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We describe a method for genotyping honey bee queens Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), using biological materials that are normally cast off during development (larval and pupal exuviae), or can be removed without apparent damage to queen longevity or acceptability to workers (wing clippings). Highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were successfully amplified from DNA from all of these sources, although with differing degrees of success. DNA was extracted using a simple Chelex 100® boiling procedure. Four microsatellite primers were used to amplify the DNA, and the PCR products were visualized on an ALFexpress Automated Sequencer. Genotypes created from these sources were consistent with those originating from tarsal tissue. Successful retrieval and amplification of DNA from the exuviae from immature queens allows potential breeding individuals to be genotyped and selected before they become adults. This procedure may therefore have value as DNA marker‐assisted breeding programs are developed for honey bees.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made between the infestation levels of the honey bee tracheal miteAcarapis woodi (Rennie) in newly emerged honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) exposed for 12 h during the daytime or nighttime in mite-infested bee colonies. Bees exposed during the night harbored a significantly higher number of mites (718) when compared with the daytime bees (88 mites) (n=14 day/night cycles utilizing 33 colonies). On 4 days of an 8-day study, three test colonies were closed during the daytime to eliminate foraging flights. Thus equal numbers of bees were present in the colonies during the day and night sample periods. These 4 flightless days were compared to 4 free-flight days and mite dispersal rates were not significantly different. Additionally, the movement of bees on the combs of four glass-walled observation hives was quantified on 10 days at 0800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400 and 0400 h. Bee movement at 2400 and 0400 h was significantly lower than the other observation times. Movement of host bees may be one factor involved in the increased nighttime mite dispersals. These findings do not support the hypothesis that the absence of foraging bees during the day reduces the bee to bee contact time, thus reducing mite dispersals between host bees. Differential diurnal activity levels between host bees and mite parasites was demonstrated. The exact role of host-bee behavior and/or mite behavior in the nighttime dispersal patterns observed, remains for further investigation.  相似文献   

Parasitism is expected to select for counter‐adaptations in the host: driving a coevolutionary arms race. However, human interference between honey bees (Apis mellifera) and Varroa mites removes the effect of natural selection and restricts the evolution of host counter‐adaptations. With full‐sibling mating common among Varroa, this can rapidly select for virulent, highly inbred, Varroa populations. We investigated how the evolution of host resistance could affect the infesting population of Varroa mites. We screened a Varroa‐resistant honey bee population near Toulouse, France, for a Varroa resistance trait: the inhibition of Varroa's reproduction in drone pupae. We then genotyped Varroa which had co‐infested a cell using microsatellites. Across all resistant honey bee colonies, Varroa's reproductive success was significantly higher in co‐infested cells but the distribution of Varroa between singly and multiply infested cells was not different from random. While there was a trend for increased reproductive success when Varroa of differing haplotypes co‐infested a cell, this was not significant. This suggests local mate competition, through the presence of another Varroa foundress in a pupal cell, may be enough to help Varroa overcome host resistance traits; with a critical mass of infesting Varroa overwhelming host resistance. However, the fitness trade‐offs associated with preferentially co‐infesting cells may be too high for Varroa to evolve a mechanism to identify already‐infested cells. The increased reproductive success of Varroa when co‐infesting resistant pupal cells may act as a release valve on the selective pressure for the evolution of counter resistance traits: helping to maintain a stable host–parasite relationship.  相似文献   

Detection of multiple viruses in queens of the honey bee Apis mellifera L   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Individual honey bee Apis mellifera L. queens were examined for the presence of six honey bee viruses including acute bee paralysis virus, chronic bee paralysis virus, black queen cell virus, deformed wing virus, Kashmir bee virus, and sacbrood virus. All viruses, except ABPV, were detected in the samples. Among queens examined for virus infections, 93% had multiple virus infections. The detection of viruses in queens raises the possibility of a vertical transmission pathway wherein infected queens can pass virus through their eggs to their offspring.  相似文献   

