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Translocations are widely used to reintroduce threatened species to areas where they have disappeared. A continuum multi-species model framework describing dispersal and settling of translocated animals is developed. A variety of different dispersal and settling mechanisms, which may depend on local population density and/or a pheromone produced by the population, are considered. Steady state solutions are obtained using numerical techniques for each combination of dispersal and settling mechanism and for both single and double translocations at the same location. Each combination results in a different steady state population distribution and the distinguishing features are identified. In addition, for the case of a single translocation, a relationship between the radius of the settled region and the population size is determined, in some cases analytically. Finally, the model is applied to a case study of a double translocation of the Maud Island frog, Leiopelma pakeka. The models suggest that settling occurs at a constant rate, with repulsion evidently playing a significant role. Mathematical modelling of translocations is useful in suggesting design and monitoring strategies for future translocations, and as an aid in understanding observed behaviour.   相似文献   

This study describes the dispersal traits and dispersal patterns of 51 perennial plant species belonging to 19 families in an oro-Mediterranean thorn cushion plant formation on the High Atlas, Morocco. Diaspore type, mass, number, antitelechoric mechanisms and dispersal time were studied with respect to growth forms, dispersal modes and spatial dispersal. Species spanned 105 range of diaspore mass, which coincided with those found in other high mountain regions. Diaspore mass was significantly higher in trees and shrubs than in semi-shrubs and perennial herbs. Barochorous and zoochorous species are more likely to have heavy diaspores, whereas anemochorous and ballistic species have a medium diaspore mass and semachorous and ombro-hydrochorous species have low diaspore mass. Diaspore number was significantly higher in trees and shrubs than in semi-shrubs and perennial herbs. The barochorous, ombro-hydrochorous and zoochorous species tended to produce higher diaspore numbers than species with other dispersal modes. Bradyspory was well-developed by trees and large shrubs dispersed by biotic vectors. Synaptospermy was represented by its long dispersal component. Myxospermy was significantly associated with semi-shrubs and perennial herbs with restricted spatial dispersal. It seems that ombro-hydrochory combined with myxospermy and a high number of light seeds is an efficient mechanism that ensures successful establishment of the most typical and endemic thorn cushion plant species, such as Alyssum, Vella and Ormenis. In our study area, the highest dispersal availability was synchronized with the dry summer season (July–August) and the beginning of the rainy months (September). The dispersal peak for the wind-dispersed species, which is the most effective primary dispersal mode, occurs during the dry season, while dispersal for the biotic-dispersed species takes place throughout the year.  相似文献   

Dispersal mode,seed shadows,and colonization patterns   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Willson  M. F. 《Plant Ecology》1993,(1):261-280
This review assesses the state of our knowledge about comparative seed shadows. Using data presently available in the literature, I compare the slopes (on a log-linear scale) of seed shadows for plants with different morphologically characterized modes of dispersal. The seeds of many species have no evident morphological adaptation for dispersal and seem to achieve only short-distance dispersal. Seed shadows for herbaceous species with devices for wind have flatter slopes and more distant modes and maxima than those of ballists, which in turn exceed those with no special devices. Seed shadows for wind-dispersed trees and shrubs had similar or steeper slopes than those for vertebrate-dispersed species in this sample. Species with poor mechanisms for dispersal in space only sometimes had the capacity for better dispersal in time (dormancy). Although some species exhibited seed shadows sufficiently steep to be predicted to colonize new-habitat in a front or phalanx pattern, actual colonization patterns must reflect many other factors.  相似文献   

扩散生态学及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扩散研究是生态学研究中的一个热点领域 ,而扩散生态学则是生物学领域一门新的分支学科。本文综述了扩散生态学研究的一些基本理论问题 ,包括扩散的定义、扩散生态学的研究内容及其与生物学其它分支学科的关系 ,并阐述了研究扩散的重要意义。扩散生态学的研究内容十分广泛 ,既涉及所有生物 (从微生物到脊椎动物 )的生态学 (如复合种群、群落、生态系统多样性、复杂性和稳定性 )和进化 (如种化 )等理论问题 ,又涉及物种保护、生物多样性保育、有害生物 (包括外来物种 )的控制、流行病防范、环境保护和人口管理等应用问题。因此 ,研究生物的扩散具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

