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Human-induced increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration have the potential to alter the chemical composition of plant tissue, and thereby affect the amount of tissue consumed by herbivorous arthropods. At the Duke Forest free-air concentration enrichment (FACE) facility in North Carolina (FACTS–1 research facility), we measured the amount of leaf tissue damaged by insects and other herbivorous arthropods during two growing seasons in a deciduous forest understory continuously exposed to ambient (360 l l–1) and elevated (~560 µl l–1) CO2 conditions. In 1999, there was a significant interaction between CO2 and species such that winged elm (Ulmus alata) showed lower herbivory in elevated CO2 plots, whereas red maple (Acer rubra) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) did not. In 2000, our results did not achieve statistical significance but the magnitude of the result was consistent with the 1999 results. In 1999 and 2000, we found a decline (10–46%) in community-level herbivory in elevated CO2 plots driven primarily by reductions in herbivory on elm. The major contribution to total leaf damage was from missing tissue (66% of the damaged tissue), with galls, skeletonized, and discolored tissue making smaller contributions. It is unclear whether the decline in leaf damage is a result of altered insect populations, altered feeding, or a combination. We were not able to quantify insect populations, and our measurements did not resolve an effect of elevated CO2 on leaf chemical composition (total nitrogen, carbon, C/N, sugars, phenolics, starch). Despite predictions from a large number of single-species studies that herbivory may increase under elevated CO2, we have found a decrease in herbivory in a naturally established forest understory exposed to a full suite of insect herbivores and their predators.  相似文献   

Summary Whole ecosystem CO2 flux under ambient (340 l/l) and elevated (680 l/l) CO2 was measured in situ in Eriophorum tussock tundra on the North Slope of Alaska. Elevated CO2 resulted in greater carbon acquisition than control treatments and there was a net loss of CO2 under ambient conditions at this upland tundra site. These measurements indicate a current loss of carbon from upland tundra, possibly the result of recent climatic changes. Elevated CO2 for the duration of one growing season appeared to delay the onset of dormancy and resulted in approximately 10 additional days of positive ecosystem flux. Homeostatic adjustment of ecosystem CO2 flux (sum of species' response) was apparent by the third week of exposure to elevated CO2. Ecosystem dark respiration rates were not significantly higher at elevated CO2 levels. Rapid homeostatic adjustment to elevated CO2 may limit carbon uptake in upland tundra. Abiotic factors were evaluated as predictors of ecosystem CO2 flux. For chambers exposed to ambient and elevated CO2 levels for the duration of the growing season, seasonality (Julian day) was the best predictor of ecosystem CO2 flux at both ambient and elevated CO2 levels. Light (PAR), soil temperature, and air temperature were also predictive of seasonal ecosystem flux, but only at elevated CO2 levels. At any combination of physical conditions, flux of the elevated CO2 treatment was greater than that at ambient. In short-term manipulations of CO2, tundra exposed to elevated CO2 had threefold greater carbon gain, and had one half the ecosystem level, light compensation point when compared to ambient CO2 treatments. Elevated CO2-acclimated tundra had twofold greater carbon gain compared to ambient treatments, but there was no difference in ecosystem level, light compensation point between elevated and ambient CO2 treatments. The predicted future increases in cloudiness could substantially decrease the effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 on net ecosystem carbon budget. These analyses suggest little if any long-term stimulation of ecosystem carbon acquisition by increases in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