During reproductive swarming, some workers of the Cape honey bee, Apis mellifera capensis, lay eggs in queen cells, many of which are reared to maturity. However, it is unknown if workers are able to lay in queen cells immediately after queen loss during an episode of emergency queen rearing. In this study we experimentally de‐queened colonies and determined the maternity of larvae and pupae that were reared as queens. This allowed us to determine how soon after queen loss workers contribute to the production of new queens. We were further interested to see if workers would preferentially raise new queens from queen‐laid brood if this was introduced later. We performed our manipulations in two different settings: an apiary setting where colonies were situated close together and a more natural situation in which the colonies were well separated. This allowed us to determine how the vicinity of other colonies affects the presence of parasites. We found that workers do indeed contribute to queen cell production immediately after the loss of their queen, thus demonstrating that some workers either have activated ovaries even when their colony has a queen or are able to activate their ovaries extremely rapidly. Queen‐laid brood introduced days after queen loss was ignored, showing that workers do not prefer to raise new queens from queen brood when given a choice. We also detected non‐natal parasitism of queen cells in both settings. We therefore conclude that some A. m. capensis genotypes specialize in parasitizing queen cells.  相似文献   

We used solid-phase microextraction (SPME, 65 microm PDMS-DVB fiber) to sample the volatile compounds emitted by live honey bee queens in several reproductive states (unmated queens, recently mated queens, and established mated queens), and compared them to the volatiles emitted by workers. We detected nine compounds that were present in at least 75% of the individuals in at least one type of bee, and which were not present in the sampling environment alone. Four of these compounds were present in queens but not in workers. One of these four compounds, identified as E-beta-ocimene, was expressed fully only in established mated queens and may be a signal of diploid egg-laying activity. The three remaining queen-specific compounds (including one identified as 2-phenylethanol) were associated with unmated queens and may mediate interactions between unmated queens and workers during queen elimination. The five common compounds that we detected in both queens and workers were hydrocarbons and may function as nestmate recognition cues. We consider these discoveries as a first step in determining the potentially important functions of volatile signals and cues within honey bee nests.  相似文献   

A study on the relationship between the age of comb and the activity of the hybrid Carniolan honey bee colonies in collecting pollen activity, worker brood production, colony strength, and honey yield was conducted. In comparison to colonies with combs aged 4-years, colonies with combs aged 1, 2 and 3-years significantly exceeded in the number returning workers, number returning workers with pollen loads, rate of storing pollen, rate of worker brood production, and size of colony population. Colonies with combs aged 1, 2 and 3-years produced significantly more honey than colonies with combs aged 4-years (5.25, 4.90 and 4.65 kg/colony vs. 4.45 kg/colony, respectively). It can be concluded that the foraging rate, gathering and storing pollen, brood production, colony population size, and honey yield significantly depended on the age of combs. Beekeepers can replace old combs with new ones to increase brood and honey production.  相似文献   

In queen honey bees the free amino acid content in the haemolymph clearly depends on the physiological function and social environment of the individual. While in drones and workers the content of free amino acids increases after emergence until it reaches a peak in 5-day-old animals and decreases afterwards, the amino acid content in queens reaches its highest level (>60 nmol/ microl haemolymph) with the onset of egg laying (10 d of age). This level is about 2.5 times more than the highest level found in workers. Queens maintain this high level also when they are older (>30 d) and continue to lay eggs in average colonies. As in drones and workers, in queens the predominant amino acid is proline, which accounts for more than 50% of the total content of free amino acids in egg-laying individuals. When 10-day-old queens are prevented from mating and do not lay eggs, their amino acid content is significantly lower compared to laying queens of the same age. Also the social environment influences the contents of free amino acids in queens. When virgin queens were kept for 6 days with 20 worker bees and sufficient honey and pollen in an incubator, they had significantly lower concentrations of amino acids than virgin queens living for the same period with about 8000 workers in a colony. Most probably, the high amino acid concentration in the haemolymph is the basis for the high protein synthesis activity of laying queens.  相似文献   

