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针对应用防护剂防治储粮害虫时存在的问题,全面分析影响储粮防护剂药效的因素,如害虫对药剂的敏感性、药剂剂型和施药方法、粮食种类和环境条件.并探讨了相关研究结果在储粮害虫防治实践中的意义和储粮防护剂未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

小菜蛾抗药性研究的现状及展望   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
陈之浩  程罗根 《昆虫知识》2000,37(2):103-107
小菜蛾PlutellaxylostellaL.是一种世界性害虫,寄主多达40种以上,主要为害十字花科蔬菜,在我国各省区均有分布,但以南方各省发生较多。近年来,在江苏、浙江、广东、福建、云南和贵州等省都严重发生,从对年代起逐渐上升为十字花科蔬菜的主要害虫[’,在我国北方地区也呈加重趋势。小菜蛾年发生世代多,世代重叠,繁殖系数高,对小菜蛾的防治一开始就依赖于使用有机合成杀虫剂,而且蔬菜是人类直接消费的作物,经济阈限低(1-2头幼虫/株),因此生产上用药防治频繁,抗性发生、发展速度很快。据不完全统计,小莱蛾大约已对50多种杀…  相似文献   

华益林 《昆虫知识》1991,28(6):346-349
溴氰菊醋作为储粮保护剂使用,依各地的具体情况,可选择与增效醚或有机磷杀虫剂混用,其有效剂量每吨粮在0.25~0.75g之间,可保护储粮免受绝大多数害虫危害达9~12个月。用药方法有喷雾法和砻糠载体法,后者更适用于农户储粮防虫。  相似文献   

每种粮食的储粮环境中都存在有其特征性挥发物,储粮害虫的发生对储粮环境中挥发物具有重要影响。本文简述了顶空式固相微萃取法、浸入式固相微萃取法、电子鼻检测法等储粮挥发物的提取方法及其优缺点,对小麦 Triticum aestivum L.、稻谷 Olyza sativa L.、玉米 Zea mays L.和燕麦 Avena sativa L.等主要储藏粮食种类的挥发性化合物成分、粮食挥发物对昆虫行为反应的影响、主要储粮害虫(赤拟谷盗 Tribolium castaneum、锈赤扁谷盗 Cryptolestes ferrugineus 和象虫 Sitophilus spp.)发生与粮食挥发物的关系等研究进展进行综述,探讨了储粮环境挥发性化合物与储粮害虫关系未来的研究方向,以期对今后储粮害虫生态防治研究与应用提供参考信息。  相似文献   

我国昆虫抗药性研究的现状及展望   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
唐振华 《昆虫知识》2000,37(2):97-103
1前言自19633年首次报道我国淡色库蚊Culxpip-ic。pallens对氯化烃类杀虫剂[1,2]黄条跳甲Phylotreta。vittata对DDT[3]产生抗性以来,据不完全统计,至今我国已有近45种昆虫产生了抗药性,其中卫生害虫9种,农业害虫36种。抗性尤为突出的虫种,在卫生害虫中有家蝇Muscadom-estica淡色库蚊Culex。Pipeienuspallens、三带像库蚊Culextritaeniorhynchus和德国小镜Blattellagermanica,农业害虫中有二化螟Chilosuppressal-is启铃虫Helicoverpa。armigera、棉蚜Aphisgosypii和小菜蛾Plutellaxylostella等,这些害虫均对多种不同类型的杀…  相似文献   

硅藻土及其混配剂对书虱的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用拌粮法 ,用硅藻土单剂、配方 1 (硅藻土 +95 %马拉硫磷EC)、配方 2 (硅藻土 +2 . 5 %溴氰菊酯EC)、配方 3 (硅藻土 +80 %敌敌畏EC)、配方 4(硅藻土 +0 . 4%天惠虫清EC)、配方 5 (硅藻土 +5 %双氧威WP)、配方 6(硅藻土 +5 %抑太保EC)对嗜卷书虱Liposcelisbostrychophila进行防治研究 ,结果表明 :配方 4为优选配方 ,处理 2 4h后 ,3种浓度的致死率均达到 1 0 0 % ;配方 1、配方 2、配方 3、配方 5、配方 6对嗜卷书虱的致死率处理 48h后达到 1 0 0 % ;单用硅藻土处理 96h后达到 1 0 0 % ,各配方处理间差异极显著。  相似文献   

