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Y-chromosomal DNA polymorphism in mouse inbred strains   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Molecular mechanisms of salty taste in mammals are not completely understood. We use genetic approaches to study these mechanisms. Previously, we developed a high-throughput procedure to measure NaCl taste thresholds, which involves conditioning mice to avoid LiCl and then examining avoidance of NaCl solutions presented in 48-h 2-bottle preference tests. Using this procedure, we measured NaCl taste thresholds of mice from 13 genealogically divergent inbred stains: 129P3/J, A/J, BALB/cByJ, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6ByJ, C57BL/6J, CBA/J, CE/J, DBA/2J, FVB/NJ, NZB/BlNJ, PWK/PhJ, and SJL/J. We found substantial strain variation in NaCl taste thresholds: mice from the A/J and 129P3/J strains had high thresholds (were less sensitive), whereas mice from the BALB/cByJ, C57BL/6J, C57BL/6ByJ, CE/J, DBA/2J, NZB/BINJ, and SJL/J had low thresholds (were more sensitive). NaCl taste thresholds measured in this study did not significantly correlate with NaCl preferences or amiloride sensitivity of chorda tympani nerve responses to NaCl determined in the same strains in other studies. To examine whether strain differences in NaCl taste thresholds could have been affected by variation in learning ability or sensitivity to toxic effects of LiCl, we used the same method to measure citric acid taste thresholds in 4 inbred strains with large differences in NaCl taste thresholds but similar acid sensitivity in preference tests (129P3/J, A/J, C57BL/6J, and DBA/2J). Citric acid taste thresholds were similar in these 4 strains. This suggests that our technique measures taste quality-specific thresholds that are likely to represent differences in peripheral taste responsiveness. The strain differences in NaCl taste sensitivity found in this study provide a basis for genetic analysis of this phenotype.  相似文献   

Wild-derived inbred mouse strains have short telomeres   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Telomere length and telomerase activity directly affect the replicative capacity of primary human cells. Some have suggested that telomere length influences organismal lifespan. We compared telomere length distributions in a number of inbred and outbred established mouse strains with those of strains recently derived from wild mice. Telomere length was considerably shorter in wild-derived strains than in the established strains. We found no correlation of telomere length with lifespan, even among closely related inbred mouse strains. Thus, while telomere length plays a role in cellular lifespan in cultured human cells, it is not a major factor in determining organismal lifespan.  相似文献   

Differences in response to analgesic and anaesthetic drugs can partly be attributed to variations in the genetic background of experimental animals. This study was carried out to determine differences in the response of inbred rat strains to a selection of analgesics and drugs used in anaesthetic protocols. A cross between the most contrasting strains can then be phenotyped in future studies in order to localize quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in analgesic/anaesthetic drug sensitivity. Eight inbred strains (n = 6 rats/strain) were selected for the study: the pigmented ACI, BN and COP strains and the albino F344, LEW, SHR, WAG and WKY strains. Each rat was injected intravenously with two analgesics (buprenorphine 0.05 mg/kg and nalbuphine 1 mg/kg) and three drugs used in anaesthetic protocols (propofol 25 mg/kg, medetomidine 50 microg/kg and ketamine 10 mg/kg), respectively, using a crossover design. Analgesic responses were assessed using an analgesiometric procedure. The sleep time of the rat and, where applicable, the interval between injection and loss of righting reflex were used to determine the anaesthetic response. Six out of eight strains responded significantly different from each other to the analgesic effect of buprenorphine with the ACI strain as hyper-responder. The tail withdrawal latency at 55 degrees C of the F344 and WKY rats using buprenorphine was not significantly different from baseline tail withdrawal latencies. In this study, all strains were non-responsive to the analgesic effects of nalbuphine. The response to all three drugs used in anaesthetic protocols differed significantly among the strains. The F344 and BN strains were relatively resistant to the sedative effects of medetomidine. Use of ketamine was abandoned in the ACI and BN strains when the first two animals of both strains died soon after induction. With all three drugs the sleep time of albino rats was significantly longer compared with that of the pigmented ones. We conclude that the results from this study can be used in future studies where QTLs for the sensitivity to anaesthetic/analgesic drugs are localized.  相似文献   