Anderson  Carl 《Behavioral ecology》2001,12(1):111-119
In honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies, scouts search for productiveforage sites and then recruit other workers to those locations using a waggle dance. A simple and tractable mathematical modelof the honey bee scout-recruit system was developed to studythe relationship between nectar availability, the efficiencyof the honey bee's recruitment system, and the optimal proportionof scouts that maximizes net gain (benefit - cost), or, energeticefficiency (benefit/cost - 1). The models consider both the energetic costs and benefits of active scouts and recruits aswell as the cost of an inactive forager reserve. They predictconditions when individual foraging is favored over the honeybee's recruitment system, when the colony should abandon foragingaltogether, and the optimal proportion of scouts (when thescout-recruit system is favored). The models' predictions qualitatively match empirical data. Surprisingly, previous empirical datafrom the honey bee suggest that recruits' costs are greaterthan scouts'—recruits spend significantly longer searchingfor a forage patch than do scouts—thereby causing researchersto rethink how the scout-recruit system might be adaptive. Using average returns, the models demonstrate how the scout-recruitsystem is adaptive despite these apparent higher recruit costsrelative to the scouts'. A sensitivity analysis demonstratesthat the results are robust to a broad range of relative costsof active workers, inactive workers, and the energetic benefitsof the forage. Consequently, the model is demonstrated to berelevant to many insect societies that employ a scout-recruitsystem.  相似文献   

Abstract Interspecific competition for a limited resource can result in the reduction of survival, growth and/or reproduction in one of the species involved. The introduced honey bee (Apis mellifera Linnaeus) is an example of a species that can compete with native bees for floral resources. Often, research into honey bee/native bee competition has focused on floral resource overlap, visitation rates or resource harvesting, and any negative interaction has been interpreted as a negative impact. Although this research can be valuable in indicating the potential for competition between honey bees and native bees, to determine if the long‐term survival of a native bee species is threatened, fecundity, survival or population density needs to be assessed. The present review evaluates research that has investigated all these measurements of honey bee/native bee competition and finds that many studies have problems with sample size, confounding factors or data interpretation. Guidelines for future research include increasing replication and using long‐term studies to investigate the impact of both commercial and feral honey bees.  相似文献   

Queenless honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies are often characterized by the presence of multiple eggs in brood cells. This is surprising because only one egg can be reared to maturity per cell. Moreover, worker honey bees cannot produce many eggs per day. There are several reasons that could explain the presence of multiple eggs in single cells: a) workers cannot control how many eggs they release; in this case we would expect all eggs to be from the same mother; b) excess eggs could be provided as food for the first larva to hatch in the absence of adequate brood care and this would again result in all eggs in one cell sharing the same mother; c) the number of cells available for oviposition may be limiting, obliging workers to lay eggs in cells that already contain eggs, resulting in eggs of mixed maternity. Here we show that the majority of brood cells in queenless colonies contain eggs from multiple mothers. Therefore our results suggest that the presence of multiple eggs in brood cells arises from a limitation on the number of suitable cells available for oviposition. Received 29 September 2008; revised 21 November 2008; accepted 24 November 2008.  相似文献   

The authors report a phase response curve (PRC) for individual honey bees (Apis mellifera) to single 1-h light pulses (1000 lux) using an Aschoff Type 1 protocol (n = 134). The bee PRC is a weak (Type 1) PRC with a maximum advance of 1.5 h between circadian time (CT) 18 and 3 and a maximum delay of 1.5 h between CT 12 and 18. This is the first published honey bee light PRC and provides an important resource for chronobiologists and honey bee researchers. It may also have practical applications for what is an economically important species frequently transported across different time zones.  相似文献   

Honey bees are important pollinators and take micronutrients from different natural floral resources and turbid water to adequately meet their nutritional requirements. But the role of micronutrients for honey bee health is not well understood. Here, the present study was conducted to determine honey bees' micronutrients preference in summer and winter seasons. Also, the impact of micronutrients on foraging behaviour and brood increase was studied in different honey bee colonies. The results elucidated that honey bees exhibited a strong preference for a salt solution compared to deionized water during the summer and winter seasons. However, there was a notable switch in salt preference between seasons. Overall, honey bees showed significantly more foraging activity, more pollen collection, and increased brood area after sodium consumption compared to other minerals in the summer season. Further, pollen collection and brood area were significantly higher after the use of potassium in the winter season. Thus, the food preference of honey bees is strongly linked with the seasons and the availability of the floral resources. Our data suggested that honey bees may seek specific nutrients during variation of the seasonal conditions.  相似文献   