一种新杀虫剂对储粮害虫和作物害虫的杀虫效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
许静  袁淼  樊勇  杨妮娜  杨帆  尹莉  张国安 《昆虫知识》2009,46(4):584-587
测定以植物提取物异硫氰酸酯为主要成分而复配的宏劲杀虫剂对玉米象Sitophilus zeamais(Motschulsky)、赤拟谷盗Tribolium castaneum(Herbst)和谷蠹Rhizopertha dominica(Fabricius)3种重要储粮害虫的熏蒸效果及其对菜青虫Pieris rapae(L.)、红蜘蛛Tetranychus cinnabarinus(Boisduval)的杀虫效果。结果表明,宏劲杀虫剂48h对玉米象、赤拟谷盗和谷蠹的LC50分别是0.016,0.009和0.009μL/mL,均明显低于常规熏蒸剂磷化铝的要求处理剂量;对菜青虫和红蜘蛛的LC50分别是0.0159和1.3738mg/mL,其防效均优于对照药剂3%阿菊乳油和3%新型水分散性颗粒剂。  相似文献   

为了评价转Bt稻谷储藏期的生态安全性,通过对在自然条件下不同储藏期Bt稻谷与非Bt稻谷抽样调查。结果表明,随着稻谷储藏期的延长,在储藏17个月后Bt稻谷上的虫蚀率依次为0.70%,1.20%,显著低于另外两种非Bt稻谷上的虫蚀率(汕优63:1.7%,2.0%;9311稻:2.70%,3.00%,P<0.05)。但Bt稻谷和非Bt稻谷中的赤拟谷盗、谷蠹、书虱、麦蛾数量,在19个月储藏期内,大部分调查结果差异不显著。  相似文献   

储粮书虱Liposcelis spp.和锈赤扁谷盗Cryptolestes ferrugineus(Stephens)由于对磷化氢具有较高的抗性而成为目前粮食储藏过程最难防治的两类害虫,研究储粮防护剂和磷化氢联用对储粮书虱和锈赤扁谷盗的防治效果,对于缓解其对磷化氢的抗性以及其在实仓中综合防治具有重要的经济意义。本文用55%甲基嘧啶磷乳油和2%溴氰·甲嘧磷粉剂分别和磷化氢联用对广东、广西、安徽和河南4个不同气候条件的粮库中的书虱和锈赤扁谷盗进行防治效果的研究。结果表明,在磷化氢熏蒸粮食之前用55%甲基嘧啶磷乳油或2%溴氰·甲嘧磷粉剂处理粮面表层的粮食,在4个粮库的试验粮仓内书虱和锈赤扁谷盗的防治效果有显著差异:在北方干燥少雨的河南汤阴库防治效果最好,可达100%,其次是安徽舒城库、广西柳州库,防治效果分别为71.8%和71.9%。效果最差的是高温高湿的是广东湛江库,防治效果为50.4%。用55%甲基嘧啶磷乳油或2%溴氰·甲嘧磷粉剂和磷化氢联用对书虱和锈赤扁谷盗具有很好的防治效果,说明储粮防护剂和磷化氢联用对于储粮书虱和锈赤扁谷盗具有更好的防治效果。  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰提取物对四种储粮害虫的杀虫活性   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
紫茎泽兰提取物对米象、玉米象、绿豆象和蚕豆象等 4种储粮害虫成虫具有强烈的熏杀活性 ,用 4 4.4 4mg L的浓度熏蒸处理 4 8小时后 ,每种成虫死亡率均达到 1 0 0 .0 0 %。熏蒸毒力测定结果表明 ,紫茎泽兰提取物对上述 4种成虫 2 4小时的LC50 分别为 1 4 .65,1 2 .80 ,2 5.0 7和 1 2 .2 0mg L ,4 8小时的LC50 分别为 1 1 .79,9.67,1 3 .2 9和 9.76mg L。  相似文献   

在以作用因子组建的生命表和干扰作用控制指数(IIPC)的基础上建立植物保护剂的研究方法和综合评价指标,以表示驱避成虫选择寄主,干扰成虫的产卵行为,对卵孵化的影响,以及干扰幼虫的行为,包括逃避、拒食、幼虫特别是初孵幼虫中毒死亡的作用.采用所建立的研究方法和评价指标的试验结果表明,菜田附近大多数非寄主植物的乙醇抽提物(干重1g·100ml-1)如大叶桉(Eucalytus rubusta)、蟛蜞菊(Wedelia chinensis)等对保护十字花科蔬菜免受小菜蛾为害起着明显的作用.印楝油对小菜蛾幼虫的防治效果相当显著.机油乳剂(CAL TEX产品)对桔全爪螨具有明显的控制效果.  相似文献   

植物保护剂防治害虫效果的评价方法   总被引:76,自引:20,他引:76  
在以作用因子组建的生命表和干扰作用控制指数(IIPC)的基础上建立植物保护剂的研究方法和综合评价指标,以表示驱避成虫选择寄主,干扰成虫的产卵行为,对卵孵化的影响,以及干扰幼虫的行为,包括逃避、拒食、幼虫特别是初孵幼虫中毒死亡的作用.采用所建立的研究方法和评价指标的试验结果表明,菜田附近大多数非寄主植物的乙醇抽提物(干重1g·100ml-1)如大叶桉(Eucalytusrubusta)、蟛蜞菊(Wedeliachinensis)等对保护十字花科蔬菜免受小菜蛾为害起着明显的作用.印楝油对小菜蛾幼虫的防治效果相当显著.机油乳剂(CALTEX产品)对桔全爪螨具有明显的控制效果  相似文献   