We compared the CO2- and light-dependence of photosynthesis of four tree species (Acer rubrum, Carya glabra, Cercis canadensis, Liquidambar styraciflua) growing in the understory of a loblolly pine plantation under ambient or ambient plus 200 μl l–1 CO2. Naturally-established saplings were fumigated with a free-air CO2 enrichment system. Light-saturated photosynthetic rates were 159–190% greater for Ce. canadensis saplings grown and measured under elevated CO2. This species had the greatest CO2 stimulation of photosynthesis. Photosynthetic rates were only 59% greater for A. rubrum saplings under CO2 enrichment and Ca. glabra and L. styraciflua had intermediate responses. Elevated CO2 stimulated light-saturated photosynthesis more than the apparent quantum yield. The maximum rate of carboxylation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, estimated from gas-exchange measurements, was not consistently affected by growth in elevated CO2. However, the maximum electron transport rate estimated from gas- exchange measurements and from chlorophyll fluorescence, when averaged across species and dates, was approximately 10% higher for saplings in elevated CO2. The proportionately greater stimulation of light-saturated photosynthesis than the apparent quantum yield and elevated rates of maximum electron transport suggests that saplings growing under elevated CO2 make more efficient use of sunflecks. The stimulation of light-saturated photosynthesis by CO2 did not appear to correlate with shade-tolerance ranking of the individual species. However, the species with the greatest enhancement of photosynthesis, Ce. canadensis and L. styraciflua, also invested the greatest proportion of soluble protein in Rubisco. Environmental and endogenous factors affecting N partitioning may partially explain interspecific variation in the photosynthetic response to elevated CO2. Received: 16 February 1999 / Accepted: 30 August 1999  相似文献   

开放系统中农作物对空气CO2浓度增加的响应   总被引:93,自引:12,他引:93  
FACE试验(free-air CO2 enrichment)开展的10多年中,供试农作物主要有:C3禾本科作物小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)、多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)和水稻(Oryza sativaL.),C4禾本科类高梁(Sorghum bicolor(L.)Moench),C3豆科植物白三叶草(Trifolium repens ),C3非禾本科块茎状作物马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.),以及多年生C3类木作物棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L.)和葡萄(Vitisvinifera l.)。本文系统整理和分析了以下各项参数的结果;光合作用、气孔导度、冠层温度、水分利用、水势、叶面积指数、根茎生物量累积、作物产量、辐射利用率,比叶面积、N含量、N收益、碳水化合物含量、物候变化、土壤微生物、土壤呼吸、痕量气体交换以及土壤碳固定,CO2浓度升高对农作物的影响作用主要表现在以下方面:(1)促进了植物光合作用,增加了其生物量累积;(2)显著提高C3作物产量,但对C4作物产量的影响很小;(3)降低了C3和C4作物气孔导度,非常显著地提高了所有作物的水分利用率;(4)对植物生长的促进作用在水分不足与水分充中时二者相当或前者大于后者;(6)对根系生长的促进作用要大于地上部分;(7)对多年生植物气孔导度的影响较小,但对其生长的促进作用仍很高;(8)降低了植物体内N含量,但作物体内碳水化合物及某些其他含碳化合物含量增加,且叶部含量要明显高于植物其他器官;(9)对大多数作物的物候略有加速;(10)对某些土壤微生物具显著影响,而对有些则无,但都增加了微生物活性;(11)综合多年、多地点的试验结果表明土壤对大气CO2的固定增加,但单独一个试验无法观测到SOC的显著性变化,对FACE和前期的熏气室试验结果都进行了尽可能的对比研究,除了二例以外,发现在大多数情况下二者的结果基本一致,其中,FACE使气孔导度降低的1.5倍,明显高于前期熏气室试验的结果;其二,相对于熏气室,FACE条件下CO2倍增对根的相对促进作用要高于地上部分,因此,我们对基于这二者的结论的准确性和可靠性是充满信心的,不过,更接近自然环境和具更大小区面积的FACE试验仍是必需的,它可以为我们提供在CO2升高条件下更具代表性的田间试验条件,从而为我们提供更多、更有益的多学科交叉的试验数据和研究结果。  相似文献   

Land-use changes such as deforestation have been considered one of the main contributors to increased greenhouse gas emissions, while verifiable C sequestration through afforestation projects is eligible to receive C credits under the Kyoto Protocol. We studied the short-term effects on CO2 emissions of converting agricultural land-use (planted to barley) to a hybrid poplar (Populus deltoids × Populus × petrowskyana var. Walker) plantation in the Parkland region in northern Alberta, where large areas are being planted to hybrid poplars. CO2 emissions were measured using a static gas chamber method. No differences were found in soil temperature, volumetric moisture content, or soil respiration rates between the barley and Walker plots. The mean soil respiration rate in 2005 was 1.83 ± 0.19 (mean ± 1 SE) and 1.89 ± 0.13 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 in the barley and Walker plots, respectively. However, biomass production was higher in the barley plots, indicating that the agricultural land-use system had a greater ability to fix atmospheric CO2. The C balance in the land-use systems were estimated to be a small net gain (before considering straw and grain removal through harvesting) of 0.03 ± 0.187 Mg C ha−1 year−1 in the barley plots and a net loss of 3.35 ± 0.080 Mg C ha−1 year−1 from the Walker poplar plots. Over the long-term, we expect the hybrid poplar plantation to become a net C sink as the trees grow bigger and net primary productivity increases.  相似文献   