The ganglioside patterns in the liver of different inbred and hybrid strains of mice were investigated. The inbred strains were Balb/cAnNCr1BR, C57BL/6NCr1BR, DBA/2NCr1BR. C3H/HeNCr1BR; the hybrid strain was the Swiss albino. The following major gangliosides were found to be present in mouse liver: GM3-NeuAc; GM3-NeuGl, GM2 [a mixture of one species carrying N-acetylneuraminic acid (NeuAc) and one carrying N-glycollylneuraminic acid (NeuGl)], GM1 and GD1a-(NeuAc,NeuGl). The qualitative and quantitative patterns of liver gangliosides were markedly different in the various inbred strains of mice; in Balb/cAnNCr1BR strain, ganglioside GM2 was preponderant (99.2% of total ganglioside content); in C57BL/6NCr1BR, the major ganglioside was GM2 (90.4%), followed by GM3-NeuAc (5.6%) and GM3-NeuGl (4.0%); in DBA/2NCr1BR, GM2 accounted for 77.1%, GD1a-(NeuAc,NeuGl) 18.9% and GM1 3.1% of gangliosides; in C3H/HeNCr1BR, GM2 constituted 50.6%, GM1 22.8% and GD1a-(NeuAc,NeuGl) 22.1%. In the hybrid Swiss albino mice, liver ganglioside composition markedly varied from one animal to another, GM3-NeuGl, GM2 and GD1a-(NeuAc,NeuGl) being the predominant gangliosides in the various cases.  相似文献   

Microsatellites are 50–200 repetitive DNA sequences composed of 1- to 6-base-pair-long reiterative motifs within the genome. They are vulnerable to DNA modifications, such as recombination and/or integration, and are recognized as “sentinel” DNA. Our previous report indicated that the genotypes of the microsatellite loci could change from mono- to poly-morphisms (CMP) in gene knockout (KO) mice, implying that genetic modification induces microsatellite mutation. However, it is still unclear whether the random insertion of DNA fragments into mice genomes produced via transgene (Tg) or N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) would also result in microsatellite mutations or microsatellite loci genotypes changes. This study was designed to find possible clues to answer this question. In brief, 198 microsatellite loci that were distributed among almost all of the chromosomes (except for the Y) were examined through polymerase chain reaction to screen possible CMPs in six Tg strains. First, for each strain, the microsatellite sequences of all loci were compared between Tg and the corresponding background strain to exclude genetic interference. Simultaneously, to exclude spontaneous mutation-related CMPs that might exist in the examined six strains, mice from five spontaneously mutated inbred strains were used as the negative controls. Additionally, the sequences of all loci in these spontaneous mutated mice were compared to corresponding genetic background controls. The results showed that 40 of the 198 (20.2 %) loci were identified as having CMPs in the examined Tg mice strains. The CMP genotypes were either homozygous or heterozygous compared to the background controls. Next, we applied the 40 CMP positive loci in ENU-mutated mice and their corresponding background controls. After that, a general comparison of CMPs that exist among Tg, ENU-treated and KO mouse strains was performed. The results indicated that four (D11mit258, D13mit3, D14mit102 and DXmit172) of the 40 (10 %) CMP loci were shared by Tg and KO mice, two (D15mit5 and D14mit102) (5 %) by Tg and ENU-treated mice, and one (D14mit102) (2.5 %) by all three genetic modifications. Collectively, our study implies that genetic modifications by KO, Tg or chemical mutant can trigger microsatellite CMPs in inbred mouse strains. These shared microsatellite loci could be regarded as “hot spots” of microsatellite mutation for genetic monitoring in genetic modified mice.  相似文献   

Prospects for association mapping in classical inbred mouse strains   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Payseur BA  Place M 《Genetics》2007,175(4):1999-2008
The collection of classical inbred mouse strains displays heritable variation in a large number of complex traits. Many generations of historical recombination have contributed to the panel of classical strain genomes, raising the possibility that quantitative trait loci could be located with high resolution by correlating strain genotypes and phenotypes. Although this association mapping framework has been successful in several empirical applications, its expected performance remains unclear. We used computer simulations based on a publicly available, dense single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) map to measure the power and false-positive rate of association mapping on a genomic scale across 30 commonly used classical inbred strains. Expected power is (i) often low for phenotypic effect sizes that are realistic for complex traits, (ii) highly variable across the genome, and (iii) correlated with linkage disequilibrium, aspects of the allele frequency distribution, and haplotype characteristics, as predicted by theory. Simulations also demonstrate clear potential for spurious associations to be generated by unequal relatedness among the strains. These findings suggest that association mapping in the classical strains is best applied in combination with other procedures, such as QTL mapping.  相似文献   

In total, 41 different microsatellite variants have been typed in one or more of four different sets of recombinant inbred (RI) mouse strains. Microsatellite variants were selected that were located in chromosomal regions previously lacking markers. These markers extend the regions swept in these RI strains.  相似文献   

