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We formulate and analyse a stochastic epidemic model for the transmission dynamics of a tick-borne disease in a single population using a continuous-time Markov chain approach. The stochastic model is based on an existing deterministic metapopulation tick-borne disease model. We compare the disease dynamics of the deterministic and stochastic models in order to determine the effect of randomness in tick-borne disease dynamics. The probability of disease extinction and that of a major outbreak are computed and approximated using the multitype Galton–Watson branching process and numerical simulations, respectively. Analytical and numerical results show some significant differences in model predictions between the stochastic and deterministic models. In particular, we find that a disease outbreak is more likely if the disease is introduced by infected deer as opposed to infected ticks. These insights demonstrate the importance of host movement in the expansion of tick-borne diseases into new geographic areas.  相似文献   

Antiviral drugs, most notably the neuraminidase inhibitors, are an important component of control strategies aimed to prevent or limit any future influenza pandemic. The potential large-scale use of antiviral drugs brings with it the danger of drug resistance evolution. A number of recent studies have shown that the emergence of drug-resistant influenza could undermine the usefulness of antiviral drugs for the control of an epidemic or pandemic outbreak. While these studies have provided important insights, the inherently stochastic nature of resistance generation and spread, as well as the potential for ongoing evolution of the resistant strain have not been fully addressed. Here, we study a stochastic model of drug resistance emergence and consecutive evolution of the resistant strain in response to antiviral control during an influenza pandemic. We find that taking into consideration the ongoing evolution of the resistant strain does not increase the probability of resistance emergence; however, it increases the total number of infecteds if a resistant outbreak occurs. Our study further shows that taking stochasticity into account leads to results that can differ from deterministic models. Specifically, we find that rapid and strong control cannot only contain a drug sensitive outbreak, it can also prevent a resistant outbreak from occurring. We find that the best control strategy is early intervention heavily based on prophylaxis at a level that leads to outbreak containment. If containment is not possible, mitigation works best at intermediate levels of antiviral control. Finally, we show that the results are not very sensitive to the way resistance generation is modeled.  相似文献   

Stochastic differential equations that model an SIS epidemic with multiple pathogen strains are derived from a system of ordinary differential equations. The stochastic model assumes there is demographic variability. The dynamics of the deterministic model are summarized. Then the dynamics of the stochastic model are compared to the deterministic model. In the deterministic model, there can be either disease extinction, competitive exclusion, where only one strain persists, or coexistence, where more than one strain persists. In the stochastic model, all strains are eventually eliminated because the disease-free state is an absorbing state. However, if the population size and the initial number of infected individuals are sufficiently large, it may take a long time until all strains are eliminated. Numerical simulations of the stochastic model show that coexistence cases predicted by the deterministic model are an unlikely occurrence in the stochastic model even for short time periods. In the stochastic model, either disease extinction or competitive exclusion occur. The initial number of infected individuals, the basic reproduction numbers, and other epidemiological parameters are important determinants of the dominant strain in the stochastic epidemic model.  相似文献   

We study the spread of susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) infectious diseases where an individual's infectiousness and probability of recovery depend on his/her “age” of infection. We focus first on early outbreak stages when stochastic effects dominate and show that epidemics tend to happen faster than deterministic calculations predict. If an outbreak is sufficiently large, stochastic effects are negligible and we modify the standard ordinary differential equation (ODE) model to accommodate age-of-infection effects. We avoid the use of partial differential equations which typically appear in related models. We introduce a “memoryless” ODE system which approximates the true solutions. Finally, we analyze the transition from the stochastic to the deterministic phase.  相似文献   

This paper deals with two types of simple epidemic models, namely, deterministic and stochastic wherein the latent period is assumed to be positive. In the deterministic epidemic model, the distributions of susceptibles, inactive infectives, active infectives and that of epidemic curve which gives the rate at which new infections take place have been obtained. The expression for the expected time of the entire epidemic has been derived. Also the partial differential equation for the moment generating function of the proportion of susceptibles in the population is established. In the end, we have studied a stochastic approach of the system.  相似文献   

Jain K  Krug J 《Genetics》2007,175(3):1275-1288
We study the adaptation dynamics of an initially maladapted asexual population with genotypes represented by binary sequences of length L. The population evolves in a maximally rugged fitness landscape with a large number of local optima. We find that whether the evolutionary trajectory is deterministic or stochastic depends on the effective mutational distance d(eff) up to which the population can spread in genotype space. For d(eff) = L, the deterministic quasi-species theory operates while for d(eff) < 1, the evolution is completely stochastic. Between these two limiting cases, the dynamics are described by a local quasi-species theory below a crossover time T(x) while above T(x) the population gets trapped at a local fitness peak and manages to find a better peak via either stochastic tunneling or double mutations. In the stochastic regime d(eff) < 1, we identify two subregimes associated with clonal interference and uphill adaptive walks, respectively. We argue that our findings are relevant to the interpretation of evolution experiments with microbial populations.  相似文献   