Projections of future climate are highly sensitive to uncertainties regarding carbon (C) uptake and storage by terrestrial ecosystems. The Eucalyptus Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment (EucFACE) experiment was established to study the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (eCO2) on a native mature eucalypt woodland with low fertility soils in southeast Australia. In contrast to other FACE experiments, the concentration of CO2 at EucFACE was increased gradually in steps above ambient (+0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 ppm CO2 above ambient of ~400 ppm), with each step lasting approximately 5 weeks. This provided a unique opportunity to study the short‐term (weeks to months) response of C cycle flux components to eCO2 across a range of CO2 concentrations in an intact ecosystem. Soil CO2 efflux (i.e., soil respiration or Rsoil) increased in response to initial enrichment (e.g., +30 and +60 ppm CO2) but did not continue to increase as the CO2 enrichment was stepped up to higher concentrations. Light‐saturated photosynthesis of canopy leaves (Asat) also showed similar stimulation by elevated CO2 at +60 ppm as at +150 ppm CO2. The lack of significant effects of eCO2 on soil moisture, microbial biomass, or activity suggests that the increase in Rsoil likely reflected increased root and rhizosphere respiration rather than increased microbial decomposition of soil organic matter. This rapid increase in Rsoil suggests that under eCO2, additional photosynthate was produced, transported belowground, and respired. The consequences of this increased belowground activity and whether it is sustained through time in mature ecosystems under eCO2 are a priority for future research.  相似文献   

Responses of forest ecosystems to increased atmospheric CO2 concentration have been studied in few free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments during last two decades. Most studies focused principally on the overstory trees with little attention given to understory vegetation. Despite its small contribution to total productivity of an ecosystem, understory vegetation plays an important role in predicting successional dynamics and future plant community composition. Thus, the response of understory vegetation in Pinus taeda plantation at the Duke Forest FACE site after 15–17 years of exposure to elevated CO2, 6–13 of which with nitrogen (N) amendment, was examined. Aboveground biomass and density of the understory decreased across all treatments with increasing overstory leaf area index (LAI). However, the CO2 and N treatments had no effect on aboveground biomass, tree density, community composition, and the fraction of shade‐tolerant species. The increases of overstory LAI (~28%) under elevated CO2 resulted in a reduction of light available to the understory (~18%) sufficient to nullify the expected growth‐enhancing effect of elevated CO2 on understory vegetation.  相似文献   

Grassland ecosystems cover vast areas of the Earth''s surface and provide many ecosystem services including carbon (C) storage, biodiversity preservation and the production of livestock forage. Predicting the future delivery of these services is difficult, because widespread changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration, climate and nitrogen (N) inputs are expected. We compiled published data from global change driver manipulation experiments and combined these with climate data to assess grassland biomass responses to CO2 and N enrichment across a range of climates. CO2 and N enrichment generally increased aboveground biomass (AGB) but effects of CO2 enrichment were weaker than those of N. The response to N was also dependent on the amount of N added and rainfall, with a greater response in high precipitation regions. No relationship between response to CO2 and climate was detected within our dataset, thus suggesting that other site characteristics, e.g. soils and plant community composition, are more important regulators of grassland responses to CO2. A statistical model of AGB response to N was used in conjunction with projected N deposition data to estimate changes to future biomass stocks. This highlighted several potential hotspots (e.g. in some regions of China and India) of grassland AGB gain. Possible benefits for C sequestration and forage production in these regions may be offset by declines in plant biodiversity caused by these biomass gains, thus necessitating careful management if ecosystem service delivery is to be maximized. An approach such as ours, in which meta-analysis is combined with global scale model outputs to make large-scale predictions, may complement the results of dynamic global vegetation models, thus allowing us to form better predictions of biosphere responses to environmental change.  相似文献   

