ConclusionTescalcin does not appear to be necessary for normal megakaryocyte development.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Penicillium olsonii secretes several polygalacturonases (PGs) with molecular masses of about 47 kDa. These enzymes consist of several basic and acidic isoforms, with dominant activities at pI 4.5 and pI 7.9. Two polygalacturonase genes, pg1 and pg2, have been cloned. The corresponding enzymes, PG1 and PG2, consist of 370 and 380 amino acids, respectively, and show significant similarities to endo-polygalacturonases from other filamentous fungi. Targeted disruption of pg1 resulted in the elimination of all basic PG isoforms. In contrast, disruption of pg2 reduced, but did not eliminate the acidic PG activities. The PGs of P. olsonii must therefore be encoded by a gene family of at least three genes. Induction studies with various carbon sources revealed that the acidic and basic isoforms are differentially regulated. Pectin is the best inducer of the acidic PG isoforms. The basic isoforms, however, are best induced by monosaccharides like glucose, alpha-L-rhamnose and alpha-L-arabinose.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin is a member of the transferrin family of iron-binding glycoproteins present in milk, mucosal secretions, and the secondary granules of neutrophils. While several physiological functions have been proposed for lactoferrin, including the regulation of intestinal iron uptake, the exact function of this protein in vivo remains to be established. To directly assess the physiological functions of lactoferrin, we have generated lactoferrin knockout (LFKO(-/-)) mice by homologous gene targeting. LFKO(-/-) mice are viable and fertile, develop normally, and display no overt abnormalities. A comparison of the iron status of suckling offspring from LFKO(-/-) intercrosses and from wild-type (WT) intercrosses showed that lactoferrin is not essential for iron delivery during the postnatal period. Further, analysis of adult mice on a basal or a high-iron diet revealed no differences in transferrin saturation or tissue iron stores between WT and LFKO(-/-) mice on either diet, although the serum iron levels were slightly elevated in LFKO-/- mice on the basal diet. Consistent with the relatively normal iron status, in situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that lactoferrin is not expressed in the postnatal or adult intestine. Collectively, these results support the conclusion that lactoferrin does not play a major role in the regulation of iron homeostasis.  相似文献   

The action of glucagon in the liver is mediated by G-coupled receptors. To examine the role of glucagon in glucose homeostasis, we have generated mice in which the glucagon receptor was inactivated (GR(-/-) mice). Blood glucose levels were somewhat reduced in GR(-/-) mice relative to wild type, in both the fed and fasted state. Plasma insulin levels were not significantly affected. There was no significant effect on fasting plasma cholesterol or triglyceride levels associated with deletion of the glucagon receptor. Glucose tolerance, as assessed by an oral glucose tolerance test, improved. Plasma glucagon levels were strikingly elevated in both fed and fasted animals. Despite a total absence of glucagon receptors, these animals maintained near-normal glycemia and normal lipidemia, in the presence of circulating glucagon concentrations that were elevated by two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Steroid deficiencies are diseases affecting salt levels, sugar levels, and sexual differentiation. To study steroid deficiency in more detail, we used a gene-targeting technique to insert a neo gene into the first exon to disrupt Cyp11a1, the first gene in steroid biosynthetic pathways. Cyp11a1 null mice do not synthesize steroids. They die shortly after birth, but can be rescued by steroid injection. Due to the lack of feedback inhibition by glucocorticoid, their circulating ACTH levels are exceedingly high; this results in ectopic Cyp21 gene expression in the testis. Male Cyp11a1 null mice are feminized with female external genitalia and underdeveloped male accessory sex organs. Their testis, epididymis, and vas deferens are present, but undersized. In addition, their adrenals and gonads accumulate excessive amounts of lipid. The lack of steroid production, abnormal gene expression, and aberrant reproductive organ development resemble various steroid deficiency syndromes, making these mice good models for studies of steroid function and regulation.  相似文献   

Urine samples for assay, temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure were collected daily at 2-h intervals from 11 consenting subjects undergoing abdominal surgery, as well as 10 age-and sex-matched control subjects. Alterations in level, and timing of circadian excretion of catecholamine metabolites, adrenal cortical hormones, sodium, potassium, creatinine, and vital signs following surgery were measured. Data were examined to determine if a relationship exists between the degree of circadian alteration and the subject's return to typical circadian profiles. The data suggest that certain circadian rhythms of hospitalized subjects were altered and uncoupled from external stimuli. In addition, subjects with less disruption in some variables following surgery regained rhythmicity more quickly than more disrupted subjects. These findings suggest that health professionals should individualize patient care to promote rhythmicity. In addition, patient assessment should consider individual circadian patterns and disruption following surgery.  相似文献   

Disruption of the murine Mop3 (also known as Bmal1 or Arntl) locus results in a loss of behavioral and molecular circadian rhythms. Although Mop3 null mice do not display anomalies in early development, they do display reduced activity as they age. In an effort to explain this decreased activity, we characterized the physiological and anatomical changes that occurred with age. We observed that Mop3 null mice display an increased mortality after 26 weeks of age and a phenotype best described as a progressive noninflammatory arthropathy. Although little pathology is observed prior to 11 weeks of age, by 35 weeks of age essentially all Mop3 null animals develop joint ankylosis due to flowing ossification of ligaments and tendons and almost complete immobilization of weight-bearing and nonweight-bearing joints. This pathology appears to explain the decreased activity of Mop3 null mice and suggests that MOP3 is an inhibitor of ligament and tendon ossification.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) has been implicated in numerous physiological and developmental processes. The mouse PRL gene was disrupted by homologous recombination. The mutation caused infertility in female mice, but did not prevent female mice from manifesting spontaneous maternal behaviors. PRL-deficient males were fertile and produced offspring with normal Mendelian gender and genotype ratios when they were mated with heterozygous females. Mammary glands of mutant female mice developed a normal ductal tree, but the ducts failed to develop lobular decorations, which is a characteristic of the normal virgin adult mammary gland. The potential effect of PRL gene disruption on antigen-independent primary hematopoiesis was assessed. The results of this analysis indicated that myelopoiesis and primary lymphopoiesis were unaltered in the mutant mice. Consistent with these observations in PRL mutant mice, PRL failed to correct the bone marrow B cell deficiency of Snell dwarf mice. These results argue that PRL does not play any indispensable role in primary lymphocyte development and homeostasis, or in myeloid differentiation. The PRL-/- mouse model provides a new research tool with which to resolve a variety of questions regarding the involvement of both endocrine and paracrine sources of PRL in reproduction, lactogenesis, tumorigenesis and immunoregulation.  相似文献   

