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A simple mathematical model is developed to help explain the complex population dynamics of an Escherichia coli host-plasmid expression/excretion system for beta-lactamase within single- and two-stage reactors. The model successfully integrates the individual regulatory (tac promoter induction), genetic (runaway plasmid replication), and population dynamics (culture instability) aspects of the system. The model predicts, and experiment confirms, that high-level beta-lactamase production and excretion cannot be easily maintained in single-stage reactors using the current plasmid construction. Stable target protein production and excretion is mathematically predicted, and experimentally confirmed, within two-stage reactors. The model is used to provide insight into engineering a more stable host-vector expression/excretion system for use in single-stage reactors. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The enzyme TEM beta-lactamase has been used as a model for understanding the pathway leading to formation of inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli. The equilibrium denaturation of TEM beta-lactamase revealed that an intermediate that has lost enzymatic activity, native protein fluorescence, and UV absorption, but retains 60% of the native circular dichroism signal, becomes populated at intermediate (1.0-1.4 M) concentrations of guanidium chloride (GdmCl). This species exhibits a large increase in bis-1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonic acid fluorescence, indicating the presence of exposed hydrophobic surfaces. When TEM beta-lactamase was unfolded in different initial concentrations of GdmCl and refolded to the same final conditions by dialysis a distinct minimum in the yield of active protein was observed for initial concentrations of GdmCl in the 1.0-1.5 M range. It was shown that the lower reactivation yield was solely due to the formation of noncovalently linked aggregates. We propose that the aggregation of TEM beta-lactamase involves the association of a compact state having partially exposed hydrophobic surfaces. This hypothesis is consistent with our recent findings that TEM beta-lactamase inclusion bodies contains extensive secondary structure (Przybycien TM, Dunn JP, Valax P, Georgiou G, 1994, Protein Eng 7:131-136). Finally, we have also shown that protein aggregation was enhanced at higher temperatures and in the presence of 5 mM dithiothreitol and was inhibited by the addition of sucrose. These conditions exert a similar effect on the formation of inclusion bodies in vivo.  相似文献   

Self-cycling fermentation (SCF), a cyclical, semi-continuous process that induces cell synchrony, was incorporated into a recombinant protein production scheme. Escherichia coli CY15050, a lac(-) mutant lysogenized with temperature-sensitive phage λ modified to over-express β-galactosidase, was used as a model system. The production scheme was divided into two de-coupled stages. The host cells were cultured under SCF operation in the first stage before being brought to a second stage where protein production was induced. In the first stage, the host strain demonstrated a stable cycling pattern immediately following the first cycle. This reproducible pattern was maintained over the course of the experiments and a significant degree of cell synchrony was obtained. By growing cells using SCF, productivity increased 50% and production time decreased by 40% compared to a batch culture under similar conditions. In addition, synchronized cultures induced from the end of a SCF cycle displayed shorter lysis times and a more complete culture-wide lysis than unsynchronized cultures. Finally, protein synthesis was influenced by the time at which the lytic phase was induced in the cell life cycle. For example, induction of a synchronized culture immediately prior to cell division resulted in the maximum protein productivity, suggesting protein production can be optimized with respect to the cell life cycle using SCF.  相似文献   

Itaconic acid, which is a promising organic acid in synthetic polymers and some base-material production, has been produced by Aspergillus terreus fermentation at a high cost. The recombinant Escherichia coli that contained the cadA gene from A. terreus can produce itaconic acid but with low yield. By introducing the protein–protein scaffold between citrate synthesis, aconitase, and cis-aconitase decarboxylase, 5.7 g/L of itaconic acid was produced, which is 3.8-fold higher than that obtained with the strain without scaffold. The optimum pH and temperature for itaconic acid production were 8.5 and 30°C, respectively. When the competing metabolic network was inactivated by knock-out mutation, the itaconic acid concentration further increased, to 6.57 g/L.  相似文献   

