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李建庆  梅增霞  杨忠岐 《生态学报》2016,36(14):4540-4547
云斑白条天牛是我国重要林业害虫,在黄河三角洲地区对白蜡树造成严重危害。利用地统计学方法,通过调查城市行道绿化林、庭院绿化林、公路林和片林4种不同林分类型的白蜡树林地,以产卵刻槽、排粪孔和羽化孔为调查指标,对危害白蜡云斑白条天牛种群卵、幼虫、成虫(蛹)的空间格局进行了研究。结果表明:除片林样点成虫(蛹)的半变异函数模型为指数模型外,危害白蜡云斑白条天牛种群卵、幼虫、成虫(蛹)在不同林分类型下的半变异函数模型均为球形模型,其指明空间分布均为聚集分布,种群的聚集分布习性与林分类型相关性不强。但不同林分类型云斑白条天牛种群的空间相关性地统计学参数存在差异,片林调查样点的卵、幼虫和成虫(蛹)的变程a、块金值C0和基台值C0+C均小于其他3种林分类型的统计值,片林样点成虫(蛹)的半变异函数模型不同于其他林分类型为指数模型。  相似文献   

云斑白条天牛Batocera lineaolata严重危害核桃树和桉树,是一种寄主范围较广的蛀干害虫。本研究通过弄清云斑白条天牛对核桃和桉树两种寄主树种挥发物的行为反应差异,为利用信息素监测和防治云斑白条天牛提供理论依据。本研究采用触角电位(EAG)反应和"Y"型嗅觉仪技术测定了云斑白条天牛对寄主核桃和桉树各部位挥发物的趋向性和EAG反应。结果表明:核桃种群的云斑白条天牛成虫对核桃树皮、叶片和嫰枝挥发物的趋向率均高于桉树相应部位挥发物的趋向率。雌性天牛交尾后对核桃树皮的选择性显著高于交尾前对核桃树皮的选择性;相反,雄性天牛交尾后对核桃树皮的选择性显著低于交尾前对核桃树皮的选择性。核桃种群云斑白条天牛成虫对核桃和桉树的树皮、嫰枝和叶片的挥发物均有较强的EAG反应;其中,雌性天牛对核桃树皮挥发物的EAG反应值显著高于雄虫的EAG反应值;未交尾雄虫对桉树嫰枝挥发物的EAG反应值显著高于核桃嫰枝的EAG反应值。可见,来源于核桃种群的云斑白条天牛更趋向于选择核桃,性别和交尾与否对其趋向性和EAG反应也存在一定影响。  相似文献   

比较研究了白条天牛属10种的外部形态特征.结果表明:颊、触角、前胸背板斑纹、鞘翅斑纹、鞘翅基部瘤突、中胸后侧片、前足第1跗节等外部形态特征在白条天牛属中具有种间分类学意义.上颚基部、腹部第7节腹板形状、触角长度可用于雌雄鉴别.通过比较云斑白条天牛Batocera lineolata Chevrolat,1852与多斑白条天牛Batocera horsfieldi(Hope,1839)的外部形态与雄性外生殖器特征,结果表明上述两种均为有效种.  相似文献   

为筛选云斑白条天牛[Batocera lineaolata(Chaevroat)]幼虫肠道中高效纤维素降解菌,实现纤维素的高效利用,以羧甲基纤维素钠为唯一碳源,并利用刚果红平板染色法初筛、纤维素酶活测定复筛,从云斑白条天牛幼虫肠道中分离产纤维素酶菌株;采用形态学观察和16S rDNA基因序列同源性分析方法对该菌株进行鉴定,单因素试验法对菌株的产酶条件进行优化。结果表明:从45株纤维素降解菌中通过刚果红染色获得2株高效产纤维素酶菌株A04、A07,鉴定分别为苍白杆菌属(Ochrobactrum)A04、拉乌尔菌属(Raoultella)A07。初步确定苍白杆菌属A04在温度32℃、初始pH=6、以酵母膏为氮源条件下滤纸酶(FPase)活力最大;拉乌尔菌属A07产纤维素酶在温度32℃、初始pH=7、以酒石酸铵为氮源条件下FPase活力最大。  相似文献   

