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氟虫腈、吡虫啉作为黑翅土白蚁诱杀药剂的效果   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
毒力测定结果表明,0.025~0.4μg/mL氟虫腈和吡虫啉分别在药后3 d和5 d对黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus表现出明显的毒杀效果,氟虫腈和吡虫啉药后1 d的LC50分别为药后5 d的509倍和63.8倍,2种药剂对黑翅土白蚁的毒杀效果均比较缓慢。毒性传递试验表明,0.5μg/g毒沙处理白蚁1 h后,氟虫腈和吡虫啉的致死毒性均可被传毒白蚁传递给受毒白蚁。驱避作用试验表明,50μg/mL氟虫腈对黑翅土白蚁无明显的驱避作用,而50μg/mL吡虫啉对黑翅土白蚁表现出了明显的驱避作用。可见,2种供试药剂中,氟虫腈是较理想的白蚁诱杀药剂。  相似文献   

【目的】为摸清堤坝土埝中氯化钠对黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki生存的影响,合理确定防治黑翅土白蚁危害堤坝的氯化钠含量值,确保堤坝工程安全运行。【方法】选取有黑翅土白蚁生存和无黑翅土白蚁生存两类堤坝的土埝,进行土埝中氯化钠含量的测试。【结果】有黑翅土白蚁生存的堤坝土埝氯化钠含量在0.02%以下,无黑翅土白蚁生存的堤坝土埝氯化钠含量在0.19%以上。【结论】研究成果对黑翅土白蚁危害堤坝的防治具有很好的实用价值。  相似文献   

张方耀  李参 《动物学研究》1993,14(3):270-270,269,282
Roonwal及其合作者(1967—1987)对白蚁翅面微刻点(Wing microsculpturing)进行了广泛的研究,发现至少存在8种类型的微刻点,并对其进化、分类学和生态学意义进行了讨论。但他们的观察主要是在光镜下进行的,电镜下的观察极少。国内尚未见有关的报道。我们对黑翅土白蚁和黄翅大白蚁的翅面微刻点进行了扫描电镜观察,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

将黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Shiraki)与另外2个种群的白蚁按一定比例放置于同一培养皿中观察其斗争情况,研究黑翅土白蚁与台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus(Shiraki)和黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensisSnyder的相容性。结果表明,实验一开始,双方的工蚁和兵蚁都立即进入激烈的嘶咬斗争,在不同配比下,开始5min内的斗争次数均在40次左右,5h后开始5min内的斗争次数陡然下降,几乎不发生争斗。各种群白蚁在其数量占优势的情况下均表现出显著的斗争优势;而在双方数量相当时,黑翅土白蚁工蚁的斗争能力明显强于另外2个种群的工蚁。结果表明,自然界中不可能出现黑翅土白蚁与家白蚁和黑胸散白蚁群体的偶然性融合,黑翅土白蚁很可能在其群体建立的地区中占据优势。  相似文献   

【目的】通过黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes fomosanus(Shiraki)幼蚁、工蚁、兵蚁触角感器种类、数量及分布的研究,分析不同龄幼蚁、工蚁和兵蚁的触角感器特征,为进一步研究触角感器发育特点及不同个体的行为分化机制提供参考。【方法】通过扫描电镜观察触角形态,分析触角节数、感器种类、数量及分布特征。【结果】工蚁、兵蚁、幼蚁个体触角长度差异显著,触角长度顺序:工蚁>兵蚁>3龄幼蚁>2龄幼蚁>1龄幼蚁;触角感器共有9种类型,分别为短毛形感器、长毛形感器、短刺形感器、长刺形感器、锥状B?hm氏鬃毛、球状钟形感器、刺突状钟形感器、球状钟形感器与刺突状钟形感器中间型、长刺具泡状感器。工蚁、兵蚁缺少长刺具泡状感器。幼蚁触角感器种类和数量随龄数而增加,1龄幼蚁具7种感器,缺少球状钟形感器和球状钟形感器与刺突状钟形感器中间型2种类型;2龄幼蚁具有8种感器,缺球状钟形感器;3龄幼蚁具有全部9种类型感器。【结论】黑翅土白蚁幼蚁、工蚁、兵蚁触角节数和感器显著差异,可作为幼蚁龄数以及非生殖品级判别的形态指标,应用于白蚁非生殖品级行为多型等相关研究。  相似文献   