Dispersal and connectivity in metapopulations   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This paper reviews characteristics of dispersal that influence metapopulation functioning, such as releasing factors, density dependence, timing and types and health of dispersers. Economic thresholds, intraspecific conflicts and avoidance of inbreeding arc often regarded as the key ultimate or proximate (or both) causes of dispersal, but there is no consensus about the most important mechanisms. Dispersing individuals arc often considered to differ genetically from the residents but good supporting evidence has only been presented for some insect species. Sex and age differences in dispersal rates are most common in polygamous species and in long-lived species with many litters per female. A bimodal distribution of dispersal distances, earlier thought to be a common pattern, is probably an artifact, caused by habitat heterogeneity and varying survival of settled individuals. Dispersal distances are longer in poor environments. Habitat specialists are more affected by boundaries during dispersal than generalists. Dispersal just before or during the early reproductive season is common in certain species occupying early successional habitats. Dispersal increased both population and metapopulation size and persistence in plants, insects and small mammals.  相似文献   

Moshe Shachak  Sol Brand 《Oecologia》1988,76(4):620-626
Summary We explore the demographic consequences of site selection by animals on their abundance among habitats. We found that pre and post settling survivorship are important links between the behavioral decisions where to settle and the distribution of a population among habitats. This was demonstrated for 10 generations of the desert isopod, Hemilepistus reaumuri, in three habitats in the Negev Desert, Israel. The populations exhibit low survivorship before settling (12%) and high survivorship (55%) after settling. According to our model this implies high site selection. Theoretical considerations and the case study led us to suggest the following relationship among settling, demography and habitat selection: 1) Individuals search for suitable settling sites to inhabit and reproduce. 2) Their decision where and when to settle is a cost benefit decision. They weigh the benefit of searching for a high quality site against mortality due to increased searching time. 3) The individual's decision to settle determines the pre and post settling survivorship pattern. 4) Survivorship pattern dictates density pattern in time and space. 5) Density pattern in a given habitat determines its quality for the individual. 6) Settling selection among habitats and the number of safe sites controls the distribution of densities among habitats.  相似文献   

Headspace from above either Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel reared on powdered food; insects without food or from powdered food only were collected on five occasions over a period of four weeks. Volatiles were analysed by thermal desorption gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GCMS) to look for ecologically significant volatile compounds. Hexanoic acid (HA) was the major compound in the insect only and diet only volatiles (insect 25.6 ± 1.6%, diet 32.9 ± 1.13%). Isobutyric acid was the main compound detected in the volatiles from both insects and diet (35.3 ± 6%). Butyric acid (BA) and acetoin (HB) were also present at >2% of the total peak areas. HB was not detected in the insect only volatiles. Bioassays showed that hexanoic acid was the most repellent chemical. Mixtures of compounds representing the proportions of HA, BA, IBA, and HB in the volatiles did not have any prolonged effect on settling or selection by booklice in a two choice bioassay. L. bostrychophila can avoid individual volatile chemicals but the effects can be masked when they are incorporated into mixtures. As some volatile compounds can be detected by booklice they may govern dispersal, but further work is required to clarify their significance.  相似文献   

The dispersal ecology of seventeen maritime species, which are dominant and/or characteristic species of coastal communities on the Ryukyu Islands, was studied. The species wereCalophyllum inophyllum, Canavalia maritima, Clerodendron inerme, Guettarda speciosa, Hernandia sonora, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Ipomoea gracilis, I. pes-caprae, Messerschmidia argentea, Pandanus odoratissimus, Pongamia pinnata, Scaevola frutescens, Sophora tomentosa, Terminalia catappa, Thespesia populnea, Vigna marina andWedelia biflora. The structure and size of disseminules and their buoyancy and viability in seawater were examined in the laboratory. The disseminules of these seventeen species have morphological characteristics for buoyancy, and tests showed that these species could be dispersed by sea currents. Drift disseminules on the drift line, seedlings on the hightide line, and young plants of woody species in the herb zone were observed, being abundant on the coasts of the Ryukyu Islands. The Kuroshio Current carries these disseminules from islands where these species form part of the tropical coastal vegetation.  相似文献   

The raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides, an East Asian canid species, was introduced into the European part of the former USSR since 1928. Within 50 years (1935–1984), it colonised a territory of 1.4 million km2 in Europe. A telemetry study took place in Southern Brandenburg in a 60 km2 sized study area with a typical mosaic structured East German agricultural landscape. For catching raccoon dogs, 20 trap boxes were set there in an area of 46 km2, and between February 2001 and July 2004, 15 (5 males, 10 females) adult and 46 (25 males, 21 females) juvenile raccoon dogs were eartagged and adults additionally fitted with radio collars (Biotrack, 150–151 MHz). Data on dispersal behaviour was collected by the relocation points of 11 juveniles (6 males, 5 females). Four juvenile males dispersed even more than 40 km from their trapping places. Additionally, dispersal of two adult males could be documented. This behaviour probably indicates that the German raccoon dog population still is in a process of colonising. This canid’s ability for colonising spacious and distant areas during comparative short periods of time and its preference for habitats with richness of water possibly make this species to be an important vector of fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis—a very dangerous zoonosis.  相似文献   

As researchers collect spatiotemporal population and genetic data in tandem, models that connect demography and dispersal to genetics are increasingly relevant. The dominant spatiotemporal model of invasion genetics is the stepping-stone model which represents a gradual range expansion in which individuals jump to uncolonized locations one step at a time. However, many range expansions occur quickly as individuals disperse far from currently colonized regions. For these types of expansion, stepping-stone models are inappropriate. To more accurately reflect wider dispersal in many organisms, we created kernel-based models of invasion genetics based on integrodifference equations. Classic theory relating to integrodifference equations suggests that the speed of range expansions is a function of population growth and dispersal. In our simulations, populations that expanded at the same speed but with spread rates driven by dispersal retained more heterozygosity along axes of expansion than range expansions with rates of spread that were driven primarily by population growth. To investigate surfing we introduced mutant alleles in wave fronts of simulated range expansions. In our models based on random mating, surfing alleles remained at relatively low frequencies and surfed less often compared to previous results based on stepping-stone simulations with asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Studies of the ecology of mangroves show that a wide variety of factors, including salinity, desiccation, disturbance, competition and predation, may affect the distribution and abundance of species. Field studies were done to examine the relative importance of several of these factors in the establishment and early survival of Ceriops tagal, a species common in mid-to high-shore regions of mangrove forests in northern Australia. The fate of marked and tethered propagules was followed to estimate the range of dispersal and the intensity of predation. Propagules were artificially planted under different thicknesses of shade cloth (none, 30%, 80%) and in different habitats (clearing, forest, clearing-forest fringe) to examine the effects of light and soil conditions on survival and growth. Results suggested that dispersal was very limited: only 9% of marked propagules were ever found more than 3 m from the parent tree. Losses to predators were great, with 83% of tethered propagules being damaged or consumed within 3 months. On average, 56% of planted propagules survived for at least 6 weeks and 76% of these initiated growth. Survival in clearings was lower than in other habitats, with 29% fewer surviving six weeks and 48% fewer surviving 15 months. The growth of seedlings was correlated with soil temperature, but the effects of treatments were complex. Overall, results indicated that poor dispersal and establishment were the main factors likely to limit the colonisation and population growth of this species. Received: 12 September 1995/Accepted: 14 June 1996  相似文献   