RANKL/RANK/OPG轴在骨代谢过程中起到中心调节作用,也是近年来骨相关疾病治疗研究的热点之一。RANKL蛋白在RANKL/RANK/OPG轴信号传递过程中起到关键作用,在骨代谢相关实验研究中用途广泛。但是,使用大肠杆菌Escherichia coli可溶表达重组人源RANKL蛋白 (hRANKL) 时产量远低于鼠源RANKL (mRANKL)。本研究通过将LB培养基pH值调整并稳定在7.5、降低诱导表达温度至16 ℃并优化细菌裂解条件,成功地将可溶hRANKL产量增加到了对照组的5?12倍。该方法有效提高了hRANKL在大肠杆菌中可溶表达的产量,同时也是研究重组蛋白在大肠杆菌内的可溶表达策略的有益尝试。  相似文献   

异戊二烯是橡胶合成的重要前体物质。为了提高菌株的异戊二烯产量,本实验室在研究中构建了一株异戊二烯产气的菌株BW-01,基于蛋白质预算理论的指导,理性设计通过改变质粒拷贝数、增加稀有密码子等合成生物学手段调控关键限速酶编码基因表达,从而提高大肠杆菌外源MVA代谢途径的异戊二烯产量。摇瓶发酵实验中我们构建的新产气菌株BW-07比原有的产气菌株BW-01的产量提高了73%,达到了761.1 mg/L。为后续菌株改造及进行发酵罐实验奠定了基础。  相似文献   

L -Fucose (6-deoxy-L -galactose) is a major constituent of glycans and glycolipids in mammals. Fucosylation of glycans can confer unique functional properties and may be an economical way to manufacture L -fucose. Research can extract L -fucose directly from brown algae, or by enzymatic hydrolysis of L -fucose-rich microbial exopolysaccharides. However, these L -fucose production methods are not economical or scalable for various applications. We engineered an Escherichia coli strain to produce L -fucose. Specifically, we modified the strain genome to eliminate endogenous L -fucose and lactose metabolism, produce 2′-fucosyllactose (2′-FL), and to liberate L -fucose from 2′-FL. This E. coli strain produced 16.7 g/L of L -fucose with productivity of 0.1 g·L−1·h−1 in a fed-batch fermentation. This study presents an efficient one-pot biosynthesis strategy to produce a monomeric form of L -fucose by microbial fermentation, making large-scale industrial production of L -fucose feasible.  相似文献   

Details of the mechanism for ribosome synthesis have been incorporated in the single-cell Escherichia coli model, which enable us to predict the amount of protein synthesizing machinery under different environmental conditions. The predictions agree quite well with available experimental data. The model predicts that ribosomal protein limitations are important when the translational apparatus is in high demand. Ribosomal RNA synthesis is induced by an increase in translational activity, which, in turn, stimulates ribosomal protein synthesis. However, as the demand increases still more, the ribosomal protein mRNA must compete with the plasmid mRNA for ribosomes, and the efficiency of translation of ribosomal proteins is reduced. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Aims: To characterize the diversity of extended‐spectrum beta‐lactamase (ESBL)‐producing Escherichia coli isolates recovered within the faecal microbiota of Iberian lynx. The identification of other associated resistance genes and the analysis of clonal relationship were also focused in this study. Methods and Results: From 2008 to 2010, 128 faecal samples of Iberian lynx (wild and captive animals) were collected. Eleven tested samples contained cefotaxime‐resistant E. coli isolates (all belonging to captive animals) and 10 ESBL‐producing isolates were showed. CTX‐M‐14 and SHV‐12 ESBL‐types were detected and seven different patterns were identified by pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis analysis. Conclusions: The occurrence of unrelated multiresistant E. coli in faecal flora of captive specimens of Iberian lynx, including the presence of ESBLs, resistant genes in integrons and virulence determinants was showed in this study. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results obtained in this study highlight the environmental problem as future reintroductions of Iberian lynx could lead to a spread of resistant bacteria. Additionally, ESBL‐producing bacteria can represent a health problem for this endangered species.  相似文献   