Acclimation to elevated CO2 was investigated in Parmelia caperata originating from the vicinity of a natural CO2 spring, where the average daytime CO2 concentration was 729 ± 39 μmol mol−1 dry air. Thalli showed no evidence of a down-regulation in photosynthetic capacity following long-term exposure to CO2 enrichment in the field; carboxylation efficiency, total Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) content, apparent quantum yield of CO2 assimilation, and the light-saturated rate of CO2 assimilation (measured under ambient and saturating CO2 concentrations) were similar in thalli from the naturally CO2 enriched site and an adjacent control site where the average long-term CO2 concentration was about 355 μmol mol−1. Thalli from both CO2 environments exhibited low CO2 compensation points and early saturation of CO2 uptake kinetics in response to increasing external CO2 concentrations, suggesting the presence of an active carbon-concentrating mechanism. Consistent with the lack of significant effects on photosynthetic metabolism, no changes were found in the nitrogen content of thalli following prolonged exposure to elevated CO2. Detailed intrathalline analysis revealed a decreased investment of nitrogen in Rubisco in the pyrenoid of algae located in the elongation zone of thalli originating from elevated CO2, an effect associated with a reduction in the percentage of the cell volume occupied by lipid bodies and starch grains. Although these differences did not affect the photosynthetic capacity of thalli, there was evidence of enhanced limitations to CO2 assimilation in lichens originating from the CO2-enriched site. The light-saturated rate of CO2 assimilation measured at the average growth CO2 concentration was found to be significantly lower in thalli originating from a CO2-enriched atmosphere compared with that of thalli originating and measured at ambient CO2. At lower photosynthetic photon flux densities, the light compensation point of net CO2 assimilation was significantly higher in thalli originating from elevated CO2, and this effect was associated with higher usnic acid content. Received: 8 May 1998 / Accepted: 22 January 1999  相似文献   

The accumulation of non-structural leaf carbohydrates is one of the most consistent plant responses to elevated CO2. It has been found in both fast-and slow-growing plants and is largely independent of the duration of exposure. Changes in leaf quality are thus to be expected, irrespective of other plant responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. However, there is no experimental evidence from tropical forests, the biome with the largest biomass carbon pool. Here we report in situ mesophyll responses of mature tropical trees to a doubling of CO2. Individually CO2-enriched leaves on 25 to 35-m-tall forest trees living at 26–35°C can be assumed to experience little sink limitation, and so, may be expected to exhibit no or very little carbohydrate accumulation. We tested this hypothesis using the leaf cup method on leaves accessible via the canopy crane of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in a semi-deciduous tropical forest in Panamá. We also investigated the influence of the leaf-specific light regime, another possible environmental determinant of leaf carbon gain and mobile leaf carbohydrates. Total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) reached a new steady state concentration after less than 4 days of exposure to twice ambient CO2 concentration. Against expectation, all four tree species investigated (Anacardium excelsum, Cecropia longipes, C. peltata, Ficus insipida) accumulated significant amounts of TNC (+41 to +61%) under elevated CO2. The effect was stronger at the end of the daylight period (except for Ficus), but was still significant in all four species at the end of the dark period. In contrast, neither artificial nor natural shading affected leaf TNC. Taken together, these observations suggest that TNC accumulation reflects a mesophyll-bound tissue response specific to elevated CO2, presumably unrelated to sink limitations. Thus, leaves of tropical forests seem not to be an exception, and will most likely contain more non-structural carbohydrates in a CO2-rich world. Received: 28 January 1998 / Accepted: 9 April 1998  相似文献   