The dispersal syndrome hypothesis states that plant diaspores show morphological features that are the results of adaptation for dispersal by a particular vector. This can enable to identify the relative importance of dispersal agents within plant communities. Nevertheless, there is still little information about seed dispersal spectra and diaspore traits related to different dispersal agents in the equatorial montane forests, despite their high biodiversity and important ecosystem services as watersheds for human communities. Due to an increase in environmental stress at high elevations a reduction in the prevalence of endozoochory, and a reduction in the size of endozoochorous diaspores in plant assemblages could be expected. We reviewed published data from 64 Andean cloud forest plots to assess the dispersal spectra, the incidence of different traits related to seed dispersal, and the distribution of dispersal syndromes within cloud forests of northern South America. We then evaluated two questions related to seed dispersal in these forests: (1) Does the number and percentage of endozoochorous species in woody plant assemblages decrease at higher elevation? and (2) Does the mean diaspore size of endozoochorously dispersed tree assemblages decrease with elevation?  相似文献   

In the Caribbean region, the Melastomataceae are represented by about 450 species (from 28 genera), close to 400 of them endemic. The majority of these endemic species (approximately 330) belong to the tribe Miconieae, a monophyletic group characterized by flowers with inferior or partly inferior ovaries that develop into baccate fruits, stamens with no or only poorly developed connective appendages, and the absence of megastyloids and imbricate bracts at the base of the flowers. A phylogenetic analysis of 460 accessions from 450 species of the tribe Miconieae, including 139 present in the Antilles (103 of these endemic), was performed based on nuclear (nrITS) and plastid (ndhF) DNA sequence data. This analysis shows that most of the Caribbean endemics are the product of five radiation events: (1) a clade containing the Caribbean endemic (or near-endemic) genera Pachyanthus, Calycogonium, Tetrazygia and Charianthus, as well as a few representatives of Miconia and Leandra. (2) The genus Mecranium. (3) The Caribbean species of Miconia section Chaenopleura (which are probably not the sister group of Andean Chaenopleura). (4) The Greater Antillean species of Clidemia and Ossaea (including Sagraea). (5) The Lesser Antillean representatives of Clidemia. Caribbean endemics that are more closely related to mainland species, rather than other Caribbean species are rare, and these often are segregates of widespread continental species. Because of a lack of resolution at the base of several clades, it is currently not possible to determine which mainland groups are the closest relatives of these Caribbean endemics, thus preventing us from establishing unequivocally the geographical origins of these species.
Resumen  En la región del Caribe la familia Melastomataceae está representada por cerca de 450 especies (de 28°géneros), 400 de ellas endémicas. La mayoría de estas especies (approximately 330) pertenecen a la tribu Miconieae, un grupo monofilético caracterizado por flores con ovario parcial o totalmente ínfero que se desarrollan en frutos bayados, estambres con apéndices ausentes o poco desarrollados, ausencia de mega estiloides, y la ausencia de brácteas imbricadas en la base del as flores. Se realizó un análisis filogenético basado en secuencias nucleares (nrITS) de cloroplasto (ndhF) para la tribu Miconieae. El análisis incluyó 460 individuos, representando 450 especies de la tribu, de las cuales 139 están presentes en el Caribe (103 de estas endémicas). El análisis muestra que la mayoría de las especies endémicas del Caribe son producto de cinco eventos de radiación: (1) Un clado que contiene los géneros endémicos (o casi endémicos) Pachyanthus, Calycogonium, Tetrazygia y Charianthus, así como representantes de Miconia y Leandra. (2) El género Mecranium. (3) las especies Antillanas de Miconia sección Chaenopleura. (4) Las especies de las Antillas mayores de Clidemia y Ossaea (incluyendo Sagraea). (5) Las especies de las Antillas menores de Clidemia. Especies endémicas del Caribe que son hermanas o que están cercanamente relacionadas con especies del continente, y no con especies de la región son raras, y generalmente son segregadas de especies de amplia distribución. Debido a la falta de resolución en la base de muchos de estos clados en este estudio, en este momento no es posible determinar con precisión que grupos presentes en el continente son hermanos a los grupos del Caribe, por lo que no es posible establecer los orígenes geográficos de la mayoría de grupos endémicos.