The mobilization of plasmids from gram-negative Escherichia coli to gram-positive Brevibacterium lactofermentum, mediated by P-type transfer functions, was used to construct disrupted mutants blocked specifically in the homoserine branch of the aspartate pathway. The mutant strain B. lactofermentum R31 showed an efficiency of conjugal transfer two to three orders of magnitude higher than that of the wild-type strain B.␣lactofermentum ATCC 13869. The hom- and thrB- disrupted mutants of B. lactofermentum ATCC 13869 were lysine overproducers. B. lactofermentum R31 mutants do not overproduce lysine because R31 is an alanine-overproducing strain and channels the pyruvate needed for lysine biosynthesis to the production of alanine. Received: 23 January 1996 / Received last revision: 28 July 1996 / Accepted: 5 August 1996  相似文献   

Andrew J. Ghio 《Biometals》2016,29(5):751-779
Over several decades, asthma has evolved from being recognized as a single disease to include a diverse group of phenotypes with dissimilar natural histories, pathophysiologies, responses to treatment, and distinctive molecular pathways. With the application of Occam’s razor to asthma, it is proposed that there is one cause underlying the numerous phenotypes of this disease and that the responsible molecular pathway is a deficiency of iron in the lung tissues. This deficiency can be either absolute (e.g. asthma in the neonate and during both pregnancy and menstruation) or functional (e.g. asthma associated with infections, smoking, and obesity). Comparable associations between asthma co-morbidity (e.g. eczema, urticaria, restless leg syndrome, and pulmonary hypertension) with iron deficiency support such a shared mechanistic pathway. Therapies directed at asthma demonstrate a capacity to impact iron homeostasis, further strengthening the relationship. Finally, pathophysiologic events producing asthma, including inflammation, increases in Th2 cells, and muscle contraction, can correlate with iron availability. Recognition of a potential association between asthma and an absolute and/or functional iron deficiency suggests specific therapeutic interventions including inhaled iron.  相似文献   

Sleep homeostasis and models of sleep regulation   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
According to the two-process model of sleep regulation, the timing and structure of sleep are determined by the interaction of a homeostatic and a circadian process. The original qualitative model was elaborated to quantitative versions that included the ultradian dynamics of sleep in relation to the non-REM-REM sleep cycle. The time course of EEG slow-wave activity, the major marker of non-REM sleep homeostasis, as well as daytime alertness were simulated successfully for a considerable number of experimental protocols. They include sleep after partial sleep deprivation and daytime napping, sleep in habitual short and long sleepers, and alertness in a forced desynchrony protocol or during an extended photoperiod. Simulations revealed that internal desynchronization can be obtained for different shapes of the thresholds. New developments include the analysis of the waking EEG to delineate homeostatic and circadian processes, studies of REM sleep homeostasis, and recent evidence for local, use-dependent sleep processes. Moreover, nonlinear interactions between homeostatic and circadian processes were identified. In the past two decades, models have contributed considerably to conceptualizing and analyzing the major processes underlying sleep regulation, and they are likely to play an important role in future advances in the field.  相似文献   

The NHE4 Na+/H+ exchanger is abundantly expressed on the basolateral membrane of gastric parietal cells. To test the hypothesis that it is required for normal acid secretion, NHE4-null mutant (NHE4-/-) mice were prepared by targeted disruption of the NHE4 (Slc9a4) gene. NHE4-/- mice survived and appeared outwardly normal. Analysis of stomach contents revealed that NHE4-/- mice were hypochlorhydric. The reduction in acid secretion was similar in 18-day-old, 9-week-old, and 6-month-old mice, indicating that the hypochlorhydria phenotype did not progress over time, as was observed in mice lacking the NHE2 Na+/H+ exchanger. Histological abnormalities were observed in the gastric mucosa of 9-week-old NHE4-/- mice, including sharply reduced numbers of parietal cells, a loss of mature chief cells, increased numbers of mucous and undifferentiated cells, and an increase in the number of necrotic and apoptotic cells. NHE4-/- parietal cells exhibited limited development of canalicular membranes and a virtual absence of tubulovesicles, and some of the microvilli had centrally bundled actin. We conclude that NHE4, which may normally be coupled with the AE2 Cl-/HCO3- exchanger, is important for normal levels of gastric acid secretion, gastric epithelial cell differentiation, and development of secretory canalicular and tubulovesicular membranes.  相似文献   



Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is a key target molecule in current treatment of several neoplastic diseases. Hence, in order to develop and improve current drugs targeting EGFR signalling, an accurate understanding of how this signalling pathway is regulated is required. It has recently been demonstrated that inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) induces a ligand-independent internalization of EGFR. Cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase consists of a regulatory dimer bound to two catalytic subunits.  相似文献   

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