In this paper, branching process approximations to non-linear stochastic partnership models for sexually transmitted diseases in heterosexual populations were used to find points in the parameter space such that an epidemic would occur. At selected points in the parameter space, samples of Monte Carlo realizations of the process were computed and analyzed statistically to gain insights into the stochastic evolution of epidemics seeded by one infective single female and male. Non-linear difference equations were embedded in the stochastic processes, making it possible to compare trajectories computed according to the deterministic model with those computed from samples of Monte Carlo realizations. From these trajectories it was shown that stochastic fluctuations may have a profound effect on the long-term evolution of an epidemic, and examples demonstrate that an investigator may be misled if a deterministic model alone were used to project an epidemic, particularly when there is a significant probability of extinction.  相似文献   

The basic reproduction number, ?(0), one of the most well-known thresholds in deterministic epidemic theory, predicts a disease outbreak if ?(0)>1. In stochastic epidemic theory, there are also thresholds that predict a major outbreak. In the case of a single infectious group, if ?(0)>1 and i infectious individuals are introduced into a susceptible population, then the probability of a major outbreak is approximately 1-(1/?(0))( i ). With multiple infectious groups from which the disease could emerge, this result no longer holds. Stochastic thresholds for multiple groups depend on the number of individuals within each group, i ( j ), j=1, …, n, and on the probability of disease extinction for each group, q ( j ). It follows from multitype branching processes that the probability of a major outbreak is approximately [Formula: see text]. In this investigation, we summarize some of the deterministic and stochastic threshold theory, illustrate how to calculate the stochastic thresholds, and derive some new relationships between the deterministic and stochastic thresholds.  相似文献   

The effect of spatial heterogeneity in epidemic models has improved with computational advances, yet far less progress has been made in developing analytical tools for understanding such systems. Here, we develop two classes of second-order moment closure methods for approximating the dynamics of a stochastic spatial model of the spread of foot and mouth disease. We consider the performance of such ‘pseudo-spatial’ models as a function of R0, the locality in disease transmission, farm distribution and geographically-targeted control when an arbitrary number of spatial kernels are incorporated. One advantage of mapping complex spatial models onto simpler deterministic approximations lies in the ability to potentially obtain a better analytical understanding of disease dynamics and the effects of control. We exploit this tractability by deriving analytical results in the invasion stages of an FMD outbreak, highlighting key principles underlying epidemic spread on contact networks and the effect of spatial correlations.  相似文献   

A significant consideration in modeling systems with stages is to obtain models for the individual stages that have probability density functions (pdfs) of residence times that are close to those of the real system. Consequently, the theory of residence time distributions is important for modeling. Here I show first that linear deterministic compartmental systems with constant coefficients and their corresponding stochastic analogs (stochastic compartmental systems with linear rate laws) have the same pdfs of residence times for the same initial distributions of inputs. Furthermore, these are independent of inflows. Then I show that does not hold for non-linear deterministic systems and their stochastic analogs (stochastic compartmental systems with non-linear rate laws). In fact, for given initial distributions of inputs, the pdfs of non-linear determistic systems without inflows and of their stochastic analogs, are functions of the initial amounts injected. For systems with inflows, the pdfs change as the inflows influence the occupancies of the compartments of the system; they are state-dependent pdfs.  相似文献   

Can noise induce chaos?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An important component of the mathematical definition of chaos is sensitivity to initial conditions. Sensitivity to initial conditions is usually measured in a deterministic model by the dominant Lyapunov exponent (LE), with chaos indicated by a positive LE. The sensitivity measure has been extended to stochastic models; however, it is possible for the stochastic Lyapunov exponent (SLE) to be positive when the LE of the underlying deterministic model is negative, and vice versa. This occurs because the LE is a long-term average over the deterministic attractor while the SLE is the long-term average over the stationary probability distribution. The property of sensitivity to initial conditions, uniquely associated with chaotic dynamics in deterministic systems, is widespread in stochastic systems because of time spent near repelling invariant sets (such as unstable equilibria and unstable cycles). Such sensitivity is due to a mechanism fundamentally different from deterministic chaos. Positive SLE's should therefore not be viewed as a hallmark of chaos. We develop examples of ecological population models in which contradictory LE and SLE values lead to confusion about whether or not the population fluctuations are primarily the result of chaotic dynamics. We suggest that "chaos" should retain its deterministic definition in light of the origins and spirit of the topic in ecology. While a stochastic system cannot then strictly be chaotic, chaotic dynamics can be revealed in stochastic systems through the strong influence of underlying deterministic chaotic invariant sets.  相似文献   