啮齿动物的贮藏行为与植物种子的扩散   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
绝大多数啮齿动物一方面取食大量的植物种子和果实,另一方面通过其贮食行为将植物种子和果实搬运到远离母树的地点,即扩散,并将它们分散埋藏在落叶下或浅表的土层中,从而影响种子和果实的时空分布,最后导致幼苗在有利的条件下发生和建成,实现植物更新。啮齿动物与植物种子和果实之间已广泛形成了互惠或协同进化的关系。啮齿动物的贮食行为主要通过以下几个过程对植物种子和果实的扩散产生影响:选择、搬运和埋藏以及随后对种子和幼苗存活和死亡的影响等。本综述了啮齿动物对植物种子和果实贮藏的研究结果,以期为进一步开展啮齿动物的贮食行为在植物种子和果实的扩散中的作用的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Dispersal and spatial scale affect synchrony in spatial population dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large body of theoretical studies has shown that synchrony among populations is critical for the long-term persistence of species in fragmented habitats. Although the effects of dispersal and environmental factors on synchrony have been investigated theoretically, empirical studies of these relationships have been lacking. We explored the interplay between environmental and demographic factors (fecundity, survival, dispersal) on population synchrony for 53 species of birds. We show that the interspecific differences in mean synchrony were determined by global environmental factors whose action was probably mediated by the abundance of each species. After removing the effect of these global factors on synchrony, the residual synchrony was strongly correlated with dispersal distance. The relationship between dispersal and synchrony was stronger for the species nesting in wet habitats than for those nesting in dry habitats. Our results indicate that different factors synchronize bird populations at different spatial scales, thus highlighting the role of scale in understanding spatial population dynamics and extinction risks.  相似文献   

For elusive mammals like bats, colonization of new areas and colony formation are poorly understood, as is their relationship with the genetic structure of populations. Understanding dispersal and group formation behaviors is critical not only for a better comprehension of mammalian social dynamics, but also for guiding conservation efforts of rare and endangered species. Using nuclear and mitochondrial markers, we studied patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation among and within breeding colonies of giant noctule bats (Nyctalus lasiopterus), their relation to a new colony still in formation, and the impact of this ongoing process on the regionwide genetic makeup. Nuclear differentiation among colonies was relatively low and mostly nonsignificant. Mitochondrial variation followed this pattern, contrasting with findings for other temperate bat species. Our results suggest that this may indicate a recent population expansion. On average, female giant noctules were not more closely related to other colony members than to foreign individuals. This was also true for members of the newly forming colony and those of another, older group sampled shortly after its formation, suggesting that contrary to findings for other temperate bats, giant noctule colonies are not founded by relatives. However, mother–daughter pairs were found in the same populations more often than expected under random dispersal. Given this indication of philopatry, the lack of mitochondrial differentiation among most colonies in the region is probably due to the combination of a recent population expansion and group formation events.  相似文献   

通过绘制我国有尾两栖类的地理分布图,分析该类群的地理分布格局与可能的起源和扩散路线。研究结果表明,有尾两栖类在我国的地理分布格局,有三个关键区域:1.位于长江上游的、有尾两栖类物种丰富度最高的横断山区,是有尾两栖类的分布中心,该区域很可能亦为有尾两栖类的起源中心及主要特化中心;2.三个次级分布与特化中心,大别山-淮河流域区、南岭-珠江流域区、浙闽山地-江南水乡区;3.四个小型的三级分布与特化中心,台琼海岛区、东北长白山-三江流域区、秦巴山地-汉江渭河流域区、天山-伊犁河流域区。另外,该类群可能的迁移和扩散路线可归纳为:沿着各水系,从分布中心分别向东西南北四个方向迁移和扩散,其中以向北和向东为主,向南和向西扩散的种类较少。向北扩散的主要是小鲵科(Hynobiidae)的一些种类,向东扩散的种类则以蝾螈科(Salamandridae)物种为主。广布于我国东部的隐鳃鲵科(Cryptobranchidae)种类,极可能是该类群向北和向东这两个方向扩散的结果。研究结果表明,东亚两栖动物区系具有明显的整体性,即东亚两栖动物区系是单源的、本地起源的。本项研究结果支持中国日本界假说。  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key ecological process linking metapopulation dynamics in the landscape to distribution patterns at larger spatial scales. In this study, we investigated the landscape occupancy and genetic population structure of a butterfly species, Melanargia galathea. Several landscapes differing in composition and structure were sampled as well as populations at different spatial scales. We found that M. galathea occupied 91.3% of all habitat patches available within a particular landscape, probably due to a dominance of landscape scale processes such as rescue effect and recolonisation. A high level of genetic polymorphism within the sampled populations and a very low amount of genetic differentiation between populations was observed (Gst=0.034), characteristic of species with high dispersal capacity and/or high density. High dispersal rates ensured considerable gene mixing at the landscape scale while the influence of distance on dispersal success was detected at the regional and continental scales by a significant amount of isolation by distance. We also found that, at the landscape scale, the dispersal of this butterfly species was influenced by the spatial distribution of its habitat patches.