目的 了解深圳市人民医院致血流感染大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBLs)的检出率及基因型特点.方法 收集来自临床血液培养标本中的大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌115株,采用ESBLs表型确证试验检测菌株的ESBLs,应用PCR扩增产ESBLs菌株TEM、SHV和CTX-M基因,并对阳性扩增产物进行DNA测序分型.结果 115株菌中共检出ESBLs阳性38株,检出率为33.0%;其中大肠埃希菌阳性25株,肺炎克雷伯菌阳性13株.25株产酶肠埃希菌中18株检出CTX-M-14基因,3株检出CTX-M-9基因.13株产酶肺炎克雷伯菌均检出SHV型基因,其中SHV-12阳性10株,SHV-2阳性2株,SHV-59阳性1株;该13株产酶菌中10株同时被检出含CTX-M-14或CTX-M-13基因.结论 该院致血流感染大肠埃希菌产ES-BLs以CTX-M-14为最主要基因型,肺炎克雷伯产ESBLs最常见为SHV-12和CTX-M-14型.  相似文献   

Abstract The bacterial species Escherichia coli has proven to be a powerful tool in the molecular analysis of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biosynthesis. In addition, E. coli holds promise as a source for economical PHA production. Using this microorganism, clones have been developed in our laboratory which direct the synthesis of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) to levels as high as 95% of the cell dry weight. These clones have been further enhanced by the addition of a genetically mediated lysis system that allows the PHB granules to be released gently and efficiently. This paper describes these developments, as well as the use of an E. coli strain to produce the copolymer poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate- co -3-hydroxyvalerate (PHB- co -3-).  相似文献   

Reduction of acetate excretion using a modified cellular glucose uptake rate was examined. An Escherichia coli strain bearing a mutationin ptsG, a gene encoding enzyme II in glucose phosphotransferase system (PTS), was constructed and characterized. The growth rate of the mutant strain was slower than its parent in glucose defined medium, butwas not affected in complex medium. Experimental results using this mutant strain showed a significant improvement in culture performance in simple batch cultivations due to reduced acetate excretion through the modified glucose uptake. Both biomass and recombinant protein productivity were increased by more than 50% with the ptsG mutant when compared to the parent strain. Recombinant protein productivity by the newly constructed strain at a level of more than 1.6 g/L was attained consistently in a simple batch bioreactor. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) catalyze the final stages of bacterial cell wall biosynthesis. PBPs form stable covalent complexes with beta-lactam antibiotics, leading to PBP inactivation and ultimately cell death. To understand more clearly how PBPs recognize beta-lactam antibiotics, it is important to know their energies of interaction. Because beta-lactam antibiotics bind covalently to PBPs, these energies are difficult to measure through binding equilibria. However, the noncovalent interaction energies between beta-lactam antibiotics and a PBP can be determined through reversible denaturation of enzyme-antibiotic complexes. Escherichia coli PBP 5, a D-alanine carboxypeptidase, was reversibly denatured by temperature in an apparently two-state manner with a temperature of melting (T(m)) of 48.5 degrees C and a van't Hoff enthalpy of unfolding (H(VH)) of 193 kcal/mole. The binding of the beta-lactam antibiotics cefoxitin, cloxacillin, moxalactam, and imipenem all stabilized the enzyme significantly, with T(m) values as high as +4.6 degrees C (a noncovalent interaction energy of +2.7 kcal/mole). Interestingly, the noncovalent interaction energies of these ligands did not correlate with their second-order acylation rate constants (k(2)/K'). These rate constants indicate the potency of a covalent inhibitor, but they appear to have little to do with interactions within covalent complexes, which is the state of the enzyme often used for structure-based inhibitor design.  相似文献   

Abstract: The production of the fusion protein staphylococcal protein A/E. coli β-galactosidase in Escherichia coli was studied in batch and fed batch cultivations. Batch cultivation of a recombinant E. coli strain yielded a final cell dry weight of 16.4 g 1-1 with a final intracellular product concentration of recombinant protein corresponding to approximately 38% of the cell dry weight. Fed batch cultivation made it possible to increase the final cell dry weight to 77.0 g 1-1. The intracellular product concentration (25%) was lower as compared to batch cultivation resulting in a total concentration of recombinant protein of 19.2 g 1-1.  相似文献   