Delay in viral production may have a significant impact on the early stages of infection. During the eclipse phase, the time from viral entry until active production of viral particles, no viruses are produced. This delay affects the probability that a viral infection becomes established and timing of the peak viral load. Deterministic and stochastic models are formulated with either multiple latent stages or a fixed delay for the eclipse phase. The deterministic model with multiple latent stages approaches in the limit the model with a fixed delay as the number of stages approaches infinity. The deterministic model framework is used to formulate continuous-time Markov chain and stochastic differential equation models. The probability of a minor infection with rapid viral clearance as opposed to a major full-blown infection with a high viral load is estimated from a branching process approximation of the Markov chain model and the results are confirmed through numerical simulations. In addition, parameter values for influenza A are used to numerically estimate the time to peak viral infection and peak viral load for the deterministic and stochastic models. Although the average length of the eclipse phase is the same in each of the models, as the number of latent stages increases, the numerical results show that the time to viral peak and the peak viral load increase.  相似文献   

The accumulation of cross-immunity in the host population is an important factor driving the antigenic evolution of viruses such as influenza A. Mathematical models have shown that the strength of temporary non-specific cross-immunity and the basic reproductive number are both key determinants for evolutionary branching of the antigenic phenotype. Here we develop deterministic and stochastic versions of one such model. We examine how the time of emergence or introduction of a novel strain affects co-existence with existing strains and hence the initial establishment of a new evolutionary branch. We also clarify the roles of cross-immunity and the basic reproductive number in this process. We show that the basic reproductive number is important because it affects the frequency of infection, which influences the long term immune profile of the host population. The time at which a new strain appears relative to the epidemic peak of an existing strain is important because it determines the environment the emergent mutant experiences in terms of the short term immune profile of the host population. Strains are more likely to coexist, and hence to establish a new clade in the viral phylogeny, when there is a significant time overlap between their epidemics. It follows that the majority of antigenic drift in influenza is expected to occur in the earlier part of each transmission season and this is likely to be a key surveillance period for detecting emerging antigenic novelty.  相似文献   


We study fixation probabilities for the Moran stochastic process for the evolution of a population with three or more types of individuals and frequency-dependent fitnesses. Contrary to the case of populations with two types of individuals, in which fixation probabilities may be calculated by an exact formula, here we must solve a large system of linear equations. We first show that this system always has a unique solution. Other results are upper and lower bounds for the fixation probabilities obtained by coupling the Moran process with three strategies with birth–death processes with only two strategies. We also apply our bounds to the problem of evolution of cooperation in a population with three types of individuals already studied in a deterministic setting by Núñez Rodríguez and Neves (J Math Biol 73:1665–1690, 2016). We argue that cooperators will be fixated in the population with probability arbitrarily close to 1 for a large region of initial conditions and large enough population sizes.


Infectious disease surveillance is key to limiting the consequences from infectious pathogens and maintaining animal and public health. Following the detection of a disease outbreak, a response in proportion to the severity of the outbreak is required. It is thus critical to obtain accurate information concerning the origin of the outbreak and its forward trajectory. However, there is often a lack of situational awareness that may lead to over- or under-reaction. There is a widening range of tests available for detecting pathogens, with typically different temporal characteristics, e.g. in terms of when peak test response occurs relative to time of exposure. We have developed a statistical framework that combines response level data from multiple diagnostic tests and is able to ‘hindcast’ (infer the historical trend of) an infectious disease epidemic. Assuming diagnostic test data from a cross-sectional sample of individuals infected with a pathogen during an outbreak, we use a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach to estimate time of exposure, and the overall epidemic trend in the population prior to the time of sampling. We evaluate the performance of this statistical framework on simulated data from epidemic trend curves and show that we can recover the parameter values of those trends. We also apply the framework to epidemic trend curves taken from two historical outbreaks: a bluetongue outbreak in cattle, and a whooping cough outbreak in humans. Together, these results show that hindcasting can estimate the time since infection for individuals and provide accurate estimates of epidemic trends, and can be used to distinguish whether an outbreak is increasing or past its peak. We conclude that if temporal characteristics of diagnostics are known, it is possible to recover epidemic trends of both human and animal pathogens from cross-sectional data collected at a single point in time.  相似文献   

New stochastic models are developed for the dynamics of a viral infection and an immune response during the early stages of infection. The stochastic models are derived based on the dynamics of deterministic models. The simplest deterministic model is a well-known system of ordinary differential equations which consists of three populations: uninfected cells, actively infected cells, and virus particles. This basic model is extended to include some factors of the immune response related to Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) infection. For the deterministic models, the basic reproduction number, R0, is calculated and it is shown that if R0<1, the disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable and is globally asymptotically stable in some special cases. The new stochastic models are systems of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) models that account for the variability in cellular reproduction and death, the infection process, the immune system activation, and viral reproduction. Two viral release strategies are considered: budding and bursting. The CTMC model is used to estimate the probability of virus extinction during the early stages of infection. Numerical simulations are carried out using parameter values applicable to HIV-1 dynamics. The stochastic models provide new insights, distinct from the basic deterministic models. For the case R0>1, the deterministic models predict the viral infection persists in the host. But for the stochastic models, there is a positive probability of viral extinction. It is shown that the probability of a successful invasion depends on the initial viral dose, whether the immune system is activated, and whether the release strategy is bursting or budding.  相似文献   

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