Hox genes are known to control the identity of serially repeated structures in arthropods and vertebrates. We analyzed the expression pattern of the Hox genes Deformed (Dfd), Sex combs reduced (Scr), Antennapedia (Antp), and Ultrabithorax/abdominal-A (Ubx/abd-A) from the honey bee Apis mellifera. We also cloned a cDNA with the complete coding region of the Antennapedia gene from Apis. Comparison with Antp proteins from other insect species revealed several regions of homology. The expression patterns of the isolated Hox genes from Apis showed that the original expression patterns of Dfd, Scr, and Antp appear between late blastoderm and early germ band stage in a temporal and spatial sequence. Each of them shows up as a belt, spanning approximately two segment anlagen, Dfd in the anterior gnathal region, Scr in the posterior gnathal and anterior thoracic region, and Antp in the thoracic region. Following expansion of the Antp domain in the abdomen as a gradient towards the posterior, Ubx/abd-A expression appears laterally in the abdomen. During gastrulation and in the germ band stage the domains of strong expression do not overlap any more, but touch each other. After gastrulation the borders of the expression domains partly correlate with parasegment and partly with segment boundaries. Laterally, gaps between the domain of each gene may show no expression of any of the genes examined. Received: 30 August 1999 / Accepted: 28 April 2000  相似文献   

The prevalence of nine honey bee viruses in samples of dead adult bees from Apis mellifera colonies in the Netherlands and Germany infested with the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni was compared with virus incidence in uninfested colonies in Britain. In colonies with low mite populations the viruses present and their incidence during the year were similar to the results obtained from British colonies. However, in marked contrast with findings in Britain, acute paralysis virus (APV) was the primary cause of adult bee mortality in German honey bee colonies severely infested with V. jacobsoni. Dead brood from unsealed and sealed infested cells from German colonies with high mite populations also contained much APV. The evidence suggests that V. jacobsoni activates APV replication in adult bees by its feeding behaviour and transmits virus from adult honey bees to pupae. In addition, adult bees, in which APV is multiplying, transmit the virus to unsealed brood in the larval food.  相似文献   

Summary This study investigated the effects of colony growth and development, food storage, foraging activity and weather on the migration behavior of African honey bees in the Okavango River Delta, Botswana. Four observation colonies were studied during the honey bee migration season (November–May), at which time the availability of blooming species was reduced. Two of the colonies (colonies 1 & 2) migrated during the study period, while the remaining two (colonies 3 & 4) did not. During the 4–6 weeks preceding the onset of migration preparations, colonies 1 & 2 exhibited increasing population sizes, high levels of brood production with low brood mortality, relatively large stores of food, and increasing mass. In contrast, the populations of colonies 3 & 4 did not increase, brood-rearing activity was erratic and lower, brood mortality was higher, food stores became depleted and colony mass declined. Both colonies 3 & 4 ceased rearing brood, and colony 3 died of starvation. Colony foraging activity was examined by monitoring waggle-dance activity 2–3 days each week. For 4–6 weeks before the onset of migration in colonies 1 & 2, daily foraging areas and mean daily foraging distances became increasingly large and variable. Colonies 3 & 4 exhibited foraging patterns similar to those observed for colonies 1 & 2 preceding migration. There was no clear association between 7 weather parameters examined and migration behavior. These data suggest that migration is influenced by an interaction of intra-colony demographics, food reserves and foraging patterns. Migration may be feasible only for those colonies that possess (1) a population of appropriate size and age structure to compensate for the natural attrition of older workers during the emigration process, and (2) sufficient food reserves for long-distance travel and the establishment of a new nest. Changing foraging patterns may reflect a deteriorating foraging environment, which may trigger the onset of migration preparations, provided that colony demographics and food reserves are conducive. Colonies that show decreased brood production, higher brood mortality and reduced food stores may be incapable of migrating, even when experiencing deteriorating foraging conditions. Rather, such colonies may have a greater chance of survival if they attempt to persist in a given area.  相似文献   

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