The chronic effects of ozone (O3) alone or combined with elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) on the foliar physiology of unfertilized field-grown yellow-poplar ( Liriodendron tulipifera L.) seedlings were studied from 1992 to 1996. Within open-top chambers, juvenile trees were exposed to the following: charcoal-filtered air (CF); 1× ambient ozone (1XO3); 1.5× ambient ozone (1.5XO3); 1.5× ambient ozone plus 700 ppm carbon dioxide (1.5XO3+CO2); or chamberless open-air (OA). Seasonal 24-h mean ambient O3 concentrations ranged from 32 to 46 ppm over the five seasons. Averaged over 5 years, midseason net photosynthesis at saturating light ( A sat) was reduced by 14% ( P =0.029) and stomatal conductance ( g s) was reduced, albeit non-significant, by 13% ( P =0.096) in upper canopy foliage exposed to 1.5XO3-air relative to CF controls. There were no significant differences over the 5 years in A sat and g s between trees grown in 1XO3- and 1.5XO3-air. Our results support the hypothesis that the magnitude of O3 effects on A sat and g s decreases as saplings age. When averaged over the five seasons of exposure, total chlorophyll concentration ( chl) was not significantly affected by exposure to elevated O3; however, in 1.5XO3+CO2-air, foliar chl was reduced by 33% relative to all others ( P <0.001). In 1.5XO3+CO2-air, A sat was 1.4–1.9 times higher ( P <0.001) and g s was 0.7 times lower ( P =0.022) than all others. O3 uptake in juvenile trees exposed to elevated O3 plus elevated CO2 (1.5XO3+CO2-air) was most comparable to trees exposed to ambient air (1XO3) throughout the study. These findings suggest that elevated CO2 may minimize the negative effects of O3 by reducing O3 uptake through decreased stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

Prunella vulgaris was inoculated with different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and grown at two concentrations of CO2 (ambient, 350 μl l−1, and elevated, 600 μl l−1) to test whether a plants response to elevated CO2 is dependent on the species of AMF colonizing the roots. Using compartments accessible only to AMF hyphae but not to roots, we also tested whether elevated CO2 affects the growth of external AMF hyphae. Plant biomass was significantly greater at elevated than at ambient CO2; the biomass of the root system, for example, increased by a factor of 2. The colonization of AMF inside the root remained constant, indicating that the total AMF inside the root system also increased by a factor of 2. The length of external AMF hyphae at elevated CO2 was up to 5 times that at ambient CO2, indicating that elevated CO2 promoted allocation of AMF biomass to the external hyphae. The concentration and content of phosphorus in the stolons differed significantly between ambient and elevated CO2 but this resulted in either an increase or a decrease, according to which AMF isolate occupied the roots. We hypothesized that an increase in external hyphal growth at elevated CO2 would result in increased P acquistion by the plant. To test this we supplied phosphorus, in a compartment only accessible to AMF hyphae. Plants did not acquire more phosphorus at elevated CO2 when phosphorus was added to this compartment. Large increases in AMF hyphal growth could, however, play a significant role in the movement of fixed carbon to the soil and increase soil aggregation. Received: 28 March 1998 / Accepted: 27 August 1998  相似文献   

Physiological responses to elevated CO2 at the leaf and canopy-level were studied in an intact pine (Pinus taeda) forest ecosystem exposed to elevated CO2 using a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technique. Normalized canopy water-use of trees exposed to elevated CO2 over an 8-day exposure period was similar to that of trees exposed to current ambient CO2 under sunny conditions. During a portion of the exposure period when sky conditions were cloudy, CO2-exposed trees showed minor (7%) but significant reductions in relative sap flux density compared to trees under ambient CO2 conditions. Short-term (minutes) direct stomatal responses to elevated CO2 were also relatively weak (5% reduction in stomatal aperture in response to high CO2 concentrations). We observed no evidence of adjustment in stomatal conductance in foliage grown under elevated CO2 for nearly 80 days compared to foliage grown under current ambient CO2, so intrinsic leaf water-use efficiency at elevated CO2 was enhanced primarily by direct responses of photosynthesis to CO2. We did not detect statistical differences in parameters from photosynthetic responses to intercellular CO2 (A net-C i curves) for Pinus taeda foliage grown under elevated CO2 (550 mol mol–1) for 50–80 days compared to those for foliage grown under current ambient CO2 from similar-sized reference trees nearby. In both cases, leaf net photosynthetic rate at 550 mol mol–1 CO2 was enhanced by approximately 65% compared to the rate at ambient CO2 (350 mol mol–1). A similar level of enhancement under elevated CO2 was observed for daily photosynthesis under field conditions on a sunny day. While enhancement of photosynthesis by elevated CO2 during the study period appears to be primarily attributable to direct photosynthetic responses to CO2 in the pine forest, longer-term CO2 responses and feedbacks remain to be evaluated.  相似文献   