The hydrolysates of soy protein and milk protein are nutritional and functional food ingredients. Aspergillus pseudoglaucus aspergillopepsin I (App) is an acidic protease, including signal peptide, propeptide, and catalytic domain. Here, we cloned the catalytic domain App with or without propeptide in Escherichia coli. The results showed that the App without propeptide was not expressed or did not exhibit activity and App with propeptide (proApp) was highly expressed with a specific activity of 903?U/mg. Moreover, the denaturation temperature of proApp was 4.1?°C higher than App’s. The proApp showed 104?U/mg and 252?U/mg hydrolysis activities towards soy protein and milk protein under acidic conditions. By RP-HPLC analysis, the peptides obtained from the hydrolysates of soy protein and milk protein were hydrophilic peptides. This work first demonstrates efficient proteolysis of soy protein and milk protein through the functional expression of full-length proApp, which will likely have valuable industrial applications.  相似文献   

Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are extracellular vesicles released from the surface of Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli. Several gene-deficient mutants relating to envelope stress (nlpI and degP) and phospholipid accumulation in the outer leaflet of the outer membrane (mlaA and mlaE) increase OMV production. This study examined the combinatorial deletion of these genes in E. coli and its effect on OMV production. The nlpI and mlaE double-gene-knockout mutant (ΔmlaEΔnlpI) showed the highest OMV production. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-based quantitative analysis showed that OMV production by strain ΔmlaEΔnlpI was ~30 times that by the wild-type (WT). In addition, to evaluate the protein secretion capacity of OMVs, a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused with outer membrane protein W (OmpW) was expressed in OMVs. Western blot analysis showed that GFP secretion through OMVs reached 3.3 mg/L in the culture medium of strain ΔmlaEΔnlpI/gfp, 500 times that for the WT. Our approach using OMVs for extracellular protein secretion in E. coli is an entirely new concept compared with existing secretion systems.  相似文献   

E. coli is one of the most commonly used host strains for recombinant protein production. However, recombinant proteins are usually found intracellularly, in either cytoplasm or periplasmic space. Inadequate secretion to the extracellular environment is one of its limitations. This study addresses the outer membrane barrier for the translocation of recombinant protein directed to the periplasmic space. Specifically, using recombinant maltose binding protein (MalE), xylanase, and cellulase as model proteins, we investigated whether the lpp deletion could render the outer membrane permeable enough to allow extracellular protein production. In each case, significantly higher excretion of recombinant protein was observed with the lpp deletion mutant. Up to 90% of the recombinant xylanase activity and 70% of recombinant cellulase activity were found in the culture medium with the deletion mutant, whereas only 40-50% of the xylanase and cellulase activities were extracellular for the control strain. Despite the weakened outer membrane in the mutant strain, cell lysis did not occur, and increased excretion of periplasmic protein was not due to cell lysis. The lpp deletion is a simple method to generate an E. coli strain to effect significant extracellular protein production. The phenotype of extracellular protein production without cell lysis is useful in many biotechnological applications, such as bioremediation and plant biomass conversion.  相似文献   

Abstract Crystalline 3-methylaspartase (EC from Escherichia coli strain YG1002 that had been isolated from soil was characterized. The enzyme activity was induced when the organism was grown statically on medium containing ( S )-glutamic acid. Its molecular mass is about 84 kDa, and it may be composed of two identical subunits of 42 kDa. The enzyme requires both divalent and monovalent cations such as Mg2+ and K+, respectively. The enzyme catalyzes reversible amination-deamination between mesaconic acid and (2 S ,3 S )-methylaspartic acid, which is the best substrate.  相似文献   

The number of verocytotoxin producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) present in the faeces during an infection may be very low, making their detection difficult. We report a method for enhancing toxin production by VTEC using mitomycin C as an inducing agent with the aim of improving the detection of VTEC. In pure culture, mitomycin C enhanced toxin production up to 100-fold. When applied to mixed faecal culture, toxin could be detected in mitomycin C treated samples when standard cultures were negative and when substantially fewer verocytotoxin-producing bacteria were present. Use of this method may aid in the detection of VTEC and is appropriate for use in the routine diagnostic laboratory.  相似文献   

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