Die Ausbreitung ist ein ökologischer Schlüsselprozess, der die Metapopulationsdynamik in einer Landschaft mit den Verbreitungsmustern auf einer größeren räumlichen Skala verbindet. In dieser Studie untersuchten wir die Verbreitungsmuster und die genetische Populationsstruktur einer Schmetterlingsart, Melanargia galathea. Es wurden sowohl einige Landschaften beprobt, die sich in der Zusammensetzung und der Struktur unterschieden, als auch Populationen auf verschiedenen räumlichen Skalen. Wir fanden, dass M. galathea 91.3% aller verfügbaren Habitatflecken in einer bestimmten Landschaft besetzte, möglicherweise aufgrund der Dominanz von Landschaftsskalenprozessen wie “Rescue-Effekt” und Rekolonisation. Es wurde ein hoher genetischer Polymorphismuslevel und ein sehr geringer Umfang genetischer Differenzierung innerhalb der beprobten Populationen beobachtet (Gst=0.034), was charakteristisch für Arten mit einer großen Ausbreitungsfähigkeit und/oder hoher Dichte ist. Hohe Ausbreitungsraten sicherten eine beträchtliche Genvermischung auf der Landschaftsskala, während der Einfluss der Entfernung auf den Verbreitungserfolg auf der regionalen und kontinentalen Skala durch einen signifikanten Anteil der Isolation aufgrund von Entfernung festgestellt wurde. Wir fanden auch, dass auf der Landschaftsskala die Ausbreitung dieses Schmetterlings durch die räumliche Verteilung der Habitatflecken beeinflusst wurde.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Clark and Evans' nearest-neighbour method was used to evaluate the distribution pattern of Acacia oswaldii and Oncothrips tepperi populations.
2. A random distribution pattern was supported statistically for both the host trees and trees that were parasitised by O. tepperi .
3. It is therefore likely that dispersal distances of colonising thrips are large enough to be able to traverse the 1 km2 study site.  相似文献   

我们于2002 ~ 2007 年在广西龙州县和宁明县采用标记重捕法对扁颅蝠的扩散行为进行研究, 共标记669 只(成体316 只,亚成体353 只;雌雄分别为293 只和376 只),重捕到139 只(重捕率20. 8% )。结果表明,大部分扁颅蝠雌雄后代在性成熟前发生扩散,其亚成体扩散率无性别差异(雄
性82.2% ,雌性66.7% ;P > 0.05)。对成年雌雄两性扩散率(雄性76.5% ,雌性58.5% )的分析亦未见性别差异(P > 0.05),但亚成体和成体合并结果显示雄蝠扩散率(80.7% )高于雌蝠(62.3% ,P < 0.01)。此外,我们还测量了扩散的距离,雄性后代的扩散距离(787. 5 ± 26.980 m,n = 37)比雌
性(517.4 ± 25.308 m,n = 24)远(P < 0. 01);在出现扩散的61 只后代中,仅有一只(0. 7% )雄性亚成体扩散到其它的竹林,其余个体均在出生竹林内的不同竹筒之间进行扩散。  相似文献   

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