We investigated the individual and interactive effects of moderately elevated CO2 (ambient air + 100 ppm) and/or O3 (40–50 ppb) on soil N cycling and microbial biomass N in a 3-year open-top chamber experiment conducted in meadow mesocosms. The results show that elevated O3 decreased the concentrations of mineral N and NH4+-N in the mesocosm soil in the last growing season (2004). Total N, NO3-N, microbial biomass N, decomposition rate, potential nitrification and denitrification were not affected by elevated O3 and/or CO2. It is thus concluded that the proposed future ambient O3 and CO2 levels, such as used in this experiment, may not induce major changes in the below-ground N processes in N-poor northern European hay meadow ecosystems.  相似文献   

Respiratory responses of higher plants to atmospheric CO2 enrichment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although the respiratory response of native and agricultural plants to atmospheric CO2 enrichment has been reported over the past 75 years, only recently have these effects emerged as prominent measures of plant and ecosystem response to the earth's changing climate. In this review we discuss this rapidly expanding field of study and propose that both increasing and decreasing rates of leaf and whole-plant respiration are likely to occur in response to rising CO2 concentrations. While the stimulatory effects of CO2 on respiration are consistent with our knowledge of leaf carbohydrate status and plant metabolism, we wish to emphasize the rather surprising short-term inhibition of leaf respiration by elevated CO2 and the reported effects of long-term CO2 exposure on growth and maintenance respiration. As is being found in many studies, it is easier to document the respiratory response of higher plants to elevated CO2 than it is to assign a mechanistic basis for the observed effects. Despite this gap in our understanding of how respiration is affected by CO2 enrichment, data are sufficient to suggest that changes in leaf and whole-plant respiration may be important considerations in the carbon dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems as global CO2 continues to rise. Suggestions for future research that would enable these and other effects of CO2 on respiration to be unravelled are presented.  相似文献   