对花绒寄甲活体雌雄性成虫进行无损伤鉴别,对其形态特征进行了仔细观察研究,从中选取几个主要特征(肛板顶角角度及其长宽比,鞘翅端角区等)作为观测对象,进行比较分析,并对所得结论作了验证.结果表明,利用这些特征来鉴别,不仅能有效可靠地区别其雌雄性、而且不造成伤害,可在人工繁殖及释放花绒寄甲进行生物防治中应用.  相似文献   

2007年3月在室内进行药效筛选试验,结果表明,阿维·毒、毒死蜱、高效氯氟氰菊酯3种药剂喷施侧柏饵木均能杀死双条杉天牛成虫,毒死蜱作用最快,5d完全死亡率达到94.7%。2008年3月选用高效氯氰菊酯、阿维菌素·毒死蜱、丙溴磷进行了野外试验,结果表明,3种不同药剂防治效果差异显著,同种药剂不同浓度之间防治效果差异不显著,高效氯氰菊酯2000倍液效果最好。喷施高效氯氰菊酯、阿维菌素·毒死蜱不影响饵木的诱集效果。丙溴磷对饵木引诱效果产生影响,其机制机值得得进一步探讨。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在明确松墨天牛 Monochamus alteratus 成虫及越冬幼虫体型大小的差异,探讨该虫越冬后成虫体型大小和越冬幼虫体重大小关系及原因。【方法】于2014年5月1日至10月31日在浙江富阳野外诱捕松墨天牛,通过测量野外诱捕到的松墨天牛成虫体长、体宽,确定林间松墨天牛成虫体型的差异;松墨天牛越冬幼虫的采集和称重测量明确越冬幼虫的组成和体重大小差异;进而通过对越冬幼虫单头跟踪饲养至化蛹、羽化,确定越冬幼虫体重大小与发育所得蛹和成虫大小的关系,阐明林间松墨天牛成虫体型差异的原因。【结果】浙江富阳野外诱捕发现,松墨天牛的活动期间很长,从5月中旬到10月初一直能诱捕到松墨天牛成虫,高峰期在6和7月份。松墨天牛雌雄成虫体型差异很大,雌虫平均体长和体宽分别为20.59±0.19和6.59±0.06 mm;雄虫平均体长和体宽分别为19.90±0.26 和6.44±0.08 mm; 雌虫的平均体长明显高于雄虫,但二者体宽没有显著差异;并且雌雄成虫体长和体宽呈显著正相关。越冬幼虫的头宽测定表明头宽的变化很大,最小为2.20 mm,最大为4.24 mm,经比对越冬幼虫由4龄和5龄幼虫组成;幼虫体重差异大,平均体重为304.2 mg, 介于71.6~858.0 mg之间,其中5龄越冬幼虫显著重于4龄越冬幼虫。进一步将越冬幼虫单管饲养跟踪研究发现,越冬幼虫体重大小决定蛹和羽化后的成虫的大小,二者存在显著的正相关,并且由4龄越冬幼虫发育所得的蛹和成虫显著轻于由5龄幼虫发育所得的蛹和成虫。【结论】松墨天牛成虫体型差异很大,这与越冬幼虫体重差异相关;越冬幼虫的体重大小决定了其化蛹后的蛹重和羽化后成虫的体型和体重的大小;造成越冬幼虫体重差异的可能原因包括松墨天牛成虫扬飞周期长导致的产卵期长而使得天牛发育进度不一致以及寄主不同部位营养的差异。  相似文献   