The AXB and BXA set of recombinant inbred mouse strains   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The recombinant inbred (RI) set of strains, AXB and BXA, derived from C57BL/6J and A/J, originally constructed and maintained at the University of California/San Diego, have been imported into The Jackson Laboratory and are now in the 29th to 59th generation of brother-sister matings. Genetic quality control testing with 45 proviral and 11 biochemical markers previously typed in this RI set indicated that five strains had been genetically contaminated sometime in the past, so these strains have been discarded. The correct and complete strain distribution patterns for 56 genetic markers are reported for the remaining RI strain set, which consists of 31 living strains and 8 extinct strains for which DNA is available. Two additional strains, AXB 12 and BXA 17, are living and may be added to the set pending further tests of genetic purity. The progenitors of this RI set differ in susceptibility to 27 infectious diseases as well as atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes, cancer, cleft palate, and hydrocephalus. Thus, the AXB and BXA set of RI strains will be useful in the genetic analysis of several complex diseases.  相似文献   

Genetic affinities of inbred mouse strains of uncertain origin   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Phylogenetic analyses of genetic data arising from 144 gene loci are used to describe the interrelationships among 24 widely used inbred strains of mice. An unordered-parsimony analysis gives a cladogram that is virtually identical to the known genealogy of the mouse strains. A loss-parsimony analysis is used to evaluate the hypothesis that the observed patterns of genetic divergence among these 24 strains can be explained by the segregation of residual heterozygosity arising from a small population of highly heterozygous mice. The loss-parsimony cladogram is very similar to both the unordered-parsimony cladogram and the known genealogy of the mice. The phylogenetic analyses of these 144 loci are integrated with data on the type and origin of the Y chromosome. Inclusion of the Y-chromosome data provides additional insights into the genetic composition of several of the original stocks used to produce the current inbred strains of mice. Ten strains of uncertain origin are contained in these analyses, including AKR, BUB, CE, I, NZB, P, RF, SJL, ST, and SWR. SJL is hypothesized to have been derived from the same Swiss albino stock previously used to produce SWR. The BUB strain appears to have had a complex origin and shows closest genetic similarity to SWR and ST. AKR and RF are shown to be closely related, while the I strain shows greatest genetic similarity to DBA/2 for the 144 loci. However, I and DBA possess different types of Y chromosome. The NZB strain shows genetic similarity to several stocks of both U.S. and European origins. The power of the genetic data used in these analyses reiterates that inbred strains of mice can be a valuable paradigm for studies in evolutionary biology.   相似文献   

Pancreatic and salivary amylase cDNA probes have been used to search for new DNA fragment length variation among a total of 43 inbred mouse strains. Fragment length differences found with three restriction endonucleases grouped the strains into two major classes. The segregation of these variant fragments has been analyzed among several sets of recombinant inbred strains and is presented here. Previously reported differences for strains YBR and CE have been confirmed. New segregation data for carbonic anhydrase, a locus near the proximal end of mouse chromosome 3, are presented.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratories showed lung development differences between inbred strains of mice. In the present study, the C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) strains were examined for senescent-dependent differences with respect to the lung structure and function. Specifically, we hypothesize that senescent changes in lung vary between strains due to identifiable gene expression differences. Quasi-static pressure-volume curves and respiratory impedance measurements were performed on 2- and 20-mo-old B6 and D2 mice. Lung volume at 30 cm H(2)O (V(30)) pressure was significantly (P < 0.01) increased with age in both strains, but the increase was proportionally greater in D2 (68%) than in B6 (40%) mice. In addition, decreased elastic recoil pressure at 50% of V(30) and a reduction in airway resistance as a function of positive end-expiratory pressure were observed in 20-mo-old D2 mice but not in B6 mice. Morphometric analysis of lung parenchyma showed significant decreases in elastic fiber content with age in both strains, but the collagen content was significantly (P < 0.01) increased with age in D2 but not B6 mice at 20 mo. Furthermore, using quantitative RT-PCR methods, gene expression differences between strains suggested that D2 mice significantly (P < 0.05) downregulated the expressions of elastin (Eln) and procollagen I, III, and VI (Col1a1, Col3a1, and Col6a3) in lung tissue at 20 mo of age. These age-dependent changes were accompanied by an increased gene expression in matrix metalloproteinase 9 (Mmp9) in D2 and an increase in tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (Timp1 and Timp4) in B6 mice. In conclusion, the results from the present study demonstrate that lung mechanics of both strains show significant age-dependent changes. However, changes in D2 mice are accelerated relative to B6 mice. Moreover, gene expression differences appear to be involved in the strain-specific changes of lung mechanic properties.  相似文献   

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