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Summary Paleontological and anatomical evidence suggests that the autopodium (hand or foot) is a novel feature that distinguishes limbs from fins, while the upper and lower limb (stylopod and zeugopod) are homologous to parts of the sarcopterygian paired fins. In tetrapod limb development Hoxa-11 plays a key role in differentiating the lower limb and Hoxa-13 plays a key role in differentiating the autopodium. It is thus important to determine the ancestral functions of these genes in order to understand the developmental genetic changes that led to the origin of the tetrapod autopodium. In particular it is important to understand which features of gene expression are derived in tetrapods and which are ancestral in bony fishes. To address these questions we cloned and sequenced the Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 genes from the North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, a basal ray-finned fish that has a pectoral fin morphology resembling that of primitive bony fishes ancestral to the tetrapod lineage. Sequence analysis of these genes shows that they are not orthologous to the duplicated zebrafish and fugu genes. This implies that the paddlefish has not duplicated its HoxA cluster, unlike zebrafish and fugu. The expression of Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 in the pectoral fins shows two main phases: an early phase in which Hoxa-11 is expressed proximally and Hoxa-13 is expressed distally, and a later phase in which Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 broadly overlap in the distal mesenchyme of the fin bud but are absent in the proximal fin bud. Hence the distal polarity of Hoxa-13 expression seen in tetrapods is likely to be an ancestral feature of paired appendage development. The main difference in HoxA gene expression between fin and limb development is that in tetrapods (with the exception of newts) Hoxa-11 expression is suppressed by Hoxa-13 in the distal limb bud mesenchyme. There is, however, a short period of limb bud development where Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 overlap similarly to the late expression seen in zebrafish and paddlefish. We conclude that the early expression pattern in tetrapods is similar to that seen in late fin development and that the local exclusion by Hoxa-13 of Hoxa-11 from the distal limb bud is a derived feature of limb developmental regulation.  相似文献   

Growth and differentiation factor 11 (GDF11) is a transforming growth factor β family member that has been identified as the central player of anterior–posterior (A–P) axial skeletal patterning. Mice homozygous for Gdf11 deletion exhibit severe anterior homeotic transformations of the vertebrae and craniofacial defects. During early embryogenesis, Gdf11 is expressed predominantly in the primitive streak and tail bud regions, where new mesodermal cells arise. On the basis of this expression pattern of Gdf11 and the phenotype of Gdf11 mutant mice, it has been suggested that GDF11 acts to specify positional identity along the A–P axis either by local changes in levels of signaling as development proceeds or by acting as a morphogen. To further investigate the mechanism of action of GDF11 in the vertebral specification, we used a Cdx2-Cre transgene to generate mosaic mice in which Gdf11 expression is removed in posterior regions including the tail bud, but not in anterior regions. The skeletal analysis revealed that these mosaic mice display patterning defects limited to posterior regions where Gdf11 expression is deficient, whereas displaying normal skeletal phenotype in anterior regions where Gdf11 is normally expressed. Specifically, the mosaic mice exhibited seven true ribs, a pattern observed in wild-type (wt) mice (vs. 10 true ribs in Gdf11−/− mice), in the anterior axis and nine lumbar vertebrae, a pattern observed in Gdf11 null mice (vs. six lumbar vertebrae in wt mice), in the posterior axis. Our findings suggest that GDF11, rather than globally acting as a morphogen secreted from the tail bud, locally regulates axial vertebral patterning.  相似文献   