合成黑翅土白蚁踪迹信息素类似物的生物活性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
合成了黑翅土白蚁踪迹信息素类似物(Z,Z)-3,6-十二碳二烯醇-1(DDE-OH),该类似物对黑翅土白蚁工蚁具有和信息素提取物类似的行为反应。活性反应阈值为10-3~10 ng/cm,大于10 ng/cm时产生较强的驱避作用。最佳活性浓度DDE-OH与信息素提取物的活性反应之间没有显著差别。  相似文献   

采用组织切片法光镜下观察黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Shiraki)有翅成虫的复眼形态结构及光、暗适应条件下色素颗粒移动的规律。结果如下:(1)头正前方观,复眼外部形态略呈圆形。(2)有翅成虫复眼类型属于并列像眼,每只复眼约由360个小眼组成。(3)每个小眼是由1套屈光器(1个角膜和1个晶锥)、小网膜色素细胞、视杆和基细胞等几部分组成。小网膜色素细胞内均含有丰富的色素颗粒。(4)在光适应条件状态下,屈光器及视杆周围的色素颗粒主要分布在视杆部位的上侧,暗度适应条件状态时则较均匀地分布于视杆两侧上下;性别对色素颗粒分布无明显影响。  相似文献   

王秀梅  陈鹏  张锡珍  阮长春 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3629-3634
为正确评估广谱杀虫剂烯啶虫胺对天敌昆虫异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)的影响,采取滤纸接触法测定了烯啶虫胺(防治蚜虫田间推荐用量)对异色瓢虫影响,并使用生命表研究了烯啶虫胺对异色瓢虫实验种群的影响,为协调害虫的化学防治与生物防治提供参考。结果表明:该剂量烯啶虫胺对异色瓢虫当代(F0)取食具有显著影响,药剂处理后7d内,成虫取食量显著降低;对F0代成虫寿命及雌虫繁殖能力未见负面影响;烯啶虫胺处理对异色瓢虫初产卵、F1代幼虫及蛹的历期没有显著影响;卵孵化率明显小于对照组,幼虫存活率及蛹羽化率没有显著影响。F0代种群净增值力、周限增长率、内禀增长率与对照相比差异不显著,分别为812.66粒(对照899.73粒)、1.084(对照1.093)、0.081(对照0.089),药剂处理种群加倍时间为8.557d,与对照7.888d相比没有显著延长。这些结果说明,大田中使用烯啶虫胺防治蚜虫时理论上对异色瓢虫种群繁殖及发育没有显著影响,但施药初期会影响异色瓢虫的取食量。  相似文献   

目的 为快速地提取到质量较好的黑翅土白蚁基因组DNA进行白蚁种群多样性的研究,对基因组DNA提取方法进行了比较与改进.方法 先初步采取CTAB法与蛋白酶K法对黑翅土白蚁基因组DNA的提取方法进行比较,再利用正交设计法对蛋白酶K法中裂解液、蛋白酶、RNA酶及作用时间4个因素进行优化.结果 蛋白酶K法获得的基因组DNA的质量与产量稍优于CTAB法;较佳的提取步骤组合为:裂解液150 μL,蛋白酶K 6μL,作用时间1h,RNA酶可不添加.结论 采用优化后的方法获得的基因组DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,得到了清晰、稳定的扩增谱带,完全可用于相关后续实验.  相似文献   