【目的】对11种墨天牛线粒体DNA细胞色素氧化酶C亚基Ⅰ基因(COⅠ)进行比较并对墨天牛属系统发育关系进行初步探讨。【方法】本文测定分析了11种墨天牛线粒体DNA细胞色素氧化酶C亚基Ⅰ基因(COⅠ),并采用简约法和贝叶斯推论法构建了墨天牛属的分子进化树。【结果】序列比对分析得到470 bp大小的COⅠ基因片段,其中可变异位点169个(36.0%),保守位点301个(64.0%),转换/颠换的平均值(R值)为1.03,说明此段序列适合于分子进化树。利用不同系统发育重建方法得到的进化树具有相似的拓扑结构,同时结合形态学分类特征对墨天牛属昆虫的分子系统进化关系进行探讨。结果显示分子结果与形态分类结果相似。【结论】利用COⅠ基因构建的墨天牛属系统发育树是探讨墨天牛分类的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的:对2种常用的线粒体DNA提取方法进行比较,分析提取物中核DNA的存在情况,同时建立新检测方法降低线粒体假基因干扰。方法:以仅在核DNA中存在的基因β-actin作为核DNA存在的标定基因,通过PCR方法扩增线粒体DNA上的一段基因MTND5-2,并以β-actin做参比,比较常用的2种提取线粒体DNA方法的优劣,即碱法Ⅰ(先提取完整线粒体后从中获得线粒体DNA)和碱法Ⅱ(根据线粒体DNA与核DNA的结构差异,从中获得双链环状的线粒体DNA)。结果:2种线粒体DNA提取方法并不能获得仅含线粒体DNA的纯提取物,碱法Ⅰ获得的线粒体DNA纯度相对较高;以碱法Ⅰ提取物为模板进行PCR,可获得更多较纯的线粒体目的基因。结论:碱法Ⅰ较碱法Ⅱ可获得更纯的线粒体来源的目的基因;新建方法可获得较纯的线粒体基因,且是一种简单、方便、经济的方法。  相似文献   

剑尾鱼线粒体细胞色素b基因的序列分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
目的 克隆和测定剑尾鱼 (Xiphophorushelleri)线粒体细胞色素b基因 (cytb)的全序列。方法 提取剑尾鱼肝脏的总DNA。设计合成特异引物进行PCR扩增。扩增产物经琼脂糖电泳检测、纯化后克隆到pGEM Teasyvectorsystem中的T载体上 ,筛选转化子 ,提取质粒 ,酶切鉴定。挑取重组质粒pGEM T xhcytb 11进行序列测定。结果 获得了剑尾鱼线粒体cytb基因的全序列 ,共 114 0bp。结论 用BLAST与GenBank中的线粒体DNA序列进行比较 ,显示剑尾鱼与其他鱼类的cytb基因具有较高的同源性 ;根据剑尾鱼与其他 13种鱼的cytb基因序列同源性所建立的进化树 ,与传统的分类地位基本吻合  相似文献   

Male macaques typically leave their natal group before sexual maturity, while females remain for life. Thus genes flow between groups and populations almost solely through male transfer. This asymmetrical dispersal pattern, affects the distribution of variation in the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes differently Nuclear genetic variation, measured by allozyme polymorphisms, is relatively evenly distributed throughout the populations of a macaque species, provided there are no major geographical barriers. Conversely the distribution of maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity is characterized by local homogeneity and large interpopulational differences. Because of differences in inheritance, dispersal, and population structure, the information contained in nuclear and mitochondrial genomes is best used to address different types of behavioral, genetic, and conservation questions.  相似文献   