Growth/differentiation factor 11 (Gdf11) is a transforming growth factor beta family member previously shown to control anterior/posterior patterning of the axial skeleton. We now report that Gdf11 also regulates kidney organogenesis. Mice carrying a targeted deletion of Gdf11 possess a spectrum of renal abnormalities with the majority of mutant animals lacking both kidneys. Histological analysis revealed a failure in ureteric bud formation at the initial stage of metanephric development in most Gdf11 mutant embryos examined. The metanephric mesenchyme of mutant embryos lacking a ureteric bud was found to be defective in the expression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (Gdnf), a gene known to direct ureteric bud outgrowth. The addition of Gdnf protein to urogenital tracts taken from Gdf11 null embryos induced ectopic ureteric bud formation along the Wolffian duct. Our studies suggest that Gdf11 may be important in directing the initial outgrowth of the ureteric bud from the Wolffian duct by controlling the expression of Gdnf in the metanephric mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11) is one of the significant genes that control skeletal formation. Knockout of GDF11 function causes abnormal patterning of the anterior/posterior axial skeleton. The mRNA of GDF11 is initially translated to a precursor protein that undergoes a proteolytic cleavage to generate the C-terminal peptide or mature GDF11, and the N-terminal peptide named GDF11 propeptide. The propeptide can antagonize GDF11 activity in vitro. To investigate the effects of GDF11 propeptide on GDF11 function in vivo, we generated transgenic mice that over-express the propeptide cDNA in skeletal tissue. The transgenic mice showed formation of extra ribs on the seventh cervical vertebra (C7) as a result of transformation of the C7 vertebra into a thoracic vertebra. The GDF11 propeptide transgene mRNA was detected in tail tissue in embryos and was highly expressed in tail and calvaria bones after birth. A high frequency of C7 rib formation was noticed in the transgenic mouse line with a high level of transgene expression. The anterior boundaries of Hoxa-4 and Hoxa-5 mRNA in situ expressions showed cranial shifts from their normal prevertebra locations in transgenic embryos. These results demonstrated significant effects of GDF11 propeptide transgene on vertebral formation, which are likely occurring through depressing GDF11 function and altered locations of Hoxa-4 and Hoxa-5 expression.  相似文献   

The limb muscles, originating from the ventrolateral portion of the somites, exhibit position-specific morphological development through successive splitting and growth/differentiation of the muscle masses in a region-specific manner by interacting with the limb mesenchyme and the cartilage elements. The molecular mechanisms that provide positional cues to the muscle precursors are still unknown. We have shown that the expression patterns of Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 are correlated with muscle patterning of the limb bud (Yamamoto et al., 1998) and demonstrated that muscular Hox genes are activated by signals from the limb mesenchyme. We dissected the regulatory mechanisms directing the unique expression patterns of Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 during limb muscle development. HOXA-11 protein was detected in both the myogenic cells and the zeugopodal mesenchymal cells of the limb bud. The earlier expression of HOXA-11 in both the myogenic precursor cells and the mesenchyme was dependent on the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), but later expression was independent of the AER. HOXA-11 expression in both myogenic precursor cells and mesenchyme was induced by fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signal, whereas hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) maintained HOXA-11 expression in the myogenic precursor cells, but not in the mesenchyme. The distribution of HOXA-13 protein expression in the muscle masses was restricted to the posterior region. We found that HOXA-13 expression in the autopodal mesenchyme was dependent on the AER but not on the polarizing region, whereas expression of HOXA-13 in the posterior muscle masses was dependent on the polarizing region but not on the AER. Administration of BMP-2 at the anterior margin of the limb bud induced ectopic HOXA-13 expression in the anterior region of the muscle masses followed by ectopic muscle formation close to the source of exogenous BMP-2. In addition, NOGGIN/CHORDIN, antagonists of BMP-2 and BMP-4, downregulated the expression of HOXA-13 in the posterior region of the muscle masses and inhibited posterior muscle development. These results suggested that HOXA-13 expression in the posterior muscle masses is activated by the posteriorizing signal from the posterior mesenchyme via BMP-2. On the contrary, the expression of HOXA-13 in the autopodal mesenchyme was affected by neither BMP-2 nor NOGGIN/CHORDIN. Thus, mesenchymal HOXA-13 expression was independent of BMP-2 from polarizing region, but was under the control of as yet unidentified signals from the AER. These results showed that expression of Hox genes is regulated differently in the limb muscle precursor and mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   