Long  S. P.  Baker  N. R.  Raines  C. A. 《Plant Ecology》1993,(1):33-45
Understanding how photosynthetic capacity acclimatises when plants are grown in an atmosphere of rising CO2 concentrations will be vital to the development of mechanistic models of the response of plant productivity to global environmental change. A limitation to the study of acclimatisation is the small amount of material that may be destructively harvested from long-term studies of the effects of elevation of CO2 concentration. Technological developments in the measurement of gas exchange, fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy, coupled with theoretical developments in the interpretation of measured values now allow detailed analyses of limitations to photosynthesisin vivo. The use of leaf chambers with Ulbricht integrating spheres allows separation of change in the maximum efficiency of energy transduction in the assimilation of CO2 from changes in tissue absorptance. Analysis of the response of CO2 assimilation to intercellular CO2 concentration allows quantitative determination of the limitation imposed by stomata, carboxylation efficiency, and the rate of regeneration of ribulose 1:5 bisphosphate. Chlorophyll fluorescence provides a rapid method for detecting photoinhibition in heterogeneously illuminated leaves within canopies in the field. Modulated fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy allow parallel measurements of the efficiency of light utilisation in electron transport through photosystems I and IIin situ.Abbreviations A net rate of CO2 uptke per unit leaf area (µmol m–2 s–1) - Asat light-saturated A - A820 change in absorptance of PSI on removal of illumination (OD) - c CO2 concentration in air (µmol mol–1) - ca c in the bulk air; ci, c in the intercellular spaces - ce carboxylation efficiency (mol m–2 s–1) - E transpiration per unit leaf area (mol m–2 s–1) - F fluorescence emission of PSII (relative units) - Fm maximal level of F - Fo minimal level of F upon illumination when PSII is maximally oxidised - Fs the steady-state F following the m peak - Fv the difference between Fm and Fo - F'm maximal F' generated after the m peak by addition of a saturating light pulse - F'o the minimal level of F' after the m peak determined by re-oxidising PSII by far-red light - g1 leaf conductance to CO2 diffusion in the gas phase (mol m–2 s–1) - g'1 leaf conductance to water vapour diffusion in the gas phase (mol m–2 s–1) - kc and ko the Michaelis constants for CO2 and O2, respectively, (µmol mol–1); - Jmax the maximum rate of regeneration of rubP (µmol m–2 s–1) - l stomatal limitation to CO2 uptake (dimensionless, 0–1) - LCP light compensation point of photosynthesis (µmol m–2 s–1) - oi the intercellular O2 concentration (mmol mol–1) - Pi cytosol inorganic phosphate concentration - PSI photosystem I - PSII photosystem II - Q photon flux (µmol m–2 s–1) - Qabs Q absorbed by the leaf - rubisCO ribulose 1:5 bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase; rubP, ribulose 1:5 bisphosphate; s, projected surface area of a leaf (m2) - Vc,max is the maximum rate of carboxylation (µmol m–2 s–1) - Wc the rubisCO limited rate of carboxylation (µmol m–2 s1) - Wj the electron transport limited rate of regeneration of rubP (µmol m–2 s–1) - Wp the inorganic phosphate limited rate of regeneration of rubP (µmol m–2 s–1) - absorptance of light (dimensionless, 0–1) - a of standard black absorber 1, of leaf - s of integrating sphere walls - , CO2 compensation point of photosynthesis (µmol mol–1) - the specificity factor for rubisCO carboxylation (dimensionless) - , convexity of the response of A to Q (dimensionless 0–1) - the quantum yield of photosynthesis on an absorbed light basis (A/Qabs; dimensionless) - the quantum yield of photosynthesis on an incident light basis (A/Q; dimensionless) - app the maximum - m the maximum - m,app the photochemical efficiency of PSII (dimensionless, 0–1) - PSII,m the maximum   相似文献   

Elevated CO2 increases belowground respiration in California grasslands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was designed to identify potential effects of elevated CO2 on belowground respiration (the sum of root and heterotrophic respiration) in field and microcosm ecosystems and on the annual carbon budget. We made three sets of respiration measurements in two CO2 treatments, i.e., (1) monthly in the sandstone grassland and in microcosms from November 1993 to June 1994; (2) at the annual peak of live biomass (March and April) in the serpentine and sandstone grasslands in 1993 and 1994; and (3) at peak biomass in the microcosms with monocultures of seven species in 1993. To help understand ecosystem carbon cycling, we also made supplementary measurements of belowground respiration monthly in sandstone and serpentine grasslands located within 500 m of the CO2 experiment site. The seasonal average respiration rate in the sandstone grassland was 2.12 mol m-2 s-1 in elevated CO2, which was 42% higher than the 1.49 mol m-2 s-1 measured in ambient CO2 (P=0.007). Studies of seven individual species in the microcosms indicated that respiration was positively correlated with plant biomass and increased, on average, by 70% with CO2. Monthly measurements revealed a strong seasonality in belowground respiration, being low (0–0.5 mol CO2 m-2 s-1 in the two grasslands adjacent to the CO2 site) in the summer dry season and high (2–4 mol CO2 m-2 s-1 in the sandstone grassland and 2–7 mol CO2 m-2 s-1 in the microcosms) during the growing season from the onset of fall rains in November to early spring in April and May. Estimated annual carbon effluxes from the soil were 323 and 440 g C m-2 year-1 for the sandstone grasslands in ambient and elevated CO2. That CO2-stimulated increase in annual soil carbon efflux is more than twice as big as the increase in aboveground net primary productivity (NPPa) and approximately 60% of NPPa in this grassland in the current CO2 environment. The results of this study suggest that below-ground respiration can dissipate most of the increase in photosynthesis stimulated by elevated CO2.CIWDPB Publication # 1271  相似文献   