【目的】探索黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Shiraki)表皮碳氢化合物的品级特征。【方法】应用固相微萃取、气相色谱和气相色谱-质谱联用等技术,对不同品级、不同龄期个体表皮碳氢化合物进行检测。【结果】工蚁、兵蚁、幼蚁、长翅生殖蚁表皮碳氢化合物组分种类相同(32种),主要为正烷烃、支链烷烃和烯烃等。非生殖品级中组分含量变化特点表现在,工蚁(大工蚁和小工蚁):1-十九碳一烯显著低于幼蚁和兵蚁;大工蚁:三十一烷、三十四烷显著低于小工蚁和幼蚁;小工蚁(巢内工蚁):2,8,8-三甲基十烷显著高于、十六烷和十八烷低于其他非生殖品级;兵蚁:十四烷显著低于、2-me-1-C19:1高于其他非生殖品级,三十一烷、三十四烷显著低于小工蚁和幼蚁;1龄幼蚁:十六烷高于其他非生殖品级;2龄幼蚁:(E)-9-4-me C18高于其他非生殖品级;3龄幼蚁:1-十九碳一烯、四十四烷高于其他非生殖品级;此外,1龄、2龄、3龄幼蚁的3,3,6-三甲基十烷、2-me-(E)-7-C16:1显著高于、8-十七碳一烯显著低于其他非生殖品级。生殖品级与非生殖品级比较,十二烷、十四烷、十七烷、三十一烷、2,8,8-三甲基十烷、8-乙基十五烷、2,6-二甲基十七烷、8-十七碳一烯、1-十七碳一烯、1-十八碳一烯、9-十九碳一烯的含量差异显著。【结论】黑翅土白蚁不同品级个体表皮碳氢化合物种类相同,组分含量存在差异,可用于巢内品级间识别。不同龄幼蚁和不同发育阶段工蚁,表皮碳氢化合物存在特征性组分含量,表皮碳氢化合物分泌随个体发育而改变。  相似文献   

We constructed a bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone library from the gut microbial community of O. formosanus and phylogenetically analyzed it in order to contribute to the evolutional study of digestive symbiosis and method development for termite control. After screening by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, 56 out of 280 clones with unique RFLP patterns were sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed. The representative phylotypes were affiliated to four phylogenetic groups, Firmicutes, the Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria of the domain Bacteira. No one clone affiliated with the phylum Spirochaetes was identified, in contrast to the case of wood-feeding termites. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that nearly half of the representative clones (25 phylotypes) formed monophyletic clusters with clones obtained from other termite species, especially with the sequences retrieved from fungus-growing termites. These results indicate that the presence of termite-specific bacterial lineages implies a coevolutional relationship of gut microbes and host termites.  相似文献   

黑翅土白蚁的生物学特性及综合防治技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Shiraki)的形态特征、生物学特性、寄主与分布、综合防治技术和白蚁资源综合利用等5个方面着重论述近年来该虫的研究动态及其重要进展。  相似文献   

The mechanism of the exclusive growth of Termitomyces in fungus combs with fungi-growing termites, O. formosanus was examined using laboratory scale fungus combs. In the combs without the termites, vigorous growth of unidentified fungi was observed although no significant change was found in the case of the combs with termites. In addition, these results were reproducible even when incubated in a separated dish, suggesting that the physicochemical conditions were not the reason for the growth. With the molecular based analysis for the microbial communities in the combs, monoculture of the Termitomyces in the combs with termites was confirmed while the bacterial communities were independent either with or without termites. Possible mechanism of the exclusive growth of Termitomyces, such as the selective grazing of pathogenic fungi or contribution of antifungal activity giving actinomycetes were also discussed.  相似文献   

H Li  J Sun  J Zhao  T Deng  J Lu  Y Dong  W Deng  J Mo 《Journal of insect physiology》2012,58(10):1368-1375
The physicochemical conditions in an insect's gut microenvironment have been reported to play an important role in food processing and metabolisms. In this study, the profiles of oxygen, pH, redox potentials, and hydrogen in the isolated guts of the fungus-growing termite, Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki, were investigated with a microeletrode system. Compared with those in other termites, O. formosanus exhibited a relatively lower oxygen partial pressures in its gut system ranging from 0 to 8.6kPa. The pH profile in the different gut compartments was neutral (pH 6.1-7.4) except in the rectum region. The average redox potentials at the center of each gut region (except rectum) were high and ranged from approximately +70 to +310mV. Especially, as the central intermediate during lignocellulose degradation, hydrogen partial pressures in the hindgut paunch lumen were recorded as high as 10.4kPa. Furthermore, thirteen metal ion concentrations in the termite's gut system, nest symbiotic fungal combs, as well as the nest soil samples were evaluated with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), which indicated that six metal ions (K, Mg, Mn, Ba, Se, and Mo) out of 13 ions recorded in the major digestive tract regions show some significant differences in their spatial distributions. A significant enrichment of some metal ions was also observed in the rectum, fungal combs, and the nest soil samples. The lower oxygen profiles, neutral pH, higher redox potentials, and higher hydrogen accumulation with the characterized spatial distributions for metal ions in the digestive tract of O. formosanus, highlighted the most important distinctiveness of the fungus-growing termites in its gut microenvironments, suggesting that the unique structure and functions of the intestinal ecosystem may present within its gut.  相似文献   