Members of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play important roles in many aspects of vertebrate embryogenesis. In developing limbs, BMPs have been implicated in control of anterior-posterior patterning, outgrowth, chondrogenesis, and apoptosis. These diverse roles of BMPs in limb development are apparently mediated by different BMP receptors (BMPR). To identify the developmental processes in mouse limb possibly contributed by BMP receptor-IB (BMPR-IB), we generated transgenic mice misexpressing a constitutively active Bmpr-IB (caBmpr-IB). The transgene driven by the mouse Hoxb-6 promoter was ectopically expressed in the posterior mesenchyme of the forelimb bud, the lateral plate mesoderm, and the whole mesenchyme of the hindlimb bud. While the forelimbs appeared normal, the transgenic hindlimbs exhibited several phenotypes, including bifurcation, preaxial polydactyly, and posterior transformation of the anterior digit. However, the size of bones in the transgenic limbs seemed unaltered. Defects in sternum and ribs were also found. The bifurcation in the transgenic hindlimb occurred early in the limb development (E10.5) and was associated with extensive cell death in the mesenchyme and occasionally in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER). Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Patched (Ptc) expression appeared unaffected in the transgenic limb buds, suggesting that the BMPR-IB mediated signaling pathway is downstream from Shh. However, ectopic Fgf4 expression was found in the anterior AER, which may account for the duplication of the anterior digit. An ectopic expression of Gremlin found in the transgenic limb bud would be responsible for the ectopic Fgf4 expression. The observations that Hoxd-12 and Hoxd-13 expression patterns were extended anteriorly provide a molecular basis for the posterior transformation of the anterior digit. Together these results suggest that BMPR-IB is the endogenous receptor to mediate the role of BMPs in anterior-posterior patterning and apoptosis in mouse developing limb. In addition, BMPR-IB may represent a critical component in the Shh/FGF4 feedback loop by regulating Gremlin expression.  相似文献   

Vitamin A and its metabolites are known to be involved in patterning the vertebrate embryo. Study of the effect of vitamin A on axial skeletal patterning has been hindered by the fact that deficient embryos do not survive past midgestation. In this study, pregnant vitamin A-deficient rats were maintained on a purified diet containing limiting amounts of all-trans retinoic acid (12 microg atRA/g diet) and given a daily oral bolus dose of retinol starting at embryonic day 0.5, 8.25, 8.5, 8.75, 9.25, 9.5, 9.75, or 10.5. Embryos were recovered at E21.5 for analysis of the skeleton and at earlier times for analysis of select mRNAs. Normal axial skeletal development and patterning were observed in embryos from pregnant animals receiving retinol starting on or before E8.75. Delay of retinol supplementation to E9.5 or later resulted in a marked increase in both occurrence and severity of skeletal malformations, extending from the craniocervical to sacral regions. Embryos from the groups receiving retinol starting at E9.5 and E9.75 had one-vertebral anterior transformations of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral vertebrae. Few embryos survived in the E10.5 group, but these embryos yielded the most severe and extensive anteriorization events. The skeletal alterations seen in vitamin A deficiency are associated with posterior shifts in the mesodermal expression of Hoxa-4, Hoxb-3, Hoxd-3, Hoxd-4, and Hoxa-9 mRNAs, whereas the anterior domains of Hoxb-4 and Cdx2 expression are unaltered. This work defines a critical window of development in the late gastrula-stage embryo when vitamin A is essential for normal axial skeletal patterning and shows that vitamin A deficiency causes anterior homeotic transformations extending from the cervical to lumbosacral regions.  相似文献   

During early stages of normal chick limb development, the homeobox-containing (HOX) gene GHox-4.6 is expressed throughout the posterior mesoderm of the wing bud from which most of the skeletal elements including the digits will develop, whereas GHox-8 is expressed in the anterior limb bud mesoderm which will not give rise to skeletal elements. In the present study, we have examined the expression of GHox-4.6 and GHox-8 in the wing buds of two polydactylous mutant chick embryos, diplopodia-5 and talpid2, from which supernumerary digits develop from anterior limb mesoderm, and have also examined the expression of these genes in response to polarizing zone grafts and retinoic acid-coated bead implants which induce the formation of supernumerary digits from anterior limb mesoderm. We have found that the formation of supernumerary digits from the anterior mesoderm in mutant and experimentally induced polydactylous limb buds is preceded by the ectopic expression of GHox-4.6 in the anterior mesoderm and the coincident suppression of GHox-8 expression in the anterior mesoderm. These observations suggest that the anterior mesoderm of the polydactylous limb buds is "posteriorized" and support the suggestion that GHox-8 and GHox-4.6, respectively, are involved in specifying the anterior non-skeletal and posterior digit-forming regions of the limb bud. Although the anterior mesodermal domain of GHox-8 expression is severely impaired in the mutant and experimentally induced polydactylous limb buds, this gene is expressed by the prolonged, thickened apical ectodermal ridges of the polydactylous limb buds that extend along the distal anterior as well as the distal posterior mesoderm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