雌雄福寿螺取食和对异性选择行为的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata)是华南地区一种危害十分严重的外来入侵生物.通过室内培养,测定了雌雄福寿螺的摄食率和肝糖原含量的差异,并利用自制的“T形槽”和“三室连通器”分别观察了雌雄福寿螺对食物的灵敏程度和对异性的选择.结果表明:无论在饥饿状态和饱食状态下,雌螺摄食率都显著高于雄螺(P<0.01);在饥饿状态下,雌螺相对于雄螺在选择食物时的反应时间更短,它们对食物的选择频率没有显著差异;雌螺在饥饿状态下对食物的选择频率和选择食物时的反应时间较其饱食状态下分别得到了提高和缩短,而雄螺则无此现象;在繁殖季节(8月)雌螺的肝糖原含量显著高于雄螺(P<0.01),而在非繁殖季节(11月)无显著差异;在三室连通器中,雄螺更多的是选择有雌螺的一室,雌螺在分别有雌、雄螺吸引源的两室聚集的螺数不存在显著差异,表明雄螺可以被雌螺吸引,而雌螺被雄螺吸引效果不明显.  相似文献   

R Moscarello  K J Margittai  M Rossi 《CMAJ》1994,150(3):357-363
OBJECTIVE: To assess differences between male and female medical students concerning their experiences of abuse during training in a large Canadian medical school. DESIGN: Voluntary, anonymous cross-sectional survey of first- and fourth-year medical students during February 1991. SETTING: University of Toronto School of Medicine. PARTICIPANTS: Of 396 first- and fourth-year students surveyed after one of their regular classes, 347 (117 women, 230 men) completed the questionnaire. INTERVENTION: A 165-item, multiple-choice questionnaire concerning experiences of verbal or emotional abuse, sexual harassment and physical abuse, completed within 30 minutes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Differences between male and female respondents in abuse experiences before and during medical training, the relation between abuse before and during training, and the psychologic and behavioural effects of abuse during training. RESULTS: The experiences of the male and female respondents differed mainly in regard to sexual harassment: 42% (49/117) of the women and 11% (25/230) of the men reported sexual harassment before entering medical school (p < 0.0001); 46% (54/117) and 19% (43/230) respectively reported sexual harassment during medical training (p < 0.0001); and women who reported sexual harassment were the only respondents for whom a significant relation was found between abuse before and during training (p < 0.043). The women were more distressed than the men by all forms of abuse. A significant relation was shown between male students who reported experiencing abuse during medical training and mistreating patients (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Female students'' experiences of sexual harassment differed from those of their male counterparts. As well, the female students'' reactions to and ways of coping with all types of abuse differed from those of the male students.  相似文献   

An angiosperm phylogeny was reconstructed in a maximum likelihood analysis of sequences of four mitochondrial genes, atpl, matR, had5, and rps3, from 380 species that represent 376 genera and 296 families of seed plants. It is largely congruent with the phylogeny of angiosperms reconstructed from chloroplast genes atpB, matK, and rbcL, and nuclear 18S rDNA. The basalmost lineage consists of Amborella and Nymphaeales (including Hydatellaceae). Austrobaileyales follow this clade and are sister to the mesangiosperms, which include Chloranthaceae, Ceratophyllum, magnoliids, monocots, and eudicots. With the exception of Chloranthaceae being sister to Ceratophyllum, relationships among these five lineages are not well supported. In eudicots, Ranunculales, Sabiales, Proteales, Trochodendrales, Buxales, Gunnerales, Saxifragales, Vitales, Berberidopsidales, and Dilleniales form a basal grade of lines that diverged before the diversification of rosids and asterids. Within rosids, the COM (Celastrales-Oxalidales-Malpighiales) clade is sister to malvids (or rosid Ⅱ), instead of to the nitrogen-fixing clade as found in all previous large-scale molecular analyses of angiosperms. Santalales and Caryophyllales are members of an expanded asterid clade. This study shows that the mitochondrial genes are informative markers for resolving relationships among genera, families, or higher rank taxa across angiosperms. The low substitution rates and low homoplasy levels of the mitochondrial genes relative to the chloroplast genes, as found in this study, make them particularly useful for reconstructing ancient phylogenetic relationships. A mitochondrial gene-based angiosperm phylogeny provides an independent and essential reference for comparison with hypotheses of angiosperm phylogeny based on chloroplast genes, nuclear genes, and non-molecular data to reconstruct the underlying organismal phylogeny.  相似文献   