Surprisingly little research has been published on the responses to elevated [CO2] at the community level, where herbivores can select their preferred food. We investigated the combined effects of atmospheric [CO2] and herbivory on synthesised plant communities growing on soils of different fertility. Factorial combinations of two [CO2] (350 or 700 l l−1), two fertility (fertilised or non-fertilised), and two herbivory (herbivores present or absent) treatments were applied to a standard mixture of seven fast- and eight slow-growing plants in outdoor microcosms. The herbivores used were the grain aphid (Sitobion avenae) and the garden snail (Helix aspersa). We measured plant biomass, foliar nitrogen and soluble tannin concentration, aphid fecundity, and snail growth, fecundity, and feeding preferences over one growing season. Elevated [CO2] did not have a significant impact on (1) the combined biomass of fast-growing or slow-growing plants, (2) herbivore feeding preferences, or (3) herbivore fitness. There was, however, a significant biomass increase of Carex flacca (which represented in all cases less than 5% of total live biomass), and some chemical changes in unpalatable plants under elevated [CO2]. The herbivory treatment significantly increased the biomass of slow-growing plants over fast-growing plants, whereas fertilisation significantly increased the abundance of fast-growing plants over slow-growing plants. Predictions on the effects of elevated [CO2] based on published single-species experiments were not supported by the results of this microcosm study. Received: 30 November 1997 / Accepted: 24 July 1998  相似文献   

Strengbom J  Reich PB 《Oecologia》2006,149(3):519-525
To evaluate whether leaf spot disease and related effects on photosynthesis are influenced by increased nitrogen (N) input and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]), we examined disease incidence and photosynthetic rate of Solidago rigida grown in monoculture under ambient or elevated (560 μmol mol−1) [CO2] and ambient or elevated (+4 g N m−2 year−1) N conditions in a field experiment in Minnesota, USA. Disease incidence was lower in plots with either elevated [CO2] or enriched N (−57 and −37%, respectively) than in plots with ambient conditions. Elevated [CO2] had no significant effect on total plant biomass, or on photosynthetic rate, but reduced tissue%N by 13%. In contrast, N fertilization increased both biomass and total plant N by 70%, and as a consequence tissue%N was unaffected and photosynthetic rate was lower on N fertilized plants than on unfertilized plants. Regardless of treatment, photosynthetic rate was reduced on leaves with disease symptoms. On average across all treatments, asymptomatic leaf tissue on diseased leaves had 53% lower photosynthetic rate than non-diseased leaves, indicating that the negative effect from the disease extended beyond the visual lesion area. Our results show that, in this instance, indirect effects from elevated [CO2], i.e., lower disease incidence, had a stronger effect on realized photosynthetic rate than the direct effect of higher [CO2].  相似文献   

Free air carbon dioxide enrichment: development,progress, results   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Hendrey  G. R.  Lewin  K. F.  Nagy  J. 《Plant Ecology》1993,104(1):17-31
Credible predictions of climate change depend in part on predictions of future CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Terrestrial plants are a large sink for atmospheric CO2 and the sink rate is influenced by the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Reliable field experiments are needed to evaluate how terrestrial plants will adjust to increasing CO2 and thereby influence the rate of change of atmospheric CO2. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) has developed a unique Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) system for a cooperative research program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Agriculture, currently operating as the FACE User Facility at the Maricopa Agricultural Center (MAC) of the University of Arizona. The BNL FACE system is a tool for studying the effects of CO2 enrichment on vegetation and natural ecosystems, and the exchange of carbon between the biosphere and the atmosphere, in open-air settings without any containment. The FACE system provides stable control of CO2 at 550 ppm ±10%, based on 1-min averages, over 90% of the time. In 1990, this level of control was achieved over an area as large as 380 m2, at an annual operating cost of $668 m–2. During two field seasons of enrichment with cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) as the test plant, enrichment to 550 ppm CO2 resulted in significant increases in photosynthesis and biomass of leaves, stems and roots, reduced evapotranspiration, and changes in root morphology. In addition, soil respiration increased and evapotranspiration decreased.  相似文献   

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