TGFbeta signals play important roles in establishing the body axes and germ layers in the vertebrate embryo. Vg1 is a TGFbeta-related gene that, due to its maternal expression and vegetal localization in Xenopus, has received close examination as a potential regulator of development in Xenopus, zebrafish, and chick. However, a mammalian Vg1 ortholog has not been identified. To isolate mammalian Vg1 we screened a mouse expression library with a Vg1-specific monoclonal antibody and identified a single cross-reactive clone encoding mouse Gdf1. Gdf1 is expressed uniformly throughout the embryonic region at 5.5-6.5 days postcoitum and later in the node, midbrain, spinal cord, paraxial mesoderm, lateral plate mesoderm, and limb bud. When expressed in Xenopus embryos, native GDF1 is not processed, similar to Vg1. In contrast, a chimeric protein containing the prodomain of Xenopus BMP2 fused to the GDF1 mature domain is efficiently processed and signals via Smad2 to induce mesendoderm and axial duplication. Finally, right-sided expression of chimeric GDF1, but not native GDF1, reverses laterality and results in right-sided Xnr1 expression and reversal of intestinal and heart looping. Therefore, GDF1 can regulate left-right patterning, consistent with the Gdf1 loss-of-function analysis in the mouse (C. T. Rankin, T. Bunton, A. M. Lawler, and S. J. Lee, 2000, Nature Genet. 24, 262-265) and a proposed role for Vg1 in Xenopus. Our results establish that Gdf1 is posttranslationally regulated, that mature GDF1 activates a Smad2-dependent signaling pathway, and that mature GDF1 is sufficient to reverse the left-right axis. Moreover, these findings demonstrate that GDF1 and Vg1 are equivalent in biochemical and functional assays, suggesting that Gdf1 provides a Vg1-like function in the mammalian embryo.  相似文献   

 The wrist (carpus) and ankle (tarsus) of most tetrapods, as well as the wrist of anurans, contains relatively small nodular skeletal elements. The anuran tarsus, however, comprises a pair of long bones, the proximal tarsals tibiale and fibulare, which resemble the lower leg bones, tibia and fibula (zeugopodium). In this paper we investigate whether the proximal tarsals of Xenopus are of zeugopodial character identity, i.e. whether they develop under the influence of the same genes that pattern the lower limb. We compare Hoxa-11 expression in the forelimb bud with that in the hind limb bud by whole-mount in situ hybridization. Hoxa-11 has been implicated in the development of the lower limb. In Xenopus we note three differences between Hoxa-11 expression in fore- and hind limb buds: (1) Hoxa-11 expression is maintained until the hind limb bud reaches a larger size (2 mm) than that of the forelimb bud (1.5 mm); (2) Hoxa-11 expression is maintained over larger spatial domains than in the forelimb; and (3) Hoxa-11 expression has a pronounced posterior polarity in the hind limb, but not in the forelimb. Hind limb expression of Hoxa-11 can be understood as a heterochronic prolonging of the expression dynamic in the forelimb. Finally we found that the proximal tarsals start to develop within the expression domain of Hoxa-11, while in the forelimb the lower arm elements reach the distal expression limit of Hoxa-11. The gene expression data presented here support the notion of a zeugopodial identity of the proximal tarsal elements in Xenopus. Received: 20 January 1998 / Accepted: 27 March 1998  相似文献   