The estimation of dinitro- o -cresol in winter washes consisting of petroleum oil, the cresol and emulsifier, must first involve the separation of the cresol from the other constituents present. A method applicable to the cases of emulsions compounded with various types of emulsiner failed when sulphite lye was present, and this was shown to be due to the action on the cresol of reducing sugars in alkaline solution. Avoiding an alkaline extraction until these interfering substances had been effectively removed led to an alternative method by which it was possible to separate D.N.C. in this type of emulsion.
The results obtained demonstrate that the methods described are satisfactory for the routine estimation of D.N.C. in petroleum oil/D.N.C. emulsions.  相似文献   

Biological pest control agents are gaining prominence for the control of insect pests in agriculture and forestry. The shift from chemical control has been due to environmental concerns and recent innovations in biotechnology. Production and use of biological insect control agents is the challenge of the future for pest management.  相似文献   

Although genetically modified (GM) plants expressing toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) protect agricultural crops against lepidopteran and coleopteran pests, field-evolved resistance to Bt toxins has been reported for populations of several lepidopteran species. Moreover, some important agricultural pests, like phloem-feeding insects, are not susceptible to Bt crops. Complementary pest control strategies are therefore necessary to assure that the benefits provided by those insect-resistant transgenic plants are not compromised and to target those pests that are not susceptible. Experimental GM plants producing plant protease inhibitors have been shown to confer resistance against a wide range of agricultural pests. In this study we assessed the potential of AtSerpin1, a serpin from Arabidopsis thaliana (L). Heynh., for pest control. In vitro assays were conducted with a wide range of pests that rely mainly on either serine or cysteine proteases for digestion and also with three non-target organisms occurring in agricultural crops. AtSerpin1 inhibited proteases from all pest and non-target species assayed. Subsequently, the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval and the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) were fed on artificial diets containing AtSerpin1, and S. littoralis was also fed on transgenic Arabidopsis plants overproducing AtSerpin1. AtSerpin1 supplied in the artificial diet or by transgenic plants reduced the growth of S. littoralis larvae by 65% and 38%, respectively, relative to controls. Nymphs of A. pisum exposed to diets containing AtSerpin1 suffered high mortality levels (LC50 = 637 µg ml−1). The results indicate that AtSerpin1 is a good candidate for exploitation in pest control.  相似文献   

Under certain conditions dinitro-o-cresol (D.N.C.) is easily decomposed to reduction products devoid of ovicidal properties to eggs of apple sucker, winter moth and fruit tree red spider.
Because of this, corrosion of containers in which D.N.C. products are stored may be accompanied by a deterioration of the product.
At the concentration normally used in winter washes (0.1%), D.N.C. is equally effective whether present as cresol or as the sodium cresylate against eggs of apple sucker and of winter modi, but against eggs of fruit tree red spider the cresol is more ovicidal than the cresylate.  相似文献   

Plant oils (cottonseed, soybean, corn, groundnut and palm) at different dosages were evaluated in the laboratory for their ability to suppress the populations ofCryptolestes pusillus andRhyzopertha dominica in maize and sorghum. Exposure of adults of both beetle species to grains treated with 10 ml/kg of the different oils induced 100% mortality within 24 h. A dose of 5 ml/kg of each oil significantly decreased the progeny produced byR. dominica. Complete protection was achieved on grains treated with 10 ml/kg. These oils also repelled the adults of both species. Percentage weight loss caused byR. dominica in grains treated with 5 ml/kg and 10 ml/kg levels were significantly lower than in untreated grains. Oil treatment did not affect the germination of, or water absorption by, maize and sorghum grains compared with untreated grains. The potential use of plant oils in the management of insect pests in traditional grain storage is discussed.  相似文献   

RNAi是由dsRNA引发的,靶向目的 基因的高效与特异的基因沉默技术.由于其高效性、特异性和便捷性,RNAi技术广泛应用于基因功能研究、高通量目的 基因筛选、基因治疗、药物靶标预测和农业病虫害防治等领域.考虑到RNAi效率、安全性和预期靶基因下调的潜在障碍,RNAi提供高效防治应用的前提是以合适的方式递送效应RNA.本文对近期农业重要性害虫和病媒害虫防治应用中开发的RNAi递送系统进行综述,对这些RNAi递送系统的干扰效率和多重进入位点作了比较,并展望了RNAi递送系统在害虫防治中的应用,以期更好地完善RNAi技术在昆虫学研究和害虫防治中的应用.  相似文献   

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