The subterranean termite Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki is an important pest of agronomic crops, plantations, and forestry, and it endangers earthen dikes and dams in China. A fipronil bait consisting of straw pulp and white sugar was evaluated against field colonies of O. formosanus. Triple mark-capture with Nile blue dye was used to delineate foraging territories and to estimate foraging populations of four O. formosanus colonies locating in the campus of Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China. Termite activity was monitored by number of termite workers and straw board consumption in underground monitoring stations. Consumption of bait matrix and fipronil was estimated for each testing site. The results showed that approximately 3-5 mg of fipronil could suppress foraging populations of O. formosanus containing 0.4-0.7 million foragers per colony. Baits containing fipronil seem to be a feasible alternative for controlling O. formosanus.  相似文献   

Foraging, as an energy-consuming behavior, is very important for colony survival in termites. How energy metabolism related to glucose decomposition and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production influences foraging behavior in termites is still unclear. Here, we analyzed the change in energy metabolism in the whole organism and brain after silencing the key metabolic gene isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) and then investigated its impact on foraging behavior in the subterranean termite Odontotermes formosanus in different social contexts. The IDH gene exhibited higher expression in the abdomen and head of O. formosanus. The knockdown of IDH resulted in metabolic disorders in the whole organism. The dsIDH-injected workers showed significantly reduced walking activity but increased foraging success. Interestingly, IDH knockdown altered brain energy metabolism, resulting in a decline in ATP levels and an increase in IDH activity. Additionally, the social context affected brain energy metabolism and, thus, altered foraging behavior in O. formosanus. We found that the presence of predator ants increased the negative influence on the foraging behavior of dsIDH-injected workers, including a decrease in foraging success. However, an increase in the number of nestmate soldiers could provide social buffering to relieve the adverse effect of predator ants on worker foraging behavior. Our orthogonal experiments further verified that the role of the IDH gene as an inherent factor was dominant in manipulating termite foraging behavior compared with external social contexts, suggesting that energy metabolism, especially brain energy metabolism, plays a crucial role in regulating termite foraging behavior.  相似文献   

Fungus‐growing termites (subfamily Macrotermitinae) cultivate the symbiotic basidiomycete fungus Termitomyces in their fungus comb to digest cellulosic materials and to supply nitrogen‐rich fungal diet. In Japan, the fungus‐growing termite Odontotermes formosanus is found on the Yaeyama Islands and Okinawa Island, Okinawa Prefecture. Odontotermes formosanus is thought to have been recently and artificially introduced to Okinawa Island as its distribution is discontinuous and restricted to small areas. Previous DNA analyses revealed that two types of Termitomyces, namely Termitomyces sp. Type A and Termitomyces sp. Type B, whose fruiting bodies correspond to Termitomyces microcarpus‐like pseudorhiza‐lacking small mushroom and Termitomyces intermedius, respectively, are cultivated by O. formosanus on the Yaeyama Islands. However, information about the Termitomyces types cultivated by O. formosanus on Okinawa Island is limited. To define the fungal types cultivated by O. formosanus on Okinawa Island, I developed a diagnostic polymerase chain reaction method using primer sets specific to the nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences consisting of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and 5.8S rDNA of Termitomyces not using fungal mycelium, but using the termite gut metagenome including fungal DNA as a template. The results indicated that the same two Termitomyces types from Iriomote Island are cultivated by O. formosanus on Okinawa Island. The distribution pattern of Termitomyces types on Okinawa Island showed that Termitomyces sp. Type A is limited to the mountainous side of Sueyoshi Park, despite Termitomyces sp. Type B being widely distributed in the area in which O. formosanus is found. This finding implies that O. formosanus on Okinawa Island was recently introduced from Iriomote Island to Sueyoshi Park.  相似文献   

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