Higher-level snake relationships are inferred from sequence analyses of one nuclear gene (C-mos) and three mitochondrial genes (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA and cytochrome b). Extant snakes belong to two lineages: the fossorial Scolecophidia, which feed on small prey on a frequent basis, and the ecologically diverse Alethinophidia ('typical' snakes), which feed on large prey on an infrequent basis. The vast majority of Alethinophidia, if not all of them, belong to two clades, corresponding to two distinct prey neutralization modes: unimodal constriction for the Henophidia (locomotor and feeding systems coupled) and injection of toxic saliva, in addition (or not) to diverse alternate modes of constriction, for the Caenophidia (locomotor and feeding systems uncoupled). Within Alethinophidia, non-macrostomatan (small gape) Aniliidae (genus Anilius) and macrostomatan (large gape) Tropidophiidae (genera Trachyboa and Tropidophis), both from the Neotropics, are closest relatives. Although our data are insufficient to robustly infer the ancestral mode of life of snakes, we find evidence of plasticity in the basic ecological and trophic modes of snakes. Consequently, the macrostomatan condition should not be treated a priori as a derived character state devoid of homoplasy.  相似文献   

青杨雌雄株叶际微生物群落多样性和结构的差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】本论文探究了青杨雌雄株的叶际微生物的群落结构差异及其主要环境影响因素。【方法】以河北小五台山的天然青杨林为研究对象,采用基于16S rRNA/ITS1基因的MiSeq高通量测序技术,分析了青杨雌雄株叶际细菌和真菌的群落结构,并耦合分析其与叶片理化性质的相关性。【结果】测序结果表明细菌和真菌的多样性指数ACE、Chao1、Shannon、Simpson在雌雄株间都无显著性差异(P>0.05)。Metastats组间群落显著性差异分析表明,在门水平,青杨雌雄株叶际细菌和真菌都无显著差异。而在属水平,青杨雌雄株的叶际细菌Amnibacterium和Spingomonas及真菌Aureobasidium、Elmerina、Exobasidium、Endoconidioma、Monilinia和Rhodotorula的相对丰度在雌雄株叶际有显著差异(P<0.05)。基于OTUs的菌群分析表明,青杨雌株和雄株的叶际环境上都有其各自的特有菌群,如雌株的特有真菌Pringsheimia(0.15%)和细菌Chitinophaga(0.04%)。RDA冗余分析表明,叶片含水量与青杨叶际真菌的群落结构有显著相关性(P<0.05),而未发现青杨细菌群落结构与测定的叶片理化性质有显著相关。【结论】青杨雌雄株叶际微生物在属水平有显著分异的菌属,且可能受叶片理化性质影响,该结果为揭示雌雄异株植物的叶际微生物差异有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Members of the DAZ (Deleted in AZoospermia) gene family are important players in the process of gametogenesis and their dysregulation accounts for 10% of human male infertility. Boule, the ancestor of the family, is mainly involved in male meiosis in most organisms. With the exception of Drosophila and C. elegans, nothing is known on the function of boule in non-vertebrate animals. In the present study, we report on three boule orthologues in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. We demonstrate that macbol1 and macbol2 are expressed in testes whilst macbol3 is expressed in ovaries and developing eggs. Macbol1 RNAi blocked spermatocyte differentiation whereas macbol2 showed no effect upon RNAi treatment. Macbol3 RNAi resulted in aberrant egg maturation and led to female sterility. We further demonstrated the evolutionary functional conservation of macbol1 by introducing this gene into Drosophila bol1 mutants. Macbol1 was able to rescue the progression of fly meiotic divisions. In summary, our findings provide evidence for an involvement of boule genes in male and female gamete development in one organism. Furthermore, boule gene function is shown here for the first time in a lophotrochozoan. Our results point to a more diverse functional assignment of boule genes. Therefore, a better understanding of boule function in flatworms can help to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of and concomitant infertility in higher organisms including humans.  相似文献   

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