Hox genes belonging to the Abd-B subfamily of the HoxA and HoxD clusters play a crucial role in cartilage formation both in patterning and growth/differentiation phases during limb development. We re-examined the expression profiles of Hoxa-13, Hox-d13, Hoxa-11 and Hoxd-11 during the cartilage growth/differentiation phase of limb cartilage formation. The expression profiles of these Hox genes were analyzed by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry on serial sections by comparing the expression patterns with well-characterized signaling molecules, e.g. Bmp-2, -4, Patched (Ptc) and Indian Hedgehog (IHH). In contrast to earlier reports, these Hox genes were expressed in the mesenchymal cell layer closely adjacent to the growing cartilage, but not in the perichondrium of the cartilage. This result prompts us to reconsider the mode of Hox function during cartilage growth and differentiation phase.  相似文献   

A wrist joint and structures typical of the hand, such as digits, however, are absent in [Eustenopteron] (Andrews and Westoll, '68, p 240). Great changes must have been undergone during evolution of the ankle joint; the small number of large bones in the fin must somehow have developed into a large number of small bones, and it is very difficult to draw homologies in this region, or even be certain of what is being compared (Andrews and Westoll, '68, p 268). The tetrapod limb is one of the major morphological adaptations that facilitated the transition from an aquatic to a terrestrial lifestyle in vertebrate evolution. We review the paleontological evidence for the fin-limb transition and conclude that the innovation associated with evolution of the tetrapod limb is the zeugopodial-mesopodial transition, i.e., the evolution of the developmental mechanism that differentiates the distal parts of the limb (the autopodium, i.e., hand or foot) from the proximal parts. Based on a review of tetrapod limb and fish fin development, we propose a genetic hypothesis for the origin of the autopodium. In tetrapods the genes Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 have locally exclusive expression domains along the proximal-distal axis of the limb bud. The junction between the distal limit of Hoxa-11 expression and of the proximal limit of Hoxa-13 expression is involved in establishing the border between the zeugopodial and autopodial anlagen. In zebrafish, the expression domains of these genes are overlapping and there is no evidence for an autopodial equivalent in the fin skeleton. We propose that the evolution of the derived expression patterns of Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 may be causally involved in the origin of the tetrapod limb.  相似文献   

The secreted protein encoded by the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) gene is localized to the posterior margin of vertebrate limb buds and is thought to be a key signal in establishing anterior-posterior limb polarity. In the Shh(-/-) mutant mouse, the development of many embryonic structures, including the limb, is severely compromised. In this study, we report the analysis of Shh(-/-) mutant limbs in detail. Each mutant embryo has four limbs with recognizable humerus/femur bones that have anterior-posterior polarity. Distal to the elbow/knee joints, skeletal elements representing the zeugopod form but lack identifiable anterior-posterior polarity. Therefore, Shh specifically becomes necessary for normal limb development at or just distal to the stylopod/zeugopod junction (elbow/knee joints) during mouse limb development. The forelimb autopod is represented by a single distal cartilage element, while the hindlimb autopod is invariably composed of a single digit with well-formed interphalangeal joints and a dorsal nail bed at the terminal phalanx. Analysis of GDF5 and Hoxd11-13 expression in the hindlimb autopod suggests that the forming digit has a digit-one identity. This finding is corroborated by the formation of only two phalangeal elements which are unique to digit one on the foot. The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is induced in the Shh(-/-) mutant buds with relatively normal morphology. We report that the architecture of the Shh(-/-) AER is gradually disrupted over developmental time in parallel with a reduction of Fgf8 expression in the ridge. Concomitantly, abnormal cell death in the Shh(-/-) limb bud occurs in the anterior mesenchyme of both fore- and hindlimb. It is notable that the AER changes and mesodermal cell death occur earlier in the Shh(-/-) forelimb than the hindlimb bud. This provides an explanation for the hindlimb-specific competence to form autopodial structures in the mutant. Finally, unlike the wild-type mouse limb bud, the Shh(-/-) mutant posterior limb bud mesoderm does not cause digit duplications when grafted to the anterior border of chick limb buds, and therefore lacks polarizing activity. We propose that a prepattern exists in the limb field for the three axes of the emerging limb bud as well as specific limb skeletal elements. According to this model, the limb bud signaling centers, including the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) acting through Shh, are required to elaborate upon the axial information provided by the native limb field prepattern.  相似文献   

Hoxgenes play a critical role in the development of the vertebrate axis and limbs, and previous studies have implicated them in the specification of positional identity, the control of growth, and the timing of differentiation. Axolotl limbs offer an opportunity to distinguish these alternatives because the sequence of skeletal differentiation is reversed along the anterior–posterior axis relative to that of other tetrapods. We report that during early limb development, expression patterns ofHoxDgenes in axolotls resemble those in amniotes and anuran amphibians. At later stages, the anterior boundary ofHoxd-11expression is conserved with respect to morphological landmarks, but there is no anterior–distal expansion of the posterior domain ofHoxd-11expression similar to that observed in mice and chicks. Since axolotls do not form an expanded paddle-like handplate prior to digit differentiation, we suggest that anterior expansion of expression in higher vertebrates is linked to the formation of the handplate, but is clearly not necessary for digit differentiation. We also show that the 5′HoxDgenes are reexpressed during limb regeneration. The change in the expression pattern ofHoxd-11during the course of regeneration is consistent with the hypothesis that the distal tip of the regenerate is specified first, followed by intercalation of intermediate levels of the pattern. BothHoxd-8andHoxd-10are expressed in non-regenerating wounds, butHoxd-11is specific for regeneration. It is also expressed in the posterior half of nerve-induced supernumerary outgrowths.  相似文献   

Growth/differentiation factors 5, 6, and 7 (GDF5/6/7) represent a distinct subgroup within the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family of secreted signaling molecules. Previous studies have shown that the Gdf5 gene is expressed in transverse stripes across developing skeletal elements and is one of the earliest known markers of joint formation during embryonic development. Although null mutations in this gene disrupt formation of some bones and joints in the skeleton, many sites are unaffected. Here, we show that the closely related family members Gdf6 and Gdf7 are expressed in different subsets of developing joints. Inactivation of the Gdf6 gene causes defects in joint, ligament, and cartilage formation at sites distinct from those seen in Gdf5 mutants, including the wrist and ankle, the middle ear, and the coronal suture between bones in the skull. Mice lacking both Gdf5 and Gdf6 show additional defects, including severe reduction or loss of some skeletal elements in the limb, additional fusions between skeletal structures, scoliosis, and altered cartilage in the intervertebral joints of the spinal column. These results show that members of the GDF5/6/7 subgroup are required for normal formation of bones and joints in the limbs, skull, and axial skeleton. The diverse effects on joint development and the different types of joints affected in the mutants suggest that members of the GDF family play a key role in establishing boundaries between many different skeletal elements during normal development. Some of the skeletal defects seen in single or double mutant mice resemble defects seen in human skeletal diseases, which suggests that these genes may be candidates that underlie some forms of carpal/tarsal coalition, conductive deafness, scoliosis, and craniosynostosis.  相似文献   

The limb forms from a bud of mesoderm encased in a hull of ectoderm that grows out from the flank of the embryo. Coordinated signaling between the limb mesoderm and ectoderm is critical for normal limb outgrowth and patterning. The apical ectodermal ridge (AER), found at the distal tip, is a rich source of signaling molecules and has been proposed to specify distal structures and maintain the survival of cells in the underlying distal mesoderm. The dorsal and ventral non-AER ectoderm is also a source of signaling molecules and is important for dorsal–ventral patterning of the limb bud. Here we determine if this ectoderm provides cell survival signals by surgically removing the dorsal or ventral ectoderm during early chicken limb bud development and assaying for programmed cell death. We find that, similar to the AER, removal of the dorsal or ventral non-AER ectoderm results in massive cell death in the underlying mesoderm. In addition, although a re-epithelialization occurs, we find perturbations in the timing of Shh expression and, for the case of the dorsal ectoderm removal, defects in soft tissue and skeletal development along the proximal–distal axis. Furthermore, ectoderm substitution experiments show that the survival signal produced by the dorsal limb ectoderm is specific. Thus, our results argue that the non-AER ectoderm, like the AER, provides a specific survival signal to the underlying mesoderm that is necessary for normal limb development and conclusions drawn from experiments in which the non-AER ectoderm is removed, need to take into consideration this observation.  相似文献   

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